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Harry and the Elder Wand problem (eng&fr)
(sorry for the mistakes, I’m doing my best!)
Several days ago, I tweeted (in French) about the Elder Wand and Harry, why he can not be the Master of Death until his death after DH and why destroy it was a good idea. But after reflexion, the problem can be bigger than I thought, so tweeted again. And I decided to post it here (it’s going to be quite long, good luck & have fun I guess).
1. Why Harry can’t be the EW Master until his death
(to see the original thread in French, it’s after the explanations or here)
During DH, Harry became the EW Waster when he just take wands of Draco’s hands in Malfoy Manor - he didn’t even fought him. And after DH, Harry did an Auror career, so he probably fought against other Aurors to training, he lived, basically.
I can not believe that no one ever cast on him an Expelliarmus, or a Stupefy, or whatever.
Or imagine, James S. plays with him and steals the wand of his father - is now James S., aged of 8, the new Master of the EW ??
My point is: the EW is inevitably going to choose another master at some point - Harry’s not as powerful and subtile as Dumbledore to not be defeated until the very end, it’s Harry (y’know, he’s quite instinctive and reckless). The EW can’t help but change of allegiance, because to be his master, a wizard or a witch don’t even have to kill.
And it’s clear that the Wand doesn’t choose the most powerful wizard, it’s not how it works: Drago was less skilled than Dumbledore but the EW chose him anyway: at some point, he defeated the former Master, and it’s all the EW needed (or it’s what I understood). Consequently, Harry can not still be the Master of the EW after beeing stupefied or something like that.
(The only thing that could justify that Harry can be the Master of the EW until his death, it’s: he is considered by the EW as the Master of Death, because he had at some point the Wand, the Stone and the Cloak (even if he dropped the Stone in the Forbidden Forest and gave to his son the Cloak), and thanks that, the EW recognizes him as the Master without conditions... But it doesn’t take into account basic rules we know about wands and all))
That’s why breaking the Elder Wand, destroying it, to be safe and protect others, was probably eventually a good idea.
(thread in French)
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2. What if the Elder Wand can’t be destroyed? (well Harry is going to be in trouble but are we surpised?)
(again, to see the original thread in French, it’s after the explanations or here) (I wanted to organise my thoughts so there are parts and all sorry)
     a) the EW is to strong, powerful, etc to be broken
Honestly, we can’t be sure about that at all, and we have to forget the data of the movies, but we can find few arguments:
First, the EW was (according to our informations) perfect for two of the three most powerful wizards during the 20th century: Grindelwald and Dumbledore, who where incredibly skilled, didn’t feel restricted by it - it proves the EW has a huge power. (you can say that there is not a wizard or a witch who is limitated by their own wand, and... yes, that’s true (it’s not a very good argument))
Then, the story of the EW itself describes how powerful is the Hallow - and I don’t (only) refer to the Tale, but also to the actual story of the EW through the centuries, which has be punctuated by blood.
Also, Dumbledore never destroyed it. It can signify that even a brilliant wizard has not the ability to break it. (of course, this argument works only if Albus had actually tried to destroy the EW, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t wanted to, for many reasons, but why not after all)
We can also add that the EW is ancient, however nobody destroyed it - even by accident, like Ron, Neville or Hermione did during the books. How is that even possible, if the EW has not something that the other wands have not ?
I suppose we can suppose that we can’t break the Elder Wand (if we only refer to the books), but it’s certainly not a certain fact, and we will consider that only to justify why Harry didn’t break it - instead of putting it back unharmed in Dumbledore’s grave.
     b) why Harry let the EW in Dumbledore’s grave
Of course, Harry firstly gave back the EW to the former-Headmaster because he thought the Wand was Albus’ propriety (he is Dumbledore’s man after all), and he prefered his good old own wand.
However, couldn’t be the grave enchanted, sealed and protected by powerful spells? Consequently the Wand will be safe? It’s Dumbledore’s grave, after all.
But when Riddle came to steal the Wand, he didn’t identify any magic barrier. It could be because his so powerful that he doesn’t even have to think about it to break the protection... or just because nobody thought about protecting Albus’ grave (why??).
But after DH, somebody have to think about it - McGo, or Hermione, or everyone who think about it more than 10 seconds - so the grave, after DH, could be sealed. I hope so. Please. 
If the grave is protected by spells, enchanted by people like McGo, Flitwick, and maybe Minister employees, it should be enough to stop most of wizards and witches. The aim here is to stop anybody who wants to stole it - like it happens to Gregorowitch.
   c) but there still are issues...
Two main issues, precisely: who are people who are searching the EW, and how it’s easy to find it since the Battle of Howgarts.
powerful wizards and witches:
On one hand, the wizards who wanted the EW during the 20th century were the most powerful, skilled, talented geniuses of their time. Twice of them were its Master during a very long period of time: Dumbledore (1945-1997) and Grindelwald (before 1927-1945). The third wizard, Riddle, obtained it, even if he was not his Master.
We can definitely see that the EW attracts the wizards who wants power, supremacy, and (quite often) destruction and blood - but who are also the prodigies of their age.
And a future Riddle or Grindelwald, or a wizard or a witch as skilled as Dumbledore, will be able to overcome the spells casted by McGo and all.
find the EW after DH:
On the other hand, it’s now easy to know where the EW is, because HARRY SAID HE IS THE MASTER OF THE ELDER WAND IN FRONT OF DOZENS OF PEOPLE. When Harry explains to Riddle the story of the EW and to who it pledges allegience, the 2nd of May 1998, there are the survivors of the Battle around them.
Nobody is going to convince me that the story of the EW is not mentioned in History books since 1998. I mean, it’s central during the war, because Dumbledore and Voldemort are (more or less) dead because of the EW and Harry won thanks to it.
