#i tag vegan if its vegan friendly or has a vegan variation
cook-n-tell · 4 years
I’ve recently received an influx of new followers! Hello and welcome! Thank you for the follow!
I’d like to take this moment to say that my askbox is always open if you’re after a recipe or have a substitution question, or not sure what to make for dinner! My submission box is also open if you’d like to share your favourite recipes, you are more than welcome.
I also have a mini series of posts that I call the “How To Basic.” If anyone has any recommendations as to what essential cooking guidelines I should do next, leave a comment or let me know in an ask or reblog!
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What else was She to do?
Chapter 1:
The Summer Job
We met at our job. It was the summer of 56 and I had just been certified as a lifeguard. So naturally I sought a job at the neighborhood YMCA. She had already worked there before. She had experience with the people there. I was new and therefore nervous. Eager as I was to make friends I also had a hope in the back of my mind that I might meet someone. My childhood sweetheart Janice Spence had just dumped me. As soon as I walked into the first staff meeting I knew.. that I was in love with the girl sitting next to her. Yeah, I won’t lie about it. I didn’t initially notice her, but once I did there was nothing I wouldn’t do to get to know her. The girl next to her was Melissa O’Riley. Melissa had lovely red hair was cut in a sort of bob at the neck. Her eyes were bright blue and she had a persuasive laugh- the kind you want to listen to again and again. So I made her laugh as often as I could for the first two weeks. She was obliging and I was in heaven until I realized she wasn’t funny at all herself and had little interest in anything but gossip. Within 20 minutes of speaking to her I learned more about every staff member than I could ever want to. So eventually my sights drifted and settled upon the true heroine of this story: Eva Sandoval. Eva was quick witted. And that’s all I knew about her for a long time. She wasn’t shy and she wasn’t obnoxious. When she was talking to you it seemed as if she might love you for all the courteous attention she bestowed with those entrancing brown eyes. But as soon as she walked away you felt unsure of her admiration, and doubted she had ever had any interest in you at all. She was spectacularly mysterious and I was desperate to gain a better understanding of her. Thank goodness we had the same shift or I might have never gotten to know her and my life would be drastically different than what it is now 5 months after this story begins. 
It was my 4th year working for the YMCA of Pendleton Springs, AZ. I had renewed my lifeguard certification again for this year because Ma kept nagging me about it. “Miha you must have a job if you wish to be anything. Learn to work now so you never struggle as I did. When your sainted Pa was taken from us I thought we would starve, but you know what I did? I walked into town and asked every shop on the street if they would hire me- I mean it! Every single store I asked! And when I reached the end of the street I had the means to a living. Ah, but it was brutal- learning to work hard takes time Miha. And I don’t want you wasting it! Go down to the class after school today and get re-certified!” She had delivered this monologue in variation after variation since I was 11. The year after my father was killed. Me and my little sister Mari listen attentively every single time but I must admit after 6 years its getting a bit old. But no matter! I went down to the pool directly after school that day and Mari tagged along. When we got there the instructor hadn’t arrived. There were a few familiar faces milling about in the water. Melissa, David, and Patsy I had worked with the past two summers. They smiled and called for me to change quickly so we could adjust to the chill of the water together. I dragged Mari from the edge of the pool, over to the changing rooms, where she had been animatedly trying to engage Melissa in conversation about how she was thinking about bobbing her hair too. For a few months now Mari has been seeking out other girls my age for advice and validation. She’s 13 years old and is desperate to be a fully-fledged teen. I asked her once why she didn’t come to me for stuff like that and she answered after thinking a minute, “You’re just different than the other girls Evie, I’ve seen you dance to the crooning of Cosby. I can’t ask you for advice after seeing that!” I actually thought it was kind of funny. But I still didn’t see why she had to talk to Melissa about it. Melissa is alright I suppose, I just don’t want Mari to become half as dull as she is. Soon we were changed and I was reviewing strokes with the rest of the gang. Sooner than I’d have liked our instructor arrived. I was expecting Mrs. Taner like every year, but was surprised to see a man striding forward in a swimsuit with a whistle slung around his neck. He seemed to be in his 30’s. I couldn’t tell for sure because I was overwhelmed by how absolutely mature he looked. So calm, so above it all, and with a dark mustache to boot! I was already smitten. “Hi,” said he with a look into the pool, “I’m here to teach the recertfication course. Am I correct in assuming you are my students?” We stared dumbfounded for a moment before Patsy spoke up, “ Where’s Mrs. Taner?” 
