#if petra doesnt want to label herself too
mothuary · 2 years
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MY RESPONSE WAS TOO LONG so im going to answer you in a text post lol.
Photo text: Anonymous asked: “can you share more about the Black Eagles 80s goth AU please? I’m curious as to how everyone fits in the AU”
Yes yes yes!! i can share more. i can OVER share.
so the AU it's centered around a venue in the city that edelgard starts up. Its kind of a combination gig venue/ club where they host live bands on weekends and spin records for most of the rest of the week. let me expand on the characters:
edelgard: she basically manages to get into a bunch of her fathers money and uses it to start a goth club. She does it because her dad also owns a venue, but hes not willing to support small acts if he doesn't think they'll bring a good crowd (and therefore money). She doesnt have like... tons of money from a business standpoint but its enough to get a small thing going.
Hubert: he's got a pet thing for chemistry and does photography and can make emulsion screens for t-shirts which help both the small bands and the venue make some extra cash. As always, a reliable assistant to edelgard who helps her run the place, encouraged her to do it, and can come up with really creative solutions to unexpected problems. He's also got a great pulse on the scene and is really good at scouting acts
Everyone else under the cut!!
Monica: Edelgards other assistant, has a huge crush on her. Doesn't really understand the goth thing but wants edelgard to think she's cool so she dresses up. She does the boring stuff like numbers and books and taxes, but shes really good at it and wants to help Edelgards dream so it works out.
Ferdinand: He works there, im thinking probably leads the tech or setup... but the music?? oh hes so into it. Romantic lyrics and glamorous theatrics? absolutely 100%. His family also works in entertainment (hence the stage skills) but he works with edelgard by choice because she lets him get on stage, which his family business would so not allow. He's not part of an act but he opens up for small gigs as a solo or fills in. He gets to be a rockstar for once and it is everything. Becomes fast friends with dorothea.
Dorothea: Shes scouted as a minor pop act and slated to get signed on to a record label but its nothing like what she expected: someone else writes her lyrics and she stands there and looks pretty. In order to explore her own musical inspiration, she starts writing for herself and perfoming here-- disguised in full batcave makeup with teased hair. its a journey of self exploration.
Petra: I think she would also be employed here! but not at first. She moved to [city] from a different country and found that she had a lot of trouble fitting in. After going to a club night, she met some of the regulars and found a group that didnt care if she fit in or not, as long as she had good taste in music. Introduces people to bands from home, they think its got a cool new sound. she picks up some of their music too. And maybe more than a little of the kickass style. This is the kind of place, she decides, that she wants to be a part of. She lends her strength to stage setup and helps as a security detail on occasion as well, but even when shes not working, shes often found in the audience, or hanging out in the daytime.
Caspar : Head of security! He walked in looking for a job when they were setting up the venue in the early days and after a brief deliberation over funds, the three heads of operations (lol) decided they could afford -- and ought to have-- a bouncer. He's a bit more into the punk side of the music scene but he learns to have a soft spot for crooning and synths. Plus, he found out his childhood best friend is a regular here, and this is a great chance to reconnect.
Linhardt: absolutely not employed. He spends so much time there like he really should just be working the merch table or something but he will not do it. Since he isnt being paid, edelgard tolerates his hanging about at ridiculous hours shooting the shit with Petra and Bernadetta, or reading Dorothea's lyrics and helping her pick out chord progressions. He has a really good ear for the mathematical side of music, understands music theory really really well-- but not creative at all. He can play bass, but only in a really textbook way and just cant get funky with it. Thats what he likes about hearing other people play. He will read books during club nights (but not at live shows). Hes in university and literally does all of his course reading at the club. Often found "stepping out for a smoke" (catching up with caspar)
Bernadetta: A very talented writer with an appreciation for old gothic literature. she writes poetry, and anyone who gets the opportunity to read it knows that they would make beautiful lyrics, but shes too embarrassed to share them. shes a regular and a genuine appreciator of the music. cannot play instruments. doesnt like to dance, just closes her eyes. She likes to hover near linhardt because she trusts him and his resting bitch face is a great stranger deterrent.
