#sad boi jaxon
ryker-writes · 8 months
The Journal
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
"You are isolated like I am, but you intentionally push others away. And then you wander around in despair all during the night. Do you never notice this cycle?"
Jaxon hated Malleus and how right he was. He knew it was true. All he ever does is shove other people away from him. No one has ever given him a reason not to...but it's been a long time since he's even given anyone a chance.
The delinquent son of the headmage; that's what he's always been. Some people believed getting close to him would give them bonus points in Crowley's book. They thought they'd be able to get away with more if they were with him. Others believed that if they were his friend, no one would mess with them. They would use that friend status to do anything they wanted and thought Jaxon would protect them when trouble came.
All those years, all those people, and not a single one actually cared about him. Eventually, he gave up on the hope that anyone would ever care about him. No one would ever actually care about him, that's what Jaxon fully believed.
Even his own father didn't seem to care much about him. Then again, did he ever? Crowley had given up on him long ago. Time and time again, Jaxon had managed to prove that he was nothing but trouble. He had managed to prove that he wasn't worth the effort, and a lost cause.
But...then why was he saved?
When he overblotted Leona, Kalim, and even that Heastslabyul student were there to save him. Leona cared, but he's never even opened up to Leona about anything. And what reason did the other two even have to care about him? He just couldn't figure it out.
This was way too much for his tired brain to try and figure out. While the collar around his neck was gone, Leona was dead set on making sure Jaxon didn't use his magic on himself to keep him awake. Now he wandered the campus constantly tired and on the verge of falling asleep. He was out for his walk before trying to sleep when he ran into Malleus.
Savanaclaw was much quieter at night. Even on the way to his room, everything was calm and still. It was nice, but he didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts.
Unfortunately for him, the universe loves to throw things at him right when he doesn't want them. This time, it came in the form of a book sitting on the ground by his door. Ordinarily, he would've ignored it. But scrawled in messy handwriting across a paper on the top of it was his name.
Against his better judgement, he picked it up and took a look on the inside of the cover. Upon seeing who it belonged too, he rushed inside his room to read it. It was a name he hasn't seen or heard of in a long time.
'This journal belongs to: Sydney Crowley'
It's his mother's name. This was her journal. Jaxon could only guess that his father dropped this off, but he didn't really care about why right now. All he had to remember his mother by was his memories of her, but this was something physical. This belonged to her.
As soon as he got into his room, he took a seat on his bed and opened it up to start reading.
'It's been a while since I've written in a journal. My old one was even too full to continue writing in, so here I am with a completely new one. I suppose this is symbolism in a way. After all, this is a new chapter of my life so it's only fitting it fills a new book.
Our darling son was born a few weeks ago! It's quite exciting and everything went well in the hospital. Jaxon was born on January 26th at approximately 10:57 at night. Dire was freaking out the entire time. But he was super excited to meet Jaxon.
He wanted to hold Jaxon as soon as he came out, but the nurses let me see him first of course. I wish I could've got a photo of Dire's face when he held Jaxon for the first time. He looked so happy and he even started crying.
Jaxon already looks so much like his father. He's got those golden eyes and pale skin, and he even has the same face shape. The only things he seemed to get from me is the blue hair and round ears. Even as a baby he's already acting like his father; all dramatic and very clingy.
The other day he started crying just because Dire set him down. It was only for a second but Jaxon was so upset and Dire immediately picked him up again. Jaxon just loves his father so much already, it's rare to see them separated anymore. Jaxon doesn't even cry when I set him down.
I can't be upset though. Dire loves Jaxon so much and he's wanted a child of his own for so long that it's only natural they're so attached to each other. It's adorable to see them together all the time.'
Jaxon huffed after reading that passage. The idea that him and his father were close at one point was so foreign and strange to him. And to think that his father wanted a kid...boy he must've been pretty disappointed at what Jaxon turned out to be. Jaxon flipped the page and continued reading without another thought.
'I know it's been a while since I last wrote, but such is the life of a new mother. Things have become more busy since Jaxon was born. Between taking care of him and helping Dire with some things at NRC, I've been quite busy. I'll also admit that I forgot about writing here for a while.
Jaxon turned 2 years old today. He's learned some of his basic needs and even said his first word not too long ago. While he doesn't speak or use his voice often, he's quite adorable when he does.
I have a video on my phone of Dire putting Jaxon down only for Jaxon to start making grabby hands at him and want up. It was so adorable and then Jaxon was babbling before he said dada. Dire heard it of course and immediately picked him up again and started spinning the boy around. I watch that video again from time to time to see the moment and hear their laughter when I'm down.
He's also able to walk around now, and he loves to hold people's hands while walking. Sometimes we all take walks around NRC and show Jaxon around. The ghosts all love him too. Dire keeps showing Jaxon off every chance he gets saying "look how cute my son is!" and everyone goes along with it. Jaxon always has the biggest smile on his face too.
But I'll admit, I do miss all the time me and Dire had for ourselves. He spends a lot of time with Jaxon and I can understand that. But it's always either Jaxon or NRC that's occupying his time. I wish we could still go on dates or even just spending time alone at home. Is that selfish of me?'
Jaxon couldn't believe it. His father spending a lot of time with him? It didn't sound real. And to ignore his mother in the process, how awful of him. As if his father couldn't get worse in his mind. Jaxon huffed before skipping ahead a few pages.
'I didn't think I would enjoy being home on my own so much. Jaxon started kindergarten so he's been occupied there and Dire has been at NRC. Thanks to this, I've been getting more time to myself.
I've been loving my time alone a lot more than I originally thought I would. Jaxon isn't here to ask me a million things and I don't have to deal with Dire's antics. I feel bad for enjoying this alone time as much as I do. They're my family and I'm supposed to love spending time with them. But now I dread them coming home. What is wrong with me?
Even when they get home I find myself interacting with them differently. Dire has been trying to get Jaxon to complete homework as best he can. While Jaxon seems to have a harder time learning and understanding it, Dire keeps pushing that he understand it.
He's told me before that he dreams of Jaxon having a bright future. He wants him to be an ace student and do great academically, which I can understand, but he seems to get frustrated with how long it can take Jaxon to understand things. Jaxon even cried once, and Dire stopped his pushing immediately. He comforted Jaxon, and I think Jaxon learned that it was a way to stop pushing. Now whenever Jaxon gets frustrated with his schoolwork, he starts crying. I think Dire is getting tired of comforting him though, so I've stepped in from time to time so he would stop crying.
It only happens a few days a week, so I guess it's not too bad. Still, it's my job to step in when Jaxon gets too much for Dire to handle. Though I can't help but sigh in relief when Jaxon finally understands something. At least then I can enjoy the moment of peach and excitement that they both show.'
His mom...liked it better when he was gone? This passage didn't sound like his mom at all. He always knew her as a gentle and loving person who was always there for him. He spent more time with her than he did with his dad, but this is saying that she got tired of him and liked when he was away. The part about his father pushing him and getting frustrated was familiar to Jaxon, as well as his mother being the one to step in. Maybe he was just frustrating more as a little kid and she wanted to be around him more as he grew. With that though, he flipped ahead a few more pages.
'Jaxon has been spending more time with me lately. Since Dire keeps getting to tired to comfort him after getting frustrated with school, I think Jaxon isn't wanting to be around him as much. The schoolwork is most of the time he spends with Dire, so he must think his father is always frustrated with him.
He's still struggling quite a bit in school. Thankfully elementary isn't nearly as serious as high school or college, so grades don't quite matter for him yet. I do worry for how he'll do in the future especially since Dire has been so serious about him passing every class with amazing grades.
The other day the two even got into an argument. It was the first time I've ever heard Jaxon even yell at his father. Dire was shocked too, but insisted he was in the right and continued arguing. It ended with Jaxon running away in tears and I couldn't help but feel guilty for not stepping in. But what am I to do? Dire just wants him to be successful, but Jaxon is struggling.
At this rate, I'm not sure if Jaxon will ever be ready to take over at NRC. I know Jaxon really likes the school and he basically grew up there, but with the way things are going with Dire, I'm a bit worried. I've tried telling Dire about it, but he's very stubborn in his ways. Maybe things will get better with time. Maybe Jaxon will come to understand why Dire pushes him so hard.'
He doesn't even remember his first fight with his father, but here it was described. All the way back in elementary...it seems like such a long time ago. He's just been arguing with Crowley so long that it's natural to him now. He always knew his mom didn't know how to help though. Whenever they argued, she would stand on the side silently. If only Jaxon could go back and tell her that time wouldn't make things better at all. Jaxon sighed before flipping ahead again.
'I don't know what to do anymore. All they do is avoid each other and fight all the time. Dire wants Jaxon to be a supper smart straight A student who will eventually take over at NRC and be like him. Jaxon just wants to do his own thing and not have someone constantly pushing him to do better. It's gotten to the point where it just seems like Dire is disappointed in him all the time. I know he's not, he tells me so, but it's getting harder to tell if that's the truth.
I've tried talking to both of them, but Crowley won't give up on his dream for Jaxon, and Jaxon firmly believes his dad hates him and considers him a failure. I'm caught in the middle of two people who can't even get along for a little bit. All they do is push each others buttons. It's like even mentioning one to the other will cause immediate anger and defensiveness. This isn't how a family is supposed to be.
Others have told me that Jaxon is just in his rebellious phase since he's almost a teenager. But this has been going on since he was young, and if this is a rebellious phase, it started early and has been going on far longer than I would think.
I'm so lost and don't know what to do. How do I fix this? I know Dire loves his son and wants what's best for him but Jaxon can't see that. They're both going about it so wrong and I can't even get them in the same room together for five seconds without something happening. Can this family even be helped anymore?
I want to help them. I want them to get along, but I don't know how. Jaxon isn't even trying in school anymore. We send him there only for him to lash out at others and he even got into a fight with one student. I don't want him to feel like I'm disappointed in him, but I really wish he wouldn't fight. I'm just about the only one he gets along with anymore, so I can't be upset with him too.
I just feel so torn all the time. It's like I can't relax and there's constant strain. I hate feeling like this, but there isn't much I can do. I look at Dire now and it's hard to see the same man who would always be there whenever baby Jaxon needed anything. What happened to us?'
Before the pages had a small hint of happiness from his mom, but not this one. The writing feels so desperate and sad. His loving and happy mother, it was hard to imagine her so sad. Even the thought of her crying seemed to hurt Jaxon. At this point he didn't even know if he should blame his father or himself.
He flipped ahead again a few pages, only to find them blank. There was over half a notebook left but the pages were blank? That didn't make sense. Maybe she left before she could write those pages. Carefully, Jaxon flipped backwards to the last page with writing on it.
'This is going to be my last entry into this journal. I just can't take it here anymore. I can't live in this house like this anymore. This constant fighting, constant strain, it's too much.
