#it was a school jacket I got from selling cookie dough
sluttyjonahmagnus · 3 months
Confession: I never viewed Gerry as fully goth. What we heard about him was from normies and I 100% think he was just in some grungy jeans and a band shirt. Maybe a coat.
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rainchyna · 2 years
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‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎♡ ❝RATED : SWEETHEARTS!❞ ♡
‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎EPIS♡DE : SIX (V)
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warnings! [light angst, worried y/n, had to make them stop at a supermarket bc it’s a road trip, adam is a mess lord oh my god, cussing, y/n and christian talking shit abt people in high school, adam is a wee bit depressed, it’s long]
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you wait for christian to load your bags in to the backseat. “you got everything?” you ask. “yeah” he reply’s getting in the front seat. “you do realize that the next show is in two days right?” he asks as you start up the car’s engine. “and that this trip will take eighteen hours back and forth?” he adds. “yep” you answer with tight lips. “but can we put on a show without the third idiot?” you ask looking at him. “right”.
the first three hours of the ride were silent, mostly because christian fell asleep and you didn’t have the heart to turn up the radio to the fill the slightly jarring silence since it might wake him up. all you could think about was how fucking stupid adam was for just getting up and leaving you just like that. he was never the one who runs away from his feelings, he was always upfront and honest with you, even in the smallest most minuscule of things. all you could think about was how he was. you needed to know if he was okay, both mentally and physically. is he sleeping well? has he been eating healthy? he better have remembered taking his vitamins today … or the last couple days.
“god fucking damn it adam”
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4:44 pm, that same day…
you were knee deep in thought when christian began moving around. “i’m hungry” was the first thing he said. you had just passed a sign that said that nearest stop was 10 miles away. a thought crossed your mind as lightly gasped. “what’s wrong?” christian asked, confused. you mouth hung open for a second before saying, “adam’s birthday is tomorrow”. “oh shit. we forgot” christian sighed. “oh no, you forgot, i was just distracted by everything” you defended. christian just narrowed his eyes at you, before saying “we’ll get him a key chain or something…” he trailed. you look over at him with a ‘deadass?’ face. “what? it’s not like he’s been the greatest friend for the last couple days!” he said. “true that” you nodded.
slowly but surely, you pulled up on a 7/11. next to it was a subway and a tim horton’s. “can you grab us proper food while i just get junk from the 7/11?” you asking parking the car. “sure” christian said grabbing his jacket. a cold breeze hit your face as you entered the convenience store, these places were always so cold for no reason. you walked towards the fridges at the back, scanning the drinks available through the freezing glass. you grabbed at least eight juice boxes, two tubs of cookie dough ice cream, and on your way to the cashier you took some bags of crisps.
at the register was a younger man, nineteen, twenty at most. curly poofy hair and some pimples here and there. “how’s traffic out there?” he asked with a thick french accent. his name tag read ‘jean-pierre’, “barely any honestly” you replied. “do you happen to sell keychains by any chance?” you ask. without missing a beat, the guy pulled out this massive bowl that had wooden and metallic chains on it. you dug through it as he scanned your items. ‘i <3 canada!’, ‘toronto, canada’ and more canada related ones came up, until one caught your eyes. ‘happy birthday you sexy whore’, was it appropriate for you current situation? debatable. would adam like it? most definitely yes. was it a little too on the nose? absolutely. “i’ll take this one!” you smiled. the guy took it, eyeing the chain then you. “on me, cause you’re my favourite wrestler” he smiled. you eyes lit up, “i’m your favourite?” you ask, “of course! and my boyfriend loves edge and christian, edge is his favourite because he’s more unhinged, but we love you guys!” he said. “i also really like lita” he added
“oh my god i would actually die for her”
“girl, she’s so iconic”
you both stood there for at least fifteen minutes talking about your favourite wrestlers, until you remembered that you’re out here for a reason. you quickly said goodbye and left. as you sat in your car seat you were met by a slightly grumpy christian. “you were gone for like half an hour bro” he complained. “my bad, the cashier guy was the best person ever”.
the ride was pretty decent, mostly you and christian eating and talking shit about people from high school. “remember that chick mikaela?” he asked, mouth full of fries. “oh my fucking god, i used to hate her” you said, christian was confused. “i thought you guys were friends..?” he muttered, “ no! bro, she was only friends with me because she liked adam” you said. “deadass?” he was more surprised than confused, “i swear, bro, there were so many girls that were friends with me because they wanted to get closer to adam. and to be fair though, i was a bit of a cockblock. i would always be like ‘oh he’s already seeing someone’ you know”. you admitted. “cockblock! cockblock! y/n, y/n, the cockblock!” he sang.
“c’mon man-“
“cockblock! cockblock! y/n, y/n, the cockblock!”
“i didn’t want anyone near him-“
“wait, you loved him since high school?!” christian asked. “i thought it was obvious”, christian was dumbfounded for a second. “obvious?? you literally friendzoned him so many times bro” he said. “i did?” you were both equally confused. “let me list some of the times you did, lita’s birthday last year, prom, my 17th birthday, during our first european tour, when we first debuted, do i go on?” he said, sarcasm dripping from his comment. “i thought he was being overtly nice”
“he’s literally in love with you”
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adam was a mess. he showered once ever since he came back, his hair was tangled, his under-eyes looked like he rubbed his eye with eyeliner on. he was in his old room, the wall in front of him had crayon and marker scribbles detailing his, yours and christian’s heights over the years. there were stickers all over his cupboard and bed frame and his old gaming console sat frozen in time next to three, tiny joysticks. adam laid back on his bed facing the ceiling. the night before he laid on his side staring at his bedroom’s door, he cried and his knuckles got sore. he knew that nothing will happen if he continues ignoring your calls, if he continues pretending that he’s not hurt, pretending that he doesn’t care. it was eating him from the inside, but some how he just wants you more. he felt like a flower bud in concrete, he felt incomplete, he wondered if you’ll ever meet. hopefully you noticed that he was gone by now, hopefully matt wasn’t taking up all your time. i didn’t even matter to him who you were with at this point, he just wanted to see you. so when you decide, it’s your time to arrive, he’s loved you for all of his life.
