#iris my babybird
hawks-anon · 3 years
Okayyyyyyy so here’s some headcanon’s for ocd because my wife is panicking and i need to remind here i’m always here <3 @iridescent-queen
her anxiousness smells like something sour but not delightful its like sourpatch without sugar as if they made a sugar free version without flavors you know? but it’s not just normal anxiety it’s also because she’s got ocd which i take very seriously
it’s usually only a little when she has something to do and a deadline but when she suddenly discovers tomorrow has a test it goes haywire
but sometimes like today it just happens and she doesn’t know why, and it’s okay. i always try to talk to her to pinpoint the reason and try to get rid of it. but most of the time she doesn’t know or is too stressed to think.
being anxious is really scary not only for the person to have it but people around because most people arent aware of what they should do. i usually help refocus her attention to me and breathe with her, kinda get her to stop thinking about anything serious and start talking about little things like what funny things the kids did with endeavor san
it helps for my iris chan? but i rhink she likes my voice more than she is invested in how bakugou set a locker on fire
after she regulates her breathing i get her a glass of cold water and ask her if she wanted to do som specific to get distracted. often times cuddling and a movie do the trick.
ano, i also spend a fortune ordering a lot of food because…… why not-
i always put a mental note to buy her something nice afterwards but with work i tend to forget a lot ;-; sorry babybird-
lastly and most importantly, the literal basis of all this is to show her through actions how much she means to me, her welfare and wellbeing, and mental health is my priority at all times !!!
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black-streak · 5 years
Saturday night's alright for fighting (but Sundays are meant for rest) - Who's Vixen?
Part 8
The trolls have it, no cuddling here. No Jasons were harmed in the making of this chapter, though I would love to see what you guys think she was doing with the cloth. Tim might have thoughts on how he finds them.
Tagged people! They're here! @poshplumcot @emjrabbitwolf @mystery-5-5 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @fandomkitty8 @dast218 @silvergold-swirl @shizukiryuu . @my-name-is-michell @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @thecatnipmademedoit @shamefullove. @littleblue5mcdork
If anyone asked Marinette what possessed her to think taunting Red Hood was a good idea, she'd immediately shove Plagg in their face and run. Truly, it had to be that damned cat's influence making her into the petty creature she resembled right now. 
Sure, three weeks had passed since Jason had interrupted her first true masked interaction with Red Robin, but that only meant she'd had time to plan for this.
She'd evaded the others easily, knowing Robin and Red would be on the lookout for her specifically, but that didn't mesh well with what she wanted to come of tonight. Either one could interrupt later, but for now, she needed Hood alone.
Grateful the flute never manifested on this merged suit, she imagined the illusion she wished to create. Building the magic beneath her claws, Tuemessian scraped once across the concrete, allowing a gray tabby cat to manifest where she pulled back from. Down below, she saw Red Hood turn at the sound, looking up and seeing the cat tracing a path down the pipes onto a fire escape and down into the alley beside him.
Picking her way across the roof, she watched as he disregarded the cat, making way for the fire escape the cat just exited. Upon reaching the top, he looked around the roof, only to find the same cat sitting on the roof ledge, watching him.
Hood only stared a moment before shaking his head and looking ahead, seemingly mapping out a way across the rooftops before taking off.
And so the chase began.
Every roof he stopped on for more than a moment, the same cat would appear, stalking across the edge of his vision. Only now every time he turned to look, the creature disappeared.
After four or five reappearances, Hood turned unexpectedly, catching the cat in his sights, gun pointed at the devilish creature. 
Seemingly nonplussed by his threat, the cat leaned forward on its perch and sniffed the barrel of the gun before meowing at him and jumping down the side of the building.
Looking over the edge, he watched it pick its way over to a dumpster and disappear inside it. Heaving a sigh, he took its place sitting upon the roof ledge. He still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Dropping his covered head into his hands, he took a few deep breaths through the helmet, contemplating taking it off a moment just to stave off the claustrophobic paranoia. Only for water to rain down on his head.
"What tHE FUCK," Hood yelled, jumping up only to have a cloth wrap around the mask, rubbing back and forth across the surface. Twisting and reaching out simultaneously to throw off his attacker, he was met with air. Rapidly turning in a circle, he found the spot he sat in still wet, cloth on the ground at his feet. So not his imagination. Something was following him.
Oh, game on.
Running over the rooftops again, he focused in on anything behind him, listening for even the slightest breath of air, a single scratch of concrete, anything. 
Feeling a shift of air right behind him, he dropped down and swept his foot behind him, bracing for impact, only to find none.
An indistinct giggle sounded to his left and he launched himself towards the sound, only to force into a tuck roll when no impact came. Landing on his feet, he took off once more, still focusing behind himself, only to have his arm yanked on, veering him to the right, only then noticing the billboard he almost ran headlong into. Stopping short once more, he pressed his back against the darkened side of the sign, peering out into the night before him, assessing the situation.
One, someone was following him. Obviously.
Two, they were toying with him. It pissed him off to no end, but nothing had been violent as of yet.
Three, they prevented his dumbass from faceplanting into… 
Peaking around the edge of the sign, he saw it was an advertisement for Wayne Enterprises newest project. Oh, that just fucking figures.
Three, they prevented him from the embarrassment of bashing his face into his family's billboard. He'd never hear the end of it had someone caught That on camera.
Okay… so the presence was most likely benevolent, if a little playful and sneaky as all hell. 
Giving a rattling, bone deep sigh, still watching the empty space before him, he reached up and clicked on his comm for the first time that night, switching to a specific channel.
"Yo, babybird."
It took a moment too long for the other end of the line to click open, but he waited, knowing the lack of desire to respond to the nickname was the only reason for the hesitation.
