#i had to completely rewrite this entire post and take new screenshots because it all got wiped when i pressed ctrl+z a single time
firubii · 11 months
ok you know what fuck it 2 am kirby research dump time: kirby fighters 2 story mode/buddy tower stones since thats what ive been researching recently while mapping out the game's exefs (main executable) in ghidra
first off, every level for each stone is its own item. while this seems like a weird decision at first, it does make checking for the cursed stones for the debuffs a lot easer since the game only needs to check if you have any amount of the level 5 stone
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each stone has a specific function for calculating that specific buff. first, the game gets the amount of each level stone you have, then multiplies each count by the corresponding stone's bonus, and finally adds the products of all of them together.
(L1_count * L1_bonus) + (L2_count * L2_bonus) + (L3_count * L3_bonus) + (L4_count * L4_bonus) + (L5_count * L5_bonus)
because you will never have more than one of each level, this works very nicely!! if you don't have a specific level, that will result in 0 due to multiplying by 0, and if you do have one, itll produce the bonus due to multiplying by 1. this also has the side effect of being able to stack multiple of one level stone, though this wont happen in normal gameplay, but it would be fun to mess around with!
there are two stones that are actually completely unused!! they're unobtainable in normal gameplay since the item table has them disabled for every single chapter, but they are fully implemented in both the native code and hal's scripting bytecode, mint!!
BlowAway the "BlowAway" stone causes opponents launched by your throws to be in hitstun for a longer period of time, and as such more susceptible to buddy tosses. the base amount of frames is 40, so the hitstun for each level is:
45 frames (+5)
53 frames (+8)
64 frames (+11)
78 frames (+14)
96 frames (+18)
98 frames is a lot of time for a video game, especially a fighting game!! specifically, its 1.6 seconds of hitstun!!! this stone was probably way too strong and was cut because of that. interestingly, the maximum this stat can go is 200 frames, which is 3 and 1/3 seconds. that is WAY too much hitstun for any game, even if its just what you deal to opponents in a situation that isnt super common unless you're one of the two grapplers in the game.
ShieldTime this stone is interesting due to the fact that everything related to guarding isn't handled in mint, but rather the native game code itself in exefs!! what the "ShieldTime" stone does is reduce how much your guard meter depletes while holding the button.
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the base is a multiplier of 1.0, and has a minimum of 0.25. this stone's formula subtracts the bonus from the maximum value instead of adding to the minimum. so, for each level, this multiplier is:
0.25x (result is 0.2, which goes under the minimum)
0.25x (result is -0.45, which would cause the guard gauge to increase rather than decrease)
0.25x (result is -1.25)
0.25x (result is -2.25)
looking at how this starts to scale negatively, this stone was probably scrapped pretty early before the values could be actually fine-tuned.
interestingly, the level 5 stone items are referred to as "PieceDevil__Ex", while the level 4 stones are called "PieceDevil__". these probably were going to have a negative health drawback like the level 5 stones. in fact, the yaml file that dictates which items can appear inbetween floors actually tells us this!! there's a "name" property that is named uniquely for only the two unused stones i just talked about, and at the end of that for both of those there is a short description of the stone's effects not present in the other stones's name properties. this actually includes the health debuff!!
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it seems like the level 4 stones used to take away a quarter (25%) of your health, and the level 5 stones were actually buffed in the final game!! originally, it looks like they were going to take away 40% of your health instead of half of it (50%)!!
thats about it for now, this has been very fun to document and i will probably make more big posts like this when i can!!!
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katara0524 · 3 years
Impromptu Ramblings about the NEO:TWEWY Demo
In case y'all weren't aware, I've been a pretty big fan of TWEWY for a couple years now, and with the sequel coming out next month, the excitement I feel for this game is greater than ever :) I played the Demo for the first time yesterday, and following a couple views of some livestreams of others playing it, I felt like sharing my (very ramble-y) thoughts prior to the release of the full game. This post WILL contain spoilers for both TWEWY and NEO:TWEWY, so if you want to avoid those from now on, please block the tags: #twewy spoilers, #ntwewy spoilers, #neo twewy spoilers, #ntwewy, and #neo twewy ^_^ Oh, and if you wanna keep up with any other posts I make about my experience with this game, please refer to the tag "kat plays neo twewy" :)
-First things first: I have not watched the Final Trailer and I don't plan on doing so to avoid spoilers, especially after the pre-release era of KH3 where a lot of the later trailers spoiled a lot of the endgame content. That being said, I've seen some minor screenshots from the final trailer including what many believe to be characters from the original TWEWY, namely Shiki and Joshua. That is all I know about the Final Trailer and I would very much like to remain as blind as possible going into NEO :)
-The very first cutscene was quite ominous in the sense that this game is likely going to be about "changing fate" (a recently common theme in Squeenix games, which I do appreciate), perhaps leading off from the end of A New Day in the OG and trying to stop an Inversion of Shibuya. Also worth noting that A New Day had similar aspects in which the main character experienced "future visions" of tragic events, although in A New Day these events were not able to be changed, while in NEO it seems like one of the main "powers" our protagonist has is specifically to rewrite these events and avoid a "bad ending." Very interesting indeed!
-I really like the revamped comic book style dialogue scenes, it's much more fluid and modern, which is an excellent direction for the series to take!
-I would love to have an actual PokemonGO knockoff of Final Fantasy creatures, please Squeenix that would be incredibleeeeee
-Also the LINE stickers??? Are so cute???
-I would just like to point out that Fret is an absolute treasure throughout this entire demo, he's hilarious and I will protect him with my life
-UHHHH don't like that Fret picked up some Reaper Pins just out of nowhere.....or the fact that they're apparently popular all over Shibuya.............did y'all not learn anything from the OG game or what lmao
-Okay so when I first got the "curry or ramen" scene and heard NPCs talking about the new curry place replacing the old ramen place I became IMMENSELY distressed that Ramen Don was totally cut from the game because....well, Ramen Don is a King okay?? But I'm glad to learn that no, he didn't fall off the face of the earth, he's still in business and he's the one opening the curry restaurant lolol. PHEW, crisis averted!
-.....I don't like the sudden appearance of a Wall Reaper and being able to read NPC thoughts. Wtf happened when they left the ramen place??? Are they playing the Game alive somehow?
-Okay so I have my own theories about this "Swallow" character and what they're up to but considering this is only the Demo and I still Have No Idea What's Happening, I'm just gonna say that I think Swallow intentionally led Rindo and Fret to the Crossing so they could join the Game. I mean, add in the fact that Swallow still communicates with Rindo during the Game and you've got yourself a suspicious character right there lol
-"Hey they're shooting off fireworks!" Fret honey that's not fireworks oof (see also: "*laughs* I'm in danger")
-WOOOOOO way to traumatize Rindo right off the bat like that LMAOO
-The visuals for the intro are VERY GOOD, the song is pretty decent until it gets all "screamo" (which I absolutely cannot stand sorry lol)
-Shoka is every Customer Service employee ever and I respect that
-Susukichi went from being "meh" to "WOW THIS GUY IS FUN" in the span of 10 seconds and I also respect that (he is also built like an Absolute Unit which is hilarious)
-The Wall Reapers (and just Reapers in general) seem.....way nicer and more helpful this time around?? Like in the OG the Wall Reapers were SO RUDE gfhjgjdfkhn and yeah I'm sure we'll get some like that but the juxtaposition of the first Wall Reaper in the OG compared to the first one in NEO is insane.
-The puzzles are quite a bit more entertaining this time around even if it's generally the same "fetch quest" formula lol
-"Rindo's Group" way to go Fret HFKJDGHSDFKJ mans really left the default name in there lmao
-OKAYOKAYOKAY so to those who aren't aware I am a MASSIVE SIMP for Sho Minamimoto, he's my absolute favorite and I think about him daily. HIS INTRODUCTION IS. INCREDIBLE. I LOVE IT SM.
