#i feel for chozen
Okayyyy terrible fanfic idea coming this way.
So y'know how I said that my friend mistook LaRusso for Kessler despite them looking nothing alike? Well, it's given me an idea.
In S5, we could argue that folks around Daniel believe he's crying wolf, yeah?
What if Silver, irony in the name, whilst doing a number on Daniel also gave him a parting gift? A way of saying, "You are Cobra Kai, my breed of Cobra Kai, whether you like it or not."
And Daniel has to spend the next week or two convincing everyone he hasn't lost his marbles and that Silver may be up to something much, much worse.
I'm just thinking about poor Chozen getting more and more concerned for Daniel.
"It was movie, Daniel-San! You must have had nightmare!" He points to the DVD cover of American Werewolf In London, "Fiction! Good fiction. But still! Fiction!"
*cue my evil, villainous laugh*
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This is the birth of a disaster.
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rosie-tyler · 1 month
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eaglefangz · 2 years
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what was it you said would happen, if i crossed your line? before i crossed it again and again? you will beg for mercy. right. well. time to find out.
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danielslaw · 1 year
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DANIEL LARUSSO AND CALI'S FAVORITE SHIPS. damiko, lawrusso, danzen and amanda.
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yenforfairytales · 2 years
Daniel LaRusso unable to speak about his trauma because whenever he does he's told he's overreacting. The victim blaming. The shaming.
Unnecessary because he blames himself. Since Season 2(and in kk3) he has said that what Terry Silver did to him was his own fault. Friends and family tell him everything in CK is his fault.
And then Stingray says, "You must have done something to deserve it." 🙂
his worst fears are validated by another victim. he is only believed after he is assaulted. he knew what was going to happen and was helpless to stop it.
and yet despite his worst nightmare coming true, he is still kind and forgiving and that is why I love him. stronger than superman ok.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
considering how peeved terry was at them intruding his home, just own turf. Con you imagine if beloved was in the picture? Or if beloved accidentally got hurt because of it?
Look, I am not the writers of Cobra Kai, but I will give these characters a molecule of characterization, dignity and decency; Chozen is a man of honor, Mike Barnes is a confirmed family man and while Johnny Lawrence might be the most disrespectful of the bunch and might be ready to mouth off by saying something like 'What? Did the old man pay for to stay over the night or something?', I feel that if say, they broke into Terry's mansion at such a late hour and they're greeted by the sight of a frightened beloved in the foyer, terrified by three men breaking in, as implausible it is that the security of this Billionaire's manor is so very lax (maybe beloved has a pregnant belly they're clutching, or their young child with Terry, or heck, they might be all alone), this would pretty much be a sure sign for them to back away because they would be pretty much attacking three to one and someone who is undoubtedly not part of all of this mess in any sense anyway and cannot defend themselves. I think it would be in character. I can envision Mike's wrath subsiding into an angry sort of embarrassment and a pissed off sense of not quite knowing what to do with his rage, because hey, he is a committed man too, Johnny might have the bright idea to use this person as leverage but then quickly remembers that he has people he cares for too (and covers up the screw up of a move he was about to make with some joke about getting the wrong address and the house being ugly) after he's halted by Chozen's hand who bows his head with an apology right before they drunkenly waddle out. -"We are very sorry for the disturbance and we wish you a good night."- He says. Someone on a quest for restoring and maintaining his own honor wouldn't go about besmirching it again, even when using the enemies tactics to outsmart the enemy.
Of course, Terry is beyond enraged anyway, Just off of beloved being scared.
The sanctity of their home being trespassed into.
People merely glancing at them.
Them being so very close to danger.
This is enough cause and excuse for unholy retaliation.
But, other than that, I don't feel the heroes of the story would ever hurt beloved like that, because through that, they would pretty much cease being heroes.
