#humans ruin everythint
pynapplepyro ยท 3 years
Deep in a remote forest, on a remote archipelago there is a flower.
This is the first time in an aeon that these seeds were thawed and able to grow.
There is also a squirrel. This squirrel has yet to notice the flower, but soon, and quite peculiarly, this flower will become the squirrel's favorite flower. It will spend days going from one bloom to the next, smelling and being covered in the pollen. Inadvertently pollinating a hundred extra fruit for the next season.
In the coming winter the squirrel will have a sense of loss and longing for the blooms it cannot quite remember. It will bury the fruit from the flower to tide itself over. It will not know that the fruit is what has become of its beloved blooms. It will not remember the blooms, only the sensation of loving them.
In the spring the squirrel will rejoice in rediscovering the blooms. It will once again spread pollen far and wide, and feast on seeds in winter.
After only a handful of years the weather shall reach incredible extremes that once again make the flower hibernate and steal the squirrel's home.
In a handful of decades the sea water will rise too far and deposit salt in the earth. The ground will never be sufficient for the flowers again.
Man shall never see them.
Man shall never know of the squirrel that loved them.
But for this season, the squirrel has found a novel and beautiful thing and embraced the possibilities.
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