-GOD hearing him actually SPEAK FULL SENTENCES is just SO SURREAL I love this sm
-Also the remix of his theme???? NEO TRANSFORMATION????? IT'S SO GOOD????????? It's like gone from a Boss Theme to a more triumphant sounding theme and I am HERE for it (every version of Transformation is just INCREDIBLE and getting a new one is even better)
-I Love Him, Your Honor
-Also idk how exactly but it's kinda weird seeing Sho in the OG vs NEO, cuz while he's mostly the same Insane Math-Obsessed Catboy, he's.....calmed down quite a bit?? Like OG made a whole point of how poorly he cooperates with others (not to mention just being completely unhinged and trying to kill everyone), whereas here in NEO he's......actually kinda working with others??? HELLO???? Sir what happened to you and Neku during those 3 years I would love to know all about it
-I guarantee you Sho is still probably scheming shite and will likely pull some total insane BS later down the road, and I am very much looking forward to that. Also, is he looking for a certain Pin or something??? Cuz he keeps talking about different Pins and even mentions "this is just another Psych Pin" like he's actively looking for a Pin to do something with. Maybe it also has to do with the "latent powers of Players" thing he mentioned as well??? What is this dude UP TO oml (also is he in contact with Neku at all?? they're both technically fugitives at this point right?? WHAT HAPPENED AFTER A NEW DAY I AM BEGGING YOU)
-I seems like Sho ALSO has an idea of what's going on in this specific game (even if he won't admit it straightforward). Per his quote "The game's 142,857. Factor it out," he's essentially saying, "This game is a neverending cyle, figure out how to get out of it" (or at least that's what I got from his "cyclic number" nonsense lolol)
-I do like how Sho mostly stays out of sight until he's needed for a battle or assisting with a mission, that's kind of on par with his whole "uncooperative" quirk from the OG, plus he might literally have to stay out of sight of other Reapers and Players considering he's likely breaking the rules of the Game (not surprising considering him and Neku broke practically every rule in the book during OG)
-The nicknames for Sho- I can't- They're so FUNNYYYY GFHJSDFKJ
-He goes from being called "Pi-Face" and "Tabooty" in OG to "Mr. Minami" and "M-Teezy" in NEO LMAOO
-(Wowee I just realized I've been mostly talking about Sho oopsies sorry y'all, this is what I meant by thinking about him almost daily he is THAT much of a fav of mine ghfkjsd)
-Okay RIP Fret and Rindo for not getting literally ANY explanation as to how the Game works OOF, that is kinda cringe that whoever gets the Pin earns points, not whoever erases the Noise (which like I understand but also URRRGGHHH I WANNA SEE THE SQUAD SUCCEED)
-"I should be going home now it's getting late" Oh you sweet summer child-
-Also love the mention of parents in this game???? KH you could learn a thing or two from TWEWY (poor Rindo's mom fhgjkdh)
-KUBO IS HILARIOUS I SUPPORT HIM AND HIS GROSS FACE (also thank you Final Trailer thumbnail for spoiling my suspicions about him very cool smh)
-Kaie is a LAD I also support him, go King type those funky texts I believe in you
-FRET PLS STOP SCANNING FHGJKSDHKJFGHFKJ he's like me when I scan in OG during Weeks 2 and 3 and see Taboo Noise coming after me ghfjdshfj
-Also Rindo can you stay off your phone for TWO SECONDS ik you're trying to figure things out but Fret is a jelly boi and I don't want him to be upset with you my guy
-Sho being an actual sorta mentor to the kiddos?? Who are you sir this is so unlike you ghfgskj what happened to the guy who tried shooting children in the face 8 times over LMAO (granted he's probably just using them but it's still nice to see him actually cooperating and sharing knowledge with the kiddos aaaaa)
-hgjkfshgkjf "we aren't glorifying capitalism on my watch" THATS SO FUNNY TO ME GFHJFSDGHJKS (also an all-orange ensemble is disgusting you deserve jail for one thousand years fkn Cheddar Goldfish Cheezit ass woman)
-gfhsgjf Poor Rindo embarassing himself for the sake of the Game that's incredible
-R e t u r n t o M O N K E. That is all.
-Dialogue during boss battles is HELLA cool i love that
-HHHHH THE KANON SCENE MADE ME A N G E R Y FRET STOP SIMPING MY GUY says the girl with a Literal Simp Encyclopedia and simps for pixels on a screen daily
-Can't wait to see the other Reapers :eyes emoji:
-CAN'T WAIT TO SEE NAGI MY BELOVED YEAHHHH WOOOOOO AAAAND that's about it for the demo lolol, I absolutely CANNOT wait for next month, this game is gonna be INCREDIBLE holy hell Prepare for more simping, more screaming, and more vibing from Yours Truly :) I fully intend on sharing more general thoughts like this on both Tumblr and Twitter so it's not just reblog-retweet-reblog-retweet with the occasional comment fhgskjd
If you wanna witness my insanity up close and personal I have a Square Enix Discord server called Sea Side Dreamers! You can look it up on Disboard, or you can add me on Discord @Katara0524#9244 for a direct link :) We have topics about Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, NieR, and ofc TWEWY (as well as other topics!), so if you want some good ol' chaos and chitchat, you're more than welcome to join!
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tev-the-random · 4 years
A casual Sonic Forces rewrite + some headcanons, because why not
Part 1 – Infinite and Episode Shadow
Just a warning: none of the images used here belong to me! They all belong to SEGA – the game screenshots, the official art and the comic pages.
Next Part ->
I have yet to see the Sonic Movie, because the universe seems devoted on not letting me do so, for some reason. Being as desperate for Sonic content but as determined to not receive spoilers from the movie as I am, I decided to go for the next coolest thing: writing really long and random posts about a game that came out three years ago and no one cares about anymore.
This shall be fun!
(Update: as of posting this, I have finally watched the movie! But I don’t want to throw this away, so I’ll post it anyway. We can have a nice talk about the movie later.)
*“Fist Bump instrumental” intro plays*
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*“This is Our World: a New Hero” plays in the background*
I’m the type of person to always try and see the best in every game, and Sonic Forces is no different. Despite its obvious flaws, I love this beautiful game! Mostly the concept of it is one of the coolest things I’ve seen this last decade, but the execution… lacks on a few things. I mostly just fill in the gaps with my imagination and enjoy it nevertheless, but, upon going through the tag and seeing that some of my concerns were shared by other people, I decided to try my hand at rewriting Sonic Forces juuust a tiny bit. Just for fun!
For this first part (and I have no idea how many parts we should have), I’d like to share some of my ideas about…
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*Infinite’s Theme plays in the background as I try hard not to sing along*
Oh, my poor jackal boy, what do we do with you? Despite being so heavily promoted and having an undeniably awesome theme song, Infinite’s backstory and general development throughout the game came out as lacking, having the self-proclaimed edgelord become a laughingstock amongst most fans. Nevertheless, I still love Infinite, and it saddens me how much wasted potential he had; it’s like they were trying to write a really interesting character, but gave up halfway through.
So yeah, let’s talk about it. And let us begin with his origin story.
I believe you are all familiar with this scene:
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I… I want to defend my boy here, I really do. But honestly, the way this was portrayed, it just sounded like he was throwing a childish tantrum. It seems as if his entire motive for becoming a villain was “Shadow beat him and called him weak”; dude, you’re not the only one: Shadow does this to basically everybody who’s ever crossed his way! We’re not given a reason as to why Infinite gets so bloody offended, nor are we given a reason why we should care.
So, how can we fix this? I think we should firstly focus less on “I’M NOT WEEEEAAAAK!!! URRAAAAGHH!!!” and more on:
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It doesn’t need to be – and I don’t even think it can be – as sad of a situation as the Rivaille Squad in Shingeki No Kyojin or anything, but I believe that showing us that Infinite lost something important would already do wonders to his backstory.
The simplest way – that is, the way that doesn’t majorly change how things go, but does give the jackal a clearer motive – to do this would involve the ever so humble inclusion of two new cutscenes and one new in-game battle, plus a few tweaks to some already existing scenes.
Episode Shadow begins not with the usual reading introduction, but rather, with Shadow’s voice. “I was a couple of months before the Doctor took over the world. The first time I encountered him… I didn’t know what he would become.” Then we open with what used to be a couple of months prior (aka where they presented Infinite’s memory, aka where they screwed up), so we’ll go through things in a chronological order instead of having a flashback inside of a prequel, because that’s confusing AF.
Now, instead of starting the Mystic Jungle level immediately, we should get a small cutscene: Shadow gliding through the jungle, cool camera angles/lighting and all – maybe something similar to the opening scene of Episode Shadow in Sonic 06? –, on his way to invade Eggman’s base as a voice coming from the hedgehog’s communicator reminds him about his mission (yep, that’s some subtle exposition to the audience so we don’t think Shadow is there just because). My idea for said mission would be the simple task of retrieving a Chaos Emerald (yeah, remember those?) from Eggman. Nothing too serious; just another day, another emerald stolen like usual; we’ve seen this before, there’s no need for a long dialogue.