there was knock at his door, “hey…”, it was his mom, “yeah?” he said voice deep from not speaking in hours, “are you sure you’re okay? ‘cause this is the weirdest break you’ve ever had, y’know? like .. where’s jay? where’s y/n? you three are like conjoined triplets” she said sitting next to him. he sighed deeply, “can i be honest with you?” he asked, “well of course, i am your mom after all” she smiled sweetly.
“i’m in love with y/n, she’s all i can think about. it’s literally consuming me at this point. and like an idiot i ran away from my feelings, instead of saying something and i haven’t heard from her and christian in a while” he breathed out.
“oh” she said, “i thought we’re gonna say something surprising”.
adam just looked at his mom confused, “i just said all of that and it’s not surprising enough to you??” he asked slightly irritated. “that’s not the case, you’re feelings are obviously valid and you’re my son and everything, whatever, but you being in love with y/n isn’t news to me. it isn’t news to anyone, funny enough actually me and y/mom’s/n have this bet that you’ll get married by the time you’re twenty five” she joked.
“you have a bet on us?” adam giggled, first time since he came home. “yeah” she laughed. “c’mon get up, we’re gonna make cookies together, your favourite” she said as she stood my door’s frame. “just like when you were little”.
10:48 pm, even later.
after a long day of baking and listening to music with his mom, adam was slightly at peace. she always knew how to cheer him up. he was sprawled out on the living rooms couch, a plate of cookies resting on his torso while a movie he was watching played in the background. his mom had went to sleep a while ago, leaving adam alone with his thoughts. he thought about it for a while, if having you as his girlfriend wasn’t an option, he didn’t mind remaining as friends. granted it would burn his literal soul, because you gave him butterflies. all you had to do was walk away and pass him by, don’t acknowledge his smile when he tried to say hello to you.
simple as that, yet just the thought of you ignoring him physically hurt him. his mind ram miles and miles away, he couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways he can continue being friends with you, without it interfering with you and matt relationship. he couldn’t help but get emotional, that was years of friendship going down the drain. but that was the point of unrequited love, wasn’t it?
4:15, early in the morning
christian had taken over, as you were now asleep on the passenger seat. you had finally entered your hometown. the area was a little dark, pretty quite. apart from a couple cars driving into the night, nothing else was causing any type of noise.
he drove past several houses, recognizing some of them. he pulled up on your homes’ block, and there he could see them. the three houses in which you’ve all spent your childhood in. the lights at his house were all out, at your house the front porch lights was the only one on. the lights of the living room in adam’s were on. christian glanced at the digital clock before him, 4:20. (adam’s) mom was about to go on her morning run anytime soon. “y/n, wake up we’re here” he said parking the car. “we are?” you said rubbing your eyes, disoriented. “oh my god, we are”.
you stretched for a bit before asking “what time is it?”
“mom’s gonna go on a run”
“yeah we should go inside before she goes out, at least she’ll open the door for us” he said. you both stepped out of the car. you grabbed a juice box before closing the door. “you sure you wanna do this?” christian asked as he turned to face you. “seriously?” he added, you looked like a child with your little box and little straw. “what?” you asked, “i’m thirsty! plus i need some sugar in my system before we do this, i hate confrontation” you added. you dug in your pocket and pulled out some gum strips, “here” you said handing christian a piece, “if we’re gonna confront someone, we should at least look cool” you said. he took it and began walking towards adam’s house.
this is it.
“ewwww, ugh! oh my god!”
“are you okay??”
“i was! until i decided to chew mint gum while drinking orange juice” you frown. christian smiled.
“never change, y/n”
adam was shuffling about in the kitchen, looking for a glass to get some water. the large amount of sugar he had consumed from the cookies had caught up to him and he was parched. “oh my god, you scared me! why are you still awake?” his mom’s voice startled him. “i scared you?!” he sighed. “jeez, go get some sleep adam” she lightly patted on his back. “morning run?” he asked, “yeah, you wanna join me?” she asked, “maybe tomorrow…” adam muttered. a knock on the door interrupted their small talk, “can you fill this up for me?” she asked handing him her water bottle. “sure”.
a surprised gasp get from hell lips as she opened the door. “jay? y/n! what are you kids doing here?!”
adam felt his heart drop to his stomach. you were both here.
why were you here?
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calmlftv · 4 years
girl, put your records on. - m.c.
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description: you are the owner of a popular local bakery, and lately, life’s been a little bit hectic. thankfully, the cute record store owner next door seems to know the perfect solution!
word count: 2.5k
warnings: n/a!
w/n: here’s part 1 of my record store!michael au! this is probably the cutest thing i’ve ever written so i hope u enjoy it 🥺
taglist: @spicycal @castaway-cashton​ @irwinkitten​ @n-ctarinenga​ @thesubtweeter​ @ashisonthefloor​ @ashtonsos​ @loveroflrh​ @bestyearssos​ @treatallwithkindness​ @bestyearslftv​ 
The lock clicked as you tugged the door open, being sure to let it fall shut behind you and double checking the lock before you continued into your bakery, disabling the alarm while you made your way to the back, flicking on the light switches on your way. 
