oubliettederien · 5 months
Come mai hai scelto il binomio “videogioco-archeologia”?
Stefano Piras: Amo l’archeologia da sempre. Quando, in Inghilterra, mi sono reso conto che mi mancava la mia terra, mi sono anche domandato quanto e cosa conoscessi veramente della sua storia, dei suoi miti, delle sue leggende, del suo territorio e, contemporaneamente, mi sono chiesto quanto la conoscessimo tutti. Attualmente, stiamo assistendo al fenomeno della “Gamification”, ogni cosa viene trasformata in gioco per essere più fruibile da tutte le persone di tutte le età.
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disneyprincemuke · 2 months
i'm not pregnant
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“wait,” you blink. “lando, what did you just say?”
lando stares at you, gaping wordlessly as he tries to find his words for a response. he presses his lips together into a thin line as he sighs. “you heard me. don’t make me say it again.”
you tilt your head and scrunch your nose. “okay… but why?”
surely lando isn’t the type of guy to say he loves you after spending a night together, right? a night in bed doing things that would ruin both of you if it ever got out. it would surely ruin your reputation, your relationship with your brother, and then lando’s friendship with said brother.
“um,” lando hums. he scrunches his nose and looks up at the ceiling. frankly, he’s got no idea where that came from either. “you know…”
“i actually don’t.”
you try and figure out where he’s coming from. prior to hooking up that night you spent in the club, you didn’t really talk much. it was all friendly, smiling at him when you would pass him, but never much actual conversation that would make you consider him a friend.
to you, he’s just your brother’s teammate.
and you know that he feels the same way. because the morning after you spent the night together, he woke up groggy and started rambling about how oscar should never find out about this.
despite being his older sister, oscar is oddly protective of you. perhaps it’s the close relationship you’ve got that made him feel like it’s his duty to make sure your life is never hard. and lando knows that the day would finally come that oscar flips shit if he ever finds out that he’d slept with his sister.
lando always thought you were cute, sure, but he was well aware of the fact that you’ll always be oscar’s older sister to him. the older sister that he desperately always wanted to be friends with but could never muster up the courage to hold a proper conversation with. but he doesn’t like you like that.
when he did eventually muster up the courage, it was only unfortunate that it happened when you were all in the club together. he had flown too close to the sun, unexpectedly dragging you into bed with him. that’s not what he had planned, for the record. he just wanted a kickstart to your friendship.
“i overheard you when you were on the phone the other day,” lando starts softly, swaying side to side as he sighs. “something about missing your period and throwing up this morning.”
your eyebrows remain furrowed, still in confusion with where he’s going at. “you were eavesdropping on my phone call?”
“no! absolutely not!” lando flails his arms in the air to clear your accusations. “no! i happened to be walking by oscar’s driver’s room at the time. and, well, i was just worried, you know? that is, assuming i’m the last guy you’ve been with in the past month.”
“so you’re saying that i sleep around?”
“no!” lando cries, hands going into his hair to tug at the roots. “that’s not what i meant at all! i-”
“then what do you mean?”
you almost want to laugh at the panic that’s taking over lando. and you would, if there isn’t some point of contention with the miscommunication you’re currently having. if you were more sure about the point he’s trying to get at, you’d be more receptive of the funniness of the situation.
lando looks at you, waiting for you to connect the dots yourself. he hums after a couple seconds of silence. “you could be pregnant?”
“oh!” you feel stupid for not noticing sooner. you throw your head back with a soft laugh and shake your head. “no. no, i’m not. i missed my period because i suddenly started exercising more, and i threw up because i was genuinely sick the other night.”
“oh,” lando sighs in relief, hunching over with a hand on his chest. “oh, thank god. really? you’re not pregnant?”
you nod as you feel a laugh bubbling from your stomach. you’ve finally caught up to lando’s agenda. “yes. i’m for sure not pregnant. is that– is that why you said what you said?”
he drops to his knees, nodding his head. “i didn’t know what to do. it just came out before i could ask you the question,” he laughs, shaking his head. “how chaotic would that have been, right? imagine if you really were?”
you put a hand on his shoulder. “let’s not dwell on things that shouldn’t happen.”
his panic is absolutely understandable, and saying that he loves you is mild compared to what else he could have done. and you’re glad. “you look kinda shaken up — do you wanna go and grab some coffee?”
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@cashtons-wife @darleneslane @happy-nico @nikfigueiredo @namgification @sakuramxchii @kissesandmartini
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gametheoryzone · 8 months
Chapter 4 its here!!!
Sorry I couldn't put jeremy on this chapter, but I will put him on chapter 5 that its for sure!
