#hwth au
tommyinnit-simp-95 · 1 year
*stumbles in wearing a hat that has a 23 on it* Hey, hi! So this chapter is officially done and as of now HwtH is on a temporary hiatus.
I will continue writing once I get home from my trip (yes I know I'm not leaving for a while but I will be working on a new mafia au chapter til I do leave) so hopefully this will tide y'all over!
Also I am officially 23 as of the 26th. Yay! 🎉
TW: Cursing
Dreams' mood swings
Mention of Jared
Underage Drunk
X cusses
If I missed any please tell me and I'll update the warnings!
"He was already so far under your spell that I know he would've killed anyone for you, even himself, back then. So why take them? Why attempt to break him even more when he was already prepared to die for you?"
"Don't you remember when you said you were disappointed in him because he didn't trust you back at the church and he fell to his goddamn KNEES and begged you for forgiveness and the truth?!"
Gritting his teeth Phil raised his fist back. "SAY SOMETHING!"
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127tyong · 2 years
Running 2 U (M)
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Pairing: OC X Shotaro
Genre: PWP (lots of plot), Fluff, College AU
Warnings: Explicit Language
A/N: These mini series can be read however you want. This is Mini Chapter 1, so it came after Part 1, but if you read it after the end of the story you might notice things you wouldn't have otherwise…
A/N/N: Also, these are stand alone pieces! You don't have to read them at all, and you don't have to read HWTH to read them. You might not understand a few things, but I wrote them with the intention that you wouldn't have to.
Jisoo never really had any interest in dating anyone. She would always hang out with her girl friends, especially her childhood friend, who she ended up going to college with. 
But when she went to freshman orientation a month before school started, she met someone really cute, named Jaemin.  Jaemin was the average frat boy, funny, sociable, attractive. But of course, it was obvious that if she flirted with him that he'd only want sex. She kept him around as a friend, but it did mean she would never see him as more than that.
Jisoo developed a habit of calling Jaemin when she needed someone to hang out with and the girls were gone. Jaemin didn't want to introduce Jisoo to any of the other boys, since he saw her more like his little sister more than anything. However, every time they got drunk or high together, Jisoo would cry about how she wanted to find true love.
So, Jaemin decided to set up her and one of his friends.
It wasn't exactly planned, but Jaemin knew that Jisoo wanted to be treated tenderly and lovingly by a man, so he knew who to introduce Jisoo to…
Shotaro. Shotaro knew Jaemin was planning something, let's be real, Jaemin isn't exactly the best to hide his feelings. However, Shotaro wasn't exactly planning for his college experience to be like this…
Shotaro liked to hang out with Jaemin more than anyone else on campus. Since Shotaro was an international student and he didn't know many people, Jaemin became his go to for a source of entertainment.
Jisoo and Shotaro naturally met after a few weeks, since they both hung around Jaemin a lot. At first impression, Jisoo thought Shotaro was too weak and frail, not like a man. He acted like a baby otter, curious, giggly, and cute. Jaemin knew it would only be a matter of time before they started dating.
One night, when Jisoo was sleeping on Jaemin's couch…
"Psst! Hey! Jisoo! Wake up!" Shotaro shook Jisoo awake.
"What…" Jisoo sat up. 
"Let's get out of here. Jaemin told me Jeno's bringing a girl over so we gotta get out." Shotaro grabbed Jisoo's bag. "C'mon, you can sleep in my bed. It'll be more comfortable anyways."
Jisoo grabbed her glasses off the coffee table and put them on, then slid on her slippers. "Let's go. You can drive my car." Jisoo walked out of the room.
Shotaro fumbled around, looking for Jisoo's keys in her tote bag.
Jisoo sighed and took her bag back from Shotaro. "Here." She placed the keys in his hand. "Let's go see if we can find a midnight snack."
The two ended up at a convenience store. Jisoo and Shotaro both bought ramen.
"Hey, do you want some of mine? My dance team is making me diet." Shotaro looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him.
Jisoo tied her hair up into a bun. "What? Diet?" She slurped her ramen. "You should quit. You're already slim." 
Shotaro sighed, then took a bite. "I have to lose 2 pounds if I want to perform."
"Man, fuck them!" Jisoo took another giant bite, then sipped the broth, finishing her meal. "You're perfect.
Shotaro sighed. "You know what? You're right! I'm gonna eat."
"Good boy." Jisoo pet Shotaro's head as he ate.
"Stop treating me like a child." Shotaro blew on his noodles.
“Take it, it’s the closest you’ll get to my complimenting you.” Jisoo rolled her eyes. “So what do you know about the girl Jeno’s fucking?” “She’s hot. Giant titties. That’s about it.” Shotaro shrugged.
