#jaxon crowley lore
ryker-writes · 8 months
The Journal
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
"You are isolated like I am, but you intentionally push others away. And then you wander around in despair all during the night. Do you never notice this cycle?"
Jaxon hated Malleus and how right he was. He knew it was true. All he ever does is shove other people away from him. No one has ever given him a reason not to...but it's been a long time since he's even given anyone a chance.
The delinquent son of the headmage; that's what he's always been. Some people believed getting close to him would give them bonus points in Crowley's book. They thought they'd be able to get away with more if they were with him. Others believed that if they were his friend, no one would mess with them. They would use that friend status to do anything they wanted and thought Jaxon would protect them when trouble came.
All those years, all those people, and not a single one actually cared about him. Eventually, he gave up on the hope that anyone would ever care about him. No one would ever actually care about him, that's what Jaxon fully believed.
Even his own father didn't seem to care much about him. Then again, did he ever? Crowley had given up on him long ago. Time and time again, Jaxon had managed to prove that he was nothing but trouble. He had managed to prove that he wasn't worth the effort, and a lost cause.
But...then why was he saved?
When he overblotted Leona, Kalim, and even that Heastslabyul student were there to save him. Leona cared, but he's never even opened up to Leona about anything. And what reason did the other two even have to care about him? He just couldn't figure it out.
This was way too much for his tired brain to try and figure out. While the collar around his neck was gone, Leona was dead set on making sure Jaxon didn't use his magic on himself to keep him awake. Now he wandered the campus constantly tired and on the verge of falling asleep. He was out for his walk before trying to sleep when he ran into Malleus.
Savanaclaw was much quieter at night. Even on the way to his room, everything was calm and still. It was nice, but he didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts.
Unfortunately for him, the universe loves to throw things at him right when he doesn't want them. This time, it came in the form of a book sitting on the ground by his door. Ordinarily, he would've ignored it. But scrawled in messy handwriting across a paper on the top of it was his name.
Against his better judgement, he picked it up and took a look on the inside of the cover. Upon seeing who it belonged too, he rushed inside his room to read it. It was a name he hasn't seen or heard of in a long time.
'This journal belongs to: Sydney Crowley'
It's his mother's name. This was her journal. Jaxon could only guess that his father dropped this off, but he didn't really care about why right now. All he had to remember his mother by was his memories of her, but this was something physical. This belonged to her.
As soon as he got into his room, he took a seat on his bed and opened it up to start reading.
'It's been a while since I've written in a journal. My old one was even too full to continue writing in, so here I am with a completely new one. I suppose this is symbolism in a way. After all, this is a new chapter of my life so it's only fitting it fills a new book.
Our darling son was born a few weeks ago! It's quite exciting and everything went well in the hospital. Jaxon was born on January 26th at approximately 10:57 at night. Dire was freaking out the entire time. But he was super excited to meet Jaxon.
He wanted to hold Jaxon as soon as he came out, but the nurses let me see him first of course. I wish I could've got a photo of Dire's face when he held Jaxon for the first time. He looked so happy and he even started crying.
Jaxon already looks so much like his father. He's got those golden eyes and pale skin, and he even has the same face shape. The only things he seemed to get from me is the blue hair and round ears. Even as a baby he's already acting like his father; all dramatic and very clingy.
The other day he started crying just because Dire set him down. It was only for a second but Jaxon was so upset and Dire immediately picked him up again. Jaxon just loves his father so much already, it's rare to see them separated anymore. Jaxon doesn't even cry when I set him down.
I can't be upset though. Dire loves Jaxon so much and he's wanted a child of his own for so long that it's only natural they're so attached to each other. It's adorable to see them together all the time.'
Jaxon huffed after reading that passage. The idea that him and his father were close at one point was so foreign and strange to him. And to think that his father wanted a kid...boy he must've been pretty disappointed at what Jaxon turned out to be. Jaxon flipped the page and continued reading without another thought.
'I know it's been a while since I last wrote, but such is the life of a new mother. Things have become more busy since Jaxon was born. Between taking care of him and helping Dire with some things at NRC, I've been quite busy. I'll also admit that I forgot about writing here for a while.
Jaxon turned 2 years old today. He's learned some of his basic needs and even said his first word not too long ago. While he doesn't speak or use his voice often, he's quite adorable when he does.
I have a video on my phone of Dire putting Jaxon down only for Jaxon to start making grabby hands at him and want up. It was so adorable and then Jaxon was babbling before he said dada. Dire heard it of course and immediately picked him up again and started spinning the boy around. I watch that video again from time to time to see the moment and hear their laughter when I'm down.
He's also able to walk around now, and he loves to hold people's hands while walking. Sometimes we all take walks around NRC and show Jaxon around. The ghosts all love him too. Dire keeps showing Jaxon off every chance he gets saying "look how cute my son is!" and everyone goes along with it. Jaxon always has the biggest smile on his face too.
But I'll admit, I do miss all the time me and Dire had for ourselves. He spends a lot of time with Jaxon and I can understand that. But it's always either Jaxon or NRC that's occupying his time. I wish we could still go on dates or even just spending time alone at home. Is that selfish of me?'
Jaxon couldn't believe it. His father spending a lot of time with him? It didn't sound real. And to ignore his mother in the process, how awful of him. As if his father couldn't get worse in his mind. Jaxon huffed before skipping ahead a few pages.
'I didn't think I would enjoy being home on my own so much. Jaxon started kindergarten so he's been occupied there and Dire has been at NRC. Thanks to this, I've been getting more time to myself.
I've been loving my time alone a lot more than I originally thought I would. Jaxon isn't here to ask me a million things and I don't have to deal with Dire's antics. I feel bad for enjoying this alone time as much as I do. They're my family and I'm supposed to love spending time with them. But now I dread them coming home. What is wrong with me?
Even when they get home I find myself interacting with them differently. Dire has been trying to get Jaxon to complete homework as best he can. While Jaxon seems to have a harder time learning and understanding it, Dire keeps pushing that he understand it.
He's told me before that he dreams of Jaxon having a bright future. He wants him to be an ace student and do great academically, which I can understand, but he seems to get frustrated with how long it can take Jaxon to understand things. Jaxon even cried once, and Dire stopped his pushing immediately. He comforted Jaxon, and I think Jaxon learned that it was a way to stop pushing. Now whenever Jaxon gets frustrated with his schoolwork, he starts crying. I think Dire is getting tired of comforting him though, so I've stepped in from time to time so he would stop crying.
It only happens a few days a week, so I guess it's not too bad. Still, it's my job to step in when Jaxon gets too much for Dire to handle. Though I can't help but sigh in relief when Jaxon finally understands something. At least then I can enjoy the moment of peach and excitement that they both show.'
His mom...liked it better when he was gone? This passage didn't sound like his mom at all. He always knew her as a gentle and loving person who was always there for him. He spent more time with her than he did with his dad, but this is saying that she got tired of him and liked when he was away. The part about his father pushing him and getting frustrated was familiar to Jaxon, as well as his mother being the one to step in. Maybe he was just frustrating more as a little kid and she wanted to be around him more as he grew. With that though, he flipped ahead a few more pages.
'Jaxon has been spending more time with me lately. Since Dire keeps getting to tired to comfort him after getting frustrated with school, I think Jaxon isn't wanting to be around him as much. The schoolwork is most of the time he spends with Dire, so he must think his father is always frustrated with him.
He's still struggling quite a bit in school. Thankfully elementary isn't nearly as serious as high school or college, so grades don't quite matter for him yet. I do worry for how he'll do in the future especially since Dire has been so serious about him passing every class with amazing grades.
The other day the two even got into an argument. It was the first time I've ever heard Jaxon even yell at his father. Dire was shocked too, but insisted he was in the right and continued arguing. It ended with Jaxon running away in tears and I couldn't help but feel guilty for not stepping in. But what am I to do? Dire just wants him to be successful, but Jaxon is struggling.
At this rate, I'm not sure if Jaxon will ever be ready to take over at NRC. I know Jaxon really likes the school and he basically grew up there, but with the way things are going with Dire, I'm a bit worried. I've tried telling Dire about it, but he's very stubborn in his ways. Maybe things will get better with time. Maybe Jaxon will come to understand why Dire pushes him so hard.'
He doesn't even remember his first fight with his father, but here it was described. All the way back in elementary...it seems like such a long time ago. He's just been arguing with Crowley so long that it's natural to him now. He always knew his mom didn't know how to help though. Whenever they argued, she would stand on the side silently. If only Jaxon could go back and tell her that time wouldn't make things better at all. Jaxon sighed before flipping ahead again.
'I don't know what to do anymore. All they do is avoid each other and fight all the time. Dire wants Jaxon to be a supper smart straight A student who will eventually take over at NRC and be like him. Jaxon just wants to do his own thing and not have someone constantly pushing him to do better. It's gotten to the point where it just seems like Dire is disappointed in him all the time. I know he's not, he tells me so, but it's getting harder to tell if that's the truth.
I've tried talking to both of them, but Crowley won't give up on his dream for Jaxon, and Jaxon firmly believes his dad hates him and considers him a failure. I'm caught in the middle of two people who can't even get along for a little bit. All they do is push each others buttons. It's like even mentioning one to the other will cause immediate anger and defensiveness. This isn't how a family is supposed to be.
Others have told me that Jaxon is just in his rebellious phase since he's almost a teenager. But this has been going on since he was young, and if this is a rebellious phase, it started early and has been going on far longer than I would think.
