#i Just see so many ppl say that pt1&2 are SO different and I’m like…a bit yeah but at the soul it’s all still there
hallwyeoo · 10 months
Maybe a controversial take but I think the themes and ideas of tlou1&2 are pretty aligned, actually, and the difference is pt2 forces you into the other perspective instead of just hinting at it like pt 1 does (for example, if in tlou1 we played sections as Marlene before outbreak/before Anna’s death/ as Ellie is being brought to the fireflies)
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iii-was-stumblin · 5 years
Seems you're answering a different ask to the two I sent, because you're responding with questions to statements I never made. "Oh god are you the same person that was beyond rude to WHML?" Pardon? "How would he have been able to keep it a mystery since apparently everyone “knew for years” that it was him" I never said they knew then. We found out after tour when 1D broke up, more than 3 years ago. "Tell me this, if all these Larry shippers REALLY ruined their lives" Who said that? Not me [pt1]
pt 2 However L & H DID say on camera while sitting next to each other that there was nothing between them. Pls don’t pretend it made any difference to Larries. Nor did the birth of Louis’ son. They’re standard floorboards, different coloured walls. Not Harry’s writing. Larry Grayson was closeted yes, like many icons of gay culture. And? And no, only Larries assign meaning to blue & green, their lighting tech and sound engineer were unlikely to know this since it’s just a silly Larrie fan thing.
Pt 3 Because larries = easily manipulated sources of money and support that’s why. But clearly harry and Louis are both over the queerbaiting for fandom engagement/cash now. And good for them. But maybe too little too late. Do we really know who and what we are stanning? Or do we just think we know who these ppl are? In a way larry protects Louis/Harry from further scrutiny. They hide behind a rainbow shield and we hold them up as some kind of queer angels when that may be misplaced trust.
I’m asking questions because I want to know more about your opinion, I asked if you were the person who was rude WHML out of curiosity, if you’re not GREAT. I asked the other questions because I wanted to see if you had explanations for the things that happened, if you found out after the tour then FUCKING TELL ME THAT because i didn’t know shit about him. I looked this guy up and found this post. Now, I want to make clear that I don’t think Harry and Louis 100% ran the bears. It seems way too good to be true. And they most likely didn’t have the time to. I feel like it was managements smart way of larrie baiting. They knew the band was going on hiatus and fans were probably going to start to lose interest so they used the bears to excite the fans. But the bears were meant to be connected to Larry.
I am aware you didn’t say that. I, again, was asking you a question to get your opinion. Don’t you think that if the rumours really affected their lives they would come out and say that it was??
Which denial do you mean? The one where Louis was laughing behind Harry’s back and being very touchy, the one where Harry looked like he had just been fucked? Or the one were he constantly said “genuinely, seriously”? Oh wait that was both of them. Those denials were NOT proper denials. He was saying “some people genuinely, seriously think we’re in a relationship”…..yes? Some people do? I’ve said this time and time again. That was a statement not a denial.
I do think that Freddie is his, and yes it did affect a lot of larries. Wdym and?? There was a framed picture of Larry Grayson infront of the bears, his name is Larry and he was closeted, just like h&l. Larries assign blue and green to their colour because IT’S THEIR FUCKING COLOURS. Their mics are blue and green, their eyes are blue and green, they know how much blue and green means to the Larry fandom.
In conclusion: I do think the bears were larriebaiting, I do not think it was only Harry and Louis involved, i think it was management that allowed it to happen, and it was the art director who actually bought all the costumes and placed them on stage and shined the lights on them.
If I’m missing anything on this post then tell me because I’m tired and loopy and I’m not sure what I’m typing.
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heartsoftruth · 6 years
Pt1: Your last anon says that people on your blog try to make french people pass for sick fucks, but as a french I can assure you that our mentality here is clearly no better than anywhere, I see some trashy media similar to closer or public talk about Neymar and Rafa relationship and saying that it's weird and questionable, our mentality is sick for real, I read some of your french anon and they're right. French people and France are not better than the rest of the world, sometimes we are worse
Anonymous said:Pt2: But the problem is that us (french people) really don’t like when you talk bad about us or point out our flaws, don’t believe what you see on TV and movies, France is not just Paris, romance and the Eiffel Tower, we are definitly not perfect, trust me we have a lot bad sides like so much racism, politics problems, women’s inequality and violence, rape, poverty, homless people and a so much other things, french people are not all angels (of course I generalize)
Anonymous said:Final part: but just look at how we react about Ney and Rafa, we are the one who make a big deal about it for nothing, it was worse than in BCN or anywhere, even in my school people talked about it, a lot of french are really not open minded, we are not close of our siblings here but it’s not a fuckin reason to clam incest, plus we were so vulgar on the tweets. You can see how much assholes we have here too, ppl think that bc Ney is celeb its nothing to insult or invent dumb rumors about him..
So just as I answered my French anon  a couple days ago) who told: “Hey, no offense, but can everyone please stop make French people look like sick fucks ?? Anons are reaaaally exagerating I” You come with this message… 
I would normally laugh at the irony, might it be that I have to answer it now and I don’t want to get blasted xD 
I’m just going step by step with this xD 1. “I read some of your french anon and they’re right. “ - I have no idea what they’re right about tho? Are you refereeing to the French anon I just quoted here above?2. Of course I know France isn’t just Paris. France is much much more. You have the beautiful south (who I love to visit but it always looks beautiful on TV) and the North (where I’ve visited a few places). 
Doesn’t any citizen dislike it when people outside of it talk bad about your own country tho? I mean… I could list a few things about every country here and you will see how many people who live there will be pissed off. (so I won’t do that haha xD)
I have no problem if you say we Dutch people walk on clogs, eat cheese, go to the red light district and smoking weed all day. Those stereotypes don’t bother me at all… I think we all used to hearing that when we go on a vacay and say where we from (the weed part for sure). For me it would be more of a problem if you want to have an in dept discussion about my country and don’t know wtf you’re talking about ending up pissing me off. 
Racism/political problems (with far right parties) are sadly something of the last couple of years and with many countries these days. You have Le Pen, we have Wilders, Belgium has De Winter, the US has Trump, AfD in Germany etc etc. It’s taking over because people are sadly afraid. 
I think in Paris alone you can see everything what you just said if you look/go outside of the city centre. The poverty, homeless, immigrants on the streets etc. I think that has improved compared to the camps you used to had in Paris… I have no idea about rape etc, but I think as women we’re always alert on the streets. That’s sadly how it is… 
On the other hand I think almost every country has these same problems. The only difference is that not every country has the same no1 problem and not every country has enough finances to deal/find a solution for the problems they have. 
You can also say we both live in a country where you know there’s freedom of speech, elections, maybe not equal pay but other than that women and men are equal, same sex marriage. From what Wikipedia just told me your college intuition is also very low so you have the chance to become what you want if you have the brains of course haha. But even the fact that you have the chance to go to school and work on the future. Instead of having to work to help your family. Do you know how many people dream of that? I mean we sometimes forget how blessed we are to be born in a country we were born in, but dont forget that.
Every country has it’s flaws. Yours has, mine has, the person who’s reading this her/his country has flaws too. But I damn sure love my country: flaws and all!
3. Like I said to that other anon. I don’t think it’s a French thing per se. I think it’s more of a western vs other culture/country thing. Here in Holland people would probably react the same way. Germany, Belgium etc etc probably too. 
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