#joshua madika
royalsunshinehotel · 1 month
Hey!! I saw dev in a movie a couple months ago and was completely shocked by how attractive dev is and I found your account a few weeks ago and I wanted to make a request if that’s okay
So like I read one of your preference works and I was thinking about like kinda angsty oneshot based of the Joshua madika part of the “how they fight” one were it’s angst in the beginning with the whole fight and all that and then more comfort/fluff towards the end? Thank you!!
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Guilty As Sin? (Joshua Madika x f!reader)
A/N: You are struggling with internalized misogyny. Joshua's left to untangle your mean streak.
"I don't understand why we're fighting." That was a lie. Of course you know.
"How can you not understand?" Joshua snaps right back, whipping off the tie that had gotten too tight around his neck over the course of that evening.
"Joshua, she cheated on you!" You snapped, throwing your bag down and kicking off your heels. Tonight should have gone differently, you'd be on your way to the kitchen to get a snack for the two of you, but now you were going to get a snack for one person, you!
"Don't try to pretend this is about me." You hate how even his tone is, even from one room away.
"She had it coming!" No, she didn't. She didn't need you being cruel to her.
"No, she didn't!" Joshua, your Joshua, was right.
"She's not ugly, her dress was fine, and I used to love her!" The venom in Joshua's voice hits you right in the heart.
He used to love her. Why did that feel like a surprise?
"Oh. Okay." Every atom in your being falls, and you have to get away from him.
Joshua knows what he's said was a dagger he didn't even realize he'd pulled out.
"Wait, no wait, come back!" He chases you through the house, towards your shared room.
"I just try so hard! I try so hard to be the best girlfriend for you, and then she comes marching back, asking for help and you do it?"
"It's not what you're thinking!" He raises his hands in exasperation, heat rushing to his head.
You raise your pointer finger at him, "I'm thinking that I try so hard. I try so hard to be the best girlfriend for you, and you just don't even see it! You don't even care!"
"Of course I do! Don't you know I love you for that?"
A beat passes, you thank God for the break.
You start bawling first, and Joshua blinks, breathing heavily.
"I'm going to bed!" You shouted, turning on your heel, down the hallway to your shared bedroom and slamming the door behind you. Water won't stop coming down from your eyes, so you shower. You don't know how long you're in the shower for, but you don't come out until you're a prune.
Grabbing your pajamas you shiver, shuffling over to bed, exhausted. You flop down.
You pull your covers up to your neck, and fold in on yourself. Sleep doesn't come like you hope it would. Your eyes burn when you try to shut them.
Some time after, your partner comes in, the mattress bending under his weight.
"Can I hold you?" Joshua's voice comes from behind you. It's horribly mournful.
"Yes." You croak as he pulls you in.
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Inspired by a conversation with @royalsunshinehotel
Joshua x baker (our updated coffee shop au)
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lonesomelucifer · 3 years
i might write for joshua madika in my dev blog,,,, yes,,, this is the way to go,,,
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vebma · 6 years
Film Indonesia Terbaru - Menonton film terbaru memang menjadi sebuah kebanggaan bagi sebagian orang. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini, kita mau membahas sejumlah film Indonesia terbaru guys. Jadi buat kamu yang mau berburu film-film baru, wajib simak daftar film Indonesia terbaru berikut ini.
1. Surat Cinta Untuk Starla
Surat Cinta untuk Starla
Produser: Wicky V Olindo, Sukhdev Singh Sutradara: Rudi Aryanto Penulis: Tisa TS, Sukhdev Singh Pemeran: Jefri Nichol dan Caitlin Halderman Rilis: 28 Desember 2017
Mungkin terdengar sama dengan judul lagunya bang Virgoun. Ya, film ini memang diangkat dari lagu karya Virgoun, soundtrack film ini pun juga mengambil lagu tersebut.
Film ini sendiri bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang pemuda bernama Hema. Dalam film ini Hema digambarkan tengah jatuh cinta terhadap seorang gadis cantik bernama Starla.
2. Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2
Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2
Produser: Manoj Punjabi Sutradara: Guntur Soeharjanto Penulis: Alim Sudio, Habiburrahman El Shirazy, Ifan Ismail Pemeran: Fedi Nuril, Tatjana Saphira, Nur Fazura, Chelsea Islan Rilis: 21 Desember 2017
Film ini bercerita tentang kehidupan seorang duda bernama Fahri, yang memilih untuk tinggal di sebuah kota yang terletak di Skotlandia. Dimana kota ini merupakan kota yang disukai oleh almarhum istrinya. Film ini cenderung menggambarkan kesedihan hati Fahri.
3. Susah Sinyal
Susah Sinyal
Produser: Chand Parwez Servia, Fiaz Servia Sutradara: Ernest Prakasa Penulis: Ernest Prakasa, Meira Anastasia Pemeran: Adinia Wirasti, Ernest Prakasa, Refal Hady, Aurora Ribero, Valerie Thomas Rilis: 21 Desember 2017
Film ini mengisahkan kehidupan sosok single mom bernama Ellen yang jarang memiliki waktu bersama dengan buah hatinya, Kiara. Alhasil, Kiara tumbuh menjadi seorang remaja yang memiliki sifat pemberontak dan seringkali menyalurkan emosinya di medsos.