After 1899, we can suppose that Gellert searched things about the EW in ancient testimonies and documents, written in old and unknown languages (probably? we don’t have much informations about it). Eventually, he found the Wand.
And now, the future dangerous and power hungry witch or wizard just has to open a book (which is doubtless in the Hogwarts’ library).
And last but not least, Hogwarts is not a safe place for the EW at all - I can’t even count the number of people who were at Hogwarts when they were not supposed to be there between 1991 and 1998 (seriously it’s ridiculous) (and I don’t even mention HPCC).
Conclusion :
Harry was maybe not able to break the EW (but if he was, break it was probably the best thing to do), but it sucks for him: the EW is not safe from the future prodigy in magic and everybody knows who’s its master now. And all of this means that, basically, Harry will be (again) the target of Dark wizards and be involve in life-threatening situations. Well done Harry, we missed that.
(thread in French)
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23rd May >> Fr. Martin’s Gospel Reflections / Homilies on John 15:26-27, 16:12-15 for the Feast of Pentecost, Cycle B:  ‘He will lead you to the complete truth’.
Feast of Pentecost, Cycle B
Gospel (Except USA)
John 15:26-27,16:12-15
The Spirit of truth will lead you to the complete truth.
Jesus said to his disciples:
‘When the Advocate comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who issues from the Father, he will be my witness. And you too will be witnesses, because you have been with me from the outset.
‘I still have many things to say to you but they would be too much for you now. But when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth, since he will not be speaking as from himself but will say only what he has learnt; and he will tell you of the things to come. He will glorify me, since all he tells you will be taken from what is mine. Everything the Father has is mine; that is why I said: All he tells you will be taken from what is mine.’
Gospel (USA)
John 15:26–27; 16:12–15
The Spirit of truth will guide you to all the truth.
Jesus said to his disciples: “When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me. And you also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.
   “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you.”
Reflections (3)
(i) Feast of Pentecost
When you look around our parish church you will find that there is no shortage of images: statues, paintings, stained glass, carvings and plaster moulds. They are mostly images of Jesus, Mary and of the saints. The Holy Spirit, whose feast we celebrate today, does not easily lend itself to imagery. One traditional image of the Holy Spirit is the dove. That is drawn from the gospel accounts of the baptism of Jesus. However the language of the evangelists in that passage is very tentative; they simply say that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove, in the way that a dove might descend. There are two other images of the Holy Spirit in this evening’s first reading. There again the language is suggestive rather than descriptive. Luke says that all who gathered in one room heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven and that something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire. It is not said that there was an actual wind and fire at Pentecost. There is something about the Holy Spirit that does not lend itself to any kind of concrete representation, because the Holy Spirit cannot be seen as such. Yet, the Holy Spirit is profoundly real.
There is a great deal in our universe that is real but is not visible to the naked eye. We may need a microscope or a powerful telescope to see it. What we see with our eyes is only a fraction of our physical world. The Holy Spirit is part of the spiritual world, and so is beyond the range of scientific instruments. Yet, there are helpful ways of imagining the Holy Spirit. In today’s second reading, Saint Paul, uses an image drawn from nature; he refers to the fruit of the Spirit, which is the visible expression of the Spirit in someone’s life. We may not be able to see the Holy Spirit, but we can see the impact of the Spirit in a human life, just as we cannot see the wind but we can see the impact of the wind on people and objects. Paul is saying, ‘wherever you find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control, the Spirit is at work’. The Spirit becomes visible in and through these qualities, these virtues. The person who possessed those qualities in abundance was Jesus because he was full of the Holy Spirit, full of the life of God. The Holy Spirit is essentially the life of God, and God’s life is a life of love. It is that divine life, that divine love, which was poured out at Pentecost, initially on the first disciples and then on all believers, including ourselves here this evening. Saint Paul expresses it very simply in his letter to the Romans, ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us’. That Spirit of God’s love works within us to bear the rich fruit that Paul speaks about in today’s second reading. The ordinary, day to day expressions of goodness and kindness, of faithfulness and self-control, of patience and gentleness, are all manifestations of the Spirit that has been given to us by God. The spiritual, in that sense, is not something other worldly; it is humanity at its best, at its most loving.
We have an example of humanity at its best in today’s first reading. On that first Pentecost, there was a wonderful communion between people from all over the Roman Empire. They were united in hearing in their own native language the preaching of the first disciples about the marvels of God. In spite of differences of language and culture there was a profound communion among them. Wherever we find such communion of heart and spirit today among those who are strikingly different from each other, there the Holy Spirit is at work. Unity in diversity is the mark of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit. In the gospel reading Jesus points out another role of the Spirit in our lives, and that is his role in the service of truth. Jesus declares that one of the Spirit’s roles is to lead us to the complete truth. Whenever someone has a genuine openness to truth, a willingness to search for truth, even when it challenges our convictions, there the Spirit is at work. Full truth is always beyond us; we never possess it completely. In John’s gospel Jesus declares himself to be the truth and he is always beyond us; we never fully possess him in this life. One of the roles of the Spirit is to keep leading us towards Jesus the complete truth, and to give us the courage to witness to his truth. In the gospel reading Jesus says, ‘the Spirit of Truth shall be my witness’, and then he immediately says ‘and you will be witnesses’. It is the Spirit who gives us the courage to witness to Jesus, his teaching, his way of life, his values and attitudes. We need the courage that the Spirit of Truth gives us today more than ever.
There is another role of the Holy Spirit, which Paul expresses very succinctly in one of his letter, ‘the Spirit helps us in our weakness’. Whenever weakness, in whatever form, overcomes us, the Holy Spirit is given to us as our strength. That is why we can pray to the Holy Spirit in the lovely words of today’s sequence, ‘Heal our wounds, our strength renew, on our dryness pour they dew’.
