#highlander meltdown
happycabbage · 1 month
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
I think some of the reasons people struggle sometimes who ARE into SOME kinks, but not others, is that there are so many kinks and so many variations on existing kinks that it can be hard to feel you've covered all the bases, for either what you like or dislike. So you end up having to resort to some broad categories. Like I have "breathplay or other potentially life-threatening kinks" after seeing it on someone else's DNW, do you think that's specific enough? But idk how else to say it.
Yeah, I think that's a good-faith effort to make things clear.
You don't need to be hyperspecific unless your likes start straying close to your DNWs. If you love bondage but chains are too far, you need to say that. If you prefer vanilla sex, you don't need to go into a lot of detail about which bondage-y stuff you do and don't like.
The one problem I've seen is when someone has a judgment about what's default or normal that is not as widely shared as they think. Is rimming a default sex act that you should opt out of if you hate it, or is it something a writer should assume you don't like unless you ask for it? (Yes, this comes up specifically with people who think rimming is nasty having meltdowns that this is no longer the cultural default most places.)
For me, it's all about the emotional fallout. I love dubcon stories. I don't like stories where characters end up feeling violated and upset. Some people might say "Dubcon but no noncon", but that doesn't really capture the difference in a way a writer can reliably use.
"Life-threatening kinks" does... probably. I'd assume from this phrasing that your issue is less descriptions of gasping and necks and such and more than you don't want to see the characters doing genuinely risky things in bed because that stresses you out. For many fandoms and characters, that's perfectly clear.
However, if one of your requests is for Jack Harkness or Highlander characters or Deadpool or something, I'd either specify "Typically life-threatening kinks even for an indestructible/resurrecting character" or "kinks that could be life-threatening for this character", depending on whether it's breathplay in general that you don't like or behavior that's risky in the context of the fic.
It just really, really depends on what kinds of fandoms you're asking for and what might be implied by other aspects of your signup.
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heavensong · 10 months
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☢️Springfield Mutant Meltdown AU☢️
I couldn’t resist mutating Dierdre! Poor girl, she already has some self esteem issues about her looks and now she’s gonna have a slew of new problems. I think she’s so cute like this tho!
Cows at the local dairy and their milk end up irradiated and causing more problems. A shipment to the school is stocked and Dierdre is the first to ingest any. Her resulting mutations scare her and force her into hiding, but she eventually reveals her plight as she rushes to stop anyone else from drinking from the contaminated milk cartons.
Dierdre has always been tough and athletic, and after her mutations she’s sturdier than ever. She’s ready to protect her loved ones and fight off any out of control beasts with her highland horns! 🐄 💕
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soulless-strangers · 10 months
Little trans Ushijima and CG Oikawa
Cw: vauge references to transphobia
Oikawa had been more than a little surprised to see Suga stick his head in his bedroom door.
“Ushijima’s little, he’s throwing a fit about something. I wish I could help but I’m going to have a meltdown if I don’t go somewhere quiet right now.”
Oikawa blinked at him for a second before nodding.
“Go take care of yourself, I’ll check in after I settle Ushiwaka.” He hummed, the grey haired teen giving a sigh of relief as he turned and exited.
The scene Oikawa walked in on was not a pretty one.
“I want my mum! I want my muma!” The little sobbed, rocking back and forwards in his cross legged position. He was throwing his toys across the room, Moo and Highland landing somewhere need the door.
“Hey Toshi bub. Why are we all upset today?”
“I want my mum!” He repeated, hands in balled fists as he cried. “I want my muhum!”
Oikawas mouth formed a thin line. None of his littles ever really cried for their parents when they where upset. He didn’t really know how to fix this.
“Do you want a hug? Or do you not want to be touched right now?” Well first He should at least establish some boundaries. He was very relieved when Ushijima’s hands shot out in front in him, making grabby hands at his caregiver.
Cuddly littles where his favourite.
“Ok sweetheart.” He hummed softly sitting down on the side of the bed and pulling the little into his lap. “Do you wanna talk about why we are feeling upset?”
“I- I want my muma. I wish she wanted me. But she doesn’t even like me.” The sobbing returned ten fold, Oikawa gently squeezing him as he cried.
“Well I think she’s very silly because you are the bestest boy in the world! You’re strong and brave and smart.”
“She didn’t want me cause I’m not a real boy!” The little sobbed, fingers gripping into Oikawa’s shirt.
It made his heart hurt to see Ushijima this upset. He silently cursed the younger boy’s mother.
“You are a real boy Wakatoshi.” He mumbled into his littles hair, his voice a little deeper and more serious. “I know you are cause I’m holding you right now and I can feel you in my arms. That’s what makes you a real boy. Because you are real.”
Ushijima hiccuped, fingers scrabbling with Oikawas jacket for a tighter grip. The older smoother his hands across his littles back, trying to ground him.
“Shhh baby boy. That’s it. That’s my brave brave boy.” He hushed, Ushijima’s cries dissolving into little hiccups and whimpers.
His voice also quickly disappearing, he curled into his caregiver closer, whispering.
“Muma loves me?”
Oikawa had to pause for a second, brain rebooting. Was Ushijima referring to him?
“Yeah baby. Muma loves you very much.”
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darthstitch · 2 years
History Class Cryptids: As The World Falls Down
1.  There's such a fooled heart beating so fast
Isabel calls it "kilig" and once Sarah Williams understood the definition of that particular Filipino word, she had to agree with her.  
It was a universally accepted fact amongst the students in the university that Professor Robert Gadling's boyfriend was ridiculously gorgeous.  And was the cause of many a "kilig" meltdown.  
Campus legends were a bit confused about the "first official sighting" of Murphy as one version had it that he'd first been seen in the background during a Zoom class held by the professor.  Another version said that he'd first appeared during one of Professor Gadling's infamous Shakespeare Rants and called him out on it, claiming that he was "jealous of dear Will."  
(That prompted another discussion about whether or not Professor Gadling was a secret immortal, but that was a story for another day.)  
There was also the class that witnessed the epic Marlowe vs Shakespeare Quote battle that the two had, which had been partially recorded by one enterprising student and it was now busy making the rounds on campus social media, because, "That Voice, OMFG."
The latest one was Murphy doing the Shakespeare reading in Calliope's class.  The common consensus among everyone once the video had made the campus rounds was:  "I AM DECEASED."
Sarah could commiserate.  She'd been there and she still wasn't over That Voice.