I've already talked to Dire about it. He was upset of course, but could understand that we were no longer in love like we used to be. We weren't the same. I offered to take Jaxon with me, but he refused. I was quite surprised, but it was...kind of nice hearing that. Dire was more stubborn than ever saying that "You will not be taking my son from me. Do what you want wherever you go, but I'm not going to leave him."
It was like proof to me that Dire still cared about Jaxon. He wanted Jaxon to stay there with him. And to be honest, I'm happy about that. I think I may have become a mother sooner than I was ready. Having a child was something Dire wanted so badly, and I knew I could fulfill that. Yet here I am, wanting to get away from my own family.
I asked Dire to give this notebook to Jaxon someday so he can understand why I left. So assuming he did, I want to say hello to you my dear son.
I'm so sorry about everything. You must be so confused. I can't bring myself to face you before I leave. I'm a bit cowardly that way I know, but I don't even know how I would begin to explain everything to you.
The truth is that I'm selfish. If you've read any other parts of this journal, you could probably tell that I wasn't very happy with everything. I tried to hold on as long as I could, but it all got too much.
Than I went to the doctor, and found out that I'm sick. I don't have much time left either. As much as it pains me, I believe I should spend the time I have left in a way that makes me happy. I don't want to spend my last years alive in sadness and struggling to put a family back together.
I know I failed you as a mother. I can't apologize enough for that. I should've done something to help you and Dire. I should've stepped in, and should've tried to help sooner. I'm sorry for failing you.
But you should know that none of this is your fault. I may be leaving so I can be somewhere happy, but it's not because of you at all. Ever since the day you came into this world, I've loved you. I know you're capable of amazing things and I want you to be able to become whatever kind of person you want to be. It doesn't matter if it's the new headmage of NRC or even a househusband. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
I hope you can forgive me for leaving you like this. I know it's cowardly and selfish, and I'm sorry. I also hope that you and your dad will be able to get along soon. It's a bit naïve, but maybe me leaving can bring you two closer. He does care about you, even if it may not seem like it, and so do I.
There are so many things I wish I could've changed, but life had other plans. I hope that someday you can look at this journal and understand or at least look back on happier times in the earlier pages. I love you Jaxon.
-Sydney Crowley'
And just like that, everything Jaxon had believed and known had been flipped upside down. He'd be lying if he said it was easy to process.
His mother wrote this before leaving. That was over four years ago. By now there's a good chance whatever sickness she had took it's toll. He wanted to find her. He wanted to search for her and stay with her after Night Raven College...but she's gone. It's likely already too late. She's gone for good.
Jaxon couldn't control it. Quick tears had run down his face before falling down into his lap. Usually he would do anything he could to avoid crying, but right now, he didn't give a damn. And the tears rolled quickly, so there was no stopping them if he tried. He couldn't even control how his breathing started to get shaky and he wanted to just curl into himself. The scary and tough delinquent and son of the headmage was here, sobbing alone in his room.
He basically just found out that the only person he felt understood him and could accept him, was gone with no hope of ever coming back. He would never see her again, and all she knew before she died was the son who was rebellious and angry all the time. She knew the constant fighting between him and his father, and she wasn't happy with it. It wasn't just Crowley's fault, it was his too. Both of them were to blame for her leaving and being so unhappy. Sure, she said not to blame himself, but how could he not?
Why couldn't he just do what his dad wanted? Why couldn't he just listen? Why couldn't he get along with his dad? Why couldn't he be smart and understand things like everyone else? Why did he have to be so...so...gah! He can't even think of the word. He may as well be the stupidest guy in the school. He's just the violent delinquent that can't do anything right.
"No wonder your mom left you. No one would want a delinquent like you."
He hated that kid. He hates that condescending tone he spoke with. He hates how that kid was sort of right.
Suddenly his room felt suffocating to be in. He had to get out. He had to walk around. It felt like he was trapped in here with his thoughts and he hated it.
Jaxon frantically wiped his tears away before shoving the journal under his bed and walking out the door. He definitely won't be sleeping tonight.
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avocado-frog · 5 months
Anyways ghosts in my wip since I'm thinkin about them (@steh-lar-uh-nuhs since you asked to be tagged lol)
ghost post time:
(cw for a lot of death mention. parent death)
Dylan's magic was kinda vague in forget me not (book one not series) but the general gist was something along the lines of they can control dreams to a certain extent and can sense when somebody is going to die (foreshadowed elliot) (and leo apparently???) but also when I reread it, Dylan is actually BARELY in any of the chapters at all. They don't have a line until well after halfway through even though they showed up in like chapter six
SO dahlia (book two) has a lot more Dylan in it which is great stunning showstopping i love them. Unrelated but looking back the lack of Dylan was definitely why I didn't know what I was doing with characterizing them. <3 DYLAN <3
Before this becomes a dylan appreciation post, the stuff Dylan can do is more expanded on in Dahlia, and includes: -A sort of healing magic that Cass can't do, which is why Elliot is okay even without Cass -That healing magic is that they can handle more advanced injuries (elliot's stab wound, life threatening injuries) while Cass can only do sprains and cuts and bruises -Possession -Necromancy apparently -Possession is what Dylan says is why they could hypothetically raise the dead, if they could wake up Elliot. A post for another time
I've said that Elliot's dream world thing is based on Omori, and in Omori, Mari is like. may or may not be a ghost who is real but you'll never know because Sunny hallucinates often. Same thing for Elliot. Same mechanics
In forget me not Elliot claims to see his mother in the graveyard, right by where her grave would be. There's no realistic way for him to KNOW where that was, unless he is aware that that is where dead people go. So like Mari omori it's ambiguous whether Elliot was actually seeing her or if he was just hallucinating. And in the dream world, Olivia is noted by Dylan to have a scar across her neck, even though Elliot would not want any reminders of her death in what is supposed to be a safe area, hence why the reminders of his two Big Traumas are upstairs in separate rooms. And Olivia is the most sentient of the dream world characters aside from Lucas (who is btw dream world Leo) and Cass. Everyone else is scripted by Elliot. Olivia seems to be knowing what's going on
So what I'm saying is that dream world Olivia like headspace Mari MIGHT just be a ghost. hypothetically
Also in forget me not, I think that at one point Leo claims to feel a hand on her shoulder
ALSO ABOUT LEO: she gets her own little dream section in rosemary where she sees Olivia, despite having not known her
It's still left pretty ambiguous in what I have of rosemary so far. But Jaxon witnesses several deaths, Leo's, who isn't really dead, but he doesn't know that, Maria's, a woman who he accidentally got killed in chapter four and a boy who he sees the execution of. He sees all of them, as well as a boy who he doesn't know but who IS in fact his brother. Again, whether or not they're real is vague because Leo is not dead, but he does see one that he doesn't know
My OTHER dead character is Jasmine, Logan's sister who has Not made an appearance yet but she should be allowed to. She haunts Logan's character arc at the very least. Also maybe Dylan's
tldr if ghosts were real and canon, they are in people's dreams. Dylan and Elliot might be able to raise the dead but I'm not going to dwell on that because that is a whole other plot
This post was brought to you by me wondering how Olivia would interact with the other kids, and me being sad about her death again
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literaryuppsala · 2 years
Morning fuss.
Pairing: Modern!Ivar x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Ivar have a big family.
Words: I have no idea, it’s just a tiny blurb. 
Warnings: None, it’s fluff, just cuteness overload. So sweet you’ll probably develop diabetes after reading, I’m sorry. 
A/N: I deleted my other account (stylinsonliving) and all my works will be reposted here, any doubt send me an ask. I wrote this piece a while ago, thought It was too cute to stay in the drafts and I crave others approval too, so, yeah. My asks are always open: you can request a filthy smut, a relationship advice and my political opinion, I’ll answer to all of it. Feedback is always welcome and my mistakes are always mine.  
Fluff below the cut, enjoy ♥
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You opened your eyes before the alarm went off like every morning, then you disabled the little, annoying thing before started screaming beside your bed. You always liked waking up early in the morning, even before the kids, you liked the time on your own. You wobbled out of the bed, covered your swollen frame with a silke robe and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and braid your hair, leaving the bedroom right after, making little, to no sound. 
The sound of your slippers against the carpet were very soft, you breathed hard, the last trimester of pregnancy was always the worst, but you already knew that. You crossed the corridor til the kitchen and turned on the lights, even with the first rays of sun, the house was still a little dark.
Then you started preparing breakfast, you hummed softly while making it, very low only for yourself to hear, enjoying your own company for a while, listening to your own voice and thoughts. Not that you didn’t like the noise, not at all, you loved it. It was only because you liked to have the first few minutes of the day to keep to yourself. 
At the end of one hour and a half you already had set the table with enough plates to all of you, put some half-done cookies on the oven, made pancakes, eggs and bacon, coffee and orange juice, milk and cereal and that’s when you heard the first sound, and smiled to yourself ‘cause your day wouldn’t be silent anymore. 
“Get out of my way, poop head!” 
“I’m not a poop head! you’re poop head!” 
They started running down the corridor till the kitchen, already fighting themselves with kicks and punches and enough ‘poop head’ for at least a month. 
“Hey! Hey!” You step in between them. “Nobody is a poop head in this house.”
“Kyle threw his pillow on me.” Your little one whined first.
“I was trying to wake him up on time for school!” His brother went right after.
“It’s too early for you two to start yelling with each other, c’mon.” You sad It to your twins. Jaxon and Kyle were seven, and despite loving each other, they fought a lot and they probably had that from their dad and uncles. “Now, sit.” You commanded. 
Within minutes you heard the sound of another pair of slippers on the carpet, very slow and lazy. Your first born appeared in the kitchen and sat beside his younger brothers. 
“Morning, mama.” He greeted you tenderly while taking the cereal to put on his own bowl. You went to him and kissed the crown of his head, putting his messy hair in place while doing It. 
“Morning, pup. Did you sleep well?” He nodded and you laugh a little. Kitt was thirteen and very loving, but not at six a.m, never at six a.m. 
Eventually they started fighting each other over bread and bacon, even though you made enough for the whole pack of them, they were never satisfied. With all the noise, the youngest pup starts screaming in his cradle, made you run into the baby’s room and got him in your arms to calm him down. You went back to the kitchen holding Erik in your arms and trying to ease the boys, but they seemed to had completely forgotten you were there and you just gave up with a roll of your eyes, looking at your baby and smiling at him. 
Right there you listened to your husband's little grunts while waking up, you listened to him in your bathroom and then he went through the corridor, appearing in the kitchen right away with his joggers dangerously low on his hips, his messy hair is all over the place and his hand is resting on his naked torso. He grunted again, louder this time. 
“Stop tormenting your mother.” He growled and just like that, the little wolves were all eating in silence. 
You smiled at his figure, and he came to you with a smirk on his face. You put your baby boy in one arm so you can use the other to embrace him, who put one of his hands on the baby and the other one on your ass, grabbing a little too hard while pecking your lips several times, then kissing your jaw, your neck and below your ear, making you shiver. 
“Morning, hot mama.” He said against your skin before taking the baby from your arms, his hand a little longer on your bump before he went to sit at the table with the boys.
