#ive never followed a YT channel before but I do see now how it creates that feeling a lot easier than traditional media
Me, a casual viewer of BFU: True Crime and Puppet History, clicking on the Making Watcher playlist: Oh, its so nice that the boys got to start their own company :)
Me, 40 minutes later, no longer a causal viewer after seeing Ryan Bergara talk about his anxiety and then almost cry on camera because he is so happy that his friend agreed to work at his new company: 
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princebete · 3 years
What characters have you cosplayed or plan to cosplay soon? :)
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awww--Thank you for asking!  I’m gonna put this here just so I don’t take up the dash-- cuz I get reallllly excited talking about this stuff
So for this cosplay that I am actively working on. It is for an online competition of sorts.  I am working on the Anastasia ball gown from when she sings  Once Upon A December-- except it is going to be a transformation gown ( that’s if I have enough time to get it the ballgown done first, and then work on the pre-transform outfit and figure out the rigging, otherwise it’ll just be the gown). 
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But, if I get it fast enough-- this is ideally what I am planning. And the way I plan it will be similar to the cinderella onstage transformation in the Cinderella R&H revival back in 2013 
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I am making a few creative changes to the gown as well( nothing major,) to flatter my shape a bit more. The swatches -- hopefully that yellow isn’t too yellow. I uh just bought like 7 yds of it on Etsy. sooooooo... well I guess it could do well for a Belle gown-- but that’d be a big oopsy. Anyways, the velvet and satin dark blue are for the sash/bow. The velvet is the outside while the satin is the “ lining” but when tied in the back, I am hoping it flips around so that you see the beautiful satin. The same goes for the bow-- it’s just gonna look extra. And then for the gown itself, I went with a bridal satin... I have not gotten the organza/tulle yet that I am thinking of using as an overlay on the satin??? That’s still in the works-- but my thought was to create a sweetheart neckline bodice, and then put an overlay on top of it to give it the illusion that it has straps-- still working that out. 
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Won’t know until I have all the fabric in one place-- things change as you go. But the idea is to make it similar to how I had my wedding dress bodice-- which is the lower middle there. I have some Preciosa flatback rose Chaton ab crystals on the way-- and some in yellowish gold which ill adorn the gown arbitrarily just to make it blingy and extra and because sparkle. I am at a loss whether to add any kind of trims-- as in piping/lacey bits. I really like the simplicity in this, and that it just sparkles and the textures of the velvet, satin and tulle/organza/net[whichever one works out] all come together. OH! and the sleeves are going to be like these wispy things. and that is in chiffon to compliment the other blues. I am SO scared that it’ll come out looking more purply lavender blue and not really blue. But that’s what dye is for!
I am so sorry I talked into a novel there. But yeah that is the most active thing. I have some other designs but who knows if the will make it into 2021? But here are a bunch I got on the face of my cosplay binder ( this also include Mark, my husband’s characters) 
Tinkerbell and Terence 
Zelda (ceremonial dress) & Link BOTW although I am debating Mipha over Zelda-- it’s just that this looks like an easy build.
Rydia of the Mist from the After Years & Edge  ~ FF IV the after years
Porom & Caine ~ FF IV the after years 
This Chibiusa-esque Sailor Moon Design I found by Azure & Copper ( I call her Sailor Neo Eternal Moon or something also it has WINGS like 4 of them! ) 
Anastasia ** & Dimitri
Kiki & Tombo ( I have a closet cosplay of Kiki)
Megman & Rolle(megaman would be of my own design that I combine with multiple versions. I have the idea to get my husband to program a rapsberry pi to make some moving equipment and lights etc.) 
Elsa 5th Spirit  & Jack Frost from rotg /// or Elsa with the Nokk ( i have this in like.... pieces right now... since a year ago?-- she was supposed to go to Katsu last year for my honeymoon but didn’t make it. However, it’s all there..... in pieces TT^TT) & A Jack Frost Design ( I combined his outfit with Kristoff’s? So like boots and fur lining etc.)  I’ve also considered making Mark into The Nokk-- but  that would be a crazy interpretation. Like ... think Centaur costume with a horse head or idk-- i never got into the design ideas. i would have to take a poll on cosplay amino
Nausicaaaaa & Asbel 
Haru & Baron from the Cast Returns ( in their ball attire) 
Helios & Princess Chibiusa (grown-up style-- so think like Dark Lady hair with the princess dress) 
Groose & Zelda ~ Legend of the Skyward Sword 
Thumbelina & Cornelius ( i have parts of corny somewhere and then bits of thumbelina scattered across stuff) 
Lvl 10 Jester and Caleb 
PHANTOM ACE ( he is in the manga and is a love interest that just wreckkkks & Codename Sailor V I have her on my dressform as we speak--- but ever since going to this Sailor moon cosplay help panel at Katsu, I have recognized the error in my ways, specifically towards the fabric!! So I would like to fix this--- 
I also have this design for a historically inspired version of Princess Aurora 
Sailor She-ra as well ( it’s got armour for dayyyys) 
Regency Inspired Rapunzel-- I tried this before and it failed. Also I HATED the gown. So I am doing it again! <3 And Eugene too 
I am also making stays/corsets to help with the overall silhouette shapes of some of these -- 
But yeah-- I really don’t believe I’ll get to all of this. That would be insane, however, I’d like to make a YT channel that follows the making of all of this and other stuff! But phew! Thanks for asking, that was a lovely question and I enjoyed responding to it. 