Jisoo felt a bit insecure. She didn’t have big titties, at least in her opinion. She knew her ass was nice, but she always wanted big breasts. Nonetheless, she wasn’t planning on ever sleeping with Jeno, so she didn’t care.
She sighed. “So typical.”
“What do you mean by that?” Shotaro asked in between sips of water.
“All men care about are big titties.” She scoffed. 
“Honestly, I’m more of an ass guy.”
Jisoo nearly spat out her food. "Why would you tell me that?"
Shotato shrugged. "I mean, yours is really nice."
Jisoo started choking. "Where is this all coming from?"
"Now you can stop treating me like a kid." 
Jisoo scoffed. "If you want me to so badly…" 
Shotaro finished his meal, then threw away his and Jisoo's trash. "Let's go home."
When they got to Shotaro's house, Jisoo went to lay on his couch.
"You can sleep on my bed." Shotaro pulled her up.
"Where are you gonna sleep then?" Jisoo sat up.
"Probably on the couch." Shotaro sat next to Jisoo.
Jisoo pushed him off the couch. "This is your house, sleep in your own bed."
"Nah, I'm fine." Shotaro hugged Jisoo. "Or we can sleep together."
"Sure, sleep with me. After all, you are just a kid." Jisoo went into Shotaro's room and laid down on the bed, Shotaro following her.
"Remember what I said about me saying your ass is nice?" Shotaro scoffed. "And you still wanna sleep with me?"
Jisoo laughed. "I know you won't do anything." Jisoo tied up her hair into a bun.
Shotaro climbed on top of Jisoo. "I'm a man too, you know." Shotato grabbed Jisoo's hand. "Your hands are so small compared to mine, you wouldn't even be able to defend yourself."
Jisoo pushed Shotaro off. "I don't see you as one."
Shotaro sighed, and took off his shirt. "Then it's fine to cuddle, then? After all, I'm not a man to you…"
Jisoo bit her lip, knowing she couldn't take back her previous statements. She flipped to lay on her side. "Fine! Whatever you want!"
Shotaro chuckled, and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Sleep tight."
There was no way Jisoo would be able to sleep well in that position.
The next morning, Jisoo woke up alone, so she checked her texts.
i'm at dance practice. you can leave whenever you want, just text me before you leave. i'll be home around 2 if u wake up late. i made french toast if u want any.
It was currently 1, so she decided to just stay and wait for Shotaro.
i just woke up. i'll wait for u.
Jisoo went to the kitchen to eat. Surprisingly, Shotato was pretty decent at cooking. However, since Shotaro cooked for her, she decided to cook lunch for him. After all, she was majoring in culinary arts. She made grilled salmon and rice, since that's all Shotaro kept in the house.
She went to watch TV until Shotaro came home, but she stole one of Shotaro's shirts and boxers to make herself comfy. She smelt the scent of his cologne on the shirt, and she always knew that he took care of himself, but something about the way Shotaro treated her made her realize that he was actually very attractive. 
"Hey Jisoo, I'm home." The sound of the beeping door startled her.
"Hi Shotaro. Sorry, I stole your clothes, mine got sweaty." 
"Nah it's fine. Did you cook? It smells amazing."
Jisoo stood up and started to serve lunch. "Yep, grilled salmon, rice, miso soup, and pickled cucumber."
"You're amazing, I love you." Shotaro gave Jisoo a back hug and cuddled into her.
Jisoo pet his head, her face flushed. "Yeah, yeah, eat before it gets cold."
However, Shotaro didn't let go. "Let me hug you for a bit. It feels like you're my girlfriend."
"Shush, take me on a real date then we'll talk." Jisoo stepped away from Shotaro.
"Deal! I'll take you out to dinner tonight, how about that?" 
Jisoo kissed Shotaro's forehead. "Fine."
Jisoo had put in about 2 hours into her hair and makeup, but she would never admit that. She wore a plain dress, but made sure it was tight enough to where Shotaro could see her ass. She had her best lingerie on, despite never imagining she would fuck Shotaro.
Shotaro texted Jisoo.
i'm out front.
give me 5 more mins
Jisoo was still pacing around her dorm room.
"Ugh! I'm so stupid!" She ripped the earrings out of her ears and put them back into her jewelry box. "Fuck this." She shook her hair, the curls falling out of her hair.
She ran out of the room, and went to Shotaro's car, which was parked in the student parking lot.
"Hey Ji." Jisoo sat in the passenger seat.
"Hi Sho." 
Shotaro placed his arm on the back of the seat Jisoo was sitting in so he could back out, and Jisoo felt butterflies in her stomach. She so desperately wanted this date to go well.
“So, we’re getting tonkatsu ramen, you okay with that?"