“Good morning, darling.” You answered, looking adoringly at your husband while sitting by his side.
“Papa, Kyle threw a pillow on me this morning.” Jaxon complained, catching Ivar’s attention.
“Why did he do that?” He asked with a frown. 
“‘Cause he’s a poop head.” He whined again.
“Hey! Stop calling your brother that.” He scolded. “Kyle, why did you do that?”
“Cause I wanted to wake him up.” He shrugged with his mouth full.
“Why didn’t you do it more gently?” He tried again, trying not to laugh.
“Cause he’s a heavy sleeper, papa. I called him and he wouldn’t wake up.” 
“Hey, can I sleep at Donny’s tonight?” Kitt asked while getting up. “We have practice this afternoon, thought I could crash there after.” 
“What are you having a party? It’s wednesday!” You scolded. 
“It’s not a party, ma. We’re just haggin’ out, watching a movie or something.” He explained leaving the kitchen.
“Your mom is still talking to you, come back here.” Ivar growled and Kitt’s head showed up by the door frame. 
“Please?” He begged with his big, puppy, baby blue eyes at you. “Cmon ma, I’ll be home tomorrow after school, it’s no big deal!”
You looked at Ivar waiting for support but you just found his almost laughing face, almost making you laugh too. 
“Alright, no sleeping late for you young boy, and I want my goodnight call, whether you’re with your friends or not!” 
You heard his laugh while he went back to his room, he truly reminded you of Ivar. The twins almost started another fight, but he was right there to scold them. 
You finished breakfast together and very quickly you were at door waiting to give your boys wet loving kisses before school. Kitt took the twins by their hands, walking them to the bus, the three of them kissed your cheeks and left. Erik was crawling around your legs, the two year old was a menace. Then there was Ivar, walking over to you with a big smirk, his hands like a magnet on your baby bump while his mouth met yours feverishly. 
“Can’t wait to come back and put my hands on you.” He grunted with his lips on yours. 
“Your still with your hands on me Mr. Lothbrok.” You grinned. 
“Don’t blame me for thinking my wife is sexy when she’s pregnant.”
“That’s why you keep me pregnant all the time.” 
“And because inside you is my favorite place to be.” 
“Shut up.” 
He smiled before kissing you and taking the little one at your legs in his arms.
“Take good care of mama while I’m at work.” He asked, tickling the little boy and making him laugh. 
“MAMA!” He screamed excited.
“Alright, alright, time to tell papa to go to work, because If he’s going to put so many babies in me, we’re gonna need extra cash. And extra help too.” You took the baby from his arms. “Tell your lazy brother that uncle Hvitserk is very much needed here today.” 
“We have a meeting-” He was about to deny you, but you silently pouted and he was a goner. “Fine, I’ll send him here.” Then he kissed you again, kissed the baby in your arms and the baby bump. “See you all at dinner, love you hot mama.” 
"Love you too, hot papa.” 
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soulofthegoldsea · 11 months
A helping hand
Karrigan got a call from Akuji who sounded scared but she was trying to hide it. she told Karrigan Jaxon had overblotted and she was needed. Karrigan dropped all she was doing and ran then opened the portal and jumped in and landed in front of Night Raven. The school mainly the headmasters office was messed up and she ran past Crewel who just woke up from passing out. She followed Jaxon's sent to the nurses office and flings open the door to find a overly tried Jaxon and Leona. Jaxon saw her worried face and felt dread what would she think of him would she hate him and want him to stay away from Akuji.. no she ran and hugged him.
Karrigan. Jaxon i told you to call me if it all got to much and i would have brought you with me.
Jaxon felt his body being to shake as he held back tears. Karrigan rubbed his back
Karrigan. Shh it's okay my little firefly let it out. I may not be your mother but i am an adult who cares for you and i would give it all to keep you and everyone safe.
Jaxon couldn't hold it anymore he let out all of the tears of sadness and anger. Leona had left when Karrigan ran into the room so the two were alone. Akuji came to visit not long after to find a sleeping Jaxon in her mother's arms and she held a sad smile but there was anger in it she knew who caused this and oh boy he is in for it. two days later Jaxon was moved from the nurses office to Ramshackle so Karrigan could teach him some of the ways she keeps her anger in control but also a way to let it out.
Karrigan. Hell you would make a good warrior if you wanted that you have the will power to.
Jaxon. So how much is it taking out of you not to storm to Crowley's office and yell at him?
Karrigan. Everything.
Karrigan came back from her adventure to help Jaxon out.
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sqeedledob · 9 months
recent fluff ask game: oh you KNOOOW i gotta ask about lullaby. need me the caretaking and the comfort
POV I shared this not even realizing none of my WIPS have fluff??? Tragedy! I am a fool!!! Here's a prompt fill instead LOL
His head pounded with his heart beat. Every muscle in his body ached, moving seemed to be an impossibility. The world around him felt... soupy. He tried to move his hands to his temples.
Why was only one hand there? Where was-
Tears welled up in his eyes, colors swirling behind his eyelids as he squeezed them shut. Slowly the sounds around him no longer sounded so faded, and he could hear a girl's voice.
"Baba! He's waking up!"
Lily? No... They got rid of Lily a few months ago...
But it sounded so much like her.
"Don't worry," She told him, and he felt her hold his hand. Her other hand gently moved his hair out of his face. She sounded emotional, scared? No. Scared wasn't the word... concerned.
That's why she sounded like Lily. Lily always worried about him.
The hand combing through his hair cupped his face, "You don't have to be scared," She told him, "Can you try to open your eyes? You've been sleeping for a long time."
He struggled, his small hand gripping her larger one, and with effort his red eyes opened, staring back into her golden. "Who are you?" Jaxon croaked.
She smiled, pressing her forehead to his in their people's greeting, "I'm Antonia." she smiled, relief flooding her features, as she closed her eyes, "I'm going to be your new big sister. And you can't say no!"
"Antonia," A deeper voice called, and a man put a hand on the girl's shoulder, pulling her away a bit, "Don't overwhelm him." She looked back up at the man, "Yes Baba," She pulled away from the younger boy, not letting go of his hand.
The girl's... Antonia's father looked down at the young boy, a small smile on his face. Jax only looked at him with eyes as big as Apae's moons, a little scared, but comforted by the other young girl holding his hand. "Where am I?" he asked.
"You're in The Underground." The man answered, "I meant to get to you sooner, Jaxon, I'm so sorry." he looked remorseful, "I had no idea the Outter Rings had become so violent."
"How do you-"
The man shook his head, cutting Jaxon off, "Don't speak for now, my boy. You need your energy." He told him, "We need to have a few tests run to make sure you're healthy. Are you ok with a few more people coming into the room?"
Jaxon looked at Antonia uncertainly, and in return she gave him a reassuring smile. He looked back at the man and nodded hesitantly.
x Time Skip X Jax and Antonia were sitting in the mouth of one of the many caves that opened up into The Wilds, enjoying the fresh air before they had to go back into the depths of their Volcanic home. Reminiscing before they were scheduled to meet with the Elders for Jaxon's first set of orders.
"Do you remember when you guys first dragged my happy ass here?" He asked, "You were so excited to have a little brother." He chuckled.
Antonia only looked down at the forest below them thoughtfully, a sad smile graced her features.
Jax noticed her silence, "Hey... you know I'm not trying to make fun of you right? I thought it was cute."
She sat there for a few moments, deep in thought. Jax was used to this, Antonia tended to be very particular about her words.
"A few years before Baba found you," she told him, "We'd lost my mom while she was giving birth... And not long after, my little brother died due to the complications with the birth." She looked him in the eyes, crying.
"Antonia, I-"
She cut him off, "When Baba told me he was adopting you, I was so excited," she told him, her voice hoarse, "because I'd dreamed of being an older sibling for so long... You were exactly what I'd been praying for."
He laughed, crying with her, "Minus an arm though."
She chuckled back, "Yeah we may have gotten the discount deal but it's enough."
She grabbed him, pulling him into a hug, "I love you. And I'm so proud of you." She said, squeezing him.
"I love you too."
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davidkarofskyindie · 1 year
divineandmundane (Jaxon/Anders)
@divineandmundane​ continued from (x)
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Anders kept to a corner, sipping his drink, glancing over when he was approached. “Parties aren’t really my thing… I’m just here to make sure the birthday boy gets home safely…” he gestured to his best friend who was currently dancing on a table
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Jaxon looked over to the birthday boy on the table and let out a tiny little chuckle “Yeah he’s definitely going to need either someone to get him home or somewhere to crash here... at least he’s having fun, that’s the main thing” hes aid casually, turning back to look to the slightly smaller man with a sweet little grin “Though sad to hear parties aren’t your thing, hate to see someone bored at one of my parties” he said, casually scratching his chest as he spoke “Well, how about we get you another drink... non-alcoholic, obviously, maybe find some other way to keep you amused other than watching the birthday boy shaking his groove thing. I’m guessing he’ll be out here for a while so there’s plenty of time” he said, gesturing to the kitchen door with a kind little twinkle in his eyes.
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james-is-here · 2 years
dang, y’know some commercials just get to me and give me these ideas. Kinda sad in my opinion but it gets better. Male character
“Who are these lovely people?” A man asked a woman as nine boys gathered around the room he resided in.
“Some friends.” The woman replied. “Well, you all look dapper.” He smiled and looked to the boy in the front.
He had pink and blue hair, wearing a cropped black suit coat and leather pants with a spiderweb chain hanging from the hips of the pants plus black sheer fingerless gloves that end a quarter length from his wrist plus some matching bracelets with Felix. “Sonny? are you okay?”
The boy took a deep breath and smiled. “Y-Yeah, I’m okay.” “What are you dressed up so nicely for?” “Our second world tour…” “S-second? How was the first?” he sighed “Really good in order to plan a second one.”
“I have a son who is like you. Greatly talented and well gifted, you’d love him. His name is…uh…oh! San Jaxson but I called him my little guy.”
He tried to smile but instead he turned to his mom next to him as he let out a sob, his arms wrapping around her as she herself tried to be strong for her son. “Oh dear, did I say something wrong?” “No, your fine, hun.”
Chan walked over to the mother and son and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Sannie, we-we gotta go.”
Jaxon backed away from his mother and turned to his father sitting on the chair while wiping his tears, trying to not smudge the makeup under his eyes too much.
“We have to go…” “oh, well it was lovely to meet you boys. I hope to see you again.” The boy nods and walks over to him with his mother, both lightly laying a small peck to the elder males forehead and the youngest looking down to his fathers eyes. “Bye dad.” “Oh, goodbye, son.” He stood quickly and pushed past his members to get out of the room.
He knew his father didn’t know him, he called almost every young boy he knew son. I.N was the first to catch up with him and hug him. The youngest, by a month, accepted the hug as the others caught up as well.
“It hurts.” “I know, Sannie. Come on, Stay may distract you a little bit.” I.N pats his back and pulls away. “It also hurt when his caretaker told me what his doctor said.”
