#i am also thinking her mother is from asshai and was the one to teach vanna and her mother the binding ritual?
thedeadthree · 2 years
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diamondperfumes · 9 months
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@saltywinteradult I don't know why you blocked me before screenshotting my post and reposting it to, I suppose, "refute" my post amongst your followers, but I welcome open discussion at any time! I don't like this back and forth of screenshotting. You definitely don't need to censor my username either, as I stand by what I said and don't see any problem with it. If your followers have issues with what I said too, they can easily reply to the post I wrote, or send me an ask (I'm pretty sure my inbox is open; please let me know if not).
That said, I think this post is a good encapsulation of the reasoning fans have for hating Daenerys, but also an encapsulation of why I love her:
Murder is horrific. That applies as much to Dany burning Mirri alive in a magical ritual as it does to Mirri murdering Dany's baby in her womb. And you are absolutely entitled to finding Dany a horrifying character for murdering an enslaved woman. What I love about Dany, though, is that she is not a hypocrite or an aestheticized martyr. She refuses to let bad things happen to her loved ones without reprisal. She will not accept the death of her child blithely. Just as any other parent or family member who seeks vengeance for their loved ones, be it Robb Stark, Lady Stoneheart, the Sand Snakes, Doran Martell, and more, Dany will not forgive the woman who murdered her son. Her son is her bottom line, just as he was when Viserys threatened his life, making Dany finally accept that he was no longer her brother. And I would much rather that Dany do the "horrible thing," an act of vengeance and blood magic, than forgive Mirri. Forgiving Mirri would not have been a realistic or human response. Above all, GRRM writes well fleshed out, human characters. I relate to the Dany who loves her children so much that she'll forgive pain to herself (for example, she bears no ill will toward Mirri for causing her the exruciating physical pain of a miscarriage) but not to her children, people, or loved ones. I relate to the Dany who is angry at those who harm her loved ones, and is ruthless and furious rather than passive and docile in the face of that pain and suffering. I relate to the Dany who, as a teenage bridal slave pit against another slave, made an arguably selfish decision. I want my female characters to make at times selfish, at times horrific choices, in the name of love, family, motherhood. GRRM created a beautifully multidimensional female character in breaking from the "passive recipient of violence" mold for so many fantasy women––violence is done unto Dany, but she will not be the submissive, obedient, demure martyr who dies or suffers to make others comfortable. Her baby had meaning to her. Her baby was her home. And she avenged that loss, as I'd expect any realistic, human mother to.
In a feudalist setting, any character who did what Mirri did would've been executed. Mirri expected to be executed to, and in fact goaded Dany with that intent. I would love if you, or anyone else, would name someone who'd forgive Mirri and let her go in this situation! I genuinely am curious to see if you can come up with anyone. If Mirri was going to be executed anyway, I much prefer Dany's mentality––"She told herself that there were powers stronger than hatred, and spells older and truer than any the maegi had learned in Asshai. The night was black and moonless, but overhead a million stars burned bright. She took that for an omen."––than just pure hatred. Dany creates life out of death. As Mirri teaches her, "if life was meaningless, what was death?" "only death may pay for life." She could have beheaded Mirri in one go, and such violence may have satiated her anger, but what would be left? The cycle of life and death is ever present in Dany's arc, and I find it fascinating. Most of the characters who behead or murder people, even innocents, like Ned Stark with Gared (the starting action of AGOT), have no interest in creating life from death. They emphasize the finality of death; Dany transcends it.
If it was just enough for Dany to burn Mirri, then I myself wouldn't praise the act as much. All the loss Dany experienced, the upheaval and pain and suffering, went into the birth of the dragons. She had to follow the clues left behind in her blood and dreams to understand that the ultimate key to the ritual was her own sacrifice. Dany did not just stand by and watch as Mirri burned. She walked into that funeral pyre herself, with, yes, bravery in her heart (I noticed that some people were mocking that phrase of mine in the tags of my post, but does it not take bravery to walk into fire?). If she didn't sacrifice her own life and self, the dragons would not have hatched. Thus you may argue that Dany is a hypocrite for burning Mirri, but Dany involved her own being in the ritual too. She paid the price for the ritual and suffered its consequences in the loss of Rhaego and the splintering of the Khalasar.
