#i think pyrrha would show off her calves
dreamer213 · 3 years
Broken machines: Lights The Dark
Chapter 1 Lovely Day
Italicized: Narration
Bold: Inner Thoughts
Staring at the foot of Pyrrha Nikos I am broken and helpless. I can not move, I can not hear anything, half of my body has been torn off and is laying a foot away from the rest of me, and my vision is fading.
My systems, my strength, even my voice are…failing.
This is horrible. I feel like I still being crushed. I feel-I feel… Scared? It this what scared feels like? Or is it….. death? Am I dying? No no NO! That can’t be it! This can’t be it! I just made my first friends, I just entered my first Vytal Festival Tournament, I just started really living my life it can’t just end. Not here not like this……….Daddy please help me.
…..I….I don’t want to die.
At that moment Penny’s eyes shot open as she wakes from her nightmare. She sits up in a state of pure distress, taking short panicked breaths, her pajamas and hair are disheveled and the cable in her back ,the connector for her power station, has become loose from its socket from her violent shaking. She looks down at the blanket covering the lower half of her body, with a shaky hand Penny pulls back the covers to reveal not the broken and mangled pair from her nightmare but a set of perfectly attached, full intact, pale and freckle dusted legs. This sight calms her and pulls Penny full out of her daze, she pulls the cable out then flops down on the bed, her eyes glow softly.
Systems Overview:
Optics: Fully Functional
Hearing: Fully Functional
Nerves: Fully Functional
Weapons Systems: Fully Functional
Temperature Gauge: Fully Functional
Power Storage: Fully Functional………………
All Systems Are Functioning And Full Operational.
Penny: Pffft, It was just another dream. That marks two weeks and four days between this dream and the last dream, five weeks and two days from the one before that and two months from very the first. I’ll have to inform the General about this if it continues.
She shakes her head in dismissal
….No that would be useless. Informing him will result in me being sent to the lab for some diagnostic tests and a few scans. And since my systems aren’t showing any signs of error it’ll just be waste of time and resources. And we can’t afford to waste more of ether. Not now (Sighs).
She reaches into the drawer of her nightstand and pulls out a book and pen, she makes a few quick notes then return the items to their place, gets up, and begins her preparations for day ahead. She brushes her teeth, changes into her work clothes, tidies up her hair, puts on and securing her rocket boots, grabs her backpack, then heads down stairs. Right after turning back around for one last mirror check before she goes.
She arrives down stairs to see her Dad setting up the table with two plates of breakfast and two mugs, one filled with coffee, the other strawberry milk. As he finishes up Pietro spots Penny making her way towards him. He smiles brightly, his little girl is up bright and early again today.
Pietro: Good Morning, Sunshine of mine.
Penny: Good morning Dad.
Pietro: How are you doing this morning?
Penny: I am functioning optimally and all my systems and programs are running correctly.
Pietro: What about the “dreams” ? Are you still having them?
Penny: N-no I have not. (Hiccup)
Pietro: Uh Huh. Now Penny you know that I love you ,and you know I will always be there whenever you need me. But I can’t help you when you need me if you don’t tell me.
Penny: But there isn’t anything you can do about this. This isn’t an error or virus or anything to do with my specs or my hardware, there’s nothing wrong with me for you to fix.
Pietro: Not everything is matter fixing broken parts, sometimes it’s more a matter understanding emotions and talking about hardships. I’d be happy to help you with both whenever you want.
Penny: Thank you Dad but I do not think that will be of any significant help with this problem. And with the increase of my responsibilities, the rise in overall military activity and “ the project” I cannot add another issue to my daily routine. So please let’s just leave this problem be, just for little while.
Pietro: I understand I wouldn’t bother you about anymore. Now come here eat your breakfast, the foods getting cold.
Penny: Dad I don’t need to eat.
Pietro: But you can eat and makes you happy, isn’t that a good enough reason for doing it.
Penny: Okay, okay but I only have ten minutes and fifty three seconds to spare. If I stay any longer I’ll be running behind schedule.
Pietro: Well we can’t have that now can we? Better sit down and eat while you can!