“What did he say?” Han asked and Jaxon looked to his feet. “Father only has days left…and I as much as I want to spend time in those days, he said before all this that he would rather me be happy and do what i love, thinking about him was enough.”
“Sannie…” Chan mumbled and took I.N’s spot as they walked out of the home to the van. “You should’ve said something.” “Being with Stay is enough, Hyung. I’ll be okay.” The eldest sighed but otherwise dropped the topic. If San is okay then he is okay.
—-Oh jeez
During one of the songs where some members weren’t needed yet (like waiting for us) San got a call. Though he kept denying it, they kept calling. San checked one more time and saw a text from his brother.
“Sannie! I know your performing but mom needed me to tell you that dad…” and the message bubble was cut off. He went to tap it to read more but Felix pulled him to stage for the next song so he dropped his phone on the chair before rushing behind Felix.
For most of the concert he worried about the text but mainly focused on the songs.
When it came to the end and the others were saying their little speeches and some crying and comforting, before he went to start his while another member was talking is when Chan came over and mumbled something to him.
“Your mother messaged me.” He knew Chan had his mother number which was for emergencies only. “What happened?” “Sannie, I-“ he paused, really not knowing how to be the bearer of bad news. “Your…she said…” he sighed. “She said your father was rushed to the hospital…” his small smile fell and his eyes watered.
“No…” “Sannie, I really don’t want to be the one to tell you, but he’s gone, unfortunately.” He wanted to scream, his breathing picked up and he looked out to Stay, looking around the stadium. “N-No…I- that can’t be true- we…we just saw him hours ago!” He defended but he knew, if it’s from his mother, it’s true.
“Sannie, do you have anything to say?” He heard a voice ask and he looked over to Changbin. He couldn’t speak but he still found himself raising his mic. “i-um…” He stuttered, Stay believing he was worked up from the other speeches and cooed at him but seeing him on the big screen he wasn’t smiling and anxiously fidgeting with the mic and soon yelling questioningly and comfortingly.
“My-“ He quickly thought of something on the spot which shocked Chan. “I a-always told my dad I wanted to perform. I wanted to have fans and he said ‘I w-will try to be one of those fans in your audience, no matter how small or big. I will even w-wait for the day you’re on TV.’…” He took a breather as Stay aw’ed.
“Th-three years ago, I think, he was diagnosed with memory loss and heart problems. Over time he forgot family, he forgot parts of his life, forgot his wife, forgot his eldest son…and just a few months ago…he forgot me.
Before this concert, I went to go see him with the boys and there was nothing new but with recent news…” His voice cracked and he looked at his shoes for a moment, continuing to do so as he lifted his mic again.
“With recent news told to me, I will never have my dad in one of my audiences…and he didn’t know who I was when I was on TV.” He let out a sob and covered his face as he sank to his knees, Chan, who had been behind him the whole time, followed him and pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.
Stay aw’ed and cried at their second favorite maknae so heartbroken. The other Maknae came over to comfort him as well, some other members either standing around around crouching down as well to comfort.
a light chuckle came from the boy as he turned in his Hyung’s hold and lift his mic. “C-can we, um, sing my dad’s favorite song he would play around his room at the home?” He asked softly and Chan agreed since they still had time. “He would always play me and I.N’s song, Maknae On Top but…” He laughed and other joined. “but his most favorite i would hear is 24 to 25. Hyung, I know it’s not christmas but I want my dad to stay with me.” He mumbled, quoting the song.
“Yeah. Stay, why don’t you join us for a little.” Chan said and the others sat as well as San moved, not quite ready to leave the elders arms so he moved to a back hug between Chan’s legs that were extended.
Without music, Stay and the members softly sang a little bit of the holiday song. After there was a moment of silence when I.N laughed, thinking back to his other favorite song. “Innie?” San questioned and I.N smiled and laughed as he sang/mumbled the next part to lighten the mood “Maknae on top…ooh-woah-oh. ” Everyone else laughed with him as San joined in singing with Chan and Changbin plus chanting from the other members.
“I’m sorry I turned the rest of this sappy.” Stay cried out and Changbin yelled. “Yah! Saseum(deer)! Your feelings are fine!” He always got upset when San apologized for a normal thing. “Dweakki, I’m sorry!” “Dweakki upset…” Changbin jokingly pouted like he usually does when San doesn’t accept his feeling.
“Saseum is sorry for making Dweakki upset because Saseum won’t accept his feelings.” San played along and Changbin waited a moment before smiling and pulling the boy into a hug since they had stood up.
“Dweakki happy!” He said in his baby voice and rocked the boy back and forth.
His crying over his dad was definitely not over and he would have to ask for a quick day off for the service his mom will plan, (the boys will as well probably to be there for their friend) but as long as he had his Hyung’s to cheer him up and make him feel better on other days, overtime, he’ll be just fine.
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Covet chapters 8-11
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 8
Suddenly, Hudson’s long, elegant fingers close over mine, and everything goes still…except the stupid song. And my even stupider heart.
Chapter 8 summary: A week passes, in which Grace mopes around her room, only going out for meals and to attend classes. She avoids Jaxon, but he and his friends avoid her too. She also avoids Hudson. 
But Grace knows she has to go do her paper, and hopes that going at 10 PM means she won’t run into anybody in the library. Wrong! Hudson is there. They ignore one another, and Grace sets up her computer to do work. 
She’s listening to music as she works, and what I’m assuming is a sad song comes on. In her panic, she presses it and the song accidentally starts playing on the phone speaker, instead of through her headphones. This prompts Hudson to come over. 
Chapter 9
“Yeah, we are,” he answers. “And isn’t that just a clusterfuck of epic proportions?”
Chapter 9 summary: Hudson walks over and turns the music off, so that it’s silent in the library again. As he’s walking away, Grace calls out to him, and then gets angry that he’s intentionally ignoring her. Despite the fact that she’s also been ignoring him. 
He then points out that there’s a huge hole in her sweatpants, and he can see her lacy, black underwear. They kind of tease-flirt back and forth for a moment before Grace asks what he’s reading. He makes a joke about some happy, light reading and says that it’s Dostoevsky. 
Grace finally asks why he’s been avoiding her, but he throws the question back into her face. He then forces her to admit that they’re mates, and says that the two of them are entangled in a “clusterfuck”. 
Chapter 10
“What exactly happened between us during the four months we were trapped together?”
Chapter 10 summary: Hudson then tries to spell out for Grace about how she’s in love with his brother. Which is fair, because she still is. But she doesn’t have the emotional energy to explain to him right now about how Jaxon broke up with her a week earlier. 
She then asks what he’s actually researching, and he tells her the mating bond. That he knows the basics of it, but not anything detailed. He explains about how the bond snapped into place when they were on the field, and Grace was dying. It was the physical touch that started it, and the bond couldn’t be activated until they’d touched. 
Grace begs him to tell her what happened while they were trapped together for nearly four months. 
Chapter 11
“Anything.” I take a deep breath in the hopes of calming the wild beating of my heart. “Whatever you can remember.” 
“I remember everything, Grace.”
Chapter 11 summary: Before Hudson can answer, they’re interrupted by an underclassman werewolf coming into the library. Grace knows that not all werewolves are shitty, but her opinion of them has been forever marred by those assholes nearly freezing her to death on her first night at the school. Hudson gets up and orders the boy to leave; he goes without question. 
As he returns to Grace, she asks how he was able to do that. His powers were supposed to have been “cuffed” after he returned. He says that he would love more than anything to give up all of his powers, but no. The only power he wielded over the boy was straight up Hudson being a bigger, older bully; not vampire powers. 
Grace asks him how much he remembers from those four months, and he says that he remembers all of it. 
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kamauea · 5 years
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⚜ ——  “ not tonight, alright? just— ” he sighs, fingertips dancing on the dangerous edge of another glass of ice and whiskey.  “ i can’t deal with this shit right now. ”
open !
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yooleestruck · 6 years
I like Jaxon as a love interest but I ADORE HIM as a supporting BFF in other love interest routes. He is the #1 Atlas/MC and Nova/MC cheerleader and it makes my heart happy.
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jelly-belly-fish · 3 years
I wrote another story. My friends really wanted me to post this one, so here it is. Be warned, it has my own headcanons in it too.
TW: Cursing, Bullying
The First Meeting, Pt. 1
“C’mon, ‘Dreadgory’! Hurry up!” Xavier yelled at the boy.
“I-I’m coming,” Gregory sweetly stammered in response to his fellow classmate.
Giving the Glamrock Freddy plush he was holding a final squeeze, Gregory placed the bear plush back down on the gift shop shelf. He wanted to buy it so bad, but guess it’ll have to wait until later.
“I’ll come back for you,” he cooed softly, giving the plush a soft pat on the head, “I promise.”
The plush only gave silence as a response. Just the happy little expression sewn on its face. Gregory smiled softly back at the empty response.
“C’mon, sissy!” Gregory heard Jaxon call out to him next, “The meet and greets are starting soon! We don’t want to be late because of your slow ass!”
“Language...” Gregory whispered as he ran over to his group of friends. They all slouched and sat around the giant fountain near the grand entrance of the PizzaPlex. There were four of them: Xavier, Jaxon, Zachary, and Ian.
Xavier was a ginger with an undershave haircut. It was both smooth and spiky at the same time. Gregory always thought that the fashion trend of the boy was too mature for his age, but he didn’t question the leather-jacket-wearing 4th grader, less he wanted a bruised jaw again like last time.
Jaxon was the oldest fourth grader in Gregory’s class. With his almost-white-blonde hair and being the fastest one in gym class, he was a crush for every girl in their grade. Gregory couldn’t think of one girl who didn’t want to spend reading time with him or trade food with him at lunch. Anything to get his attention.
Zachary was probably the nicest to Gregory. Then again, that’s not saying much given how many times he dunk Gregory into sinks and dumped food all over the boy. The African American boy wore a white, zip up hoodie and blue shorts. Zachary stuck his tongue out at Gregory as he approached.
Last there was Ian. He always wore black and blue and had green eyes that always seemed like they were emotionally dead. He laughed at the most random things and told terrible jokes. And if Gregory didn’t laugh, he always got what was coming to him...
“Took you long enough, egghead!” Xavier hissed as the boys started to get up from their resting positions, “I swear if we miss these events, I’ll—“
“Xavier, shut your face!” Zachary sneered, “The more you complain to Gregory, the higher chance we’ll miss the shows! C’mon!”
As the boys started making their way to the escalators, Gregory felt a tight grip on his arm. He nervously turned to see Xavier squeezing his arm. Gregory gave Xavier a fearful look.
“This isn’t over, Evans...” Xavier hissed, thrashing Gregory’s arm down before going to join the others.
Gregory shook his head quietly, kneading his arm.
“They’re my friends...” Gregory reassured himself. Then he started to follow the group of boys up to the other parts of the PizzaPlex.
“Does everyone have their tickets?” Jaxon inquired the group as they approached the Green Rooms.