Mirri is not innocent in the act of murdering Rhaego. One of the clever aspects of GRRM's writing is that characters like Mirri and Penny serve to problematize the overall heroism of characters like Dany and Tyrion. Dany and Tyrion are still heroes (though of course, for most of the fandom, they are villains, and I'm sure for you they are both villains as well). Very rarely do authors give characters like Mirri agency. And it's not as if George has given all of those positioned characters that agency. Jeyne Poole, Gilly, Lollys and Falyse Stokeworth, Pia, they don't get these kinds of emotionally charged, high tension moments with their respective POV characters. They get emotional moments, yes, but the space to call out the POV characters? Mirri and Penny get that. Mirri has the textual agency to express her motivations, act on her motivations, and explain them to Dany. She is an intelligent woman. Trying to take away her culpability in Rhaego's murder is not a progressive or feminist reading, in my view; it strips her of her agency and her motivations. Now, if you want to argue that she had every right to murder Rhaego, that is a separate conclusion! But as to whether or not she did murder Rhaego, it's undeniable. And even if you don't believe me, or Dany, both the official ASOIAF app and the ASOIAF appendices list her as the murderer.
I would love if someone sent this to @saltywinteradult! I enjoy healthy debate (I put that post in the ASOIAF tag for a reason). What I don't like is back-and-forth screenshotting. If you don't want to have a conversation with me that's no problem, but I find it odd to screenshot someone you have blocked and discuss her post. Why don't we have a free discussion? That's why I made a tumblr account, to discuss ASOIAF. Please let me know your thoughts!
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starkandstormborn · 5 years
ohemdiving back into the fanfic life after gendrya left us for dead (rip us).
chapters all in the canon-verse trying to make sense of things but also their ending is gendry on that damn boat so don’t even with me (!)
most will be in arya’s pov but might dabble into gendry b’s too depending but she’s so complex and we need to get in that girl’s head to make sense of the nonsensical bs that was the s8 finale eps * sigh * 
ill upload on a03 and fanfiction once my membership’s been approved coz this gal hasn’t been on these sites in an ice ageeee
but here’s a sneak of what’s to come. this is for you, my fellow gendrya lovers <3 
the world is yours and mine chapter I - set after the long night battle, gendry’s proposal, etc.
In her eyes, she has one purpose. Kill the queen on the Iron Throne who watches and hears and knows. Kill the queen who understands the power of the living against the dead. Kill the queen who fears Daenerys Targaryen who marches astride a powerful army who will fight for her, who will kill for her, who will die for her.
Two powerful women, one evil, one good, perhaps. But both dangerous. To the living and the yet to live.
Knock, aim, loose.
She shuts out the pandemonium, the chaos of the celebrations coming from outside the walls where the Dothraki are situated and extending towards the Great Hall where she knew her family is. She took food from the kitchens earlier, sneaking warm, fresh-baked bread and a bowl of hot stew she dipped it in. She ate on the fortifications overlooking the pyres where the smell of the burning bodies still lingered.
She would’ve joined in on the celebrations at the Great Hall but truthfully, she was still very, very tired. They stitched up the scar on her forehead well enough, but a bruise still formed that snaked around her eyes and down the right-side of her face. It hurt to move her face at times and the thought of having to repeat her thanks to every congratulations made her head hurt.
She ate quick enough and stayed long enough in the cold for her insides to burn in that familiar, throbbing way that she had almost forgotten about as she faced literal death and willed herself against it a mere day ago. Not today. Not today.
Now death calls again. The only death she will demand of the red god. And if she perishes with her, then so be it. There’ll be no coming home.
She faces the target and sees her father. Knock. She remembers his kind eyes shining in amusement and pride at her. Aim. She looks at the target and pictures the face that took him from her. Cersei. Loose.
And barely misses Gendry.
“Don’t shoot,” he says with his hands raised as he makes his way towards her. She smiles at him fondly as she picks up another arrow to knock.
“It’s night time, it’s freezing, and everyone’s celebrating,” he says, taking his place beside her. “You should be celebrating with them.”
She aims and lets loose, her eyes fixed on her target.
“I am celebrating.”
“I am too.”
She picks up another arrow and readies herself to knock before he speaks again.
“I’m not Gendry Rivers anymore,” he says, “I’m Gendry Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End. By order of the queen.”
She looks at him then, genuine surprise written on her face.