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As the black-and-red blur crosses the screen, the camera pans to a group of people hiding above in the trees: Squad Jackal. Infinite is not among them. One of the jackals asks “where’ the boss?” to which another one replies that he’s on the other side of the base/talking to the Doctor/whatever and they have no time to waste; their mission is to take down the intruder and protect the base. We get something in the lines of “the boss is counting on us. Expect no mercy, show no weakness. Let’s go!” and the camera fades out as the squad drops from the trees and runs after Shadow.
I believe that having the phrase “show no weakness” – or any possible reference to “I’m not weak”, really – appear earlier as seemingly common and then have it become something the character gives a lot of importance to due to consequences and parallels sounds a bit more interesting than having Infinite’s inferiority complex come out of nowhere.
The Mystic Jungle level plays as usual, except the dialogue in the background doesn’t say that “the Defence Squad has already been completely annihilated”, but rather that “the Defence Squad is on the case. They’re the best mercenaries there are, Shadow won’t stand a chance!” because Doctor Eggman is naive like that.
Once we reach the end of the level there’s another change: a boss battle against Squad Jackal. You see, we don’t want to hear the squad was taken down like some sort of lazy exposition, because it feels incomplete; we want to participate, we want to be the protagonist and see with our own eyes just what is Infinite’s squad. This gives faces and voices to something that will become an important plot point instead of just telling us “yeah, this happened or whatever”. This could also play as some sort of sympathy point for Infinite, because we, while in control of Shadow, took down his squad; it makes the villain’s animosity towards Shadow and his general anger at least a bit more understandable.
The idea is that this battle should play as some sort of field fight – that is, differently than most boss battles in Sonic Forces, this is not a racing track where you attack your enemy while running, but rather a large secluded area, much like the one we get in the fight between the Custom Hero and the DeathEgg Robot –, where squad members would attack individually in different patterns before going for a group attack. The individual jackals would have both projectile (perhaps something like a wispon, knives or some Eggman invention to keep it family friendly enough?) and close-ranged attacks, while the group attack would consist of this mass of wild jackals changing at you, trying to run you over. The opportunity windows could be either the moment when the opponents switch or band together for the group attack.
(I don’t know, maybe some of you can think of better ways to fight the Jackal Squad? This is just a random idea! I’d like to hear different ones!)
Once the fight is over, we get another cutscene: Shadow stands among the fallen jackals – don’t worry, they’re… sleeping… yeah, there’s no visible blood, they’re not dead… except they’re totally dead – and looks around for a second or two. His expression is indecipherable, and he soon leaves without saying a word – one might say he feels bad for them, or maybe he doesn’t give a damn; we leave that open to interpretation. Not a moment passes and we get to see the leader of the squad arriving at the scene. The camera moves in a circle around him as he looks at his fallen comrades in shock. How did this happen? They were the strongest, how could his whole squad be dead? This is a rather touching moment, where Infinite sticks his sword (because in his origins comic he used to have a super cool red sword and I want to pretend we have a reason for it not existing in the game) to the ground; there’s a feeling of anger and vengeance going on as we get a closer look at the last standing jackal. He clenches his fists and faces the direction of Shadow. “Expect no mercy, show no weakness,” he says in an infuriated, strangled voice. He starts to run and the camera fades out.
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(Look at his sword and his squad, man. I do wish we could have seen them in the game…)
When the camera fades in again, we get that exact same cutscene from the game. Blah blah, “destroyed my squad”, blah blah, “ultimate mercenary”, a legendary ass whooping and Infinite falls to the ground, weak, pathetic and defeated.
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Now, I’d like to add just a few lines to their dialogue, because this:
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Doesn’t really sound like Shadow to me. I mean, man: you beat this random guy to the ground, called him worthless and pathetic out of nowhere and then you just leave? I know Shadow is rather apathetic and he’s supposed to be savage and all, but this just felt kind of out of place…
So instead of going full rude mode, what Shadow actually says is:
‘You’re part of the Defence Squad, aren’t you? Why would a bunch of mercenaries work for the Doctor? What is he hiding?’
‘The doctor paid well enough to not have his secrets spilled,’ Infinite retorts while trying to get up. He’s too hurt to do much, but he’s still willing to fight. He looks at Shadow with fiery eyes as he continues, ‘My squad… you took them down like they were nothing… why wouldn’t someone as strong as you be a mercenary?’
‘Mercenary work is for the weak,’ the hedgehog states matter-of-factly. ‘I’ve sworn to protect, not to follow the dirty line of work you did.’
This blows Infinite’s mind and he simply stares at Shadow, dumbfounded. He murmurs, ‘weak? How dare you, I’m not… We’re not weak! We’re the squad o-’
‘Where’s the Chaos Emerald?’ The jackal’s statement is completely ignored. However, Infinite is having none of this, so tries to attack Shadow once again in a fit of rage, only for the hedgehog to give him a signature roundhouse kick free of charge.
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(Image merely illustrative)
‘What a waste of my time,’ Edgelord Number 1 says, aware that he’s not getting any useful information from this. He steps closer and Edgelord Number 2 flinches, ‘here’s some advice: don’t show your face around me ever again, or else I will finish you.’
And with that, Shadow teleports away, leaving Infinite to his existential crisis. He wasn’t able to avenge his friends; he wasn’t able to protect the base; heck, he wasn’t even able to hold his title of ultimate mercenary! How useless of a leader was he? Were mercenaries truly weak? Everything they’ve done… was it all worthless? Show no weakness… what did it even mean? They were all defeated, and Infinite can’t shake the feeling that he’s to blame for it. Wasn’t he supposed to be the best?
‘What is this? I’m…’ He looks at his hands, which are trembling ‘I’m shaking? I flinched? I... We failed… How pathetic… All because…’
Infinite stops as if he’s just gotten a moment of clarity. He then gets up and starts walking inside Eggman’s base. ‘I’m not weak,’ he says in a decided, chilling whisper; it’s almost scary. The view is set at the entrance, right in front of the jackal so that he starts blocking the light from the outside as he slowly walks towards the camera - while saying in that scary voice, “No mercy, no weakness”.
(I can totally see Liam O’Brien delivering this line perfectly…)
Then the last expository narrating happens about the same, except that Shadow narrates it – giving continuity to the fact that he was the one who started narrating this episode for a reason I will talk about later –, so we change a few words to match his speech more; it’s all in the third person and very husky and brooding, but with a subtle note of dread (oh, if only Jason Griffith would voice it… No disrespect to Kirk Thornton, but he just doesn’t hit Shadow’s perfect voice like Jason did; for me, at least. His Orbot voice is fantastic, though).
Now, instead of having Infinite looking forward for a few seconds before he gets the Phantom Ruby out of nowhere and places it in his chest very anti-climatically, we’ll do something different: as soon as he puts on the mask, he starts walking away, and we change settings to a dimly lit room, where we see Infinite from behind, fitting the frame perfectly. Following the beat of the background music, the camera changes to a close shot of his masked face as he’s holding the Phantom Ruby, which is glowing, reflecting on his mask and giving us a beautifully red-lit scene; it’s possible to hear very low, indiscernible whispers coming from the jewel. We then hear a small, evil chuckle from the masked jackal – he already sounds rather different from the guy who stuck his sword to the ground in honour of his friends earlier. The screen goes black, the whole “I was… Reborn!” thing dramatically happens in Infinite’s echoing voice and the not-flashback is over.
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(I know this last part was quite specific and oddly detailed, but I had the scenes very clear in my head I wanted to try conveying how intimidating it looked to me o3o)
Ok, now that that’s done, prepare yourselves for an intermission. And by that, I mean prepare yourselves for a long analytical commentary on what I just wrote.
*”This is Our World: Phase 2″ plays in the background*
(Who is Shadow working for again? I don’t even know, man…)
Shadow isn’t just the guy who called Infinite pathetic. He’s the guy who killed Infinite’s squad (his friends) without any apparent remorse – and to be hypocrite as to say he’d sworn to protect when he just did something like this (yeah, Infinite doesn’t know any context of Shadow’s life, so of course he doesn’t understand what he meant); the guy who ruined everything he had going with his new job as leader of the Defence Squad; the guy who put him several levels under what he thought he was; the guy who questioned his entire way of living and the guy who put him under a lingering threat; “don’t show your face around me ever again” feels more intimidating now. Not only that, but, despite how Infinite might hate Shadow, he recognizes him as strong, admirable even – “why wouldn’t someone as strong as you be a mercenary?” Remember that Infinite himself is a mercenary; to actually acknowledge someone would be good at something you’re good at, specially someone you don’t like, has to be a sign of admiration, albeit a frustrating one. All of this puts a lot more of weight on how Infinite thinks of Shadow and why being stronger than the hedgehog is so important to him.