Ian giggled slightly.
“I don’t have any tickets! I’m gonna see Moondrop!”
“Seems like you guys would get along...all creepy and tell weird jokes...” mumbled Gregory under his breath, looking at the glossy, tiled floor.
“You got something to say, Dreadgory?!” Ian snapped as he grabbed the boy’s shirt collar, pulling him in close.
“You need to be nice to us, Evans,” Jaxon snarled, “you don’t want to be a crybaby who plays by himself at recess again, do ya!?”
Gregory’s heart pounded fast. He could feel the tension in the air as Ian tightened his grip on his shirt, still glaring at him with those dull green eyes.
“I-I’m sorry...” Gregory’s eyes started to sting. His brown eyes were now squeezed tight as he prepared for their punches.
Gregory didn’t get any punches, but the floor greeted him with a harsh slap as he fell onto it. His breathing hitched as Gregory shakily got onto his hands and knees. Head still low, Gregory looked back up at his group of friends. They all towered over him now.
“We’ll let you off this time, shorty...” Jaxon sneered, “It is your birthday after all.”
Ian broke out in hysterical laughter.
“Awww look at da little baby! Is he going to cry?!”
The rest of the boys started to snicker along. It was true, Gregory was going to cry.
Gregory could feel tears start to drip from his eyes. He tried to stay strong, but he could feel himself cracking.
“C’mon guys, let’s leave the birthday boy to his birthday tears!” Xavier cackled.
They all started to leave, talking amongst themselves about what animatronic they were going to see. Jaxon to Roxanne Wolf, Xavier to Montgomery Gator, Zachary to Glamrock Chica, and Ian to Moondrop.
The only one left was the main star himself: Glamrock Freddy.
He was for the birthday boy.
He was the only thing Gregory was looking forward to seeing on his birthday. The only thing to make his day better. Gregory looked down at the blue and white Fazbear Entertainment ticket in his tiny hands. Gregory then held a small smile on his face. Wiping away his tears, Gregory stood up and made his way to the Green Room of the one and only Freddy Fazbear.
His heart started jogging in his chest again. He was both excited and scared at the same time. He wasn’t the biggest fan of animatronics, but there was something about Glamrock Freddy that he loved so much. His kind demeanor, the way he cared about every child he met, his powerful vocal chords when he spoke and sung, he was like everyone’s dad. Everyone’s weird, robotic, bear dad.
As Gregory approached the green room for Freddy, he saw a red curtain draped in front of it. His pulse quickened. Why were the curtains closed? Picking up his pace, Gregory ran to the front of the curtain. There was a white sign in front of the sparkly, red curtain. Gregory’s heart dropped to his stomach.
Gregory’s teeth gritted together. He sucked air through his teeth as tears poured from his eyes.
This had to be fake. It couldn’t be real.
Gregory could sense the teasing and humiliation coming already if the other boys founded him like this. Founded the only dream he had for today to be crushed.
He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream.
He just wanted to hide away forever.
Without even thinking, Gregory dashed into the curtains and into the room behind.
It was a dark room. The only light was the little sliver coming from the cut between the two curtains. Not seeing anything around him, Gregory fell onto his face. A pained grunt slipped past his lips as his face squished into the firm, velvety carpet.
That was the final straw for him.
Curling up on the floor, Gregory hiccuped the smallest of sobs. He laid there for awhile, silently crying over his birthday being ruined.
“It’s not fair...” Gregory pulled himself into a tighter ball, “It’s not fair, it’s not fair!”
“What’s not fair?” A mocking tone asked behind the boy.
Gregory snapped up and scuttled backwards.
In the darkness, the only light being their phone flashlights, were Xavier, Jaxon, and Zachary.
They were all different however, and certainly not for the better. They were all wearing masks of the characters they all went to see. There were not visible eyes in the masks, making them look like empty voids in the darkness. They stared at him eerily, sending chills down Gregory’s spine.
“Did the baby boy not get what he wanted this year for his birthday?” Xavier questioned further. “Did he want to be forgotten?”
Gregory shook his head quickly. No...
“You know, Xavier,” Jaxon said, in a overly exaggerated thinking pose, “I heard there’s something special about these animatronics...especially Freddy...”
Gregory didn’t like where this was going. He slowly started to scoot back.
“Freddy has a special way to treat sad birthday kids!” Jaxon laughed. “He EATS them!”
“Wh-Wha...” Was all a shaken Gregory was able to say before getting snatched up by the bullies.
“And we gotta keep the bear happy and STUFFED, now don’t we Gregory?”
They flashed their lights onto the animatronic who was hiding, decommissioned in the shadows of the room.
Gregory kicked and screamed for them to let him go.
“You did this to yourself, runt,” Jaxon warned, speaking through his Roxanne mask’s wolffish grin, “You just HAD to be upset on your birthday!”
As Gregory continued to cry out louder now, Jaxon clamped a hand over the boy’s mouth, muffling his screams.
Zachary jumped on top of the small stage that Glamrock Freddy stood on. He felt around the animatronic’s chest and stomach like he was searching for something.
“Hey Jax!” He called out over Gregory’s muffled cries, “How do you open this?”
“Press his bowtie, stupid! Just like how my mom showed us!” Jaxon scoffed, struggling to keep a grip on Gregory’s squirming torso. Xavier did his best to control Gregory’s legs.
With a click and a hiss, the bear’s broad chest opened. With only the phone lights as his guide, Gregory stopped struggling for a bit and stared at the now opened chest. In the harsh lighting mixed with complete darkness, the chest cavity of the animatronic looked like a dark void...ready to swallow Gregory whole.
Gregory thrashed about even more now, like a fish trapped in a net. He wanted to cry and scream for them to stop, but Jaxon’s hand only made him make suppressed yelps.
They brought him closer...and closer....
Finally, with a good and quick shove, Gregory was forced into the tight darkness. Gregory quickly turned his head around to see the opening of the chest cavity snap close behind him. Gregory was now soaked in enclosed darkness.
“NO!” He cried.
Gregory pressed himself against the sealed entrance. Sweat made his hands clammy as he pounded against the plastic wall. Tears flooded his eyes as he anxiously knocked against the fake material.
“PLEASE LET ME OUT!!” He begged, choking between sobs, “PLEE-EEASE!!”
His cries only got muffled chuckles in response. Those chuckles made Gregory grasp onto reality. A silent fearful look took over Gregory’s tear stained, sweat covered face.
“Listen to him, the fuckin’ idiot...” A softened Xavier cackled.
“Oh, if only Ian was here,” Jaxon wheezed, “He would be laughing his ass off right now...”
Gregory’s good heart wanted to remind them of their language, but he forced himself to stay silent. That didn’t stop his tears from flooding though. Hitched breaths were sucked in through his teeth.
“Guys... I think he’s been in there long enough,” Zachary whispered, “I don’t want to get in trouble with my dad about this.”
“Oh shut up, Zack..” Xavier snapped, “The little bitch just needs to learn that him crying is so annoying..”
“Yeah,” Jaxon agreed, “No wonder no one is friends with him.”
Gregory’s heart froze. The dreaded reality finally sat in. The one he fought so hard to not accept. Tears continued to flow as he leaned against the plastic wall, sobs ripping from his throat.
Gregory truly was all alone in this world.
As he sat there, bawling his eyes out in the darkness, Gregory couldn’t help but feel something, or someone, watching him. Watching him...and watching the bullies outside his tomb. He felt the omnipresent stare on him. It felt angry. It felt judgmental. It felt...protective.
Gregory looked around the tight space. There was no room for anyone else to be in here. Heck, there was barely enough room for him to be in here. His knees ached with cramps. His feet were pressed against the metal wall behind him. Gregory wanted out...and he wanted out now. And he wanted the feeling of being watched to go away too. It certainly wasn’t helping.
Despite his silent pleas, Gregory continued to stay in that chest cavity, and the feeling of being watched only got worse.
“C’mon guys,” Jaxon sarcastically laughed, “Let’s leave the little birthday boy to his little gift from us. I’m sure he’ll want to be alone to enjoy it alllll to himself.”
That one sentence brought back the fear and dread Gregory had only mere moments ago.
“WAIT!!” Gregory shrieked, “YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE ME IN HERE!!”
He continued to knock and slam his hands hands against the plastic wall. They seriously couldn’t be leaving him here...they couldn’t be...
“Oh, I think he’s loving it so far,” a much more distant Jaxon called out, “Have fun in there, Dreadgory!”
A burst of the boys’ laughter erupted again, suddenly being even more muffled by a curtain swooshing. Soon, the laughter faded away, only leaving Gregory in complete darkness. Complete, eerie darkness. The only sounds were Gregory’s cries and pleas, hopelessly trying to get their attention, to make them come and get him out of this stupid chest cavity. All he got in response was his cries and knocks echoing in the tight space...
After what seemed like forever of begging and tears, Gregory’s screams dialed down to soft whimpers. He hugged his knees and held them up to his chest. Gregory’s body was soaked in sweat. His forehead was beaded with the salty liquid. The dark air and his clothes were now dampen from the sweat and his tears. Still in utter darkness, Gregory continued to sob quietly, thinking of what just happened. Were his friends right? Did he really deserve this?
The little birthday boy sighed, wiping his tears from his eyes.
“Maybe they’re right...” he croaked, “M-Maybe I...I do deserve this..”
Gregory then buried his face into his knees, his eyes beginning to sting again.
“I’m all alone...” he shuttered, “Tr-Trapped in here... forever.”
“You’re not alone.”
Gregory’s head shot up. His heart began to pound quickly again. He looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.
“Who...” Gregory panicked, “Who’s there?!”
“Do not be afraid, little one,” the voice softly continued, “I’d never hurt you.”
The voice...it was rumbled like thunder and as gruff as rusty metal, but it was gentle and quiet as a butterfly. And most of all, it sounded familiar.
“Gl-Glamrock Fre—“ Gregory started, only to be interrupted again.
“Let’s make this more comfortable,” the voice proposed, “They’re gone now, so it’s safe to come out.”
There was a soft click outside. A click of a button? Gregory’s heart fluttered. Could this really be him? There was a hiss and more clicks. Gregory could feel cool and new air flush against his face. The chest cavity was now open.
Part 2 coming very soon!
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ryker-writes · 11 months
Warning: blood, lots of negative thoughts
Jaxon sat in the empty classroom, staring down at the blank test paper. He had to answer each question, but it's like they were in a different language. He just couldn't understand them.
The longer he sat there, the louder the whispering got. No one was around to whisper, but it was impossible not to hear it.
"No one likes you."
"You're nothing but a violent delinquent."
"You shouldn't be allowed here."
"Everyone hates you."
"You're going to be alone forever."
He only closed his eyes for a second, but when he opened them again, he was outside in the courtyard. In front of him was that Heartslabyul student, lying bloody on the ground. Looking down, Jaxon could see his bloody hands.