"What is it, Hood?"
"Your shadow get bored of you?"
"....how do you mean."
"Pretty sure it's following me."
".... Good luck with that."
Jerking forward, he yelled over the com, "What do you mean, good luck?! Come collect it, it obviously likes you more!"
"No it doesn't, you just said it was bored of me."
"It helped you though!"
"... What exactly did it do to you then?"
"...Nothing violent. But it obviously has Something against me."
He was met with radio silence for a solid minute. Hood was beginning to think RR might have turned his end off and left him to his fate, in which case he was going to personally hunt the bird down and make him take the damn stalker back. Suddenly, the line flicked back open.
"I'm in route, hold tight."
And with that, the line went quiet. He considered comming Batman as well if only to fill him in on the situation, only to shake the thought away, 'Fuck that, he'd just over react. Harmless or not, he'd attack for simply walking on his terf.'
In his distraction, Hood forgot the space he created behind his back. That is, until he felt a hand pressing into the tense muscles of his upper back, right into the tender spot by the shoulder blade where a knot had formed. Reacting without thought, he reached over and locked his hand around a tiny wrist. 
At first, all he felt was shock. Four months of trying to even prove the existence of this shadow and now he holds it by the wrist. That was when he saw it. The same tabby cat from earlier at the edge of the roof. The second he spotted it, the cat was on the move, claws bared and teeth glinting as it hurled itself towards him.
Pulling his arm around, forcing the wrist to follow, he used the shadow, that now was an indistinct black blur, as a human shield. It seemed to wrap around him and suddenly the cat was gone. Sitting stock still and gripping the wrist a little tighter, he watched for the cat to reappear only to hear a giggle in his ear. 
Part of the blur pulled back and revealed catlike eyes that would put Selina's costume to shame, the iris a vibrant glowing blue bleeding into silvery gray scleras. The second he took note of the eyes, the rest of a body became apparent, settled into his lap, legs wrapped around his torso and wrist held in his hand the other coming up and quickly tugging his helmet off, tossing it aside in a swift movement before he could react. Red chose that moment to land on the other end of the rooftop.
The creature tilted its head, something in the hood flicking at Red Robin's voice, but eyes not leaving Hood, looking like a predator having trapped its prey after a long hunt. Which meant no sense since he caught her.
"Get off him."
'Vixen' as littlebird called him, arched their back, using the captive wrist and tightened legs as a tether point to go back further until they were looking back at his brother from an upside down vantage.
"Aww, I was just having a little fun. He interrupted mine after all."
"Come here, little shadow."
With that, they pulled free of his grip like it was nothing, twisting off him and disappearing, only to reappear in front of Red, pressed into his space and bushy tail swishing behind them. His brother seemed completely unfazed by the visual confirmation of the nonentity that had been stalking them all this time.
"So you decided to finally trust another?"
Giggling, the figure pulled the hood down from their head, ears popping out from under it, probably what had been twitching earlier.
"Yeah, figured I'd mess with him while I still had anonymity on my side," the voice finally took on a tone, sounding feminine and painfully familiar.
Coming out of his stupor at this display of casual trust between the two, Hood loudly cleared his throat, gaining the attention of both.
"Hey Red, Vixen. Excuse me, but what the fuck is going on here?"
The rather small girl? Woman? Whatever. Turning towards him, the facial features and hair came into view along with that same soft, female voice, seemingly taking notice of him again.
"Hiya Jason."
"... Pixie pop?!"
"Damn, how much of the glamor did you take off?" Red asked.
"Most of it. My face looks like mine smeared in paint with weird eyes to him right now," she stated, making her way back over to him and offering a hand.
"You're the goddamned shadow that's been driving Bats in circles?!"
"Well yeah. But it's okay! Alfred knows."
"Of fucking course Alfred knows, he knows everything… but you know as well. All of us?"
She nodded solemnly.
Letting out a sigh, he ruffled her hair only to stop as his hand hit an ear.
"So what the hell is with this getup anyways?"
"You heard about the whole situation with a ladybug a few years back in Paris?"
"Yeah, with the magic shit that barred us all from the city, I remember. You telling me it's connected to that?"
"Let's just say it's the same source of power. I'll tell you more another time. Point is, the fox bits are real in costume, so gentle please?"
Immediately tugging at an ear tip, dragging an upset whine from her, "I don't know, should I be nice to someone who was perfectly content messing with me all night?"
Smacking his hand away, she pouted, not paying attention as Red immediately put his hand on top of her head in a soothing motion.
"You deserved it."
"Oh yeah, and how is that?"
"Startled me three weeks ago on a rooftop when I was stalking Red. You were waiting for me to make myself a little more solid so you could catch me!"
"Well excuse me, little grudge keeper, but I wouldn't have tried to catch you if you'd just let us know it was you. When did you get so vindictive anyways?" He asked, gaze flickering to the casual contact between the two in front of him before brushing it off as their unusual form of comfort they seemed to have with one another.
"Oh yeah, because Batman is always so welcoming to anyone in his city who seems not completely human. And you're not the most inviting vigilante yourself there. Really, would you have accepted me as a non threat if I did just immediately reveal myself."
"Alright alright, point taken, kid."
Seeming to fidget in place, she looked up at him, tugging the fabric normally covering her mouth up a bit to hide under.
"You're not upset, are you?"
Softening, he pulled her into a bear hug, enveloping her into his chest, "Course not, sweetheart. I'm going to get you back for that stunt you pulled earlier though!" He threatened, ruffling the hair between her ears once more.
"Try and retaliate and I'll tell everyone about you almost running face first-mrph," he cut her off by smothering her face further into his chest.
"Point made! We should get going, yeah?"
Pulling free, she glared up at him, before making way to the edge of the roof, Red following them.