Penny quickly takes a seat in front of her plate. She looks at her meal, two sunny side up eggs two pieces of welled spiced sausage and white toast cut into two triangles. She takes a deep inhale, picks up her fork, and takes her first bite. The eggs have warm welcoming taste as the yolk isn’t too runny and the whites are just the right amount of chewy. The sausage is tender and juicy, the rich meat flavor with a of spicy kick makes hard to stop from eating too fast. And rounding up the plate the wonderful toast has come out just right today, not too soft nor too burnt with a generous amount of butter on top. A pure blanket of soft crunchy buttery goodness. But once the food all gone the only way to finish up a proper breakfast is with a morning beverage. For today that morning beverage is cold and sweet strawberry milk. A creamy and sweet way to put some sugar and vitamin D into your morning.
It’s nothing special really, just a simple everyday meal but for Penny ,someone so new to the practice of eating and enjoying food, it is a moment of pure and utter bliss.~
Penny: Delicious as always, thanks Dad.
Penny gets up and turns to leave.
Pietro: Wait! Aren’t you forget something?
Penny: The dishes?
Pietro: No.
Pietro goes over to her, spreads his arms out, and gestures to her.
Penny: Oh!
Penny leans down and warps her arms around him. She stays like this just long enough to soak in her father’s warmth, he give her a kiss on the head as she pulls away.
Pietro: I love you Sweetheart.
Penny: I love you too Dad. I’ll be home before 10 pm.
Penny walks to the door gives her dad a quick wave and is out the door. Once on the streets she clicks the heels of her rocket boots to active them then takes off into the sky to begin her daily responsibilities.
7:30 AM to 12:00 PM Patrol Mantle’s streets
After a quick aerial scan of streets below Penny lands a starts to survey the area, everything seems to be in order store owners are opening their shop doors, groups of children are walking to school, the buses transporting the mine and factory workers, though noticeably less full then usual, are running according to the schedule, and the late night patrons of Sammy’s Pub are finally heading home from another night of intoxication. Mr. Calves, a man known for being a destructive alcoholic, is slumped against the building and losing consciousness fast.
Penny: Mr. Calves please leave this area and return to your home immediately. The owner of this establishment has already stated several times that you can no longer loiter here after business hours and has asked to have you trespassed if you refuse.
Claves looks at Penny with disgust as he shakily stands up. He downs the remaining liquid in his bottle, he then swings the empty bottle at Penny’s head! Once the bottle is within inches of her face Penny grips him by his forearm, applying just enough pressure to stopping him in his tracks. While holding him steadily Penny calmly takes the bottle from his hand and gingerly places it on ground, straights up Calves’s clothes, then looks up and makes eye contact.
Penny: I repeat please leave the area and return home. Or I will have you trespassed and will have to take you to the near military station.
Calves finally takes the hit and skiddes away. As he leaves Penny turns her attention back towards the streets just in time to see a group of small children heading to school. A little boy with light blue hair and a little gap in his teeth notices her while walking with his friends.
“Hey it’s Ms. Penny!” he shouts, this grabs the attention of the other children as they all turn their heads at the mention of the friendly neighborhood protector.
Soon there was swarm of little hands waving wildly and a chorus of “Hi Ms. Penny” “Good Morning Ms. Protector” and “ Hi Ms. Hero” can be heard from blocks away as the parents tried their hardest to get their awestruck children to keep on their way with little success. Penny smiled brightly and waved back at them, this had become her favorite part of her morning patrols since she was tasked with the role of Mantle’s Protector. After a month or so of handling both the Grimm and crime in Mantle the people had began to recognize her as somewhat of a neighborhood hero. Although they would not approach her often most adults would wave to her as she passes by them during patrols. The children would look at her with fascination and wonder asking all sorts of questions like how she flew, why was she was so strong, and if she could give them a ride on her back while she fled around! And the elder, especially the older woman, would treat her like one would a sweet child, telling her not to stay out too late, reminding her to wear thicker clothes when it got cold, and would give her small treats like candies, small cookies, and leftover baked goods whenever they had the chance.