4. 5 Cowok Jagoan: Rise of the Zombies
5 Cowok Jagoan
Produser: Raam Punjabi Sutradara: Anggy Umbara Penulis: Isman HS, Anggy Umbara, Arie Kriting Pemeran: Ario Bayu, Dwi Sasono, Arifin Putra, Cornelio Sunny, Tika Bravani, Muhadkly Acho, Nirina Zubir Rilis: 14 Desember 2017
Bercerita tentang seorang petugas kebersihan bernama Yanto yang di gambarkan hendak menyelamatkan pasangannya, Dewi. Disini Dewi diculik oleh sekelompok orang bersenjata. Perjuangan Yanto dalam menyelamatkan Dewi pun cukup menarik untuk di simak.
5. Chrisye
Produser: Rissa Putri, Setioro S, Pasha Chrismansyah, Rini Noor Sutradara: Rizal Mantovani Penulis: Alim Sudio, Damayanti Noor Pemeran: Vino G Bastian, Velove Vexia, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Dwi Sasono, Ray Sahetapy, Andi Arsyil Rahman, Cholidi Asadil Alam, Verdi Solaiman Rilis: 07 Desember 2017
Film ini sendiri mengisahkan kehidupan Chrisye yang seringkali mengalami konflik dengan ayahnya, salah satunya yakni ketika Chrisye ingin terjun ke dunia tarik suara, namun ayahnya menghendaki ia untuk menjadi seorang insinyur.
6. Mata Batin
Mata Batin
Produser: Rocky Soraya Sutradara: Rocky Soraya Penulis: Riheam Junianti, Fajar Umbara Pemeran: Jessica Mila, Citra Prima, Denny Sumargo Rilis: 30 November 2017
Film ini bercerita tentang kisah hidup Alia yang memutuskan untuk pergi dari Bangkok dan pulang ke Jakarta lantaran kedua orangtuanya meninggal dunia. Ia hidup bersama dengan adiknya yang bernama Abel, dimana dalam film ini Abel digambarkan memiliki suatu kelainan.
7. Mau Jadi Apa?
Mau Jadi Apa?
Produser: Chand Parwez Servia, Gangsar Sukrisno Sutradara: Monty Tiwa, Soleh Solihun Penulis: Soleh Solihun, Khalid Kashogi, Agasyah Karim Pemeran: Soleh Solihun, Anggika Bolsterli, Boris Bokir, Aurellie Moeremans, Adjis Doaibu, Ronal Surapradja, Awwe, Ricky Wattimena Rilis: 30 November 2017
Film ini bercerita tentang sekelompok pemuda yang mengalami kebingungan dalam menentukan masa depannya. Film ini sendiri cenderung menggambarkan kondisi Soleh Solihun yang semakin hari semakin khawatir akan masa depan.
Baca Juga : 19 Film Komedi Indonesia Terlucu
8. Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata
Keluarga Tak Kasat Mata
Produser: Ody Mulya Hidayat Sutradara: Hedy Suryawan Penulis: Lele Laila, Bonaventura D Genta, Evelyn Afnila Pemeran: Deva Mahenra, Ganindra Bimo, Miller Khan, Gary Iskak, Aura Kasih, Kemal Palevi, Tio Pakusadewo Rilis: 23 November 2017
Film yang diangkat dari sebuah novel ini bercerita mengenai sederetan kisah keseharian dari sosok Genta. Genta berencana hendak pindah ke sebuah kantor yang baru. Dimana dalam bangunan yang sekarang menjadi kantornya ini menyimpan segudang kejanggalan.
9. Valentine
Produser: Sarjono Sutrisno, Helfi Kardit, Aswin MC Siregar Sutradara: Agus Pestol, Ubay Fox Penulis: Beby Hasibuan Pemeran: Estelle Linden, Matthew Settle, Arie Dagienkz Rilis: 23 November 2017
Film yang dibuat berdasarkan komik yang berjudul sama ini bercerita tentang sederetan aksi kriminal yang kini kian merajalela di Batavia City. Di kota yang penuh kekacauan ini hiduplah seorang pelayan kafe bernama Srimaya, dimana Srimaya ini selalu bermimpi menjadi seorang aktris papan atas.
10. Marlina Si Pembunuh Dalam Empat Babak
Produser: Rama Adi, Fauzan Zidni Sutradara: Mouly Surya Penulis: Mouly Surya, Garin Nugroho, Rama Adi Pemeran: Marsha Timothy, Egi Fedly, Dea Panendra Rilis: 16 November 2017
Bercerita tentang sosok janda bernama Marlina yang tengah berkabung. Disini Marlina mempunyai sejumlah konflik yang cukup menegangkan, mulai dari adegan ranjang yang cukup panas, sampai pemenggalan kepala yang cukup sadis.