Byleth: idk i didnt get very far with them other than the idea that maybe they are the dj during weekdays. Since they understand everyones likes and dislikes so well, they play to everyone's preferences. Bad conversationalist and always saying cryptic shit. arrives when their shift starts and leaves when it ends. has a painfully normal day job.
Bonus: Jeritza is the lead of a band that plays here often. Mercedes comes to support him. She is so confident about being there that no one even questions her vibe. WAHHH this is so long LOL but i hope this is interesting to read!!! its got a lot of room for fleshing out but i just think its so fun and i want them all to be goth!!! heres a little doodle of linhardt, bernie, and petra hanging out in the stairwell to rest your eyes on after all that reading
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mazqueen · 6 years
I wish Petra would use the word “bisexual” in an ep. I kinda love the fact that most queer characters on JtV doesn’t have to say their sexuality but it just is (like Luisa and JR never use a label but are so obviously gay). But since some people keep calling Petra a lesbian, and that the word bi is like never used on tv, I think she should. Characters that are obviously bi either have no label or call themselves gay, sometimes even when writers confirm they’re bi they still won’t say it in canon
Me too. And I agree, it’s nice when they don’t have to say their sexuality because then it’s treated as normal, which is a good thing. But at the same time, I feel you in that the term bisexual is rarely used on tv and I feel like saying the word… helps, I guess? In validating it, in a sense, for bi-visibility, especially because there are a lot of people who don’t take bisexuality seriously or never even consider it as an option. 
I mean here. We’ve got Luisa, Rose and Krishna, all confirmed lesbians. JR’s sexuality was never said out loud in canon, but people have labelled her as a lesbian and no one has questioned it. And then there’s Petra, who I feel is actually in the best position (and the only viable one, at this point) to represent the bi community on the show especially now that she’s a confirmed wlw + her history. It all fits, and comes together quite perfectly. However, there are still a lot of people who say she’s a lesbian, who dismiss the idea that she’s bisexual (which Jennie Urman has confirmed she is btw) even though she spent pretty much three seasons pining over her ex-husband and it’s clear that her love for him was real, both in the writing and the translation of that writing onscreen. And it can feel a little offensive in a way, if you think about how there are 5 wlw (counting out characters who aren’t at the very least recurring guest stars) on this show and out of those five, (out of the two unconfirmed wlw), the bi community is only trying to claim ONE as our representation and when people try to argue against the idea of Petra being bisexual, it feels like we’re not even allowed to have that, like we’re not even allowed to exist in the line-up of wlw. 
And idk. I mean I want Petramos to be endgame. I want JR to be it for Petra, because I think they have a healthy, loving relationship and that’s beautiful. But at the same time, it’s upsetting when her ending up with a woman is taken as her being a lesbian. The thing is, unless you’re poly, you’re only gonna end up with 1, either a male or a female… but it’s not like ending up with a male makes us hetero, in the same way that ending up with a female does not mean we’re lesbians. We’re still bisexuals. And I feel like that was the whole point of why they made Adam explain all that stuff about bisexuality earlier. So that people understand that. But I don’t think people do. 
Like, here’s the thing. Bisexuals who like men and women equally are valid. Bisexuals who prefer men are valid. Bisexuals who prefer women are valid. Bisexuals who have never dated men before are valid. Bisexuals who have never dated women before are valid. Bisexuals who have decided, for whatever reason, that they want to exclusively date men are valid. Bisexuals who have decided, for whatever reason, that they want to exclusively date women are valid. In the same way that bisexuals who don’t want to date at all, for whatever reason, are valid. (And bi’s who would rather call themselves straight/lesbian because they want to exclusively date only one sex anyway is also valid, js. What people want to label themselves as is their choice.) 
It’s tough to make definitions with sexuality because it’s complicated, so this will be extremely broad but bisexuality generally means you can be attracted to both men and women. And I’m not talking about attraction in the… oh they’re handsome or beautiful kind of way, but in the sense that… you’d enter a relationship with them, or would have sex with them, or whatever other variety of that. Like, the idea of being in a relationship, romantic/sexual, with either women and men appeals to you. Sexuality is really not about who you’re with or who you end up with. It’s not about who you’re dating or not dating. You don’t stop being a bisexual for any reason, because being one is part of who you are. Like someone who is closeted and dating the opposite sex is still gay even though they’re dating the opposite sex. Because being gay is not something that disappears depending on who they’re with. It’s who they are. It’s the same with bisexuality.