This is what gives her work so much meaning. The comfort and happiness she saw in their eyes, that’s what Penny was protecting, that’s what she’d repeat to herself whenever things got difficult. As long as the people, her people, were safe she could handle whatever role or new responsibility the higher ups decide to throw at her. As long as she could fight they could smile and as long they could smile she could fight.
Penny’s scroll rings, a loud blaring alarm, it’s a status update from the security officers in charge of the surveillance drones there are two on going altercation happening sixteen blocks away, a small fire twelve blocks east, One large Grimm at the southern most edge that’s proving to be a problem for the morning squadron, and a small pack of Grimm making their way towards one of mines due southeast. In summary a normal morning in Mantle.
Penny: And like clockwork my morning peace has comes to an end. If I help with the fire first and handle the altercations a few blocks ahead then fly max speed across town to get to the Grimm I should be able to cut off the pack just before they reach the mine.
She puts her scroll away and turns to take off but not before giving the crowd one more wave as she clicks her heels and twirls as she jets up into the air. She then does a very showy wink and peace sign for the crowd and flys off.
1:00pm to 4:00 pm Training With Military Huntsman
After cutting off and taking down the pack of Grimm Penny heads to the military training center to add the other hunters as they hon their skills in biweekly training sessions. Now most days Penny will just set the facilities to train the specific skills each team needs to work on for both group and individual training. But Penny will join in if a session requires another person or if she is specifically requested. Today is Team FNKI’s turn and they’ve requested that Penny train with them, though it was more like Neon begged for two full hours to have Penny join them so she could play with Penny’s “pretty light swords”.
Once the boys are all set with their individualized training, Neon and Penny are left at the center for a 1 vs 1 sparing match. Neon playful circles Penny rainbow trailing behind her. She smiles coley ,twirling her her nunchucks and her tail, as though she doesn’t have a care in the world.
Neon: you ready to dance Penny? Cause I’ve been dying to see if those cute swords of yours are more then just a light show.
Penny: I can assure you Neon Katt my swords are indeed military grade weapons, the lights are an indicator of the connection between them and my systems so I may use them freely. They are also optimal for fighting in the dark and at night.
Neon: And you just ruined the joke killjoy. So if you’re done talking I’m just gonna beat cha with my chucks, ‘Kay.
Neon changes her stance then charges at Penny, she swings her chucks wildly at Penny trying to land a hit. Penny dodges her rapid attacks for a bit but that soon fails as Neon only grows more fierce with each swing. Neon closing in she’s just about to landing a hit but when she brings down her chucks something blocks her, she loses her balance and is pushed back. Once she regains her composure she see Penny with one of her swords in hand and smile on her face. Penny looks at her for a second then let’s go of her blade letting it flow upward to above her head. Once’s it there she releases the rest of her arsenal, the blades fanning out around her like a peacock’s tail creating a beautiful but deadly display. Penny raises her hand to Neon and gestures for her to make a move.
Game on.
The girls continue their sparing for the duration of the session, when the time almost up the door to the training room is swung open. The elegant Winter Schnee enters the room with a loud bang, grabbing everyone’s attention and stopping them dead in their tracks.
Winter: Team FNKI Your session is over please clear out so the next group may enter.
With that the boys grab their things and start head towards the door while Neon stands there sulking.
Neon: Aww man, But I wanted to play some more.
Flynt: Kitty no it’s time to go, say goodbye to your friend.
Neon: Ugggh, fine..
Neon begins to leave, looking upset and defeated she skates to the door but right as she’s about to leave she perks up and skates back to Penny.
Neon: You have your scroll on you?
Penny: Yes.
Neon: Gimme it like Now!
Penny hands Neon her scroll, Neon starts fiddling with the scroll until she finds the app she’s looking for then starts typing. Once she’s done she hands the scroll back to Penny.
Neon: If you’re ever bored or want tickets to our next concert hit me up ‘Kay.
Penny: Okay?
Neon: Awesome, and don’t worry about calling too late I’m a real night owl.
Flynt: KITTY!