(o^^)o  o(^^o)
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annashipper · 6 years
Sorry Anon
Sorry, I find it hard to be sarcastic or facetious in a text. I was saying that I think the BS about rigging RT is just that, BS. I won't go so far as to say the rumor was started in the PR department of Marvel, but fuck, that got everyone's dander up didn't it? There's a gazillion "woke" people on Tumblr (I'm one), who would rise up ready to battle for a movie that's being ruined by a bunch of racists. If somebody on earth (hiding under a rock) had not heard about BP, or was  iffy about seeing it, what better way to get them interested about the movie and decide to go see it for themselves? If Marvel’s PR department didn’t start the rumor, paid some interns mess with RT (or say they were) to get the public's awareness of it, well, they should have. And if I can think of that, I’m sure Marvel could have as well. After the shit casting of Dr. Strange, they know the backlash of anger at anything that smells of racism. I'm not saying it was good, it was gold!
I know that the RT attack was reported on a lot of news pages, and even RT tagged in, but all of that can be faked, and I can't find that FB page anywhere (but even if it did exist, how hard is it to start a new FB page?). As I said, Marvel may not have started it, but they couldn't have had any better publicity if they paid for it (which, I'm still not convinced they didn't). FWIW, that didn't make me buy a ticket, the trailers and story did.
Sorry, I just wanted to be clear that I'm not writing any of this to hurt BP, embarrass or shame anyone. It's just that I have been coding for 40+ years now and I know how easy it is to start any rumor about anything on social media, which RT now is. ONE bad joke on a tweet ruined a life and caused a suicide. So don't get me wrong, I LIKE that this is making so much publicity for the movie. I HOPE it gets a million more people to watch it 'cause I WANT to see BP II, III, IV etc. 
OK, to make up for the confusion on my other posts I'm giving you this link. "Emergency Awesome" is a GREAT YT site. He does all the geek reviews (as well as GOT), he has an "in" with all the big studios and sees shows before they're released 'cause he has 2.2M followers. I promise you will love this video, in it he calls BC, RDJ, & JG the "3 of the most interesting people in the room". www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=agU0twlESYM. Love to my favorite blogger, enjoy!
Just to say, I really do spend my life saying "I'm sorry". My big old foot never leaves my mouth. I'm not good at judging when my words might have a negative effect. In person you can see I'm a big dufus, goofy and never take myself seriously. My tongue, also, never leaves my cheek. But reading something flat can make a difference in interpretation. So, sorry, again, I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, I really, really don't mean to.
You might like this list of Emergency Awesome's videos on both Dr. Strange and Sherlock. He does all the geek things, "easter eggs", etc. www(.)youtube(.)com/user/emergencyawesome/search?query=%22Dr.+Strange%22. He's also the #1 fan of Dead Pool - you can search his site here: www(.)youtube(.)com/channel/UCDiFRMQWpcp8_OK, I know I'm being hyper tonight, you might want to put all these asks into one post, that's if you want to post them at all. You'll still be my favorite blogger.
BTW, Charlie (EA) calls BC "one of the greatest actors in the world. In this teaser breakdown of Dr. Strange way before it was released. So I kind of think of him as "one of us" skeptics but he NEVER goes into any of the actors' private lives, he comments on work only. www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=LmfKqIpyNUY
Last one, I promise. This was a really interesting video about some of the "behind the scenes" story of how we almost lost RDJ, Spide-rman, and Dr. Strange. Whew! I'm glad the movie fans won. www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=ZK516xj6VkU
Sorry Anon, although I wouldn’t put anything past anyone, Marvel had no reason whatsoever to go to such lengths to promote Black Panther.  
The way I see it, people have been excited to see a standalone Black Panther movie since it was first announced.  For good reasonS.
Also, Marvel is not really in the business of creating negative press about their movies in order to get people talking.  If anything, they don’t like controversy when it comes to what they put out, which became more than obvious with the way they basically ignored the minimal backlash they got for casting whitewashing The Ancient One character.
MFA told me she heard Kevin Feige acknowledge their mistake on a podcast he was featured on, but I haven’t heard it myself, so I can’t offer any more information on that.
Anyway, having gotten that out of the way, I discovered Emergency Awesome when I was geeking out on Game Of Thrones last year and have been subscribed to his channel ever since  ;o)
P.S.  Are we related?  Cause I tend to apologise about 10 times in the course of an hour in real life.
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