I made it so that “expect no mercy, show no weakness” is something like the Jackal Squad’s motto, their philosophy. I like to think it means that they should never count on someone’s mercy, for their enemies won’t spare them; they should always go into battle aware that they might actually be fighting for their lives. At the same time, they should always stand their ground and never let anyone think they can take advantage of a squad member. This is what the jackals live for. But seeing as Infinite’s world has just been shattered and he failed hard on everything, he revises his mentality. “No mercy, no weakness” is what he’s going for now, as he wants to be above everyone, he wants to effectively be the strongest and for people to know that; he will be the one who doesn’t spare others, and he won’t be weak at all. Never again would a failure cost him that much, for never again would he fail.
To have Infinite place the Phantom Ruby on his own chest in Episode Shadow contradicts the opening scene of the main campaign. Remember the episode is a prequel to Sonic Forces’ main game, so it shouldn’t be completely detached from it; things must make sense when put together. As the main game begins by showing us Infinite inside of a tube in Eggman’s lab, we can assume one of two things: he’s either a robot/biological experiment created entirely by the scientist, or he’s a guy who’s been experimented on, thus Eggman was the one who placed the Phantom Ruby on him. With this in mind, it wouldn’t make sense to show us Infinite doing something if you’re going to tell us that he couldn’t have possibly done it on his own. But to have him hold the ruby as someone who deeply desires its powers and who listens to its ominous whispering? Not only does it line better with the aforementioned scene, but it also makes Infinite seem more prone to the ruby’s power (instead of just… you know, “random angry dude”).
As this intermission has gone on long enough, I’ll only make a brief commentary on the Phantom Ruby: I like the idea of the ruby being somewhat alive and exerting influence over Infinite. Now, I won’t say it’s the kind of influence where it justifies his horrible behaviour or the awful things he did. It’s less “mind-control” and more “that best friend who always encourages you and never calls you out on your bullshit”. Its grooming Infinite’s ego and just nudging him to keep making bad decisions, to keep shutting himself in this new reality where he’s all powerful and above everyone else. So it’s the jackal’s pride, spite and grief, along with Eggman’s overall encouragement and the Phantom Ruby’s influence all put together that, in a general sense, make Infinite what he is. (I can go into more detail about this idea once I make a Part 2.)
Mission Accomplished: “angry bitchy boy turned edgy, OP and unimpressed” changed his status to “tragic boy turned edgy, bitter and extremely power-hungry”.
Intermission’s over, let’s get back to the story!
With Infinite’s backstory slightly redone (or rather, shown under a different light), I could stop right here. But I don’t want to, oh no! I say we take this a few steps further and just finish Episode Shadow! Yeah, I told you this was going to be a long post.
*”Battle with Infinite: Second Bout” plays in the background*
Ok, now we cut to a few months later, where Episode Shadow would originally begin. Rouge comments that Omega was on recon mission in that “unknown base of operations that seems to be totally outside the chain of command for Eggman’s army” (whatever that is supposed to mean) when he spotted an unidentified masked person with strange energy readings and an unknown battle ID. Omega reported a “large scale troop” and… that’s it, he just stopped talking. Rouge then talks about that “new weapon” Eggman was supposedly developing and sends Shadow to the base to investigate along with Omega. She makes a remark about how they should get the entire Team Dark together for this (“It should be fun”), but Shadow dismisses the idea, saying that he’s enough on his own. “Omega said the same thing. You two go together like chilli and hot dogs.”
We can keep this at the whole “dialogue on screen” thing. I don’t really mind and it sure spares the budget.
The City stage plays as usual, except the dialogue in the background changes a bit, because Team Dark bickering (or just talking in general, I love this team so much) is my jam.
‘E-123 Omega here. Extermination proceeding without incident. No problems to report.’
‘Omega!’ Rouge exclaims, ‘Why have you stopped responding earlier? We- wait, extermination? This is supposed to be a recon mission, what are you doing?!’
‘I was spotted. Priorities conflicted; therefore I decided to eliminate the enemy altogether. New Mission Objective: Defeat Eggman.’
‘But you can’t go making a scene like that!’
‘See, this is what happens when you send the giant killer robot for this kind of op,’ Shadow sasses. And I’ll imagine Jason’s voice for this too, thank you.
‘I have several reports of recon missions where you retaliated, Shadow.’
‘I might have to join you boys soon enough. I turn my back for five seconds and this happens…’ Rouge comments in a tired voice.
Omega is ready to start robotically recounting the reports of failed recon missions where Shadow retaliated, but he is suddenly cut by static and the vague sound of the Phantom Ruby. Rouge tries to contact him again and we get small bits of his original lines here – “All sensors offline”, “Casualty report”, “Unidentified system intrusion. Emergency withdrawal!” and “I am E-123 Omega, the most powerf-sjfpstswq”, that stuff – before his communication is completely cut. Shadow asks something like “what’s going on?”, but his communication with Rouge is cut as well. We play whatever’s left of the level in silence (except for the sweet background music).
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(Oh yeah, this happened or whatever…)
Now, I know the next scene is a screen dialogue again, and I know I just said I don’t mind it, but watching this:
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… Is so bloody uncomfortable. This feels dumb. This is so dumb. I feel like they robbed us an epic scene in exchange of some awkward reading with absolutely no context. What the hell is “!” supposed to mean?! What did Infinite do?! If I wanted to imagine the action scenes all on my own, I’d spend my time daydreaming! What, did they not know what to do here so they just threw in some random lines to fill the gap between this and the next level?!
… Sorry, I got a little carried away. This simple scene frustrates me a lot by not existing. So yeah, we’re throwing in a cutscene.
(I just noticed how salty this post is getting. This was not my intention at all, I still love this game, oh dear…)
Shadow reaches the edge of the city and encounters a dark silhouette hovering just above the flames that cover the ground; there’s debris scattered everywhere. The figure has its back turned, and the world seems to glitch ever so slightly around them.
‘The world’s most powerful robot is no more a challenge than crabmeat. Even the Doctor’s most daring designs can’t compete with my power… It is without peer,’ the figure chuckles to themselves.
Shadow starts approaching silently, analysing the situation. Despite this being Omega’s location, he can’t see the robot.
‘Wonder how easy it would be to end this entire planet. Don’t you…’
Suddenly, the voice speaks close to the hedgehog’s ear:
He turns around to see that the unknown person has appeared behind him, which throws him off. The hedgehog takes several steps back and puts himself in a fighting stance.
It’s hard to see past the jackal’s mask, but he seems amused as he looks down on Shadow. Twistedly so.
‘How wonderful to see that our not-so-tall, dark and brooding guest has arrived. I’ve been waiting for you, Shadow~’
‘Tell me what you did to Omega. Now,’ the agent demands.
‘Oh, come now, Shadow. Our long-awaited reunion and still you spout such nonsense.’ Infinite floats down to stand a few meters away from his enemy.
‘I don’t know you,’ Shadow states. The masked jackal tilts his head, but doesn’t say anything, so he asks again, ‘what have you done to Omega?’
‘Only what is ought to be done when someone stands in your way. Weaklings like E-123 Omega are of no consequence, don’t you agree?’
‘The only thing of no consequence is that big mouth of yours.’
Shadow launches himself at Infinite, who easily avoids his attack. The jackal starts laughing manically.
‘Ah, I suppose you would think so,’ he states. ‘After all, it’s not so funny to be the one losing the battle, is it? I am Infinite. You say you do not know me, and yet I remember you so very well… I’ve lost all I was, I’ve become what I am because of you. Savour that thought as I return the favour.’
Guess what happens? That’s right, we get another boss battle! I think it’s only fair that Infinite gets to have his rematch with Shadow. Besides, it establishes a comparison with the “old” Infinite and how much stronger he’s now – from Shadow’s perspective, that is.
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I have no idea how this battle would play out. Maybe something similar to his second battle in the main story (no, don’t worry: we’ll talk about the exceeding amount of Infinite battles in the next part), with the 2D layout. Let’s say Infinite is surrounded with his Red Cubes of Doom while he’s not attacking, so you can’t touch him. Maybe he makes the fire glitch and get closer to you at some point. Maybe he makes clones and you have to defeat each of them to get to the real guy, I don’t know! Tag your ideas, I’d love to see them! ^^
Anyway, once the battle’s over and Shadow “wins” (because Infinite is not defeated, he’s just done with this fight), the jackal might say something in the lines of “I suppose I’ve let this duel go on for long enough. I have other matters to attend to, Shadow the Hedgehog.”
