#git gud france
amandabe11man · 1 year
france protesting violently bc they raised the retirement age from 62 to 64. meanwhile sweden’s is 65 most of the time and they’re talking about raising it to 67...
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Gaming While Disabled
Pretty sure Goblin gave me her cold. Also still in exceptional pain from two consecutive days’ commute. Cold-achy plus fibromyalgia-achy is ... not fun at all and I didn’t sleep overly well because I kept having stabs and spasms.
On one hand, I kind of want to give Code Vein a proper try. Bestie got it for me as a part of a replacement birthday present when the Trinket slippers didn’t work out.
(Note to prospective buyers of the Trinket slippers on the Critical Role store - CHECK THE SIZES. They say One Size Fits Most, and there is zero wiggle room in their size range because my big-ass feet are a half-size or so larger than the upper limit on the slippers and they just will not fit on my feet. Also I kind of feel bad for any guys that want the Trinket slippers because my feet are large for ‘women’s sizes’ but about average in ‘men’s sizes’ so ... yeah.)
(Further note: the Trinket slippers are getting a good home with my friend in France as soon as I can figure out how best to seal and label an appropriate box, and I have Code Vein, and also a pre-ordered copy of B Dylan Hollis’ Baking Yesteryear, so nobody loses out on this; Bestie gets to make two people happy, friend in France gets slippers, I get cookbook and ARG. Speaking of; back to ARG talk.)
I mean, seriously, I do want to try this game. I’ve basically discovered that my predominant issue with ARGs is keybinds. As in, it feels like they’re usually designed for console and expect someone to be able to plug a controller in and appropriately use it. Fuck that; I could barely hold up my phone last night, and my phone’s way lighter than today’s controllers. Thing is, people more comfortable with a keyboard can apparently eat shit because people dealing with the keyboard controls appear to have gone about assigning keybinds the way I used to play Pin The Tail On The Donkey as a kid. I’m pretty sure the “git gud” crowd would probably say I’m overreacting about this and I just need to figure it out ... except for one thing.
To paraphrase Keanu Reeves as Neo: “I know Google-Fu”.
It’s easy to believe that whatever condition or problem you’re having, you’re the only one having it. Especially when the loudest and most annoying voices involved are the people who belittle and bitch at you about not being able to do exactly what they can, and how you should either cope with how it is or accept that it’s not “for you” and howl like they’re having their human rights violated when you ask politely for accessibility options that they don’t even have to use. I think the best lesson I ever learned - from therapy, from my friends, from Tumblr, which feels like a stupid place to learn a valuable life lesson but Tumblr Be Like That - is that there is always someone who has been where you are, who has gone through what you’re experiencing, and who might be able to help make it easier for you to go through it. All you have to do most of the time is find the right search terms, and advice will be there.
So I Googled “Code Vein Keybinds”. And what do you know? A whole, if short, Reddit thread where people are basically going, “The keybinds on Code Vein are dogshit; any advice for how to set them better?” The only reason the thread is so short is that a couple of people had what appears from the reactions to be an ideal set-up that I’m actually entirely keen to try.
The problem is the OW. Lotta OW. So much OW. I’m not sure I could manage that amount of frenetic activity in the state I’m currently in. I need something that’ll let me hyperfocus past the pain, yes, but adding a learning curve is probably not it. I suppose the thing to do is to go through the character creation thing (because seriously, it has the most fun character creation menu I’ve ever seen; almost makes up for the fact that there’s an awful lot of Big-Tittied Anime Girl With Minimal Clothing right in your face as soon as you get out of the tutorial), see if the new keybinds get me through the tutorial section any easier, get through the opening cutscene, and then stop there and do something a little less ... intensive. Not that my current thing isn’t kind of intensive in its way - I’m trying to finish my Meep!Herald’s run through Inquisition and am in the middle of Jaws of Hakkon, and still noticing that its response to the complaints of “too much running around through too much empty scenery” was “throw in respawning monsters too high level to simply blow through easily”, which is not the point but never mind. Just the controls are somewhat simpler; just a lot of pressing R interspersed with number keys. That’s a lot easier to manage than “parry”, “block”, “dodge”, “drain attack”, “variety of Gift keys”, etc.