I'm so lost and don't know what to do. How do I fix this? I know Dire loves his son and wants what's best for him but Jaxon can't see that. They're both going about it so wrong and I can't even get them in the same room together for five seconds without something happening. Can this family even be helped anymore?
I want to help them. I want them to get along, but I don't know how. Jaxon isn't even trying in school anymore. We send him there only for him to lash out at others and he even got into a fight with one student. I don't want him to feel like I'm disappointed in him, but I really wish he wouldn't fight. I'm just about the only one he gets along with anymore, so I can't be upset with him too.
I just feel so torn all the time. It's like I can't relax and there's constant strain. I hate feeling like this, but there isn't much I can do. I look at Dire now and it's hard to see the same man who would always be there whenever baby Jaxon needed anything. What happened to us?'
Before the pages had a small hint of happiness from his mom, but not this one. The writing feels so desperate and sad. His loving and happy mother, it was hard to imagine her so sad. Even the thought of her crying seemed to hurt Jaxon. At this point he didn't even know if he should blame his father or himself.
He flipped ahead again a few pages, only to find them blank. There was over half a notebook left but the pages were blank? That didn't make sense. Maybe she left before she could write those pages. Carefully, Jaxon flipped backwards to the last page with writing on it.
'This is going to be my last entry into this journal. I just can't take it here anymore. I can't live in this house like this anymore. This constant fighting, constant strain, it's too much.
I've already talked to Dire about it. He was upset of course, but could understand that we were no longer in love like we used to be. We weren't the same. I offered to take Jaxon with me, but he refused. I was quite surprised, but it was...kind of nice hearing that. Dire was more stubborn than ever saying that "You will not be taking my son from me. Do what you want wherever you go, but I'm not going to leave him."
It was like proof to me that Dire still cared about Jaxon. He wanted Jaxon to stay there with him. And to be honest, I'm happy about that. I think I may have become a mother sooner than I was ready. Having a child was something Dire wanted so badly, and I knew I could fulfill that. Yet here I am, wanting to get away from my own family.
I asked Dire to give this notebook to Jaxon someday so he can understand why I left. So assuming he did, I want to say hello to you my dear son.
I'm so sorry about everything. You must be so confused. I can't bring myself to face you before I leave. I'm a bit cowardly that way I know, but I don't even know how I would begin to explain everything to you.
The truth is that I'm selfish. If you've read any other parts of this journal, you could probably tell that I wasn't very happy with everything. I tried to hold on as long as I could, but it all got too much.
Than I went to the doctor, and found out that I'm sick. I don't have much time left either. As much as it pains me, I believe I should spend the time I have left in a way that makes me happy. I don't want to spend my last years alive in sadness and struggling to put a family back together.
I know I failed you as a mother. I can't apologize enough for that. I should've done something to help you and Dire. I should've stepped in, and should've tried to help sooner. I'm sorry for failing you.
But you should know that none of this is your fault. I may be leaving so I can be somewhere happy, but it's not because of you at all. Ever since the day you came into this world, I've loved you. I know you're capable of amazing things and I want you to be able to become whatever kind of person you want to be. It doesn't matter if it's the new headmage of NRC or even a househusband. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
I hope you can forgive me for leaving you like this. I know it's cowardly and selfish, and I'm sorry. I also hope that you and your dad will be able to get along soon. It's a bit naïve, but maybe me leaving can bring you two closer. He does care about you, even if it may not seem like it, and so do I.
There are so many things I wish I could've changed, but life had other plans. I hope that someday you can look at this journal and understand or at least look back on happier times in the earlier pages. I love you Jaxon.
-Sydney Crowley'
And just like that, everything Jaxon had believed and known had been flipped upside down. He'd be lying if he said it was easy to process.
His mother wrote this before leaving. That was over four years ago. By now there's a good chance whatever sickness she had took it's toll. He wanted to find her. He wanted to search for her and stay with her after Night Raven College...but she's gone. It's likely already too late. She's gone for good.
Jaxon couldn't control it. Quick tears had run down his face before falling down into his lap. Usually he would do anything he could to avoid crying, but right now, he didn't give a damn. And the tears rolled quickly, so there was no stopping them if he tried. He couldn't even control how his breathing started to get shaky and he wanted to just curl into himself. The scary and tough delinquent and son of the headmage was here, sobbing alone in his room.
He basically just found out that the only person he felt understood him and could accept him, was gone with no hope of ever coming back. He would never see her again, and all she knew before she died was the son who was rebellious and angry all the time. She knew the constant fighting between him and his father, and she wasn't happy with it. It wasn't just Crowley's fault, it was his too. Both of them were to blame for her leaving and being so unhappy. Sure, she said not to blame himself, but how could he not?
Why couldn't he just do what his dad wanted? Why couldn't he just listen? Why couldn't he get along with his dad? Why couldn't he be smart and understand things like everyone else? Why did he have to be so...so...gah! He can't even think of the word. He may as well be the stupidest guy in the school. He's just the violent delinquent that can't do anything right.
"No wonder your mom left you. No one would want a delinquent like you."
He hated that kid. He hates that condescending tone he spoke with. He hates how that kid was sort of right.
Suddenly his room felt suffocating to be in. He had to get out. He had to walk around. It felt like he was trapped in here with his thoughts and he hated it.
Jaxon frantically wiped his tears away before shoving the journal under his bed and walking out the door. He definitely won't be sleeping tonight.
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cloudcountry · 10 months
here's the masterlist :D
it's always on my pinned post as Jaxon Crowley's masterlist and gets updated everytime I post something new about his lore or events and stuff!
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ryker-writes · 6 months
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
Jaxon Crowley, the son of the headmage, and a feared delinquent of Night Raven College, didn't know what to do. He overblotted, is basically an outcast at NRC, and just found out that his mom is most likely already dead. She wasn't happy and deep down Jaxon knows he would've wanted her to be happy even back then, but he wishes things had gone differently. Maybe if she had told him he could've done things differently. He could've tried to fix things.
Before, he had planned to leave NRC to go find his mom so it could be like old times. It was the only goal or sense of direction he had to go on. Now that that's gone he's...lost. What was he supposed to do now? Where does he go from here? What does he even do with his life aside from linger around? He never had much motivations or plans before, and he had even less now.
He's empty. Maybe that's why he found himself in the courtyard just staring up at the clouds. He glared up at them. Even they knew where they were going, or at least, they were moving in a direction. He's just sitting still.
As he started to get annoyed with clouds just floating by, he heard footsteps approach him quickly. He didn't pay much attention to the footsteps at all even when they stopped nearby. It was probably just someone contemplating if they want to fight or bother him. It wasn't anything worth his attention right now anyway.
Looks like they came to bother him. Letting out a deep sigh, Jaxon lazily looked up to see who it was. One of those Heartslabyul brats was standing there looking slightly nervous. Upon seeing the red Heartslabyul vest peeking out from his uniform, Jaxon look away completely uninterested.
"Get lost."
"I just wanted to talk to you about something."
"I don't want to talk to you."
"Why not?"
"You're bothering me. On top of that, you're part of Heartslabyul."
"Why does that matter?"
Sighing once again, Jaxon fully rolled over to face the student.
"Look, I'm confident you've heard about what I did to that Heartslabyul student years ago. You guys were told to avoid me, and I avoid you. I'm already in a bad mood today so if you keep talking, it might not end well."
"I don't care what you did years ago. I'm here to talk to you now."
Jaxon thought this might be the only kid that doesn't care about what he did. Maybe he's wanting to get on Jaxon's good side, or maybe he was just an idiot. Either way, Jaxon didn't have the energy to even fight right now and fighting would only mean he'd have to deal with his dad again.
"Whatever you want better be good."
The student smiled slightly before walking closer to Jaxon and crouching down next to him. Jaxon rolled his eyes and turned to look up at the sky once again. This kid would surely be gone soon.
"How do you manage your temper?"
"Your temper. Like when people insult you or push your buttons, how do you not get fired up and the urge to just fight them?"
"You're kidding right? You must be stupid if you think I'm able to manage my temper."
"I was told you used to fight everyone when you were a first year even if they just looked at you. Then you come back from expulsion and people talk about you and you walk past them like you don't even care. You haven't gotten into a serious fight with anyone since you've been back. How?"
"If I fought every person who saw me in any negative light, I'd have to fight the entire school. My temper isn't gone at all. I've wanted to fight people here even now. Fighting them would mean I'd be stuck here longer though. I'd rather just deal with whatever they say or do to me than have to be stuck here longer."
"So you're controlling it better so you can get out of school? You must have something you want outside of here then...but I thought you weren't doing much in classes."
"What does it matter to you?"
There was a moment of silence as he tried to process Jaxon's question and figure out how to word it. Jaxon was as uninterested as ever and still not even looking at him.
"I have a bit of a temper and past with fighting too. I'm trying to get away from that...for my mom. I want to be an honor student but I tend to get angry and lose my temper when people say something about me or my friends."
Jaxon stayed quiet for a moment. Maybe it was because he mentioned trying to stop for his mom or maybe his past with fighting, but Jaxon felt strangely connected to it. This guy couldn't know about Jaxon's connection with his mom. He looked like a freshman and just going off what he's heard about Jaxon. After what he said though, Jaxon didn't want to just brush it off. Sighing once again, he realized he was caught in a vulnerable moment.