“Congratulations,” she says, and means it. He takes her by surprise and kisses her and parting before she could register what just occurred.
“I don’t know how to be a lord of anything, I hardly know how to use a fork!” he says, his hand gripping her arms and his eyes fixed on hers.
“All I know is that you’re beautiful and I love you and none of it would be worth anything if you’re not with me.”
She beams up at him, slightly perturbed at the emotions he’s awakening inside her; this silly boy that she’s been in love with and would have followed to the ends of the earth if he had asked. She looks at him, a little dazed by his confession, as he continued.
“So be with me,” he says, and her heart stops a little at the intent she reads in his eyes. He takes one knee and looks up at her, hopeful. “Be my wife. Be the lady of Storm’s End.”
For a moment, she thinks of her father and how he would’ve loved Gendry Baratheon. She remembers his words to Sansa, her then idiot of a sister who proclaimed her vocal infatuation to Joffrey Lannister. Her father had said that he would arrange for Sansa to wed someone brave, and strong, and gentle. Someone who was kind and worthy of a daughter of the north.
It amuses Arya to think that her father had met Gendry before. It amuses her even more to think of what her father would’ve said if he found out that his Arya had fallen in love with Gendry Baratheon. With all of his bravery, and strength, and gentleness, and kindness. She wonders what her father would’ve said of a union between them now that he’s legitimised as Robert Baratheon’s son. She knows her father wouldn’t have wanted anyone less in character.
She imagines how their union would’ve been celebrated throughout the realm. A true Stark of the North and a legitimised Baratheon of Storm’s End. A rekindled hope for a realm that bled and died for a failed love between Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark.
She pictures Gendry with Jon, with Robb, with Bran and even with Rickon. She imagines that he’d get along well with her father and mother. She imagines her mother being quite amused by his naivety, but he’ll win her over through honour and respect. 
He’d learn to be more than just a smith. She could teach him to read, to write, to fight with a sword and have Maester Luwin teach him history and languages and the legends of First Men and the Targaryens since Aegon the Conqueror – her favourite stories.
She imagines sharing a life together, going off on adventures and travelling across the realm, visiting every part of the Seven Kingdoms and perhaps even beyond that. To Essos and all the lands beyond Braavos, to the Bay of Dragons and further towards Asshai and the Shadow Lands. They could even go and see what’s west of Westeros, if they wanted. Just the two of them, exploring, travelling, just living.
But that was for a different life. A life that’s passed now that her father, mother, Robb and Rickon aren’t here anymore. When Bran isn’t the three-eyed raven and her sister isn’t the Lady of Winterfell and Jon isn’t serving a Targaryen queen bent to rule over the Seven Kingdoms.
Perhaps, she thinks quite sadly, it’s a life for a different Arya too. The Arya that she knew before. The Arya that he knew before too. The Arya who was meant to live. This Arya, the Arya that she is now isn’t meant to think this way let alone to actually live it. She can’t second guess now. She can’t allow her feelings of sentiment overturn her purpose. She has to kill the queen or she will die trying.
And Gendry…
He’s still on one knee looking up at her with his hopeful eyes, waiting eagerly for her answer. An answer that she wishes she could grant him. An answer that a deep part of her is begging her to tell him.
But she knows that she can’t. She’s not a lady. She’s never been and never will be. She will die come the next war in Kings Landing and she will not bring him along with her. The red god will not have him. He deserves a family, even if it won’t be her.
She puts her bow away before leaning down and meeting him where he is on one knee. She takes his face in her hands and lets him know exactly how much he means to her as she takes his lips with her own. He holds on to her arms as she moves to stand up, their lips never parting. She holds his face, gently, lovingly, and he takes her lips this time and she savours it, savours him. She opens his eyes a second after he does, and she steels herself to let him go.
“You’ll be a wonderful lord,” she says, “and any lady will be lucky to have you.”
She doesn’t let herself feel the moment she sees his hopeful expression crumple into a mix of pain and confusion. She goes on. She needs to go on.
“But I’m not a lady,” she says, the final weapon in her arsenal. She needs him to understand that and she needs him to be angry at her. The only way for him to let her go is if she breaks his heart. At least then, he will not be anchored to her and It’ll hurt less when she leaves. Really leaves.
“I never have been,” she continues, looking up at him. “That’s not me.”