Neon: OKAY! Bye Penny Pop, later Winter Wonder. See you losers in few days!
Neon rolls out of the room while Flynt looks back apologetically before leaving with the rest of his team. Penny and Winter are left standing in the room in an awkward silence.
Winter: Penny, go change the settings for the room to my presets.
Penny: Right away Ma’am
Winter: And Penny.
Penny: Yes Ma’am?
Winter: Don’t get distracted. We don’t have time for distribution.
Penny: Yes of course Ma’am.
Penny leaves the room and heads to the control room to change the settings. Once she’s finished she call a co-worker to take over as she grabs her things and leaves for her next task.
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Filling Out Reports At The Military Outpost
After a quick flight from the training center Penny heads to the nears Military Outpost or Military Station to fill out reports on petrols, arrests, Grimm sightings and kills, and any oddity or security issues she might have noticed in between her commutes are the cities. Basically everything that needs to go on record throughout the day was to written and submitted at this time.
This was is the part of the day Penny dislike the most. After hours of detaining criminal, fighting Grimm, training with military huntsman, and keeping the community safe sitting at a computer, in an uncomfortable chair and typing everything out for hours on end was truly mental draining. Recounting an entire day down to the mundane details, filling out arrest form after arrest form, document after document is just so soul sucking and horrible. But this what she and every military member had to do when their work day comes to an end in order to keep the system running.
Penny walks in to the station she shows her identification to the front desk assistant, she is then given a usb, and boozed into the main building. Once she’s in she looks for the nears open computer, once she finds it she sits down, logs in to the system, inserts the usb, and gets to work.
After two hours of typing away Penny’s close to finishing her work a bit earlier the usual when Chief Stones, the man in charge of the station, comes running towards her with a phone in hand.
Stones: Poledina, I just got off the phone with the southwest shipping facility. They need some extra security on today’s shipment transfer and they asked for you specifically, so get down there.
Penny: Yes Sir.
Stones: And don’t forget to come back and finish your reports once you’re done.
Penny: ………Yes Sir.
After saving her work and removing the usb Penny grabs her things, heads outside and straight to the sky. After a near hour or so of flying Penny spots the facility coming up on the horizon. She’s getting closer when suddenly a truck comes zooming past her at an intense speed. It’s the shipping truck! But why is it going so fast? Where was the security detail that was supposed to be escorting them? And why is it going off the normal route? Penny stops and gets ready to jet off after the truck when-
That’s when Penny turn back and sees smoke. The truck could wait someone was in danger and she was the only one there to help. She flys towards the screaming only to find it’s the security detail! The vans been thrown on it’s side and a fires broke out. The guards have made out of the vehicle but most are injured some are unconscious the strongest of them is waving Penny down with one arm while keeping a wound close with the other.
Penny: Penny Poledina Mantle Main Security, What happened here?
Long: Seth Long Transport Security, there was a breach at the facility it turned out false alarm but once we got back they’d already set off smoke bombs in loading dock and ran off with the truck. We tried catch up with them but I think they saw it coming they set off some sort of trap and blow us off the road. Our van got flipped 5 of my men were injured 3 are out cold there was nothing we could.
Penny: We need to get you and your men to a medic right now-
Long: WAIT! There’s 1 man still in that van, he was driving when we gave chase and got stuck when we crashed. He’s names Tony, please you gotta save him.
Penny looks at the man for a moment, the desperation and fear clear in his eyes, she rips a piece off her skirt and uses it to dress Long’s wound then heads for the van. It doesn’t take her long to spot Tony, he has multiple injuries, has breathed in a lot of smoke, and is losing consciousness. Penny pulls out one of her swords and cuts him out the seatbelt. Once he’s free she gently picks him up and jets up and out of the van. When they’re back on solid ground she sets Tony down next to Long, Long gingerly pats Tony’s head and mouths “thank you” to Penny before his strength finally gives and he passes out. Penny pulls out her scroll and calls for medical attention, in the meantime she does everything she can to keep the men stable until help arrives.