It was around 3 a.m., your usual time to come in with your messy bun and leggings, the old and flour covered apron being pulled on over your jacket. Tying it around your waist, you walked over to the office, propping open the door and grabbing the thick binder of orders you had stashed on a shelf. It made a loud thud when you tossed it on a workspace, the shiny silver reflecting the bags under your eyes as you hovered over the papers, eyes scanning the details and photos you had printed for every order you have. 
This bakery was your pride and joy; you started it while in high school, selling your baked goods to other students for a dollar a piece as you struggled to pay for your car and groceries for your family. It quickly became a second job as you perfected your recipes, locking them away in a dusty old trunk under your bed when you would leave for the day. While still in college you got your first lawn sign, planting it outside your home on the main street of your town, and you quickly made enough to buy a second building; it was set to be demolished but you refused to give up on it, keeping up with your studies and home business until you essentially paid for the building four times over. 
Your opening day for your building was beautiful, some friends from school helping out between classes until it got its feet under itself. Customers from your high school start up came by, new faces jumped in line, and before you knew it, you found people waiting outside our doors at 6 a.m., waiting to be let inside to get their breakfast pastries or pick up their orders early on. 
It was amazing. You were humbled, you were happy, you were keeping a roof over your own head and paying your hard working employees. 
Along with this though, you were stressed. 
Well, maybe more than stressed. “Overwhelmed” seemed like a better word to describe how you felt. 
Business was booming, and you had more orders in the works than you had ever imagined having. Recently you had put together the binder you were going through, making it easy for your bakers and yourself to stay on top of the orders that kept pouring in every day. Along with that, you had bought and installed more space and fridges for your kitchen, and now you were coming in much too early to prepare display case items. You worked your tail off in the morning, so your workers didn’t have to; they had enough on their plates.
Getting your stress out in a healthy way was something your therapist always pushed you towards, so you finally took his advice. You mixed together the cookie dough for the day in the big stand mixers, you kneaded dough for your bread and doughnuts by hand, every ounce of muscle you put in shedding a layer of stress from your shoulders. 
Evidently, your neighbors enjoyed your baking as much as you did, especially the sweet record store employees to your right. You dropped off extra goods when you could, but lately it’s been baskets, one dropped off right next to their cashier as soon as the doors were unlocked, and you were sure it was always a different variety of them every day; no matter the kind, you always made sure to attach a cute little note to each basket, thanking them for their work and reminding them of the discount they get at your store should they ever need their sweet tooth filled. 
On this day in particular you snuck out the back door as usual and dropped off your basket of goodies, the cashier being someone you hadn’t seen the last few days. He was blonde and had a pair of black glasses on, a light blue denim jacket and black t-shirt adorning his chest as you quickly dropped everything off and made it back to your shop. 
And somehow, within the few minutes you were gone, all hell had broken loose. 
“Darling,” your head baker and assistant manager said, immediately pulling you aside to chat. “There’s been….some accidents.” 
A sigh passed through your lips and you tugged up your hair into a ponytail, immediately jumping into fix-it mode. It took hours of your blood, sweat, and tears, but you finally settled in with a piping bag in your hand, very carefully fixing some of the accidents that had occurred. From the front entrance you would hear your bustling employees boxing and ringing up customers, the occasional bit of laughter filter through to your ears. 
Everybody was happy. And that was all that mattered to you. 
It was a much quieter time of the day when the bell dinged, your associates up front cheerily greeting the new customer while they cleaned up the display areas, a curious laugh escaping one of them as you set your piping bag down. Another hand cramp was taking over, and you needed a break. 
“Hey, Cupcake?” 
The familiar nickname from your front shop workers made you raise your head, meeting their eyes from the doorway that marked the end of the kitchen. 
You smiled at the young high schooler - Tilly - standing in the doorway, her warm smile being your response. “There’s someone up front asking for you.” 
You nodded and jumped up, happy to have a distraction from your sore hand. When you got closer to Tilly she dropped her volume considerably. 
“He’s cute, Cupcake, you need to get his number.” 
A chuckle escaped you as your cheeks turned pink, shaking your head at the well meaning associate and patting her shoulder. 
You were expecting a gentleman, maybe someone returning the basket from your record store deliveries. 
However, you weren’t expecting the cute man that came with it. 
It was the cashier from that morning, a basket in his hand and a beanie now pulled snugly over his head as a blonde fringe was pushed to the side. You hadn’t noticed in your rush earlier but his eyes were gorgeous, the most stunning mix of greens and blues that you had ever seen; that, combined with his seemingly nervous shifting, you were melting before you even spoke. 
“Hi,” you greeted, walking up to him with your signature warm smile. You had hair falling out of the ponytail, strands and baby hairs flying almost every which way as you did your best to tame them. “I’m Y/N, the owner of this little shop.” 
The man smiled in return, showing his teeth as he held out a hand, which you in turn took. “Hey,” he greeted just as warmly. “I’m Michael, I own the record shop next door.” 
“Oh, good to meet you, neighbor!” You said cheerily, knowing it was your own fault for not getting to know him sooner. Your eyes drifted to your basket, his pale and slender fingers seeming to drum a beat on the bits he was holding. “I see you got my gift this morning.”
Michael blushed, handing you the basket. “Yeah, we did,” he said kindly, letting you take it and place it on the front counter. Tilly almost immediately scooped it up, happy to bring it to the back and clean it - and gossip with the others about Michael, no doubt. 
