#im not an expert on all these iterations lol
apparentlyautistick · 8 months
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I just like drawing this dude with insanely long ears!
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skybristle · 16 days
What's Pine's deal and how badly do they get fucked over by the narrative? /silly
PINES !!! PINES !!! i haven't talked about him much actually now that i think about it !!!
he's A Glittering Aurora's architect !!!! specifically he got there because it is a Veryyyy skilled bioengineer [sparkles was their childhood project LOL]. overall his personality is just. Devastatingly silly. A little goober even . probably a little immature and irresponsible tbh but. yeah !
they get their start in Chorus [chimes city], long after reefs has passed. he was very very inspired by its lax attitude but most importantly how much stress reefs put on the autonomy of chimes as it was on its way out, and how chorus law basically Revolves around chimes getting a say [not saying he Ran it or anything but he gets much more of a voice than most iterators]. his closeness with his city also led to him meeting a Lot of people, and his friendliness and everything really inspired pines !!!
thats his philosophy going into aurora, but he kind of fails to realize all of the worj that goes into making chorus' system... works?? and it relies soo much on the kind of person chimes was and how he was raised to be. he doesn't NEED quota or punishment to get the fufillment and happiness from dedicating his time to his city. so aurora ends up being very,,, detached to her city and aloof and uninterested, and pines is very morally opposed to putting his foot down about it. it didn't really understand how his somewhat shallow friendship and relationship did to auroras "i give a fuck" meter as she instead chooses to burn her time on global chats. so albedo [aurora's city] is kind of a clusterfuck
the Full Consequences of this never really catch up directly to pines but there IS An Incident, where another ancient, refrain, is fed up with auroras BS and especially his lack of care about his role to serve and solve the problem [he is a shitty person even if the concerns are somewhat valid], and he's an expert on encryption and restrictions and promptly goes behind pines back to try and force aurora into doing his fucking job. Yeah pines finds out and FLIPS SHIT, gets thisss close to trying to murder refrain, fucks his shit up in its office and then kicks him out of albedo. refrain runs back crying to the global iterator project for a new job and eventually builds whispers as mass ascension approaches, with all of the 'lessons' he learned from aurora's vanity.
im sure that'll go fine
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danothan · 1 year
🤝 critiquing the thing but enjoying it .. i get you!! honestly idk when you last watched it (after it got cancelled after s2?) and i will say that like. i was watching it for the first time with a friend who was rewatching + he didn't remember much abt them either. but the relationship just has. dubious foundation (imo) that does Not get addressed 😭 i won't say anything on the actual plot of their relationship but don't be worried 😭 im more talking about the state of the writing for both characters because it never seems to get proper resolutions or depth where it desperately needs it
i really enjoy the concept of yja most of the time (s1, most of 2, most of 4) i just wish the writers didnt bite off more than they could handle because i stare at the writing sometimes. that being said. the middle of season 4 is some of the most fun i think i had its genuinely so so good hehe. hope u have fun with it when u get there.. the state of the overall writing for yja i think acts like an inverse bell curve. theres still good to be found tho :]
u dont feel like a newcomer to me!! theres just like. a staggering amount of history and iterations of every character 😭 i feel like ill never get over feeling new either!! at some point u just give up and frankenstein
happy to share more abt kon tho :) im far from an expert like i havent Finished everything hes in or anything like that but from one "anger is an okay response to grief and trauma" defender 2 another i am clinking my glass against urs 🥂
nooo it’s not giving up, frankensteining IS the goal! i’m reading to ADD to the amalgamation, THIS! is my design!!
in all seriousness, i’m glad to hear that yja picks up in later seasons bc i Did stop when it got cancelled, didn’t even know they had as many as 4 seasons tbh. i was rly just gonna return to this thing blind lol, good to know there’s still stuff to look forward to!