11. After School Horror 2
After School Horror 2
Produser: Rafdy Farizan Bintang Sutradara: Nayato Fio Nuala Penulis: Erry Sofid Pemeran: Michelle Joan, Cassandra Lee, Randy Martin, Devin Putra Rilis: 16 November 2017
Bercerita tentang kisah Putra yang jatuh cinta kepada Eva, gadis populer di sebuah SMA yang terkenal dengan kecantikannya. Eva sendiri sangat tidak menyukai Putra, lantaran penampilan Putra yang jauh dari kata menarik. Hingga pada akhirnya Putra melakukan sebuah tantangan yang diberikan oleh Eva, dimana tantangan tersebut sangatlah beresiko. Setelah melakukan tantangan tersebut, Putra dan Eva diteror oleh arwah Sumarni. Disinilah adegan-adegan serem dan menegangkan terjadi.
12. Naura & Genk Juara
Naura & Genk Juara
Produser: Pax Benedanto, Amalia Prabowo, Handoko Hendroyono Sutradara: Eugene Panji Penulis: Asaf Antariksa, Dendie Archenius Hutauruk, Bagus Bramanti, Joko Sutrisno Pemeran: Adyla Rafa Naura Ayu, Vickram Abdul Faqih Priyono, Joshua Yorie Rundengan, Andryan Sulaiman Bima Rilis: 16 November 2017
Film persahabatan yang satu ini mengisahkan 3 orang sahabat, yakni Naura, Bimo dan Okky yang terpilih untuk mewakili sekolahnya dalam kompetisi sains yang diadakan pada acara Kemah Kreatif. Persaingan dalam kompetisi ini cukup menarik untuk kita simak, dan sayang jika harus dilewatkan begitu saja.
13. Wage
Produser: John De Rantau, Andy Shafik Sutradara: John De Rantau Penulis: Fredy Aryanto, Gunawan BS, Jamal, M Subchi Azal Tsani, John De Rantau Pemeran: Rendra Bagus Pamungkas, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Prisia Nasution, Putri Ayudya, Wouter Zweers Rilis: 09 November 2017
Mendengar kata Wage tentu kita akan teringat dengan sebuah nama Wage Rudolf Supratman, atau yang sering kita kenal dengan nama WR. Supratman. Ya, film yang satu ini memang mengangkat kisah perjuangan yang dialami oleh WR. Supratman. Mulai dari beliau menjadi seorang jurnalis yang ikut menyuarakan derita rakyat-rakyat kecil, sampai menyumbangkan sebuah lagu kebangsaan.
14. My Generation
My Generation
Produser: Adiyanto Sumardjono Sutradara: Upi Penulis: Upi Pemeran: Arya Vasco, Bryan Warow, Alexandra Kosasie Rilis: 09 November 2017
Bercerita tentang sekelompok anak muda, yakni Zeke, Konji, Suki, dan Orly, mereka berempat terikat dalam sebuah tali persahabatan yang erat. Film ini cenderung menceritakan keseruan dalam persahabatan mereka. Tak hanya keseruan saja, film ini juga mengajarkan kita tentang sebuah pelajaran yang cukup berharga.
15. Kaili: Karena Aku Ingin Kembali
Produser: Andi Syahwal Mattuju Sutradara: Andi Syahwal Mattuju Penulis: Andi Syahwal Mattuju, Rahmadita Arani, Dheksa Mahesa Amry Pemeran: Moh Novriandi, Shella Silvany Kambai Rilis: 09 November 2017
Di suatu perguruan tinggi Fajar Madika bertemu dengan sosok wanita cantik bernama Senja Anggun Maharani. Hingga pada suatu saat, Fajar memberanikan diri untuk melamar Senja. Film ini menyajikan sejumlah adegan romantis yang dibumbui dengan sederetan konflik. Jadi pas banget nih buat kamu yang hobi nonton film romantis, wajib nonton film yang satu ini.
via Vebma.com - Tempat Menulis Online
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royalsunshinehotel · 29 days
caramelizing onions (Dev Patel, preference)
Five Days Until Monkey Man!!!!!
a/n: inspired by an ask from @binickandros from forever ago <3 backbone of the fanbase with their gifs 🫡thank you for your service.
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Anwar Kharral (Skins 2009) I've got a headcanon that Anwar is a big soup enjoyer, specifically French Onion Soup, so I think Anwar could do alright caramelizing onions. As an adult, I think he can hold his own in the kitchen, but that's because he knows that the payoff is going to be worth it.
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Sonny Kapoor (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 2011) Sonny is blessed to be in the position where he can export the onion caramelizing to the hotel kitchens, where a professional can handle it. He has not been allowed in a kitchen since 2005, per his mother's orders. No, he will not tell you why.
Neal Sampat (Newsroom, 2011-2014) In my head, Neal comes from a family of restauranteurs. He's inherited the family skill, he's out of practice. His stove has been broken since he moved into this apartment. The odds are stacked against him, but still, he busts out a hot plate and gets to work, you're getting your onions.