"How long have you known your shadow was Mari, anyways?"
"Hey! Codenames only."
"Right, Vixen."
"Actually it's Tuemessian," she deflects, changing the topic and jumping on Red's back, much to Hood's amusement.
"Oh yeah, like the Greek fox?"
"Hmm, destined to never be caught. Pretty fitting, though the original mythos has you created to punish Thebes for its crimes."
"And that isn't what I'm doing?"
Blinking back, he stopped a moment, "oh hell, you really thought it through, didn't you?"
She disappeared from sight, though a trained eye could see the fold in fabric where her weight settled around Red, who was surprisingly quiet throughout the encounter.
"Mmm," she hummed in that weird mix of voices once more.
Taking off across the rooftops once more, he realized one crucial detail he missed, "You knew she was your shadow this whole time!" He called after them, receiving a bark of laughter in return.
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satire-please · 7 years
My Teeth are like Swords - Part 2
Summary: (I’m tired and can’t transfer this in a way to keep my italics in dang it.) Tim is a detective...who lives with detectives. The other Bat's start noticing something different about one of their own. And Tim realizes that he can't hide forever.
Part 1
Dragon Tim on Ao3
Like finding gold dust on a blood moon, there are times Tim will hear about his Mother. It’s difficult to encounter another drake, they’re too rare, too widely spread that it’s a miracle that Tim has met two. But it’s always a surprise to hear that Janet Drake is considered a romantic, sentimental imbecile to other dragonfolk.
To mate with a human is one thing, but to shift and willingly live beside them in their pitiful metal ant hills? Preposterous.
And to carry young on that state? Inside of their own bodies instead of in a proper shell as hard as diamonds? Unheard of.
What foolish unnecessary risks.
Tim felt his core bubble in warmth whenever he hears such slander. That Mother would care that much. Once, he did approached her on the subject.
“I spent many centuries as a upstanding, model drake.”Janet sniffed disdainfully, steering Tim from a fuming man at one of Gotham’s many galas. The drake from the east is starting to show, smoke passing from his nose uncontrollably. How embarrassing, her Timothy showed more restraint when he was three. “Now I find it much more valuable of my time to do as I please. Besides, the fact remains that my line will continue to endure and adapt unlike most bloodlines that will taste stone and dust.”
Tim summed it up to, ‘I do what I want. Leave me alone or burn.’
She glanced behind her to give the man a subtle sneer. What a fool to think that she would accept such an inadequate betrothal for her son. And, to add insult to injury, the man’s daughter hadn’t even bothered to present herself. “A dragon is a dragon, Timothy. It doesn't matter if you are half, a quarter or only possess a single drop of our blood. Magic doesn't care. It will still take, you will still shift, you will still fly. And if those incessant pathetic hair ribbons say anything different, show them there are still ways to make a dragon fry.”
Tim loved his Mother.
It’s...a shame he’s the only one who knew how she died.
And it wasn’t from that stupid water Obeah left, no matter how traditional to dragon slaying poison is. True it weakened her to the point of inducing a death-like coma, but if Tim lifted an eyelid the iris would still flash and respond. If Tim pressed his hand to her chest, he’d still feel the hint of fire tucked within.
Robbing the cemetery had been a pain though. It’s not like he could just tell Dad that, ‘Um hey, mother’s not dead. No, I know she seems like she’s dead. Yes, I know she doesn’t have a pulse, but you see–’
Yeah, not happening.
He abused his connections for a nice cave carved out of the cliff face next to the manor. It’s not like Mr. Wayne was using it. It could be accessed from the rocky beach if necessary, the entrance tight until you were a couple meters in. Then it stretched enough for his mother’s body to shift unconsciously, so the dragon could heal and sleep in peace.
Tim had thought it was perfect.
It didn’t matter much in the end.
Not when Mother finally woke and could smell Tim’s lie about Dad. Not when she stopped eating. The young teen would find, hunt, and drag dead deer and antelope into the cave only to rot around her body as she stared emptily at the stone walls. She waited for death. Nothing could change her mind...no matter how much he begged and pleaded.
“Please!” He stroked her rough eyelid, thoughts racing for any excuse for her to stay with him. To not leave him alone. “Isn’t there something you still have to teach me?”
His hand falls away as a lazy violet eye cracks open. It’s bigger than his head and the pupil focuses so achingly slow. “You’ve known all since you turned twelve, my pet. Our race never repeats themselves, not with memories like ours.”
“B-But I need–”
“You have my hoard, you will not go without means. You have my brain, you will do well and even thrive. You have a territory, a perfect environment for your future form and most of all you possess a purpose to keep your heart beating. Even if it is as ridiculous as looking after those silly humans. I am satisfied...now let me die in peace.”
“No please, m-mother, stay with me.”
“Oh, my darling. One day you will understand. Our love...is a terrible thing.”
And with that she stopped responding. Tim reasoned, screamed, cried while the reflection of his distraught face became clear in those unblinking glassy eyes. His throat raw as he hit and scratched uselessly at the black scales going grey, like the ashy rock dripping behind them until the camouflage of her skin was truth and she was stone.
Like all dragons when they die.
That’s how Timothy Drake inherited Gotham, sobbing on his knees as the refuge became a crypt.
It takes several years before Tim raids another grave...his father’s.
After all, Mother would appreciate his skeleton crystallizing next to hers. She would have liked that.
Timothy still loves his Mother.
It's a slow night and Jason’s gonna explode. He's stopped four muggings, seven car thefts, and a couple of kids trying to make a molotov cocktail. Okay, Jason felt bad at stopping the last one, come on what is he turning into? A twitchy cop? Geez, let kids be kids and fuck the police. He’s about to shoot his own damn foot for some excitement when he sees something in the corner of his eye as he hits the next roof.