Melissa chimed in, “Pats didn’t you hear! Mrs. Taner is pregnant.” 
“Yes and I will be taking charge of the pool over the summer while she is unable to supervise.” The man said, “My name is Mr. Micklesby and I look forward to a great summer.” He spoke all this with energy and dropped a quick and somehow remonstrating smile. He didn’t seem to be nearly a peppy as Mrs. Taner. But I didn’t mind at all. 
Any ideas I had about finding a new job for the summer were wiped from my mind by that afternoon. Mr. Micklesby was demanding and stern and utterly charming. I never performed stronger or faster strokes than during that course. Now please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not the type to go after someone older than me. I’m not the type to go after anybody. But I did have a terrible crush and was determined to prove my proficiency and worthiness as a member of the staff. And thus my summer began. Staff meetings came and went and I adored Mr. Micklesby from atop my tall wooden chair- while of course scanning the pool responsibly. 
“Why do you think Mr. Micklesby is in charge now?” David pondered aloud after one of our shifts ended. Pendleton Springs has one of the largest pools in the state so many of us had to be on duty at a time and thus got to take breaks together while the other staff took a turn. 
“I don’t know, but he seems very qualified.” I answered trying to keep the partiality out of my voice.
Melissa came up behind us, “My mother says he was in charge of the pool in a neighboring town and wanted to be at Pendleton for the pay raise. Some say he actually saved a child from drowning once!” She finished this with an impressive look.
“As uptight as he is I can’t imagine him swimming for fun. Wonder how he got into this line of work?”, this came from Thomas the new guy. Melissa laughed appreciatively then slipped into the locker room. He gave her a satisfied smile and followed suit.
We all have lockers for our clothes and lunches while we work. That’s why my locker is my favorite sight at the end of a long shift. It means lunch and giving your eyes a rest from the monotonous task of watching people bob up and down below the surface.
Chapter 2: 
 My Father, Mr. Micklesby and that new kid Thomas.
So I started that summer thinking I’d actually be swimming. Wrong. It was mostly watching other people swim and telling kids to stop holding each other under the water for too long. In a word, it was boring. Luckily, I had an interesting cast of characters to entertain me. To start there was Patsy. Patsy was colorful and cheerful until she saw kids running. To watch the split second transformation from beaming benignity to the ferocious dragon of a girl who screamed across the water for the kids to halt was fascinating. She sat nearest to me so I had a front row seat. She also had a deep infatuation with bugs. Anytime I was with her she had a new fact about a different species. Not being especially keen on insects I would try to steer the conversation away from the topic. She however could relate every subject to a different bug and its behavior. The second week I worked there she was obsessed with the banana spider and she didn’t run out of “interesting” facts till Thursday. Melissa and Eva I’ve already taken time to describe so I’ll skip them. There was David. He, I got to know on breaks mostly. He was vegan and well informed. He knew everything there was to know about American history and modern politics which would have been dandy if he didn’t assume I was as knowledgable as he. I spent a good deal of time faking my way through conversations about people I had never heard of. However I stayed close to him because he at least, was talking about people instead of creepy-crawlies. He was a perfectly friendly chap till you took out your lunch. Then he would eye my roast beef sandwich with dismay and mutter to himself about the cruelty animals were subject to. And then finally my boss: Mr. Micklesby. The ridiculousness of his name extended to his looks and demeanor. He was short and mean. His dark hair was styled in a positively ancient do involving copious amounts of gel so that it looked as glazed as a donut. His feet were especially large for a man of his height but who knows maybe he’ll grow into it. But for now it rendered his walk rather absurd. I would never say all this about him if it weren’t for the fact that he obviously thought himself superior and was incredibly short tempered. Now I know that as a newbie I was bound to make mistakes, but his bursts of short cutting commentary never helped. He was even curt with the more experienced staff. So I did my best to avoid him. That is until I noticed Eva was always near him during breaks. I thought she must have been a super hard worker because she was always asking if there was anything else she cold do to help out before she went to have lunch. So despite my wariness I began to ask if I could help out as well. Mr Micklesby almost never had anything for us to do, but I would come up to him at the end of every shift because I knew Eva would be there. After days of asking for more work and being turned away we were given something to do.