"Listen. Night Raven College is a school where it's impossible to avoid having something said about you. Doesn't matter who you are, everyone has something someone hates them for. Most of the time they want a reaction out of you. If you can't figure out how to get it handled then you'll probably end up getting into a serious fight."
"What am I supposed to do then?"
"Don't say anything. I walk past them without even looking in their direction and they get more upset than I do. You're still in control and winning the battle without fighting. You're trying to get away from it for your mom, but she'd probably want you to not do anything anyway. Try to think about how she would feel about it."
"I see. Is that what you do?"
"What? Why give advice that you don't even follow?"
"You're not supposed to do what I do. That's how you end up like me and everyone hates you."
"You mean you don't think about how your parents feel about what you do at all?"
He used to. He used to be in shame of what he did because he could've been the one that caused his mom to leave. Now he knows he was part of the reason, and it's too late to fix anything. His dad's already given up on him too. The only parent that cared is gone. Just thinking about it again hurt. It made him realize just how alone and hated he is.
"No. There's no one left that cares about me, and I have no reason to care about them. That's all. I do everything for myself."
"That...sounds lonely."
"Doesn't matter to me. Besides, it's not like I have any other choice."
The student didn't say anything in response. They sat there quietly for a few minutes as they thought about the conversation.
"What's your name?"
"Deuce Spade."
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Jaxon Crowley's Masterlist
There have now been enough Jaxon things to where he gets his own masterlist lol
Request rules and Masterlists
General information
Jaxon's playlist
getting his unique magic
when his unique magic backfires
a talk about Jaxon
his relationship with most students
That day
where to go from here
another chance
new day
Potions and failure
The journal
Camp Vargas 2: The Art Of Survival
Wish upon a star
Jaxon's Birthday Interview
coming soon...
how Jaxon and Riddle fall asleep together
how Jaxon deals with Riddle's mom
Jaxrid playlist
Vampire AU
Riddle making Jaxon a flower crown
Other relationship AU:
general relationships headcannons
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Warning: mentions of blood
drip drip drip
What was once slow drips of blot through his system has now flooded throughout him and escaped. It was much more real now. The blot had escaped to the outside, and he couldn't stop it. Even if he could somehow stop it, would he?
It gave him power. It made him feel strong. And he could finally do whatever he wanted. No one could control him.
He accepted it, and let the blot fully take over.
It consumed him. Drops of black stained many strands of his hair and dripped down his body. Trails of blot curved from the side of his face and under his eyes, making the dark circles appear bigger. From those trails, a few drops ran down from under each eye. Almost like tears. And his eyes...had this pink glow to them.
On his shoulders rested a long feathered jacket, with each feather being a ruffled mess. Some were even partially broken or torn. Around Jaxon's neck was a chain that wrapped around multiple times, complete with a lock on the front that dangled down against his chest. His plain black shirt had turned into a much longer, and more torn, shirt with ruffles around the deep collar.
Blot ran down his arms and completely covered his hands. In a way, it kind of reminded him of the blood from so long ago. It even dripped down from his now long, almost talon like, nails. Around his wrists were the cuffs left behind from a broken pair of handcuffs, still wrapped tightly around his wrists and broken chains dangling.
His jeans now had holes in them and his regular shoes had become knee high boots with sharp heels. Dark feathers with hints of blue decorated the top of the boots and trailed down to the base. On the side of his jeans were loose chains that dangled down from his belt.
Behind him, stood a large crow completely made of blot. If was hunched over and twitching with broken feathers sticking out. Wrapped around it's next was a string with a old and rusty key.
Upon locking eyes with the creature, it spread it's large wings out and let out a loud caw. It's wings were both broken, bent, and dripping with blot.
But it's caw...it was like it was encouraging him, and for the first time, Jaxon accepted encouragement. Because he knew that this crow, this blot monster, had his back.
The two of them had torn apart the room in their short stay. Crowley still lays unconscious on the ground, and continuously being surrounded by fear.
Now that he was overblotted, his magic was so much stronger than before and it felt so natural to keep using it. It didn't even hurt at all like it usually did. So, he kept his magic up, and around him at all times. Even though he couldn't feel it himself, he knew that the range of his magic was much further than before.
Jaxon chuckled to himself. As long as he was like this, no one would look down on him again or tell him what to do. And with the headmage staying unconscious and paralyzed in fear...Night Raven College was under Jaxon's control. With him in charge, things would be different. There wouldn't be any rules, just people doing whatever they want.
He just had to get rid of anyone who stood in his way.
Many of the Night Raven College students had woken up that night from nightmares, or general fear. They all had a sense of uneasiness and anxiety about...something. Most didn't know what it was, but those that had felt this before...they were freaking out.
All the anxiety built up between students was enough for each of the housewardens to try and reach out to the staff.
Leona was a bit more on edge than others. This feeling, he knew it was Jaxon's unique magic. He's felt it before. And if he could feel it all the way from Savanaclaw...it wasn't good. While normally he wouldn't do so much late at night, Leona felt he had to do something. So he traveled through the magic mirror to the main school building.
When he got to the other side, the other housewardens were just arriving there. A few seemed on edge while other's didn't seem to have as much of a reaction. Riddle and Idia seemed the most on edge (well, as on edge as a tablet could seem). It seemed they were all a bit concerned about the strange anxiety, but it was even more intense now that they were in the school.
Trein was already in the hall of mirrors when they arrived. It seemed like he was waiting for them."
"Professor Trein, what's going on? Everyone in Scarabia woke up from nightmares and started panicking for no reason at all."
"Heartslabyul is in a similar state."
"As is Pomefiore, and I imagine the rest of the dorms."
Trein cleared his throat before speaking.
"There's been a bit of a situation here at the school. Crewel and Vargas are working on it as we speak."
"Young Crowley has overblotted, correct?"
"...you are correct."
"This magic can only be his. If he has overblotted, Crewel and Vargas must be facing intense fear as we speak."
"Where is the headmage? Surely he's doing something about all of this."
"We can't say for sure, but we speculate he has already tried to stop Jaxon and failed."
"Jaxon had to go meet with him not long ago. That's probably where it started."
"You are probably right. It's best for now if all students stay in their dorms while us staff handle the situation."
"If he's overblotted, we have to help him!"
"Are you crazy? Trying to fight someone who can literally make you pass out from fear is insane. We are no where near leveled enough for that fight."
"It does sound like a rather unfair fight. All the odds would be stacked against us. And I for one have no interest in passing out."
"There's no need to debate this. The staff will handle this situation. You all should head back and look over your dorms."
"It doesn't sound like the fight is going very much in Vargas or Crewel's favor."
Sure enough, if Leona listened closely, he too could hear how the fight was going. From the sounds of it, Crewel was the only one still fighting, and it didn't sound like he had much in him left.
"Crewel is gonna collapse pretty soon, and Vargas already has."
"That guy already took a brute like Vargas down? And you want to go fight him? Sounds like an instant KO to me."
"Say what you want. I'm gonna go stop him."
"I cannot allow you to do that Kingscholar."
"Crewel is about to pass out. If someone doesn't try to go help him, he's going to chew through all of his magic and die. He's a part of Savanaclaw, and I'm not just going to let him die. Try and stop me if you want, but I'm going."
"I'll go with you Leona!"
"Oi, Riddle. You come along too."
"What? Wouldn't me coming along make him more aggressive?"
"If you can use your magic on him to cut off his magic for even a second, it'll help. The closer we get to him, the more afraid we're gonna feel. If you can disable that then we stand a better chance."
"Even if it gets disabled for a second, that's not a lot of time for you to get close and attack. How are you going to fight him like that?"
"We just have to keep fighting off the fear when it hits us."
Jaxon was getting sick of it. Vargas and Crewel just had to stand in his way. It didn't matter too much though. Jaxon was never bad at using his magic to fight, he just preferred to use his fists. All he had to do was fight off their magic and then focus his on them. Then, they would pass out from all the fear.
Once they were out of the way, he could start to do whatever he wants. Then, he could finally feel...at peace. He wouldn't feel any of this anger, any of this sadness, any of this guilt, and of this regret, or any of this pain. He could start to be happy on his own.
On his own...
Yes. He had to be on his own. No one else would want to be near him anyway. But that's fine, because he doesn't need anyone else.
But...why did it hurt so much to think about spending his life alone?
That, he couldn't understand. But it didn't matter right now, he just had to get through this. Just one more obstacle.
Jaxon felt a wave of relief hit him as soon as Crewel fell to the ground. This was it. He was so close to being able to live that free life he wanted, so close to being himself, so close to being happy. Maybe he could even go find her, his mother.
She'd understand everything. She always did. She wouldn't judge him for anything he did, and she'd accept him. No, she would love him. Just like she used to. She was the only one who would ever care about him, and that was all he needed. But where would he even begin to look?
He didn't get much time to think too much about it. Not long after Crewel feel, he heard more people rushing his way. Why is it that when he doesn't want anyone near him, that they all suddenly want to be near him?
The group stopped as they rounded the corner to see him. Sure enough, they all felt more afraid of him than ever. While Leona looked more frustrated and ready to fight, Riddle and Kalim showed more fear and looked like they wanted to hide away.
Only three people? This would be easier than he thought. Two of them already were terrified, so it wouldn't take much to make them pass out from fear. Leona would be a bit trickier though.
The giant crow of blot behind him let out a loud caw as Jaxon got ready to fight. But before he could, he was stopped.
"Off with your head!"
What was happening? His magic was cut off? And there's something else around his neck.