It had thrown Sarah for a loop when her flatmate admitted that "Oneiros" was her ex-husband. (Apparently, Thomas Murphy had some very interesting nicknames, but they suited him perfectly.) These days, Calliope and Murphy were now at the level of "very dear friends," which kind of explained the current ridiculousness that was unfolding.  
Today was the Lothlorien Faire, which was basically a LARP festival where, instead of just recreating the medieval or renaissance era, everyone could come as a character from some mystical universe or the other.  Obviously, there were a fair amount of hobbits, Elves and wizards running about, along with a few more characters from the various D&D-inspired RPGs.  She even recognized a Witcher with his Jaskier and whoever that guy was, he was almost a deadringer for Henry Cavill.  Nice.  
Conveniently, this also meant fewer complaints from the History Department.   That also meant that there was more room for creative anachronisms such as the "Shire Potaters" that someone was selling in one of the booths, to say nothing of the "Rivendell Lembas" which was actually the most delicious naan bread, sold in yet another stall.  
Sarah took a deep breath and sighed.  The air was fragrant with spices and cooking food.  She was definitely going to try some of the goodies later.  
She joined Calliope and the rest of her friends in the stands, as a "knightly tournament" was happening.  It was all the more entertaining as a few of the professors were actually very good at the whole sword-and-shield thing.  They all cheered at the bout between Professors Michael Percival and Nicholas Chevalier.  The cheers were even louder when it was Professor Duncan Macleod versus Professor Robert Gadling.  
"YEAAAAAHHHH KICK HIS ASS PROFESSOR G!!!" bellowed Dustin Henderson from the stand just above her.
Sarah wasn't the one to ask about any form of martial arts, but even to her untrained eyes, the two men fought with an odd sense of realism to it, no fancy Hollywood choreography involved.  It was just as if they'd both walked out of the wars of ancient history and straight into the present.  There were even a few dirty tricks included, which sent Professor Macleod swearing and Professor Gadling laughing at him for falling for it.  
"HE'S AN OLD SOLDIER, HIGHLANDER!  DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN FOR AN INSTANT!" yelled Professor Pierson, who was red-faced with laughter.  
"YOU MIGHT WANT TO DEFEND MINE HONOR, OLD MAN!" Professor Macleod yelled back.  He yelped as he narrowly escaped another well-timed strike from his opponent.  
A few moments later, Macleod had lost his sword and Gadling had his sword at his throat.  
"I yield, you bloody Sassenach,"  Macleod grumbled good-naturedly.  He looked over at a still laughing Professor Pierson.  "Oi!  Shouldn't you be avenging your lost love here?"
"Loser gets to buy the drinks, aye, Pierson?" Gadling called gleefully, sweaty and flushed with victory.    
"Well, if it's free beer..."  Professor Pierson said, going down the stands, to the cheers of the rest of the crowd.  
Beside her, Rose giggled.  "It looks like Uncle Dream's the one with the braincell today.  This is not gonna end well."  
"No?" Calliope murmured, all mischief.  "Will you be sending your knight off without a favor, Oneiros?"
Sarah blinked.  She's not sure when Murphy had joined them, but he was there right now, only he had his face buried in his hands, shaking his head.  
"I have never seen you this flushed, Oneiros.  Even your ears are red!" Calliope said in delight.  "It's adorable!"  
That finally got him to look at her, and both Sarah and Rose had to hold on to each other, as they were giggling so hard.  He tried to do his best to look properly affronted, despite the rather appealing blush on his cheeks.  Those unusual dark blue eyes were alight with amusement and some other emotion that Sarah couldn't identify.  "You are a minx, my dear Calliope.  I rue the day that I introduced the two of you."  
Professor Pierson won the bout against Professor Gadling.  But it was just by a hair.  Professor Gadling didn't mind though, as he'd ended up being thoroughly kissed by his boyfriend (again, to more cheering from the peanut gallery) and the two of them ended up disappearing somewhere for quite some time.  
Sarah tried not to think too hard about that.  
Someone had put on some sort of suitably fantastical theme music.  It was beginning to get on Sarah's nerves.  
"Hold still," Max told her sternly, eyeliner pencil in hand.  "Not unless you want me to poke your eye out."  
Isabel was going through some vocal exercises.  Eleven was going through the scales with her.  Eddie was tuning his guitar, frowning as he tried out a few chords.  Jonathan and Robyn were practicing lines together.  Nancy was helping Will with his costume.   Mike and Lucas were bent over their laptops, sorting out the lighting and sound effects.  Iggy Pop was with some of the Drama Club kids, putting up the last bits of scenery. Steve was busy herding everyone and everything, in his capacity as the stage manager.  
Baby Daniel was in costume already and Jed and Erica were watching over him, making sure he wasn't going to end up in a sandpit somehow.  There weren't any in the general vicinity but the kid just had that weird ability to attract sand so nobody wanted to take any chances.  
It was hilarious that Daniel seemed to be the only baby who somehow understood that they were all just playing pretend and behaved beautifully for everyone involved.  Or maybe it was just due to Murphy and his near-magical baby whispering abilities.  Whatever it was, the little guy was happy to play the role of Sarah's stepbrother, who Sarah would need to rescue from the Prince of Stories.
Calliope was flitting here and there as the adviser of the entire production and somehow, all the chaos was slowly coming together into some sort of cohesive whole.  
"Professor Lyra, where's Murphy?  I haven't seen him since the tournament." Steve, of course, was slowly, but surely edging towards near panic.  
"Don't worry, Steven.  Oneiros gave his word and I have never known him to break it.  He will be here."  
Sarah fought down a giggle.  That one needed to be recorded for posterity.  They had needed someone for the role of the fey and magical "Prince of Stories" and it was a role that Rose Walker had clearly written with Murphy in mind.  
"Oh, you have no idea," Rose had said wryly, when she had been asked about it.  "I did promise him that I would be kinder to him in my next story."
It was Calliope who said she would take care of asking him to accept the role and Sarah was there to witness the whole thing.  For good measure, Calliope told Rose that they would need to bring Daniel along, after getting his mother's permission. Lyta Hall was a little weird whenever the subject of Murphy was brought up. Rose would just shake her head sadly and Sarah figured it wasn't her place to pry.
In any case, Calliope had planned this whole thing out like a seasoned general and Murphy's expression when he realized he was well and thoroughly ambushed was just priceless.
"You are a complete and utter menace," Murphy had said, even as his boyfriend was of no help at all, laughing silently in the background.  
"But you are going to say yes, are you not, Oneiros?" Calliope said archly.  "Surely you do not wish to disappoint the children?"
"Please, Uncle Dream?" Rose and Jed pleaded.  