“Good gracious I never saw such eager kids,” Mr. Micklesby said with a derisive snort, it didn’t appear to be a compliment, “ugh, fine why don’t you- I don’t know.. Scrub down the old paddles boards huh? I guess I’ll just assume you two will figure it out?”
“Sir, I’ve been doing this for four years. I know what to do.” Eva said with composure.
“Yeah and I’ve been breathing since birth but that doesn’t mean I know how it works,” He said with a condescending chuckle.
I had barely muttered, “What does that even me-,” when he started again.
“Look there are some wipes in the shed, just use those- I don’t want you two rubes handling anything stronger than that ok? No cleaning chemicals allowed.” 
I was surprised by how well Eva took all this. I had seen her tell off quite a few people since week one and I knew she wasn’t opposed to really letting someone have it. But she nodded her understanding and set off towards the shed. Catching up with her a few feet later I tried to make a joke, “if only his temper was as long as his feet right?” I said looking at her hopefully. She gave a quick but uninterested smile and didn’t slow her pace. I tried again, “I think it’s really cool how much you want to help. Is that just how you are or is it the job you care about?” 
She actually slowed a little when I said this and answered in the direct and confidential tone I’d soon come to know well, “ Thanks, but I only really do this job for my Ma. She makes such a big deal out of it every year. How important it is that I’m a worker and how much it means to her to see me as independent.” 
“That’s sweet. Does the job make you feel independent?”
Her eyes were on mine now as we reached the shed and started unloading the paddle boards and searching for the wipes, “It should!” She said with a merry laugh, “I’m paying rent. My ma never mentions that to me. She always says its for my betterment that I work.” Her jovial manner had slackened as she concluded.
“Wow, you.. pay the rent? That’s a big responsibility..Do your parents not work?” As soon as the words left my mouth I realized what a personal and harsh question I’d asked. How open she had been with me had lured me into a false sense of security. I didn’t know her near well enough to ask her this stuff. To my immense relief her attitude towards me didn’t change. She continued.
“My mom does. And my abuela takes in small sewing jobs. And my father is.. dead. So he doesn’t work.” She finished with a significant look. 
“I’m so sorry I-“
She cut me off placing a hand on my shoulder in an older sisterly way, “Of course you couldn’t know, you needn’t be sorry because you didn’t know him or me till now, and I didn’t mind you asking.” Her words were so unapologetic and yet she said them in a way that made me feel I hadn’t done anything to upset her opinion of me. I decided to change the subject. 
“Hey, you never really answered my question though.” I said with a tsk.
A smile returned to her eyes. “What was the question again?”
“The point of it was to determine why you’re always asking Mr. Micklesby for more work.”
She actually colored a little at this and with a sigh said, “Since you know me a bit better I don’t mind telling you I’ve got a bit of a crush,” she laughed a little and continued, “I know its silly, but it’s still my summer and I’m going to do what I like with as much of it as I can. Now, you seem like a decent guy- won’t tell anyone will you?”
As horrified as I was this new information I avowed in a joking manner to never tell a soul. I couldn’t understand it for the life of me why she could feel anything friendly towards such an absurd fellow. This hardly mattered though as we wiped down boards and chatted our break away. It was during that hour I knew she was someone I wanted to spend time with. Thankfully I think she felt the same. 
About the fourth week of the summer I got to know New Kid Thomas. That’s what everyone called him anyhow. I first took especial notice of him when he started asking Mr. Micklesby for extra jobs at the end of our shift. Which is what I had been doing. I was greatly annoyed at first. I was just using those moments as an excuse to talk to Mr. Micklesby and attempt to guide him into a conversation with me or at least get him to compliment my work ethic! Of course New Kid Thomas made it impossible to do this any longer. With both of us badgering him he dismissed us double quick. I made a point not to encourage Thomas even when he would try to joke as we walked to the locker room. But one day when we were finally given a task I actually took time to talk with him. He has a way of making you at ease. Maybe it’s how he alternates so quickly from goofus to focused. When I talk I know he’s paying attention to what I say and making mental notes. I like feeling heard like that. With four very opinionated people in one household its hard to have the last word on anything. So I ended up sharing a lot with him. Nothing specific just the basics of who I am. He could have asked anyone at school and gossips would have mentioned most of it. But the more we talked the more I wanted to share. I even told him about my crush on Mr. Micklesby and we had a laugh about that. When we were done wiping down paddle boards I checked my watch and saw we only had 20 minutes left before break ended. 
“Lets head back and get lunch!”I suggested standing up and stretching. Sitting all day takes such a toll. 