Oh-ho? In the curve of hanging gargoyles menacingly scowling at those is a hint of red that tugs a smirk on Hood’s lips.
Well, alright, he hasn't meant that name in a bad way for a while. It's not like Jay wants to carve a new one in Mr. Serious anymore. Sure, he’s an annoying prude with the biggest stick up his ass, hangin’ off Bats’ every word like the good guard dog, the good tool he is, but, hey, he ain't a bad guy. Saved Jay from enough pinches that he feels right and guilty about the whole almost bleedin’ him out thing. So he makes it up the only way he can..with tough love. Plus, the more Jay can shake that Babybird nice and loose, the better. He takes in the former Robin’s figure, how he’s hunched in upon himself. His head of black resting on his knees as the crouch tucks him right under one of the silent stone guardians.
Babybird snoozing on the job? Have some shame.
Not that Jay has any of that. He barely stops himself from snickering, giving himself away when the helmet goes static for it, and creeps closer. Close enough to get the best view of the little shit’s face. It takes a Bat to sneak up on a Bat, you know. A grin spreads wide on his cheeks as he pulls his gun from his holster (it’s only rubber bullets now, calm the fuck down) Then, he aims to the sky and fires.
The crack of the bullet gives Jay the most beautiful flinch and jerk you ever did see–
–but the returning blast of burning hot possible death that floods the ledge is not.
It takes every scrap of speed he has to not singe his fucking eyebrows off. It’s more fire than force, but thank Batman for quick reflexes and the tell tale click near Red.
“What the hell, Babybird?” Smoke billows, curling around the two and Jason coughs, waving his arms madly.
“I could say the same for you, asshole.” In the black mess, a spark sputters between Tim’s teeth, just like an annoying lighter that flickers and hurts your thumb the more you try, as he tries to control his shaky breathing. Inhale. Damn, that really startled him. Exhale. His fangs sink into his lower lip, drawing blood over the rude awakening. He shakes his head like a dog, forcing what was sharp canines into blunt square human teeth. “Gunshot really? Gosh, you always have to be a dick, don’t you?”
“Do you always have to throw something flashy when ya wake up? Ain’t that Robin’s way?” Jason brushes his clothes, disgruntled. He didn’t see a flash grenade or anything, but Bats right? More prepared than a Girl Scout.
“Maybe.” Tim wonders how long he’s going to get convenient excuses.
“What? Ya sleep with them or something? Didn’t know ya needed a teddy bear, Replacement.”
Tim smirked, “Oh, come on, Hood, didn’t you learn to let sleeping dragons lie?”
“Ha, ha. Whatever, call it a night, you pyromaniac piece of shit.” Jason puts his gun away and fishes for a peace offering under his collar. He thrusts the white cigarette at the other, “Smokes?”
“Not right now, Hood.”
“Your loss, Replacement.” Jason lights it, dragging a puff to cover up a pout. Hmpf, stuffy princess. Doesn’t drink with him (I’m not legal to drink, Jason). Never smokes with him (We have set an example to Damian, Jason). Jay should be offended cause nowadays Tim carries the hazy scent round like a club’s perfume and Jay knows he’s hiding the good stuff somewhere.
He’s just never seen Tim do it.
Tim observes the turn of Jason’s mouth and jerks his head towards the street below, “Not smokes, but you hungry enough for hotdogs?”
“This is Gotham, baby, when I am ever not down for hotdogs?”
The two shoot their grappling lines towards a vendor who’s too used to this shit to give one. But as Tim rattles off their order, something itches at Jason. Something that’s off.
(The Gargoyle they left above bares new marks along its side. The side that Jason couldn’t see. They were not chiseled in, but Tim is sure most wouldn’t notice the new additions.)
He’ll figure it out.
Timmy’s been sleeping more.
Dick is so grateful he wipes at an imaginary tear, sniffs, and whips out his phone to snap a picture again. Tim doesn’t snore, but that’s definite drool on his chin, nicccccccce. Dick takes in the scene and gets another shot from a different angle. He almost has a full album now titled, Behold the Cryptid Sleeps, it’s only fair after all the pictures Tim took of them when he was their cutest little stalker. For now, Dick just calls it karma and texts Babs to back the good stuff up.
But, okay, Dick admits it’s starting to get weird.
And Timmy’s sleeping habits have always been weird. Before he had stolen Bruce’s crown and title of Sleep Dep King. Working on case after case, day after day only to finally pass out, usually with something like,
“How many days does it take to start hallucinating again, Bruce?”
“Huh, so that’s why you’re purple with seven eyes.”
It usually takes a lot to get Timmy to crash and burn into a bed, usually (always) in the form of Alfred and good food laced with sedatives. It’s not that Timmy doesn’t know that they’re in the food, it’s just that no one says no to Alfred Pennyworth. No one.
But now it’s like Tim is on an egg timer and it’s wonderful.
After about 24 or 26 hours, against his will, Timmy starts swaying on his feet and lurches grumpily towards a safe, soft spot to snooze. True, Dick notes sometimes they’re odd places, like underneath the desk of the bat computer, nestled in much of the wiring. Or head resting on the kitchen table, his angry eyes drooping with, “I don’t understand. Coffee has failed me, Alfred.”
“Our bodies change over time, Master Timothy. One cannot expect caffeine to sustain them forever.”  
“You’re...lying. You did something to the coffee, admit it!”
“I have not...this time.”
“You must have I...can’t even–” But Tim doesn’t get to finish the response.
“Master Dick I believe Master Timothy needs to be escorted to his room. If you would–” Alfred leaves the sentence open, because anytime Dick can hold an unconscious, not struggling brother? You know he’s all over that.