This time, there were students all around them. They all whispered to each other, but he couldn't tell what they were saying. They just wouldn't stop talking, and there was no where for him to go. He was surrounded.
There she was. The one person he longed to see. The only person he would never push away. The only person who he desperately craved contact and affirmation from.
She stood above the Heartslabyul student on the ground. She looked just like he remembered she did. Her long dark blue hair framed those usually gentle pink eyes. But now, that gentleness was replaced with sadness and disappointment.
"How could you do this? Something so cruel and horrible. You're not the son I raised."
"No. Please, don't say that. I didn't mean to. Don't leave me."
"It's all your fault Jaxon."
Just like that, she faded from his view. She was gone again. Jaxon fell to his knees as the students started laughing. He was shaking, and they wouldn't stop. Before he knew it, his breathing had picked up and tears started to fall from his eyes. But when they hit the ground, they were black droplets.
Jaxon quickly sat up and looked around. He was outside, and sitting behind the botanical gardens. That's right; he fell asleep. That was all just another nightmare.
He hated it. He hated having to face these nightmares night after night. He was sick of them. Thankfully, they didn't last very long.
Looking up, he could see all the stars and the moon still high above the campus. He must've only slept for a few hours.
Jaxon simply sighed, and laid back down. He started humming a familiar tune as he watched the stars.
In order to keep himself from falling asleep again, he activated his unique magic on himself. He instantly felt that small bit of fear enter his system and kept him on edge.
If he was lucky, Jaxon wouldn't have to sleep again until tomorrow night, and only for a few hours. He only needed a few hours each night to function.
Looking up at all the stars and constellations through the trees, he felt a sort of tightness in his chest that he didn't like. It was a feeling that he was familiar with even though it constantly ate away at him. The intense guilt for everything mixed perfectly with sadness and loneliness.
And in the back of his mind, her words were stuck on repeat.
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avocado-frog · 8 months
Find the word tag because Today is the Day
Tagged by @oh-no-another-idea
Let's see if I post this the day I started writing it or if it goes to die in my drafts
Fish (??? i honestly just started writing. dunno what this was for)
(He didn't know if a dead pufferfish was just as dangerous as a live one. Ryan would know.)
(The next morning, out of curiosity, he found himself asking. The boy seemed a little startled by the question, but he lit up at seeing that he was the expert in that subject. He shook his head, but said that you shouldn't touch them, anyways.
"Don't people eat 'em sometimes?" Sam asked, through a bite of oatmeal. He gestured wildly with his hands.
"Yeah, but there's a certain way to cut them, I think." Ryan and Logan's answer was simultaneous.)
Fuel (Leo kills a man)
That fueled the fire like gasoline. With a sudden surge of adrenaline, Leo dodged the swing that came her way and placed a well-aimed foot into the boy's stomach. He fell back, threw a clump of dirt at Leo, and she took the opportunity.
He was on his back and Leo stomped hard on his neck, earning several screams behind her.
Feeling (cw for body horror I think)
Dylan pointedly did not look up, as the hand started to tighten. The demon's skin was ashy and gray, the hand thin and bony, black veins protruding through the cold skin. It wore a loose, turquoise shirt, and a white lab coat that nearly reached the floor.
Shooting a quick glance at Ryan, he had not yet noticed. Dylan didn't want to move, afraid of the demon's nails clawing at their skin. With a quiet hum of Ryan's name and a swift kick at the ground, their friend looked up, shot to his feet, looking terrified of the demon. Dylan didn't blame him, though they had yet to get the pleasure of looking at it.
Reluctantly, Dylan moved their head up, meeting the gaze of what they assumed was supposed to be Leo.
It had the same face, though gray and pale, black stripes slashed over its mouth. It had the same golden eyes, though bloodshot and glowing yellow, and it had the same brown hair tied up behind its head, thin and disheveled.
It opened its mouth, and the skin on its lips stuck together, sewn up like a doll, as it smiled big, lacking teeth.
This was an easy contender for one of the worst days of their life.
Float(ed) (drowning tw)
The rotting wood creaked under his feet, mold and moss lining the cracks in black wood. Red waves crashed harmlessly against the poles. Through murky water, he could see arms floating.
If Dylan were here, they wouldn't have hesitated to go into the water. They'd have already found Elliot by now. Lucas would've been out ages ago. That was why they were taken away, they were too determined to find Elliot. Ryan wasn't determined enough.
If he didn't find Elliot, he wouldn't get Dylan back, and if he didn't get Dylan back, he'd be stuck here forever. With that thought in mind, he took a deep breath, willed himself to move, and stood right on the edge of the docks, and tilted ever so slightly forwards.
He plunged into the water, in what felt familiar. The water, this time, was red instead of murky blue, and when he was pushed into the lake at the fair, there wasn't a hand around his wrist, pulling him down. This time, there was, and he had screamed at the realization. Bloody water entered his lungs, tasting distinctly like iron, getting colder and darker the further they went.
He latched onto the pole holding the docks, digging his fingers into moss, reaching up for the surface. A hand grabbed onto his, pulling him out of freezing water. Jaxon held him close, shouting at a group of kids, frantically apologizing. Ryan didn't do much but shake, huddled against the safe figure of his friend.
Jaxon wasn't there this time. No one was there. He did not know whose arm was dragging him so deep underwater
Sad to say I don't have fancy 😔
Words: Stake, stale, severe, shadow, sandwich
+open tag of course
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bread-elf · 3 years
DWC 2021 - Day 2
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Blame Chains of Dominion A warm summer breeze, perhaps one of the last for the season, makes the leaves on the tree limbs dance and thrive. A much stronger gust suddenly hits, making some of the branches sway, and little Anorah’lah Glaivefall squeals as she hangs from it. The branch tucked under her knees, the elven child hangs upside down, snow white hair hanging beneath her. Her twin watches with anxiety from the ground, a boy with sea green hair just like his mother, and burning amber eyes as he holds his arms out in anticipation as the branch shifts from the wind. “G-Get down!” Vaeren’dalar Glaivefall stammers out. “Min’da and Aunties will get mad!” “I’m fine, I’m fine!” Anorah chimes in response with a lift in her voice. “The tree is strong-” Just as she spoke, she jinxed herself. The children were growing hearty and well, and it shows as the branch gives in to the weight, snapping at the base. It feels like there’s a pause as Vaeren registers what is happening before his eyes, and gravity takes in as it starts to bring down Anorah. But a being lurches into action, catching hold of the girl and flipping her around to cradle her in his arms. This all happens in a matter of seconds, and Anorah is flabbergasted until her senses can pull together and regard who is holding her. “An’da!” She beams up at Aztook Glaivefall, former illidari and mate to Jiroki. Though not the blood father of the twins, he still holds his chosen daughter carefully. “Heeeey! Are you a bat now? You shouldn’t be hanging from branches unless you have wings like I do!” Able to summon forth his own demonic wings, though he doesn’t do that now, instead placing Anorah back down on her own two feet, helping brush off some stray leaves clinging to her clothes. Vaeren comes on up now that his sister was plucked to safety, though mildly cautious around the strange man. “Aw! If I had wings, Min’da wouldn’t be mad if I climbed trees!” She complains with logic. Though she looks up at the demonic man. “Will- Will Cyllia grow wings like you?” A new babe had just been born, Aztook’s official second child. At the question he just laughs in his usual hearty way, though his brow does a bit of a crease. “Oh, now wouldn’t that be something!” A mild pang of anxiety and morbid curiosity comes with the thought, mostly curiosity, though he senses other forms of life approaching. He glances in their direction, and the twins soon enough notice their mother gliding towards them. “Did something happen?” Jiroki asks, carrying a bundle in her arms. Her motherly senses must have been tingling, giving Aztook a bit of a wry look. He just flashes her his most charming smile, and in just a few long strides with a burst of inhumane speed he’s in front of her. “Why yes! You finally are walking again! It’s a miracle!” Putting his hands on her hips, and his words just makes her dark eyes roll heavily. “I’ve been walking for over a week now!” Jiroki huffs, the twins jogging to catch up. “Vaeren, Anorah, Jaxon is here.” “YES!” Vaeren dashes off, eager to go and meet with this family friend who has come to visit. Anorah is typically the more energetic one, shocked to see her brother suddenly move so quickly and loudly, and it becomes contagious for her as she darts on off after him, leaving the parents alone with the newborn. Now alone, Jiroki turns her dark eyes to dote a loving but sassy gaze at her mate. His fel gaze staring down at the child, a small smile as he carefully runs the back of a finger along his new daughter’s cheek. “... What is it?” Jiroki scans his face, her instincts churning in her stomach. The feeling amplifies as he doesn’t say anything for a moment, the chatty and witty demon hunter usually fast in his responses. But this time, he takes a moment to think. “... Do you remember the work I was doing with the Harvesters?” He asks. Breaking ties with the Illidari, Aztook found himself working with warlocks instead, and did many things with them during the Legion’s last invasion. “Yes, I do…” Aztook inhales a slow and deep breath after her words, and
his silence just makes her start to frown. “What? What is it? Just tell me.” “They reached out to me. There have been… strange ongoings happening with the Nathrezim. I can’t go into much detail, there isn’t really much to give in the first place…” His head tilts downward some, then they lift up so his blinded gaze can meet hers. “... I have to leave.” The words at first go over her, Jiroki’s dark eyes scanning over his face numerous times. But they start to sink in, slowly, and a frown creeps onto her face. “Leave? What do you mean ‘leave’?” Her words begin to have hiss to them, though she’s forced to be mindful of the child she carries in her arms. “You can’t just leave! We just had Cyllia!” “Dalah’surfal-” Aztook reaches a hand up to touch her cheek, the other resting along one of her hands that carried his child. “We both knew this could happen. There are still forces out there left after Sargeras’ defeat. And you, of all people, should know what the Nathrezim are capable of…” The hand on her cheek tightens a bit, not out of hostility, but his words begin to dip even deeper, almost monstrous even, his inner demon still very much active and joined with her mate’s soul. “Ahmran…” Jiroki defiantly stares into those fel orbs of his, using his real name to call her lover back into the present. Though a low growl is heard, his shoulders relax a little, as does his hand on her cheek, and he leans in to rest his forehead against hers. “I have to go. With every fiber of my being, I am going to secure our children’s future. I know you will take good care of them until I come back.” “This isn’t fair-” Try as she might, she can only do so much to hold back the rushing emotions inside of her. Holding Cyllia carefully, she trembles lightly, tears stinging at her eyes. “This isn’t fair! You too?! I can’t go through this again! I can’t-” “I will come back!” Aztook emphasis, lightly grasping both sides of her head, making her look at him. “There is no way I will be parted from you. You have given me so much more than I ever imagined- I never dreamed I could have a chance at a family.” Glancing down at little Cyllia again, then back to the woman he loves. “And there’s no way that I’ll let you stab someone else besides me.” Despite herself, the last bit of his words make her sputter, but she sniffles and tries to choke back her tears as they glide down her cheeks. “I hate you… So much! This is all your fault…” A hiccup escapes her, and Aztook gives her a sad smile. “I’ll take all of the blame.” @daily-writing-challenge
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kindnessisweakness2 · 3 years
*gif not mine, just thought it was insanely cute*
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Delaney rushed into the office, red faced. "Sorry Gem. I overslept. All the things you texted me to get are in my car, I have the girls unloading it now." Gemma could see straight though delaney's lie. The bags under her eyes showed the young girl was anything but well rested. Gemma noticed the little things about people. People's body language showed more than what they wanted it to. More than what people are willing to say. You can find out alot about a person my observing them, their mannerisms, their characteristics. What makes them tick. What's going on on the inside. You had to read between the lines with Delaney. She would never outright say when things were upsetting her. She was always too worried about other people to bother them with her own problems. Gemma could tell just by looking at her that something was eating at her. For example the sky blue nail polish was extremely chipped, Delaney's usually long nails were bitten down nearly to the nub. It was her worst habit. Gemma knew she only did it when she was stressed or worried. Or even the fact she didn't have a stroke of make up in her face pointed out something was wrong with the girl. Delaney was naturally beautiful. She didn't need make up but she was never seen without it. She portrayed herself as so put together, and usually seemed so strong but something was breaking Delaney and Gemma was going to find out what it is.