(ii) Feast of Pentecost
 As soon as we emerge into the light of day at birth we begin to communicate with those around us. The crying of the new born baby is an initial attempt to communicate. As new born babies begin to grow their efforts to communicate become more articulate. They begin to speak their first words and before long they start to shape phrases and then to put sentences together. The ability to communicate in writing comes later, through their schooling. Children learn to communicate reasonably quickly. Before they have reached the age of twelve, most children will have acquired the basic communication skills of speaking and writing.
 Yet, we know from our experience that the challenge to communicate well is a life-long one. As children move into the teenage years, they can struggle to communicate with others something of what may be going on within them. As they become aware of depths within themselves, they often don’t find it easy to communicate from out of those depths, even with those to whom they are closest. Children can have a wonderful openness and spontaneity, but they tend to loose that as they move into their teenage years. As teenagers move into their adult years, they can form deeper relationships with people and in that context a deeper form of communications becomes possible. Hopefully, as adults we can all find someone with whom we can communicate at a deep and personal level, in the knowledge that we will be received and understood. Yet, we are all aware that, in other ways, we do not always communicate well as adults. At the most basic level, we may be given information to pass on to others and we fail to do so. At another level, what we think we are communicating and what people actually hear can be quite different. What is very clear to us may not be so clear to others and, therefore, may have required much more by way of explanation than we had realized. At another level still, we can communicate one thing but actually, in our heart of hearts, believe something else. When we say what we don’t mean and don’t say what we mean, the consequences are invariably chaotic. People don’t know where they stand, and there is a breakdown in trust and cohesion.
 When the Holy Spirit came upon the first disciples of Jesus on that first Pentecost, according to Luke, they received an ability to communicate in a way they had never communicated before. There were Jews present in Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire of the time. They would have spoken a great variety of languages and yet, they were able to say, ‘each of us hears the disciples in our own native language’. The Spirit at work among the disciples broke down the language barriers that are normal obstacles to communication. The Spirit gave the disciples a new gift of speech; they were enabled to witness to the marvels of God in a way that people from other cultures and language groups could understand and receive. Luke would have us believe that one of the signs that the Spirit is at work is when there is real communication between people about the marvels of God, when something of the good news of what God has done for us in Jesus is proclaimed in a way that is received by others.
 The Spirit of God comes to help us to communicate with each other about the Lord, to build communion in the Lord. One of the roles of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to help us to communicate the Lord to each other. St. Paul had this same understanding of the Holy Spirit. In today’s second reading he states that ‘what the Spirit brings is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control’. These are qualities that we associate with the Lord. The Spirit comes to form these qualities within us so that by living these qualities we can communicate the Lord to each other. Whenever we display any of those qualities, we are communicating the Lord to one another and the Spirit is at work among us. St. Paul was convinced that we cannot communicate the Lord to each other without the help of the Holy Spirit. As he says in his letter to the Romans, ‘the Spirit helps us in our weakness’. It is because we are weak that we need the Holy Spirit. We need to pray, ‘Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts’, if we are to communicate the Lord to each other.
 We can only communicate the Lord to each other if we know the Lord ourselves. It is the Holy Spirit who helps us to know the Lord – and to know him not just with our heads but with our hearts. This is the message of St. John in today’s gospel reading. The role of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to the complete truth, to lead us to Jesus who is the Truth. The Holy Spirit, according to that reading, takes from the Lord and tells it to us. The Spirit communicates with us about the Lord, leading us into a deeper communion with him. We need the Holy Spirit if we are to come to know the Lord and, so, communicate the Lord to others in what we say and do. Because the Holy Spirit is so necessary to us in our Christian lives, the Lord is not slow to share the Spirit with us. Pentecost is not a once off event. The Lord continues to pour out the Holy Spirit on all those who ask for this gift. On this feast of Pentecost, we ask for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit on each of us, so that we, like the first disciples, will be able to communicate the Lord to each other today.
(iii) Feast of Pentecost
 We appreciate it when people are truthful with us. None of us likes to be deceived. We can be very understanding of people who fail in some significant way, if they acknowledge it and are open and truthful about it. But if they pretend that all is well when it is not, we feel cheated. We can sympathize with weakness, because we know that there but for the grace of God go any one of us, but we are irritated by deception and pretence.
 A double agent is someone whose real loyalty is in direct opposition to his proclaimed loyalty. On one occasion, Jesus’ opponents accused him of being a double agent. Although Jesus proclaimed himself to be an agent of God’s power, his opponents declared that in reality he was an agent of Satan’s power, ‘by the ruler of demons he casts out demons’. His public self was not his real self; he was a deceiver, they claimed.  There was, of course, no conflict between who Jesus publicly claimed to be and the person he was. He was a man of truth, or as we might say today, a person of integrity.  Indeed, according to John’s gospel, Jesus was truth itself; he says of himself, ‘I am the truth’. Jesus also says in that same gospel, ‘if you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free’.
 Pentecost is the feast of the Holy Spirit. Today’s gospel reading from John’s gospel refers to the Holy Spirit as the ‘Spirit of Truth’, and declares that one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to the complete truth. The Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus, the truth; the Spirit works in our lives to keep us truthful, as Jesus was truthful. The more open we are to the Spirit, the more of a single agent we become, the greater harmony there will be between who we proclaim to be and who we are in reality.