The gentleman cleared his throat. “Uh, we really appreciate you bringing things by,” he thanked. “But, um, I just wanted to...I um-” 
He was flustered obviously, a pink tint on his cheeks as he met your eyes. “Sorry if this is awkward or an over-step, but I uh, I just notice that you bring us things when you’re really stressed, and we’re totally happy with it, but the baskets every day kind of...have me...worried.” 
The fact that a complete stranger can tell when you’re stressed, and took notice of your habits, made you blush, your hands connecting in front of you. Michael was full on blushing now, his cheeks more red than the light pink that they were. He had reached back to rub a hand on the back of his neck, a couple of cloth bracelets sitting on his wrist. 
“Um,” you stammered, also flustered but for different reasons. “You know...I have been kind of stressed lately.” 
The man’s eyebrows shot up, surprised that he was right as you chuckled lightly. “Um, we’ve had a boat load of orders just slam into us. Lots of different things, too, and this morning when we were taking some cakes out to finish them, a couple of them got dinged up and we’ve been fixing them all morning.” 
The way you were wringing your hands was probably more than enough evidence of your stress, the very thought of everything you had to complete filling you with a small amount of anxiety as you talked about it. However, Michael stood and nodded along, a reassuring look on his face as he leaned against a display case. He seemed like a great listener, something that made you smile.
“That does sound stressful,” he agreed, his hand shoving in his pocket while his other pulled out his phone. “I’m, uh, not sure it’ll help, but if you ever want to talk…” He turned his phone around a new contact information page pulled up as he sheepishly smiled. “Maybe we can go get coffee together and talk about it?”
You couldn’t hide the smile that tugged on your life, the nod following quickly after. “Yeah! Yeah, um, I’d love that,” you said, joy leaking into your tone as you took his phone and entered in your information. 
“Great! Cool,” Michael said, watching you type in your personal and work phone numbers so he can reach you through both. When he took his phone back you were both beaming. “I’ll, uh, call or text you, then, and we can set a date? I know the owner of the shop just down the road, so we can definitely go there.” 
You nodded, your beaming smile still on your face as you tucked some of the loose hair behind your ear. Michael matched your smile and thanked you for the goodies again, bumping into a couple of customers as they were entering because he was still looking at you. 
While another associate helped those customers, you quickly ducked into the back, Tilly and everybody else surprising you at the doorway, making you laugh. 
“Come on, everybody, my love life isn’t that exciting. Get back to work!” 
Michael sat in his office, leaning back in his chair as he thought about the interaction he just had with the cutest woman he’s ever met. His phone was in his hands with a blank text on it, the girl's name in the recipient line as he tried to figure out what to say. 
He wouldn’t ever say it was normal for him to be asking cute girls on dates like that; in fact, with most of his interactions with women, he was too nervous to make any sense, but somehow, that girl had given him a weird sense of confidence. 
Ultimately, he kept it simple, letting her know he was excited about the date and asking what times would work for her. Immediately after it sent he opened his group chat with his boys, letting them know he had some news. 
Immediately he had a response from Calum. 
So...meeting tonight?
Michael affirmed the text and then quickly put it away, getting through the work day while he texted the baker girl next door. When he finally got to lock up he couldn’t get to Cal’s fast enough, knocking on the café door rhythmically and beaming when his best friend opened the door. 
“Hey mate,” Cal greeted, letting him step inside before quickly pulling the door closed. Michael quickly went to their usual table, Duke lifting his head from his bed by the counter. 
“So,” Cal said, moving to the counter to make Mikey some tea. “What’s this big news announcement?” 
Michael chuckled and shook his head, watching from his seat at the table as Cal got to work. His friend groaned but respected the silence, the two warmly greeting Ashton and Luke as they showed up. 
Once they were all seated with their usual drinks and food the conversation flowed, everybody talking about work and swapping stories of difficult and amazing customers. Eventually, Calum repeated his question, Duke now settled in his lap as the dog napped. 
Michael chuckled and beamed. “Boys,” he said, watching them all focus on him. Luke leaned forward practically on the edge of his seat. “I have a real date. With a real girl.” 
Immediately the other three cheered, all of them congratulating their friend. 
“Who is it?” Ashton asked, grinning as he picked up his coffee. 
“That cute bakery girl,” Mikey explained. “The one with the shop by my store.”
“Fuckin’ finally,” Luke said, leaning back against his chair as he brought his heads up, lacing them and leaning his head back against them. “You’ve been talking about her forever, man.” 
Michael reached over and shoved Luke’s shoulder, the blonde man grinning. “Fuck off,” he said, Luke sticking his tongue out before picking up his drink again. “I told her we could come here, to Cal’s, and she agreed. She’s free tomorrow so we’re gonna meet after she closes.”
The boys were all smiles, every single one of them ecstatic for their friend. The conversation continued to flow well into the evening after that, all of them reluctant to say their goodbyes. 
However, Michael went home with his phone buzzing, you and him talking about anything and everything; it was the most comfortable he’s been with someone since meeting the boys, the two of you clicking in a way that he just wasn’t used to. It made him very eager to get to know you, and very happy when you seemed to show the same feeling. 
When Michael finally noticed the time he sighed, knowing he should be responsible and go to bed. The two of you said your goodnights, a kissy face emoji attached to yours that made him blush before he turned over. 
On the other side of town, you were doing the same, quite content with how your day had ended. Despite the horrid start, you were very happy to have met Michael, and your stomach flipped whenever you thought of the date he had promised to take you on. No other person had ever made you feel that way, so you cherished it, knowing Michael was going to be the sweet boy you’d keep forever. 
Maybe this was the start of something that would last forever. 
