#infact those who are so numb they convince you to be numb as well need serious fucking help
catladychronicles · 4 years
reminder - those who don’t have your best interests/intentions at heart will always label you what they think you are, to put you in a box, to minimize your identity and all you could be, but the only opinion that matters is yours, because at the end of the day NO ONE should be undercutting your ambiguity and all you are worth.. <3
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scarletooyoroi · 3 years
There was a funny thing about life. Similar to the human heart, hidden lanes and volatile situations were almost commonplace in popularity.
In a land emboldened by the essence of warrior spirit and the dangerous balance it holds, he’s become no stranger to the hectic sway of the everyday. Whereas someone from the outer ends catch the serenity of the cherry blossoms, the smoked, seasoned meats permeating their delectable senses, down to the haughty businessmen who were happily working away at a new Mora grabbing deal. Most wouldn’t come to think twice with the onset of piece seemingly on the horizon of Inauzma.
Keyword: Seemingly.
Thoma’s stance easily found there was never a day to find boring. The brittle, freshly lit kindle of peace naturally had scoundrels a plenty who aimed to bleed a fresh bounty dry. Those who were desperately tucked in the realm of lawlessness, abiding by the easier deal, just a touch of human suffering and misfortune and they’d naturally get to enjoy a lazier path to full bellies. In some ways, despite all of his integrity, he could understand the appeal. So much so infact, that he happens to be very one to intercept what would’ve been a violent end to one of the many cart carriers amidst Byakko plains.
Needless to say, these ‘fortunate’ misfortunates who brandished blades from people who made their fallen gambits with powers beyond.. Now this was no way something to be standing in the upon the freshly made process of things going right. With his hands raised up in mock surrender to those swords seething with an essence that borders demonic, that oddly kept composure was more insulting than anything else, nonetheless, this housekeeper held steady. “Fellas! Fellas. I know hungry stomachs are some convincing arguments.. Yet, if you only hold steady, there’s only reparations waiting for-” A sudden intake of breath was made.
Only for his upper frame to cant back just enough, allowing for an arc of delusion made lightning to edge by his face, snagging it with a static tickle and the faint numbness accompanied by careless intensity. Well well.
Now the world couldn’t say that he tried to think of the more sensible option.
“Why I had enough of the shogunate’s bullshit! War for a place to belong, a place where we can finally work some real power! You think we’ll give this all up cause those greedy bastards with visions can have their way again!?”
“Agreed, boss! Survival dictates that their times of weakness are most prime for bounty. People needing their will are foolish enough to let the best of their best roam by out of excitement!”
Their tunes split between jovial and eager easily alerted him to the situation at hand. While it was a possibility at the back of his mind, the explanation is revealed as to why the risks were so high in lieu of recovery efforts, those weapons, ones that held a foolish power were basically matchsticks of power plucked from the dead.
“While I’d hate to ruin the party. Haven’t you heard of one of the oldest sayings in the book? If a route is too good to be true-- it usually is, afraid I’ll have to be the example for a little bit...” Less of that genuine kindness ebbs away, a firm exhale, trained and concise breathing from his lips before the hint of a warrior’s grin dons his lips.
There wasn’t an instance for them to voice a complain.
Erupting from a spring of light would be one of his less used spears. Ones formed for training, foolishly used for combat, a sign of mockery while the plumes of heated pressure escalated around the blonde’s visage, his weapon itself rendered to a momentary blur as the seamless movements in a display of preparation easily warns the aimless ronin of their newest encounter.
Those tainted blades could arc and crackle with the age old malice that easily ate away at their blades, their souls. Fear of any concept would be seamlessly burned away in the eyes of the one who aims to protect.
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“I’ll be your teacher for today, Don’t be afraid of a few broken bones, that’s only part of the process if we’re gonna show you the ropes of what being a bit nicer can bring.”
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