“Yeah ok! I know it’s silly but do you wanna race back? I’m so sick of not moving.” 
“On your mark get set go!” I cried tearing away from the shed and across the lawn towards the locker rooms. He set out after me and was gaining when a piercing whistle rang out.
“Are you KIDDING me?!” Shrieked Patsy. Her eyes were wide with anger and if possible her dark curly hair seemed larger and more intimidating than it ever had before, “I spend ALL DAY telling these dratted kids not to run near the pool and look up to see my FELLOW LIFEGAURDS.. FLAGRANTLY disobeying such a SIMPLE rule?!” 
“Pats I am so so sorry,” I stammered, out of breath. Taking a few steps back I continued, “We weren’t thinking and-
“Is it gonna happen again?!” She spat.
“No way ma’am. I mean-I’m so sorry Patsy-it was my idea and-,” Thomas made to keep talking but Patsy cut him off.
“Whatever- as long as it doesn’t happen again… you both are forgiven.” She said, slowly becoming the dear and charming friend I knew and loved once more. 
Seeing Patsy in such a terrifying state always gave me chills but having it directed at me was another thing entirely! I thought I might never run again. Then a though occurred to me.
“Patsy dear what are you doing so far from the locker room? Isn’t it your break too?”
“Yeah but I was worried Micklesby was making you guys work through your break entirely. I wanted to come over and remind you two to eat something before the next shift starts.” She said in such a concerned and gentle tone you would have never known she’d just been screaming her head off.
I turned to Thomas with a laugh, “No I’ve just been getting to know the new kid. We were just heading back to grab our lunches.”
“Yes I saw.” Said Patsy with a stern glance.
“Well lets all head back now,”Thomas interjected with a worried look at Pats. “How much time do we have now?”
I checked my watch, “15 minutes and we can make it back in time if we.. walk quickly.”
So we walked at a checked but rapid pace and got our lunches out of our lockers. I watched Patsy join Melissa and David outside then followed with Thomas close on my heels. 
“What you have for lunch today?” Said Thomas seating himself between Melissa and myself.
“Eva always has the best food!”Melissa said eyeing my brown bag.
“Its true!” David interjected, “One time she let me have a bite of a tamale and I thought I’d gone to heaven!”
I smiled with more than a little pride. My abuela and ma are the best cooks in the world. Not that we eat out often or anything, but I’m pretty sure they cook better than anyone in Pendleton. “Today I have the classic chicken quesadilla.” 
“Can I try a bit?” Thomas ventured timidly. 
I thought about it for a full minute before responding, “Sure- I’ll even give you half (Melissa uttered a gasp and Patsy hmphed) If!..You give me half of your weird sandwich thing.”
Like I said we don’t eat out. Ever. As much as I love and enjoy the things my family makes me sometimes I’m in the mood for something new and can’t get it. Going to a restaurant would cost too much so I never even mention it to Ma. 
Thomas laughed, “From what I hear, you’re being more than fair. Its a roast beef sandwich. Try it!”
We switched and on everyone’s countdown took our first bites. Thomas’ eyes lit up and even I had to admit his roast beef was excellently juicy. This started a tradition that would have lasted the entire summer if things hadn’t changed so drastically for me a week later. 
It started as such a pleasant afternoon. Thomas and I were playing cards by the side of the pool during our break together. He had become very quickly a confidante. I had a great amount of faith in his judgment and soon was spilling open with the little things I hadn’t even admitted to myself I was upset about. He was soon familiar with my family stories, my worries over money and Mari. He opened up to me as well. He explained how afraid his parents had been of migrating to America from Vietnam 12 years ago when he was five. They had come because his father had been offered an excellent job which he still had today, but his mother always worried about what would become of them if he were to lose it- arguing there was no other future for them if anything should go wrong. He shared his fretting and frustration over having to go with his parents everywhere for even the simplest of things so he could translate. Our friendship was so special to me after so little time. It made work so much easier knowing we would split or lunches and talk after every agonizing shift. 
It was on a fabulous afternoon such as this when things went wrong. Out nowhere storm clouds were amassing themselves over our pool and at the first roll of thunder everyone was ordered out and told to go home until further notice. It was only 2 and our break time was just about to end. Mr. Micklesby, who I had started to care for less and less, told the staff to go home. He warned us to stick to our landlines in case he called to say the pool needed to be reopened. 
