#i love celia so much
Something that I find very, very interesting about FLF is the theme of perception vs reality when it comes to people, especially from Rosalind's pov.
Even going into reading the book, it's practically an expectation that when you start the book that you probably aren't going in as a super big fan of the main character. Even though Rosalind does have a very short pov in the TVD duology and there are definitely quite a few hints that she didn't really know what she was doing and that there's a lot more to her character, most people, just like pretty much all of the characters in TVD, don't see that because it's very subtle. And because Rosalind isn't very forward about it until you actually get into her head. When you read FLF, you get a much deeper understanding of her character and start to see that most of her characterization in TVD comes from a very warped understanding of what was going on with her.
This is also made very interesting by the fact that Rosalind's biggest character flaw is her propensity for holding grudges. If she has been wronged, she tends to cling to the anger she gets from that. It also takes a lot for her to start to see beyond her initial impressions of people, which is greatly reflected by the different ways that you begin to view the different characters in FLF.
Orion is a very good example of this. In this first pov chapter we initially see him as this,,, very unbothered average YA Hot BoyTM character. And even within that first chapter, that is very quickly disproven. Which is very interesting because that switch in perception that you have of Orion during that one chapter is essentially the same switch in perception Rosalind has of him over the course of the entire book.
This same theme is likely relevant to some extent in pretty much all of the other characters as well. With Phoebe, she's painted as a very naive, nonthreatening person only to be revealed to be the assassin who has been lurking in the background the entire time. And the more you reflect on her character, the more you realize how deeply everything that happened with her family has affected her.
Even though Alisa, at first glance, seems to be relatively unconcerned about the sides of the war and therefore likely lacking any strong morals or personal values, this is disproven when she refuses to trust Oliver, turning against the side she chose out of convenience to better align herself with the beliefs that she holds very closely to her, even though that deprives herself of the support of any formal side. She is no longer the little sister who plays a passive "watcher" role in the story.
This also applies to Silas and how Rosalind's first impression when he meets him is a memory of how she heard his father bragging about him years ago and therefore assumes that he has a good relationship with his family which I doubt is accurate.
I can also see this applying to Oliver when we see things from his point of view. My guess is that he's going to end up being absolutely terrified of his mom and that is going to contrast with the Tall Scary Communist AgentTM thing, but we'll see.
As far as Celia, I think this applies to how while she is often portrayed as a very caring kind person who only wants peace and stability, this also translates into her being willing to fight for it, which we see in TVD when she very closely aligns herself with Juliette and again when she defects to the Communists.
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fox-guardian · 3 months
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[ID: A digital comic of Sam and Celia from The Magnus Protocol and Danny from The Magnus Archives on a gray background. Everyone is colored in a single color. Sam is red, Celia is green, and Danny is yellow. Sam is a fat Arab man with short curly dark hair, a mustache, and a small goatee, and he is wearing small black earrings, a cardigan, a turtleneck, trousers and loafers. Celia is a slim Korean woman with short dark hair and she is wearing rectangular glasses, piercings including an industrial piercing, an x-shaped earring, and snakebites, a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a vest, trousers, and black wrist cuffs. Danny is a tall, beefy Latino man with short hair, a cut in his brow, and a "cat mouth" and he is wearing small hoop earrings and a waiter uniform including an apron and name tag.
Sam and Celia sit at a table looking tired. Sam is resting his chin on his hand and Celia has her fingers steepled.
Sam: We'll NEVER get what we need without this specific thing and/or connection. WHATEVER will we DO?
Danny appears holding a notepad and pen, shrugging sheepishly and smiling with flowers around his head. Sam and Celia sit up, smiling at him excitedly with their hands in the air
Danny: UM, I might just know a guy! Sam: Our regular waiter, Danny Stoker! Celia: You ALWAYS have what we need! Danny: HAHA, what can I say?
end ID]
rusty quill i have a suggestion
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derekgoffard · 1 year
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Going to be real with you 👤 I made these because Im so woefully in love with the sparkle bgs... LOL 🪂
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jennycalendar · 3 months
willow finding out that xander's into a mummy who has been established to murder people and her first reaction being "good >:)" like ..... man i did not catch that before but i sure did now and i am in love with how consistently these threads are woven in. compassion ALWAYS shows up with her because she has such a big heart, but top priority with her is her own desire to be right. she likes the idea of xander's girlfriend sucking (literally!) because then that means xander's been duped by a terrible monster, which on some level she does feel he deserves for ignoring her!!