Deon Wilson (Chappie, 2015) Deon has been eating hot pockets and adult portions of lunchables since he moved out of the house in 2015. He's barely familiar with vegetables, you're gonna have to teach him how to work the stove. Sorry girl, he's really cute tho.
Sheru "Saroo" Bierley (LION, 2016) Sue Brierly made sure both of her sons knew how to hold their own in a kitchen, and Saroo is not gonna forget that knowledge. If you've got a hankering for French onion soup, you better believe that he's gonna do everything he can to get ready for you.
Jay Menha (The Wedding Guest, 2018) Sanjay is tricky. The two of you travel so often for 'work', and it's kind of hard to not get takeout. However, once in a blue moon, Jay will make a nice meal for the two of you. He's romantic, he's sweet, and the two of you have a cozy night together. Yes, he did call his mother to make it happen. Yes, he's gonna do everything in his power to make sure you don't find that out.
David Copperfield (2019) I feel like David will need help the first few times he's in a kitchen. He's a man of means now, so he's able to pay his cook to give him lessons in the kitchen. This being said, I feel like David will want to cook for you, but tell you that the cook prepared it. You like it better when David cooks for you, even if you don't know it.
Joshua Madika (Modern Love, 2019) Joshua can and will buy you every single onion in the world. He doesn't mean to be so 'much', but you love him for it! This being said, he will give Carmelizing Onions one solid attempt, and depending how it goes, then he'll get you takeout from all your favorite spots in the city. It's a win-win to be honest.
Sir Gawain (The Green Knight, 2021) Oh, I'm sorry babe, he'd absolutely not be able to caramelize onions for you. I do, however, think, that he would be great at making smores. He is totally capable of putting a marshmallow on a stick and holding it over heat until it's golden brown. That is the extent of his food-gathering capabilities. God bless him for still being alive at age twenty-one.
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royalsunshinehotel · 28 days
social media preference (dev patel)
Anwar Kharral (Skins UK): Anwar is the only one on this list active on TikTok. He's not an uncomfortable teen anymore - he's being cringe on main and setting trends. I bet he's got 90K followers at least! He uses Threads and Instagram to back up his TikTok, not much else.
Sonny Kapoor (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1&2): For the benefit of the hotel, Sonny is active on Reels to promote the corporate 'brand'. He likes the chance to be creative, and the 'Board' likes the chance to show off the handsome CEO.
Neal Sampat (Newsroom): Neal is an OG Tumblr user, who joined the site as early as 2008. As demonstrated on the show, Neal is adept at using Twitter to cross-reference and fact-check various sources, I do think he'd be a prolific shitposter on a side account, rivaling our king @dril.
Deon Wilson (Chappie 2015): Deon is self-explanatory. he likes to support the indie social media sites that sprung up in the wake of the Fall of Twitter. He's a fan of SpaceHey because he went to Computer Camp with the engineer who started it (it's based out of Germany), which he's always wanted to visit!
Sheru “Saroo” Bierley (Lion 2016): I find it harder to deny with each passing day that Saroo Brierly isn't an Instagram thot. Look at @brockohurn on IG and tell me that they don't have the same respectful bro energy. I think Saroo likes the chance to use all the photos in his camera roll, and I think the MILFs of Instagram are grateful for the content.
Jay Menha (The Wedding Guest, 2019): The closest Jay gets to social media is the Polaroids he likes to stick up on the wall of your shared room. Sometimes, if he's having a bad time, he likes to sit in his beanbag and look at the wall. He only gets a ghost Facebook account to keep up with relatives- nothing ever is posted, ever.
David Copperfield (The Personal History of David Copperfield, 2020): I think David would do numbers on Medium.com because he can write self-prompted think-pieces that no one ever asked about, AND get paid for them! He's writing analyses of "Jeyton vs Brucas vs Leyton: One Tree Hill", and he's actually making money. It would be magic to him!
Joshua Madika (Modern Love, 2019): Joshua's social media is all on Tinder. He's perfected his profile, and he likes talking to people. It's all genuine and zero malice. Who wants to be alone with their thoughts?
Sir Gawain (The Green Knight, 2021): I once read a post about Edward Cullen texting that read, "just saw a snail . . . effervescent," and I think that's as close as Gawain should get to the internet. It's just like shitposting, but it's all for you.
Dr. ZZ Chatterjee (The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, 2023): ZZ keeps his drama on Facebook. He's definitely showing up in comments to defend someone's mutual friend from accusations of bias when she broke up with her tiny boyfriend because she was having neck problems*. With a doctor on her side, she didn't have to post X-rays of her neck! ZZ will be beefing!
The Kid (Monkey Man, 2024): "Ted, the movie hasn't even come out yet! How can you say The Kid is a Pinterest girlie?" It's all pretty pictures with an indefinite scroll. I also bet he's a big fan of putting things in categories (see also: skittles). We'll see who's right.