Leona charged up and set off some magical attacks with Kalim, as Jaxon was stunned. They were lucky enough to get a few good shots in before the collar snapped off his neck. It must've been that Heartslabyul guy's magic that did that.
"How annoying."
As soon as his magic was back full force, he turned to focus it all onto Riddle. The small boy squeaked at the increasing fear before Leona stepped in front of him.
"You're the one being annoying here Jaxon. I'm not a big fan of feeling all this anxiety because of you."
He fired more magic at Jaxon in which Jaxon fired some of his own back.
"Then just walk away. You know the further away you get, the less you'll feel. Isn't that one of the many reasons to avoid me?"
Jaxon was collared again, and they took the second they had to fire off some of their stronger attacks. All of them hit, and Jaxon seemed to be getting more frustrated.
"They're all just cowards. I'm not afraid of you, you're just being annoying."
"I don't want to avoid you either! You were supposed to join the music club and I was really excited to meet you!"
They must be lying. Everyone is afraid of him. Everyone wants to stay away from him. No one would want to meet someone like him.
Everyone hates him. That's how it's always been. That's how it always will be.
"Impossible. No one would ever want to meet me. I'm hated by everyone."
"Oh quit it with the pity party. I could've not even come and left you to die."
That comment stunned Jaxon for another second. It was long enough to be collared again by Riddle, and for each of them to do their final attacks.
And Jaxon was defeated by just the three of them.
To be defeated by the three of them...he should feel ashamed. But he didn't. Why didn't he?
He wasn't sure. If he was being honest, he didn't know what he was supposed to feel.
What Leona said...that was his way of saying he cared? Was that...the truth? Even if it was, could Jaxon even accept that. He didn't know.
As he opened his eyes again, his entire body felt weak and tired. He almost couldn't bring himself to move as he stared up at the school ceiling.
He for sure was going to be harshly punished for this. He'll probably even be expelled forever. There goes that second chance. Now he really gets to be alone and abandoned.
Jaxon felt his leg be lightly kicked before Leona hovered above him.
"Oi. You gonna get up?"
"Can't you just let me lay in my failure?"
"Not after all that. I could've been sleeping right now, but you had to go overblot."
Jaxon groaned and slapped one of his hands on top of his face.
"Are you okay Jaxon?"
"Does it really matter?"
"You can't get up, can't you?"
Leona sighed at Jaxon's silence, and leaned down to grab his arms. He pulled Jaxon up and pulled his arms over his shoulders. That way Leona could pull Jaxon along and help him a bit.
"You must've hit your head or something if you're thanking me."
"Yeah. Don't expect to hear it again."
"Good. If I did, that would mean there's something wrong with you."
"We should get him to the infirmary."
"Yeah yeah. We'll get there."
"I'll go update professor Trein on the situation."
As Jaxon was dragged to the infirmary by Leona and Kalim, he couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts.
He wouldn't be able to do much now that he's back to normal. As soon as Crowley wakes up, he'll probably kick Jaxon out of the school and leave him to fend for himself. Jaxon had to prepare himself for that.
There was no getting out of this one. And once again, he couldn't help but feel like he deserved each piece of punishment that came his way. But, he also realized that maybe he wasn't as alone and hated as he originally thought.
If only he'd realized it sooner.
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ryker-writes · 11 months
Ryker's TWST OC
hello everyone! I'm here to tell you all about a TWST OC. Currently obsessed with his backstory and character so yeah. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, or you can even send questions in the inbox for him to answer!
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Name: Jaxon Crowley
Personality: Loner, quiet, rebellious, aloof, observant, loyal to those he cares about, reserved
How others describe him: grumpy, dangerous, a delinquent, untrustworthy, selfish
Hobbies: listening to music, playing guitar, star gazing
Height: 189 cm (6'2)
Age: 18
Birthday: January 26th (Aquarius)
Dominant hand: Right
Pet peeves: being told what to do, bright flashing lights
Favorite food: Sushi
Least favorite food: Avocado
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Grade/Class: Third year (taking second year classes)/Class A (No. 21)
Best subject: PE (The only class he occasionally participates in)
Club: Pop music club
Talent: Memorizing things
Unique magic: Fear Raiser
Jaxon can use his unique magic to cause a rush of fear to those around him. He can focus it into the area around him, or one specific person. He can also adjust the level of fear he puts into others. However, the more area or people he tries to use it on at once, the weaker it's affects are. The most fear he's ever put into a person once caused them to pass out. There have been times when he's been known to use it on himself in order to give him an adrenaline rush for certain situations. It's speculated that this unique magic may be the reason he doesn't sleep much and has insomnia, but this isn't confirmed since he doesn't like to talk about it.
the only child of Dire Crowley, a future great mage, Jaxon Crowley
being the only child, it was just him, his dad, and his mother
the three of them were a family
Since the headmage is his dad, Jaxon grew up in and around Night Raven College
he's been taught every tradition, every activity, and every rule
and as he grew up, Crowley expected him to eventually take over Night Raven College and help him run the school
but that wasn't what Jaxon wanted
he said that he's going to do what he wants to do
Crowley didn't care what he wanted, he wanted his legacy at Night Raven College to live on
the two often argued and fought over this, and neither would give up their idea
Jaxon's mother always refused to pick a side, and often grew tired of their constant fighting
as Jaxon grew up, he began to grow more rebellious and stopped doing anything Crowley told him to do
whatever Crowley wanted, Jaxon did the opposite
this created more anger and hatred between the two, and the distance grew wider
it was shortly before Jaxon's first year at NRC that his mother left
she didn't give a single word or reason, she just left and took all of her stuff with her
Jaxon was more angry and confused than ever
Why did she leave?
Surely it must've been because of Crowley, he was insufferable
but why did she have to leave him behind with Crowley?
with her gone, the two's relationship only kept getting worse
the two fought over everything, and started to avoid each other
by the time Jaxon came to NRC, he had become a complete delinquent in the eyes of others
on his very first day, he got into a fight before he was even assigned to a dorm
and he only continued to get into more fights the longer he stayed in school
the truth was, he enjoyed the fights and took pride in how many times he's won
after each fight, he would always have a grin on his face and even start laughing
on top of that he refused to listen to any school rules, listen to anyone, participate in classes, and generally do anything in school
of course he would get scolded and receive punishment from Crowley, but all of it was ineffective and only made Jaxon more angry
some students tried to befriend him in hopes that he would protect them or even gain Crowley's favor
However, Jaxon saw through them and always pushed them away and would even threaten to fight them
the worst fight of his happened during his second year
according to some students, he was breaking a school rule when a Heartslabyul student came up to correct him
they had a bit of an exchange, before Jaxon got really mad and started attacking the student and using his unique magic on them
the other student had no chance, and ended up getting badly injured
the story spread through the school quickly about the violence Jaxon caused
most said they weren't surprised by his actions
but those who paid closer attention saw that he was unusually quiet after the fight, and his usual grin was missing
that fight was the final straw for Crowley, and Jaxon was expelled for a year
as far as students were concerned, the school was much safer because of this
and Crowley felt he had less to worry about
Whenever anyone asked about Jaxon, all Crowley would tell them was not to worry and Jaxon was being punished for his actions
a year later, Jaxon returned
now as a third year having to take second hear classes after being held back
still remembering his behavior from years ago, students naturally avoided him as much as possible
but many noticed he was much quieter and much less interested in anything or anyone around him
some students even tried to challenge him to a fight, but he acted like he didn't even see them and walked off
he didn't follow many of the smaller rules even now, but he was actually attending his classes now
However, he and Crowley still avoid each other and aren't currently on speaking terms
for the most part, he doesn't pay attention to people when they try to talk to him unless it's someone important
the staff and dorm leaders are the only one's he really listens to
most Heartslabyul students tend to avoid him or resist correcting him on the rules in fear of him fighting them
Jaxon is seen alone most of the time unless it's during classes or clubs
those in the music club have said that he talks a little more there, but mostly spends his time with his guitar
some students have said they've seen him wandering the campus at night too at various times, making them wonder when he sleeps
overall, his behavior after returning to NRC, his behavior has been less aggressive and instead more aloof
Updated look:
After returning to NRC:
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Before getting expelled:
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ryker-writes · 10 months
New Day
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
The first day of his new conditions...
Jaxon didn't get much sleep last night. Even if it was supposed to be his first night without using his magic...old habits die hard.
To his credit, he did fall asleep for a little bit. Only about three hours, and it wasn't good sleep. his thoughts seemed to keep him awake for hours before he even got to sleep, and after he did, they managed to get into his dreams.
In his dream, he was accepted into the school, but he was still an outcast that no one interacted with. People still avoided him and hated him no matter what he did. And on top of it all, he had no one.
It seems like even when he doesn't use his powers, he still gets the nightmares. Or maybe it's still remnants from when he used it last. He can't be sure. Either way, he decided he would rather use his magic again than continue to face the nightmare multiple times in one night. And he used his magic, and he didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
But he had to at least get ready for school in the morning like a normal student. Which meant wearing his school uniform.
Usually he just walked around the school with his normal black shirt and jeans. Even before he got expelled, he never wore his uniform. But now that had to change. He had to admit, it felt strange to wear the Savanaclaw yellow vest, but it fit well enough. He even loosely did the tie so it was on, but not right up against his neck. It felt like he had more room to breathe that way. By the time he was done getting dressed, he almost looked like an actual student of Night Raven College.
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He tried to leave to get to his classes, but was stopped before he was even able to enter his class.
"Oi. Look at me."
