#idk if im still portraying him as asexual very well here
shadebloopnik · 2 months
Angelic Alastor AU bc the poly im thinkin out for it makes me laugh sometimes.
Lilith and Lucifer winding down in each others arms after having sex, having random conversation topics and eventually ending on Alastor.
Lilith: He's always been so reserved with anything regarding this, are most of your kind like that or???
Lucifer: No, I mean we are able to have those kinds of relationships, they're not really taboo amongst angels. Alastor's just....never been interested in it...?
Lilith: Hmmm.....
Lucifer: ..........
Lilith: ......he'd be pretty fucking hot tho-
Lucifer: Oh stars yes, I've been envisioning it for eons, you have no idea-
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