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hannahhostofheaven · 6 years
Shadows of the past Chapter three
Characters: Castiel, Hannah, Dean, Sam, Jo Harvelle, Eileen Leahy, Gabriel, Charlie, Jack, Claire, and Kaia. So a very full cast!
Pairings: Castiel/Hannah, Sam/Gabriel/Eileen, Dean/Jo and Jo/Charlie, Claire/Kaia
Rating: at the moment, I’d say T. But there will be some medium grade smut, and I don’t know what trigger warnings might come up but you might as well assume dark themes, torture, gore, assault, and who knows what else.
Summery: Sam and Dean arrive at an abandoned Men of Letters bunker deep in the forests of Maine. Naming this their new headquarters, the brothers, Castiel, Hannah, Jo, Charlie, and many of their family decide to put down roots. But things aren’t all they appear to be. When one after one, women in the village start becoming pregnant, including Hannah, Jo, and Eileen, the hunters begin to suspect something sinister. At the same time, Hannah is being haunted by the memory of past lives she knows nothing about and a mysterious little girl that no one else seems to be able to see appears to be following her around. From Jo and Eileen’s deep dark secrets to Gabriel’s abusive affair with Loki to Claire’s angsty teen attitude, everyone is wound up in a web of scandals, deceit, secrets, and treachery.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
“Why pumpkins?” Jack asked as he glanced around at all the activities as the three of them approached the entrance to the pumpkin patch. “Well I consulted the google for appropriate Halloween related activities,” Castiel explained as he and Hannah came to a stop at the ticket booth. “Visiting a pumpkin patch is a significant ritual. We have to journey through the corn maze, eat nutritionally deficient but seasonal foods, ride the carriage, and at the conclusion, we must select some pumpkins to take home so we can carve them into faces to frighten young children on Halloween.” Hannah mimicked the confused look on Jack’s face as the Nephilim cocked his head to one side. Both looked at Castiel for clarification as the angel glanced up from reading the list off of his phone. Castiel smiled as he noticed the two of them looking at him like confused lost birds.
“I don’t understand how consuming nutritionally deficient foods is necessary for this activity, Castiel,” Hannah spoke up, trying to wrap her mind around yet another strange human concept. “And wouldn’t frightening the children cause a traumatic reaction?”
“I’ll show you both,” Castiel assured them, a soft smile spreading across his face as he took Hannah’s hand and ushered her towards the ticket booth while Jack looked on. “Three tickets please,” Hannah told the ticket booth attendant. The woman glanced at the three of them, eyes lingering slightly on Jack, who seemed preoccupied with the activities going on just beyond the gate. “How old is he?” the woman asked as Hannah handed her some cash. “He just turned one,” Castiel explained, proudly. Hannah glanced at him as he received a dumbfounded look from the woman. Now it was Castiel’s turn to be confused. “Was… that not the correct answer?”
“Well… he looks a little big for his age,” the women replied, glancing at Nephilim who stepped closer, trying to understand the reason of her confusion.
“Oh I grow fast,” Jack insisted. “Dean said it’s because I eat my wheaties.”
“Right…” the woman seemed skeptical but she reluctantly handed them the tickets and moments later, they were through the gate and immersed in a labyrinth of tables and booths with vendors selling everything from food to artisan crafts. The ground beneath them was sprinkled heavily with hay and straw and just beyond the crowd of vendors was a twisted thicket of pumpkins. People wandered around, young children bounded about in their thick jackets, laughing and socializing about. As Hannah strode through the crowd with Castiel, she had to smile to herself at the look of wonder on Jack’s face as he took everything in. “Look at this place!” Jack exclaimed enthusiastically as he walked up ahead of them. “I want to see everything, can we please see everything, Castiel?” “Of course,” Castiel replied pleasantly as walked hand in hand with Hannah. “Just don’t get too far ahead of us, we don’t want you to get lost.” Hannah found herself feeling a little protective of the young Nephilim; her eyes watched his every move as he bounded about ahead of them, while the two of them tried to absorb the atmosphere of the pumpkin patch as well.