It takes a few hours for everything to get cleared up but soon everything has documented and everyone in need of medical attention has either been seen or sent to the hospital for a few nights stay. With that Penny quickly heads back to the station to wraps up her reports for the day then heads home. It’s one thirty in the morning, it been a very long day and all Penny can think about is getting home, taking off her boots, getting out of her now dirty work clothes, and getting some sleep. Before she knows it she’s standing at her front door, she grabs her keys and quietly opens the door trying her hardest not to make too much noise so she doesn’t wake her dad, only to find him waiting for her at the table with a warm plate of chicken and rice with tomato soup. Penny smiles at him and heads to table for a nice late dinner and some family time. Once dishes are done and Dad’s gone off to bed Penny goes to her room, she takes off her boots, grabs some clean pajamas and heads to her bathroom she then washes off the day’s dirty and grime, puts on her pjs and heads to her bed. Once she’s in her bed she plugs herself into her power station, tucks herself with her nice warm blankets, snuggle her head into her pillow, and falls into a hard earned and well deserved night sleep.
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How do folk react to see Arslan sitting on jaune's face
When a group of people arrived at Beacon’s training gym and opened the door, the sight that they saw was definitely not expected by anyone.
Teams RWBY, CVFY, CRDL, SSSN, the remaining members of teams JNPR and ABRN, and Glynda Goodwitch all stared in disbelief at the only two people currently in the gym.
Over on the padded floor section of the gym that was use for hand-to-hand sparring (which also just so happened to be the section right in front of the door the group had used), Arslan was currently sitting on Jaune’s face. Her black workout spats were on the mat next to them, along with Jaune’s white workout shirt. Her black underwear was still around her right ankle. The only thing she was still actually wearing was her black, workout tank top.
Arslan was sitting so that she was facing towards Jaune’s head. She had her knees and calves on the floor with her legs spread apart slightly to have her pussy pressed firmly down on Jaune’s mouth. That didn’t keep Jaune from reaching behind her and gabbing her ass to press himself deeper into her crotch. His hands and fingers sank into Arslan’s smooth, flawless, ass. Jaune’s hands were repeatedly squeezing into the martial artist’s firm, milk chocolaty skin.
Jaune wasn’t the only one getting a handful either. Arslan’s slender fingers had been running through Jaune’s hair, getting tangled in the blond strands. Whenever Jaune hit a sweet spot with his strong tongue, Arslan would audibly gasp accompanied by her clenching her hands and grabbing fistfuls of Jaune’s golden locks. 
With her new found handles in Jaune’s hair, Arslan would pull Jaune’s head up into her, smothering him even more with her pussy. Jaune knew that when Arslan got forceful like this, it was because she was feeling reeeeally good, so he knew he was doing really well and took it as an incentive to keep going. He was just thankful his nose was still uncovered so he could still breath freely.
Arslan for her part was in bliss. Jaune was so fucking amazing at eating her out. He’d gotten to know her weaknesses by heart and had no qualms about exploiting them. 
When he pushed his tongue deep into her, only to pull it right back out a second later? She sighed in annoyance and need. 
When his teeth grazed lightly over her lower lips? She’d get so lost in the pleasure that she’d forget to breathe for a second. 
When he squeezed her toned ass cheeks as hard as he wanted? She didn’t even try to stifle the moan she’d let out.
Overall, Jaune’s actions were making her feel wonderful~. Arslan had closed her eyes quite some time ago and had simply drifted away from the world into the ecstasy Jaune was making her feel. Ever movement he made against her pussy or ass sent shock waves of pleasure all the way up her spine, making her shudder every now and then.
Sadly for Arslan, all good things must come to an end, and Arslan felt her end quickly building up to her tipping point. So she let out a breathy sigh and opened her eyes so she could look down at Jaune while she came on his face.
A side effect of that last part was that she also came into DIRECT EYE CONTACT with the several members of the crowd watching their little romp. 