*true story circa 2018 on my Facebook page.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 month
Hey, could you please (if your up to it, that is) do some headcanons with Dev Patel preferences about how each one will propose?
Proposal Preference (Dev Patel)
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GIF by jcylenz
Anwar Kharral (Skins UK) Anwar's proposal is flashy of course. You really do see it coming from a mile away, and you better believe that the ring is insane. I don't think he's a comic book girlypop, but this doesn't mean he won't buy you something akin to Brie Larson's take on Thanos's Infinity gauntlet. If you're not careful, he's gonna take you to the top of a skyscraper and ask, and helicopter you off to an exotic location. Careful babe.
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GIF by murddockz
Neal Sampat (The Newsroom) I think Neal gets kinda corny with it. He's away on an assignment, for about a month, and you're just at home and at work, languishing without him. You're chilling in the break room one night during a broadcast when Will proposes to you on Neal's behalf, during the broadcast. You turn around and your idiot has sneaked in to the building, and is currently on one knee waiting for an answer.
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GIF by pateldevs
Saroo Brierly (LION) You guys have a beach proposal, obviously. The two of you, together, can come across as his being athletic, doing sporty things, and you watching from the beach, in a chair with an alcoholic beverage. It's a good dynamic, and it works. Saroo proposes, you can tell he's taking it so seriously, but there is definitely a seal corpse washed up nearby and he's actively trying to block it from your view, but it's okay. It's a good omen, you think.
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GIF by miss-lauryn-hill
Sanjay Menha (The Wedding Guest) Honest to God, I think it's so quiet and so romantic. Jay spouts something that sounds like a Hozier song, how he'll "find you in every lifetime," and the two of you go back to bed asap. It's probably early in the morning, likely dawn, and you've just made him so happy.
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GIF by spiderliliez
David Copperfield You see it coming from a mile away, because he's been agonizing over every single detail. It's beautiful, romantic, and a picnic, near the beach, but close enough to the house where you won't have to worry about sand and wind. To be honest, I feel like David may choke up and get sniffly before he actually gets the words out, so you have to simply take the ring box from him and lay on top of him to calm him down. He feels strongly about this okay?
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GIF by jcylenz
Joshua Madika (Modern Love) If there's one thing that Joshua's gonna do, he's gonna make you feel special. But he's not gonna scare you. His money has been a divide between the two of you before, so he keeps it low key. Joshua buys a restaurant out for the evening so he gets to have a subtle flex, and have you all to himself. He enjoys watching you try every food you've ever seen online, and he loves it even more when you say tell him 'yes'.
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GIF by ofallingstar
Gawain (The Green Knight) From the bottom of my heart, I truly think Gawain would rather have to propose to him. He is a prince, he is next in line for the throne. You will have to spell it out for him that you want him forever. These other bitches (read: princesses and aristocracy) shouldn't even try, to be honest.
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GIF by irlvernon
The Kid (Monkey Man) I think the marriage concept is pretty foreign to him, but if the situation arises where he should need to braid you a blade of grass, he's gonna do it. He's gonna be with you forever, and he's going to do it.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 month
Finger Fucking Preference (Dev Patel, 18+)
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Anwar (Skins UK): It's extra, sloppy, and you're riding his hand like it's your damn job! He's chilling, smiling at you, while you take exactly what you want from him. He's always wanted a beautiful (wo)man to ruin his life. Dreams are coming true for him, even if he gets arthritis, it will be worth it.
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Neal (Newsroom): Neal takes it slow to start, but the second he sees you swallow up his finger, he's got to see how much you can take. It's a little bit manic, mad scientist, and you're overstimulated, but it's still great nonetheless.
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Saroo (LION): Saroo is brutal. Typically, he eats you before he fucks you, but not always. Whenever he fingers you, he's fucking you with his hands. This happens whenever the two of you get into a fight, or if he's feeling jealous if someone's looking your way.
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Jay (The Wedding Guest): Jay borders on mean, but never crosses the line. You are all worked up, in your cute little underwear, begging for half of this man's pointer finger. He's cruel and he loves it.
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Gawain (The Green Knight): I really wouldn't let him finger you if I'm being honest. I don't think he's washed his hands in a long while. You should peg him instead, it's less effort, and he won't cry as much.
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Chatterjee (Henry Sugar): To be totally real, I don't think he's done it very often. He's a medical professional, so I think he may get caught up in cleaning his hands and nails, and quickly pivot into oral sex instead. He doesn't want you to get sick, or contract any infections from him!!
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The Kid (Monkey Man): The kid keeps it gentle, its got to be a kink for him, being able to control you and manhandle you, but he just doesn't. The whole interaction would almost be romantic if he wasn't paying for your time. Or maybe that just adds to the drama, we don't know yet.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 month
How to they text? (Dev Patel preference)
Anwar Kharral Definitely spams you with memes, it's self explanatory. He's not so much a texter as he is sending you tiktoks that apply to whatever conversation you're trying to have with him.