Bruce has even started to prioritize breaks in the patrol schedule for Tim. Or, to be more accurate, he’s encouraging (enforcing) Tim to use the breaks that have always been there.
But…really the switch in the dynamic is kinda odd, especially when Dick finds Tim on one of the Manor’s couches after patrol, his skin paler than milk and shivering in his sleep. When the room is set to 75 degrees….and he’s under at least five blankets.
Dick pads over and cups the younger vigilante face in two hands. “Holy Batman, Timmy, you're as cold as ice.” His brow furrows when Tim barely responds to the statement, his eyes half open to blurrily peer at Dick. That’s not a good sign. Plus, he’s is not kidding. Tim’s skin is cool to the touch, it could compete with one of the dripping stalagmites in the cave.
“S’cold Dick…and tired.” The words push out of his lips clumsily. He raises his arms to grasp the Dick’s wrists as if he was going to push the hands off his cheek and then just forgot. The heat’s too inviting. “Just need sleep, m’fine.”
“I think you're a liar that lies, Babybird.” Dick leans back only to pull the covers off enough to slip beside Tim onto the couch. He tugs the boy in with an arm until Tim's head finds a comfy spot on his shoulder. Heck yeah, it's cuddle time. The best way to share body heat ever. He looks around the den and sees the remote for the T.V. It takes a few tries to stretch in a way to get it, especially without moving too far from Tim, but Dick’s not an acrobat for nothing.
Tim huffs a weary laugh against Dick’s neck, “Well, I'm the guy that lies to Batman, you know.”
“Shhhhhhh, he’ll hear you.” Dick pats Tim’s hair, starts clicking channel after channel (a thousand channels is just not enough) for something to watch.
“M’good, you can go.” Tim didn’t expect it would take so long for his core to normalize. Fire might smoulder under his breast, but damn it, it’s sucking most of the heat from his extremities. To his calculations, it may be months before his body can adjust to the change...if ever. Tim can already imagine the mountain of clothing he’ll need for Gotham’s winter. Mother got away with it by layering and calling in fashion. How is Tim going to spin it when he’s jumping off roof-tops fat with every wool item he can find? Oh. Or he could design heaters in his clothing. That could work. But still, this is the reason why most drakes live near volcanoes. Temperature regulation is a bitch.
Dick hums above him and breaks Tim’s line of thought. Oh well, he guesses he’ll stay here for a bit longer, just until he thaws out and stops being an Tim-icicle. It’s not that Dick minds, right? He fades away at the sound of a bad romantic comedy playing in the background.
He doesn’t see the frown on Dick’s face.
Or hear him quietly whisper into his com, “Alfred, could you run some tests for me?”
Alfred would have a conniption.
“Drake, you wretched slob.”
Damian must see to it that the competent butler never visits the former Robin. Ever. The man is old and truly must be spared from any health issues that may occur from witnessing this vile display of chaos. In fact, Damian wishes he could spare himself from the scene, yet Father did request him to fetch the evidence and Dick is off planet. How dare he.
Damian squints pass the entrance only to flinch back. There in the dark, two pinpricks of purple follow his every move...and hiss.
The Robin swallows and forces the door open all the way, allowing the dim light from the basement to flood the room. There are no light switches. It’s...odd. The boiler hums nearby explaining the heat that’s almost sweltering. Heaps of objects litter the floor, making narrow pathways here and there. Fortunately, food must be absent in the debris since the smell lacks rot. Instead what perfumes the air is what Damian associates with his predecessor, the smell of spices burned with a touch of something chemical. Gasoline, perhaps? Damian’s breathing finally evens out when he spots a mess of black hair poking out from a mountain of bedding.
Blearily, Tim focuses on the intruder. “Damian? What are you doing here?” he sleepily grumbles.
Though Grayson might find the tone endearing, Damian does not.
“I have come for the Spear of Enue. Father requires it and has requested me to retrieve it from you. He said it was in your possession?”
“B needs to leave my stuff alone.” Tim sits upright, staring emptily for a moment and clearly displeased about being awake. Then, with a groan he sluggishly works himself out of the bedding. “But a case is a case, I guess. Yeah, I have it, just give me a sec to get it.”
“The spear is here?”
A hum. “Sure, it is, why wouldn’t it be?”
Well, at least Drake seems more amenable when half-awake. Robin crosses his arms and strives not to look too haughty. Usually collecting data from the older vigilante takes more coaxing (threats) and persuasion (heavy bickering) to get the desired result. Perhaps he should lend his assistance.
“Drake, where are your lights? Two pairs of eyes would obviously be quicker than one.”
“Lights?” A confused tone. “Why would I need lights? I can see just fine.”
“Tch, I’m surprised you can locate anything in this outrageous dump.”
“Mother always said I was a messy hoarder, but I have a strong belief that mess is a matter of perspective. Besides, I know exactly where everything is.”
Tim slinks out of bed and makes his way toward a pile that seems to have earned the category of lethal and shiny weapons. Damian attempts to move towards the same direction, but his foot hits an item and he just manages to make the trip look intentional. Of course, Drake was not even looking. Wait.
“Drake, is that my katana?” He points to the hilt barely poking out from the bottom, half of the weapon slithering from under the bed.
It’s a silly habit that Tim can’t shake from childhood to put the most prized things under his bed, like the old cardboard box full of pictures, a few stacks of spanish golden doubloons marked from a toddler’s teething, a cursed ruby the size of a skull, you know the usual.
