#illyana glaine
inked-night · 28 days
In the alternate universe of Dead by Daylight, Shen Jiu and Cale are known to be the survivors who, unwittingly, act in a sacrificial manner, completely oblivious to their companions' concern for their own safety. Despite their reckless tendencies, they feel deeply offended when other team members suggest distraction tactics or personal sacrifice, especially if they find themselves in compromising situations during the game.
"Have they lost their minds?" Cale asked, his voice laden with disbelief and his eyes exuding serious disapproval towards their companions.
"What makes them think that risking their lives in such a way is a good idea?" Shen Jiu added, standing next to the redhead, raising an eyebrow in a questioning gesture. He crossed his arms over his chest, adopting the stance of a disappointed teacher in front of a group of mischievous students. "You can't just throw yourselves into action without thinking of the consequences"
Illyana, Penelope, and Rudbeckia were left blinking, astonished at the hypocrisy of the men before them.
'But you are the first to throw yourselves into danger without thinking twice!' Penelope had to bite her tongue to not say out loud what was screaming in her mind, maintaining an expression of regret while internally struggling with the urge to shake them into reason.
'Don't you remember that just two games ago you died in the most absurd way possible, trying to give us time to escape?' Illyana nodded in apparent agreement with the reprimand they were receiving, although inside she was torn between disbelief and the desire to hit them with the bat she had found to give them a 'gentle' reminder of their own recklessness.
'You're supposed to be the brightest strategists on the team! Where has this shared foolishness come from?' Rudbeckia, for her part, couldn't contain a groan of frustration, imagining herself tying both men with a rope and dragging them across the map until they managed to repair the generators and escape from the killer, thus avoiding the multiple heart attacks they caused her every time one of them threw themselves in front of the killer when the opportunity arose.
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TROPE: "I became a villainess in a novel where I'm supposed to control and manipulate another character. No matter what, I plan to set him free and survive! However, why can't we let each other go...?"
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• Roxana
• The Beast Tamed by the Villainess
• Villains Behind the Curtains
• I Failed to Oust the Villain!
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i-simp-for-women · 2 years
Is it weird that I'm in love with my wallpaper? Or more exactly the heavenly beauty of the women I have as my wallpaper? Maybe I'm just a helpless simp for this two 😅❤
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rainberrydrops · 2 years
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Illyana Glaine
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inked-night · 15 days
Rudbeckia, the endearingly obsessive and clingy girlfriend, had a knack for turning every trial in the foggy realm of Dead by Daylight into a full-blown melodrama. Her target? The stunning, enigmatic Illyana, who was the epitome of calm and patience (Qualities that Rudbeckia seemed to lack entirely).
Picture this: The trial begins, and the Entity’s fog envelops the macabre landscape. The generators hum ominously, and the survivors scatter like startled rabbits. But not Rudbeckia. Oh no, she’s too busy mooning over Illyana, her "precious, spectacular, and drop-dead gorgeous" girlfriend (Yes, those are Rudbeckia’s actual words. She’s not one for subtlety).
Now, Shen Jiu and Penelope—bless their souls—have the unenviable task of keeping Rudbeckia from going full-on apocalyptic. You see, when Illyana is in danger, Rudbeckia transforms into a Shakespearean tragedy waiting to happen. Her battle cry? "I shall reduce this realm to ashes, slay all who dare harm Lyna, and then dramatically end my own existence!" (She’s got the flair for drama, that one).
But wait, there’s more! Enter Cale, the resident idiot friend. He’s the guy who inexplicably cheers Rudbeckia on. Why? Because he secretly enjoys watching her unravel. It’s like reality TV, but with more blood and less dignity. Cale’s motto: "When life gives you a deranged girlfriend, grab some popcorn and enjoy the chaos".
And chaos there is. Rudbeckia loses her composure whenever an actual killer—especially Michael Myers—dares to breathe within a five-mile radius of Illyana. It’s as if Rudbeckia’s sanity meter drops faster than a survivor vaulting a pallet (Spoiler alert: She usually ends up dying in hilariously stupid ways because she insists on confronting these killers. Yes, even her ex-brother Myers, who seems to harbor a grudge against Illyana. But Rudbeckia? She’s convinced Myers is just trying to woo her beautiful Lyna. Talk about sibling rivalry).
Meanwhile, Illyana remains the serene lighthouse in the storm. When Rudbeckia inevitably bites the dust (Again), they both wake up in the Entity’s cozy cabin. Illyana never contradicts her lovable lunatic of a girlfriend. Instead, she showers Rudbeckia with kisses and soothing cuddles. It’s like a post-trial spa day, except with more bloodstains and fewer cucumber slices.
And then there’s Shen Jiu, the voice of reason (Or so he thinks). As he watches Rudbeckia’s antics, he contemplates his life choices. Why, oh why, did he end up with this motley crew? What karmic debt did he accrue in a past life to deserve friends who make the Entity itself raise an eyebrow?
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