That quality of complete integrity does not come to us overnight. Jesus speaks of the Spirit as leading us towards the complete truth. We are always on the way towards being fully truthful people. At every step of our life’s journey, we look to the Spirit to lead us towards the complete truth, towards a completely truthful life style. When we come to Mass on a Sunday we not only proclaim the gospel; we also proclaim ourselves to be gospel people. We do that knowing that there is a gap between the proclamation we make and the daily reality of our lives. The gospel we proclaim is a very high ideal, and the Christ we follow is always beyond us to some extent. We will always be straining to reach the values of the gospel. In that sense, being a Christian is a strain, what Paul calls, straining forward to what lies ahead. Being a Christian involves tension, but it is a healthy tension, one keeps us on our toes and gives us something worthwhile to aim for. Yes, we fall short and we miss the mark, but as Paul reminds us, ‘the Spirit helps us in our weakness’. The Spirit is given to us to empower us to keep journeying towards the truth, especially in the times when we are painfully away of the gap between the person we feel called to be and the person we are in reality.
 At the first Pentecost, the Spirit was given to those who were painfully aware of that gap. The disciples had only recently deserted the very one they had set out to follow with great enthusiasm in Galilee. Yet, it was to such people that the Spirit was given, and given repeatedly. It is to such people – people like us - that the Spirit is given today. The Spirit is always given to those who are very aware that they have not yet reached the complete truth. All that is asked of us is that we recognize our need, and implore the coming of the Spirit in our weakness. The Sequence before the gospel captures that attitude beautifully, ‘Heal our wounds, our strength renew, on our dryness pour thy dew; wash the stains of guilt away’. That is a very appropriate prayer for the church to pray in these days. It is the prayer of people who know they have a long way to go, but who have not given up, because they know the Lord has not given up on them.
 As a people who, with the Spirit’s help, are trying to journey towards the complete truth, we need to be open to truth, wherever it is to be found, even when the truth is painful. The recent Ryan report contained many painful truths. Our hearts have gone out to all those who have been the victims of institutional abuse. There is much to be learnt from the truth in that report. We all have a long way to go on our journey towards embracing what the gospel calls ‘the complete truth’ On this feast of Pentecost we implore the Spirit to come afresh into our lives and to lead us closer to the complete truth, closer to the Lord who is the truth, so that his truth may find expression in the way we think and speak and relate..
Fr. Martin Hogan.
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evils--reign · 6 years
*     mentality     !!
TRIGGER WARNINGS ; mentioned in this post are references to child abuse ( both mental, emotional and physical ), sexual abuse ( marital rape ), anxiety, an eating disorder ( anorexia nervosa ) , violence and suicidal thoughts ( depression ), infertility, and an undiagnosed case of dissociative identity disorder ( multiple personality disorder )
regina is not mentally stable, especially in her youth, her marriage and, predominantly, her reign as queen. none of this information condones what regina did, the people she killed and/or terrorised - but it does explain a lot of her habits and why she does/says the things she does/says.
(     SOCIAL SKILLS     )
in “regina rising”, there are passages that imply regina was not permitted to interact with other children her age, let alone children of a lesser class.
“my mother and i had gone to town, and a pair of little girls had invited me to play marbles. my mother had scooted me past before i’d even been able to answer, and when i’d begged her to let me play one little game, she’d said - we’d had more important things to do - only i couldn’t think of a single thing we’d done that afternoon that was important at all”
it’s imperative for a child’s development to spend time with children their own age. more than that, it confirms that regina didn’t have a single friend until she was sixteen years old ( and she later learns that that friend was actually spying on her for cora ) - regina isn’t very good at making friends, even during the curse where the evil queen didn’t hang over her head. this explains why - because she’d never really had one that she made herself ( until maleficent ).
in season four, ( though i do not portray anything beyond season three ), emma mentions to regina about being friends, and regina was genuinely surprised at the suggestion. at first, it might seem to be because of their history but it makes sense that regina would be confused by the idea of friendship with a supposed enemy.
friendship in general is a concept regina is unfamiliar with. she has severe trust issues, which will be discussed, but it doesn’t help that after being kept from making any by her mother, she was then trapped inside a castle as the queen. befriending anyone then would have been entirely out of the question, because any friend of the queen was just that - a friend of the queen.
(     ABUSE     )
in season one, “the stable boy”, cora restrains regina with leather straps and raises her in the air until regina submits, begging “i’ll be good” as she cries. in “regina rising”, cora locks her daughter in her room with her magic and regina expects to be there for far longer than just an hour. cora also verbally belittles regina’s attire, her figure, her eating habits and her talents. cora instills in regina the idea that she needs to watch what she eats otherwise she will put on weight, and that would be unacceptable in cora’s eyes. later in the book, she then slaps regina across the face, viciously.
“i reached for the biscuits, but my mother slapped my hand - you’ve had enough, regina ‘ she said, almost sweetly. - i’ve only had one. i’d like another - i sounded like a little girl, and i hated myself for it.”
“ - i’ve heard quite enough from you, regina - my mother narrowed her eyes and waved her hand. i covered my ears and steeled myself as best i could for whatever terrible magic she had in store for me** …….. the sash that had been tied around my waist loosened. after floating before my eyes for a second or two, it snapped straight and wrapped itself over my mouth and around my head.”
“the words were barely out of my mouth when her hand crashed against my cheek. i held back a whimper and stood still.”