“...Yes?” Tim’s head bobs up from his search and glances over at the weapon. Then, he pauses for a moment or two, his expression shifting so fast (Mine, not mine, mine, not mine) that Damian cannot place it, “Oh, sorry. I guess you’d want that back. I mean, of course you do, it belongs to you, I only had it because you were gone and–”
Drake cuts off, making no movement towards the old katana. Damian reasons it must have been acquired while he was not among the living. He doesn’t know how to feel about Drake keeping that kind of memento, yet he notes there is a definite lack of rage that usually accompanies such a theft. In addition, Drake looks like a petulant child.
“It does not matter. I no longer require a child’s katana.” Damian waves a hand to the other heaps. “The spear, however, Drake, Father needs immediately.”  
It is then he notices Drake’s unusual attire. The vigilante groggily separates the pile for what Damian seeks in boxers and a baggy Gotham U sweatshirt that keeps sliding over a white shoulder. How peculiar, Drake never went to college so why...ah, yes, Dick. But what really has Damian’s brows rising is the two thick watches on Tim's wrist. One that he's definitely seen on his father once before and a glint of something shiny peeking from the sweatshirt.
“Do you often sleep in diamonds, Drake?”
“They're nice to look at before bed,” Tim muttered absentmindedly.
“Is that a slogan for this new fashion statement?” Damian walks over and curiously pulls down the collar to look at it more closely. Many of the gems are larger than an egg as they lace together in the metal filigree. It covers a wide band over Drake’s collarbones before cascading towards his sternum in delicate chains. “This piece is familiar to me. Drake, are these the jewels we recovered from Catwoman?”
“One, I demand the fundamental human right to always be pretty, witty, and gay. You’ll understand when you’re older. Two, I bought these from that auction fair and square, so Selina should have keep her mangy paws off them.”  
Suddenly, Damian remembers that specific tackle to take down the thief had been...more enthusiastic and vicious on Drake’s part. Usually Father is the one to handle any incidents with her, but perhaps all it takes is emotional investment to pin down the slippery woman.
Tim pries off Damian’s fingers only to press what he seeks in them. “Here, the spear. Now, get out. If you’re gonna mock and insult me, I want four more hours of sleep first.”  
The spear is heavy, but Damian manages with a tilt to this lips. “Very well, I’ll skin and eviscerate you later, Drake.”
Drake snorts. “And, hey, you have a spear and everything. All you have to do is be knighted and we’d have the perfect fairytale set up. Farewell, Sir Brat.” He waves to the door before collapsing onto the bed, preparing his nest the way he wants it.
Damian watches the ritual all the way to the door. Stops to take in the scene one a final time. It’s strange, but it does seem like a lair from one of his grandfather’s monster stories. Dark, warm like a breathing thing, full of hidden treasure...and danger.   
How right he is.
But he comes to the realization later...much later.
Bruce has seen a lot.
He’s fought aliens on ships millions of lightyears from Earth and tangled with kraken under the sea. He’s negotiated with Circe for Diana’s sake and fed viruses to ruin robot armies for Clark’s. He’s handled witches, sorcerers, and time-travellers from around the world. Every night he tries to plug one of Gotham’s bleeding holes as they gush out the vile and the crazy with the Joker, Ivy, Harvey, and more.
Bruce has seen a lot.
But the universe keeps surprising him one way or another. And sometimes? Closer to the heart then he expected.
“So, you’re the drake that rejected my proposal.”
“And you’re the dame that didn’t even bother to show up to make it.”
Bruces eyes flicker back and forth between his third son and the young, literally steaming woman in front of them. Her pale white hair whips behind her like something alive. The villain of the month does the same. Apparently, Gotham has the perfect waterfront property for the taking, especially with the leyline that cuts right through the city or so the warlock just finished monologuing about.
“What are you doing? I said destroy them.” The fuming sorcerer demands pointing at the Bat-clan. Golems rise in various stages around them being the only opponents beyond the man and woman. They’re all near the Manor by the beach, a few miles from the city but even with the home field advantage...Bruce feels a thread of concern to see Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian joining him to put their backs against the cliff face below his family home.
“Just a moment, Master, I have some unfinished business to attend to.” The woman raises a hand and starts to undo her cloak.
“Master? My, my.” Tim flicks his bo to the side. It’s not going to be useful here. Ugh, this is not how he wanted this to go. “Just how low has your line fallen? Mother was right to refuse to even consider you as a candidate. Do you follow his every command or do you just lick his boots?”
“How. Dare. You.” The woman’s eyes glow yellow and her voice’s pitch becomes grating.
Tim snorts. “Look at you. You can’t even control your shift….pathetic.”
“Red Robin, the situation, now.” Bruce tries striking another golem, but Tim ducks to put himself between the Bats and the newcomers.
“You judge me, when you wear human flesh so much that you stink of it? Your true scent barely bleeds through.” The odor of rancid sulfur strikes the air. The woman peels off her clothes, layer by layer until a pile litters the sand. “Half-breed.”
Rude. The human and dragon are both his scents. Tim thinks he smells fine, thanks.
“I said–” The villain tries to command but the dame strides towards Red Robin.
“How are you different from me? The warlock will save my line and give us power, but you? You play at human.”
“I do what I want,” Tim icily states. “Which is more that I can say for you. Now get out of my territory or burn.”
“No, I think I’m going to put a male in his place. Beneath me.” And the woman lets out a cry that turns into a roar. The other Bats watch as the woman’s form hutches over, makes a terrible crack and then grows. And grows. And grows. Scales take shape as her neck elongates and it’s sickening. Before them a white dragon rises and crashes a claw on the beach. It’s the size of a house.
‘Well…’ Bruce thinks. ‘That’s something new.’
“A dragon, come on. You have to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” Jason snarls, shooting at the beast. The rubber bullets do nothing but irritate the overgrown Godzilla-wanna-be.
“Wait, it gets better,” Tim mutters. “So, burn it is. This is why we can’t have nice things between dragons. What a pity...bring it.”