“Sounds good.” Jisoo fidgeted with her hair. "Whatever you want." ~
When they got to the restaurant, Shotaro told Jisoo to wait, then walked over to open the door for her. "Oh, wow, you're even acting nicer today!"  Jisoo stepped out of the car as Shotaro held her hand and he put his hand over the roof of the car so Jisoo wouldn't hit her head.
Even though Jisoo was acting snarky, the truth was that Jisoo felt nauseous from all the butterflies in her stomach. No man ever treated her so well, not even her father did something like that for her.
"It's just the bare minimum babe." Shotaro kissed the hand he was holding. "Trust me, I can do a lot better than that."
Jisoo giggled and pulled him into the restaurant. "Gosh, you're too much."
Shotaro pulled out her seat when they got their table. "So, I'm paying so you can order whatever you want." 
"With what money?" Jisoo laughed. "I can pay, it's fine."
"Your Dior modeling money probably doesn't pay as well as busking does. Just let me pay." Shotaro sighed.
"Fine, I'll pay next time." Jisoo pouted.
After they ordered, they chatted a bit about life. Jisoo is a model for Dior and a TikTok influencer. Shotaro works for a dance studio and does busking. 
When their food got served, Jisoo looked around her purse for a hair tie.
"Ugh! I'm so stupid, I can't believe I forgot something like this!"
"First of all, you're not dumb, secondly, let me do your hair."
Shotaro pulled out a slim box and opened it, and inside was a hair stick.
"Oh, Shotaro, it's beautiful." Jisoo touched it, the jade end and silver tassles sparking.
Shotaro stood behind Jisoo and started to tie her hair up. "Now I'm thankful that my mom forced me to learn how to do her hair when I was a kid." 
Shotaro's fingers grazed along her ears as he tied her hair up, giving Jisoo shivers. He was always so gentle with her, trying to keep her comfortable. He twisted her hair into a bun and stuck the stick in. Finally, he finished, and leaned over to give her a back hug and kiss on the cheek.
"I was going to give it to you after our date, but it seems you need it now." Shotaro sat back down.
Jisoo pulled out her phone and looked at herself. "You should do my hair everyday, I love it, thank you."
Shotaro smiled at her. "Of course. Now eat before your food gets cold."
Shotaro watched her eat. "Do you still not see me as a man?"
Jisoo choked a bit. "Um… I guess not anymore?"
"Can I be yours then?"
Jisoo laughed. "You already are."
Shotaro took Jisoo home after they finished eating. 
"Do you want to come to my room? My roommate isn't home…" Jisoo held onto Shotaro's sleeve.
Shotaro laughed. "You stop seeing me as a kid, and all of a sudden you wanna fuck?"
"Shush! Do you wanna or not?" Jisoo got out of the car.
Shotaro followed her. “I never said no.”
“Well, come with me then.”
“You really have no idea how long I’ve waited to do this with you.” Shotaro grabbed her hand and pushed her into her dorm.
Shotaro grabbed Jisoo by the back of her head and started to kiss her roughly. He started to push her into her bedroom and tossed her onto her bed.
"Only you would wear a tight dress on a first date." Shotaro pulled down the straps of Jisoo's dress, letting it fall off her.
"And only you would hook up with one of your best friends after one date." Jisoo unhooked her bra.
Shotaro slid off Jisoo's thong. "You're not just a friend anymore, though."
Jisoo laughed and cupped her hands on Shotaro's cheeks. "I can't believe you're doing this. I mean, I thought you would be submissive."
Shotaro laughed and kissed Jisoo. "Oh my God, you do realize I only acted innocent because you wanted me to?"
"What? I never said that!" Jisoo giggled as Shotaro pulled back.
"There was one time we all got drunk and you said you wanted a boy that would listen to you well! After that I tried to be good to you…" Shotaro started to look around Jisoo's room for a condom.
"Wait, I said that like, when we first met!" Jisoo rolled over and watched Shotaro. "Also, if you're looking for a condom, you don't need to use one, I'm on the pill."
Shotaro smirked and kneeled in front of Jisoo, then spread her legs open. "In that case, I won't hold back anymore."
Shotaro rubbed Jisoo's clit in order to make her a bit more sensitive. "How many fingers?"
Jisoo bit her lip, holding back her moans. "Huh?" She asked between ragid breaths.
Shotaro slipped a finger into her wet cunt. "How many fingers do you think I can fit inside you?" His index finger began exploring her.
"Um, maybe 2?" Jisoo's voice became higher pitched.
"I think you can take 4." Shotaro laughed. "Let's make a bet. If you can take 4 fingers, you'll let me cum inside you."
"You were always gonna cum inside me Sho." Jisoo giggled in between moans.
Shotaro slid two more fingers into Jisoo. "You know me so well."