A couple of hours Later Delaney was finally done laying the table of finger food in the club house. These boys could eat as much as they drink. "Hey D" Delaney spun around a massive grin spreading on her face. "Your home!!" Her arms wound tightly around Jax's torso, pulling him into a tight hug. In that moment she finally felt safe for the first time in weeks. She felt like she could finally take a breath without drowning in panic. She didn't want to let him go but she had to. "How was Nevada? Jury all good up there?" Delaney sat next to Jax at the bar and for the first time in a while the wide smile on her face reached her eyes.
Gemma watched as Delaney and jax sat catching up. It didn't take a genius to feel and see the chemistry between the pair. It's been like that since they met. Delaney moved to charming a few months after Tara left and the impact she had on jax was massive. She made him smile again, laugh again. Made him realise that life could go on without her when he couldn't see it. Delaney picked Jax up and made him whole when her world was being torn apart. Gemma quickly became fond of her because despite what people told her about samcro Delaney never treated any of them any different. She didn't pry into club business when she overheard bits of information around the garage and She never asked questions. She got hired for the office job and was soon accepted into the fold. She was privy to things many people wasn't and she was trusted by everyone. Jax quickly became protective over Delaney. That's why when she was having trouble with her shithead boyfriend Alex it had to be Gemma and Unser who helped her. Jax still doesn't know what happened to this day and he can't. Jax would kill Alex without a second thought and would still be serving time in Stockton. Gemma couldn't let that happen.
By 10 o'clock the party was in full swing. Delaney was behind the bar as usual, laughing with half sack and juice. "I'm sorry sack but that's the worst pick up line I've ever heard". Delaney patted him on the shoulder before moving to serve Jax a drink. "You need to teach that boy some of your sexy charm. Hes never gonna get laid on his own." Still giggling at the cheesy line sack tried to work on her she poured Jax a whiskey. "You think I'm sexy?" Jax chuckled as she went red. "Those words never left my mouth Teller". Shaking her head Delaney put the bottle of Jack on the bar. "Well you must do something right with the ladies or are they just fucking you because your the Prince of charming?" Delaney rolled her eyes as jax seemed to be enjoying this abit too much. Leaning over the bar Jax kissed her cheek and winked at her "wouldn't you like to know darlin" Delaney shook her head as he sauntered away towards Opie. Cheeky fucker. Truth is she would. She would love to know how people just fall at his feet. She was one of his many victims who would give anything for a relationship with the 'prince'. Except while others want Jaxon Teller the vice president of Samcro. Delaney wanted Jaxon Teller the goofball who was rubbish at video games and snored softly when he slept. The idiot who set his mom's kitchen on fire when he tried to make her breakfast when she was sad. The man who skipped club parties and women who would do anything he asked them to sit in her front room in star wars pyjamas and eat pizza. The soft side to Jax teller that people were not lucky enough to see was the only side of him she knew. And that made her love him more.
Delaney sighed as the party started to die down. Various club members went off with women, some passed out on the sofas not capable of making it to the forms and some went home early eith their old ladies. The funniest of the bunch however was Tig, Who was passed out on top of the pool table face burried in a croweaters chest. Delaney started to clean up the bar feeling sick to her stomach at the thought of going home. Would he be there waiting for her? Would he watch her again? Would he try to get in this time? What if--? "Hey you ok?" Gemmas voice cut her thoughts short. "Y-yeah I'm fine" Delaney forced a smile. "C-can I sleep here tonight? In the spare dorm? Too tired to drive home" Gemmas eyebrows lifted in speculation. Delaney fiddled with the glass in her hands nervously as she waited for Gemma to speak. "Sure baby I'll get you some clean sheets." Delaney could of cried in relief as she turned away but froze as Gemma spoke again. "I know something's bothering you. I know something's wrong and your scared. I wont force you to tell me what it is right now." Locking eyes with Gemma, Delaney felt like a small kid caught in a lie. "But you will tell me. Eventually it'll all become too much and you'll have to. Secrets aren't good baby. They get people hurt." Nodding her head Delaney turned to put the glass down as Gemma walked away.
The last thing Delaney wanted to do was hurt anyone. This was her problem. She needed to deal with it. But she didn't know how much more she could take. How much longer can she cope with this stress and live in fear?
And that's it guys!! Part 3 is up! I'm loving how this is coming along. As usual feedback and advice always welcome. Part 4 coming soon!
So what do you guys think Delaney should do? Tell Gemma Or keep it secret? Let me know what you think!!
Love to you all, stay safe! 🍃
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HomeTown Part 2
Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Summary: You and Sebastian go visit your family for Christmas and share a big announcement but Sebastian has an announcement of his own.
Warnings: Fluff?
Part 1
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You followed behind Sebastian in the airport as he dragged you to the end of the gate like you had done a little under a month ago. It was the day after new year's and you were back in your hometown. You spent Christmas day and new year's with his mom but still wanted to have a Christmas celebration with your family. "Babe!! Slow down!" You wined as he walked faster. You found this amusing. In the week you had stayed before he got close with your oldest niece and your oldest two nephews, converting both boys to team cap. Jon said he'd bring them when he came to pick you up because he found this just as sweet as you did.
"But. I want to see them!" He pouted causing you to laugh.
"I know but they ain't going no where." You said walking beside him. "See they are right there." You pointed at the three teenagers running over to you their dad/uncle standing filming the reunion.
"Auntie y/n! Seb!" They said giving Sebastian a gig before you.
"You stole my niece and nephews!" You pout at Sebastian who just laughed.
"Don't worry Auntie y/n your still our favorite." Samantha reassured. You smiled shaking you head.
"Hey! When will I get a dang hug!" Jon shouted from where he was standing a pout evident on his face. Your ran ahead of your boyfriend and the kids to give your brother a hug.
"Happy New Year Bro." You said laughing as you pulled out to go to luggage claim.
"Happy New Year Sis." He smiled at you wrapping an arm around you while his kids and nephew began to talk Sebastian's ear off about what happened since they last saw him. "So Colleen said your might have big news come on tell your favorite brother!" He said.
"Goddammit Colleen." You mumbled. "We don't have big news." You lied as you made it to the luggage claim. Sebastian pulled both bags off passing yours to you.
"Oh.." Jon said.
You guys made it to the car and began the drive to town. "Sebastian how's filming falcon and the winter soldier?" Jon asked keeping his eyes on the road.
"It's going good!" He said. You leaned on his shoulder.
"Any spoilers you can tell us?" Grayson asked looking back from the front seat where he sat.
"You have to wait till the show comes out." Sebastian said.
"Come on, please?" Samantha begged.
Samantha rolled her eyes leaning back in her seat pouting.
"Why do you want to know spoilers anyway?" Jon asked the three teens.
"So we can sell that information to the people at our school. We're already popular because our aunt is Y/n L/n but being able to tell them things about Falcon and the Winter soldier would bump up our street cred." Jaxon said proudly.
"Your using us for street cred?" You asked.
"Yeah!" Grayson told you sitting back in his seat properly
"They can't use me for street cred I'm not officially part of the family." Sebastian smirked at you.
"A photo of them bombarding you with questions went viral." Jon reminded him.
"Oh yeah." Sebastian said laughing a bit.
"Did you guys bring presents?" Samantha asked.
"Yes but you have to wait till tomorrow." You said giving her a pointed look.
"Please?" The three teens said giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah come on why can we give them the presents today?" Sebastian asked. He knew why.
"You know why babe." You rolled your eyes. You had a big surprise for your family, and your nieces and nephews were gonna help you pull off telling the adults. But of course you got them normal presents as well.
"You guys hiding something?" Jon asked you raising an eyebrow at you through the rearview mirror.
"No." You laughed as Jon pulled into your parents drive way. You saw your nieces and nephews playing with different toys they had probably gotten for Christmas. "Let's see if they prefer you over me as well." You joked to Sebastian as you got out. Your nieces and nephews walk toward the pair of you besides Griffin and Oliver.
"Auntie y/n!" Griffin exclaimed hugging your leg, Oliver hugging the other while your slightly older nieces and nephews just walked over normally and gave you hugs.
"See im their favorite." You referred to your youngest nephews as you picked them both up setting them on opposite hips you stuck your tongue out at Sebastian smirking.
"Good job Dragoste."
"What does that mean?" Griffin asked him.
"It means love." Sebastian said.
"Dragoste! Cool!" Griffin giggled smiling at him.
"Why do say dragster and not love?" Oliver asked him as you guy went to the trunk of the car.
"Because if I just called your aunt love. It wouldn't be as special." Sebastian smiled at them before he pulled the suitcases out of the car because your hands were occupied.
"Cool! Dragoste I like it!" Oliver declared. You shook your head a loving smile on your face.
"Why don't you two of play?" You asked them setting them back down on the ground. They nodded running off to where Benji was playing with a remote control monster truck. "I can't believe we're gonna have one of those in nine months." You whispered placing a kiss to your boyfriends lips.
"Can't we tell them today?" Sebastian asked you. That's right you're pregnant! You guys already told his mom and step dad on Christmas. You had found out on Christmas Eve.
"No we can't." You said taking your bag from him and going to the porch where Colleen was excitedly standing on the porch waiting to know if you were pregnant.
"Are you having a baby?" She asked you smiling wide.
"No." You faked being sad to hope she'd not bring it up any more.
"Oh.. Sorry." She frowned hugging you.
"It's all good." You assured trying to hide the amusement on your face. Sebastian on the other hand didn't even try he just smiled.
"Don't worry it took me and Jon a little to get pregnant." She said pulling out of the hug.
"When you did get pregnant you had twins. I don't think we're ready for twins." You joked as the three of you began to walk inside.
"I think we could handle two." Sebastian spoke up. You rolled your eyes smiling.
