#if you vote republican support tr*mp etc
whyeverr · 1 year
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Today is Election Day in the US. 🗳
My reach is small—and my influence essentially nonexistent—but it still feels important to say something, especially knowing how important the midterms are this year.
Turnout of voters aged 18–29 is on the rise—51% voted in 2020, compared to just 39% in 2016—which is fucking amazing. But, even at 51% turnout, young voters still have the lowest turnout of any age bracket. And turnout always drops for midterms, something we cannot afford to have happen as our hairline majority in the senate hangs in the balance. Maintaining and growing that majority is our best chance at protecting reproductive freedom, LGBTQIA+ rights, expanding gun reform, etc. 
I’ve seen a tweet making the rounds about how voting isn’t a valentine to a candidate you love and support 100%, but rather a chess move toward the world you want to live in. And I might not be a chess player but I think that’s a pretty damn good way of putting it. The platform of the particular Democrat candidate(s) on your ballot today likely does not perfectly reflect your ideals. But, pragmatically speaking, a vote for them is a vote against a Republican (whom I hope I can safely assume, dear mutual, reflects none of your values). A vote for them is—at minimum—a vote to hold the line of crumbling democracy against the terrifying slide into christofascism, and at best, may actually pleasantly surprise us all and lead to something positive. I never would have imagined Biden passing student loan forgiveness when I voted for him, and yet, here we are! 
Of course, there is so much room under the sun for critiques of the two party system, corrupt politicians, Citizens United, the electoral college, etc, etc, etc, and unfortunately there will always be those who insist that voting “doesn't matter,” or in some way makes you complicit in upholding an imperfect system. But I truly and firmly believe that it’s not either/or, it’s “yes and.” Gerrymandering and voter suppression wouldn’t be a thing if voting didn’t have power. And abstaining from voting is about as effective politically as abstinence-only birth control. If you have the ability to vote, please, please make it a priority today. 🥲🇺🇸 
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greengay · 3 years
I voted for Trump but I love you and your blog. Billie’s curious behavior unites us.
So this ask has been weighing on my mind for the past couple of days? I know I’m just Some Dude With A Green Day Blog Who Posts About Billie Joe’s Ass and the “correct” response (and one of my first impulses tbh) is something like, “ummmmmm ewwwwwwww wtf” or “fuck off, I don’t want you following me”, but that genuinely goes against everything I believe in? 
Like, I believe in reform. I believe, for the most part, people are fundamentally good and just get misguided sometimes. I believe in abolishing our current prison system, and to do that we have to believe in rehabilitation OVER punishment. I believe people shouldn’t be crucified for past mistakes? 
This is my favorite article of all time, and it makes me cry every time I read it, especially as a Jewish person. I think you, Tr*mp-Supporting anon, should really read this, but also anyone else who believes in a better world? 
And, like. I’m assuming you still support Tr*mp and you’re unapologetic about it. And that really, really rubs me the wrong way. I’m going to assume you already know that voting for Trump isn’t just political -- in the current culture wars, it’s aligning yourself with a fundamentally evil human being and saying that you’re cool with that. It says: You’re okay with making fun of disabled people. You’re okay with grabbing women by the pussy. You’re okay calling other countries that aren’t the USA “shitholes” and calling Muslims terrorists and locking Mexican immigrants (legal or illegal) up in cages like they’re subhuman. You’re okay with Trump being a White supremacist (and this isn’t an exaggeration...he is literally a White Supremacist). You’re okay with poor people falling through the cracks of society as long as rich people get a tax break. 
And that raises a lot of questions that I actually deleted because I didn’t want to come across as too preachy and immediately ostracize you. 
But you also, presumably like Green Day? You aren’t hate-reading my blog, or anything. I’m guessing you like Trump because you’re fed up with the current system and you hate liberals? And, like...same. Democrats suck. Billie is annoying and hypocritical talking about the disenfranchised when he has his own yacht. Twitter stan culture is super annoying and people don’t look at issues and situations with nuance. One of my favorite memes is something like. 
People: Hey can we have universal healthcare? Republicans: No Democrats: No 😎🏳️‍🌈✨
And I’m sure you know...voting for Trump did not change the current system. It made billionaires richer and everyone else poorer. It caused civil unrest. It gutted education and put a conservative on the supreme court, which could possibly be used to overturn Roe V. Wade, taking away women’s rights to abortion. etc. 
