#jack crawford isn't heartless
slibbyjibby7000 · 8 months
The hate for Jack Crawford is insane, or at least how he's depicted in most AO3 writing that I've read. I know the man is a very righteous, justice-driven, man-- a man indisputably changed by Hannibal since he is more than willing to cross ethics and morality (an example being how he continued to eat Hannibal's food while suspecting Hannibal to be a cannibal and serving human to his guests) in order to stop someone who he deems as criminal or deserving of justice, especially their own method of how justice is granted. Like Hannibal had said, Jack and Will do have that in common! And I continue to believe that they do share a lot more than that in common! Despite Graham willingly placing himself in the role of a martyr and Crawford taking advantage of that, I think Jack did have concern over Will more than what Will could provide for the FBI. Yes, he took advantage of Will's empathy and disregarded his mental health and dwindling sanity, but he wasn't a heartless monster, he saw a man broken, relating to that since he and Will have both seen more than what a person should see, and he took advantage of what Will could provide before he lost WIll. They were friends only because they wanted to put the same people away and because Will understood Jack so I think he really couldn't hate Jack for that, even if he tried (empathy and all that). Naturally, Will could blame Jack for many things; I'm not justifying the pressure of what he's put on Will and how he stood back and watched the brain of his bloodhound begin to burn for the sake of solving a few cases or showing up years later to pressure Will into leaving the life he's built to capture the Dragon, but he is genuinely a determined man with a heart, demanding as he is. For that reason, I feel like a lot of people mischaracterize him as a heartless, self-absorbed man who wants to manipulate Will purely for his own obsession, yelling at him and abusing him, but I truly believe his motivation was saving lives and justice. He's broken and changed but his own real morals, however opaque, is justice. Will and Hannibal have little to no morals, no boundaries. Also, Will is very cruel and an absolute asshole when he wants to be, let's just establish that. As much as I adore that silly goofy man, the show humanizes him because we see what he's going through in his mind but Jack doesn't receive that, and Alana and everyone else don't see that except Hannibal. Jack's hard on him because he sees Will as the grown man that he is, intelligent and more than able to walk away when he wants to, and believes Will can handle it (in professional circumstances I suppose, and emphasizing the people being murdered) and if he couldn't, then Will isn't nearly as useful as he ought to be. Jack's influence on Will is a double-edged sword. While Jack recognizes and appreciates Will's skills, using them only to save lives, he also places considerable pressure on him, often without fully understanding the toll it takes because he doesn't receive another other than capability from Will. Repeatedly, he's concerned in the show and approaches Will on it, fully aware of what looking at this can do to people, but Will snaps back and Jack brushes it off because, again, he sees Will as the grown man he is and doesn't babysit him, Jack only calls Will because Will allows it. And that was for Will to change frfr. Love Will and Jack shouldn't be so villainized to such a drastic, uncharacteristic extent, even if the show does place him in a bad light. (AGAIN, THE SHOW IS MAINLY FROM WILL'S POV) ANyway, rant over, thank you, and goodbye!
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slibbyjibby7000 · 8 months
Back to the topic of Crawford...
I can't, for the life of me, continue this wip because it's essentially all Jack dialogue, and, as always with my writing, I enjoy emphasizing the realism of it all-- emphasizing the bloodshed, the panic, the impact on the victims and those involved, the news, the world, all of it. Jack isn't evil or heartless, he's determined and picky over what/who he believes in if it aligns with his single-minded Justice (sound like anybody? cough cough WILL GRAHAM cough cough) and Hannibal isn't a good person by any means. I know all this but damn, it really is cumbersome to write a scene that isn't a fight scene between the two that emphasizes them both, whether it be how cruel and genuinely evil Hannibal is or how determined (bordering on obsessed) Jack is on catching/killing him. Jack needs more attention in fics, Hannibal is horrible and Jack is just willing to do what it takes to take him down, even if it means catching/killing Will to do it despite his pity, shame, and regret for Will. That, I truly believe.
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slibbyjibby7000 · 8 months
Completely went on that rant about Jack Crawford and his steamy, strange relationship with AO3 writers because I'm currently trying to write him. I've seen my fair share of writing and I'm convinced now that there are about three ways to go about establishing Jack Crawford: One: You absolutely hate his guts because he's mean to Will and Will is just a weeny teeny wittle baby who totally isn't a full grown man and can't think for himself because of his silly wittle poor mental health even though he surprised and checkmated Hannibal several times using his thumb while wearing a blindfold on, with his brain on fire, and an arm tied behind his back. (You don't grasp his or Will's entire character and focus on the mean things he's done without considering why and invalidate Will and see him as a twink) Two: You know him top to bottom (or know him enough) but just don't have a clue how to write that man however you're still trying anyway. (Me fr) Three: You know him top to bottom and you have an idea how to write him and give his character justice. (Have him have feelings)
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