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ricopop · 10 months
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artifght atatxk on @superbellsubways And isily litle lazy aniamtio n ILL CLEAN IT UP TOMORROW IFZ. A ROUGH DEAGG i drgh deaff. dreaf t. fradt 4 am
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soniccrazygal · 10 months
In the Owl an The fox au,When Luz meets Willow for the first time, she is surprise that a human is with a bonder (Cuase its now at days its really rare see a bonder on The Boiling Islies and are consider legend to some people,becuase one Belos and two because the spirited walkers mostly bond with humans than the people of the islies,due to the fact that they are already magical creautures themselves at some level and also that spirited walkers bond with beings not from isilies but still posses a magical potential to become a bonder) She ask so many questions and a lot more, and Mike its just trying to figure out what was that purple creature that amity girl pull out.
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shadowjokerao3 · 9 months
I got another idea for your fnafxowl house au,on how michael arrive on the boiling isilies alongside the collecter (This is mostly a little expansion of what you share previously)That on rainny night at the diner mike and william start arguring about how william is being a piece shit of neglectful parent to their kids to the point william beats up the crap out of mike so hardly that he needs bandge (thats why bandage on my design idea) so mike decides to escape home that night in a rather implusive decision and on his runway trayectory he ends up falling in a portal alongside the collector and ends up in the boiling isilies unconsoius for the fast trip!
So what did you think about this idea?
It’s a good idea. You’ve been thinking of a lot of neat things for this au and I absolutely think, if anything, you should go for making it. You’re a talented writer and I believe you could make an amazing story with all the ideas you have
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alessandrobelliere · 2 years
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72* tappa Isili - Orroli
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Un'altra vittima sulle strade sarde, è una 37enne oristanese
Un altro morto sulle strade sarde a poche ore di distanza dai due 19enni che sono deceduti in un incidente stradale a Cagliari. Una 37enne, Daniela Allegretti, artigiana di Milis (Oristano), è morta ieri pomeriggio a Villanovatulo al confine con Isili, nel Sud Sardegna.     La donna, per cause ancora da accertare, ha perso il controllo dell’auto che è andata a finire contro un albero. Non si…
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Nuoro: controlli dei Carabinieri in vista dei festeggiamenti di fine anno, denunce per detenzione e fabbricazione di petardi illegali
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Nuoro: controlli dei Carabinieri in vista dei festeggiamenti di fine anno, denunce per detenzione e fabbricazione di petardi illegali. Nel rispetto dei diritti delle persone indagate e della presunzione di innocenza, per quanto risulta allo stato, salvo diversi ulteriori approfondimenti e in attesa del giudizio. I Carabinieri della Compagnia di Siniscola e di Isili hanno denunciato 3 persone per detenzione e fabbricazione abusiva di materie esplodenti, sequestrando diversi ordigni illegali, merce pericolosa e priva di autorizzazione. Il 27 dicembre, i Carabinieri della Stazione di Sadali hanno denunciato un 50enne per detenzione abusiva di materie esplodenti: nel corso di una perquisizione, infatti, i militari hanno rinvenuto vari tipi di prodotti, tra cui cipolle, bombe carta e artifizi pirotecnici, tutti di fabbricazione artigianale. Nella stessa giornata gli artificieri del Nucleo Investigativo del Comando Provinciale di Nuoro hanno proceduto in sicurezza alla distruzione del materiale tramite brillamento. Analoga attività è stata effettuata dai Carabinieri di Siniscola con la denuncia di 2 persone ed il rinvenimento e sequestro di materiale vario, tra cui: precursori di esplosivi (nitrato di potassio, zolfo, polvere di alluminio); 2 artifici di fabbricazione totalmente artigianale e materiale vario per la loro realizzazione (bilancia, misurini, imbuti e attrezzi metallici). Anche in questo caso, il materiale esplodente è stato messo in sicurezza dagli artificieri antisabotaggio del Comando Provinciale Carabinieri di Nuoro per la successiva distruzione. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti dei nostri artificieri: - non acquistare e non usare mai fuochi d'artificio proibiti; - acquistare solo da commercianti autorizzati; - supervisionare in caso di utilizzo da parte di minori; -  l'uso improprio dei fuochi d'artificio - di qualunque tipo - può comportare gravi conseguenze (ustioni, perdita delle dita, delle mani, della vista e lesioni più gravi); -  leggere e seguire attentamente le istruzioni, controllando che il prodotto sia in ottimo stato di conservazione ovvero che - - non presenti segni d'umidità o di danneggiamento che possano determinare la fuoriuscita di polvere pirica; -  non indossare indumenti facilmente infiammabili e mantenere una distanza adeguata; - non tentare di accendere botti inesplosi trovati per strada ed evitare di toccarli e di raccoglierli; - usare fuochi d'artificio in luoghi aperti, lontano dalle persone e da materiale infiammabile; - non unire o accendere contemporaneamente più fuochi; - posizionare il fuoco su una superficie piana o, in caso di razzi, perfettamente in verticale, e non utilizzare bottiglie di vetro; - non tenere mai con le mani razzi, candele o petardi; - non accendere razzi o petardi con la miccia corta; - non gettare e non indirizzare mai petardi o razzi verso le persone; - non far esplodere mai petardi o razzi in bottiglie o dentro contenitori fragili, perché rompendosi possono produrre pericolose schegge; - non costruire petardi di dimensioni/potenza maggiori utilizzando polveri di più artifici.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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mastrullicosp2016 · 7 months
DIPENDNETE FGP  AREA FUNZIONI CENTRALI  :  Diritto fruizione dei permessi mensili L- 104/92 ART. 33 c. 3,5 per assistenza familiare
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jadipose · 8 months
Lingerie and everything! She's been on the cover a couple times... if you're a regular reader, you've definitely seen her. And, yeah, she's got less time to relax than you might think, though she's got it better than a lot of models who work on a contract basis. She finds it really rewarding though! She doesn't consider herself too vain of a person, but she loves seeing her shoots... they make her look so pretty, she muses. You find nice and mean people in every industry, she says, and modelling at her level is no different. It all depends on whether you get lost in the rat race of LA. She's got model friends who are really down to earth, and some who are kind of prissy and stuck up... She starts to tell you about when a light caught on fire at one of her shoots when the resort worker shows with the food!
o+h, my sto+mach gro+wls no+isily, and I give her a chagrined smile. So+rry, jeez, it must be all this wo+rldly cuisine, I just can't get eno+ugh o+f it. Feeling a little self-co+nscio+us but no+ less hungry because o+f it, I take bo+th plates and set hers do+wn gingerly o+n her to+wel, making sure it's perfectly level so+ no+thing slides o+r stains. Lo+o+ks go+o+d, do+esn't it?
She IS pretty, I'll co+nfirm, tho+ugh I'm sure she hears that all the time! She seems very so+phisticated, but no+t in a way that makes her unappro+achable. O+therwise, I wo+uldn't have, yo+u kno+w, appro+ached her.
O+h, co+me o+n, Po+rrim.
Befo+re I can say so+mething else dumb, I find refuge in my meal, taking the biggest bite o+f burger she's ever seen and clo+sing my eyes. Go+d, I feel like an assho+le stuffing my face with meat in fro+nt o+f her no+w.
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?
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you and charles stare at one another, eyes wide as you freeze in your respective spots of the kitchen: you with a whisk in hand and him with a bowl and an egg.
“what did you just say?” charles asks slowly, afraid to move any muscle in his body. maybe if he stayed this still, he could go back to 30 seconds ago when you hadn’t said what you said.
you tilt your head to the side and furrow your eyebrows. “did i say something?”
knowing damn well you did. he had been threatening to hurl the raw egg at you when you started rambling and listing out reasons why he should not. in a fit of pleads, the first reason you had come up with is: ‘because i love you’. which, in hindsight, is a pretty damning reason not to throw a raw egg at your head.
but with the way charles has reacted to your statement, it seems like that that is not the route you should have taken. you should have said something along the lines of you being best friends; it’s also a good reason not to throw an egg across the room.
“you said something.”
“i really don’t recall.”
charles moves his head back a little, blinking rapidly at you. “i’m pretty sure you said that–“
“okay, okay!” you cry, putting the whisk down on the island of his kitchen. “i did! i said what i said. but i don’t know why i said that!”
you would think that being friends half your life would give you a pass to say ‘i love you’. apparently not. charles still stands where he is with his bowl and egg, gaping wordlessly at you out of shock.
perhaps saying ‘i love you’ to one of your longest friends isn’t acceptable when your feelings reflect the phrase in a way you haven’t been able to understand your whole life. or just maybe it’s absurd to say when he’s got a girlfriend — a girlfriend sleeping in a bedroom not further than 20 metres from both of you.
feelings that have festered and developed since you were 17; that you cannot act on because charles has not gone long enough without a girlfriend for you to make a move on him and feel morally right about it. just when you think that enough time has passed after his breakup, charles comes forward to introduce you to a new girlfriend — one that he’s picked up while trying to collect himself somewhere far from home.
“you do not know why you said that? you just say things without thinking?” charles asks in a hushed whisper, looking over his shoulder to where the room door is closed. “seriously?”