Daniel made his own sounds, which sort of sounded like "Dweam," Sarah wasn't sure.  But he was already making valiant efforts to talk and that first word was probably going to be coming soon.  The baby also reached for Murphy, clearly wanting to be picked up by him.  
"So very diabolical," Murphy muttered, even as he took Daniel from Calliope and gave in to the little boy's demand for cuddles.  He sighed, looking very much put upon and long-suffering, but anyone who knew to look for it could see that he was, of course, rather pleased.  "Yes, I shall participate in this little performance."
"Promise, Uncle Dream?" Jed asked.
"No hiding behind Lucienne, Uncle Dream," Rose reminded. "I got Matthew on speed dial."
"My own subjects conspire against me," Murphy grumbled. "Yes, I give you my word. Does that satisfy you?"
Daniel crowed happily, joining Rose and Jed in their victory dance. Sarah tried not to laugh at Murphy hiding his smile in Daniel's curly hair.
Professor Gadling applauded and swept Calliope a courtly bow.  "Milady, that was magnificently well-played."  
She accepted the tribute with a regal nod and mischief sparkling in her eyes.  
"You were utterly useless; I hope you know that," Murphy told his boyfriend with mock severity.  
"Yes I do, love.  But it's not blasted Shakespeare and it's your niece, who's a better writer than he is, you mark my words."  
"Aww, thanks, Professor G."  
So yeah, that really happened, and hilarity ensued with Murphy at the rehearsals.  No, it wasn't that he'd put on any prima donna airs.  It was that he was surprisingly compliant, being easy to work with and kindly helping Sarah through any awkwardness when it came to the more intense scenes between her character and the Prince.  She regularly had to fight the urge to giggle and end up ruining a scene, when she'd discovered he had a knack for making hilariously deadpan asides.  Most of the time, he went meekly along with the stage directions, whenever he wasn't busy being adorable with Daniel.  
(All of them had a tacit agreement to take as many pictures as possible, for Professor G's sake.)
Now, Sarah was fighting down the butterflies in her stomach as she waited for her cue to come on stage.  Her parents and little brother were in the audience and while she wanted to smile at Toby, who clearly recognized her and called out her name, she had to stay in character.  
And then, it was time for Murphy to make his first appearance.  
There were audible gasps from the crowd as the spotlight fell on the Prince of Stories.  It was as if he stepped right out of Will Byers' artwork of the King of All Night's Dreaming,  a vision in robes of black and gold, with jewels sparkling in his hair.  A long earring with precious stones sparkled in one ear.  He looked completely ethereal and not quite of this world and when he spoke his first lines, everyone fell completely silent.  
Sarah was suddenly dead sure she was going to forget every line she'd learned but he'd slanted her a look and there was that familiar friendly kindness and humor in those eyes, which bolstered her courage.  
Sarah could do this.  And she fell into step with him, working through every scene, letting her character fall in love with the Prince of Stories, getting caught up in the magic and the mystery of the story that Rose had written.  
The audience was on its feet by curtain call.  Murphy had led Sarah by the hand to make their final bows and she'd forgone the usual floral bouquet because Toby was insisting on going to his big sister so she had an armful of toddler instead.
"Pretty!" He declared, making her laugh.  She'd put him down soon enough, because at three, Toby was getting a little bit too heavy to carry for long.  He happily held on to her skirts and at Murphy's gentle prompting, handed over the bouquet.  
Everything had been wonderful today.  
At least until the Faeries crashed the party.  
2.  There's such a sad love deep in your eyes
When Sarah had been a little girl, she used to make up stories about her adventures as a brave princess, together with a character she'd called the Goblin King.  
She had a beautiful old-fashioned doll, given to her by Grandma Amelia, with long curly dark hair glittering with sparkly stones and a white ballgown.  Of course, she pretended that she was that doll and she had let her imagination run wild, as "Princess Sarah" went through hardships unnumbered and dangers untold, to be with her beloved Goblin King.  
In her child's imagination, she'd pictured the Goblin King to be tall and fair, fey and mysterious, with beautiful mismatched eyes, one brown and the other blue.  She even used to draw him in her school notebooks, and she could still wryly trace the evolution of her own artistic skills from her childish scribbles to the more mature work she produced today.  
She wasn't that little girl anymore and the Goblin King was just a fond childhood memory.  
So when she first saw the Faeries, Sarah really thought that they were just another bunch of LARP-ers, crashing the perfomance.  
She didn't recognize any of them from the Hellfire Club or the Drama Club.  She had to admire the artistry of their costumes though.  Some of the creatures seemed so very real - whoever built them was some kind of special effects wizard.  
But then, she saw the strangely familiar figure leading them, and she stifled a gasp.  She knew him, as if he'd simply stepped out of her childhood memories.  
"Hello, Sarah," the Goblin King greeted her, inclining his head regally.  "I thought you had forgotten me.  But I see you still remember."  
Toby whimpered softly and somehow, she just knew she didn't want her baby brother to catch this man...no, this being's attention.  She carefully shielded the small boy behind her skirts.  Apparently, Murphy had the same idea because he stepped forward protectively, subtly making sure he was between the two of them.
"You are not welcome here, Goblin King."
That imperious tone was not any kind of acting whatsoever. Neither was the expression on Murphy's face or how it seemed to Sarah's eyes, he was no longer Profesor Gadling's secretly dorky and adorable Goth boyfriend in a beautiful costume, but truly the Prince of Stories.
"Hail, Lord Morpheus," The Goblin King intoned.  "Forgive my little lapse in manners - the mortal girl is dear to me, so I was overhasty in my eagerness to greet her."
"You dare."  
The Goblin King affected shock, a ruffled hand going to his chest.  "Where is your courtesy, O Prince of Stories?  I was invited to your little revelry."  
"You were most certainly not."  This time, it was Calliope gliding regally on stage, eyes blazing. "I am the one hosting this gathering and I most certainly did not invite you."  
"It was your mortal pets who summoned me thus," answered the Goblin King and gestured to a group of Drama Club kids who were watching everything with wide eyes.
"I thought that book of spells was just a joke!" said one of them in a small voice.  
"Oh for fuck's sake," Dustin Henderson was heard to say.  "Rule 10 in the Great List of Terrible Ideas is 'Don't Mess Around With Books of Magic If You Don't Know What You're Doing!'  What were you guys thinking?"
 "You are so very selfish, Lord Morpheus and Lady Calliope, to keep all these mortal pets to yourself.   And it is so unfair, that you've taken on one so dear to my own heart as your new mortal lover.  But I shall be gracious in defeat and simply wish you both every happiness."
