#i'm too tired for this and i'm tired of this but gdi... why they gotta keep talking
farawaynotions · 5 years
So, Steve... you’ve gone to get your girl and get yourself some of that good life back in the past. But of course, you’d never be able to rest without first going to save
your pal
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your buddy
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...right? Steve?
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...is this really what M&M are actually trying to push??? And do they really think they’ll be convincing anyone else the more they keep at it?
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tsukishumai · 3 years
CAAAMM!! So you know that I may have been over working myself last week. Although I did give myself a rest day which was Sunday, so I could start working again by Monday (which was yesterday). BUT I DIDNT GET TO DO ANYTHING TODAY 😭😭 It almost 12mn now approaching Wednesday and gdi, the whole day ive been staring into space and zoning out 😭😭 Like I didnt even watch any show or whatever, literally was just SPA👏🏻CING👏🏻THE👏🏻SHIT👏🏻OUT👏🏻 the entire day 🙂🤦🏻‍♀️ literally NOTHING done!! It's nuts!! 😭😤😣
Anyways, I'm staying late up again so I get to finish at least my paper revision for a major, so here's another bedtime session at 4 am 🤓 Oh and bby ure a strawberry milkshake 💗 buttercup 💛 plum 💜 bluebell 💙 mahogany 🤎 aqua 💚 (i know thats green but theres no aqua heart LMAO) and i guess a fuchsia too bc ilysm 🥺👉👈
Have a beautiful day my love! 🥰
GERMYYY OMG HI BAE! YES I know very well that you were overworking urself last week 😡😡 NO BUT SEE that’s exactly what I mean germy, ur spacing out bc ur body was like “IM TIRED OF THIS SHIT, GRANDPA” and u were like “WELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD!!” But now ur body is boycotting 😤😤 so if u don’t give urself rest UR BODY WILL SHUT DOWN AND DO IT FOR U so next time listen to cam when she says take it easy cause she loves u and cares abt u 😃
Oh gosh why u gotta make me blush w ur nice compliments 🥺 but if anYONES A PLUM HERE ITS U MS GERMY Ur always awake at odd hours omg also I am here to tell you that YES I am accepting ur marriage proposal, and am building a castle in the sky for us to escape to heh ❤️
Hope u have a great day boo! And hopefully ur sleeping and getting some rest by now! <33
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