#he'll wear anything that is fashionable but sometimes he doesnt care what he looks like
hubmuses · 1 year
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loki & his orange hair.
Loki has had long orange hair for as long as Ragnarok in an effort to not really care about it's growth anymore and he doesn't cut it until way later on when his wife SIGYN points it out to him , but even then she became enraptured with it. it's save to say that he wears green more often then not as he prefers the emerald and teal shades of fashion , but his clothes are always carefully picked out due to his fashion tastes. before Ragnarok he wore green and red. and after green and teal.
he doesn't quite fit in with the aesir with his fashions and more has a jotunn style then anything with eyes that can shape-shift into a serpents , but often times he's just developing his own mannerisms along with his fashion. a jotunn with orange hair isn't common either but he takes it after his mother Laufey. he is really used to her complimenting his long hair saying he looks like her.
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spring-books · 2 years
I see a lot of fashion art for wangxian and it's so incredibly good! The artists in this fandom are insanely talented. But unfortunately, my specific headcanon for modern!wangxian's fashion sense is so underrepresented as to be nearly non existent, and sometimes I feel sad about it. So here are the non fashion icons wangxian, that live in my head.
I want lan wangji to be dressed in the most boring rich people clothing available. Only organic cottons and silks, but only in beige, tan and white. His clothes are all tailored to fit immaculately, have absolutely zero labels and brand markers, and you'll forget what it is that he's wearing the moment you look away. The sort if classical tailored clothing that old money wears so that they never look dated in a picture. The only impression he leaves you with is that he's the hottest person in the room but you would absolutely never go up and talk to him cause he looks boring, forbidding and aloof in the way really rich people do. He would never touch a pair of brogues and wears jade cufflinks and a really expensive watch, like a patek phillipe, and no other jewellery. If he wear to carry a bag, it would be a sleek and discreet leather briefcase, that you can carry crossbody or by hand.
wei wuxian on the other hand is only fashionable in the sense that anything he wears, he can carry like a supermodel cause of sheer force of personality and charm. He only wears black and other dark colours. Most of his clothing is picked up from street side shops and factory reject shops. He will simply buy anything that fits, is in a dark colour and the material doesn't feel like itll wear out after a hundred washes. Tshirts and jeans and some shirts that are all ill fitting and often too big on him, because he doesnt eat enough, and thinks the large clothing will mask it. The only expensive clothing he has is his biking leathers that were a gift from jyl before he left. He spends exactly one minute dressing himself and while he has an eye for fashion and putting together interesting combinations, he simply doesn't care enough to do it most days, when a black tee and dark wash jeans will fit most occassions, with a pair of incredibly scuffed and muddy steel toed boots. He's fashionable in the blue collar way that subcultures of today try to imitate. He'll wear random jewellery that he finds interesting to look at, or he's made while tinkering, or haphazardly made colourful braided bands that a-yuan gifts him. His wrists are rarely empty, but he never wears a watch. He would always be carrying a sling canvas messenger bag at all times. No one knows what is in it, but it weighs a fucking tonne, and he seems to be able unearth nearly anything from it.
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yulmoldauer · 4 years
okay okay okay but FOLLOW UP: Nolan with a little boy who loves dress up and tea parties and princesses and you know what maybe that little boy grows up and is able to tell you and Nolan that they have always been a little girl but maybe he is a boy who likes """girl""" things and either way thats okay with Nolan! because his kid fucking rocks and he'll support their interests and identity no matter what even if stupid hockey culture tries to get in there and mess it up!
so like. yall were *always* fine with the fact that your little girl was in every sport she could get her hands on, was one of the most aggressive kids out there, all that. tbh y’all were proud as hell seeing her thrive and love what she did
your second kid you were also totally okay with him not really being as into playing sports (though he absolutely loved the energy of watching sports his sister, dad, other family, etc were in!). in fact, he ended up finding all the stereotypical girly stuff people got for your oldest that she ended up not really using/playing with. (even tho you guys were clear that gender roles could fuck themselves! that didn’t mean you’d shut her off from the dolls and pink and all that)
you guys just assumed your youngest was a boy that liked dresses and skirts and all the other stuff. nothing wrong with that!
(and yes, you guys all dressed up for tea parties, fashion shows, etc. your oldest didn’t dislike dresses, but when she found out she could wear one of her dad’s ties and her kick ass leggings? man she ROCKED that runway)
there was never any questioning him, grilling him. you guys kept him away from people who would be negative toward him, and thankfully he was young enough that you could keep him from seeing things about him in the media
though, Nolan came out multiple times to say that yall didnt care what anyone thought. your kids were happy and healthy, that’s what mattered.
other guys also shared the same sentiment with the media, which was nice. it was good to know everyone who you kept your kids around did support them
as the two got older but couldn’t drive, Nolan would make days out of taking them to makeup stores and letting them run the show. he sure as hell didn’t know how that worked (and I'm leaving it up to you whether or not they learned more from you or the internet haha) but he’d sit there all day and let them test colors on his skin
sometimes they’d sweet talk tk or another friend of your guys’ to come too
(side note: imagine Nolan being dragged around whatever makeup store with tk going “that lipstick is tiny. how the hell does it cost that much” and tk just looks at him like ‘dude-you-make-a-nhl-salary?’ but also doesnt say anything bc yall aren't gonna raise your kids to throw money around like its nothing. these kids have chores and allowances for that until theyre old enough to get a job if they want their own spending money)
(tk has to quickly google every brand to make sure its cruelty-free for the kids too)
eventually the kids were getting older and your oldest was off to college (on a scholarship for ice hockey, you’d brag) and the youngest was smack dab in the middle of high school, arguably one of the suckiest times in a person’s life
your youngest sat down with the two of you over dinner and told you that they’re a girl. and no, it’s not because they just dont like gender sterotypes--they legitiamately feel this way
and who the fuck are you guys to say anything negative. she’s the one living in that body. she knows herself the best.
Nolan, that night, lays down with you in bed and lets out a sigh.
“I'm so proud of her,” he murmurs. “and I'm just glad he--she, fuck, sorry--was comfortable enough telling us.”
“yeah,” you’d agree, rubbing circles into his back. “I told her we’d help pick out a new name if she wants us to”
you got a smile at that before it quickly faded
“I just worry--I mean, obviously, this shit ain’t easy for anyone to do. but with us kinda being in the public eye...”
“hey,” you’d grab his hand and make him look at you. “we got this. we did it when she was a kid, we’ll just keep telling everyone to fuck off and mind their business. at least now that she’s older, she can decide if and when she wants to tell people. before it was a rough guessing game of what people should or shouldn’t know”
he nodded, letting out another sigh. a bit of a relieved one, this time.
“I dunno how we got lucky enough to have two bad ass kids.”
you’d snort. “we weren’t saying that when they were both throwing fits not-too-long-ago because they’re fucking stubborn. but yeah, it paid off.”
op I would give you a fat kiss on the lips for this idea I love you (if you wanted it obviously. id also give u a crisp high five or fist bump if u wanted)
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