We get back to the cutscene and Infinite is glitching a bit, quickly recomposing himself, laughing. Shadow is panting.
‘What’s the matter, Shadow? Can’t take down a measly jackal anymore?’ The masked one says sarcastically. ‘It seems like I’ve overestimated your strength. You’re no fit to be a mercenary at all.’
There’s a beat and Shadow realises what this is about. He looks at Infinite, frowning. ‘It’s you… Defence Squad Jackal…’
Infinite stares at the hedgehog. He doesn’t seem to be as amused anymore. His golden eye’s glowing under his mask, and so is the Phantom Ruby on his chest. A tense background music plays as Infinite answers dryly:
‘I’ve spared you, but now you’re going too far. It’s time to finish this! Chaos Spear!’
The spears of light simply go through Infinite as if they didn’t exist. Shadow goes for a spin dash/homing attack/kick to the face or whatever you can think of, but the masked villain glitches out of the way with ease and lands an almost perfect copy of Shadow’s roundhouse kick.
The hedgehog glides across the floor, almost falling over. Infinite scoffs.
‘This new “me” has limitless power. I have no mercy; no weakness! I am the true ultimate force that will tear this world apart, and what may have worked to bring me down before…’ the jackal starts floating again; thousands of red cubes start dancing around him and, as he raises a hand, they all group in the sky not far above them. ‘… No longer does.’
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(Why yes, this is a reference to Mephiles the Dark and that time he destroyed the Sceptre of Darkness!)
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Infinite throws his “Take THIS!” and Shadow does the “!” – which is him frantically trying to get out of the way as the thousands cubes of doom come crashing down on him.
The screen goes black.
Scene ends.
The Virtual Reality level should play as usual from there. I don’t even want to change the background dialogue, because I really like it: it’s confusing, it’s weird, it’s unsettling and it slaps Shadow in the face in a way that we rarely see. I love it! (Although, I do think the gameplay should have a tiny little bit more of 3D parts. We love Green Hill, but we also love the freedom to move on more than two directions when playing as the Ultimate Life Form. But it’s cool)
After that, we could get another cutscene (we’re full of cutscenes, huh? Well, this is a hypothetical rewriting with a hypothetical budget. Also, Episode Shadow is more of an exposition episode anyway). In this cutscene, we would start with some shots of different known locations: Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Crisis City, Mystic Jungle, Kingdom Valley, Babylon Garden, you name it! And all of these places are somewhat “corrupted”; they’re glitching out, full of those red cubes, and there’s just this ominous atmosphere in them, as if they’re abandoned, desolated despite looking roughly the same as ever. We then see a black-and-red blur cross the screen, and a short narration takes place:
“I’ve been here for longer than I can remember. This… alternate reality, this fake world. There seems to be no escape. Rouge and Omega talk to me occasionally…”
We see Shadow leaning against a wall. His communicator plays only white noise, then Rouge’s voice comes in; it’s strangely echoed as it calls out to him. Shadow throws the device far away and sighs.
“… They’re fake too. No matter where I go, no matter how much I run…”
Shadow is skating through Pumpkin Hill or something, when the world suddenly starts to glitch out massively; we hear the Phantom Ruby’s noise and suddenly, we’re on the ARK.
“It’s like this place was made to torture me. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.”
‘I’ve moved on from this a long time ago,’ Shadow says to the void of the Universe as we hear gunshots in the distance. He’s not being completely truthful. ‘Putting me through this scenario dozens of times changes nothing. Don’t you have anything more creative at this point?’
There’s silence, except for the shouts in the Space Colony. A voice calls out to Shadow, and he promptly ignores it, albeit with a pained look in his eyes. He’s visibly tired, almost hopeless, if one could ever describe Shadow the Hedgehog that way.
He sighs.
‘Alright, how do I get out of this one?”
We then get a start of a short level in the ARK. Don’t worry, it’s not one of those hellish mazes that usually haunt every ARK level there ever was; this is more straight forward, with doors closing all around you so that you know where you shouldn’t go, and some G.U.N. robots trying to kill you, simple thing.
The catch happens when you’re halfway through the level: as you’re crossing a long corridor, the game begins to “crash” – in the sense of you losing control of the character, the visuals beginning to glitch and the soundtrack going weird, all in a way that makes the soul leave the body of the player for a terrifying four seconds of “HOLY SHIT, I BROKE THE GAME”. But nope, you didn’t break the game: the Phantom Ruby is trolling you. We soon find that out as the signature noise plays and the glitching effect on screen disperses to show a new scenario: Mystic Jungle. The real Mystic Jungle. Congratulations: you get to play in a totally different zone for the rest of the level.
‘My head…’ Shadow murmurs to himself. ‘That was too quick; this can’t be right, it- ugh, why is it so bright here? Where are all the red things? This place seems too normal… is it… am I back in the real world?!’
We then finish the level, get our nice score and head to the last scene of the episode.
Shadow is going through the jungle, taking in everything that isn’t an illusion. He passes by a red sword stuck to the ground and leans against a tree, still a little out of it, still struggling to believe that anything is real anymore. The hedgehog then takes his communicator – surprisingly intact; hadn’t he thrown that away? – and tries to make contact. There is static for a moment, when suddenly…
‘Shadow? Oh my- Shadow, is that you?!’
He’s startled for a moment, but so relieved to hear Rouge’s normal voice again.
‘It’s me, Rouge. What’s the situation? Where’s Omega?’
‘Omega? We lost contact with him months ago; the Resistance says he must have been shut down after the Doctor took over!’
Shadow raises both his non-existing eyebrows in surprise, barely holding a gasp. He then frowns.
‘Shut down? Resistance? What do you mean “the Doctor took over”? What the heck happened?’
‘What happened? What happened?! I should be the one asking you that! You’ve been offline for six months! Everyone keeps saying you’re working with Eggman and Infinite, and I couldn’t contact you or Omega, I thought… I thought we’d lost you for good…’
‘Nonsense,’ Shadow states. We start hearing voices in the distance, and the hedgehog starts looking around while still talking ‘I’ll tell you the details later, it’s long story. What’s the current situation?’
The (Tired) Ultimate Life Form spots something from behind the trees. Still in hiding, he looks closer only to see the Custom Hero holding the prototype Phantom Ruby they just found and talking to Tails and… Classic Sonic, much to Shadow’s confusion.
‘… We’re at war.’
Shadow takes a moment to process what’s just been said. He doesn’t even pay attention to what Rouge says next (neither do we, as the background music starts getting louder than the bat’s voice). He still watches the avatar, Tails and Classic Sonic as they leave; he focuses on the Phantom Ruby.
‘Meet me in the City. I’ve got a lot to tell you,’ Shadow says.
And with that, he leaves, the scene fades out and Episode Shadow is over!
*”The Light of Hope: Menu Version” plays in the background*
Now, a few more analytical notes before we close this ridiculously gigantic thing:
The immediate reason why we have Shadow being stuck in the Virtual Reality for six months is to indicate to us why he doesn’t show up earlier in the main game. It’s not like he was being useless this whole time and just decided to show up whenever it was most Ex-Machina of him; much like Sonic, he was trapped by the enemy. A mental trap that put Shadow on survivor mode for months without any way of communicating with anybody; with twisted versions of his friends trying to get to him and remind him that, hey, they’re still out there, probably in high danger; with these illusions mocking him, reminding him of painful memories, isolating him in familiar places… I say: if you want to emotionally hit a character, hit them hard. And this experience is bound to leave Shadow with some emotional scar, alright.
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(Ever heard of conveniently coming out of nowhere?)
Shadow is bound to lose his sense of reality and sometimes it should be hard for him to acknowledge that this is the real world. I hope I can showcase some of his reactions in the later parts of this o3o
The Virtual Reality isn’t all glitchy by mistake. No, no: Infinite is perfectly capable of making a “perfect copy” of the real world, but he doesn’t want to. He wants Shadow to know this is a fake world and to know that he’s completely trapped in it while his real friends and allies are out there doing who-knows-what in a world run by the enemy. He wants to throw Shadow off-balance as much as he can, because he’s spiteful and doesn’t just leave the hedgehog to the side without a second glance.
