#i’m sorry middlepaw
fen-the-space-dragon · 10 months
Mk uhhhh Middlepaw backstory time? I think it’s time for that (as in I wish to share the magic words that cause maximum emotional damage to my little child here so that YOU TOO can cause them emotional damage if you so wish. Cuz I enjoy making my ocs miserable and I swear I’m not a psychopath… also I feel like I should prob just explain their backstory along with those magic words)
There’s also a tldr at the end cuz this is really long
Mk, starting at the begining:
Middlepaw was born outside the clan to two rogue parents. They also had two siblings named Eldest and Youngest (you can tell their parents loved them very much naming them after their birth order /j). They didn’t really stay in any one spot long and tended to travel around a bunch, eventually wandering near Mommyclan. They figured it might be nice to live in a larger group where everyone kinda helps take care of everyone. Plus Youngest was sick and none of them knew much about healing, so they kinda needed Mommyclan’s help anyway
They wound up joining the clan and while the parents refused to take warrior names, they did change their kit’s names to fit in with the clan (Eldestkit, Middlekit, and Youngestkit). The parents would constantly fuss over Youngestkit and didn’t really give much attention to their other kits. Eldestkit was pretty much only given attention when being told to watch their siblings or see if the elders or anyone needed anything. They were pretty much just given chores and responsibilities
Middlekit on the other paw, was pretty much just ignored. Whenever they tried to get their parent’s attention, they were just told to go away, or that their parents were busy, or to go play with some other kits or something. At first they would directly try to get attention (mostly from their parents, but also sometimes from other cats), but slowly stopped doing that as it didn’t work with their parents who also didn’t like their kit pestering other clan members. “Stop annoying our clanmates. You don’t want us to get kicked out because of you, do you? Youngest kit would die if we got kicked out, you know that right?”
They stopped pretty quickly after that and instead tried to get attention other ways. They practiced “catching prey” (pouncing on rocks and moss and stuff), climbing, running, etc. They became a bit of a tryhard and wanted to be the best at like everything, that way maybe someone would acknowledge them for being good at something. They got frustrated a lot though, seeing as you can’t really just flip a switch and instantly be good at everything. They’d get upset when other kits beat them in a race or play fight or were just better than them at anything. Eldestkit would try to comfort them when this happened, but it didn’t work much. Middlekit wound up deciding that they just aren’t good at anything and are useless. They stopped really doing things and just kinda sat in the nursery and watched other cats. (This was towards the end of them being a kit. They were almost 6 moons old at this point. Youngestkit also got better at some point near the end of “tryhard Middlekit” and the begining of “sad Middlekit”)
Middlekit and their siblings were apprenticed (this reminds me Middlepaw needs a mentor lol) and lots of pressure was put on Eldestpaw by their parents to pretty much be perfect. “You need to do better. If we’re not useful, do you think they’re gonna keep us around? You need to be better than the apprentices who were born here or what reason will they have not to throw us out?” Youngestpaw was babied and given a lot of slack by their parents who used their former illness as an excuse to treat them better than their siblings (it was really just favoritism). Aaaand Middlepaw… who is Middlepaw? Yea, they basically never interacted with Middlepaw at this point and honestly kinda forgot that they were their kid unless someone metioned it and then they were like, “Oh, yeah! Middlepaw! Of course! We love Middlepaw! They’re so uh… good. They’re a good kid… yea :)” and then prob changed the topic to one of their other children
About a moon after being apprenticed, Eldestpaw, Youngestpaw, and their parents went on a “family walk” (without Middlepaw ofc cuz who’s Middlepaw? Eldestpaw mentioned that Middlepaw wasn’t there actually, but the parents were just like, “Eh. We don’t want them here. You two are the better children. Besides, they barely talk to us. They’re basically not even in the family anymore,” blaming Middlepaw for the distance between them and their family) and uh… they just never came back from the “walk”
When Middlepaw realized they weren’t coming back and had gone on a “walk,” they shut down even more than they had before. If anyone showed concern for what had happened to their family, Middlepaw would just tell them that their family is fine. “It’s just what they do,” is prob about the most explanation they’d give, but they seem to know what happened
For about a moon, they just kinda moped around. They would do things they were told to do, but only about the bare minimum before going to find a nice corner to be sad in. They didn’t really put much effort into anything and especially didn’t talk to or interact with anyone who didn’t start the interaction first. Even then, they’d try to end the interaction as quickly as possible
During the “sad Middlekit” bit, they also started talking to objects a bit, but it was only a little bit here and there and not nearly as much as they do now. They began a lot of their odd habits once their family left as kind of a way to cope with feeling so lonely and they started talking to things that weren’t cats a lot more than they previously did
More recently, they’ve slowly stopped moping so much and don’t try to end social interactions. They still usually don’t start them, but they will try to keep them going once someone else starts them. They’re also much less of a “sad quiet” now and more of just a “doesn’t have friends” kind of quiet. Also, they kinda tried to hide things like talking to themselves and objects before, but now they don’t kinda in hopes of someone noticing that they exist because of it
Also, their parents would try to kinda hide how they treated Middlepaw and Eldestpaw from others and if anyone ever said anything about that to them, they’d just try to brush it off like, “oh, it was a one time thing,” “tough love, you know?” “sometimes you just gotta be a little hard on them. It doesn’t phase them though”
Aaand uh yea. Btw, those magic words I was talking about in the begining are just anything along the lines of “go away,” “stop being annoying,” “I’m busy right now,” etc. Pretty much anything that resembles an excuse their parents would use to get them to go away
Tldr: Middlepaw had crappy parents who ended up abandoning them and leaving them emotionally fucked up and that’s why they have all their weird habits and don’t really start social interactions much :)
Why do I do this?
