#i feel like i should've sharpened these more idk
shiqingxuanz ยท 4 months
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captorsicallfriends ยท 2 years
Alright I put off telling you this straight away cus I thought I was gonna get in SO MUCH TROUBLE but here you are. Also Tumblr deleted the first part of my message so the writings not up to scratch Tumblr CEO count your fucking days I've calculated the IP address of that weird Pikachu man you keep putting on my dash I'll find yours too cunt
So I'm lining up for my science class waiting for my teacher to show up, right? And I'm standing behind this one dickhead in the line who's like openly racist, antisemitic, mysogynistic, and homophobic. And a Hijabi person walks by our class while we're lining up, right? This is no biggie to a normal person like me (*tilts hand in a sideways motion while saying a conspicuous "eeEEeHhH"*) ofc but the dude Infront of me has his head shoved so far up his ass he should be standing in the middle of the road in an orange vest acting as a traffic cone instead of being counted as a human being. So he makes some recycled joke about terrorism and now he's Islamophobic too holy shit bingo everyone!!! So I go "dude we get it, it's small, now mind your own business before I commit several crimes before 10:30am on a Tuesday." I thought that was the end of it. I thought wrong. He then proceeds to push "women are dishwashers" and whatever else he can muster out of his shrivelled up, dehydrated arsehole and I'm like "yeah no" so I think to myself what object do I have on hand with me right now that will cause physical harm to this kid?.... Oh ho ho is that a pencil I'm holding? Perfect!! So I turn the pencil around so the sharpened end isn't facing him and proceed to relentlessly stab this child. Yes it was a bit far yes he deserved it yes my mother should've listened when I told her I was having "severe detailed homicidal thoughts" and yes it was glorious. Now normally I would never condolne violence (that's a lie I lied I'm a big fat liar liar pants on sale idk the saying I was never included in the playground games and I want to see blood) but c'mon the kid's had this coming for months now. So after I'm done stabbing this dude I'm like "okay shithead you learnt your lesson yet?" He touches his hand to the back of his head to massage it. He pulls his hand away. There's blood.. ..oh. um...... Okay this wasn't meant to happen ah shit fuck fuck fuck. Everyone else in class is like "wait that probably neurodivergent kid with social anxiety did what now" and I'm standing there like oh fuck uh he deserved it obv and I don't exactly feel bad but damn. And wouldn't you know it my fucking SCIENCE TEACHER appears right at this very moment! Great!! So I go "okay dude you totally deserved that but I do feel a bit bad for causing another human being to bleed... But then again that human being was you and I did give you a warning even though I shouldn't have to in the first pla- okay forget it I'll go get U some ice." So I go up to my teacher like "um hi sir this kid's head is bleeding can I go get some ice" and he goes "yeah sure idc." Doesn't bother to check if the kid is in any actual pain or if I'm just trying to skip. Doesn't ask how his head started bleeding in the first place. Every day I grow more and more convinced my science teacher is the zodiac killer. Anyway I leave to get ice and can't find any like anywhere so that's fun. I do come back with tissues tho so he gets that. So yeah that's the story of how 16 I think days ago I tried to kill a kid with with my pencil and my science teacher probably would have joined in if he'd been there in time. Moral of the story children: s O M E t i m e s,,,,, violence does indeed solve alot. Also stab Islamophobes and mysogynists in the head when possible alright baaiiiiii love you ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Bonus story the dude's girlfriend got SO MAD AT ME OMLLLLL. Like she went "why'd you Only do this to MY BOYFRIEND, hUh?? Why not [insert every guy in my school] they say this stuff toO YA KNOW." ๐Ÿ™„ Like ma'am first of all tame your fucking dog why is he saying shit like this in the first place. Also if you want them to suffer the same treatment that badly my prices usually range from 20 - 30 depending on if I know you or not. Call it the friends and family discount. It's hard being a creature in STEM (slaying, treachery, evil, murder) and maintaining my 11/10 look all at the same time ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„โœจ
insane anon confirmed to be physically violent as well as psychologically violent
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winterwoodpark ยท 2 years
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won't you look at yourself Joey. You're finally getting it all figured out. lol kinda but not really. I know where the loose bolts are. I know where to tighten up. I am in control. I will sharpen up. its crazy though. I have had this Tumblr for so long. I hate the sad shit in here tbh. my come up is great. its about to be even more beautiful. I have the most pure soul accompanying me now. Her name is Angelina, and she for some reason extra cares about me and pushes me way out my comfort Zone, she's like really daring?? like calculated risk taker. but very calculated, but really thoughtful and empathetical. I'm finally on senior team USA. I always knew I could be on this team but I don't want to stop there. I need to push for this shit. I always knew I could do this but it feels so, unreal. but thats the cool part. shit is like a weird ass dream. life being in weird ass waves. I look at my old post and I'm amazed with how stupid I seemed at 18. fuck emotions get that bag bro. But honestly thats why I should retrace some of my current thoughts and relate them to the past. but it feels like I like where I'm at right now and this whole time ( well sometimes) I don't think that I'm watching my steps??? shit idk lol. I. just. gotta. KNOW. just know, I'm calculated, I work hard, and I KNOW. anyways, stop procrastinating. now that plane ticket to Texas is mad expensive. this is where you should've been. but fuck it I'm here now. I'm on the right path. but fucking step on that neck bro. all love. but cutthroat// you got it Joey keep going
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