#im like completely sober by rhe end of this lmao
lavendersuh · 4 years
omg a) what did u drink today HAHHCJWHC and b) could i get the "there's only one bed" line with morkle (if u want to write it hehe!!) - star :D
mark lee x reader // 1195 words // “there’s only one bed” // fluff to the max!
a) i’m going feral i wrote half of this out and then it erased!!! bc tumblr hates me!! anyways i drank some vodka before mixing a good ol long island iced tea with some sweet tea lol
b) i also cannot tell if u want mark and chenle or just good ol mork but that’s on me being inebriated luv xo i’m going through some Mark Lee Hours tho so we gonna just go w a self insert tonight i hope u enjoy ✨✨
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“mark, we have a problem...” you mumble as your roommate for the weekend pulls his suitcase down the hall.
each summer your group of friends sets out on a vacation together, usually to a lake house a few hours from town. per haechan’s idea, roommates were selected at random, “to spice up the week,” he said.
you saw it at silly but in the past two years, you’ve gotten seulgi and doyoung, who are two of your better friends.
this year however....
“what’s up?” mark says, peaking his head into your assigned room.
you can’t help but gesturely wildly into the room, words refusing to leave you.
you can’t help it. you don’t know mark super well but you do know that his dark hair falls across his face way too nicely as the fading sunlight drifts across his features. the evening light from the window makes him too attractive for his own good.
and your own good, seeing as how you can feel heat rise in your face anytime you see him.
you look back at him to see a confused expression cross his face.
“there’s only one bed!” you sputter, your eyes wide.
“ohh,” he says, as he pulls his suitcase into the doorframe, “well maybe we can switch—“
“no switching!!” you hear haechan yell from across the hall. “it’s in the rules!!”
you want to yell back asking what exactly rules he’s talking about but if you know anything about haechan, he definitely has the lake house rules written down in crayon somewhere in his suitcase. instead, you let out a huff of air.
“it shouldn’t be too bad,” mark says, causing you to gaze back at him, “we can make a pillow wall in the middle, it’ll be okay.”
his hopeful look causes you to slowly nod your head. you head into the shower to get ready for bed. after a day of driving everyone is heading to bed earlier than usual.
when you exit the bathroom, you see mark has chosen the left side of the bed, and tossed two pillows into the middle to create separation.
he smiles at you when you give him a thumbs up, content with his solution.
with all his happy smiles and kind eyes you expect everything will be fine. he takes his turn to shower before settling in next to you. the pillows allow for distance, but as you snuggle into the covers, you are still very aware of the fact that you are sharing a bed with another human.
to be more exact, that human is mark lee.
your heart beats a little faster in your chest at the thought, the noise sounding much louder in the silence of the room. you wonder if he can hear it too.
“sweet dreams, y/n,” you hear mark say.
you whisper a goodnight back to him, trying to urge yourself to fall asleep.
you wake with a start at some point in the night. you’re warm, you realize, too warm.
as you shake yourself of grogginess, you become aware of the sound of birds outside signaling dawn is upon you. you also become aware of the arms that tightly embrace you.
immediately you are wide awake, shifting your head slightly to see mark sleeping soundly so his arms entangled around you.
for a moment panic sets in, wondering what the hell is going on, before you understand that during the night the pillows shifted, and somehow mark ended up next to you.
if you thought your heart was beating wildly last night, you were sorely mistaken. you decide it would probably be best to untangle mark and create some distance before he wakes up. the embarrassment that moment would create would be too much to handle so early in the morning.
you shift slightly, placing your hands on his hands that hold securely to your torso. you assumed this would cause him to jerk away, but he only tightens his grip slightly.
“mmm,” he hums, burying his face into your hair.
for a moment you wonder if he’s dreaming. who he’s dreaming about. a shiver of jealously runs through you before you argue with yourself that you have nothing to be jealous over.
your moment of curiosity is broken as he wiggles himself impossibly closer, breathing out a whisper of your name along with it.
“mark?” you can’t help but ask, your eyes widened from the mention of your name.
he jolts awake, blinking confusedly for a moment before he realizes where he is. who he’s holding.
“oh!” he exclaims as he lets go of you.
the two of you sit up, collecting your bearings and avoiding the tension that plagues the cool morning air.
mark is the first one to speak, “i’m so sorry, y/n, sometimes i move around in my sleep and i guess i moved the pillows and cuddled into you....” he pauses when he realizes the words coming out of his mouth, “i didn’t mean to, i swear, i’m sorry if i made you uncomfy, did i say anything? sometimes i talk in my sleep....” he rambles on.
you reach over, laying a hand on his arm to stop him, “it’s okay, i promise. i was just surprised is all.”
some of his worry dissipates from his face, but he still asks, “and i didn’t say anything, did i?”
you weren’t going to mention the fact that he had muttered your name in his sleep but the look on your face betrays you, so you tell him.
“oh my god, i’m sorry!” he spills out, “i knew haechan putting us together would be bad, it ruined everything, i had it all planned out....” he rambles on, “it was so stupid to tell him! i should’ve known he would meddle!”
mark’s little stumbling rant continues but you catch a few things, and you can’t help but wonder if it all means what you think it does.
slowly, you crawl across the bed so you are face to face with mark. he freezes with you so close, his gaze intent as he looks at you.
maybe it was the early morning drowsiness or the bits of boldness from mark in the past few months but you slowly lean in, trailing a hand across his cheek.
“do you like me mark?” you ask in a whisper, impossibly close.
his mouth opens to say something but nothing comes out.
“please say yes,” you whisper, and at that he nods, letting his eyes close as you let your lips sink into his.
it’s a soft kiss, a good kind of first kiss in the early morning light, leaving you both smiling like fools at each other. he wraps an arm around you, pulling him into his chest as he brings the covers up over the two of you.
you both snooze for a while, enjoying the soft morning and the presence of each other’s company before your peace is broken by the opening of your door.
in typical haechan style, he never lets you or mark forget that he helped in bringing the two of you together, replaying the story for many summers to come.
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