"Shotaro! That's too much!" Jisoo tossed her head back and began pulling up the bedsheets.
"No, no." Shotaro's fingers were already completely covered in a creamy liquid, but he kept on pumping his fingers in and out, curling them up, anything. "You can still take one more. I know you can handle it, princess."
Jisoo started breathing heavier. "No, Sho, I'm gonna cum!"
Shotaro took his fingers out. "I didn't tell you that you could cum yet, did I?" Shotaro kissed Jisoo's cheek.
"Shotaro…" Jisoo groaned.
"Well, I guess we both lost." Shotaro laughed and kept kissing Jisoo.
"Ugh… Whatever, cum inside me anyways." Jisoo flipped onto her hands and knees.
Shotaro kissed Jisoo's shoulder. "Aw, you're no fun." He grabbed onto her hair and forced her to arch her back. "Good girl."
"Don't tease me…" Jisoo turned her head to look at Shotaro.
Shotaro teased Jisoo with his tip. "But you look so cute right now, so pretty."
Jisoo leaned her hips onto Shotaro's cock. "You're too much…"
Shotaro shoved Jisoo's head back down onto the pillow, then clicked his tongue. "C'mon, be a good girl!"
Jisoo groaned, unable to think of a response.
"Are you gonna be a good girl?" 
Jisoo nodded, despite her head still being under Shotaro's hand.
And with that, Shotaro shoved his entire length into Jisoo.
Jisoo was far from a virgin. She lost her virginity her sophomore year of high school, and she was definitely known as the "campus whore". But even all that experience could not prepare her for Shotaro.
"Shotaro!" Jisoo moaned into the pillow. "Fuck, you're so big!"
Shotaro dug his fingers into Jisoo's hips, desperate moans emerging. "Fucking hell… so tight."
Shotaro collapsed onto Jisoo, his head on her shoulder, accidentally immediately cumming. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry Jisoo… I never… fuck."
"Is it that good?"
"Huh?" Shotaro mumbled, still worn out from his orgasm.
"Is my pussy that good?" Jisoo giggled, sitting up, simultaneously pushing Shotaro up. She turned around and faced him, his head falling back onto her shoulder.
Shotaro whined. "Let me fuck you some more."
Jisoo laughed. "Of course you have to fuck me more, I haven't even came once yet." Jisoo grabbed some lube out of her drawers and poured some onto Shotaro's still hard dick.
Shotaro shivered from the cold lube. "You don't need lube, you're wet enough."
"Yeah, no fucking way." Jisoo hovered over Shotaro's lap, facing him. "I might be wet, but your dick is still like, 9 inches."
"Don't underestimate me. I'm 10 inches." Shotaro slapped her ass.
"No way I believe that."
"Sit on it then. I wasn't even fully inside you when I fucked you." Shotaro smirked.
"Wait what? Why didn't you put it all inside me!" Jisoo pouted.
"Because I didn't want to break you." Shotaro played with the end of Jisoo's hair.
Jisoo quickly shoved Shotaro's entire length inside of her, and she immediately knew Shotaro wasn't lying. 
"Good girl. Always been such a good girl when it came to what I wanted…" Shotaro held onto Jisoo's hips as she slowly started to bounce up and down.
Jisoo bit her lip to keep her moans in.
Jisoo started to gradually increase her speed.
Shotaro dug her fingers into her hips. "You're so beautiful when you're on top."
"Shotaro…" Jisoo breathily moaned out.
"I know babe, you're doing well." Shotaro kissed Jisoo's hand.
"I wanna…"
"Wait until I say you can."
"Please… p-please…" Jisoo's moans started to get louder and more shaky. 
"Jisoo, I'm gonna-" 
Jisoo collapsed onto Shotaro's chest, feeling the warm, thick liquid flow inside her again, coming at the same time Shotaro did.
"Always been such a good girl." Shotaro brushed Jisoo's hair out of her face and kissed her until she fell asleep in his arms.
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tiggys-bitch · 6 years
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Apologies for not updating HWTH in ages, life’s a bit hectic for @papa-chibs and i at the moment.
I hope this edit of Rissa and Chibs helps you beans to forgive us !!
Babydoll and Lassie.
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127tyong · 1 year
hi ai !!! i hope youre doing good 💗 also i cant wait for the next part of hwth 😭 im just scared that i might forget the storyline bcs i read so many other aus 😩🙏🏻 also also do i ask here or on your side blog??
- 🍬
lowkey same i've written so many other stories recently LOL
as for the ask thing, im thinking about disabling asks on this account? im not 100% sure yet, tbh 😭
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tiggys-bitch · 6 years
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Highway To Hell AU:
Chibs: G’mornin’ lass. Guessin’ you had a good night?
Rissa: Stop shouting.. And please get me a bucket.
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