#god! fuck! throwing bricks. how much does it cost people to keep their idiot opinions to themselves
knifearo · 4 months
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deleting this stupid shit off my post but here’s just a reminder that ace people can do whatever the FUCK they want. you can have sex whenever you want for whatever reason you please and you never have to justify that to anyone. you can decide NOT to have sex for whatever reason you want and you never have to justify that to anyone. you don’t owe anyone sex or celibacy and the validity of someone’s asexuality has nothing to do with the amount of sex they have. learn what asexuality is before you waltz onto my post to say something harmful and fucking incorrect. “asexuals can have sex” “asexuals shouldn’t have sex” ASEXUALS CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT. our bodily autonomy is OUR bodily autonomy and i wish everyone opening their mouths to say something about what ace people can do with their own damn lives and their own damn bodies a very shut the fuck up and die.
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miraclesnail · 5 years
Writer’s Month Day 22: Summer
Fandom: percy jackson and the olympians.
Cont of day 20 prompt.
Connor climbs onto the ship not so gracefully and rolls over the rail onto the deck. He surveys his surroundings. Percy and a blonde are standing over an unconscious body. Hazel, Frank, and Jason are nowhere to be seen. Nobody knows he is here yet despite the loud thumps he made when landing. Maybe if he hurries, he won’t have to hurt —
“Go! Get us out of here!” Percy yells and the blonde nods, standing and turning around.
Their eyes meet.
The girl’s eyes widen.
Connor took this opportunity to throw a smoke bomb.
“Wait, Connor!”
The helm is 15 feet northwest and most navigating gears are at the helm. He hopes whoever created this boat kept to the tradition. He runs towards it, groaning when he hears footsteps running in the same direction. He hates hand to hand combat. It sucks. Everybody is bigger than he is. If it’s Percy, he can’t win. If it’s the girl, he definitely can’t win. He got a glimpse of those biceps. She got to have trained as much as Jason does.
(You can still back out)
There’s no backing out.
He reaches the helm the same time — aw fuck — the girl did. The girl isn’t doing anything yet and he takes this time to look over the navigation. The controls are… unorthodox. No traditional steering wheel, but there’s a variety of game controllers are linked to several big screens. His guts are telling him to get the Wii remote.
His fingers twitches.
“Are you—”
“Sorry! No time to talk.”
He dives for the remote and just like he suspected, the girl is fast and tackles him to the ground just as his fingers grazes the remote. The ship lurches a bit. The Wii remote is the wheel. Unfortunately, he hits the back of his head on the floor from the tackle and oh boy. That didn’t help the pounding headache from his passing out event earlier.
Those few seconds cost him. The girl has the wii remote in her hands and the ship is tilting upwards.
Connor kicks the girl’s feet out under her, wincing as her head hit the dashboard.
He stands the same time the girl is reaching for the controls again and he grabs her from behind in a chokehold. But the girl seems experienced in these types of situations, because she ducks down, step back from the side and out of his hold, and locks his arm behind his back. A kick to the back of his knees and he’s down. She rests her knees over his throat and presses in, the threat clear. Move and I’ll crush your windpipe. In three seconds she turn this whole situation around. Oh boy. His gut was right. There’s no way he can win against her.
“Annabeth! We need to go!” Percy yells, running into view. “Terminus is firing up an attack and I don’t think this ship can withstand it.”
Sure enough when he glances over, Terminus is gathering up magic. If he can keep the ship still, they can take it down.
“Kinda busy, Percy,” the girl — Annabeth — hisses, unrelenting her hold. “You go move the ship. The Wii Remote is the control. Shake it up and down to go up.”
Percy runs towards the control and all Connor can do is watch him.
Come on.
He’s almost there.
They’re going to escape.
Nobody is ever going to trust him again.
Move! (Please don’t.)
“Move!” and the knee retracts following his command. He rolls out from under Annabeth and shoves Percy aside. Standing back up to be between them and the controls.
Come on, come on, Terminus. How long does it take to charge up a beam?
Annabeth stares at him with her shrewd eyes, eyes roving over him up and down. “Are you a son of Aphrodite? You can charmspeak.” Her brows creases. “No, that wasn’t charmspeak.”
“I’m a son of H— Mercury.”
He didn’t like the way Annabeth is frowning, like she doesn’t believe him.