Sonny Kapoor You're getting paragraphs. Every. Single. Time. English is his second language, but he loves it and he's using every word from his 'word of the day' email.
Neal Sampat I think he's the type who swaps out LOVE with LUV. He uses "U" for shorthand, but all of his sentences are capitalized.
Deon Wilson I think he's using shorthand whenever he can. He's a computer genius, he's truly gonna do what he's gotta do to get his point across. Also, he peppers in numbers, just for fun, think "b00bs"
Sheru “Saroo” Bierley Saroo's doing his best to use full sentences, but he really needs to remember that commas exist not just the "-"
Jay Menha Jay is a very big fan of his blackberry, but I do think that maybe he's not been taking his joing supplements so you don't get much beyond 'lol' or 'haha' as a response to a text.
David Copperfield Where Sonny writes paragraphs, David is writing NOVELS. BE AFRAID. DON'T TEXT HIM BACK. He'll make your phone bill skyrocket I fear.
Joshua Madika I'm sorry, he's the worst texter on the list. He'll see a text, forget about it, and get back to you the next time you text him/ when he feels like it. Just be sure to follow up with him, because if it's something he wants to do, he'll respond for sure.
Sir Gawain I've touched on this in other preferences, but you're getting grade-a shitposts all of the time. It's garbage and it's all for you. "Just saw a snake...oh nor, we are all snekes" or some shite
The Kid I think you're getting photos. You do have to text things like "are you alive," to which you get a response of a photo of 👁️👁️, but that's between the two of you.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 year
So we already have what if reader dommed the dev Patel characters. What if it was the other way around? (Reader getting dommed by the dev Patel characters) ps love your blog
A/N: this one kinda stumped me, I can't lie. Consulting credit to my bae @hecuba-of-troy as always.
Anwar Kharral (Skins 2009) Oh Anwar, he's been waiting for this opportunity. I feel like he's using a little bit of edge though, kind of condescending in a way. I feel like you'd be restrained for catching an attitude with him, and he'd be such a jerk asking obvious questions, "aw do you feel empty?" (you do), "Does that feel good?" (It does, so of course he stops), and he gets off on the power shift. He knows that your a major catch, so he'll take whatever you'll allow him to do to you. Anwar, in his soul, is a goober, and he's lucky that you trust him like this.
Sonny Kapoor (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 2011) Straight up, I do feel like you and Sonny see one NSFW video, and give it a go. It's a team effort, but you can't take him seriously when he tries to put on an American Accent like the guy in the video. Soft sex ensues. Sorry! Neal Sampat (Newsroom, 2011-2014) Neal fully knows he's broke, is underpaid at his job, and barely qualified for American citizenship. He also knows he's over six feet tall and has a big dick. You will be invited over to your boyfriends house, have a good meal, and some wine, and your boyfriend will proceed to mans-plain and condescend to you shit that he knows you already know, in his soft British accent. It doesn't matter because he's hitting it so good, in a way only he can. He's going to watch you go stupid on his cock, and have you agree with everything he's saying. Your a dumb little doll for him, aren't you?
Deon Wilson (Chappie, 2015) I honestly don't think Deon has it in him. He's too soft. Even when you tell him that he can go a bit harder, be a bit rougher, it's still only because you let him. Everything he does is for you, and because of you. It's a privilege to be on top of you and he's going to make the most of it. Sheru “Saroo” Bierley (LION, 2016) Whew. Girl. I feel like Saroo fully feels his Dom mode after the two of you get in an argument. You like being a brat, and you like being his brat. It's dumb, because in his own way, Saroo's a brat too, he just wants to fuck you so you quit mouthing off. Your so much better behaved after he's fucked you all mean like this. I do feel like Saroo would be well aware that he's being a brat, but he's bigger and stronger and more muscular than you. He also wants you on all fours, and your more than happy to. Saroo, being a 'brat', will probably tear your clothes so you "can't leave" the next morning (it's a lie you totally can, and you didn't like that shirt anyway), but please know when you DO leave you're limping, as well as smiling.
Jay Menha (The Wedding Guest, 2018) I feel like Jay and you know each other to the point where it's just a look on his face, and you let him push you down. If you use his full name 'Sanjay', you get a harsher pace, that you know you'll feel tomorrow. More than anything, i feel like Jay being a dom would be stress relief. He's a soft, creative man, but him driving into you, using your holes, is something that's both necessary and encouraged in your sexual relationship.
David Copperfield (2019) David had me so stumped, but I really do feel like this is more of a collaboration than straight-up dom behavior. It would probably be closer to role-play. David thinks you hung the moon, so it's not a surprise when he forgets his lines and starts nipping at the inside of your thighs. You're an actress, so your annoyed at his lack of professionalism. He makes up for it though, he always does.
Joshua Madika (Modern Love, 2019) Put on the most expensive clothes in your closet and let your man tie you up and eat you. Joshua responds mostly to hair pulling or whatever pet name you've given him. He loves to see you in the pretty clothes he's bought you, probably crying because you literally just want to come, that's it. But you can hold on a little longer right? Be good for daddy?