i kinda hated romance as a kid tho so i think going into it now with those nostalgia goggles is giving me that expectation anyway. younger me was preparing current me for the worst 😔👊 god i forgot how annoying romantic subplots were in cartoons, my past is coming back to haunt me…
also i totally feel you on never finishing comics, even abt our faves, we are like this 🤝 we’ll get there tho, slowly but surely…
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
TFA for the ask game!! >:]
The first character I first fell in love with: PROWL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my G0D he was such a super mega insta-fave. its so funny bc i watched tfa as a kid and i didnt remember much abt him (bc ratchet and sari were my favorites then) but rewatching it now it didnt even take the end of the first episode to just become obsessed with the guy. truly doing it like no other iteration of prowl The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: bulkhead !! he was also one i didnt remember a ton about from watching the show as a kid ? i expected to like him enough but the show gives him so many little details outside of "doofy well-meaning clumsy wrecker" like his instant and very strong connection with sari, his passion for art, the """twist""" that hes an expert space bridge engineer, just the fact that hes the heart of the team overall ! hes got a lot going for him i wish he was wayyy more appreciated The character everyone else loves that I don’t: not counting any like 2-second side characters that i think people just associate with versions of from other iterations of transformers fucking. i cant even remember his name. and im not gonna look it up either but the guy the fucking guy who chops other cybertronians up and takes their shit to sell or as trophies. a concept that could have been really cool but just ended up so boring in execution. and hes not even hot !!!!!! hes utterly swagless !!!!!!!!! i dont know why so many ppl are just foaming at the mouth for him hes NOTHING The character I love that everyone else hates: UMM again bulkhead maybe ? i dont think hes hated i just think people dont tend to appreciate him or consider him much at all which is a shame because hes wonderful The character I used to love but don’t any longer: the last season kind of really soured bumblebee for me LOL like i dont hate him or anything he just stopped being any fun to watch at all. fuckin djw getting his practice for the omniverse version of ben tennyson in The character I would totally smooch: oh my g0d how could i choose. theres grimlock theres ratchet theres arcee theres wreck-gar theres theres jazz theres blackarachnia and starscream but in both of those instances i think i would die The character I’d want to be like: this is a tough one everyones kind of a mess. not even optimus has his shit together. as a child i DID want to be sari but that was because she had cool robot powers but those kind of become less appealing when youre 23 that seems like a lot of shit would just become so inconvenient idk like do i get covered by health or auto-insurance The character I’d slap: STARSCREAM AS WELL ! again i would definitely definitely die but it would be worth it A pairing that I love: PROWLBULK OF COURSEEE with blackarachnia/slipstream being a very close second. i dont care that they never interacted in the show or even in any supplemental material through evil and love all things are possible A pairing that I despise: now of course not counting all of the ones that are gross obviously i really don't like bee/prowl. LIKE objectively there's nothing even wrong with it i can see where ppl r coming from but they just dont read romantically very well to me at all. theyre more like besties who want to maim each other to me thats all
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oldserah · 3 years
i feel so stupid lol ive been working on a fc5 oc for weeks and tumblr recommended me your blog today and i was so shocked to see how identical mine looks to your genesis!! im so sorry lmao! back to the drawing board i guess lol!
Thanks for the Ask & Sorry I Never answered this immediately, I’m going to be Honest with you I really didn’t know [nor do I still really know] how to respond to this as it was so out of the blue. 
A New fc5 oc [woo] that seemed ‘identical to mine’ [oh?]
In Regards to the Ask, Genesis [quick example image below] has a somewhat unique design due to her vitiligo which was a deliberate choice i made in her design from the start. This is where the wording of ur ask/ the ask itself confused & gave me pause as you Mentioned the Design being ‘identical’ which where I admit when i first saw the ask i couldnt understand how exactly something like this ocurred.
This led me to wondering if ur oc design was the exact same or perhaps it was elements featured in the  design of your oc that made it look similar to you when comparing them which led you to this conclusion?! Without context of what your oc looks like I could never confirm or deny this for you!
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 [^ facial Design i had Created of Genesis before as a reference]
However! The main reason I wanted to answer this was the part of the ask where u mentioned designing the character for a while and now feeling like you must restart which was disheartening to hear. I am by no means an expert but I am currently at university studying games art and design and know from this [as well as from years of making oc’s] that Character design as a whole can be a long process with many iterations that are made to the designs the more the character is developed by yourself. Unfortunately, in a world where being 100% original is hard a Design you may make which was unique suddenly is revealed to not be when finding another’s artists work [as in this case, from my understanding of this ask]  
My advice is rather than completely making a new oc from scratch as this similarity bothers you, you could mess with the design in different ways to create a new oc look that isn’t completely from scratch. 
One way that I do this personally is take features of the oc that i like to keep and mess with the rest. Perhaps change the nose or eye shape, the eye/hair or skin colour or mess with the proportions of the face. 
Or another way I make oc’s is if I have 2 designs [for that oc or old oc’s I don’t use] I will highlight different features I like again in each design and merge them together to make a wholly new one!
 I have no idea if any of this is helpful at all or a bunch of random words but as a fellow artist I would hate for something that you worked on for a while to just be thrown away!
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