“Hey, can we save this for after we get the hell out of here?” Percy says, “I know he looks remarkable like Tra—”
Again. A punch to the gut. A stab to the head. Except it’s so, so, so much worse then the second time and he thinks he’s actually screaming. He could feel it at the edge of his consciousness, the promise of no pain, beckoning him, tugging him insistently to paradise.
He can’t.
He’s going to prove himself. He’s going to show them. Forget it. Forget the someone. There’s no one. No one at all.
The pain dulls only for a moment, but enough for him to open his eyes — when did they close? — and pick up his head — when did it fall? — and pull out his dagger.
“I—” Oh god. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. Gods, it hurts. “I can’t let you leave. I’m sorry.”
His whole body burns. His knees feel like jelly. Everything is twirling. And he can barely feel the dagger in his hand. Is his hand even there?
He blinks. Jason is standing beside Percy and Annabeth. He blinks again and Jason is right in front of him. Jason’s wearing an orange shirt. He’s not friend. But Connor can’t make himself raise his dagger.
“You’re hurt,” he mutters, watching blood trickle down Jason’s temple.
“Yeah, a brick got me just like it did two years ago. Funny, I know. Connor, I need you to listen to me.”
He bites his cheek. “I can’t let you leave.”
“I know you’re angry. I know a lot of people down there is angry. I know you think if you stop us from leaving, they’ll accept you. But, the truth is—”
“Shut up.” (Say it)
“Octavian and his lackeys were never going to accept you. You fought in the titan war. You defended it the same as any of us. That should have been enough. Doing this won’t change their opinion.”
His vision swarms and he closes his eyes for a bit, willing it to stop spinning. A hand grasps his shoulder and he knocks it aside. He forces his eyes back open and hates the concern he sees on Jason’s face. He hates the concern on all of their faces.
“I don’t care about being accepted. You attacked us. You need to face justice.” His voice breaks towards the end. Thankfully, Jason didn’t acknowledge it.
“It’s too save the world.”
“The… world? Come on. You’re exaggerating.”
Jason shakes his head. “No, I’m not. This is to save the world.”
(Go East)
The pounding in his head isn’t making understanding any of this easier. He blinks hard again, rubbing a heel over his eyes.
(Listen to him.)
“The titans are rising.” (Leave)
“Me and Piper and Leo, all of us, are going to stop it.” (Go east)
It’s happening again.
“So please move aside.” (Someone is waiting for you)
The dream.
A woman with her two kids. He can’t see their faces. He could never see their faces. But they’re important. He needs to see them again. He needs to find them. East.
“Connor? Hey? Are you okay?”
When Jason places a hand on his shoulder again, he didn’t bother knocking it aside. He looks away and down, not believing what he’s going to say next.
“It’s… really to save the world?” (Someone is in this world.)
Jason nods and Connor’s chest tightens like a hand is squeezing over it.
The three fates appear behind Jason.
He didn’t flinch when he step aside and run full speed towards the rail. He sees Frank as a dragon distracting Terminus. He sees Hazel putting out the fires on the sails. He sees the ship is rising. He sees he’s 1000 feet above the ground. Everybody is just a dot. The giant eagles are finally here and racing towards the ship, but they’re not gonna make it.
“Connor, what are you doing?!”
He steps atop the rail.
He can’t believe he did this.
“Connor, get dow—”
And he spins around on one foot, falling backwards down to the ground. He sees Annabeth shaking the remote vigorously. He sees Percy shouting for Frank. He sees Jason’s horrified face.
And oh man.
Octavian and co are going to kill him for this.
Connor really loves summer. It’s warm. It’s bright. It’s full of life. Even if his friends are busy, he can hang with the birds and deer. He’s never alone.
(And summer feels like someone. He likes summer too.)
As he free falls head first, he catches the Redwood trees outside of San Francisco. Man, what he would do to climb a tree and sleep his pain away.
Someone catches him, cheering loudly when they did so. Connor opens his eyes just a tad before closing them and letting his head rests on uncomfy armor.
“Thanks, Gwen,” he mumbles.
“You’re welcome, you idiot.”
He listens to the eagles flap their wings, but they’re not going to reach the ship. Gwen cussing confirms Jason and the others are gone.
“Gwen,” he starts, “I’m sorry. I let them go. He said it was to save the world.”
But she justs laughs and says it's okay. “I kinda figured you will. Jason can make you do anything he wants. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from Octavian.”
He nestles his head on the metal and finally succumbs to the voice begging him since waking up, falling asleep in milliseconds.
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