"You speak foolishness, Lord Jareth," Murphy... no.... Morpheus said coldly.  The audience was just watching, thinking it was all part of the show, but Sarah could just feel it, the sense of power and otherworldliness that seemed to emanate from both Morpheus and Calliope.  
The Goblin King smiled at Sarah and she felt chilled.  "She seems uncertain.  Perhaps her heart is not yet given to you fully?  Perhaps I have yet a chance?"  
"I thought I just dreamed you up," were the first words Sarah finally managed to say.  "I thought you weren't real."
He laughed.  "You keep company with the Lord of Dreams, sweet Sarah.  He should teach you better about the nature of reality and dreams."  
"I -- " Sarah began.  
Morpheus shook his head at her.  "Do not speak to him, Sarah.  The Fair Folk are not to be trusted.  He will seek to trick you, with your own words."  
"Even an invitation may be taken back if one is unwelcome.  And once more, you are not welcome here, Jareth of the Labyrinth.  Begone!" Calliope commanded.  
"Very well.  If courtesy has deserted you entirely, we of the Labyrinth still offer our own hospitality.  We extend our invitation to your beloved and the child that she so cherishes."  Jareth blew a kiss in Sarah's direction.  "I shall see you soon, my sweet Sarah."  
Toby suddenly disappeared.  
Sarah screamed.  
3.  But I'll be there for you as the world falls down
Hob Gadling had seen some fairly strange things in his 600-odd years of living, thank you very much.  And that was before he ended up falling arse over teakettle for one broody, mercurial Lord of Dreams and Nightmares.  
(Fine, he would modify that to before he finally admitted to himself that he was arse over teakettle for one broody, mercurial Dream Lord.  It only took him 200 years to figure that one out and a hundred more to get over the sheer panic of ohshit-why-the-everlasting-fuck-did-I-have-to-go-and-fall-in-love-with-my-best-mate.  It was worth it in the end, though.)  
Ending up as a hostage of the Unseelie Court was a little bit new.  
Although the look of consternation on the bloody Goblin King's face was worth the price of admission.  
"I was expecting the Dream Lord's beloved to be in my presence," said the Goblin King, looking him up and down with an air of disdain.  "You are his mortal friend.  How did you come to be here?"
"Mate," said Hob carefully, eyeing the frightened little boy currently sitting at the Goblin King's feet.  He was already calculating how quickly he could snatch up the kid and get both of them out of there.  "The last time I checked, I'm currently immortal, unless His Darkness' sister decides to change her mind about me.  And also..."
Hob didn't tend to use the old youkai tricks that he'd picked up from his friend Kenshin in Japan, but considering the company, now was the best time to use them.  So he did.  
It took the work of seconds to knock down the Goblin King's formidable guards and he'd blessed whatever instinct that had told him to keep the sword that he'd been using during the tournament and not put it away.  He had the blade at the King's throat in moments, even as Toby toddled over to his side, with a whimper.  He spared a moment to run a gentle hand over the little boy's head, feeling small fists cling to the fabric of his trousers.  
"As I was saying," Hob Gadling said steadily.  "I'm the Dream Lord's 'beloved.'  Took a while to get to this point, but we did."
"I know," Hob commiserated with him, bringing the point of the blade just a little bit closer to the King's throat.  He smiled as it made the Goblin King draw just a little bit back, his chin lifting up, mismatched eyes meeting Hob's own with considerable annoyance and just a little touch of fear.  "Very interesting story, unfortunately, I haven't the time to tell you all about it as this little chap and I are going to be leaving."
"No.  You will not."  Faerie dust blew into his eyes and Hob felt himself fall.  
Bollocks. He always tended to forget the magical faerie dust, blast it.
"Hob Gadling."
"Impudence such as yours does not deserve to be rewarded."  The soft press of lips against his own belied those words and Hob was only happy to slide his hands into raven black hair and deepen that kiss for a few more moments.  The two of them swayed for an eternity, lost in a dance just for them.
There was only one person in the entire universe who could call him by his full name and still make it sound like an endearment.  He'd follow that voice to the ends of time and beyond if he had to.
Hob opened his eyes.  "You could've kissed me awake, y'know.  I mean, if I had to do this whole Sleeping Beauty business, kisses are expected."
"Myne owne hertis rote," Hob murmured against those lips just as Dream drew back again, cheeks sweetly flushed.  He couldn't help it.  The endearments just tripped out of his lips sometimes and usually in the tongue he'd been born speaking.  
Dream usually answered him in the same language but the response this time had Hob do a double take.  "Did I just hear you call me husband?"
"We still need to get the children safely back to the waking world."
Nope, Hob was not letting his darling get away with his ridiculousness.  He tugged at Dream's hands, looked right into eyes that had gone dark and starry with emotion.  "Dream."
"Is it truly so objectionable?"
"You know damn well it isn't, love.  I want that - " Hob's breath caught.  "More than anything."  
Dream huffed, a soft sound of derision.  "I have gone and taken leave of my senses.  These things never end well. Not for me or the one I care for."
"We've been over this, love.  Me:  Immortal.   I suspect that sister of yours knew what she was about, what with your rules and things - "
"These 'rules' - as you well know, Hob Gadling, are not 'things' we may set aside at our convenience - "
"Dream.  Did you or did you not just beat Lucifer Morningstar in the oldest game using hope?"  Hob cradled that beloved face in his hands.  "Will you not keep any hope for yourself?"
The world around them shattered like glass and once more Hob Gadling was falling.  But he wasn't afraid as he'd held on to his love who was kissing him over and over again, stars in his eyes and smiling brightly like the dawn.  
They weren't falling anymore.  
“One half of me is yours, the other half is yours, Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours.” Hob murmured between those kisses.  
"Hob Gadling, did I just hear Shakespeare fall from your lips?"
"Well, the bloody prat ought to be good for something!"
4.  I'll paint you mornings of gold
It ends as all good stories do.
It ends well.
Sarah Williams faces down the Goblin King but this time, her mind is clear and her heart is set on one thing.  She's not a giddy, naive girl to be seduced and charmed by mystery and cool aloofness.  This being, this creature who claimed to be in "love" with her, had her baby brother.  And Sarah was not going to forgive that.  
Sarah knows her stories and her tropes and hell, she had the actual Prince of Stories to guide her.
As well as the rest of the Hellfire Club who insisted on coming along.  
"You need people of intelligence to come along on this quest... thing!" Dustin said brightly.
Everyone stared at him.
"What?  If there was ever a time to quote Tolkien and Pete Jackson, it's definitely now!"  