In the game, Infinite says that they didn’t really have time to tune his power yet, so we can tell putting Shadow in the Virtual Reality was more of a practice of sorts. But man, I think this is too much of a cool concept, so I’ll say Infinite did put his power to the test before all of this; because Eggman, sir: you don’t simply throw your super-secret, amazing, unparalleled weapon in the battlefield without testing it first. This is something that can be inferred, it doesn’t need to be directly told, it just- I’m telling you this right now, ok?
I know Shadow is supposedly “over” this conflict with what happened in the ARK and it probably feels over-used to add it in again, but… it’s a thing the games haven’t tackled in such a long time, I feel like this would be a nice call-back. Besides, Infinite would want to know what would bring distress to Shadow; what happened in the ARK isn’t exactly a secret, especially if he’s working with Eggman. And Shadow can be as “over it” as he wants: it’s still a scar that will never truly leave him. Even if he watches it happen dozens of times, it’s still at least a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
ALTHOUGH! I also think this ARK level could be easily replaced with some other random level if you want to argue that Forces happens in Mobius or something, where Gerald and Maria and G.U.N. maybe never existed and whatnot.
What brought Shadow back, you ask? Well, it probably has to do with a certain someone spontaneously activating a Phantom Ruby. Maybe the avatar was thinking of Shadow and how it’d be nice to have him on their side again? Maybe they were thinking of undoing Infinite’s evil deeds? Maybe the raw power of the Phantom Ruby prototype being suddenly activated by the Custom Hero just crashed something another Phantom Ruby user did, like magnetic waves interfering with each other? Who knows?
I also find it important to show the Custom Hero here not only to show that there’s a connection between Shadow’s sudden freedom and their actions, but also to establish the tiniest amount of early familiarity between Shadow and the original character. Then maybe (maybe) I’ll give them a bit more of interaction in the main game, because it’d be nice to have a cool interaction with Shadow; and as endearing as his smile after the avatar does their thing with the sun of destruction is, it feels like it comes out of nowhere, if you think about it…
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(I mean... Does he even know who we are?)
Infinite’s sword stuck to the ground goes completely over Shadow’s head, as he has no idea what that is or who it belonged to or what it means. It’s really just there for the viewer to reminisce the beginning of the episode and have a slight existential crisis.
When playing the main campaign, we get some pretty convenient information from Shadow once he finally shows up. Episode Shadow should give us a sense of how he knows those things. Want it or not, he did spend a long time studying the Phantom Ruby’s power far more closely than anybody else – well, maybe Sonic spent almost as much time as Shadow in a similar state, but that’s something to cover in another part.
The fact that Shadow is the one narrating this entire episode is supposed to allude to him telling Rouge exactly what happened during those six months he was gone. But if you want to read it as him talking to himself in the Virtual Reality as he slowly descends into madness, then be my guest!
I don’t know if it’s noticeable, but I’ve tried to tune Infinite’s cheesiness down a bit. I don’t think I can rid him of it entirely – after all, he is somewhat of a pompous, edgy, over-the-top character in general; he’s a full-on drama queen 24/7 and the only character cheesier than him is Sonic. Now, what we do with Infinite is to at least give a base to what he says. Also, I wanted him to sound a bit more like he lets the power get to his head. Oh well, I surely hope we’ll be tackling more of Infinite in the future!
Episode Shadow is extremely short, even for a DLC. I mean, it’s about only 20 minutes long – even less, if you’re good at it! With the addition of the cutscenes, the small changes, the boss fights against Squad Jackal and Infinite, and the added levels, the episode shouldn’t get overwhelmingly longer, but longer enough for it to feel more satisfying!
And with that, we’re done! I hope you enjoyed this massive thing. Despite me really liking Sonic Forces, I do think a few things could be improved. It’s not like it will happen, but rewriting is a lot of fun!
And why, no: I don’t take myself seriously.
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juhlcho15-blog · 5 years
Top Guidelines Of Marvel
The supplies to up grade the gears to twenty five may be received through actively playing Yet another freshly extra attribute termed "Best Planet Boss" which displays the past entire world bosses (Thanos as well as the Black Get) wearing their costumes for the Avengers Infinity War. By getting tier 3, figures get a 6th Lively skill, which calls for charging to 100% so as to use. Players can buy extra upgrades, equipment, comedian playing cards, and consumables via retailers. Gamers can rank up devoid of getting additional practical experience with Rank-Up Tickets. The group think that it's the Ultimates Doing the job to solve the challenge of the scale collapsing. If they get there at the Ultimates HQ - The Triskellion, They are really confronted from the defense techniques drones and also a skeptical Black Panther who believes They can be from Yet another dimension. Following overpowering Black Panther and assuring him of their identification they progress on to satisfy Blue Marvel who's focusing on the device to seal the dimension rifts. Blue Marvel apologizes with the hostile stability drones and Black Panther informs them the implies to shut them down lies within the lab at the guts of your Triskelion. Arriving in the lab They're attacked by The usa Chavez who again believes the heroes are from A different dimension. They control to influence her but quickly come to understand that the Triskelion has gone in comprehensive lock down. The heroes rescue Jemma from Goal. Jemma tells them that they took their analysis in Proportions. Shortly thereafter, in seeking to Track down MODOK, the heroes come upon alternate Proportions of varied heroes and villains and recognize that Purpose has created a tool to mail people today between dimensions. The Marvel brand had been made use of over the years, but solidified as the business's only brand name within a number of many years. "[a hundred thirty] Joe afterwards elaborated that when each movie's Imaginative group "come up with conceptually what we want to do" for a film, then We are going to request questions about whether This is able to interfere which has a storyline in One more movie. Or, what is going on on in that movie, can we pull a number of that into this movie? Which is wherever you start on the lookout for the interconnectedness, however it's important early on that the idea be made within a bubble because It's important to safeguard The theory, it needs to be pushed by storytelling. Kevin's ... often while in the mindset of "let us just make this Film now and be concerned about the next Motion picture when it will come."[128] Look at Image · Marvel @marvelapp Apr 29 “Our principal query right now is how do we enhance the caliber of research so that the influence we’re obtaining as functions is really precious?” In November 2013, Feige stated that "in a really perfect environment" releases each and every year would come with one particular movie dependant on an existing character and one showcasing a whole new character, stating It truly is "a good rhythm" in that structure. Although marvel fight , as evident by the 2013 releases of Iron Gentleman 3 and Thor: The Dark Earth, he said it's "definitely a little something to goal for".[thirteen] Feige expanded on this in July 2014, expressing, "I don't realize that we will keep to [that model] every year, but we're performing that in 2014 and 2015, so I feel it would be exciting to carry on that kind of thing".[fourteen] In February 2014, Feige said that Marvel Studios would like to mimic the "rhythm" that the comedian publications have produced, by having the figures surface in their own movies, then come together, much like "a huge celebration or crossover collection,"[fifteen] with Avengers films acting as "big, large linchpins". The player may have a maximum of 5 teams arrange. There are also workforce bonuses, for specified sets of character crew combinations. People are unlocked and rated up by getting Biometrics, which can be found in specified missions plus the Video game retail outlet. People can get well improve options at bigger concentrations and may be leveled up as a result of character XP. Gamers can easily personalize heroes to their Engage in design as a result of updates, like upgrading expertise, equipment, and equipping ISO-eight. In August 2016, Marvel announced that Marvel's Runaways had received a pilot get from Hulu,[85] eventually receiving a ten episode purchase the following Could.[86] That July, Loeb confirmed the series would occur inside the MCU saying, "It all life in a similar globe, the way it's related and where by It is really connected and what it should be linked to stays to become noticed. - Make a choice from numerous Uniforms to boost your character’s powers and perfect your hero's glance. With our marvel future fight hack, you might recruit and unlock every one of the playable people in the game. Quite possibly the most basic way I could place it really is Marvel won't come to the filmmakers and say, "This is what the following Film is." They come to the filmmakers and say, "Exactly what is the up coming movie?" That's very much the process. This post could contain content discouraged through the handbook of fashion for video clip video game subjects. Make sure you support by eliminating articles which include lists of minutiae or an in depth description of tips on how to Participate in a game, and rewriting the short article within an encyclopedic type. (December 2018) I downloaded the mod, but Not any figures unlocked And no crystals either. You should convey to how to address this issue?