She immediately turns away to grab her bow, trying for that semblance of indifference. She wills him to understand as she picks up an arrow and knocks. She wills him to move on, to walk away, as she aims. She can feel him behind her, she can feel his pain, his confusion, his shock, and she wills him to forgive her…and to let her go.
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Hey :) How do you explain Dany being the mother of dragons and being able to handle and ride them if she's not a Targaryen? Just heard of the A + N = D theory and am very curious.
Hi! When people ask me these sorts of questions, I never know how genuine the interest is or how long I should rant about it and ‘offend’ all of the Dany Targaryen stans out there, lol.
Basically, the maesters are pretty much out to debunk any surviving text that remotely hints at ancient dragons or archaeological evidence of dragons, etc (the maesters are very against anything magical in general).
“These Asshai'i histories say that a people so ancient they had no name first tamed dragons in the Shadow and brought them to Valyria, teaching the Valyrians their arts before departing from the annals.”
They pretty much debunk this theory because the scrolls are “impossibly old” and because these ancient people didn’t 'conquer the world’ via dragons, so it must be false.
Dragons are supposed to have originated from Asshai, and even Illyrio tells Dany that this is where her eggs come from. Asshai was once within the territory of the Great Empire of the Dawn (Dawn, the name of the Dayne’s ten-thousand-year-old sword), which was ruled by various “gemstone emperors” such as Opal Emperor, Amethyst Empress, Tourmaline Emperor, and Jade Emperor…
Dany has a fever dream where she dreams this:
“Ghosts lined the hallway, dressed in the faded raiment of kings. In their hands were swords of pale fire. They had hair of silver and hair of gold and hair of platinum white, and their eyes were opal and amethyst, tourmaline and jade. ‘Faster,’ they cried, ‘faster, faster.’ She raced, her feet melting the stone wherever they touched. ‘Faster!’ the ghosts cried as one, and she screamed and threw herself forward. A great knife of pain ripped down her back, and she felt her skin tear open and smelled the stench of burning blood and saw the shadow of wings. And Daenerys Targaryen flew.… wake the dragon …"”
Okay well, we’ve got House Dayne whose colors are white and purple (amethyst), who possess silver and gold hair and amethyst eyes, whose ancient sword is unlike any other in Westeros, described as 'The blade was pale as milkglass, alive with light.’
It sounds like Dany is dreaming herself as the Amethyst Empress here, and she’s seeing the shadow of wings, followed by the line 'wake the dragon’.
And that’s just house Dayne.
Hot springs such as the one beneath Winterfell have been shown to be heated by the furnaces of the world—the same fires that made the Fourteen Flames or the smoking mountain of Dragonstone.
So we’ve got Winterfell which is geologically similar to the only other two places besides Asshai known to have dragons, we have legends of dragons in the bowels of Winterfell heating the springs, we have legends of the dragon Vermax laying eggs there, and the only two castles in Westeros protected by gargoyles (long-necked, fire-breathing dragon beast with bat-like wings) are Dragonstone and Winterfell.
Lastly, if only Targaryens can hatch or ride dragons, why was Jaehaerys so pissed about Elissa Farman’s stolen dragon eggs? Dragon eggs weren’t really in short supply at that point, meanwhile, the king wanted to hop on a dragon to stop her. Jaehaerys was also responsible for much of the pro-Targaryen propaganda:
“Targaryens had purple eyes and hair of gold and silver, they ruled the sky on dragons, the doctrines of the Faith and the prohibitions against incest did not apply to them…and they did not get sick.”
Yet one of his children died of illness… Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) was sick in the show, I think Dany got sick in the books.
So, something isn’t quite adding up, here about the idea that only Targaryens can ride dragons, or Valyrians.
There’s a great video that estimates just how much Valyrian or Targaryen blood is left in Jon and Dany after House Targaryen mingled with 'lesser men’ - Jon Snow at 17.3% and he still hopped on a dragon.
Anyway, I go into more depth about all of this on our site (under House Stark’s dragon origins and House Dayne’s ancient origins).
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hyperbolicpurple · 7 years
Worldbuilding Exchange Letter
Fandoms: Old Kingdom - Garth Nix, MCU, ASOIAF
So . . . I know it looks like I’m really favoring ASOIAF here, but I swear, it’s just because Martin’s world is so BIG but relatively little explored, and as a result there’s a huge number of things I want to know/see. But the scale of my desire for all these things is the same, if that makes sense. It’s just that for the Old Kingdom books and the MCU, I have one very specific desire.