They all had the obligatory argument as to whether or not they should come, but in the end about half of the Club came along, because the others all had to do damage control and convince the audience that everything was still part of an even more elaborate show.  
Morpheus was not thrilled with this, but he had to admit Calliope had a point.  Also, he was not about to waste time on further argument, not when Professor Gadling had also been taken.
Apparently, that was a mistake on the Goblin King's part, as Sarah had been the intended hostage. Yeah, no, Sarah did not find this ridiculousness romantic in the very least.
Sarah would have all the time in the world to have the obligatory freakout about her flatmate being the Muse from Greek mythology, that their club's DM was the actual Lord of Dreams and Nightmares, to say nothing about their ridiculous Shakespeare-hating history professor being a real immortal.  She'd have all the time, much later, for the Hellfire Club to tell her about their favorite cryptids and how they figured it out for themselves.
Right now, she had to save Toby.
 I have fought my way here to the Castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child you have stolen.  For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great.
You have no power over me.  
You have no power over me!
Sarah shatters Jareth's illusions and his tricks and his pretty, pretty lies. When it's done, she has Toby back and she's faced with the pitiable figure of a boy her age, mismatched eyes filled with tears, crumpled on the floor, weeping heartbrokenly.  
Suddenly, she wants to go to him, because from the tales that Morpheus had told her, Jareth was in fact, just like Toby.  A human child stolen from the Waking World.  Only that the attempt at his rescue had ended in failure.  
And she could never truly forget those wondrous days, when she had been Princess Sarah and daydreamed her adventures with him.
Toby buries his little face in her shoulder.  "Want to go home, Sarah."  
Do not trust the Fair Folk, Sarah Williams.  Morpheus' warning rings through her mind again.  
"Jareth," Sarah suddenly says.  And at his name, the Goblin King looks up at her.  "If you really claim that you love me, then come find me again.  No tricks, no illusions, no lies."  She took a breath.  
"I don't want this to be my last memory of you."
And she walks out of the Castle, Toby in her arms, back to her friends and to the end of this tale.  
Footnote the First:   Little Daniel was quite put out that he wasn't allowed to come on this particular adventure, but Aunt Calliope told him that he would have plenty of time for such things once he was much older.  No, Daniel, hitting your first birthday and learning to walk would not be a free license to run off on adventures of your own.
Footnote the Second:  The grimoire that the Drama Club kids had inadvertently stumbled on was promptly confiscated by Calliope and handed off to Dream, who, of course, made sure that it was tucked safely away in the Library of the Dreaming.  As a punishment, the Drama Club kids were promptly lectured on the Great List of Terrible Ideas, as delivered by Steve Harrington.  There was a 50 point quiz on it too.  
Footnote the Third:  Daniel Hall's first word, obviously, was "Mama."  That being said, his mother was ruefully unsurprised that his second word was "Dream."  Surprisingly, his third word was "Birdie!" and Matthew was insufferable about that for ages.
Footnote the Fourth:  A new student joined the university the following semester, a tall, fair-haired, thin fellow, with a penchant for music.  He and Sarah ended up being good friends.  If there was to be anything more, well, that was still to be decided.  
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demonbanisher · 1 year
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People
Thanks for the tag @everythingbutcoldfire
Are you named after anyone? My middle name is a family name.
When was the last time you cried? Without spilling all my guts on here work has been very stressful this week and something triggered a bad episode on Monday so I had me a good full body sob, weeping meltdown.
Do you have any kids? Nope and no thanks. Fur babies and gin aunt only.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I feel like I stopped, but lately it’s been creeping back in as a weird dark humour coping mechanism thing.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Is vibes an appropriate answer? I’m pretty good at reading people so usually off the bat I’m trying to determine if this person is a person I want to be around or not.
What’s your eye colour? Blue. Fun fact all my siblings and I have blue eyes and neither of my parents do.
Scary movies or happy ending? Depends what I’m in the mood for. One of my best friends and I spent a lot of time watching horror movies early in our friendship and it’s still very much our thing so spooky flicks always have a special place in my heart for that. But lately I’ve been having a tough time so I’ve been all over the fluffy happy endings. Lots of animated movie rewatches.
Any special talents? I can solve a rubix cube in under 3 minutes. I also play the fiddle. 
Where were you born? Ontario born and raised!
What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, I also just started rollerskating so @everythingbutcoldfire we can crash a bunch together! I’m also a big arts and crafts person!
Do you have any pets? Okay, this question might make me cry. I lost my bun of 14 years at the end of November and then my fish shortly after that so for the first time since I was 2 (maybe with one six month exception) I do not have a pet. Although I’m hoping to get a dog this year! A sheltie like my last one
What sports do you play/have you played? I was a highland dancer for years. I did it competitively too and the only time I came close to medalling I kicked the sword at the last second. I once came eighth at a competition when there were nine people in my category and the top seven got medals. 
How tall are you? 5′5′’ (Listen we’re metric in Canada but not for height unless you’re at the doctor’s office)
Favourite subject at school? English baby. Listen I’m a big fucking nerd. My high school fucking sucked but loveeedddd uni. I’m that weirdo that loves writing essays.
Dream job? Author/poet. Writing for a living is the dream baby
Tagging: (I don’t know who has done this yet and don’t feel pressured at all) @fairysilk @sequinhaze @impishtubist @mkaugust @imjusthereforwolfstar @r33sespieces and anyone else who wants to join!
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Dripping with sarcasm, insults & typos.
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim with a heads up about a disgusting piece presented as news but is pure conjecture, printed in the Dailymail, credited to a Harriet Johnston for Mailonline, which is bewildering why anyone would want their name attached to this rubbish.
Pin's signature is on this because... 1. The 2nd sentence mentions the $14 million mansion. 2. Fake kids are claimed throughout. 3. Attached themselves to the good work done by the charity The Halo Trust, to make themselves look productive. 4. It says "the couple are likely to want to spend time with..." What kind of presupposition and conditional tenses makes up this word vomit? May-would-could-probably depend on HMTQ-ya think? And the cutsey "pop in for a chat"...I don't think so!! On and on into the ether of fake scenarios Pin continues to spew her nonsense. 5. They shifted the blame to The Sun for the invitation to Highland retreat...very sneaky eh? They named a philanthropist-poor guy-and claimed he suggested a possible venue where "some form of reconciliation in the Platinum Jubilee year would surely be beneficial for the image they (the royal family) want as philanthropists." My goodness the conceit is mind blowing telling The Firm how to improve their PR tactics. 6. This one is the winner of all IMO. "I’m sure she (HMTQ) would hope the relaxed atmosphere there would be more conducive to talking things through and trying to solve the problems they all face." Will Pin bring her own So Cal shrink to help facilitate their confessions of guilt? Just amazing the level of her challenging narc/grifter bluster. 7. Icing this mangled mental cake, it said Pin "won't like the hunting shooting and fishing enviroment of the Highlands" but implied would suffer going there for a meeting because she is the mature one in this group of vile, unwoke, animal killers. I would submit to the court of public opinion that Poor Pin is having an epic meltdown, shrieking demands in an empty house but needs to be in a padded cell. Someone please disconnect the wi fi.