Sir Gawain (The Green Knight, 2021) Definitely responds only to 'my king', or 'your majesty', and plays a lot with temperatures. You will be getting bred because Gawain can never have too many heirs, and you will most likely be getting spanked/ swatted with a paddle. He likes calling you 'his whore', and there is a high possibility that he will spit in your mouth at some point during the evening.
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 years
Kinktober: Headcanons #5: Bondage and Joshua Madika
(A/N: I don't know anything about bondage, but I tried lol)
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Whew. If you had asked Joshua if he’d ever be into bondage like, 5 years ago? He would have laughed. But he has to give you all of the credit. 
The second you wanted to branch out and explore your sexuality, he placed a pick up order at a local sex shop and got the goods. 
He felt kinda awkward for a second, until you decided to break the ice and put on the collar he got you, “should I start barking?” and that’s all he needs. 
You start off slow, with handcuffs. Joshua gravitates towards the nipple clamps and he proceeded to edge you for a stupidly long amount of time. 
Cut to later, you’re sweating, begging for him. He’s got your hands and ankles tied, bent in a perfect position for him to play with your little holes as he pleases. 
And he has been, but he simply said “i’m going to get water,” and you heard footsteps. . 
“Joshua?” You call, voice getting sad. The room is too cold, and he’s too far away and you start to cry, you miss him. 
At that moment when he hears the first sniffle, you feel a large, warm hand trace at the edges of your exhausted little holes. 
Joshua never left the room at all, he’d just wanted to observe for a moment. 
“I’m gonna put you over my lap, okay?” 
You could laugh at how soft and sweet his voice sounded compared to the current situation. 
Your head’s fuzzy, but he brings you back with a light smack to your ass. 
“What are we doing?” you ask, voice a little tired, but curious. 
The vibrating sound coming from behind you answers your question for you. 
Joshua and you proceed to break in the variety of dildos, vibrators, and plugs he’d picked up. 
You find out that you’re fond of double penetration. Joshua deep in your pussy, A pretty plug in your ass, it’s just too good. Occasionally he tugs on the clamps just to throw you off your rhythm, and he tells you how cute your little sounds are. 
“Does my pretty girl like that? You like feeling stuffed, baby?” 
You moan softly, “yes,” as Joshua moves to switch positions, rolling to grab a mean-looking dildo, and some lube, talking about how he’d keep you stuffed full of his cock, his handcuffs, and whatever device you seemed like you liked best. 
. If you want to get filled, you’ll get filled to the fucking brim. 
His girl gets what she wants.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 year
Dev patels characters reacting to their s/o surprising them by wearing lingere?
A/N: This one has been living in my notebook for like two weeks now. Hope you enjoy <3 as always, consulting credit to @hecuba-of-troy
Anwar Kharral (Skins 2009) I feel like Anwar is the biggest geek. Even with all the money and clout that comes with being an indie darling, on some level, he can't quite believe that he's with you, he still sees himself as the geeky boy who ran off to London. He pulled you, he can't believe it. Anyways, Anwar reacts like Wiley Coyote. It's almost cartoon-ish the way his eyes bulge out of his head. He takes a minute to actually put his hands on you, but he makes it worth the wait.
Sonny Kapoor (The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 2011) Straight up I don't think Sonny would believe it. You're pretty chill as a person, always following your gut, and standing your ground when you need to, but Sonny, being Sonny, definitely jumps to the conclusion of you being the wildest western sex goddess dream, like a centerfold or one of the ladies from the internet videos . He proceeds to give you the head of a lifetime, good for you.
Neal Sampat (Newsroom, 2011-2014) To Neal, you are the definition of "baddie on a budget". If you work with him, the two of you have the same job and he's likely getting the same amount of pay as you, and he doesn't get paid what for the worth of the work he does, same for you. This is why he's absolutely floored when you come out in one of the nicest sets. Is it out of your budget? Yeah. Do you take advantage of his shock and ride tf out of him? Also yeah.
Deon Wilson (Chappie, 2015) Deon, due to lack of experence, would have a good moment where he's caught like a deer in headlights (ha ha), we think he'd probably admire for a while, want a 360 view with the softest look on his face. It would really be soft, and you'd get tiny kisses on your neck most likely.
Sheru “Saroo” Bierley (LION, 2016) Saroo is a little bit tough. I feel like, initially, he'd could be kinda mean, just ordering you to lay down and teasing tf out of you for being a 'slut', which you are, but for him, specifically. But on the other hand, I could also see Saroo just being so 😁 thrilled to be with you, especially when you look like an angel with no wings, "So like a person" is what you respond, and I feel like you gotta get smacked in the pussy a few times for that.