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furmark6-blog · 5 years
Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce
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A weeknight-friendly enchilada has to check a lot of boxes for me. You ready for the short list? Here we go. These enchiladas need to be knock-out delicious AND: easy to assemble, free from pre-cooking any components, a healthful alternative to all the heavy cheese versions out there, and, ideally, in the oven in less that ten minutes. That's the dream scenario. After some experimentation, I offer you these - quick, vegan enchiladas. 
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They're tender enchiladas made with black beans, sweet potatoes, and a stealthy turmeric boost. There was also a focus on making a version that was plant-based and vegan (which is what you see here), but also easily adaptable. If you want to add a bit of feta to the filling here (if you're not vegan, of course) then go for it. It's a recipe that should be able to accommodate much of what you might dream of rolling into a tortilla and baking until bubbly and golden.
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This recipe is similar in spirit to the Last Minute Lasagna a bunch of you have been making. In fact, I started working on both of those around the same time, so if you like one of them, give the other a try as well.
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A couple of notes, I wrote the recipe calling for canned winter squash - anything like pumpkin, sweet potato, or another winter squash will work. Whatever you and your family tends to like. I stumbled on a canned butternut squash during a spin through Trader Joe's, a while back, stocked up, and that is what you see pictured here. You can, of course, use squash you've roasted at home in place of canned - it just makes the process less quick ;)...
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bean Recipes
turmeric Recipes
Vegan Recipes
Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce
4.25 from 12 votes
A couple of tips - you want to use flexible, pliable tortillas, at room temperature or warmer. If you're tortillas are on the stiff side, place them in a baking dish, covered, in a warm oven for a few minutes to soften up. Or if you have a microwave, give them a quick hit. Play around with fillings here - a small amount of crumbled feta (if you're not vegan), or plant-based equivalent, added along with the black beans adds a nice creamy component to the filling, a nice accent without needing to be the main event. ;)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 15- ounce can sweet potato puree, butternut squash puree, or pumpkin puree
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 medium cloves garlic, grated on microplane
1 tablespoon taco seasoning
3/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
1 lemon, zest and juice
8 corn tortillas (6-inch), room temperature or warm
1 15- ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/3 cup chopped black olives
1/3 cup tahini
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 1/2 cups chopped cilantro leaves
to serve (optional): oven-roasted tomatoes, serrano vinegar & chiles*, a favorite salsa, etc.
Preheat oven to 425F.  
Make the Filling
In a large mixing bowl combine the olive oil, sweet potato puree, turmeric, half of the grated garlic, taco seasoning, salt, zest of the lemon, and 1 1/2 cups of water. Stir well.
Assemble the Enchiladas
Ladle a cup of the sweet potato mixture into the bottom of an 8 x 12-inch (or larger) baking dish, or equivalent. Lay the tortillas on a work surface, and divide the black beans equally between them, sprinkle equally with olives. Roll up tortillas, and place seam side down in baking dish. Pour the remaining sauce on top (it will thicken). 
Bake and Make Sauce
Bake the enchiladas for 30-35 minutes, or so. Half way through, sprinkle with sliced almonds, and finish baking - until golden and bubbling. While the enchiladas are baking, thin the tahini with 1/4 cup warm water. Whisk in the remaining garlic, a pinch of salt, and squeeze of lemon juice. Top the enchiladas with dollops of the tahini sauce, and the fresh cilantro when they come out of the oven. Serve hot!
*Serrano Chile Vinegar & Chiles: Combine 8 serrano chiles, sliced 1/8th-inch thick with 2 cups white vinegar in a Mason jar, and refrigerate. Use the chiles w/in a week or two. You can use the vinegar for weeks after that in dressings, etc.
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
40 mins
nutrition info nutrition info
December 11, 2018 permalink icon
Per Serving: Calories 426
Total Fat 17g
Saturated Fat 2g
Cholesterol 0mg
Carbohydrates 55g
Sodium 491mg
Fiber 13g
Sugars 5g
Protein 15g
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WEEKNIGHT EXPRESS features 10 Vegetarian, Plant-centric Recipes for Feel-Good Food — Fast!
Subscribe to get 32-pages of recipes to view on your tablet, e-book reader or phone.