“yes!” you shriek in disbelief. it’s not too long ago that you’ve had to bear the consequence of your running mouth. “remember when i said that george looks cute? in front of his girlfriend?”
charles smiles slightly, giggling softly at the memory. “ah, she didn’t talk to you for how long?”
“3. up to now, she does not want to answer my messages,” you grin slightly, though there’s a bitter taste if your mouth at the fact that carmen is still ignoring you. but that’s besides the point. “quite sad. i miss her.”
“oh my gosh,” charles says, puts the egg into the bowl and puts it down on the table. “you…” he blinks. “you… have feelings for me?”
it’s your turn to gape wordlessly at him. there could be 2 ways this situation goes: he would be appalled and… you can’t even imagine it going your way.
it was one thing to spend the past couple of years pining and hopelessly thinking of being together with a friend, but it’s another to admit it outright and not be embarrassed about it. what if he asks you when you started feeling like this? how are you supposed to explain that you’ve had feelings for him since you were 17? that was almost ten years ago.
“what? no,” you scoff, furrowing your eyebrows. “why would you even think that?”
“why are you asking me that? you literally said it?” charles asks, putting a hand up, directed at you in disbelief.
“you were gonna throw an egg at me!” you scoff, pointing at the egg.
“yeah, but you wouldn’t have said it if you weren’t thinking it,” he rolls his eyes, “you have feelings for me?”
you blink blankly at him with your palm now against the marble of the island. “no, you must have misinterpreted it.” you laugh nervously, clutching your stomach and then looking away to avoid his judgemental gaze. “i mean it in a friendly way.”
“a friendly way?” he scoffs back at you. “what does that even mean?”
you take a breath. there is only so many ways you can try and steer the conversation away from what you’ve just said.
“like… we’ve been friends for 11 years! i’m sure i can say ‘i love you’ platonically, right?” you look into his eyes, anticipating and wishing that he will eventually buy your lie.
because realistically, you would rather have and keep him as a friend than lose him entirely.
you watch as he takes steady breaths, looking at you with hesitation clearly written in his eyes. “it doesn’t mean anything, charles. don’t overthink it.”
but you would pray to god that he would overthink it. maybe then he will realise that he also has feelings for you, or that he’s had feelings for you all along. maybe he will finally see that you’ve been here all along instead of putting him through the torment of another failed relationship?
but you watch as the gears turn in his head. his gaze softens as a more genuine smile stretches his lips. “oh, okay,” he laughs airily, picking up his bowl. “for a moment there… you had me!”
you laugh with him, scowling slightly as you turn away from him. “yeah, i got you there.”
“you scared me — i always told carlos he was wrong about the way he claims you would look at me,” charles laughs, appearing by your side. he beams at you when you turn to him before briefly walking away. “you’d never like me like that anyway. you’re too good for me.”
it feels like he’s thrown a knife that went directly straight through your heart. it’s also another type of pain to hear that from the guy you’ve been wishing for.
and while you’ve gone out there, explored choices and let yourself be with other guys, there’s simply nobody as good as charles in your eyes.
it’s almost to the point where it’s pathetic.
you laugh. “i guess.”
“besides, i think we’re better off friends. don’t you think so?”
you clench your jaw, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. “of course. i’d never date you.”
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@cashtons-wife @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification
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gametheoryzone · 8 months
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So yes this is the palismans of the Afton kids and Jeremy (when i get to charlie and henry debut in the story i will make and design theirs)
And yes, there gonna be Jeremike, since in chapter 4 jeremy would make his debut, so be ready!
