#having a bias in enhypen is next to impossible
enha-stars · 2 months
STOP AHHH IM GOING FERALLLLL (can i just be jaywon biased ughhh)
REAL and tbh yeah i feel like jaywon is the move. two pretty best friends… both talented… both w big arms…. what more could you need?
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look it’s my husband and my bf!
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vampireclub7 · 6 months
Can you please share your experience into stanning Enhypen? You seem to hold them in high regard. The only group you stan is BTS so that tells me you have high standards or at least similar taste to me, but Enhypen doesn't have rappers which you said yourself. So what makes you like them better than other 4th gen groups that do have rappers? What was your descent into the rabbit hole like if you don't mind me asking.
This ask is going to take too long to answer properly, so I'll try to give the abridged version here.
I fell in love with Enhypen the minute I heard their debut song: Given-Taken. The very first thing you hear is a harp and it's so pretty.
I liked them right then, they made an impression, a real one. It reminded me of how I felt watching BTS perform their debut stage 10 years ago. It reminded me of that feeling, but in a different hue. I kept up with Enhypen since then and have progressively liked them more.
But the moment I realized I liked them a whole lot, was after watching this video:
It was here I learned Jungwon's favourite album right now is the OST for Disney's Aladdin. It's here I learned Jay loves to play Layla by Eric Clapton on his guitar, Layla is one of my favourite songs of all time. It's here I learned Sunghoon's role model is BTS. Naturally, all three guys became my bias.
The next moment I recall that stuck with me, was revisiting Drunk Dazed randomly last year. When I first heard Drunk-Dazed I didn't really care for the song. Enhypen does 'noise music' well, but it's still noise music and I wasn't in the mood for it at that point in my life. I knew the song was good, but set it aside when I first heard it. But time passed, and sometime last year I decided to listen to it on a whim. I wanted to hear it again, see it with choreography, so I played the Studio Choom and by the end of it I was spamming my GC, sending that video to all my friends afterwards.
The entire video is insane.
Enhypen are the best performers. Period. I sometimes see k-pop stans comment on whether they sing live and inevitably turn it into discourse, but as usual that discourse is rubbish. They sing live but with heavy backtrack because their choreographies are literally insane. That's not an exaggeration. There is no group active today that does as much floor work as Enhypen. Think about it. If you ever watch an Enhypen performance, count how many times they're on the floor: lying down flat, sitting, crouching to the floor, bending, kneeling - count how many times they're on the floor in a position where it's physically near impossible to sing. And then remember this is their regular choreo for their songs, a choreo they'll have to perform every time, and then remember that Enhypen is known for their dance breaks. That is, dance routines that are incremental to everything they've just done.
It's mental.
They make the best music, are ridiculously talented, have the best visuals, and have got the best vibes for days. It wasn't a conscious decision on my part to like them, I just saw what I saw, heard what I heard, and my brain did the next logical thing which was to start supporting them.
Like I said, I'm active in the Engene fandom so that means there's overlap on my twitter with my ARMY moots. At first, a few of them were ticked off to see me retweet Enhypen tweets. When they told me it bothered them that I was supporting Enhypen while stanning BTS, I sent them a video of Enhypen one year after debut. I sent them this video.
They shut up.
One of the three people who initially had a problem with me now ults Enhypen. Lool. Even I'm not at that point yet.
Anyway, the music is what seals the deal for me. They just make objectively better music by my tastes, which already sets them above the pack. They have a handful of songs with rap verses (eg Blockbuster OT7 version) which they do remarkably well so I hope we get more rap/chant verses in future songs. But even without the rap their music is god-tier. Then you remember they have the best dance-line in 4th gen. And they are adorable dorks on top of it...
It's easy to love them. They don't have it easier than other HYBE groups when it comes to the unwarranted hate unfortunately, and that's why even though I don't technically stan them, or at least ult them, I still support them whenever I feel like it and have the means.
Enhypen is a solid group and I wish only more health and success for them.
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jisungshotfirst · 3 years
Hiiii Kiiiiitttt ✧\(・◡・)/ ♥️💛💚💙💜💕💕💕 Kpop asks~!! Hmmm I'm gonna go with A.C.E and TXT!! Also extra question: thoughts on ENHYPEN? ^^ It's been so long and I miss you!! I'm off work tomorrow so I'm gonna text bc we have to catch up!!! - Mich (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Hi my love !!! It's been too long ! I miss you too. Do text me when you're free and we can catch up !! <3333 I'll answer the enhypen now! I absolutely Love given taken it's a bop, I haven't listened to the rest of the bsides yet but I shall soon. I haven't watched that much of their content and I didn't watch iland but they seem absolutely precious. I love ice skating boy Sunghoon and I've seen a clip of one of them in iland in a pink hoodie dancing to themselves and I fell in love and I think that was heeseung? But I'm sure I'll learn them soon ! I might watch their weekly idol<3
Ace txt heck yes okay
A.C.E first:
Bias: Junhee..i think 
Voice I like the most: this is so hard because ace vocals are next level and work so well together but i’ll say Junhee because i love how unique it is!
Bias wrecker: all of them. jsdkds i don’t really have a strict bias in ace its so hard so i just vibe. Maybe byeongkwan tho?
My favourite moment: that one vlive in the hotel room where they were being literally insane and i think this is also the one where they marry wow and byeongkwan and have arm wrestles and its a mess. heres a link to a comp https://youtu.be/0cnGCDjOv_0
My Otp: junhun are hilarious like them joking they wanted to get married but their family opposed sjdk but wowkwan are so soft like in that vlive^^ kwannie literally launched himself into wow’s lap and curled up it was precious. and then jun and kwan are a different level jsdjk. They’re all chaotic and gay
The last song I heard by them: baby tonight! my fav ace song
Who I think dances the best: .. how do you choose between wow and kwannie
Who I think is the funniest: Chan... the happy BIRTHday is just.. i have that screenrecorded.
Who I wish I could grow up with: aw ;-; donghun?? I feel like we’d vibe idk it’d be cute
Bias: Beomgyu...i think.. but like soobin and yeonjun 
Voice I like the most: Taehyun and Soobin 
Bias wrecker: yeonbin if i’m saying only Beomgyu bias but also all of them
My favourite moment: i- everything.. beomgyu playing his recorder in the crowd is so jdkjfk and that to do ep in the trampoline place where yeonjun and beomgyu were using their joint braincell to fight psychologically fight eachother
My Otp: Yeonbin... they wildin on another level I don’t even need to explain
Last song I heard by them: i think drama! 
Who I think dances the best: Yeonjunnie
Who I think is the funniest: yeonjun but entirely unintentionally jdsjkkjd I cry laughed for an hour after watching the to do last week because of his speed walking
Who I wish I could grow up with: ;-;;;-;-;--;-; i love this question but it’s impossible to choose. Soobin??? 
thank you for asking love!!
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