like there is something so...resentful? about willow's crush on xander, especially in s2, to the point where it starts from her being in love with him and is feeling like it's evolving into her being mad at him for not being in love with her. which is sooo fascinating to watch. that on some level she feels Entitled to him because She Was There First and she's so special! how dare he not notice!! (when of course the reality is that of course he loves her but he also loves having her on retainer. he's saving her for emergencies. this is such a mess of a dynamic.)
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badlydrawntma · 4 months
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shellofwonder · 3 months
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queenbee2o3 · 1 year
just finished the seven husbands of evelyn hugo and it destroyed me. it made me so unbelievably happy. it tore my heart out. it gave me a gentle hug. i am filled with a pleasant hopelessness and bittersweet hope. and peace.
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mechanical-v1scera · 6 days
If Sam, Celia and Alice don’t all end up dating each other I’m gonna be so sad
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I just can’t stop picturing Alice and Celia as like… a married couple staying up at night to talk affectionate shit about their pathetic little boyfriend
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witchinatree · 20 days
sorry i want to jump back to magp15 really fast because this is so funny
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i hadn't thought to do this before but i just googled the play (The Pillowman - Wikipedia) and it's like a gruesome story about child murder?? (terrible way to summarize i'm better than this i promise). not at all hating on it!!! it's just such a choice for a second date, never change samama khalid i love you
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silly-lil-scribbles · 17 days
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Celia!! Tried coloring this one and it was horrible so you guys just get the lineart for her design for now lol
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I haven’t seen anyone talking about THEEE Samama Khalid and his humming to himself as he works and this must be rectified. I LOVE HIS LITTLE SINGING HES SO CUTE AND REAL FOR IT JUSTICE FOR MY BOY YALL HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE HES SO FUNNY AND ADORABLE GIVE HIM ALL THE HUGS
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brainbleedo · 1 month
Alice.... Alice darling... Fuck I'm going to update my tmagp relationship chart.
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rip olivercelia i will always love you
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jennycalendar · 6 months
so i am endlessly fascinated by the space river is occupying in her first episode with eleven. the doctor abruptly turns into the worst version of himself around her. she represents a lack of control over his own life -- he usually gets to pick and choose the people who enter it, but she is not someone he would have chosen to stay! she has an edge, she knows things that he doesn't, and she not only does not tell him but cannot tell him what those things are. she knows more than him in a way that he can't argue his way out of, and i would say that the eleventh doctor ESPECIALLY is not comfortable with not being the Specialest Boy In The Room. he's biting back because he wants to put river in her place and show her that she isn't actually as smart as she thinks she is, which is horrendous, but at the same time it is coming from this place of obvious insecurity.
and god help me, i thought i was not gonna get shippy with it (which was stupid because i have loved these two since middle school) but i think that the insecurity stems from the fact that he isn't her doctor. we saw that in her very first episode!!! she keeps on mentioning her doctor with all of these big cartoon heart eyes, and the way she treats him is very much "well, you're going to be him someday, so i guess i have to put up with you." i don't think the doctor is very used to smart people looking at him and finding him lacking in a way that is out of his control! and he's able to usually delegitimize the people who don't like him by saying "well, you obviously aren't smart and i don't like you either," but he doesn't have THAT to fall back on because he KNOWS that future-him trusts river enough to tell her his name!! so he is in this nebulous, horrifying space where his hearts are/aren't in the hands of a woman he does/doesn't trust, and he likes to be in control of his dynamics with other people. he wants to be the one who can get in his box and fly away. river is one of the very few people who can get through to him wherever he is. he wants soooo badly to show her that she's not as smart as she thinks she is because then he can prove that he's her doctor. and he hates that he wants that. so he tells himself and everyone else that he doesn't like her.
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belas-undead · 1 month
celia ripley the milf that you are
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elegantmarigold · 2 months
I was looking through 60s fashion photography, as one does, when I saw this one and immediately knew in my heart I needed to draw it as Gwen and Alice. So here they are:
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Original image:
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