Old Kingdom: Garth Nix Media: Art, Fic, Meta Characters: Lirael, No Characters Worldbuilding Elements: The Clayrs Library Details: I just reread the Abhorsen trilogy recently and found myself fascinated all over again by the Library and what it contains. I would love any art or stories about Lirael in particular, such as the adventures she had in the Library/discoveries that we didn’t get to see (feel free to include the Disreputable Dog as well). Or fic/art about anything that’s in the Library or the Library itself. For in-universe meta, any of the texts in the Library would be great (about pretty much any subject you can imagine - the Clayr themselves, the nature of Charter/Free Magic, the history of the Old Kingdom, etc), or perhaps some of the Librarians’ documents--documenting the history of the Library or its new additions, guidelines for conduct and procedure (did they add them in response to specific events, frex?), etc.
Marvel Cinematic Universe Media: Fic, Meta Characters: Jane Foster, Loki, Wanda Maximoff Worldbuilding Elements: relationship between magic and science Details: This element of the MCU has always fascinated me. I think these three characters are ideal to explore it; feel free to concentrate on any of them separately, but I would also love to see them in any combination if that’s something you’re into. For stories, you might throw a trope at them like a time loop, or explore any relevant background about the characters. For in-universe meta, documents like research (Jane), historical/theoretical Asgardian works (Loki), research notes about the scepter and its effects on people (Wanda), or relevant SHIELD docs on these characters would be excellent.
Here’s a link to a really big zoomable map of the known world.
Request 1:
Media: Fic Characters: Beric Dondarrian, Edric “Ned” Dayne, Jon Snow Worldbuilding Elements: effects of resurrection Details: Coming back from the dead changes people, man.
Beric & Jon could obviously provide their own perspective on their resurrections. For Beric, I’d love for you to flesh out what he’s told us about his experiences of progressively forgetting more and more about his previous life. What’s that like? Maybe a before/after character portrait? For Jon, I’d guess that he might experience the same forgetting effect as Beric (what would he forget? Winterfell? Arya? OUCH) but he might also deal with being stuck in Ghost for too long and becoming too much a wolf. Go where your heart desires. There’s never too much angst.
Ned would be something of an outsider perspective on either or both of these characters. Obviously he’s close to Beric--what does he see change? As his sister’s betrothed, Beric was like a brother--once--does that change when Beric changes? Potentially he could meet Jon post-resurrection, too. Perhaps there are some parallels/contrasts to be made between the two characters from an outside POV.
Request 2:
Media: Art, Fic Characters: Alayaya, Chataya Worldbuilding Elements: the Summer Isles Details: As first-gen and second-gen immigrants respectively, Chataya and Alayaya probably have somewhat different views of Summer Islander and Westerosi culture. I’d love to see that explored. Obviously sex work is a major difference (does Chataya struggle to convey the Summer Islander mentality about sex? Does Alayaya struggle to accept it, or struggle with differing Westerosi values about sex?), and I’d be happy to read about that, but you could pick anything else too: food, holidays, games & sports, etc, to compare or explore. Has Alayaya ever been to the Summer Islands? How does it diverge from her expectations/her mother’s stories? What were Chataya’s early years among the Westerosi like? What struggles did she encounter in building her business?
Request 3:
Media: Fic, Meta Characters: Marwyn the Mage, Septon Barth, Samwell Tarly, No Characters, Original Characters Worldbuilding Elements: Asshai & the Shadow Lands, Gods & Religion, Eldritch apocalypse theory, Maesters & the Citadel, Myths Legends & Songs, the decline of magic, the origins of the dragons Details: I’d love to read about any of these worldbuilding elements in the form of travel narrative/exploration fic, or the documents written about them.
Asshai & the Shadow Lands - I’m honestly so weirded out by what we know of Asshai. Creep me out. Shadowbinders heading up the river to Stygai? Demons? Is there any semblance of a social life in Asshai? Or tell me about the city’s history.
Gods & Religion: Am curious about Septon Barth in particular, and the view he brought to his research. Or perhaps something dealing with the Throne/Crown schism and Barth’s role in repairing it. Or pretty much any take on how religion has influenced anything.