“Should we tell him?” Castiel asked suddenly as they walked together. Hannah glanced at him with a frown. She knew what he was talking about. She knew Jack and Claire had both been suspicious when she had spent the morning being sick. “How do you think he will take the news?” she wanted to know, eyes darting about the area. “Better than Claire will, I assure you,” Castiel warned. Hannah sighed. The still had a few people to tell about this pregnancy. Jack, Claire, the Winchesters. Castiel assured Hannah he would take care of the Winchesters himself, which left only Jack and Claire to worry about. Hannah did not doubt that Claire would react negatively. The girl had made it clear she was opposed to Hannah having anything to do with Castiel. Hannah had tried her best to stay out of the girl’s way, to let Castiel take care of caring for her, but Claire was determined to drive Hannah away, and this would solidify her relationship with the only father Claire had. “We’ll tell him today,” Hannah replied just as Jack rushed over to them with a big grin on his face. “I’d like my face painted,” he declared, pointing to a booth where a line of children had formed in front of a woman who was busy painting their faces. Castiel dug out a few dollars and handed them to the Nephilim who took them eagerly and hurried to join the line. He was easily the oldest looking child in line, and a few of them gave him some quizzical glances. Hannah frowned as she and Castiel stood nearby to watch. Human children had a hard time figuring Jack out. He was a conundrum. A one-year-old who should still be wearing diapers, but with the body of a teenager and the intellectual capacity of the angelic being that he was. As they waited, Hannah happened to glance towards a small popcorn stand and caught sight of something else out of place. There, standing beside the wooden building, stood a young child. Children abounded about her, so it wasn’t her presence so much as her appearance. And the way she stared at Hannah, her blue eyes unblinking as if trying to pierce through the angel’s very soul- that is, if the angel had a soul. The girl seemed to be about five, her dark brown hair woven into large, thick ringlets and pulled back with a bonnet. Her thick red wool dress looked out of style compared to the other humans around her. If Hannah knew anything about human history, she might have placed this girl’s clothes and hairstyle as being from some time in the late 17th century. “I suppose Jack isn’t the only one who is out of place here,” Hannah murmured to herself, not taking her eyes off the girl. “She looks out of place as well.” “Who?” Castiel’s voice cut through Hannah’s interest in the girl and the angel turned to look at his deep blue eyes. Those eyes… they were similar to… Hannah glanced back only to find that the girl was gone. She squinted in confusion. “Nothing,” Hannah said quickly. “It was my imagination, I suppose.” Castiel regarded her with concern but was distracted when Jack returned at that moment, beaming ear to ear as he donned a large red dragon painted on the side of his face. “Quite fierce,” Castiel commented. “Come on Jack, let’s get something to eat, Hannah and I have something to share with you.” “What shall we eat?” Jack wondered, glancing at all the food vendors. He narrowed in on a booth selling cotton candy, sugar cookies, and hot cocoa. “Could we have that?” Moments later, the three of them sat on a picnic table, and Jack happily nibbled on his tray piled high of various types of cookies. Hannah had to smile as she watched the Nephilim eat his way through his lunch of sugar and dough. “I am uncertain if Nephilim requires the same nutritional needs as humans,” Castiel said. “So you must eat a healthy dinner tonight to compensate for this.” Hannah took a breath as the moment approached. “Jack there is something we need to tell you,” she began carefully. The Nephilim looked up from his meal with alarm as he studied both of their faces, noting the seriousness in their expressions. “What is it?” he wondered. “Is everything alright? Is someone ill?” “No one is ill,” Castiel began. “But it seems that Hannah and I will be expecting a baby.” Jack blinked, puzzled as he received the news. He squinted at them both. “Expecting one?” he wanted to know. “Is it being delivered by mail? I’m… not sure I understand.” “No,” Hannah explained, glancing at Castiel as she realized the Nephilim had no idea what they were talking about. Hannah could see how this conversation was going to take a turn for awkward and she wasn’t sure she understood what they had just walked into. Castiel cleared his throat, considering his next words. “Jack, er… Hannah is having the baby. It’s inside of her. Like you were inside of your mother at one point. Do you understand?” Jack’s gaze shifted to Hannah, his eyes scanning her as if trying to discern where exactly the baby might be. Hannah frowned as she realized what the Nephilim’s next question would be. “I remember being inside my mother,” He admitted. “But I don’t quite know how I got there. How did you get the baby inside of you, Hannah? Was it sex? Because some kids at school have suggested that-” “Uh, perhaps we will answer that question a little later,” Hannah stammered quickly, blushing bright red as she glanced at Castiel for help. “But the baby is growing inside of me, according to the doctor, it will be born sometime in May or June.” “I will be the baby’s brother? Like Sam and Dean?” Jack asked a hopeful note in the tone of his voice. Hannah nodded, relief flooding through her as Jack seemed excited about the news. “Yes,” she said. “You and Claire will be the baby’s older siblings.” Jack frowned. “Claire will not be happy,” he pointed out. “I don’t think she will like hearing about this.” “There are a few people we still have to tell, so you have to keep this to yourself for a while,” Castiel explained. “Don’t tell anyone.” The Nephilim nodded. Hannah smiled, daring to allow herself to feel excitement for the first time over this pregnancy. She dared to hope that this was something she could look forward to, that she could be happy about. In the back of her mind she worried about the possibilities, would she even be able to survive, would heaven approve, what would Michael do? So many concerns still haunted her thoughts. But for now, she was happy. She never thought she could be satisfied living on Earth. It was the last place she ever wanted to be before she met Castiel. She never knew there could be happiness outside of heaven, but here she was with a family, with friends, with a life, people who cared about her. Maybe this was what humans treasured so much. They spent the rest of the day enjoying the pumpkin patch before Jack selected a number of pumpkins to take home and carve. As Castiel lugged an armful of pumpkins to the car, Jack talking excitedly about having a baby brother or sister, about how he was going to carve pumpkins, about how he had been learning things at school, Hannah thought surely this was bliss. If only it could stay that way.
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mldrgrl · 7 years
The Madeleine Moment
by: mldrgrl Rating: PG-13 (language) Summary: For @thexmasfileschallenge Gingerbread prompt.  Revival era fic.
Scully didn’t have any qualms about selling her mother’s house.  Charlie was the only one of the Scully kids to have lived in it for any amount of time - their parents having moved into it when he was a junior in high school.  It had never been home for Scully, just the place where her parents lived once her father retired.  She’d come “home” for holidays from school for the first few years, but after Charlie left, there were years where Scully was the only one there at Christmas.  If she really thought about it, the last time they’d been together as a whole family, she was 15.
The house had been on the market for over a month.  The realtor had warned her that the market was slow between Thanksgiving and New Years’ and not to expect much.  It didn’t matter much to her.  She’d already taken weeks to clear out the house in between cases with Mulder’s help.  It felt like she’d spent more time there since her mother died than she had when her mother was alive.  There wasn’t much there that held any significance to her.
When the house had been emptied, the realtor she chose suggested staging certain rooms to give people an inviting feel.  Whatever the woman wanted to do to sell the house, Scully was fine with.  She gave her the keys and thought nothing of it until the weekly texts came with questions or updates.  It had been nearly six weeks since Scully had been to the house, but a few days prior, when she had been in Missouri on a case, the realtor called and told her that on one of her tours, some boxes were discovered beneath the cellar stairs and did she want to pick them up or dispose of them?