Over and out for now.
Excellent! Thank you…😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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modpoppy · 3 months
ive basically been having a meltdown all day, will have more tomorrow, heres picrews or my fursonas
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in order: Highland, Halle, Thyme, and Cacoethes
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bonus me
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picrew by @/pepperjackets , can source my fursona arts/bases if needed ^^
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chocobotism · 1 year
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Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to a silly little sideblog dedicated to my most wonderful and squishy FFXIV Warrior of Light, Amor Valentine! This isn't going to be an RP/IC type thing (because I am a coward), but maybe I can be afforded the occasional Silly Post™ if prompted.
I am unsure what to really expect from this, but prepare for very not good gpose screenshots and maybe some word salad character lore posts. Who knows! Anything could happen!
Under the cut is very basic bio outlined, but beware! Spoilers of both the major and minor variety may lurk within!
Name: Amor Valentine
Age: 20
Nameday: 5th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Pronouns: They/Them
Race: Au Ra (Xaela)
Guardian: Nophica, The Matron
Main Job: Dark Knight
A child was born to the Orl tribe in the midst of the Garlean occupation of Othard. Now displaced, the tribe was forced to leave their lands and search for another place to continue their way of life. After about five years, the tribe reached Aldenard and were drawn to the Coerthan highlands. For a moment, there was hope. At last, the tribe found a new home! The rejoicing would not last, however, as Ishgardian soldiers would find them. Believing the tribe to be descended from dragons, they were massacred. Somehow, the child escaped the carnage by running away.
Sometime after, a Duskwight woman, Léonne Ormesang, finds the child unconscious while checking traps in the Chocobo Forest, Dravania. Not having many other options, she decided to take them in to raise as her own. It was a bit of a rough start, what with the language barriers and severe trauma, but in time the two would form an unbreakable bond as mother and child. Eventually, Léonne discovered the child could remember little from before she found them, not even their name. Thus, she gave the child the name Amor Valentine.
The two lived a meager lifestyle, calling a run-down shack in the forest (with some rather nice stables) home. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Amor, and that's what mattered. They got a very basic education from Léonne, which was supplemented with quite detailed knowledge on the subject of chocobos. Amor was a bit slow in learning to read and write, but they excelled in all things chocobo. They developed a strong fixation on the creatures, and dedicated much of their waking hours tending to the birds Léonne would catch before they were eventually sold off. It was a very sad day for all involved when they first found that particular detail out.
Though all was well with just them and Léonne, Amor struggled greatly when it came to other people. Their first visits to Tailfeather were a nightmare. If they weren't frozen in fear by the sight of so many strangers, they would agitated from sensory overload, or worst of all, having a full meltdown should an Elezen man get too close. It took a few years before they could visit Tailfeather without issue, but by that point the town mostly viewed them as an unruly, fussy child.
Things took a turn for the worst during adolescence. The unpreparedness for what they would face in puberty (namely outgrowing all of their clothes overnight) brought the realization that they knew nothing of their heritage, and neither did anyone on this side of the star. This triggered a spiral into depression so severe that they barely took notice of the devastation that was about to be wrought by the fall of Dalamud. However, their despair would eventually harden into resolve to one day search for the truth of their past.
Upon their 20th nameday, Amor made the decision to venture out into the world, to discover who they are. After a heartfelt conversation with Léonne, they packed a bag and left Dravania. It was not an easy journey, traversing the now frozen hellscape of Coerthas while subconsciously avoiding encounters with any Ishgardian knights. Eventually, they made it to Gridania, where they took the first step on a journey they never would have imagined.
And with that out of the way, welcome to the Amor Valentine experience!
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kuizoku1986 · 2 years
Credit Repair Cambridge Massachusetts | (800) 254-4100: Texas woman sued by Indian American over viral racist meltdown
Credit Repair Cambridge Massachusetts | (800) 254-4100 Texas woman sued by Indian American over viral racist meltdown by Credit Repair Cambridge Massachusetts on Sunday 25 September 2022 02:25 AM UTC-05 | Tags: cambridge-massachusetts-consumer-credit-counseling-service from Cambridge MA. Mid Cambridge MA. Ash Street Cambridge MA. Avon Hill Cambridge MA. Baldwin Cambridge MA. Berkeley Street Cambridge MA. Cambridge Highlands Cambridge MA. Cambridgeport Cambridge MA. Central Square Cambridge MA. Charles River Cambridge MA. East Cambridge MA. Fresh Pond Cambridge MA. Harvard Square Cambridge MA. Inman Square Cambridge MA. September 23, 2022 at 03:05PMTags: * cambridge-massachusetts-consumer-credit-counseling-service You received this email because you set up a subscription at Feedrabbit. This email was sent to you at [email protected]. Unsubscribe or change your subscription. Hollywood FloridaBronx New York Pearland TexasBrooklyn Center Minnesota Warwick Rhode IslandBrooklyn New York dUrl}} https://cambridgecreditcounselingservice.blogspot.com/2022/09/credit-repair-cambridge-massachusetts_441.html September 25, 2022 at 04:22AM https://unitedstatescounselingcreditconsumer.blogspot.com/2022/09/credit-repair-cambridge-massachusetts_97.html
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happycabbage · 2 years
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Part of my charm...