** - clearly, regina is used to cora using her magic against her as a form of discipline. she comes to expect that it will hurt her and it surprises when it doesn’t initially.
in another passage, regina is anxious to show cora her progress at art. when cora sees regina’s painting, she says “well, we cannot be good at everything” - in another chapter, young regina sings and dances with village children and cora later comments that she cannot sing. while not necessarily as damaging as previous put-downs, it does make regina feel insecure and thus, i class it as abuse.
while it is not touched upon in either the show itself of “regina rising”, regina is eventually married off to king leopold who is more than three times her age. regina is only seventeen when she saves snow white and it isn’t long after that she is forced to marry the king. in the show, leopold is originally interpreted as a jovial character, a kind king and loving father. but he is still a king, and he is still much, much older than his new wife. it is not outside the realm of possibility that regina was forced to endure sexual acts with her lord husband.
in “regina rising”, cora attempts to force regina’s hand at courting an older “prince” named benjamin who had already been through two marriages. it is implied in the books that regina’s youth would suit benjamin well and also supports the implication that young wives were often forced to please their husbands.
it is not confirmed, but i will be writing it as if it were - regina suffered through marital rape in the early years of her marriage to king leopold. she never told snow white, and would not tell her even now.
regina, as a young girl, craved cora’s approval more than anything. she was trained and conditioned to cora’s expectations and quickly learned that nothing she did would ever live up to them. until “regina rising”, when she is sixteen years old, regina is submissive to cora’s every whim and fancy. she suffers from panic attacks when she knows that she has done something that would upset her mother but has since learned to hide them until she is safely hidden in her room. in “regina rising”, it is mentioned that regina digs her nails in to the palms of her hands and at one point, wishes that the marks would bleed. this is caused by loss of control and her attempts at regaining it.
it is a subtle habit that she has not broken. while not as present in storybrooke as it is in the enchanted forest, if she feels the need to, she will clench her fists until her palms bleed, or her skin is marked red.
because of past experiences, regina has come to expect the worst from people. it’s why she does not trust as easily as she used to when she was younger. in “regina rising”, the story includes a girl named claire fairchild who regina befriended, her first friend, whom regina later learned was playing her all along. she was really there at cora’s request, and cora even stole claire’s heart at some point in the story. regina was so utterly heartbroken by the betrayal and she even questioned her own naivety.
it was this act that prompted regina to commit her first grey deed that belied her then pure heart. regina made a deal with cora in exchange for claire’s heart to be returned to her, and a forgetting potion. she then instructed claire to read a note that told her about her impending wedding before cora gave her heart heart back, and then slipped prince benjamin a forgetting potion. she then lied to him, telling him that he was to wed claire.
this was regina’s first glimpse of true betrayal and it leads in to her meeting snow white in the show. though regina’s trust in others her age and those older than her is fleeting, she has no reason not to trust children until she meets snow again. with her already questioning her faith in other people, snow’s betrayal and the subsequent death of daniel as a result immediately broke what was left.
anorexia nervosa is characterised by persistent energy intake restriction, intense fear of gaining weight and disturbance in self perceived weight or shape ( link ). as mentioned above, cora belittles regina’s eating habits and in later chapters of “regina rising”, regina catches herself limiting her food intake as a result. it does not go in to detail in either the show or the book, so i have taken some liberties with this aspect of regina’s mentality.
in season three, “quite a common fairy” ( referenced again later ), regina sits at a banquet table, alone. the table is full of food but regina only drinks out of a goblet. though it is a lot of food for one person, it doesn’t actually look like she’s attempted to eat any of it. maybe she’s just not hungry? in the back of her mind, cora will always be there telling her that she’s had enough to eat and that she should watch her figure, especially now that she’s officially the queen.
in storybrooke, she seems to have overcome this disorder, no doubt in part thanks to her newfound freedom in a new world. in season two, “welcome to storybrooke”, it’s reaching a bit high but she honest to god looks like she’s in love with the pancakes granny serves at the diner. though it is not as prevalent in storybrooke as it was in the enchanted forest, she does sometimes still catch herself counting calories or pushing food around her plate.  
i do want to point out that her eating disorder is not so severe as to make her sick or skeletal. cora would have never allowed her to show such weakness. but her constantly thinking about what she’s eating does affect her to the point where she has gone without eating every now and then. she also forgets to eat as the mayor in storybrooke and has to be reminded.
(     DEPRESSION     )
in season three, “quite a common fairy”, regina falls from her balcony and is then saved by tinkerbell, who later asks regina why she jumped. regina laughs and plays it off as if she fell, but tinkerbell doesn’t believe regina’s story one bit. and regina stops laughing.
there is a massive gap between young regina the newly crowned queen, and queen regina the reigning monarch, who has the king killed and a hunter sent after snow white. what turned regina from the docile queen resigned to her fate into the vengeful monster desperate for freedom? i have not yet decided what to headcanon for this.
there was a fanfic i read once where regina had made a deal with rumplestiltskin. i think the deal was that he promised her that she would be happy one day, and she wouldn’t try to kill herself. this deal is a brilliant theory and i’ve decided to incorporate it in to regina’s backstory. let’s look at all the things so far that could contribute to regina contemplating suicide.
she’s abused as a child
she’s forced in to marriage
and then sexually abused
she has to play mother to a child only six years younger than her
that child broke a promise, that resulted in the below
her true love was killed right in front of her
she was trapped by a spell of her mother’s that prevented her from leaving the castle before she was married
regina was not happy. she was miserable and at some point, she thought the only way out was dying. at least then she would be with daniel. but rumplestiltskin needed her to cast his curse, because she was apparently the only one capable of casting it ( i have a headcanon about why ) - maybe he genuinely cared about her well-being, but in my opinion, he only cared about himself and he didn’t want to wait another few centuries to find someone who could take him to the land without magic. so he did the only thing he could do ; strike a deal. regina wanted to know if living was worth it, so she asked him to swear that she would be happy in the future. he swore, and she agreed to not kill herself.
but that didn’t stop her from hating every minute of her life as the queen, as leopold’s wife and as snow white’s mother. and with snow white getting everything that she wanted, regina’s resentment only grew. eventually, when she saw a way out, she took it without hesitation. that way out was the genie and the death of the king.
also known as multiple personality disorder. i have mentioned in previous posts that regina has a lot ( and i mean, a lot ) of layers. there are so many different aspects of her character and several different personalities where most are completely different to others. it could just be character development, but i have decided to go a different route. the below points are all experiences that come with dissociative identity disorder ( link )
DEPERSONALIZATION. this is a sense of being detached from one’s body and is often referred to as an “out-of-body” experience.