Jaxon sighed and turned to face Leona. And the beastman did not look happy at the sight of him.
"How much did you sleep last night?"
"Had a tough time sleeping. That's all."
"You don't expect me to believe that, do you?"
"You can't expect me to get a good nights sleep after over a year of barely any."
"No. But I can expect you not to use your magic."
Leona then turned towards Jaxon's classroom, and started walking inside. Jaxon followed him inside, but stopped when he realized who Leona had decided to talk to; the Heartslabyul housewarden.
Jaxon kept his distance while they were talking, but kept an eye on them. He watched as the Heartslabyul guy seemed almost panicked for a second at whatever Leona was saying, but quickly regained his composure. He nodded at Leona, and the two started to approach Jaxon. Then, without another word...
"Off with your head!"
Jaxon almost choked on his spit at the sudden sensation on his neck. The cold metal of the collar surrounded his neck immediately, and he felt all of his magic be immediately cut off. He could remember that this happened when he overblotted, but even then it didn't feel like all his power was gone.
Everyone nearby could tell Jaxon was annoyed just by his tone, and the Heartslabyul housewarden scurried off to his seat. Leona just smirked at him before leaving.
"Enjoy classes Jaxon."
Isn't it ironic? This is almost what Jaxon wanted and yet it feels like he's being punished. Early in the morning having to pay attention to Trein's lecture, wearing the stupid uniform, and now not even being allowed to use his magic...
The life of a student.
Silver watched as Jaxon sat down with the collar around his neck, and the frustrated expression on his face. He'd heard about what happened, and he wasn't scared of Jaxon. But he knew not to push it either when it comes to him. He tried before, and got shut down. So he figures Jaxon needs a more patient, slow approach when it comes to connecting with him. And Jaxon already seemed to be having a rough day, so he wasn't going to push it.
Classes went just about as well as one would expect that first day. He didn't understand much, and barely got any notes taken, but he tried. He tried, and that was the most he could offer for today. For once, that seemed to be enough for everyone.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Potions and failure
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
Even though it's been a few days since Jaxon was treated like a real student, he hasn't made much progress with...well anything really.
He was more of just barely passing by, but at least he was passing by now. As far as Jaxon was concerned, this was better than before. Things were starting to be okay. While he still had his questions about what he knew about his mother and Crowley, that could wait for now. At least, until he was more okay.
And that certainly wasn't going to be today.
Crewel must've been feeling extra mischievous or something today. Because he decided, he was going to try and switch things up.
"Listen up pups, for today, all of you are going to partner up for this assignment. I'll be choosing your partners for you. Listen carefully for your partner. I will not repeat myself."
Oh great. Now Jaxon has to face another challenge: working with somebody.
"Ashengrotto and Viper, Al-Asim and Bucchi, Silver and Jade Leech, Rosehearts and Crowley..."
At this point the entire world may as well be against him. Of all people Crewel could've paired him with, it had to be the Heartslabyul student...and even the housewarden.
Based on how he was when Jaxon was collared, the housewarden didn't really want to be near him. And Jaxon...didn't really want to be near him either.
He never had good relations with the Heartslabyul students before he got expelled. Whenever they tried to correct him on the rules, he would scare them off or threaten them, and that was enough. After a while, they just knew to avoid him. That was, until he beat up that one student.
Jaxon can only guess a sort of hatred formed after that. It only makes sense. He severely beat one of theirs, and from what they heard, it was just because he broke a rule. One thing Heartslabyul students were known to hate: breaking a rule.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel any sort of guilt for what he did to that student. While he doesn't regret getting into that fight, he does regret letting things go as far as they did.
He should've stopped after the first couple hits. He should've ignored what that student said. He should've controlled his anger before it got out of hand. He should've been better.
He made an enemy of Heartslabyul that day. And even though it's been a year, the fact that he was banned from talking to them is sign enough that nothing has changed.
Sure, the housewarden put the collar on him, but he scurried off without a word after that. That was a clear sign that he didn't want to be near Jaxon. He just did it because Leona told him too.
Jaxon watched as the housewarden went up to Crewel, most likely to try and get him to change his partner.
Riddle was doing exactly that.
"It was a recommendation by the headmage when he came back that both Heartslabyul students and housewardens avoid him. Considering I am both, it is important that I avoid him."
"Those rules for him are no longer in effect. Crowley said it was up to us teachers individually how we deal with Jaxon. Personally, I think it's about time he and Heartslabyul started to get along and make up for what happened."
"I don't think what he did can just be made up by working together on a project. He nearly beat a student to death. Are there no concerns for my safety if I work with him?"
"It was over a year ago, and I have confidence that he is not the same as he once was. Bottom line, I'm not changing your partner Rosehearts, so either work with him, or fail the assignment."
Crewel had cornered Riddle. His options were to work with Jaxon or fail...and there's no way Riddle could fail.
Riddle sighed, and turned to find Jaxon. He was still sitting at his desk, but those golden eyes were watching Riddle closely. When he saw Riddle approaching him, he stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets. Riddle had to admit, he was more intimidating when he was standing.
He certainly wasn't this tall when Riddle saw him a year ago. But his expression was mostly the same as it was. Only now, it held more indifference than anger.
Back then, they had only interacted once. Riddle wasn't even housewarden then, but he went to correct Jaxon on one of the school rules. He immediately got told to get lost, and Trey had pulled Riddle away and to safety before Riddle could get angry with him.
But now, Riddle couldn't help but see the same guy that terrorized the school a year ago. Sure he looked a lot different, but was he really different on the inside?
"We should get started."
Jaxon didn't say anything, but followed Riddle to the cauldron. Their assignment was to make a sleeping potion. How ironic for Jaxon. Maybe Crewel chose this class assignment just for him.
He had been sleeping more recently, but it wasn't really better sleep. The collar prevented his magic, but he still was getting nightmares and waking up every couple hours.
Maybe a sleeping potion would let him sleep a full night. Maybe this is what he needs. All he has to do is get it right...easier said than done.
Fortunately, they just had to follow the instructions from the book.
Unfortunately, whenever Jaxon would read the instructions, he could read the words, but none of them processed in his mind. No matter how many times he read the sentences over and over, he couldn't understand it. Each word made sense, but when put together he just couldn't understand it.
"Are you ready?"
"Alright. I'll set up the first step if you can prepare the ingredients for the second part."
Jaxon looked at the second part.
After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, add the lavender in small increments, being sure to stir in-between. Then add a vanilla, lemon balm, and rose mixture evenly while stirring at a faster pace.
That makes no sense to Jaxon at all. What is a small increment? And half of it sounds like a bunch of random words they smashed together. Something about small pieces of lavender? He could start there at least.
Jaxon grabbed some of the lavender and started cutting it into smaller pieces. It was what he considered small increments.
"What are you doing?"
"Cutting the lavender up."
"Those pieces are too big. You'll have to make them smaller."
He said nothing, and just proceeded to cut the pieces smaller.
"No, that's too small. There won't be enough lavender that way."
"How small is a small increment?"
"...that's something you learn your first year of potions."
Jaxon's small frustration seemed to get more intense at Riddle's words. He should know this. This was something he's supposed to know. If he could go back in time he would smack his younger self and tell him to actually pay attention. But for now, he just had to take a deep breath, and try to calm down.
"Can you just do it because you know. I'll stir the cauldron."
"Fine. Have you made the other mixture yet?"
"No. I was doing the lavender."
Riddle had to stop himself from completely getting upset. So far, Jaxon hasn't been much help on the potion, but Riddle doesn't want to push it and get attacked. So he stays silent and starts creating the mixture as Jaxon started stirring. This was certainly one of those assignments where one partner does more work than the other. While normally, he wouldn't stand for this, he felt his safety was on the line. Jaxon had one of his collars on, but he didn't need his magic to fight people.
Jaxon on the other hand, just wanted to get through this without messing things up too much. He wanted to stay out of the Heartslabyul housewardens way as much as possible.
"Be careful not to stir too fast."
"I'm supposed to stir faster."
"Faster, but not too fast."
"That makes absolutely no sense."
"Of course it does. Just don't stir too fast."
As the two bickered over how fast to stir the potion, Jaxon kept his pace, and the potion started to turn into a deep purple color. Crewel came over and lightly tapped the cauldron to get their attention.
"I see the potion is done. Which one of you would like to try it?"
Both of them stayed quiet, and silently debated between them using glares.
Scooping up a small portion, he poured it into a vial before downing it in a few gulps. Then the three waited for a result.
"Do you feel tired at all Crowley?"
"Don't call me that. And no. I'm less tired than I usually am."
"I see. So you two stirred too much and it ended up having the opposite affect. Good effort, but your teamwork and communication could do better."
Failure on both sides.
Riddle had gotten a less than perfect score, and that infuriated him. How could he fail because of his inability to work with someone? He should be better than this.
Failing is normal for Jaxon, but this time it came with an extra sting. Though he was able to control his frustration, he definitely did not stay out of Riddle's way, and he was the one who messed things up again. Just like always.
Somehow, Jaxon could feel the divide between him and Heartslabyul growing stronger.
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ryker-writes · 9 months
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
Jaxon is lost.
Where was he? He had no idea. All he was doing was wandering through the dark void around him. There was no ground, no sky, no light, just darkness. It felt so cold, but it didn't bother him that much.
How long had he been walking? By now it felt like hours had passed. It's not like he can tell if he's made any progress at all anyway. There's not exactly landmarks in the void of darkness.