"You could get your own Jax and Sam." Colleen said.
"Colleen... I used to baby sit them you do remember all the trouble they caused? Especially if you threw Grayson in the mix I don't think I'm ready for that." You said before you entered the living room deciding to pause the conversation since the rest of your family was waiting there.
"Hey mom!" You hugged her, "wassup dad." You said after you pulled out of the hug with your mom hugging him next. You mom brought Sebastian into a hug while you hugged your dad. After you hugged your parent you ran over and jumped on your three brother who you had yet to greet. "Hi!" You smiled at them sweetly before they pushed you on the floor.
"You okay dragoste?" Sebastian asked helping you up giving your brothers a playful glare.
"I've had worse. Now where the baby?" You asked Justin.
"You haven't even let us say hi yet and your already asking about Nora." Justin said rolling his eyes.
"Justin she's done this every year since she was eighteen why are you surprised.
"She's in the playpen in your room cause it was the quietest place to put her." Liz answered walking into the living room, Oliver on her hip eating fruit snacks.
"Okay!" You and Sebastian said the same time before you guys made your way up stairs hearing your family laugh.
"We're gonna have one of these soon." Sebastian said when the two of you made it to your room looking in the play pen where a peacefully looking baby slept.
It was the next morning, you sat in the living room presents under the tree that your mom kept up just for this late Christmas celebration. You brothers and their families weren't here just yet so you and Sebastian were talking with your mom and dad.
"Jax and Sammy have been telling us all about your roll with marvel." Your dad told him smiling.
"They are big fans of your character Barney." Your mom said. You began cackling.
"Barney barnes." You teased him.
"I-its bucky... Barnes." Sebastian corrected politely.
"Where's the presents!" You hear Griffin exclaim dashing into the living room, Levi and Jasper close behind him. Grayson walking in grumbling about how it was to early.
"They're under the tree. Find the ones with your names it your each have two." You directed them, the younger three boys of the four all dashed to the tree looking at each of the presents even though Griffin couldn't read.
"Grayson help Griffin find his." Mike said before he came and sat down in between you and Sebastian pushing you two apart. "Hi, did you guys get me any presents?" He asked as his wife walked in smiling at her sons.
"Yeah go join them finding them." Sebastian said. Griffin moved to the coffee table with his two presents.
"Okay one of those is from me one of those is from Seb."
Griffin smiled wide ripping open the present Sebastian picked out for him. It was a kid's remote control car.
"Cool!" Griffin exclaimed. Levi was the next to settle down with his presents he opened the one you picked out, finding a new football since Levi played Football. (american)
"Cool! Thanks!"
Griffin ripped open the one you picked out, revealing a Tigger stuffed animal. Jasper and Grayson sat down next to their younger brothers before griffin ran over to his mom begging her to open the car. Jasper opened his first present getting a nerf gun from Sebastian.
"Awesome! Thank you Seb!" Jasper said a big smile on his face.
"Told you he'd love it." Sebastian said to you.
"I said his parents wouldn't not that he wouldn't." You rolled your eyes at him.
Grayson opened his first present the one from Sebastian to see a empty box. "Uh... Thank you?" Grayson said looking at him confused.
"Did you really wrap a empty box! I thought you were joking!" You said reaching over Mike to smack Sebastian.
"Sorry!" Sebastian laughed. "Don't worry your actual present should be near the back of the tree." He told your nephew who was frowning.
Levi wrapped the present from Sebastian open it also revealed a nerf gun. "Dude! Cool! Come on Jasp! Nerf gun battle!"
"Wait I have one more." Jasper said unwrapping the present from you, it was the next book in the series he was reading. "Thank you!" He said before running off with Levi their nerf guns in tow toward the Mitch to probably get scissors to open it with.
Mike got up from his seat to "help Grayson find his present" he actually went to find his own presents. Grayson went back to where his other present was sat with his actual present from Sebastian. He opened it again revealing a nerf gun. Sebastian was setting up a nerf war for all your older nieces and nephews which is why Griffin didn't get one.
"Oh cool! Thank you!" Grayson said before opening the one from you, which was a x-men comic book he wanted. "This was the one I wanted! Thanks Auntie Y/n!" He said getting up to hug you. You smiled hugging him as mike sat back down next to you his two presents in his hands. These were both from you because Sebastian didn't know what to get your brothers.
Grayson found himself a seat next to your mom and dad opening his comic. You watched as your brother opened his present to get a gag gift, it was a tradition you and your siblings each had to give each other the most random or useless thing you could find at the dollar store since this started when you were 6 and only had a dollar.
"Wings? Really?" You nodded before Kristina passed you a box.
"Ooh my gag gift!" You said ripping it opened to reveal a good job cone. "Oh thanks." You laughed. Sebastian looked at it confused.
"What's the point of these gifts?" Sebastian asked.
"There is none it's a tradition, Y/n started when she was five. There's only two rules no one can help you pick the present out and it has to come from Dollar tree." Kristina explained.
"To avoid inappropriate gifts being opened while the kids are around." Mike added.
"Okay if I had known what was in that box I wouldn't have opened it!" You said.
"Matt put don't open around the kids! GAG gift!!" Mike said.
"Yeah in tiny ass letters!" You said. Sebastian looked at you guys confused.
"Whatever." Mike said opening the next gift. "Thank you." He said giving you a really look holding up the T-Shirt that said "I have a badass baby sister yes she got me this shirt."
"You're most welcome!" You said smiling at him. Kristina rolled her eyes at you two going to grab her own presents you got her.
Soon the rest of your brothers and their families were there, the older kids were having a nerf gun battle outside with Sebastian since he obviously bought himself a nerf gun too. The younger kids were inside playing with the other toys they had got. Your brothers were wearing the matching fairy wings you got them as their gag gift. While their wives and you were talking. You had Nora on your lap.
Sebastian walked in a nerf bullet stuck to the center of his forehead. "Babe you have something on your forehead." You said laughing.
"They teamed up on me." He grumbled pulling it off before taking a seat next to you and stealing Nora from your lap. "Can we do it now?" He whispered to you.
"Yeah go wrangle the big kids." You said taking Nora. "If you excuse us we have a surprise that the kids are going to help us pull off.. So get your butts outside to wait for us." You said to the adults in the room. They rolled their eyes walking out with Sebastian.
"Okay kiddies! Come on!" You said the little kids looked at you. "I'll give you guys lollipops." The kids jumped up running up the stairs. "Slow down! Your parents will kill me if you fall down the stairs." You said.
Once up stairs you got upstairs you got Griffin, Oliver, and Nora in their shirts while Leo got into his on his own. Sebastian and the older kids barreled into the bedroom after.
"What are we doing?" Samantha asked.
"You guys are going to have a new cousin! And if you get these shirts on you'll help us tell your parents and Granny and pap." Sebastian explained.
"Cool!!" Hazel squealed. Your nieces and nephews celebrated a bit and gave you hugs before you sent them each to a different room upstairs to change while Sebastian watched the ones already you got into your shirt that said right over the belly where your baby was: GrandBaby #14. Your nieces and nephews had shirts that say Grandbaby #1-13. You made it t your room and everyone was ready.
"Okay line up in number order. Griff stand right next to Sebastian when we get out side. Oliver stand next to Griff and so forth." You explained. Sebastian would be holding Nora and standing next to you.
You all made it outside and still in line.
"What?" Your dad asked.
"Read the shirts!" Violet exclaimed.
"Grandbaby... 14?!" Colleen looked at your shirt squealing.
"No way!" Elizabeth said.
"What? 14 kids? There's only 13.." Justin said not getting it.
"Your pregnant?" Your mom asked you.
"Yep!" You and Sebastian said at the same time.
"You told my kids before you told me? I thought I was your favorite?" Justin said mocking offense.
"Your a blabbermouth if we told you everyone would've known." You said as your mom come over hugging you then hugging Sebastian as the kids ran off to play. Your family finished giving you both hugs. Sebastian handed Nora over to Mike before he reached in his pocket. You were looking away at Hazel and Violet.
"Y/n look." Kristina said. You looked at Sebastian gasping as you saw he was on one knee.
"Y/n.. Will you marry me?" He asked. You stared hands over your mouth in disbelief. "Your scaring me." He whispered.
"Yes! Yes! I'll marry you!" You exclaimed tackling him into a hug. Your mom and dad smiled softly at you two while your brothers, tried to be supportive but your their baby sister they won't see you anyway. Your nieces and nephews didn't even notice. You stayed on the ground hugging for what seemed like forever before you pulled apart and he put the ring on your finger. "I love it!" You kissed him before a chorus of "Ew!" Was heard alerting you and Sebastian of your nieces and nephews.
"We're getting married!" Sebastian said smiling, the kids gasped hugging the two of you. their parents laughing took a photo of it.
"Can I be the ring bearer?" Leo asked smiling.
"I want to be the flower girl!" Hazel said as they all pulled away from the hug to let you two stand up. All four of your sister inlaws quickly pulled into a hug squealing, Justin was quick to give Sebastian a hug and welcome him to the family slowly followed by Micheal and your dad, Matthew and Jon stood by your mom who was waiting to hug you. The two men stared at Sebastian with the same look they had when you started dating or when your prom date came to pick you up.
"Dad? Why are you staring at Sebastian like that?" Luna asked Matt.
"This again you two?" Your mom asked them as the hug from your sister in laws was pulled out of and the three men gave who had hugged Sebastian each gave you one followed by you mom while your other two brothers kept glaring at Sebastian.
"Did I do something wrong?" Sebastian asked.
"They're being babies." You said walking over to them sighing. "It's not gonna work this time. He isn't a jerk like him." You said quietly to them, only the two men know what your talking about and that's how you've always wanted it. Now if your wondering what that is. It's about an ex who those two are the only ones who even know about him. It had been getting serious but you ended up getting in a fight and he tried to manipulate by proposing to you (this happened just before you moved out so you were 18) while those two were walking by and ended up "talking" to the guy.
*like who?" Justin asked.
"No one." Jon said hugging you before going over to Sebastian. "Welcome to the family man!" He said. Matt begrudgingly walked over to Sebastian.
"I like you and all but just because your my sister's fiancee I will still kick you ass... In a nerf gun war." Matt changed demeanors as the older kids took that as sign to get their nerf guns from the yard and begin the war again. "Welcome to the family Seabass."
"Ow! Come on!" Sebastian ran off as they began shooting at him.
"Watch the face! I want my fiancee to have both eyes at my wedding!" You exclaimed laughing.
"Glad you care!" Sebastian whined running around with the toddlers while the teens and pre-teens tried to shoot him.
"Don't shoots the little kids or your all grounded!" Matt warned as you leaned your head on your moms shoulder sighing.
What a late Christmas you had. A baby and your getting married.
A/n: I'm a tiny bit in love with this large family... Probably since I want a extended family like this but whatever Merry Christmas if you celebrate Christmas which since you read a Christmas themed story you probably do if not happy holidays!
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