DEREALIZATION. this is the feeling that the world is not real or looking foggy or far away.
AMNESIA. this is the failure to recall significant personal information that is so extensive it cannot be blamed on ordinary forgetfulness. there can also be micro-amnesias where the discussion engaged in is not remembered, or the content of a meaningful conversation is forgotten from one second to the next.
IDENTITY CONFUSION or IDENTITY ALTERATION. both of these involve a sense of confusion about who a person is. an example of identity confusion is when a person has trouble defining the things that interest them in life, or their political or religious or social viewpoints, or their sexual orientation, or their professional ambitions. in addition to these apparent alterations, the person may experience distortions in time, place, and situation.
it first started when daniel died. depersonalization - an out of body experience, feeling detached from one’s body. she watched in horror as daniel’s heart was ripped out and then crushed in to dust. at first, she didn’t understand. it happened so fast but to regina, it happened in slow motion. then daniel fell and regina screamed, and she came too.
it happened frequently after that. in season one, “the stable boy”, at the end of the episode regina is being fitted for her dress. if you look at her, she looks completely out of it. as if she’s not really there. she’s not really paying attention to what snow white is telling her until she mentions telling cora about regina and daniel. something snaps in her then. we get the first glimpse of what will one day be the evil queen in that scene where she looks away from snow white, processes what was said, and then transforms on screen ( in the commentary, you can hear adam and eddy talk about it with lana, about how that’s how she gets in to character usually off-scene ) - when regina walks away, she is a completely different person. it doesn’t last long, but it is a glimpse.
it happened the most during her marriage to the king. she would disassociate herself with her surroundings. it was almost automatic, the way she would smile and the things she would say. no one paid her much attention beyond being a pretty thing on leopold’s arm, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to stare of in to space, completely lost.
the amnesia aspect also comes in to play here, as well as at some points in time during her reign as the evil queen. but during her time in leopold’s bed, she would often lose track of time and after long enough, she started to black out what she would go through. she remembers the first few nights, but anything after that, she doesn’t recall.
as the evil queen, she found it difficult to remember faces and names, especially of those she victimised ( re. season three, “snow drifts” and “there’s not place like home” - she didn’t even remember having held marion as the evil queen, or when she met her again in the diner )
identity confusion and identity alteration come in to play with the evil queen. though i have not seen the episodes themselves, season six includes the evil queen as a separate entity to regina mills. to regina, the evil queen is someone else entirely, and not really a part of who she is. it is my opinion that the real regina lost sight of who she really was and what she believed in, and the evil queen was born. nurtured by both rumplestiltskin and her growing resentment of snow white, the evil queen came to life the moment leopold died. regina is a completely different person from before his death compared to after it. she’s not nearly as deranged as she is in later years, but that comes with time and isolation and addiction ( magic )…
magic absolutely is an addiction. once you learn it, you can’t let it go without serious consequences. it has always been my headcanon that if you were born with magic, you cannot survive without it. for example, rumplestiltskin and cora were both given magic. but regina, emma and zelena were born with it. despite canon information, it is my opinion that if cut off from their magic or if their magic is taken away from them, born magic-users would get very sick and could possibly die. it is a part of who they are. taking it away is as good as taking away their soul. it can be locked inside you, and once it is released it is near impossible to put back away.
it’s affect on you depends on how you use it, and with rumplestiltskin feeding the evil queen’s magic with his own influence, it heightened regina’s reliance on it.
during the curse, magic still existed in storybrooke, regina just did not have access to it. it was still there though, and it was enough to keep regina’s addiction sated.
after regina’s failed execution and the subsequent result ( her inability to directly hurt snow white ), regina’s desperation only grew stronger and so the queen’s delusion grew to match. regina does remember most of her actions as the evil queen, but some things she completely forgets until she sees it in her sleep and she wakes up screaming.
though she does originally feel like the evil queen is a completely different person, that does not mean that she denies responsibility for her. she knows what she’s done but she justifies it as, in a nutshell, karma.
when the curse is cast, regina is finally free of the enchanted forest, the crown and the queen. it’s easy to slip in to the role of mayor mills and completely ignore the monster that still resided under her skin. she put the evil queen aside, and didn’t think about her until the book came to be, henry started to pull away, and emma swan came to storybrooke.
this is where regina first started to dig her nails in to her palms again. it was the only way she could think of to control her more malicious instincts and she didn’t want to release the evil queen when she had other options to consider.
regina has a temper that she was both born with, and built on as the evil queen. she’d always been stubborn, and she had always been hot-headed, but in her youth she was very submissive, and so she bit her tongue. as the queen, she didn’t have to, so she took advantage of that. in storybrooke, she had to relearn how to control herself otherwise she would completely lose it.
** in my characterisation, my main storybrooke verse regina has not yet come to terms with the evil queen and has not accepted her as a part of herself. until she does that, the evil queen is another entity sharing regina’s body that she has difficulty controlling.
EXTRA INFORMATION. as mentioned in my rules, regina took an infertility potion not long after marrying the king, to ensure she did not fall pregnant with an unwanted baby. this is canon information for both main verse one and main verse two. regina does not like to talk about it and will become hostile if it is ever mentioned to her, the possibility of her ever having a biological child. in “regina’s rising”, cora mentions only wanting the best for regina, and then tells her that she will understand when she has her on children. regina then starts to think about it and decides that she would rather marry an older prince than have a child, because she is absolutely terrified about what kind of mother she would be. obviously, she overcomes that fear when she adopts henry. but there is still that inkling of insecurity and self-doubt when she takes henry back to the adoption agency and considers giving him up - not just because she learns he’s the savior’s son, but because she doesn’t think she has it in her to raise him right. later, henry’s continued insistence that she is nothing but evil and his manipulations of her dredge up all that insecurity and it hurts her deeply.