So, Scully found herself attending the regularly scheduled Sunday open house to pick up the mystery boxes from her mother’s cellar.  Mulder drove her in case it required heavy lifting - a bit of a pretense since they both knew he’d have driven her regardless.  They hadn’t spent a weekend apart in three months.
“They changed the landscaping,” Mulder noted as he parked the car in front of the house.
“Took out the rose bush mom always liked though,” Scully said, her eyes shifting over the changes that had been made to the front yard.  It was tidier and less dense.  A lot of the overgrown shrubbery had been cut back or removed.
Mulder got out of the car, bouncing the keys in his hand as he waited for her on the sidewalk.  She got out and buttoned her jacket up against the cold wind.  With only a glance over his shoulder, Mulder held his hand out to her and she took it as they strolled up the walkway to the front door.  For the first time, she did feel rather odd knocking on her mother’s door, knowing that someone else was going to answer.
“Dana,” Suzanne Wheatley said with a chipper smile as she opened the door.  “And Mr. Mulder.  It’s good to see you.”
Scully stepped into the foyer, Mulder behind her, and silently took in the front room.  The staged decor was minimalist and sleek.  The walls were bare, yet strategically placed floor lamps, even a large, silver mirror placed just so, gave the room an oddly cozy feel despite it being so stark.  Stark compared to her mother’s taste.
“The boxes are in the closet in the laundry room,” Suzanne said.  “Feel free to have a look around.  I was actually just about to call the office to have my assistant book a second appointment with a couple that expressed a lot of interest in the house.  Fingers crossed!”
Scully unbuttoned her coat and looked back at Mulder when Suzanne walked away.  “Different,” he mouthed to her.  She nodded.  He followed her deeper into the house, towards the formal dining room.  She paused and her heart began to pound rapidly against her chest with sudden intensity.  She breathed shallowly through her nose.  The scent of gingerbread hung in the air.
Her first Christmas home from college, and the first at the new house, Mom wanted to throw a party.  It would just be church friends, of course, as they really hadn’t gotten to know any of the neighbors yet.  Charlie had better things to do and got out of it, but Dana felt obliged to help.  Melissa had just moved back in with their parents, sort of, having just returned from Europe on a trip to ‘find herself’ though all she really found was another boyfriend.  She was gone most days, and nights, at this new boyfriend’s apartment, the irony being she’d met him in Spain while he was in an exchange program from American University.  
For the four days she’d been home, Dana had had to endure her father’s continual ranting about Melissa’s irresponsibility and Charlie’s foolishness while he praised Bill Jr.’s determination, singling her older brother out as a role model, but saying nothing about his youngest daughter’s 4.23 GPA her first semester of college or the fact that she’d accomplished it while being a year younger than the rest of her classmates.  He’d only gruffly commented that she’d better not lose focus since before she knew it, med school would be around the corner.
At two a.m., after sending her mother to bed, Dana sat at the dining room table amongst dozens of gingerbread cookies.  She’d helped in the kitchen, rolling dough and cutting cookies for at least six batches, all of which were now cooled and in need of icing.  As it grew later, her mother had gotten more distraught about the time it was taking and how she needed to be up in mere hours to dress the turkey, not to mention all the other cooking that needed to be done.  Dana told her mother just to go sleep, that she would do the icing.
Dana had only gotten through four cookies when Melissa slipped in through the back door.  She was as stealthy and quiet as a mouse, having learned the fine art of sneaking in at the wee hours of the morning quite early on.
“Jesus,” Melissa hissed, dropping her bag on the table before pulling off her jean jacket.  “What in the hell are you doing making cookies at two a.m.?”
“Watch it!” Dana whispered, putting her arm out to protect the cookies from the contents of Melissa’s bag, which were dangerously close to spilling out over the table and ruining at least one plate of gingerbread men.
“This is insanity.  Mom is fucking insane, you know that, right?”
“She’s not insane, she just wants to have a nice party.”
“Insane.”  Melissa shook her head and then disappeared into the kitchen.  She came back out a few minutes later with two shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
“Missy!”  Dana chastised.  “Put that back!”
“Oh, Dana, lighten up.  You’re in college now, you can’t tell me you haven’t had a drink or two at a party.”
“I don’t have time for parties, I need to study.”
Melissa rolled her eyes and poured out two shots anyway.  She sat down in the chair next to Dana and slid one of the glasses towards her.  Without waiting, she downed her own shot, winced and hissed, and then picked up one of the cookies, cut into the shape of a tree, and grabbed the green tube of icing.  Dana stared at her.
“I need fortification if I’m going to spend all night icing cookies for our insane mother,” Melissa said, and then nodded to the shot glass in front of Dana.  “You do too.  Drink up.”
Dana hesitated, but then threw the shot back.  She coughed and her eyes watered.  She had to wipe her mouth with her sleeve to rid the stinging from her lips and then she went back to work icing the snowman cookie in front of her.  She got through two more cookies, in silence, before Melissa poured them another shot.
“This sucks,” Dana murmured, staring at the imbalance between iced and plain cookies in front of them.  The second shot had gone straight through her like fire, liquefying her muscles and loosening her tongue.  “It really fucking sucks.”
“I’m helping.  We’ll get through it in no time.  Tell me about school.”
“School fucking sucks too.”
Dana sighed.  “I don’t know.”
“There has to be a reason.”