Eldritch apocalypse theory: A basic introduction is here, and here is @poorquentyn‘s #eldtritch apocalypse tag. Pretty much whatever you want, run with it.
Maesters & the Citadel: history of, sociology of, anti-magic conspiracies, good old boarding school shenanigans, the minutiae of teaching/studying/taking exams, I’m up for it
Myths, Legends & Songs: Pick one and deconstruct it in Martin’s way or your own, or write a song or story (perhaps within a story), or tell us via legend how the whole thing comes out. How will future generations see the events of ASOIAF?
Decline of magic: I’m a believer in the maesters’ anti-magic conspiracy, and I’d love to read more about it--rationalizatons? internal documents? procedures? Or more generally--what effect did the decline of magic have on other cultures and economies in the world? Pick anywhere.
Origins of the dragons: I’m a fan of this theory about dragons (that’s more “origins of the dragonriding ability in Valyrians” but maybe of interest?), and of Septon Barth’s “bloodmages and wyvern stock” argument. Feel free to combine them if you want, or do something more mythical. Asshai might be of interest, per Bran’s vision of Asshai as a place where “dragons stirred beneath the sunrise.”
Request 4:
Media: Art, Fic, Meta Characters: Orphans of the Greenblood, Edric “Ned” Dayne Worldbuilding Elements: Dornish culture, Food & cooking, Games & Sports, Holidays of Westeros Details: More Dorne!
Orphans of the Greenblood: I’m really interested in the Rhoynish culture brought to Westeros and how it’s evolved/syncretized over time. Religious/magical beliefs would be cool. Daily life stuff/curtain fic would be awesome--building or decorating a houseboat, for example, or cooking and eating, all the other elements I requested. If you’re interested in it, Ysilla and Yandry’s return to the Mother Rhoyne would make a great story. Is it different from their expectations?
Ned Dayne: All the same stuff, but with the Andal-influenced Daynes instead. The salty/stony/sandy Dornishmen groupings are something I also find interesting--conflict, assumptions, stereotypes, etc--so feel free to play around with that, and Ned’s role as a lord governing people from multiple roups.
Request 5:
Media: Art, Fic Characters: Original Characters, No Characters Worldbuilding Elements: Food & cooking, Lives of the dosh khaleen, Life in the Neck, the origins of the dragons, Post-Doom Valyria, Yi Ti Details: In addition to original characters and no characters at all, there are several requests below where I add that you might
Food and cooking: For fic, I’m hankering for various “five things” type comparison stories. Five meals a certain character ate (in different regions/at different times of life). Five meals that happened in the same place across a large span of history in a particular region (the far north, Dorne, the Neck, etc). Etc. For art, I’m just a fan of food porn in general--feel free to illustrate a meal from the books, or characters--wildlings and various mountain clans are of interest to me, cooking while traveling is super cool, hunting, any character I’ve requested would be welcome.
Lives of the dosh khaleen: I’m fascinated by this aspect of Dothraki culture. What are the social relationships like here? Intra-dosh khaleen relationships? What roles do they have in governance, ritual, etc? Dress, ornamentation? Feel free to use straight, adapt, or just ignore the material from GOT season 6.
Life in the Neck: We know so little about it, so flesh out pretty much anything. Any of the Reeds we know would be great, but also feel free to jump around in history. Life before/after the hammer of the waters came down, for example. Curtain fanwork/domestic (or non-domestic) daily life stuff is the best. And their particular form of guerilla warfare against the Boltons (down with the Boltons!).
Origins of the dragons: I’m a fan of this theory about dragons (that’s more “origins of the dragonriding ability in Valyrians” but maybe of interest?), and of Septon Barth’s “bloodmages and wyvern stock” argument. Feel free to combine them if you want, or do something more mythical. Asshai might be of interest, per Bran’s vision of Asshai as a place where “dragons stirred beneath the sunrise.”
Post-Doom Valyria: What a place. Again, not much is known, so use your imagination. Feel free to go more fantastical--maybe it really is all just roaming demons now--or maybe more people oriented. Have people found a way to co-exist (or just eke out a difficult existence) with the demons? Or maybe the demons are just a smokescreen for people who want, for whatever reason, to be left alone? Per the eldritch apocalypse theory linked above, Euron’s trip to Valyria might be a very fruitful source of inspiration.
Yi Ti:
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