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Source: https://www.101cookbooks.com/quick-vegan-enchiladas/
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fifthnerve6-blog · 5 years
Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce
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A weeknight-friendly enchilada has to check a lot of boxes for me. You ready for the short list? Here we go. These enchiladas need to be knock-out delicious AND: easy to assemble, free from pre-cooking any components, a healthful alternative to all the heavy cheese versions out there, and, ideally, in the oven in less that ten minutes. That's the dream scenario. After some experimentation, I offer you these - quick, vegan enchiladas. 
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They're tender enchiladas made with black beans, sweet potatoes, and a stealthy turmeric boost. There was also a focus on making a version that was plant-based and vegan (which is what you see here), but also easily adaptable. If you want to add a bit of feta to the filling here (if you're not vegan, of course) then go for it. It's a recipe that should be able to accommodate much of what you might dream of rolling into a tortilla and baking until bubbly and golden.
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This recipe is similar in spirit to the Last Minute Lasagna a bunch of you have been making. In fact, I started working on both of those around the same time, so if you like one of them, give the other a try as well.
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A couple of notes, I wrote the recipe calling for canned winter squash - anything like pumpkin, sweet potato, or another winter squash will work. Whatever you and your family tends to like. I stumbled on a canned butternut squash during a spin through Trader Joe's, a while back, stocked up, and that is what you see pictured here. You can, of course, use squash you've roasted at home in place of canned - it just makes the process less quick ;)...
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bean Recipes
turmeric Recipes
Vegan Recipes
Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce
4.25 from 12 votes
A couple of tips - you want to use flexible, pliable tortillas, at room temperature or warmer. If you're tortillas are on the stiff side, place them in a baking dish, covered, in a warm oven for a few minutes to soften up. Or if you have a microwave, give them a quick hit. Play around with fillings here - a small amount of crumbled feta (if you're not vegan), or plant-based equivalent, added along with the black beans adds a nice creamy component to the filling, a nice accent without needing to be the main event. ;)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 15- ounce can sweet potato puree, butternut squash puree, or pumpkin puree
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 medium cloves garlic, grated on microplane
1 tablespoon taco seasoning
3/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
1 lemon, zest and juice
8 corn tortillas (6-inch), room temperature or warm
1 15- ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/3 cup chopped black olives
1/3 cup tahini
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 1/2 cups chopped cilantro leaves
to serve (optional): oven-roasted tomatoes, serrano vinegar & chiles*, a favorite salsa, etc.
Preheat oven to 425F.  
Make the Filling
In a large mixing bowl combine the olive oil, sweet potato puree, turmeric, half of the grated garlic, taco seasoning, salt, zest of the lemon, and 1 1/2 cups of water. Stir well.
Assemble the Enchiladas
Ladle a cup of the sweet potato mixture into the bottom of an 8 x 12-inch (or larger) baking dish, or equivalent. Lay the tortillas on a work surface, and divide the black beans equally between them, sprinkle equally with olives. Roll up tortillas, and place seam side down in baking dish. Pour the remaining sauce on top (it will thicken). 
Bake and Make Sauce
Bake the enchiladas for 30-35 minutes, or so. Half way through, sprinkle with sliced almonds, and finish baking - until golden and bubbling. While the enchiladas are baking, thin the tahini with 1/4 cup warm water. Whisk in the remaining garlic, a pinch of salt, and squeeze of lemon juice. Top the enchiladas with dollops of the tahini sauce, and the fresh cilantro when they come out of the oven. Serve hot!
*Serrano Chile Vinegar & Chiles: Combine 8 serrano chiles, sliced 1/8th-inch thick with 2 cups white vinegar in a Mason jar, and refrigerate. Use the chiles w/in a week or two. You can use the vinegar for weeks after that in dressings, etc.
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
40 mins
nutrition info nutrition info
December 11, 2018 permalink icon
Per Serving: Calories 426
Total Fat 17g
Saturated Fat 2g
Cholesterol 0mg
Carbohydrates 55g
Sodium 491mg
Fiber 13g
Sugars 5g
Protein 15g
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WEEKNIGHT EXPRESS features 10 Vegetarian, Plant-centric Recipes for Feel-Good Food — Fast!
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Last Minute Red Lasagna
Everyone needs a go-to lasagna recipe. A great one. This is a true weeknight lasagna. No pre-cooking sauces, no pre-cooking noodles. You, literally, stir the first five ingredients together into a vibrant crushed tomato sauce, and start layering.
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The Ultimate Vegan Nachos
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Make this stroganoff your dinner tonight, seriously! Made with caraway-spiked vodka, and a hearty mushroom base, you get all of what you love about mushroom stroganoff, without the all the butter and cream.