Said members of crowd all had a range of different reactions, though they were all various degrees of stunned silent. Ruby, Weiss, and Velvet were all a blushing mess; Blake, Nora, and Coco had smug smirks; Yang’s jaw hung open limply and she stared unblinkingly at them; Fox showed no reaction on the account that he couldn’t see what was happening right in front of him; Ren and Yatsuhashi were apparently as calm as ever, though both a bit wide eyed and Yatsu’s cheeks were a little pink; Pyrrha’s face blended in with her hair while she was slacked jawed. Team CRDL were all feeling quite jealous of Jaune’s current position; Team SSSN’s reactions were open mouthed stunned from Sun with his hands on his head, stoic wide eyes from Sage, looking at Arslan jealously from Scarlet , and 100% shocked stupid from Neptune; The rest Team ABRN stared at their usually refined, if not serious, leader engaging in such an act.
And Ms. Goodwitch? She looked like a melting pot of shocked, curious, slightly impressed, and disgusted.
Upon seeing all these people watching them, Arslan quickly snapped out of blissful haze. As her dark complexion actually turn noticeably red, she looked down to Jaune and told him to quit it. “J-Jaaaa-JaaaaUUUUuuuunnnn-mmmmmmm!” ‘Oh no...’ However, just because her mind was free from Jaune’s pleasurable haze, didn’t mean her body wasn’t still feeling every spec of pleasure Jaune had been giving her.
And since she couldn’t open her mouth without moans taking priority over every word she tried to say, she couldn’t tell Jaune to stop. Since she couldn’t tell Jaune to stop, Arslan had the idea to try and just get off of him.
That turned out just as successful as trying to talk. Her squirming and shifty showed Arslan two things. One, her legs were a tad too shaky to move coherently, and two, Jaune hands on her ass weren’t going to let go of the soft, chocolate mounds in their grasp any time soon.
Jaune however had taken Arslan’s squirming as a sign that she was getting close to cumming. While he was technically correct in his assumption, Arslan had been on the brink just before she’d seen their small audience, his increased efforts were not what the girl on top of him was hoping for. 
In and out his tongue pushed, much faster than before. While Arslan would normally (and still did) love this, but the situation was not ideal. Her opinions on their setting didn’t seem to matter at all though as Jaune’s licking, nibbling, thrusting, and squeezing finally pushed her too far.
Arslan cried out in guilty bliss as she came in front of her team, Jaune’s team, and a dozen others.
“AaaaaaaaahhhhhHHHHHH! FUUUCK!” Arslan shut her eyes to try and ignore the dozen or so pairs of others that were watching her as she came into her boyfriend’s hungry mouth and onto his face. She didn’t open them the entire full minute that she was cumming, giving Jaune the prize that he’d been working for. She only kept groaning and squeezing Jaune’s head with her thighs.
When she was finished, she loosed her thighs on Jaune’s head and fell to the side, panting as she laid down.
Jaune himself had a proud, happy smile while he licked his lips. She tasted just as sweet as usual and he loved it just as much as usual. When his lips were clean(ish), he started to sit up. “Wow Arslan, you were really getting into it today. Is it safe to say that Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-” Jaune’s train of thought derailed and burst into  fire as his eyes landed on the people all staring at him, their eyes unblinking and jaws trying to dent the floor. “Uuuuuuuuuuh-”
Thankfully neither Jaune nor Arslan had to think up a reason or an excuse for their actions. Jaune because he seemed a broken at the moment and Arslan because she seemed to be unable to speak at all for the time being. 
So instead, Ms. Goodwitch lifted them up into the air with their discarded clothes using her semblance. She then started wrapping them both up with their clothes using several large towels from the gym’s supply, leaving only their heads uncovered in the end. When they were all covered up, Ms. Goodwitch screamed, “DETENTION! THREE WEEKS!” with bright pink cheeks, giving no consideration for the hearing of those in the group around her.
She spun around curtly and marched off, the two deviants floating in the air behind her in their towel cocoons.
When Jaune’s brain could finally start functioning again and he saw the predicament he was in, he had only one thought run though his mind.
‘......Well...... at least my last meal was amazing...’
Yes I did use this, what could have been a relatively simple ask, to make pride arc/golden lion smutty goodness.
... ... ...
And I do not regret it nor am I ashamed to admit to it.
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