“I…”  Dana stopped herself.  She was about to start spilling secrets she swore she wouldn’t tell, but she ached to tell someone.  She was never very close to her sister.  They were too different.  Melissa was cool and sophisticated in a way Dana would never be.  She’d idolized her older sister when they were kids, but as they grew up, they also grew apart.  She didn’t know much about Melissa’s life beyond the judgmental disdain their parents had for how she lived it.
“Fine,” Melissa said, reaching across Dana for one of the gingerbread men to ice.  “I probably wouldn’t get it anyway, right?  Since I’m the irresponsible fuck-up who never went to college.”
“It’s nothing like that.”
“I’m sure.”
“I...I lost my virginity,” Dana whispered, sudden tears pricking her eyes which she blinked away.
“Well, fucking finally,” Melissa answered, but she put down the icing and turned to her sister.  “Don’t worry about it, Dana, it’s not that big of deal.  You’re not a whore and you’re not going to hell, despite what those idiot nuns have tried to pollute your brain with.  It’s natural, completely nat-”
“That isn’t it,” Dana interrupted, shaking her head.  She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and then bit her lip.
“Look, if you’re pregnant, I’ll help you deal with it.”
“That’s not it.  I...he hasn’t spoken to me since it happened.  I’m afraid maybe I did something wrong or...or…”
“Listen, men are assholes.  He hasn’t talked to you because he’s an asshole, not because you did something wrong.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Oh, but I do know.  Trust me.  I’m sorry, babe, if you think he broke your heart, but he won’t be the last.  It’s only the worst because he’s the first.”
“That’s not really that comforting.”  Dana’s voice squeaked as her throat closed and a hot tear rolled down her cheek.  Melissa reached over and brushed it away.
“You are so fucking amazing, Dana.  You deserve someone so much better than...what was his name?”
“Miles?  Jesus, Dana, you’re crying over some tool named Miles?  You are definitely better than any asshole named Miles.”
Dana could help the soft laugh that bubbled up from her chest and then she wiped her eyes.  The sting of rejection lifted a little, but it was still painful to think about.  She had a sudden terrifying thought that her parents would find out and she nervously licked at the side of her lip as she glanced at the doorway to the front room.
“You...you won’t tell Mom, will you?” she asked.
“Oh come on, Dana.”
“I don’t think she would understand.”
“Huh.”  Melissa arched her left eyebrow and picked up the tube of icing again.  “Have you ever taken a look at Billy’s birth certificate?”
“June 1, 1960.”
“I know that.”
“Date of parents’ marriage, January 22, 1960.  I know I’m not great at math, but that doesn’t add up to nine months to me.”
It was Dana’s turn to raise her brow.  “Are you serious?”
“Listen, if Mom ever tries to lecture you about premarital sex being a sin, you just drop that little fact on her and see how fast she shuts up.”
“Oh my God.”
“Look.”  Melissa held up the gingerbread man she’d been icing.  Dana’s cheeks darkened.  Her sister had iced genitalia between the cookie’s legs.
“I’m calling him Miles.”
Dana’s cheeks grew even redder.  “We can’t put that cookie out for Mom’s church friends.”
“We’re not going to.  You’re going to take this cookie and bite his dick off.”
“Melissa!”  Dana gasped, but then she started laughing as Melissa waved it in front of her face.
“Come on, Dana.  He deserves.  Bite it right off.”
“Oh my God.”  Dana took the cookie and after a few moments of hesitation, she closed her eyes and bit it in half.
“There you go.  Fuck you, Miles, and your dumbass name.”
Dana brushed cookie crumbs from her lap and gave Melissa the other half of the cookie.  She supposed the loss of one gingerbread man would go unnoticed.  There were still so many to ice though, and it was almost three in the morning.
“Why did she have to make so many cookies?” Dana murmured, sighing as she picked up a plain one to ice.
“Because she’s fucking insane,” Melissa answered.
Mulder put his hands on Scully’s shoulders and gave them a squeeze.  She blinked and tipped her head back to look up at him.  He gave her a quizzical look and she reached up to cover one of his hands.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Thinking about your mom?”
“No, actually.”  She shook her head.
“You want to grab those boxes and get out of here?”
Mulder gave her another squeeze and then dropped his hands.  He moved through the kitchen and she followed, pausing at the oven to bend and peer into the window.  She remembered reading once that a trick of selling real estate was to make the house smell like cookies.  Sure enough, a sheet of gingerbread men were baking inside.  She breathed deep and closed her eyes.
“Usually I do chocolate chip,” Suzanne said from behind her.  “But, my daughter has a holiday party at school tomorrow and I needed to do gingerbread men.”
“They look good,” Scully said, straightening.
“Found the boxes,” Mulder, coming into the kitchen with the two boxes stacked on top of each other in his arms.
“We have to get going,” Scully said to Suzanne.
“Well, I just made a second appointment with some buyers for Tuesday.  Hopefully I’ll have good news for you!”
Scully went out ahead of Mulder and guided him down to the car.  She popped the trunk with her set of keys and he placed both boxes inside.  He was about to close the door, but she stopped him and asked for his pocket knife.  He pulled it out of his pocket and then broke through the tape on both boxes before stepping back to let Scully open them.
“Huh,” Scully said.
Mulder looked over her shoulder and pulled the flaps of the boxes open.  “Jelly jars?”
“Boxes of jelly jars.”
“Was your mom big into canning?”
“Not at all.  Not that I know of.”
Scully started to laugh.  “Sometimes she was just fucking insane.”
Mulder turned his head towards her and raised his brows.  She chuckled and put her hand on his arm.  “Come on,” she said.  “Let’s go home.”
The End
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