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Fourth of July Roasted Tomato Salsa
A deliciously vibrant, earthy, and slightly smoky-tasting salsa recipe. Different from salsa fresca, the deep, caramelized flavors of the roasted tomatoes and onions alongside the smokiness of the chipotles make for a richly beautiful and balanced salsa.
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Source: https://www.101cookbooks.com/quick-vegan-enchiladas/
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woundgrey39-blog · 5 years
Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce
A weeknight-friendly enchilada has to check a lot of boxes for me. You ready for the short list? Here we go. These enchiladas need to be knock-out delicious AND: easy to assemble, free from pre-cooking any components, a healthful alternative to all the heavy cheese versions out there, and, ideally, in the oven in less that ten minutes. That's the dream scenario. After some experimentation, I offer you these - quick, vegan enchiladas.  They're tender enchiladas made with black beans, sweet potatoes, and a stealthy turmeric boost. There was also a focus on making a version that was plant-based and vegan (which is what you see here), but also easily adaptable. If you want to add a bit of feta to the filling here (if you're not vegan, of course) then go for it. It's a recipe that should be able to accommodate much of what you might dream of rolling into a tortilla and baking until bubbly and golden. This recipe is similar in spirit to the Last Minute Lasagna a bunch of you have been making. In fact, I started working on both of those around the same time, so if you like one of them, give the other a try as well.
A couple of notes, I wrote the recipe calling for canned winter squash - anything like pumpkin, sweet potato, or another winter squash will work. Whatever you and your family tends to like. I stumbled on a canned butternut squash during a spin through Trader Joe's, a while back, stocked up, and that is what you see pictured here. You can, of course, use squash you've roasted at home in place of canned - it just makes the process less quick ;)...
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Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce
4.25 from 12 votes
A couple of tips - you want to use flexible, pliable tortillas, at room temperature or warmer. If you're tortillas are on the stiff side, place them in a baking dish, covered, in a warm oven for a few minutes to soften up. Or if you have a microwave, give them a quick hit. Play around with fillings here - a small amount of crumbled feta (if you're not vegan), or plant-based equivalent, added along with the black beans adds a nice creamy component to the filling, a nice accent without needing to be the main event. ;)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 15- ounce can sweet potato puree, butternut squash puree, or pumpkin puree
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 medium cloves garlic, grated on microplane
1 tablespoon taco seasoning
3/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
1 lemon, zest and juice
8 corn tortillas (6-inch), room temperature or warm
1 15- ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/3 cup chopped black olives
1/3 cup tahini
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 1/2 cups chopped cilantro leaves
to serve (optional): oven-roasted tomatoes, serrano vinegar & chiles*, a favorite salsa, etc.
Preheat oven to 425F.  
Make the Filling
In a large mixing bowl combine the olive oil, sweet potato puree, turmeric, half of the grated garlic, taco seasoning, salt, zest of the lemon, and 1 1/2 cups of water. Stir well.
Assemble the Enchiladas
Ladle a cup of the sweet potato mixture into the bottom of an 8 x 12-inch (or larger) baking dish, or equivalent. Lay the tortillas on a work surface, and divide the black beans equally between them, sprinkle equally with olives. Roll up tortillas, and place seam side down in baking dish. Pour the remaining sauce on top (it will thicken). 
Bake and Make Sauce
Bake the enchiladas for 30-35 minutes, or so. Half way through, sprinkle with sliced almonds, and finish baking - until golden and bubbling. While the enchiladas are baking, thin the tahini with 1/4 cup warm water. Whisk in the remaining garlic, a pinch of salt, and squeeze of lemon juice. Top the enchiladas with dollops of the tahini sauce, and the fresh cilantro when they come out of the oven. Serve hot!
*Serrano Chile Vinegar & Chiles: Combine 8 serrano chiles, sliced 1/8th-inch thick with 2 cups white vinegar in a Mason jar, and refrigerate. Use the chiles w/in a week or two. You can use the vinegar for weeks after that in dressings, etc.
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
40 mins
nutrition info nutrition info
December 11, 2018 permalink icon
Per Serving: Calories 426
Total Fat 17g
Saturated Fat 2g
Cholesterol 0mg
Carbohydrates 55g
Sodium 491mg
Fiber 13g
Sugars 5g
Protein 15g
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Source: https://www.101cookbooks.com/quick-vegan-enchiladas/
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