And so in the same sense, Petra is bisexual no matter who she’s dating. Petra is bisexual if, for some reason she doesn’t end up with JR and dates ten women after that until she finds ‘the one’ who is also a woman. If she dates women the rest of her life, it doesn’t negate the validity of her feelings/relationship with Raf. She could be so over balls men (like me 99% of the time) but that doesn’t automatically make her not a bisexual. Mind you, being ‘over it’ means she was into at one point, which just goes to prove that her attraction isn’t limited to only women. Like… I can see Petra as fluid. And I can definitely see her as pansexual. But if you tell me Petra is not at all attracted to men? Idk but that’s just difficult to believe. And I’d also like to point out that Jennie made the decision to make Petra bi before s4 started… and yet we have a completely pointless scene in which Petra gushes about how handsome Jeffrey Mullins is, also being hot and bothered and clearly turned on at the thought of how good Raf is in bed and if she was going to make Petra a lesbian? Why bother with those.
And. Yeah. Clearly I have a lot of feelings about this lol. And I mean, it’s about Petra but it’s also, in the larger sense, more about the prevalence of bi-erasure in society as a whole and tbh I feel a little bit like invalidating Petra’s bisexuality is a manifestation of that. And I just wish we could be better. Like I’ve said before, we’re all wlw, all lgbtq, let’s just be supportive and accepting of each other.
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saffigon · 3 years
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#but the most general definition is that it just doesnt work in the binary bc its its own thing its own little idea and function outside
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134 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 20:44:49 GMT
This is just a small reminder that not all aplatonics are loveless and not all loveless people are aplatonic. There is a lot of overlap, but one is not required to be the other
As a lovequeer aplspec, I don't feel comfortable being lumped in with being loveless just because I'm apl. Obviously there's no problem with being loveless or loveless and apl, it's just that it's not accurate of my or all aplatonic experiences. They are separate identities with a lot of overlap, but they are not the same thing
/nm /gen /srs
138 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 00:04:27 GMT
Waverly Earp coming to terms with her identity over the 4 seasons has been my favorite thing to watch. Season 1 she was scared to come to terms with her identity but she was strong enough to see it and go after it, even if she was scared. She knew what she wanted, who she wanted and she went for it. Season 2 she's finding what she wants in a relationship. She doesn't want someone who lies to her, she wants specific boundaries and she verbalizes it. Season 3, other people start to tell her who she is (Mercedes and Momma calling her a lesbian) and she didn't say anything. Maybe she didn't know yet what to call herself and she didn't feel that lesbian was inaccurate enough to warrant her speaking up so she went with it. Or didn't feel it was worth explaining when she didn't fully know it herself. Season 4, Wynonna and Nicole call her bisexual. Waverly still hasn't said it on screen, but maybe she talked about it with them. Or maybe they just knew Waverly well enough. But as of Season 4 Waverly herself still hadn't said her sexuality. And in the finale. She said it. She finally put her own voice to her sexuality. She knows her truth and she spoke it. And it's just so important to see this silent questioning of herself, silent learning, silent formation of her identity. From scared and unsure, to standing for her own boundaries, to being too unsure of her label to stand up, to letting those around her speak it for her, to saying her identity with strength. And it's so important for people to see that, especially to see that with a bisexual woman. And it's beautiful. Waverly Earp: Bisexual Half-Angel
187 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 17:27:51 GMT
My favorite thing about qprs is how varied they can be. Like, yeah, romantic relationships can have a lot of variety. But qprs just have so much possibility with how they can be defined. And not just in the way that different people have different dynamics. But like the types of affection in every qpr is different. And it just makes every one so unique. And I love it
192 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 01:39:35 GMT
Happy International Pronouns Day to:
People who use one set
People who use multiple sets
Neopronoun users
Nounself users
It/Its users
Pronounfluid folks
People whose pronouns don't align with their gender
People whose pronouns do align with their gender
People who use neutral sets
People who use gendered sets
Nonbinary people that use she/her or he/him
Binary people that use they/them
People who don't use pronouns
People that don't know what pronouns they use
Yall all are valid and deserve to be respected <3
365 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 18:49:12 GMT
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