#in general theres a lot of prejudice in this gen
freaky-flawless · 8 months
they made toralai racist ?? 😭 what the hell goes on???
Yeah, against humans. And on top of that they made her a rich and elitist brat. Her goal in the show (and the upcoming movie sequel I presume) is to get Clawdeen kicked out of Monster High because she's human, even after it's revealed that she's also half werewolf.
I have no doubt that she's gonna get redeemed and see the error of her ways at some point, but her overall personality this time around just isn't for me :/
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awetistic-things · 11 months
hi! i'm prof dxd autism, and i know you support self dx. i have some struggles understanding it, bc i guess,,, black and white thinking and i just,,, its very hard to make that connection, bc like, i want to support it but like theres also like, bad experiences with people claiming autism to weaponise something or all the news about fakers which might not even be true but like. im at the point where this is my view:
i support self suspecting a diagnosis, but not self diagnosis bc i think there needs to be some degree of seperation. like you can research one condition but have another, so self suspecting and accommodating is a good thing, but self diagnosis isn't because you don't have like, the full picture, and you need someone else to analyze it, so self suspect, not diagnosis. (sorry if not clear im kinda out of words rn)
but i also recognise that that view isn't really correct anymore, but im having trouble changing it so i guess what im asking is do you have any account to follow/things to read to support self diagnosis so i can change my views. totally cool if you dont want to tho. anyway bye! have a nice day. sorry.
hi 👋🏼
i can't find any specific blogs, but i do have a few things to say:
getting out of the black-and-white thinking is difficult, and i appreciate that you're trying to do so
self-diagnosing in general can be life-saving (when done right, which most of the time it pretty much is, regardless of what you see online) whether it comes to autism or breast cancer. so often, people get passed up and can't get what they desperately need due to discrimination within the medical community (and every community) so they have to take matters into their own hands
a lot of the time even when people go to get evaluated for autism, the doctor is the one who says they "suspect" the patient has autism and then don't give a diagnosis at all (happened to me three times before I got officially diagnosed) there are so many autistic people who go to get evaluated and get straight-up turned down right to their face, which usually leads them to self-diagnosing because there’s nobody willing to actually ‘analyze’ them in the first place (/nm, this reads as passive aggressive i think, but that’s not my intention, i promise /gen)
even if you are officially diagnosed there’s no telling that you’ll get any ‘analysis’ information after an evaluation (most of the time it’s just a paragraph or two) which is why self-diagnosing can be so incredible, because that’s when you get to analyze your own behaviors and traits and work through your internalized ableism so that if you do end up getting a diagnosis you’re not blindsided and have (hopefully) already accepted the fact that you are autistic
essentially what i’m trying to say is that so, so, so many psychiatrists and psychologists have internalized (or fully conscious) prejudice which heavily affects their analyzations and makes self-diagnosing so often times necessary
honestly, i think self-diagnosing is the first step in acknowledging and accepting that you’re autistic
i think many autistics who were officially diagnosed and were surprised by the fact that they’re autistic should look at it from a self-diagnosed autistics point-of-view
and by that i mean actually taking the time to forget whatever your doctor said about how you operate and instead analyze your life, because it’s yours, and nobody knows it better than you (especially from a 30 minute evaluation in a converted supply closet)
sorry if any of this came off as aggressive, it’s all genuine and i do very much appreciate you asking me this question and i hope my numerous different answers helped somewhat :)
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ritaloveslove · 5 years
☕️ homosexuality in the kpop industry
oh anon, bless you!
let's start with this one: the only publicly "known" gay couple on kpop. It was an inter-member relationship in the group K'Pop, a 1st generation male idol group. It was never actually confirmed but everyone knows the group disbanded because of the relationship. I don't know much about what koreans think of this, 1 because it was 20 years ago, and 2 because from what i understand it was well covered up for quite a while.This is to say, it's obvious there's gay relationships between idols, even inter-members. Just like there are plenty plenty of "heterosexual" relationships in the industry.There was actually a very well covered up scandal (covered up mainly by the jenniexkai news) between two male idols this past new year's eve.
Other point I want to talk about is the industry's use of "homosexuality" by using and molding certain idol's images to be a more feminine and therefore more prone to "shipping" (like seungkwan, ren, jeonghan). I'm not implying that they aren't more feminine, I just think it's extremely unfair the way these companies make money out of certain idols while others are forced to follow more manly standards.
We do already have some lgbt+ idols on the industry, I can remember one gay idol (Holland), at least one lesbian and one aroace - and there's more, def. Why aren't they more sucessfull? Well, one's group failed, the other isn't that good of a singer, they all aren't from big companies, and theres's still a lot of prejudice in the korean society - even tho there's been some important progress over the course of the last years. So I don't want to say that the only reason they aren’t big is because of the society, there’s other factors. Without a doubt.
I do think there’s still a long way to go, industry wise speaking. It won’t happen with 4th gen groups, not very likely with 5th gen, maybe 6th? I think once the CEOs start changing and with the expansion of kpop overseas things have the room to start slowly shifting. It will have to be on pair with korean society above all. Kpop is korean, first and foremost.
I also want to add that even if the companies wanted to make public gay relationships the amount of backlash *from "fans"* would be too intense. There are a huge amount of delusional fans who would not hesitate to send death threats and unstand groups if two idols who they didn't ship were dating. And that means losing money. Let's be real, CEOs don't really like losing money.
thanks for asking, sorry this is such a mess!!
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