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444names · 1 year
male french and portuguese forenames
Aacami Abien Acquiasco Adamunede Adani Adannard Adefan Adritore Adrósi Aijaan Aince Airmano Albaptino Alberaud Alberjas Alcian Alcideão Alcisani Aldidée Aldomin Aldous Aldovi Aleve Aleão Alfro Almin Alour Alppaola Altére Alvichrio Alèrennu Amana Ambrothil Amile Amirc Amircio Amire Amundrick Amândo Anacque Ancio Andão Annime Anteu Aphric Aptião Ardio Arinatho Arjas Arjato Arlono Armikki Audeão Augue Aulissiro Aullautta Aurbaundo Auste Aílixo Aïdas Aïdastão Balfon Barce Barlos Basta Basílteu Batric Baustão Belsarsi Benrick Berrei Bertinho Bervéris Bource Bredrea Bruien Brund Brune Caina Cainathie Caist Calben Casco Chile Chiljac Chilo Chricolen Cirène Clauguin Clazáric Cleão Cléano Coaquino Colaudo Cricior Crico Crito Cyric Cyrick Cyrien Cyrieno Cyriine Cyrissent Cândidon Cândon Cécia Cécio Cédéo Cédéréjea Célond Céphona Damirenta Damândra Daméra Dansohani Dieno Dinício Dualvio Duarcilja Duard Duaro Duraulla Dérégos Edmuno Edoldo Eemino Eerja Eianare Eirjario Eirmernão Elian Eliaques Elien Elião Ellana Ellerjon Elomão Emikki Eminício Emião Enton Ertin Ezephilja Ezeque Ezequie Fabené Faberósio Fabin Felou Firen Flaux Flácio Frainnal Fraou Frémy Fábino Fábião Félia Félinar Féloussi Gabien Galdo Gasami Gascordão Gasido Gaule Gaétia Geodrose Geofirkka Germaul Ghierja Ghipe Gilheu Gilli Gilves Girger Girjaino Gironsão Goise Gonço Gréjervo Gualèren Guelma Helmiinto Hennieni Hennue Henriljä Hentin Herent Heris Hernéstin Hervarmi Hetan Hiasla Hibas Hilasiria Hilisido Hiltavi Hilva Hisla Honso Horen Hurbano Hurce Iguisu Iiance Illeon Ilmiago Ilont Ilphen Iredeão Irpas Isaan Isano Isilie Istin Istêvão Jacard Jachrico Jacque Jacquelce Jaimão Jaina Jaini Jardo Jennide Jerme Jerné Jerósi Jojore Jonset Joradro Jordo Joren Jorgilben Josco Jouthuben Judefra Julta Julte Justa Justilte Justinck Jéregídie Jéren Jério Jónicasa Jónick Júlieu Júlilo Júlipólio Júlis Kaisce Kergerna Kirenck Kylvi Kylviel Laino Lascel Lecis Lenio Lessetas Liance Liastão Liernéléo Lipólivi Livien Loivi Loutinoît Lucaino Lucart Lucieu Lucio Lucius Luciuste Lumiito Lumiro Lyydin Lyydinho Lyyni Léodósimo Léopondre Lúcide Lúcila Macquothé Mairia Manique Mannick Mantin Mardamuno Mardoud Maricha Maricid Marino Marnés Marsidèle Marta Marteux Matalo Matienord Matrino Mattu Mattuukko Maulileno Maurd Maximigna Maximon Maximu Maximune Maxis Mentino Miano Miasa Miliel Milio Mirkkaaco Mirkki Mirmeu Mirosé Márico Máximi Máximon Nalvitan Nardo Nazarnaul Nikka Nimer Niston Ocleon Ocque Odias Odrio Odósidovi Oives Oloistião Olpiogo Oudamu Paolio Parmaximo Parme Patomi Phien Pienria Pient Piervaldo Plário Quotário Rafabróni Randovi Ranid Ranttu Raolaimon Remile Remmaxim Renio Renraino Rentina Rianti Riceu Ricomé Rique Roben Rodian Rodienatu Rodre Rodricto Rodrique Rodros Rogédé Rolor Romarco Rédédére Rémeoric Rétin Saachien Saard Saaren Saija Sailla Samiloisé Samuno Sandrian Sarda Saredsona Sariirio Sathartor Saílivin Sevarja Silio Silácias Simick Sisalfo Soffre Sterja Stime Stonarce Sulia Sulienaz Sylli Sylvi Sésandre Séstric Sévra Tastiano Tepho Thane Thilhel Thilva Théli Thélivi Thélo Tinhonse Trick Turioutin Tutintião Tuukki Tyneu Tyydio Téonrand Térino Ulipede Varan Varmil Vartonser Vidèleão Viintin Vistóvão Ximonrie Yoalcio Yoandão Yohvien Yveerto Zinho Zéfim Zéfirkka Áltomailo Élian Éliano Émico Émiin Étine Évraisto Évras Óriguarme
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soniccrazygal · 10 months
And also speaking of transformation,The process of bonding with a spirited walker goes something like this:
1.First the spirited walker approach the human in a place that none can the transformation.
2.Second,The spirit through a combination of magic from the isilies belssings and its own channels it way into the bonder soul.
3.Third,the bonder beign to feel hot and then dizzy to pass out.
4.Fourth,the bonder body began to shape according to both its truth essence and to the walker animal form(the animal that represent the bonder to a spiritual and emotional level)
5.Fifth and finally,the bonder and the walker become a bonder,a person that has been bond to a spirited walker and transform to suit the animal powers of that said walker to either guide them to a rightoues path or help their bonder in their quest.
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lokasueythuna · 1 year
\ 004_\ Tr\ Ep[Isili
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