And there is a collective gasp.
Because Tim smirks and the beach is overcome with a violent blast. When the smoke clears...there’s nothing?
Nothing but the golems on the beach, the Bats fighting them and the warlock hissing out commands to a white giant worm, who is diverting much from his cunning plan.
But no Tim.
The white dragon shrieks in fury and raises her giant wings, preparing to crush those on the sand when something large slams into her side. She lurches over and peers over her shoulder. Nothing. But several of her scales are cracked from the impact.
Then, it’s as if thunder booms right in front of them, making their eardrums ring from the force of the sound. Under the blow, the white worm topples forward attempting to steady herself.
It’s shadowy and massive, a heavy body and the thumping beat of wings. It’s slowly moving into the moonlight on the beach, kicking up sand.
The Bats shields their eyes even with the whiteouts down, the gust knocking into kevlar and nomac. Nightwing automatically throws an arm out to keep Robin from falling; Hood makes an unconscious grab to the other arm.
And when he lights down, massive razor-tipped claws digging into the sand, the black scales and shiny leather of wings give the Bats one hell of an answer to all those burning questions.
Timmy’s always cold.
The cave, the hoard.
The night vision.
The ever-ready exploding “pellets”.
All of it comes to a sudden dawning realization.
The baddie of the night looks from one dragon to the other, trepidation leaking in because who would have thought two dragons at once.
Low muttering, winding a spell even as the new dragon throws back his power neck and roars. It shakes them down to their very bones, a sound unlike any they’ve heard before.
The shift of muscle, dark eyes narrowing, and the first lunge is punctuated by the abrupt cries of the Bats who have come to the realization this is one of their own.
But there’s no pause when claws come up to strike, when the first is a good one, raking into his side, putting his first blow into soft underbelly, close to the intended target.
(Only one way to kill a dragon, the heart has to go.)
“Motherfuck--Tim!” But Hood can do nothing but watch the blood, ripe and rich in the night splatter the beach, hoping stupidly it ain’t all Red’s.
“Get to the sides!” the Batman roars, already moving, already reaching for the next weapon in his belt.
He sees the opening when both dragons rear up on hind legs for the next blow, his gauntlet spitting out flash pellets.
It’s go time as the rest of the Robins take it all in and move. Robin pulls a duck and dodge through legs with a batarangs ready for the baddie on the other side.
Hood pulls a whole lotta how ya’ doin’ when the .45s spit a few rubber bullets right on the gouge marks, sliding through the sand as the bigger dragon leans down to latch teeth into Tim’s neck and hold the fuck on.
Nightwing leaps, even with the sand trying to bog him down, both sticks out in a double blow at the exposed weakness behind the white dragon’s ear. He has enough time to cringe at the sound of pain tearing into the night, to see the gleam of claws sinking into her belly in a knee-jerk reaction.
The fight going on behind them, the golem starting to shift and move at the sorcerer’s botched command, and Robin just breathes out a deep damn sigh because honestly, some of us have homework to dumb down. But he shifts, pulling out pellets in rapid succession as he moves closer to the army. The abrupt, “huu,” is just more proof he is a superior marksman. The mental note to pick up the tome from which those accursed spells emanate from is another task on the night’s to-do list.
The abrupt shock of Nightwing’s stick and the barrage of bullets takes its toll, getting the white dragon to jerk away from that black jugular, to rear back with pain.
The claws sink deeper, Red growling low, smoke curling from his maw. His eyes slide to the sides, making sure the Bats are out of firing range before he opens his maw with that familiar and suddenly very telling click.
“Down!” It’s Batman that throws the last exploding batarang within range to the white dragon’s injured belly, so the blast of burning blue flame ignites, sets the soft, vulnerable innards to char.
Red, however, takes the last blow for his own (because she picked the wrong fucking city, the wrong family, the wrong dragon to fuck with), claws sinking in, and the meaty thump in the center is just at the right place to reach.
Low and huffing, “try me.”
“You wouldn’t,” her voice cracks from agony.
“Threaten what’s mine, and I won’t think twice.” He gives just the smallest squeeze to punctuate the point.
“Better not fuck with him, bitch,” Hood’s voice, lazy through the synths while he eyes the army Demon is gonna be taking on, “he ain’t one ta joke.”
The white dragon growls and the iridescent black dragon can feel her tensing up as if to give her last hurrah, to go out with a bang, but he’s having none of that. He snarls, the sound deep from within his chest as he snaps his jaws just in front of the dame’s face, sparks clicking behind his gleaming ivory teeth. “You should know,” he practically purrs, “there are fates worse than death. Don’t. Push. Me.” His words, his threat (a bluff, shh), thankfully, gets the right reaction. She sags with a trailing growl, eyes glittering with malice and defeat.
“Go. Get out of my territory.” The words leave no argument.
“W-Who…” she spits blood, dotting the sand, “who would want...your...shoddy terr-territory anyway.”
Slowly, he retracts, pulling his claws back while the click echoes against the bluff, a warning and a promise. But the dame doesn’t move to start the fight up again. She needs time to heal the grievous injuries. The mage will earn his own fate.
“And now, next on the list,” Nightwing sighs, looking from the dragon to where Robin has starting whipping out the tricks and traps on the moving golem.
“By the way, Timmers,” Hood’s neck cranes as he look up at the massive face hanging low, the chest heaving with that little scuffle. “You ever think, hmm, I dunno to say you might be a motherfucking dragon or some shit? I mean, don’t they say that shit right off the fucking bat?”
The dragon huffs down at him as Hood holds up a hand to demonstrate, “‘nice ta meetcha. Name’s Timmy. Like long flights ‘round the beach, beatin’ the shit outta assholes, and literally roasting my enemies.