A Review Of Marvel Future Fight
In April 2017, in addition to his announcement that he was returning to write and direct Guardians in the Galaxy Vol. three, James Gunn disclosed he can be dealing with Marvel "that will help style in which these tales go, and ensure the future in the Marvel Cosmic Universe is as Distinctive and reliable and magical as what We've got produced to this point". Your not too long ago viewed things and featured tips › Check out or edit your searching historical past Almost all of Marvel's fictional figures function in only one truth often called the Marvel Universe, with most areas mirroring real-lifetime destinations; a lot of key people are based in New York City.[3] Now, its time to search out many of the available superheroes to face collectively to stop the villains from destroying the planet. Marvel Future Fights Mod APK September 2018 do i just tap on my hero group 5 time for the 5X and Def to operate and my cellphone is not really rooted and want to know if this get the job done also my account is auto login to google? Check out photo · Marvel @marvelapp Apr 24 Replying to @steffenbogeholm If you select an iPad task, it will eventually perform comprehensive-display on the iPad itself but Provide you use of the swipe location so for the end consumer there isn't any variation :) When the studio employed Kenneth Branagh and Joe Johnston to immediate Thor and Captain The us: The very first Avenger, respectively, it created guaranteed both administrators ended up open to the thought of a shared universe and which include Avengers established-up scenes inside their movies.[six] Joe Russo said, "That is the thrilling component of [incorporating references to your much larger universe]. 'What can we put in place to the future?' You might be consistently pitching out Thoughts that not simply impact your movie, but could possibly have a ripple influence that affects other movies ... It is a Bizarre sort of tapestry of writers and directors Performing collectively to generate this universe that is form of organic. In August 2011, Marvel introduced a number of direct-to-video clip shorter films referred to as Marvel 1-Shots,[117] the identify derived from your label utilized by Marvel Comics for his or her one particular-shot comics.[118] Co-producer Brad Winderbaum mentioned, "It is a fun technique to experiment with new people and ideas, but far more importantly it's a way for us to broaden the Marvel Cinematic Universe and notify stories that live outside the house the plot of our characteristics."[117] Every single brief movie is designed to be considered a self-contained story that provides far more backstory for people or activities released while in the films. 1Apkmod is completely dedicated towards Modding of Video games, Android Purposes and lots of much more things. marvel game at 1Apkmod offer the best at school Doing work mods of each of the video games. Subscribe to our E-newsletter for modern updates. Dont know the place to tap 5x. Ive attempted tapping everywhere you go. As an alternative to a video are you able to publish screenshots on exactly where to faucet? A few of these have been published in larger sized-format black and white Journals, less than its Curtis Magazines imprint. @deanblacc who developed his own pixel artwork iOS game in his spare time! Go seize it! twitter.com/AdvOfKidd/stat… … As Marvel Future Fight Mod APK Latest Version Download of DC Comics, this man definitely knew many of the product sales figures and was in the most beneficial situation to inform this tidbit to Goodman. … Needless to say, Goodman would wish to be playing golf using this type of fellow and be in his superior graces. … Sol worked carefully with Impartial Information' major management more than the a long time and might have gotten this story straight from the horse's mouth. Loeb talked further on the topic in July 2016, reiterating The problem of scheduling by declaring "if I'm taking pictures a tv series and that is intending to go on over a 6-month or eight-thirty day period interval, how am I gonna get [a television collection actor] to have the ability to go be inside of a Motion picture?" He noted that This might not be as much of a problem if people were being building really minimal cameo appearances, but explained that Marvel was not thinking about cameos and easter eggs just for the sake of lover provider, which could detract in the story getting explained to; "As I often get reported by you folks for stating #ItsAllConnected, our feeling would be that the connection isn't just whether somebody is going for walks into a Film or walking from a tv present.
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criscura · 7 years
Hmmmmmm did you ask permission to post someone else's art because how you posted that feels shady af
I’m going to answer as upfront and thoroughly as I can, and not the snarky way you asked this. There will be no cut--this is long and you have to read it.
I did not, for many reasons, some practical and some selfish.
Tumbling Down is a lot of things, but part of it is a thank you to all the awesome artists in OPM. I find prompts and pictures that are massively inspiring and make something around them as a way of giving back to the people who give a lot. 
The problem is, when I first started writing this, it was hard to track reblogs on art that you reblogged. That meant that if I just tagged on a chapter as part of a reblog, I couldn’t easily respond to people as they commented/shared/tagged/etc. and I’d end up ignoring them. (Though I’ll admit it, I’ve fallen off the bandwagon with answering. I never thought that this fic would get as much attention as it did and it’s hard to answer everyone the way they deserve. I do still look through every tag, comment, and reblog on each post, which would be VERY difficult if I’d reblogged someone else’s post, especially considering that much of the work that inspired me has thousands of notes).
The next obvious answer would be to reblog things without a picture, right? And just give a link to the inspiration and shout-out to the artist in the introduction to the chapter. The problem with that is that I never want someone to think that I created an inspired scene from scratch. I want the artist to get their credit. And I know that many times people don’t pay attention to forewords and jump right in, or if they do go to the original post they may only like and share my fic without doing so to the inspiration. That wasn’t okay either. The original needed to be permanently attached to my fic so that no one could ever ignore it.
So the next idea would be to download the image and put it at the start of every chapter with links to the original work and a shout-out to the artist. I didn’t like that though--it felt too much like I was presenting something that I had made, and then something written for it underneath it, and that’s gross. That’s unacceptable. 
SO. What I do is take a screenshot of the original piece so that at a glance you can tell that it is not my own piece, and use that as the image I share. In the screenshot I make sure you can see the artists/users’ icon, some part of their page, their blurb, and/or their tags so you could find them based on that alone. Then I tag the artist in the post so they get a notification of it, and post a link to the original piece immediately after so that people can more easily find it if they would like. This means that I’m putting up a post that I can follow, while making sure that it is very apparent that I drew inspiration from someone else’s work and providing links to it.
Now for the selfish part. No, I do not ask them beforehand if they are alright that I do it, because some artists aren’t on for months at a time and I cannot wait that long to post something. And no, I will not not post it. 
This fic is a thank you, but it’s also my own project, and I will work on it on my own time. Additionally, I will not just use other prompts that I’ve gotten the “okay” on. 
This has been mostly planned for about a year, with certain prompts and artworks as contenders for milestone events, but that I won’t know which ones are absolutely the right choice until I’ve gotten to writing them....and since my timeline is fluid, I have absolutely no idea if or when I’ll be using those prompts. For example, the last chapter I just posted? I had that saved as inspiration since February...of 2016. I badly wanted to write that in somehow, but I’m not going to ham-fist a scene into the story just because I happen to like it a lot. Had ket3′s picture not worked with the rest of the chapter, I would’ve gone with something else, but I wouldn’t know if it would work until I had the chapter almost entirely written out. To explain why I don’t want to wait to post chapters or edit them once they’re done, you have to understand the amount of work that goes into each one. 
One chapter is anywhere from 10,000 to 16,000 words. That’s....what, about 30 pages to 50 pages written. It takes me roughly a week/week and a half to write that, with the many many many hours of research that goes into each chapter. I reread each draft at least a dozen times (but probably far more than that) between short edits (rereading what I just did to center myself), long edits (combing through the entire chapter for tone/repetition/etc.), and hard edits (printing out a copy and physically editing so I can see the draft with a fresh set of eyes). Once it’s completed, I need to go into my phone to find the screenshot of the original piece and track down the artist/user as well as a link to the work itself. If the original screenshot didn’t give me enough information to easily find the artist, I take a new one that will show their icon/page/tags/etc. Then I use that to post the chapter, with all the links included. If I can’t track down the artist, then and only then will I change what I was going to write so that I don’t step on any toes. (Yes, I’ve had to do it. I have also realized I drew inspiration from something after the fact, and updated the fic/contacted the artist once I realized it.) By the time you see a chapter come up, I’ve already spent anywhere from two to three weeks on it. I am not going to wait months, potentially, to hear back from someone on whether or not it can go up, and then need to rewrite it all.
NOW. While I could physically go through my inspiration folder to track down, contact, and wait for a response from every artist that has ever inspired me in the chance that I choose to write for their piece, it would take an ENORMOUS amount of time and effort due to the sheer quantity of things I have saved. I would spend more time preparing for scenes I may never write than writing the fic itself, and I am not willing to do that. 
That’s not to say I don’t take the artist’s personal preferences into account when I’m writing. I am, for instance, incredibly inspired by cinensis’ work, but I won’t let myself use any of his work due to my fic’s (highly) sexual nature. It would be disrespectful. When I look at a piece of art, I try to take into consideration the feel, tone, and setting, and apply it to my fic as best I can. I am not going to rip something from an artist out of context and just plop it into my own art--I will spend a year working up to something if that’s the only way I can do a piece of art justice (I’ve done it several times and I will continue to do it until the fic is done).