04x18 Through a Glass Darkly
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hihariga1978 · 2 years
Credit Repair Cambridge Massachusetts | (800) 254-4100: Texas woman sued by Indian American over viral racist meltdown
Credit Repair Cambridge Massachusetts | (800) 254-4100 Texas woman sued by Indian American over viral racist meltdown by Credit Repair Cambridge Massachusetts on Sunday 25 September 2022 02:25 AM UTC-05 | Tags: cambridge-massachusetts-consumer-credit-counseling-service from Cambridge MA. Mid Cambridge MA. Ash Street Cambridge MA. Avon Hill Cambridge MA. Baldwin Cambridge MA. Berkeley Street Cambridge MA. Cambridge Highlands Cambridge MA. Cambridgeport Cambridge MA. Central Square Cambridge MA. Charles River Cambridge MA. East Cambridge MA. Fresh Pond Cambridge MA. Harvard Square Cambridge MA. Inman Square Cambridge MA. September 23, 2022 at 03:05PMTags: * cambridge-massachusetts-consumer-credit-counseling-service You received this email because you set up a subscription at Feedrabbit. This email was sent to you at [email protected]. Unsubscribe or change your subscription. from Copperas Cove TexasBelmont California Wylie TexasBismarck North Dakota Mount Pleasant South CarolinaBoynton Beach Florida https://cambridgecreditcounselingservice.blogspot.com/2022/09/credit-repair-cambridge-massachusetts_441.html September 25, 2022 at 04:22AM https://baltimoremarylandcreditcounseling.blogspot.com/2022/09/credit-repair-cambridge-massachusetts_25.html
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rjzimmerman · 2 years
Description of this video and the Highlands Rewilding plan from Jeremy Leggett, the “founder” and enthusiastic supporter of this project:
The nature-recovery project that I started two and a half years ago to fight climate meltdown and biodiversity collapse while contributing to a rural green new deal has made steady progress. This 3.5 minute video, beautifully put together by the Highlands Rewilding team, tells the story. It shows that we have a realistic chance now of creating a much-needed candle for hope in our ailing world.
In essence, the company that I and my 50 founding funders have set up, Highlands Rewilding, now owns 682 hectares dedicated to nature recovery in Inverness-shire and Aberdeenshire, and we have hired three world-class scientists to lead the counting of the carbon we aim to sequester and the biodiversity we aim to increase.  In so doing we are aiming at four targets. First, ethical profits, to encourage other landowners to manage more land for nature recovery. Second, natural-capital accountancy science of a quality capable of speeding the investability of nature recovery generally. Third, a mix of co-owners including both citizen rewilders and financial institutions putting a toe in the water of the emerging natural-capital economy. Fourth, as many Scots as possible in the ownership group, to try and help redress the dire land inequality situation in Scotland.
We will be expanding ownership in Highlands Rewilding in a campaign that will run for three months from December through February, reaching out to further impact investors, progressive financial institutions, retail investors, and banks (for a credit facility) in parallel. Efforts to tee up interest in this campaign start today and will run through Novembe
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castrateurfate · 3 years
Alright, guys.
Here's a list of the DVDs in my room.
Rate My Taste
13 Assassins
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Ronin
8 Mile
A Fistful of Dollars
AVP2: Requiem
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Account Rendered
Afro Samurai: The Complete Murder Sessions
Alien vs. Predator
Alley Cats
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Back To The Future
Barry Lyndon
Batman Ninja
Batman TAS: Secrets of The Caped Crusaders
Batman TAS: Tales Of The Dark Knight
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
Batman: Mask of The Phantasm
Battle Royale
Being John Malkovich
Big Eyes
Big Fish
Big Time Rush: Halfway There
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Birdman: (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
Black Dynamite
Black Mama White Mama
Black Swan
Blade Runner: The Director's Cut
Blazing Saddles
Bonnie and Clyde
Bowling For Columbine
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breaking Bad
Breaking Glass
Brexit: The Uncivil War
Brokeback Mountain
Bubba Ho-Tep
Bugsy Malone
Bula Quo
Capitalism: A Love Story
Children of Men
Churchill: The Hollywood Years
Citizen Kane
Clash Of The Titans
Clash of The Titans
Cleopatra Jones
Cloud Atlas
Conan The Barbarian
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Curse of The Golden Flower
David Brent: Life On The Road
Dazed And Confused
Deadpool 2
Death Note
Death Proof
Demolition Man
Dirty Harry
Django Unchained
Doctor Zhivago
Dog Soldiers
Double Indemnity
Dowton Abbey: Series One
Dr Strangelove Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
Dr Suess' How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Dr. No
Drunken Angel
Drunken Master
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
Ed Wood
Edward Scissorhands
Elfie Hopkins
Escape Plan
Evil Dead
Extras: The Complete First Series
Fahrenheit 9/11
Falling Down
Family Guy Presents: Blue Harvest
Family Guy: Season Nine
Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Finding Netherland
Forrest Gump
Forrest Warriors
Foxy Brown
From Dusk Till Dawn
From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter
From Here to Eternity
Funny Face
Ghost Dog: The Way if The Samurai
Ghost In The Shell
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 2
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Vol. 5
Gnomeo & Juliet
Gone With The Wind
Grave of The Fireflies
Groundhog Day
Hail, Caesar
Happy Gilmore
Harry Hill's TV Burp Gold
Harry Hill's TV Burp Gold 2
Harry Potter And The Order of The Phoenix
Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone
Hideo Nakata's Dark Water
High and Low
History: Poltergeists
History: Spontaneous Human Combustion
History: Vampires
Hobo With a Shotgun
Horrible Histories: Series One
Hot Fuzz
Hot Rod
House of Flying Daggers
I Know What You Did Last Summer
I, Tonya
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
In Bruges
Inglorious Basterds
Iron Man
Isle of Dogs
Jackie Brown
Johnny English
Julie & Julia
Jurassic Park
Kick-Ass 2
Kill Bill Volume 1
Kill Bill Volume 2
King Kong vs. Godzilla
Kingsman: The Secret Service
LEGO Batman: The Movie (DC Super Heroes Unite)
LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles
Lady Vengeance
Last Action Hero
Lawrence of Arabia
Legends of The Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
Leon: The Professional
Les Miserables: In Concert (The 25th Anniversary)
Let The Right One In
Life of Pi
Lost In Translation
Loving Vincent
Mad Max
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Marvel's Original Spiderman: Season 3 Vol. 1
Mean Girls
Memoirs of a Geisha
Michael Jackson: Moon Walker
Miller's Crossing
Miranda Hart: My, What I Call, Live Show
Monster House
Monster in Paris
Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Moulin Rouge
Mrs. Brown's Boys: Season One
Mulan 2
My Week With Marilyn
Mythbusters: Season 1
Napoleon Dynamite
Naruto Shippuden: Box Set 1
Naruto Shippuden: Box Set 2
Nausicaä of The Valley of The Wind
Night of The Living Dead
Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation Vol. 1
Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation Vol. 3
No Country for Old Men
North by Northwest
O Brother Where Art Thou?
Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood
One Hour Photo
Open Season 2
Pan's Labyrinth
Paper Towns
Paris When It Sizzles
Pokémon The Movie: Hoopa And The Clash of Ages
Pokémon: 4 Ever
Pulp Fiction
Pumpkin Scissors
Rain Man
Rare Exports
Red Riding Hood
Reefer Madness
Requiem For A Dream
Reservoir Dogs
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thepilgrimofwar · 3 years
The Offering
Arlyn fiddled with his reassignment papers in one hand and carried his dufflebag of personal belongings in the other. It was a long climb to the new basecamp that the Ul’dahn Honor Guards had established as they continued their push deeper into the Sagolii Highlands.
He had been thinking through what Sargeant Naylor had told him the week before. That perhaps there had been a major miscalculation of cosmic proportions. He believed--no, he knew--that there was always a blood price that had to be paid. The nobler the blood, and more righteous the cause, the cheaper that blood price got. But why did the veteran’s words have a ring of truth to it? Would his friends from basic training, who had sacrificed themselves upon the altar of war, done more good if they had lived instead? Could they have saved more lives otherwise?
Was there another way?
Arlyn walked face first into a line of men in front of a field kitchen.
“Apologies I-”
“Don’t sweat it blondie,” said one of them, dusting himself off and checking if any of the desert dust had gotten onto his steel mess tray. “You’re from the 5th?”
“Yes, reassigned.” Arlyn said sheepishly, still embarrassed by his lack of awareness. This wasn’t like him.
“Welcome to 3rd Company,” continued the boy with brilliant green eyes. “I’m Chira, that’s Dac and the roegadyn is Nulmhas.”
The taller roegadyn gave him a grin. “Guess you’re our squaddie, eh?”
“Sarge Naylor told us you were coming,” said Dac, a highlander with black windswept hair. “Blonde. Glasses. Dumb look on his face. One Private Mercer?”
“Just Arlyn, please.” the boy replied as Nulmhas hooked his elbow round the back of his neck and yanked him into the mess line to the protests of others behind them.
“Got your mess tray? Of course you don’t.” The roegadyn snatched one from a hissing miqo'te behind them and shoved it into Arlyn’s hands, who in turn handed it back to the miqo’te.
The boy produced a steel cup instead. “I’ll use this.” he said, trying his best not to meltdown in front of his new squad mates. They were undisciplined, uncouth, and worst of all, friendly to him. It’d make it much harder for him to die upon the altar of war that he loved so much. It was easier with his friends from basic training--instead of closeness, there had merely been an understanding between them. It was an understanding that transcended the petty emotional bonds that this new lot of mates were attempting to establish.
“Orders from on high,” Sergeant Naylor appeared at the entrance of the squad’s desert tent--one large enough to fit eight bunk beds and an armory in the back. “Our platoon is patrolling the Crags tonight, so I want everyone ready to move by sun down.”
“Yes Sergeant,” their corporal said with a short, sharp nod.
“Private Mercer,” Naylor raised his voice, spying the new addition to his unit at the back of the tentage. “Let’s go for a walk.”
“Hope it isn’t trouble,” Chira whispered to Arlyn as he left the group to join the veteran outside. Around him was the bustling activity of a typical Ul’dahn mercenary camp, albeit with a touch more discipline and order. Blacksmiths and auxiliary camp followers filled the air with the sounds of a small city as the smells of food came wafting in from the field kitchens, allegedly staffed by Ul’dah’s finest stewmakers.
“How’re you fitting in?” The veteran asked as he walked, headed towards the smell of freshly baked bread.
“Good, Sergeant.”
“Drop the formal bullshit Arlyn, I’m asking as Drugan.” the man shot back as he counted the coins of his pouch.
Arlyn cleared his throat. “Like a square peg in a circular hole,” he said. “They’re a little too friendly for my taste.”
“Taste?” Drugan Naylor squinted at the boy he rescued from the ridge all those weeks ago. “What the bloody hell does taste have to do with anything?”
“It’s hard to fit in, when no one believes in what we’re doing here.”
“And what are we doing here exactly?” Drugan asked, not looking back.
“Saving lives,” Arlyn parroted, like he had done so many times before. “Fighting for the freedom of Ul’dah’s citizens. For the right of the locals to live in peace.”
“Uh huh,” the man paid a lalafell baker for a loaf of bread. “Have you ever wondered where freedom comes from?”
Arlyn cocked his head at his involuntary mentor. “What?”
“Does it grow on freedom trees? In freedom groves? Kept by freedom farms? Where does freedom come from?” Drugan wagged his loaf of bread at him.
“The state--The City State of Ul’dah,” Arlyn said, correcting himself to speak in context.
“Wrong.” Drugan smacked him on the head with his makeshift teaching aid. “The City State of Ul’dah takes freedom away. It doesn’t give freedom.”
“Nonsense. Merchants come from all over Eorzea to trade and resettle within its borders. The lands are kept safe by people like us and they’re free to settle where they see fit.” Arlyn folded his arms. “Sure, some things are criminalized, but that’s a necessity.”
“Sure, okay,” Drugan nods and takes a bite out from his purchase. “But have you ever questioned where all that land came from?”
“I don’t follow.”
“Centuries ago, on the founding of Ul’dah by its first Sultan, whose land was it? It wasn’t Ul’dahn, Ul’dah didn’t exist. Who did he have to conquer before it became what it is today?”
“His brother. Before it was Ul’dahn, it was Belah'dian land, it was only after the succession war did--”
“You’re missing the point Arlyn,” Drugan interrupted the boy, clearly not implying any historical value to his question. He sighed. “Who do we serve Arlyn?”
“Try again.”
“The people--”
“We serve Dorodimilio Lamilio.” Drugan said as he took another bite. “The Ul’dahn Honor Guards fight to expand the borders of the Lamilios. That is why we are here.”
“And if the Lamilios expand Ul’dah’s influence, granting the people who resettle here wealth, peace, and prosperity, are we not serving Ul’dah or its people?” Arlyn retorted.
“They really make them different in the cities don’t they?” Drugan mumbled to no one in particular. “Look Arlyn, you see those mountains?” The veteran gestured to all of the Sagolii Highlands before them. Beautiful mountain peaks, wreathed in clouds, and far away valleys that hid gems and fertile soil in its crevices. “Do you suppose those are uninhabited? Empty? Just waiting for us to come settle them?”
“Yes but--”
“Who do you think we’re fighting Arlyn?” the man looked him in the eyes and for once, Drugan genuinely waited for the boy to respond.
Who are we fighting?
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littlefreya · 3 years
As a Scottish man I maybe having a meltdown over the new highlander
Yes baby boy! I can’t wait to see you cosplay that 😘
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