He sighed, until he saw something within the darkness.
A small golden key.
He picked up the small key, and behind him, there was a loud screech. Jaxon turned around, and came face to face with the crow from his overblot.
It spread his broken feathers, and the blot dripped down into a puddle in front of Jaxon. The puddle only kept growing and growing and it even started to rise and take a form.
The blot turned into him, well, him in his overblot form. The overblot Jaxon smiled at him and reached towards him with broken chains dangling from his wrist.
Jaxon hated it. He didn't want to face this...this horrible version of him. It was the embodiment of everything he hated about his past, about himself. And it was here to taunt him.
It grabbed onto his neck and pulled him closer.
"Don't you miss it?"
Jaxon grabbed at the hand around his neck trying desperately to pull it off. It didn't hurt, but it had the control here and he didn't like it.
"Miss what?"
"Me. The power. The control. Think about it, if you were me, then we could do anything and all of them would listen to you or leave you alone. They wouldn't bother you."
He thought back to how he felt during that overblot. It's true that he had power and he felt that. But when he was in his overblot, he never felt so much pain and alone.
"Hmph. But with me, you'd be able to find her."
He hated to admit it, but the overblot had a point. In truth, Jaxon had no idea how he would even begin to search for his mom. She could truly be anywhere, and searching each town and kingdom could take his entire life. If he had the overblots power, then there was a chance he could use his magic to get an answer out of Crowley.
But what would be the point if the overblot killed him anyway? He'd die before he'd even get to wherever she is. And if he somehow met her before dying, then the phantom would be left behind for her to deal with. That's not even considering his magic being active.
"Maybe you're right about that. But if I hurt her when I meet her, then why meet her at all? That would only drive her away more."
"So you'd rather never see her again? You'll never find her, and you may never even know what happened to her or why she left."
"You've felt my emotions yeah?"
"Of course. We're the same person after all."
"Then you should know how I feel about it. I've always felt I deserve the pain for what happened. Besides, I would rather spend my life in isolation than hurt her any more than I already have."
"If you insist."
The overblot let go of him and Jaxon fell back through the ever growing puddle of blot. And he continued to fall, unsure if it would even end. The wind kept getting more intense, and he had a sinking feeling he was getting closer to some sort of ground. Jaxon braced himself...
...only for his eyes to shoot open and his breathing to pick up. Man he hated nightmares.
Jaxon sat himself up and took a look around his room. It was as empty and dark as ever, but for some reason, the dark wasn't nearly as comforting as it usually was. This time it was more unsettling. Taking a deep breath, he got out of bed and threw on a shirt so he could take a walk.
It was a pretty normal night for a walk around campus. But there was something about the quiet and the darkness of it all that had him more on edge than usual.
"Out for a stroll young Crowley?"
Of course Malleus was out here. He too often wandered the campus at night. Most of the time they just ignored each other. Maybe Malleus noticed he was more on edge.
"You seem troubled."
"I'm fine."
"Are you telling that to me or yourself?"
"Does it matter?"
"You seem quite familiar with lying to yourself. You are quite the fascinating person indeed."
Jaxon just sighed at his words. To be considered a 'fascinating person' was...strange. He certainly didn't appreciate being called that.
"What, you're gonna start studying me or something? You like to watch people for fun?"
"You are isolated like I am, but you intentionally push others away. And then you wander around in despair all during the night. Do you never notice this cycle?"
He did. Jaxon just chooses to ignore it. It was easier to face it all when he blamed others for pushing his buttons or bothering him than it was to accept that he may have been the problem. But yet, here Malleus was, pointing it out. And Jaxon knew he was right.
"Why does it matter? Even if I didn't push them away, they would avoid me anyway. Maybe some people are just doomed to be alone."
"I was once told that no one is meant to be alone forever. Perhaps you guard yourself too well for others to even see a chance to get close. Most people see excessive walls and don't see a point in trying to get past them."
"You're saying I have to...open up to people? That's quite the advice coming from you."
"I do not hide myself. Most just avoid me out of fear as they do you. But I know not all are scared of you, and I hear some of the freshmen this year are brave ones. Whatever you decide will be up to you. Stay in isolation or put a small portion of faith in others."
"Why are you telling me this? What do you get out of this?"
"We may never have talked much while you were here before, but you never once tried to fight me. Nor did you flee from me or ignore me. You are quite the fascinating creature Jaxon Crowley. My ears are sharp, and I hear much more than any normal human can. So even conversations that others may not know of don't escape me."
"You heard what happened with that Heartslabyul brat?"
"I did. He provoked you and yet you took the fall. I was rather amazed that you didn't even try to defend yourself much or explain the truth. He got to walk away with sympathy while you spiraled down into the darkness and shame that consumes you."
"That's fine. I'm the violent delinquent who's expected to get in trouble. I'm only doing what's expected of me. No one would've believed me or tried to listen anyway. I deserved it."
"You've believe what he said to you?"
"It makes sense. And I've never seen anything to suggest he was wrong either."
"That does not mean such evidence doesn't exist. Perhaps you haven't found it yet, or perhaps it hasn't been given to you. Either way, giving up and giving into what someone has said to you...doesn't sound very much like you. Many have said that Jaxon Crowley doesn't give into anyone. Wouldn't that show weakness?"
"It's like you want me to fight you. Maybe that's what you came out here for huh? You missed out on all the action before and now you want some? Trying to point out a weakness is a good way to provoke me too."
"Heh. Anytime you wish to fight I will be ready. I was just stating my observations. It's not often you act this way. I'm curious, which side of you is the real one? Only time will tell."
The fae prince disappeared into many small green particles. He couldn't just walk away like a normal person?
Still, he had given Jaxon quite a bit to think about. For someone who didn't have friends, Malleus knew how to read Jaxon very well. Maybe it was some fae ability. Or maybe Jaxon was just that obvious.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Oh I meant how others refer to him? Like what does Floyd, Leona, Rook, etc. call him?
Also the backstory of Jaxon calling Epel 'little fighter' sounds interesting lol. He and Epel are both standoffish so I wonder if they may have had a scrap before.
Ace being called brat is so funny tho. Both Jaxon and his boyfriend hate Ace 😭 I imagine it’s something like 'what do you even see in him?’ if he found out Yuli liked him. Especially since the better option in his opinion would probably be Deuce.
Is Jaxon uneasy around Malleus like the rest of the student body? And what are his relationships with the other students like? Like Trey and Cater, the Scarabia duo, Octavinelle, Vil and Rook, Ignihyde, and the Diasomnia guys?
oh whoops my bad lol
Floyd: Frogfish
Leona: Crow
Rook: Monsieur les cauchemars
Malleus: Young Crowley
While yes, both Jaxon and Epel are standoffish at first, there was a time where Epel heard something about Jaxon from the other first years and wanted to fight him. Epel tried to, but Jaxon wasn't having it. But Jaxon can appreciate his fighting spirit so he calls him little fighter
If he found out Yuli likes Ace he'll literally have a moment of silence before asking "Why?" He doesn't understand it. Jaxon gets along pretty well with Deuce so he's like "But Deuce is right there???"
As for his relationships with other students:
he gets along pretty well with him! Deuce reminds Jaxon a bit of himself, but Deuce made better decisions. They bond over their past of delinquency and trying not to fight people. In a way, they support each other in overcoming that challenge of their past
They don't talk much, but they're okay with each other. Trey is always nice and pretty quiet, so Jaxon has nothing against him. So they're sort of okay, but not close at all
Cater annoys him so much. He doesn't like Cater's need to take photos of everything (especially if it's of him). His general attitude also get's on Jaxon's nerves
Jaxon is okay with him. On one hand, Kalim's energy is a lot for Jaxon and can be too much sometimes. But Kalim accepted him from the beginning regardless of what Jaxon's past is like. Jaxon really appreciates and values that. Kalim also invited him to a party, but that was too much for Jaxon and he turned it down. I feel like inside, Jaxon is really grateful towards Kalim
no, just no. Jamil generally tries to avoid him as much as possible, and Jaxon does not like Jamil. Jaxon hates people trying to manipulate him and doing things behind his back, and that's exactly how Jamil operates. Jamil is trying to avoid a fight for both him and Kalim
Azul wants to get along with Jaxon. Jaxon does not want to get along with Azul. Similar to what I said about Jamil, Jaxon doesn't like people trying to manipulate him. There's also no way he's ever signing a contract, but Azul wants him to. The son of the headmage is a good person to have an advantage over, but Jaxon isn't going to let that happen
Again, Jaxon doesn't like being manipulated, but he gets along better with Jade than Azul and Jamil. Mostly because Jade is at least honest and polite without fully intending to get an advantage over him. But they're not close
most likely to get into a fight. Floyd might try and fight him. Also, Floyd's chaotic nature and mood swings can get on Jaxon's nerves. So for the sake of things, they don't interact too often
Nope. They don't get along either. Jaxon doesn't care at all about beauty or elegance or anything, and that annoys Vil. Vil finds it horrible that Jaxon walks around with his hair a mess and dark circles around his eyes. In Jaxon's mind, Vil is stuck up and a beauty queen (in an insulting way)
They're okay. Rook is weird, but get's along pretty well with most. Jaxon has no problems with him, but if Rook stalks him too much he can get annoyed. Generally, they're okay interacting but not close
Idia is terrified of Jaxon and avoids him as much as possible. Jaxon has met him like once and had no interest in him at all, so Jaxon doesn't really care about him
Ortho is a bit too nice for Jaxon to be close with him. He just doesn't trust him and is unsure about him. But Ortho is friendly towards him and offers to help (which Jaxon always refuses)
They don't get along. Sebek wants to keep Jaxon away from Malleus at all costs. Jaxon is just constantly annoyed by Sebek and his yelling. Most likely, Jaxon will tell Sebek to be quiet or shut up, and that will start an argument
They're fine. Neither has any problems with the other, and they don't really avoid each other, but they aren't close. Jaxon isn't uneasy around him or anything and has no problems talking to him. In fact, they sometimes run into each other when wandering the campus at night. They have conversations sometimes, but not often
Eh, they're okay. Lilia sort of sees him as a aggressive youngster and Jaxon sees Lilia as a old man who keeps trying to give people advice. They barely interact, and don't really connect on much, but also have no problems with each other
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ryker-writes · 10 months
It was late into the night when Jaxon was called to the headmages office, yet again. By now, all the students had already gone to their dorms and were likely getting ready for bed. What could his father possibly want with him so late at night? He didn't know. As much as he would like to not know, he had to see what Crowley wanted.