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napolinlawontario · 4 years
Bicycle Accident Lawyer Offers Legal Aid In Ontario
Ontario, CA residents in need of a bicycle accident lawyer need not look any further than Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer. The Ontario based firm can provide highly trained and experienced attorneys to handle all kinds of accident related issues. Bicycle injuries can often be very severe yet some people, even if they are victims in such a situation, do not fully understand that they are entitled to compensation in such cases. The lawyers at Napolin know and understand how much of an inconvenience being injured in any kind of accident can be. They also understand how difficult it can be to get fair or even adequate compensation. “If you are hurt in an accident, you need to speak with the best accident injury lawyer,” says the firm. “The insurance company of the person who hurt you is not on your side. Do not listen to the advice of the insurance adjuster. Instead, contact our qualified and experienced personal injury Ontario California legal team. You will be happy that you did.” The website can be found here: Bicycle Accident Lawyer Ontario. Mr. Napolin, the attorney at Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer, is a very successful personal injury lawyer who asserts claims against insurance companies using his proven methodology. His approach to handling his clients’ accident injury claims results in successful outcomes for his clients more often than not. Clients who choose to work with Napolin acquire an energetic and diverse legal team that can help one overcome their injuries. When choosing an accident injury lawyer, it is important to pick one with a reputation for success. Napolin has, over the years, proven to be one of the most successful firms in the field. Past success, however, does not always mean that an attorney will be successful in any given case—but there are a number of other factors that separate Napolin from their peers. “Case success means that a case is evaluated correctly and then timely prosecuted in a way that improves the client's overall well-being,” says the firm. “Therefore, our firm puts the focus on you and not on how much we have collected for others. By putting the focus on you, a higher and better overall case success is achieved.” Since the firm’s founding in 2011, they have grown into one of the most well-rounded accident injury lawsuit firms in Ontario, California. The firm’s reputation is not based only on the amount of money they have collected for their clients over the years but by the quality of each client’s experience. They have developed a great formula that almost guarantees success when properly applied, and the firm’s track record is proof of this. Many of their clients’ reviews talk about the great service offered by Napolin. One 5-Star Google review goes into some detail regarding the firm’s personal injury legal services, explaining, “The team at Napolin Law was highly professional and worked tirelessly to get me the best possible settlement for my case, including getting the defendant to pay back SDI claims during my disability period. My settlement was beyond my expectations and was truly a life changing experience. They hung in there with me during the toughest times and did everything and anything that was in my best interest without backing down to the ridiculous claims of the defendant. Both Shontia and Mr. Napolin were professional and did an outstanding job!” Another client comments, “I highly recommend Mr. Napolin’s services. I was in a car accident, and he made the process very easy for me and was very helpful. He kept me updated throughout the case, and I am very happy I chose him as my attorney, and happy with the results as I won my case! Thank you, Mr. Napolin, for your excellent services.” Those in need of an Ontario bicycle accidents attorney are encouraged to get in touch with Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer and find out what they can do. They have the knowledge and skills needed to produce great results in any case they are involved in, and clients are guaranteed to get the compensation they deserve. Clients may contact Alexander D. Napolin of Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer to learn more.
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kartiavelino · 5 years
From Broke to Baw$e: Panelists Speak Setbacks & Comebacks
Written by Soraya Joseph “You may’t be nice at 40 issues. Be nice at one factor first. Begin with one factor. Construct that. Get nice, after which you’ll be able to open up some extra room for different issues…” -Ms. Bling Miami Just lately Courtney Adeleye, the creator and CEO of haircare empire The Mane Alternative, hosted the second annual “The Baw$e Convention” in Miami, FL. Joined by particular company and audio system Raynell “Supa Cent” Steward, Pascale “Ms. Bling Miami” Rowe, and Jesseca “BB Judy” Dupart, the three day occasion introduced out over 600 ladies from around the globe. From Texas, Detroit and New York, to the UK and the Bahamas, lots of of ladies and aspiring bosses got here to Miami, FL to take pleasure in three days of in-depth workshops, seminars, and naturally, some enjoyable! Throughout a candid chat on the convention, Adeleye opened up about her personal struggles throughout her entrepreneurial journey. The previous registered nurse turned kitchen beautician and boss extraordinaire, revealed how she went from a comfortable life as a medical skilled, to being flat out broke. “I needed to rob Peter to pay Paul,” Adeleye admitted whereas detailing the issue behind making ends meet at one level in her life. Regardless of Adeleye and her doctor-husband upholding lustrous careers within the medical subject, the couple each succumbed to monetary hardships throughout a recession. Happily for Adeleye, it could be a $500 mortgage, together with some added push from an in depth family-friend, that will later flip itself right into a $50 million greenback empire. Quick ahead, and never solely does Adeleye promote wonderful hair merchandise, she’s additionally made being – and changing into– a boss, a enterprise. On the convention, Adeleye and company, together with panelists Supa Cent, Ms. Bling Miami, BB Judy and visitor speaker Arielle Loren, all supplied recommendation on every thing from beginning a enterprise, to coping with backlash and overcoming hardships. “When you’re employed exhausting, you are going to have some issues that change about you. And that scares folks,” Adeleye mentioned, when requested about coping with detrimental feedback. “I am undoubtedly not the identical particular person I used to be 5 years in the past, as a result of again then, I do not care who it was. In the event you mentioned one thing loopy to me on social media, I would be like, ‘Maintain on. Let me say one thing again actual fast.'” (imitates typing movement) Adeleye continued, “However these days, I am like, ‘Let me say ‘thank  you’ to the negativity,’ and let me put my power in direction of these [positive] folks, as a substitute. You’ve