Should an artist ever reach out to me and say, “Please remove my picture from this, I don’t like that,” I would apologize and fix it as best as I could, which--again, selfishly--would not included editing the scene out. I would, though, remove their picture from it and include a MASSIVE disclaimer at the start saying that I’d messed up, explaining why I’m reposting my chapter without the art, and ask that everyone who reads it respects the artist’s wishes. I understand that that’s cruel. I’m taking a big risk doing it that way. However....
I have been writing this for over a year and a half, and that has never happened. I take a HUGE amount of precautions to make sure I don’t offend/bother/irritate anyone, and that if I use someone else’s work as inspiration, it’s shown in a respectful and positive light that will (hopefully) help others appreciate it just as much as I do, and lead them to thinking more about the art/artist. And before you ask, I have actually drawn from ket3 before--twice. They were thankful/flattered/glad both times. 
I am sure this answer is unsatisfactory to you. I’m sorry to have bothered you, but I’m at peace with how I manage this fic and I will be the one to decide if and when I need to change the way I share it.
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almondhead · 7 years
Dear Courtney,
I’m writing you this in a letter because it helps me to clarify my thoughts. I’m going to thank you in advance for reading this.
I hurt you. I’m not going to deny this. The fight that we had was very bad, and I hurt you by insulting something that’s very important to you, something you’ve built your entire life around. Though I didn’t mean to hurt you, I did, and despite my best intentions, I need to fully own up to the way I insulted you. I shouldn’t have said what I did, it was impulsive, hurtful, and completely unneeded. If I want to hold myself to a high moral standard, it’s my job to be a better person, and that was not the act of a better person, it was the act of a spiteful person. I’m sorry. In order for an apology to be genuine, I don’t deserve to follow it up with explanations or reasoning. I admit my fault, and I am very sorry.
I hope that you know me well enough to know how this has changed me. I know that you were reading some of my vent posts, though I don’t know how often you do now. I know you don’t fall in love easily but I do. You know that I was in love with you, and even though I’m not in love with you anymore, I still love you. I care very deeply about you, and I want you to live a happy life. I still think of you pleasantly and I have a lot of jokes saved for you and screenshots of conversations I want to show you. You became one of my best friends and even if you don’t see me that way or miss me at all, thank you for being my friend in that moment. You know that I don’t lie, please don’t read my words as disingenuous. I am serious about everything I have just said.
You’re right that we met at the wrong time. I don’t know what would have happened if it was later, but we did not work at the time and I am fully aware of this. I’m sure there were other ways that I hurt you that I didn’t realize. I welcome your criticism of my actions, because I know I’m not a perfect person.
What I am going to do now, for the sake of my own mental health, is talk about how I’ve been feeling. If this will make you angry, please don’t read it.
You know that my entire life has been filled with people silencing me. I was always too loud, or too chatty, and I became extremely self-conscious whenever I spoke in public. With people I trusted, I let myself speak naturally, with full joy and full volume. I don’t blame you for asking me to be quieter when Alain was sleeping, I completely understood that. What I didn’t understand was when we were just talking and you would stop me, or get upset with me and say “I’m not stupid.” I absolutely never thought you were stupid. I never looked down on you, ever. I believe that a slow resentment began to grow in you as time passed but I will talk about that later. What I want to say is because of this, I started to change how I talked. You probably noticed a shift in how I talked. I dumbed myself down, I tried to be more air-headed, and I would write messages out but then rewrite them because they had too many big words and I was afraid you would think I was trying to sound condescending. I trusted you, and I changed the way I talked digitally and in-person to make you feel more comfortable. In retrospect, this was very hurtful, especially from someone who I trusted and loved. Because of you I became self-conscious again, and I’m doing my best to get past this. I know you didn’t mean for this to happen, but it did.
I believe that you grew a slow resentment towards me. I knew you looked up to me because of my writing and compared yourself to me. I think this was the root. You called me the “kindest person you’ve ever met” and a lot of superlatives. As much as I saw you as my equal, or even above me, I believe that on some level you always saw me as above you, for several reasons. Some major ones are writing level, family status/class, and lifestyle. I recognize that I have an extreme amount of privilege. I am very lucky to have had the childhood that I did, and the life that I do now. I came from a comparatively wealthy family with different values and lifestyle. I think that because of this, you overvalued my words. I understand that when you highly value someone’s words, and consider them to be above you, you take their word as gospel. Even though you didn’t love me, you did value my words. I am sorry that my words hurt you. I never looked down at you ever. I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but I need to say that not once, in the entire course of our relationship, did I ever look down on you or think of you as lesser than me. Never.
You promised that the reason you were breaking up with me was because you could not handle another relationship. When I see you posting about crushes you have, or flirting with people it hurts me. It either means that you were lying, and the reason why you broke up with me was strictly because of my mental illness, or because you like the attention and maybe want to hurt me. I don’t know how often you think of me. I think you’ve probably seen me posting about boys. I am fully capable of having a committed relationship, and the reason why I post is I am looking for someone who will love me. The difference between me posting about it and you posting about it is only one of us is capable of being in a new relationship at the moment. Only one of us can actually date someone right now. This is either the truth, or you lied to me and the reason why you broke up with me was because of my mental illness, and not your incapability to uphold another relationship. I don’t blame you for interacting with your followers, I would love the attention too. It’s very flattering. Also, I understand that if you were to make an official post saying you’re not looking to date, this would drive people off, and I know the attention is very flattering. However, because the one reason you broke up with me was because you were not able to uphold a relationship and did not have the emotional energy, it seems hypocritical for this to be happening. This hurts me greatly. You don’t need to do things for my benefit because you live your life for yourself, but I don’t understand this and it has been a major part of my ongoing anxiety.
You tweeted a while back about how I misjudged how long you can hold a grudge. I am an extremely forgiving person, I don’t need to prove this to you because you already know this. I don’t shame others for how they deal with conflict, I just know what works for me and what is generally accepted as healthy conflict resolution. I wanted to work through the issue the moment that we fought, but you told me to stop talking to you and I respected that. If being angry for this long is somehow cathartic and healing for you, then keep doing it. However, I want to work through this. I want to talk about what happened because I want to have a healthy, supportive relationship with you. Despite everything that’s happened, I still think of you as a best friend. I’m scared to write that, because I think you’ll get angry at me, but I want to say it.
We fought over two months ago. That’s a sizeable amount of time. I don’t know how long it takes for your anger to subside, or how long it takes for you to heal, but I am more than ready to discuss this. I want to discuss this with you. I was completely ready to take your emotional abuse until you felt better, and wait years until you took the time to message me, but I am tired of being silent. I’ll wait as long as it takes, but I needed to speak. It takes so much to make me angry. This is a mixture of both my personality, and my problems with emotional repression. Your lack of willingness to reach out or discuss this for two months made me angry. If you were truly hurt, wouldn’t you want to work through it? I don’t understand it, maybe you can explain it to me.
So, to recap:
What I said to you was wrong. I will not give excuses or reasons. I am sincerely sorry, and I apologize.
You hurt me. I haven’t touched on everything in this letter, but in a lot of ways our relationship was unhealthy. I am sure I hurt you in more ways than I am aware of. You made me extremely self-conscious about something that was already a problem, and made me hate everything that made me happy. I am sure I hurt you as well, and if you will tell me I will listen to everything you have to say.
I don’t know if you lied to me or not. You said my mental illness wasn’t the reason you broke up with me, you said it was because you couldn’t handle another relationship. You openly flirt with your followers, and specifically answered an ask to say that you would possibly be open to a polyamorous relationship. You probably meant in the future, but I feel that if you’re going to say that, you at least owe it to your followers to explain that now is not a good time. Either that, or you lied to me, and I’d appreciate it if you were honest about why you broke up with me.
I know you never loved me. That’s not your fault, that’s just how you work, and I can’t hate you for that. I am dealing with the trauma that I experienced from this. I am not angry at you about this. This wasn’t your fault, though I wished you would have been honest with yourself and not spent that time bringing my hopes up.
Don’t answer this if it makes you angry, but an important part of my healing process is to discuss. I needed to write this because waiting for two months hoping you’ll message me to talk has proven to be unproductive. There is more I want to say to you, but this letter includes the basics.
Thank you for reading.
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