"What do you want?"
"Take a seat. This may take a bit."
Jaxon sighed and plopped himself down in the seat in front of the desk. This wasn't going to be an easy meeting. He could tell by Crowley's expression. It was one he knew well.
Anger and disappointment.
But what did he do this time? He hasn't fought anybody. Maybe someone ratted him out for using his unique magic on them. Well, there's not much point speculating anyway when he's about to find out.
"Spit it out. What's the point of this?"
"Easy with that tone Jaxon. This is important."
"Are you gonna tell me what it is or are you gonna dance around it all night?"
Crowley sighed, clearly tired from Jaxon's constant arguing and jabs at him.
"I'll get to the point then. You're failing."
Of course, Jaxon knew that already. Studying was clearly not his strong suit, and neither was taking notes. On top of that, he refused to ask anyone for help. To be honest, it would've been more surprising if he passed.
"Is that all?"
It's really amazing how the two seemed to get on each other's nerves so well. Each comment and each response was somehow more and more irritating to the other. This was usually how each interaction led to an argument.
This time was no different.
"Don't you understand? This is your last chance at school. No where else is accepting you. You're already wasting your second and last chance."
"You don't think I've realized that? I'm not stupid. If you left me alone I might actually do better."
"I wouldn't know. Your grades sure haven't reflected that. You should be grateful I'm even giving you a chance after what you did."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm a violent delinquent who's not good for anything. I've heard it enough times."
"Why can't you just put in the effort to actually do anything. But no, all you do is wander around and scare other students."
That made Jaxon more angry than usual. He was trying. But how was he supposed to pass when everything was against him? It wasn't fair. Why is he still being punished for something he did over a year ago? Why has he only ever been punished? Been treated like an outcast? Been abandoned by others?
He was getting more angry by the second. By now, he was practically growling his words at Crowley.
"Maybe I would've put in effort and had a chance if you even cared about me at all. But all you ever do is make things more difficult."
"I'm the one making things more difficult? All you've ever done is cause more problems for me to fix."
"If I'm such a problem for you then why bother at all! Why not just give up on me like everyone else has! That way I could at least do what I want to do."
"How ungrateful can you be? All of this is for your benefit!"
"I never asked you to do anything for me!"
The shouting match halted for a second as the two glared at each other. It was much more tense than any of their previous fights. And finally, Crowley dropped those venom laced words.
"I shouldn't have done anything. In fact, I should've let her take you with her when she wanted to."
"...What? What are you talking about?"
"If I'd let her take you with her, we wouldn't be having these problems now."
His mother...wanted to take him with? All this time, he could've been with her? If it weren't for his father, he could've been happy with her. He was right, if Jaxon had gone with his mother, they wouldn't be having these problems.
Jaxon is beyond furious at his father. His father...
Everything was his fault. If he hadn't gotten in the way, Jaxon wouldn't have had to deal with all those problems. He wouldn't have been abandoned. He wouldn't have been so angry all the time. He wouldn't have been so alone.
Why did Jaxon have to be stuck here with him? It's not fair. He should be with his mom. He should've been the one to decide! Not Crowley! Why can't he ever be the one to decide what he can and can't do?
His father had no right to do that. To tear them apart like that! All Jaxon's life has been controlled by him! It's not fair. He should be the one in charge! No one should be able to tell him what to do!
It's all his fathers fault. Every horrible thing that's happened to him...it's all his fault. He hates his father.
And Jaxon would make sure his father felt how much he hated him. He would feel just how much he's hurt him.
So Jaxon activated his unique magic, and focused it all on Crowley.
Crowley immediately tensed up and took a few steps back. The overwhelming sense of fear flooded his system, and was so intense, he couldn't escape. He felt himself grow more unsteady as the fear grew more intense. Then finally, he collapsed.
But that wasn't enough for Jaxon. Seeing his father collapse did give him a sense of power, but it wasn't enough to satisfy his anger. For the first time in a while, he felt in control of his fate.
And this time, no one would tell him what to do.
Drip drip drip drip drip
That was just enough to finally push him over the edge
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ryker-writes · 10 months
Warning: blood, lots of negative thoughts
Jaxon sat in the empty classroom, staring down at the blank test paper. He had to answer each question, but it's like they were in a different language. He just couldn't understand them.
The longer he sat there, the louder the whispering got. No one was around to whisper, but it was impossible not to hear it.
"No one likes you."
"You're nothing but a violent delinquent."
"You shouldn't be allowed here."
"Everyone hates you."
"You're going to be alone forever."
He only closed his eyes for a second, but when he opened them again, he was outside in the courtyard. In front of him was that Heartslabyul student, lying bloody on the ground. Looking down, Jaxon could see his bloody hands.
This time, there were students all around them. They all whispered to each other, but he couldn't tell what they were saying. They just wouldn't stop talking, and there was no where for him to go. He was surrounded.
There she was. The one person he longed to see. The only person he would never push away. The only person who he desperately craved contact and affirmation from.
She stood above the Heartslabyul student on the ground. She looked just like he remembered she did. Her long dark blue hair framed those usually gentle pink eyes. But now, that gentleness was replaced with sadness and disappointment.
"How could you do this? Something so cruel and horrible. You're not the son I raised."
"No. Please, don't say that. I didn't mean to. Don't leave me."
"It's all your fault Jaxon."
Just like that, she faded from his view. She was gone again. Jaxon fell to his knees as the students started laughing. He was shaking, and they wouldn't stop. Before he knew it, his breathing had picked up and tears started to fall from his eyes. But when they hit the ground, they were black droplets.
Jaxon quickly sat up and looked around. He was outside, and sitting behind the botanical gardens. That's right; he fell asleep. That was all just another nightmare.
He hated it. He hated having to face these nightmares night after night. He was sick of them. Thankfully, they didn't last very long.
Looking up, he could see all the stars and the moon still high above the campus. He must've only slept for a few hours.
Jaxon simply sighed, and laid back down. He started humming a familiar tune as he watched the stars.
In order to keep himself from falling asleep again, he activated his unique magic on himself. He instantly felt that small bit of fear enter his system and kept him on edge.
If he was lucky, Jaxon wouldn't have to sleep again until tomorrow night, and only for a few hours. He only needed a few hours each night to function.
Looking up at all the stars and constellations through the trees, he felt a sort of tightness in his chest that he didn't like. It was a feeling that he was familiar with even though it constantly ate away at him. The intense guilt for everything mixed perfectly with sadness and loneliness.
And in the back of his mind, her words were stuck on repeat.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
That day
Warnings: Blood, fighting, first year Jaxon
The day that Jaxon Crowley got expelled from Night Raven College was one many students remember well. You could ask just about any second or third year and they'd be able to tell you what they saw.
Just about every student has a story to tell about it. Some say they heard the fight, some say they saw it, but most say they only saw the aftermath. Specifically, Jaxon's aftermath.
The aftermath that was Jaxon's walk through the halls as he was dragged to the headmage's office. Crewel and Vargas were both walking beside him to make sure he didn't hurt anyone else. He kept a cold and emotionless expression on his face for the entire walk. But what was most noticeable about it all, was the blood splattered across his face, clothes, and hands. None of it was his.
Rumors and stories about what happened spread like wildfire throughout the school that day. The story was that a Heartslabyul student had seen Jaxon breaking a rule, and was brave enough to try and correct him on the rules. But Jaxon didn't like rules, so he snapped at the student and severely injured him. On top of that, the student had made him mad enough to use his unique magic on him. Jaxon had made him fear for his life, beat him, and the student didn't even try to fight back. What a horrible guy Jaxon was.
That's what everyone heard, and what everyone knew. That story was what came to define Jaxon as a whole.
However, there were a few people that picked up something wasn't right. Leona was one of them. He'd seen Jaxon fight enough times to know how he fought. He always stopped when the other person stopped fighting back, and after every fight he would brag with that stupid smirk on his face. But this was different.
He saw it himself. As Jaxon was being dragged through the halls, he kept his head down with that emotionless expression, and he didn't say a single word to anyone. He didn't even look at anyone.
Something was clearly wrong, but Leona didn't know what. And there's no way he'd be able to get Jaxon to tell him anyway. It was a pain to have someone in his dorm in this much trouble, but it's not like there's much he could do anyway.
No one was able to get Jaxon to talk to them. Even as Crowley scolded him endlessly in his office, Jaxon stayed deadly quiet. Crowley had heard from the injured student what happened between the two, and he was now left to figure out what to do with his delinquent of a son.