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desolateice · 1 year
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Fashion time: Kariyushi wear aka an Okinawan style shirt. USA peeps think Hawaiian shirt. Lightweight, cooling, kind of an island uniform. “Kariyushi is a word made up of “kari” and “yushi” in Okinawan (Ryukyu) Dialect and means auspicious or happiness. Kari means lucky and yushi means come near.  Kariyushi wear was named in a wish that wearing it will bring you fortune.” - OkinawanHai
This is what Chozen almost always wears. No matter the age.
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These button up shirts are supposed to be super versatile, dressed in them you’re ready for an occasion, hanging out at the beach, work, going dancing or a fancy event in the brutal summer months.
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And Chozen’s not the only one who wears them. While Mr. Miyagi also lived in Hawaii for a short period of time (or a wonky confusing period of time because the time frame of the entire series is wacky.) and this could be a Hawaiian shirt I like to think that it’s either Kariyushi wear or at least something reminiscent of home.
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 Kariyushi wear is done in a few different styles. Colorful island prints like Mr. Miyagi’s and the first few earlier (not Mr. Miyagi’s go to really) or bingata
“Bingata (Okinawan: 紅型, literally “red style”) is an Okinawan traditional resist dyed cloth, made using stencils and other methods.  It is generally brightly coloured and features various patterns, usually depicting natural subjects such as fish, water, and flowers. Bingata is worn during traditional Ryūkyū arts performances and historical reenactments.” - My Okinawan Story
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While this might be a stretch and I don’t know if the costuming department was trying to go for it, there is also an Okinawan fabric called “Bashofu” or banana fiber. It tends to be this light weight tan color like the clothing Mr. Miyagi tends to almost always be wearing. I like to think that it is in fact Bashofu and sometimes this is made into Kariyushi wear which can have long sleeves or quarter sleeves. “Kijoka no Bashofu are a woven cloth produced in Kijoka, Ogimi Village in northern Okinawa. Bashofu is made from the fibers of the Japanese banana plant called Basho, and has been used to make kimonos in Okinawa since ancient times. Kijoka no Bashofu is characterized by its smoothness, lightness and air permeance. The firm and thin cloth, also described as “wings of a dragonfly,” are less likely to stick to the skin even in a humid climate and have been highly valued by people in Okinawa.” - Kogei Japan
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
it’s not that I want adult-daniel to get beaten up in a way that puts him out of commission (to quote kreese....), it’s that I think if he did johnny and chozen and amanda would go absolutely feral....
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robbyykeene · 2 years
Something something the warring emotions of wanting to love the wish fulfillment of seeing Daniel Larusso beat the shit out of his childhood abuser (even if it was corny and dumb because the karate kid has always been corny and dumb) vs absolutely loathing the way this season shit all over the themes of the original movies and went all in on the idea all conflict should, actually, be resolved through violence.
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watching cobra kai is weird because for the entire season I'm questioning how all of the characters aren't dead, but then the second any one of them is actually close to dying I start heaving crying sobbing throwing up
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themaevethcometh · 2 years
yknow how every student has their sensei, the one who they’re closest to and who’s style they work best with despite how all students have trained under more than one person by now? i really, really, really want chozen to become tory’s
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aq2003 · 2 years
i'm sure that other ppl have talked about it in more eloquent ways than me but one of my biggest problems with season 5 is that it seems to frame all the adults who don't want/have the Classic Family of Wife and Kids as the "evil" ones. i can accept johnny and carmen together because at least their relationship has been built up over the course of the show. but chozen?? like here's a character who's firmly on the good side, who's middle-aged and not married with any kids, who seems to be motivated by his loyalty and honor and nothing else and Oh actually he was in love with kumiko since childhood guys it's okay. it really feels like someone went over the script thinking "we need to make sure every adult on the good side reads as cishet and every adult on the bad side doesn't"
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danielslaw · 2 years
no new name for miyagi-do please
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crimmson-sight · 2 years
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daniel-with-an-l · 1 year
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mauvecardigans · 2 years
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