Ya know, just the usual shit for Gotham.”
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hawks-anon · 3 years
i was working and it got a little boring so i zoned out and thought of a little something so here’s for you my one and only babyhawk @iridescent-queen
she was the sun while i was icarus, determined to reach her no matter how she hurt me. once i succeeded, other people thought i was a fool who got burnt but in fact, i was enveloped with the warmth of her tenderness. the curve of her smile sets my heart on fire and the way she purses her lips makes me want to hold her forever. i wouldn’t have given up on her for the world, as she was something better, she was a jupiter which rained diamonds. the twinkle in her joyful eyes brighter than all the stars. and i hope to be the one who keeps it that way. ​
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hawks-anon · 4 years
*sophisticatedly enters wearing your costume* Only the wings are missing~[
it suits you~ *cooes*
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hawks-anon · 3 years
a lil something for my baby, don't read it unless you're her.
I've known you for a year now eh? more or less? Sorry but mod chan is a baka who isn't good with dates. you've shown me the light of this world, every aspect of it.
you don't realize it, do you? or perhaps you don't realize how much you've done to me. it's a lot, and i don't think words could piece themselves together to convey the way i feel.
how grateful
and love i hold for you.
i know i keep repeating this like a broken record but i'm always afraid you'd forget it: the day we met, i took it as a challenge of mine to be able to make you smile. it baffled me how someone who always was used to people smiling upon my arrival to see you cooped up in your own little world. i did not know your suffering back then but i took it as my responsibility as a hero to shoulder some of it, at least make your day a little brighter.
my heart was not prepared for the day i actually did it. when you smiled it felt like i was burning, and a cool waterfall and a fresh breeze hit me. i would stop in my tracks nowadays whenever you smile again, reliving the same refreshing feeling.
and when we had little aideen....
you've opened a door to me i didn't know even existed.
i love you so much babybird, my iris <3
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hawks-anon · 3 years
my babybird, my everything, my iris,
first of all, thank you, thank you, no matter how i'll repeat it i'll never get to how actually THANKFUL i am because you accepted me and my offer for a date when we first met. even though you were mean to me the first 29747 times, it's worth all the hard work.
and by hard work i mean phonecalls telling people to do things for me :)
but! we've made it almost through a year together! and i can't believe i get to celebrate all these amazing little achievements, all these amazing little things, all the tender night and soft mornings i get to experience. it feels surreal, and you're the reason i constantly question myself if i'm dreaming, you make my life this good.
so happy 21st birthday my baby, let us celebrate more years to come yeah?
i love you so much <3
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hawks-anon · 3 years
Why do you walk into my dreams everyday? Why not sneak, into my arms on day?
Your dreams are the only thing in my days and nights, there is a high just in your eyes
You're in my dreams, my questions, and my answers, everyday I sneak you into my thoughts
Am I love? What is this intoxicating feeling?
The lane covered with rocks yet there's a layer of soft flowers over it, ever since I met you, everything is changed.
Look around everywhere, beneath the cover of blue clouds, the colors seem new and bright just for us. My sleeping dreams woke up just for you... Your thoughts pour down like rain on me
Am I in love? What is this intoxicating feeling?
Ps: it took me a while to translate this, you better appreciate it UnU
My iris..... my queen.... my... mine--
you're the light that feeds my needy leaves that're so frail and about to die. you're the water that no creature can live without. if i could i'd be ready to write a song about you and all the feelings you induce when you're with me...
the fact you went through bearing with me to stay is enough, you went as far as to translate a song for my sake?!
what am i if not the luckiest man alive?
tell me... what would i be without you?
actually scrap that, i don't want a life without you, i don't even want the thought of it. sounds like utter hell.
i love you so much babybird- so so much you can't believe the toxicity of that amount. it's an unhealthy amount to love a single person but i'm fine with it
as long as you're with me, by my side, with your love, i can defeat anything, i'll be the strongest man.
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hawks-anon · 3 years
Okay bird man, brace yourself because this is going to be a long one.
Do you even know how much I love you? How much you mean to me? I can't comprehend the nights I have been breaking down and crying alone only to let you help me fall asleep. To make me feel okay when I couldn't type normal sentences. You are my baby. More importantly, you are my everything. I am so blessed to have you holding onto me like this, clutching onto me because I am a dumb fuck and I leave-
No matter how hard I squirm, how hard I deny you. You are always there, patiently waiting for the storm to pass. Patiently waiting the raging fires in me that are- well, not so good for you to pass.
I can lean onto you and I will always lean onto you, I will always cherish you and love you. Just like, you have been loving me for a year almost. Thank you, I met you when I was at my lowest, and I healed, I became better. My stone cold, icy heart became human. You know exactly what I am talking about...
That's the thing, you always know what I feel, what I want to say. Everything. I am so thankful for you in my life, you are a constant pillar and if it's anyone I love the most in this world, apart from a *coughs* Uchiha, it's you. My dearest husband and the love of my fucking life <3
Where’s iris? *looks from aide to side* WHERE DID YOU TAKE HE—
Just kidding~ god. You have no odea how stubborn this bird gets baby, i really- really—
Mod: why are your nose and eyes red?
I… uhm…. Why are your eyes sweating?
Mod: its hot here. *sniffles and quietly hands over a box of tissues to hoks*
Thanks- *blows nose* T^T iris you blessed me with things no one else could and i couldn’t imagine or buy with money. You gave me hope too. We made each other stabd tall and we both have leaned and will lean on each other for years to come. Of course….
With our little flame too…
I love you so much babybird. You’re my little bean of sunshine 😭😭😭
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hawks-anon · 4 years
Well good then. I guess that means the kisses are fine then. *giggles*
as long as my babybird iris doesn’t mind then it’s all good~ 
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