After a bit of back and fourth between the staff, it was decided that Jaxon was too dangerous to be kept at the school. Crowley made the executive decision to expel him for a year, and if he messed up that second chance after getting back, he would never be allowed at the school again.
The whole scenario felt like a criminal was being put on trial, and he was just determined guilty. After all, the blood was still on his hands. Still, he stayed silent as his fate was decided. He didn't argue, didn't defend himself, and didn't even say anything snappy to Crowley. Crowley had also thought it was strange, but wasn't going to complain about not getting argued with.
No one knew what was happening in Jaxon's head. And if he was being honest, Jaxon didn't even fully know. He was confused, and didn't know what to do.
Because his version of events was the truth of what happened.
It's true that Jaxon had been sitting on his own, and sure he was breaking a rule. He can't even remember what stupid rule it was now, but it didn't really matter. The Heartslabyul student did try to correct him on the rule, and sure Jaxon didn't listen.
The student had just scoffed at Jaxon's behavior and complete disregard for basic rules.
"No wonder your mom left you. No one would want a delinquent like you."
That was all he said before Jaxon threw a punch directly into his nose. Sure, Jaxon had snapped. His anger issues may have been a big problem at the time, and he should've done something about it sooner. But in that moment, all he felt was uncontrollable anger, and he lashed out at the student.
He can't even remember much of the fight, if you can even call it a fight. It was more of him attacking another student. But the details don't really matter. What matters is that he attacked somebody even without them fighting back or anything.
Jaxon doesn't even remember activating his unique magic on the student, but he wouldn't be surprised if he did. It wasn't until Vargas had pulled him off the guy that he had started to fully recognize what happened.
There was nothing he could do. Even if he told people what really happened, it's not like that takes away the severity of the students injuries. No one would even believe him anyway. That student was a really good one who always followed the rules, and Jaxon was just an angry, violent, and rebellious idiot.
So he stayed quiet. There was no point arguing or trying to fight for less of a punishment. He knew it would be pointless. Right now, Jaxon is a lost cause. Nothing he could say would fix that.
Jaxon began to realize that day, just how right that Heartslabyul student was.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
LMAO I JUST REALIZED the culture clubs are about to have Camp Vargas pt 2 so Jaxon will be going probably. Imagine him trying to set up the tents and complete the challenges while working with Azul and Idia of all people 😭😭😭
I think Yuli is pretty good with camping since she’s a resourceful person. She’s not necessarily good at schoolwork, but she's independent and self-sufficient. I think she’d be very good with her hands and making things like a makeshift fishing pole or using something unusual to create a fishing lure. During the first Vargas Camp Ace probably tried to sneak off to visit her but got caught by Vargas and booted out 💀
As for Jaxon's reaction to her liking Ace, she’d be like 'honestly? I don’t know why either' because Ace is a bit of an idiot lmao.
Alternatively, if Deuce was her match- I think Deuce does have a bit of a crush on her because he hasn’t had a girl be nice to him since his mom. I don’t think he realizes it’s a crush though, at least not for a while. He probably realizes it during the Ghost Bride event when he's talking to Eliza and freezes up, and the dial up tone plays in his head. Poor baby becomes a nervous wreck the second he realizes that he thinks Yuli is pretty. Poor baby goes from swearing and talking about everything to her to a stuttering mess within the span of one day.
Deuce and Yuli would be a sweet and nervous kind of relationship, while Ace and Yuli is banter and friendship that eventually becomes more. Deuce is so loyal that they would probably stay together long into the future. Ace and Yuli might have some rough patches and take breaks from time to time, but always work through it since their friendship means so much to both of them.
Do you see Riddle and Jaxon having a future together? Or alternatively, Silver and Jaxon?
Jaxon is actually part of the music club, so he'd be stuck with Kalim, Lilia, and Cater. Rip Jaxon Cater is going to be his nightmare. He might break Cater's phone by the end of the trip lol
Jaxon is actually pretty good with camping. He had to for a while while he was expelled, so he's pretty good and comfortable with it...when he's on his own. With others may be a bit more of a challenge for him.
I see Jaxon as being pretty similar to Yuli in this case actually. He's not great with school work either, but he's independent too. Though he's less likely to make things on his own, he has pretty good knowledge of what to do and what not to do.
Jaxon almost has a caring like relationship with Deuce. Like he's also a mess, but he kinda takes Deuce under his wing and wants to help him not make the mistakes he did. He really looks out for Deuce in his own way so if Yuli likes Deuce or the other way around, he's supportive. He wants the best for Deuce, so he'll try and give advice wherever he can (even though he has little experience with that sort of thing)
Honestly, I could see Jaxon and Riddle having a future together. They'll have their rough patches too, but they work it out. Jaxon has also dealt with horrible parents, so he's not afraid of Riddle's mom at all. Jaxon is loyal and so he's not going to give up on the relation ship easily
If Silver and Jaxon were in a relationship, I think they would be able to have a future together too. I see their relationship having less problems than Riddle's. They're relationship would also be more quiet and relaxed.
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ryker-writes · 11 months
A talk about Jaxon
Warning: Mention of blood and a bad fight bc Jaxon
"Leona, are you sure it's a good idea to have Jaxon joining the rest of the dorm for Spelldrive practice?" Ruggie asked.
"He's part of Savanaclaw."
"Yeah, but you aren't worried about him fighting them? If he hurts them, Savanaclaw will be in worse shape than before he arrived."
"He wont."
"Some of them are on edge thinking he's going to. They're all scared they're going to end up like that Heartslabyul student from before he got expelled."
"He's not going to do anything to them as long as they don't do anything to him."
"How can you be so confident? You saw what he did to that student right? The guy was stuck in the infirmary for a week and seriously injured. Not to mention that Jaxon was covered in blood afterwards. All the student did was try to get him to follow rules, and Jaxon nearly beat him to death."
"You're not as clever as I thought you were if that's what you think."
"What do you mean?"
Leona sighed, "Jaxon had a certain type of behavior when fighting. He usually only did it when people were in his way, challenging him, or if he thought you were threatening him. It was pretty obvious that the student didn't just try to get him to follow some dumb rules."
"Wouldn't he have been provoked if the student threatened to tell the headmage?"
"Jaxon doesn't care one bit about what Crowley thinks."
"Still, just saying it didn't match with why he normally fights doesn't really imply that something else happened. The guy could've just been super annoying and got on Jaxon's nerves. Everyone knew he was real quick to anger back then."
"Whenever Jaxon would get in a fight, he always had a stupid grin on his face. And he held his head high, even if he lost. He'd even brag and be chatty after. But he also had a sort of code. The second the other guy stops fighting back, he'll stop too. That Heartslabyul student didn't fight back at all, and still got beat. You saw Jaxon when he was being dragged off to Crowley's office. He won the fight, but he wasn't smiling. He didn't say a word and chose to keep his head down that entire time. Seems pretty obvious to me something else happened."
"I don't think anyone could forget what he looked like that day. But if that wasn't what happened, why wouldn't he say anything or defend himself at all."
"How am I supposed to know? I'm not a mind reader. It doesn't matter much anyway. It was over a year ago, and he isn't nearly as aggressive now."
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ryker-writes · 11 months
Jaxon Crowley: The beginning of Fear Raiser
The beginning:
The day Jaxon got his unique magic was one that many Night Raven College students remember
he was just a first year, but a first year who had quickly made a name for himself
not only as the son of the headmage, but also as an arrogant first year who's always looking for a fight
it became quickly known that if he thought you were in his way, you were challenging him, or he thought you were looking down on him, he's immediately jumping to fight you
it's because of this, that most students avoid him altogether
they were afraid of getting into a fight with him, and some were just afraid of him
Jaxon didn't mind this of course
it meant people stayed out of his way and didn't bother him
but that didn't apply to Savanaclaw
in Savanaclaw, the weak will challenge anyone they think is strong
so it wasn't out of the normal for some Savanaclaw student to think they could challenge Jaxon to a fight
of course, Jaxon was ready, and he threw the first punch
and he felt that adrenaline rush flow through his system
that spike of adrenaline was one of his favorite things about fighting
it was addicting, and he always wanted more
but this particular student was strong, and he was getting some good hits on Jaxon
this only made the fight more thrilling for him
in a way, Jaxon was afraid to lose, but he would never admit that
the longer the fight was going on, the more people gathered to watch
no one in Savanaclaw would stop it, that much everyone knew
and Jaxon was only getting more excited and into the fight because of this
he couldn't help but grin as he fought
the Savanaclaw student was tough, and winning the fight, but Jaxon couldn't let him win
he wouldn't let him win
the weak obey the strong, and Jaxon wasn't about to obey anyone
the other student was the weak one here, and he would have to obey Jaxon
this student would stay out of his way after this, and he would fear Jaxon like everyone else
it was then, the student seemed to be caught off guard by something and stopped hitting
Jaxon used this to gain the upper hand and win the fight
but the student looked genuinely scared of Jaxon, and couldn't fight back
once Jaxon realized this, he stopped hitting and let the student scramble away
later he had heard that the student was overcome with fear of Jaxon at that moment, and ran away
that was when his magic first showed itself
and like any student who first gets their unique magic, he just wanted to keep using it
so anytime people thought they would challenge him or stand in his way, they suddenly felt terrified of Jaxon
some were more stubborn than others and wouldn't back down from the fear
and that only made him more determined to make them afraid
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