got bought 2000 those who mentioned they appreciated you, and this one particular person mentioned one thing detrimental, and now you are speaking to them. That is not truthful to these 2000 folks.” RELATED: Working Women: The 2nd Annual Baw$e Conference Was Boss & Boujee! When requested learn how to begin a enterprise with a smaller social media following, and little to no on-line presence, Adeleye suggested to start out from inside, and construct your self as a model, first. “It’s a must to give the world one thing they do not have. They do not all the time have a voice. They do not all the time have a persona. It’s a must to use who you might be to amplify the platform that you’ve got. If you do not have a enterprise but, construct your self as a model. You want footwear? Begin posting footwear on a regular basis, and make it as skilled as doable. Construct who you might be first.” The haircare guru even revealed how she managed to show a doubtlessly dangerous enterprise error into the most effective profession resolution ever. Whereas discussing a Black Friday promotion she’d supposed to provide out to just one buyer a couple of years in the past, Adeleye revealed that a pc glitch resulted in everybody getting the coupon, as a substitute. Happily what she misplaced in {dollars}, purchased her priceless promotion, and was actually, 1,000,000 greenback mistake. “A couple of years in the past, I put a 50% low cost – I meant to place it for one particular person. That factor broke, and everybody bought 50% off. I used to be like, ‘Oh no! What occurred?’ I did not even have the product to promote… however in the long run, that is what actually launched us.” Whereas Adeleye has managed to develop her enterprise into an 8-figure empire, others, comparable to Ms. Bling, are nonetheless prospering on a extra petite and highly effective scale. The creator and boutique proprietor revealed that whereas her enterprise solely consists of a workers of eight folks, the load of eight can nonetheless show heavy. “The professional of a smaller staff is that folks really feel linked to you. Your followers, your prospects. Individuals really feel like they know you. It’s totally personable while you’re promoting one thing.  The con is, I work realy exhausting. I am 42 child. I haven’t got my 25-year-old knees anymore! I am not Bling thee Stallion (laughs). Once I’m taking these photographs, I am sucking it in, I’ve bought my Spanx on. I am making it look simple, however I am additionally crying as a result of these silly Louboutins are hurting my ft,” Bling jokingly confessed. The style retailer continued, “I haven’t got a mannequin, I am the mannequin. You may’t get sick. You may’t drained. I’ve a workers of eight folks, and I do know it is probably not a lot, however I am accountable for eight households. If I do not work, they do not have a job to come back to on Monday. I am critical. The margin is that small. Individuals purchase from me in my sleep, in order that manner, after I get up, my workers has one thing to tug and package deal. You perceive what I am saying?  You are feeding eight households, plus mine, so it seems like I am accountable for all of it. It is now not [just about] me.” When requested learn how to higher steadiness and handle a number of concepts and enterprise ventures, Bling advises that folks tempo themselves, and excellent one concept at a time. “You’re taking that one factor and also you make it nice. You may’t be nice at 40 issues. Be nice at one factor first. Begin with one factor. Construct that. Get nice, after which you’ll be able to open up some extra room for different issues.” Hair stylist turned CEO of Kaleidoscope hair merchandise, BB Judy, additionally chimed in on her colourful journey to success, whereas detailing how she leveraged social media to her benefit.  Judy not solely dished on her profession bounce again, but additionally revealed how her partnership-turned-friendship with social media influencer and The Crayon Field CEO, Supa Cent, ended up being a win for each ladies. “Lots of people typically are scared to let you know about their downs… [but] I opened my [beauty] store in August of 2013, and by December 15 of 2013, I had a complete loss. I misplaced each single [thing]. And for the folks working for me, I felt this big duty as a pacesetter, to have to search out someplace for us to go, and substitute every thing,” she began. “From there, I actually grinded my tail off. I attempted to get us product, I attempted to get us gear. So then after I was blessed sufficient to avoid wasting up sufficient to place us again within the store,I launched my Kaleidoscope hair merchandise. From there, I realized about social media advertising, and within the midst of social media advertising, I ended up [linking up] with Supa.” RELATED: Exclusive: Multi-Millionaire Supa Cent Shares Her Secret Sauce To Making Millions In 90 Minutes Judy then revealed the advantages of partaking in a “barter system,” the place she gave folks free merchandise in alternate for promotion of her enterprise. “Once I first began to do what I used to be doing, everybody was towards it. They have been like, ‘Oh nicely, you rent this particular person and that particular person, and provides them free hair, and doing their hair on a regular basis totally free, and they’re simply utilizing you.’ However I checked out it from my finish. In alternate for promotion, I bought the publicity that was far past something that particular person might pay me. That is the barter system,  and no person was doing the barter system again then.” Visitor speaker Arielle Loren, who hosted the “Learn how to Get Funding for Your Enterprise” workshop on the second annual Bawse convention, additionally had some useful phrases for aspiring entrepreneurs. Loren is the founding father of 100Okay Incubator, the primary enterprise funding cellular app for girls in Apple and Google’s app shops. “We have now to get out of the ‘bootstrap and wrestle’ mentality in relation to going after funding for our companies. There are over 12 several types of funding out there to us from enterprise traces of credit score to enterprise grants to enterprise loans to authorities contracts, and that’s all exterior of angel investor and enterprise capital funding,” she says. Loren, who boasts a decade-long resume as a monetary and fundraising advisor, is presently devoted to serving to over 100,000 early stage ladies entrepreneurs get funding for his or her companies. “We we have now choices, we simply must be educated about learn how to go after them,” Loren acknowledged. Try half certainly one of The 2nd Annual Baw$e Convention recap here!  (Photograph courtesy of The Bawse Convention) Get the newest from BET in your inbox! Enroll now for the newest in celeb, sports activities, information and elegance from BET. By clicking submit, I consent to receiving BET Newsletters and different advertising emails. BET Newsletters are topic to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Customers can unsubscribe at anytime. 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