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ask-middlepaw · 7 months
Pop goes the weasel
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“I don’t think… weasels are supposed to pop… does… does that mean explode?”
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fen-the-space-dragon · 10 months
Middlepaw info dump cuz I’m bored. No, this will not be well organized. I’m tired and don’t have the energy to organize and also just remembered I gotta do Duolingo, but really don’t wanna… so if I mysteriously disappear, you know why. Anyways, sorry if this is rambly and/or doesn’t make any sense… I may or may not fix it later if needed
- They crave attention because they often don’t recieve a lot of it. Because they haven’t recieved much of it, tho, they aren’t too great at interacting with others… so instead of just talking to cats to get attention, they do some interesting things. Example: approaching Milkwail (quitedisasterous’ character. I absolutely love Milkwail <33) in hopes of being punted because being punted is a form of attention and any attention is good attention (spoiler: this plan failed, but in the best way possible)
- When they do get attention, they have no clue what to do with it. Social situations are not their specialty
- To make up for the lack of interacting with cats, they tend to interact with inanimate objects instead. Rocks, sticks, leaves, whatever. They’ll also just talk to nothing while staring off into the void of time and space. They have like full on convos like this and have specific objects that are their close friends. They tend to keep these ones stashed in hiding places around the territory so that others don’t accidentally mess with them or something not realizing that they have importance. (one of Middlepaw’s favorites is their emotional support shedded snake skin named Jerry. Why is it named Jerry? Cuz I said so. I really don’t know. They keep Jerry extra well hidden compared to the others)
- Middlepaw is very nonconfrontational. For example, if someone were to find one of their object friends and messed with it in some way, they wouldn’t be happy about it, but wouldn’t do anything. They’d probably just watch from a distance and be really tense the whole time and then go find it a new hiding spot the moment the cat left (btw, by “not happy,” I mean like worried, not mad. They understand that these are just objects to everyone else and don’t blame others for not seeing these things the same way they do)
- They talk to themselves and also objects and stuff and they do so both out loud and in their head, so sometimes they mix the two up… meaning they’ll occasionally talk to a cat and accidentally say things in their head and just be staring at the cat waiting for a response to something they never actually said
- They did have a family (parents and two siblings), but they just kinda disappeared one day. I’m still working out the details on this, kinda wanna wait until more canon lore about Mommyclan history comes out before I set the specifics in stone. Middlepaw has a vague idea of what happened to them, but that’s probably about the most info anyone has. Middlepaw also just kinda tried to pretend nothing had happened. This is all subject to change tho. I’ll prob make another post about this once I solidify the details and stuff. Or maybe not, idk. We’ll see
- They’re 10 moons old
- Uhhhhhhhh… more fun facts…. Middlepaw loves mints. They found one once and absolutely loved it
Aaand that’s all I can think of rn. I might do another later if I think of more stuff idk. If you read this, thank you! I appreciate your interest in my ‘lil cat ^^
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fen-the-space-dragon · 10 months
Idk what other would be really, but eh, might as well add it just in case.
Ik I’m not the most active Mommyclan person, but I feel like this could help me be more active and interact with more people. I don’t wanna make it if there’s not gonna be any interest in it tho, since that would kinda defeat the purpose. I also can’t guarantee how active I’ll be, since I have classes starting soon, but I will need stuff to occupy me in my down time, and I feel like this could also be useful for that
@mommyclan (sorry to bother you, but it would be nice if you could reblog this or something so maybe more than like three people will see it, haha. Thank you in advance if you do)
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fen-the-space-dragon · 10 months
Witnessing Milkwail die
Warning for drawn animal death
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Heck, I forgot to do this: Milkwail belongs to @quitedisastrous
Sorry, my thoughts are all over today and I’m forgetting all kinds of things
(edited to add Milkwail credit and speckles to Middlepaw cuz I'm dum and forgot both of those)
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