I’m probably never going to be good at ARGs, but I dislike there being a whole kind of video game I can’t play because disability. I already have the whole thing where I can’t play most first person perspective games because I get migraines; if the ARG route is also blocked to me ... well. There are fewer and fewer games that don’t fall into those two categories, and I’m starting to feel shut out of the entire hobby. I mean, there are the indies - thank the gods for the indies - but still.
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hetaliawhatifs · 6 years
Imagine if England and France were both competing with each other for the attention of the same girl only for America to come out of nowhere and literally/metaphorically swept her off her feet. Their reactions? XD
America: “Dudes, I didn’t even realize we were competing.”Alfred would just shrug and laugh as he ran off with his crush. Those two old guys were trying to win? Ha. Fat chance! Alfred would just shake his head as he ran away victorious. If they wanted a chance to beat Alfred at the flirting game, they had better…git gud…
England: “Of course, he not only wins, but shows off while doing so. He gets it from you.”Arthur would roll his eyes and groan. Alfred stole the spotlight, again. He wouldn’t be too upset if Alfred was happy…and Francis did lose…so it could be considered a win. Though he would remember that he has a good book at home to finish…alone…so he would quickly move on from losing out on the crush. However, next time, he would make sure to act fast, so he wouldn’t lose out again.
France: “Mon dieu….I taught him that!”At first….Francis would be a bit heartbroken…and then shocked. Not shocked that Alfred literally swept his crush off their feet..but that he managed to win them over. But, in the end, he’d end up being happy for Alfred and tell him he has good taste; Francis would also take credit for teaching Alfred everything he knows about flirting, since he obviously didn’t learn from Arthur. 
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soylimon · 7 years
Tagging Game
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Tagged by: @detective-rowan
1.Nicknames: alexi, lexi. alex, gay mcgoo, loser, asshole, the list goes on
2.Gender: ?????????? yes?
3.Star sign: scorpio
4.Height: 5’2″
5.Time: 10:18 PM
6.Birthday: November 10
7.Favourite bands: (i don’t really listen avidly to most of these, i’m just listing bands i like bc im not that much of a band hoe) fob, of verona, san cisco, glass animals, paramore, wondergirls
8.Favorite solo artists: hyuna, iu, hayley kiyoko, dua lipa, grimes, sunmi, jessi, jenyer, yezi, halsey
9.Song stuck in my head: last night story by iu
10.Last movie I watched: Spider-Man: Homecoming
11.Last show I watched: DWTS
12.When did I create my blog: 2012/2013???
13.What do I post/reblog: mostly memes/fandom stuff, occasionally political stuff and other random shit
14.Last thing I googled: diy face moisturizer, ya boi finna git gud
15.Other blogs: @ae-sth-et-ical (aesthetic blog), @la-witch-aesthetic (witch stuff), @alexi-london (art blog), @saranghate-u (kpop), @estudiaremos (school/bujo/ife), @lunkandhance (a hunk and lance stan blog!!!!!!!!!!!)
16.Do I get asks: not really
17. Why I choose my URL: I was being a fuckin idiot and thought senpai/ papi chulo would be a funny mix
18.Following: 786 blogs
19.Followers: 258
20. Average hours of sleep: 3-10, my sleeping schedule is the worst fuckin mess
21: Lucky number: don’t have one
22.Instruments: used to know how to play the piano and the uke, but i’ve forgotten over time
23.What I’m wearing: shorts n a loose tee
24.Dream job: who fuckin knows my dude?? an art director? illustrator?? garbage man? idk
25.Dream trip: idk i reallly wanna go to europe, maybe spain? france? italy? germany? also the suN?
26.Favourite food: its a tie between pasta n tacos
27.Nationality: mexican-american
28. Favourite song right now: Last Night Story by IU
29.Last book I read: Fahrenheit 451
30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want to Join: ATLA/TLOK, VLD, and mybe ovw?? idk man i want a kick ass robot arm to fight some bad guys
I tag @doodlebugart, @cryptidjul, @lanceinshiningarmor, @roughly253bagels, @chocolatecoveredpenis, @ironinkpen, @hells-will-88, @thefluxqueen, @instant-apple-juice, @lunaireamore, @sad0angel, @the-kittens-of-voltron, @sapphictsuyus, @kyojinouji, @y-annah, now im too lazy to tag more blogs but if u wanna do it go ahead, also if u don’t want to do it then that’s totally ok!! anyway if u read thru this whole thing then god bless ur soul ily
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