So I guess.....
1) I’m open to having a dialogue with you, if you want? I’m genuinely curious if my hypotheticals for why you voted for Trump were correct. And I’m wondering, I guess, why you like Green Day? Because Trump and Republicans are antithetical to everything Green Day stands for. And if you’re interested in me/billie/my blog, I’d be open to giving a more in-depth reason for why I stand against Trump and and the Right and how they have both personally, negatively affected me, if you’re interested. 
2) Follow me on my main @jonathanrichman where I post more general/political stuff (the ADHD compels me to organize things and mostly Green Day stuff stays on here) so you can see my perspective on more issues and why I’m a leftist (for the most part) 
3) If you’re just a troll......ya got me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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oksanasanna · 4 years
I also think it's worth mentioning that you can be a registered republican and not support Tr*mp, like it happens all the time.
yeah i know there’s different reasons people register political parties. family pressure, wanting to influence the other party’s primary votes, previously being a member of that party, etc.
but i don’t want to straight up write it off either. most people register republican because they want to vote republican. and even if he’s not a tr*mp supporter, there’s plenty of other republican politicians (most of them) who still want to take away lgbt, poc, women, etc. rights and who will vote in accordance with tr*mp’s policies just because he’s part of the party. and that’s fucked up. being a moderate republican is still very much not a good thing.
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GG's message was fine until he said "It doesn't matter who for". He was rambling as usual and I don't think he was being literal but he went out of his way to not let his followers see that he had picked a side and I do take issues with it, especially since he was very clear that he was against Tr*mp and his supporters in the 2016 election. He should have stopped talking at "Just vote". I don't hate him but he's always been a bit spineless IMO and it looks like he's gotten worse.
I think you’re being hyper critical over this. Especially when Grant went back to corrected what he originally meant by that line.
You know what I find interesting though anon?
From what I’ve seen no other actor/actress from DCTV made a clear stance on how they wanted their followers to vote. Most of their posts about voting simply urged people to vote and to make an informed choice whoever they voted for. No one from what I saw said “f*ck Trump and only vote democrat”. This is from Stephen, Melissa, Hartley, Rick, Juliana, Echo, etc. Even Candice when making a post about voting on her twitter page  @ whenweallvote which is an nonpartisan organization that helps ALL voters whether they are democrat or republican.
Almost like these actors/actresses wanted to support people exercising their democratic right over demanding they vote for a certain party or something. Don’t know why Grant is particular is the only one at fault because he didn’t say what you wanted him to say.
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inkstained-wretch · 5 years
I read tr*mp rally as tramp rally. lol
russell be tweeting “boycott florida” because of the rally ya know he’s 110% right. tr*mp’s florida supporters deserve to suffer. if anything, scott’s incessant trips to florida might help tr*mp win a second term. tourism = $$$$. scott is an ICON now he has so much more influence then he did in the past. ppl look up to him, want to emulate him etc. a bunch of anons and i have already talked about this months ago in regards to crossfit and bagel seasoning. in the same way tessa is a spokesperson for nivea and addidas and has fans buying the same stuff she wears, scott is a spokesperson for florida. he has DEFINITELY inspired ppl to travel down to the hell state for vacations or w/e, contributing to the economy, therefore making life more cushy for floridians, especially tr*mp supporters, which validates their delusions about tr*mp being the gr8est president ever~ and that he’s good for the economy. why do y’all think canadian gov. imposed stricter tariffs on red states than blue ones ( this is so weird for me, as a canadian, to type this out because usually politcal parties who are represented by cooler colors such as blue = evil whilst parties that use warmer colors (orange, red) = good) when trump imposed tariffs on canada to pressure the canadian gov to renegotiate nafta?? to pressure ppl in red states to not vote republican and you know what? it fucking worked (don’t let anyone tell you boycotts dont work because they do. i recall how tr*mp’s tariffs sparked a whole movement up here to buy only canadian stuff.) -  the house is now run by democrats and even tho the new nafta has been signed it still needs the house approval - which it’s struggling to get - to pass. if harper/scheer were our PM, they would’ve sold us out right away.
anyways, given tr*mp’s geopolitical policies & the current political climate, one can argue scott seeing jackie hurts us all. as i said in a previous post, no matter where we live we will ALL suffer so long as mango mussolini remains in office. we can be a fucking hermit living in the alps or w/e and we’d still be affected by tr*mp’s policies.
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