Jay Menha (The Wedding Guest, 2018) Sanjay immediately dives in. I feel like this is one of the few times where he'd ask if you like what your wearing before he dives in and starts to fuck you. Being of an artistic mindset, there is a good chance he'd want to take pictures or draw you looking so pretty, but he's a kind person. He won't make you wait for dick. David Copperfield I feel like you bust out the costumes/lingerie when David's been a little too lost in his work. Essentially, what happens is he's troubleshooting his latest plot to you while you're getting dressed, his nose practically buried in pieces of paper. He's lost in his own little world, so you pull him by the hair to bring him back to you. Once he sees what your wearing he gets hard because (1) it's you and (2) he was able to pay for the outfit with his books!!!! The fuck!! David, being David, proceeds to chatter on about the heroine and what she should do to one of her love interests, and it's a lot better than what he had going before you pulled him back to you. You have to sit on his face to get him to shut the fuck up, but that's hardly an inconvenience.
Joshua Madika Joshua would be a bit of a goof. I fully see you taking his credit card out on a spree, and he comes home to a mini fashion show where he gets hard at the idea of spending money on you. This man was built to be a sugar daddy, but if you tell him he can look, but can't touch, he'll respect that.
Sir Gawain I don't think they had lingerie in the middle ages, but I'm picturing something that likely has chains on it, and wouldn't be the most comfortable. There's a high chance that this would also link somewhat to medieval BDSM, and you are going to be teased within an inch of your life. Also, I feel like when your dressed up, your inside. IDK if I say this enough, but fucking Gawain outside 😛
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 month
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?Of course I have an idea for Joshua!yn is famous in her field(she's an ilustrator for children books) but doesn't like to be on the spotlight, and tries her best to stay away from people and technology ,preffering the company of her books .She doesn't trust people because of her previous relationships and pretty much gave up on finding love. UNTIL, she's dragged by her friend to an event that Joshua is there and BOOM! they start as friends, but he KNOWS she's the one
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Fresh Out The Slammer (Joshua x illustrator!Reader)
A/N: A little short, a little late, but I hope you enjoy regardless ❤️‍🔥
Joshua noticed you the second you stepped into the function. You were glowing, of course, and he simply had to talk to you.
If this had been earlier, even by a couple of months, it would have been easier to get through the crowds to talk to the beautiful wallflower, but it wasn't, so he had to bide his time.
It's idle chatter...and more idle chatter...he'd tell that man he loved him in his latest movie, he'd flatter someone about their dress... but it didn't really matter.
He'd check the opposite corner of the room, and there you'd be...
And you, on the other hand, were questioning everything.
You know, there was a time where you would have gone out and not felt like you did right now. You weren't a shut in by any means, you'd gone out to fancy events before, you knew what it took to enjoy yourself on nights like these!
You were hot! In demand! You had a contract with random house for fuck's sake!!
So why were you still standing in the corner, as if you'd been freshly broken up with at Prom?
With a sip of champagne, you stuck your sparkly clutch under your arm, and turn towards the door.
If you had even known what had been coming your way, you wouldn't have moved. As Joshua watched you turn towards the door, he ducked, weaved, and turned around the swaths of people at the event, as if he were an Olympic gymnast. A feelings of certainty, swam around his head like a lovely cloud. As he worked his way through the crowds, he straightened his jacket and pulled out his cuffs, trying to put on an air of confidence.
You stopped when he made his way into your vision, of course you did, he's beautiful.
"I'm Joshua, what's your name?" He extended his hand, keeping calm with the certainty that the moment you gave him your name, he'd be introduced to the rest of his life.
You gave your name softly, as you took his hand and shook it.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 month
St Patrick's Day Preference
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A/N: I do know I have readers from all across the world, so if you're not up on what Saint Patrick's Day is, do click here!
Anwar Kharral: I feel like Anwar's a little but over it. He's gotten into too many scrapes during St. Paddy's day when he and Maxxie move to London. He's older now, more tame, this doesn't mean he won't be wearing green! You won't catch him slipping!
Sonny Kapoor: I feel like he'll make a theme night at the hotel. The Irish guests are more than happy to listen to a power point about St. Patrick and absolutely house some baked potatoes, and are in bed by 9. I feel like Sonny is very popular with the Irish residents at the hotel, and he uses the holiday to pay the affection back.
Neal Sampat: Neal's not really a fan. In his defense, it's New York, and the two of you know it's different here. You guys do last minute grocery runs two days before and make it a point to hole up and not go anywhere on the day. God forbid you do, it's like doing a marathon, some kind of gauntlet. No ma'am, don't call, you guys are at the apartment.
Deon Wilson: He's baby! I feel like maybe the two of you go out early, like at 4-5, have a drink, and get overstimulated and go home (valid). Maybe you guys watch the 2001 Disney Channel Classic "Luck of the Irish" before going to bed.
Sheru “Saroo” Brierley: Saroo likes going out and drinking with his friends! You do too! The both of you aren't exactly marathon-holiday-enjoyers or bar-hoppers (at least not anymore), but if your friend group brings the energy, you guys are there! No green-colored drinks though.
Jay Menha: No ma'am. He's at home. He's in bed by 8. He's got his earplugs in. People celebrating the day are too loud and too touchy, he's not doing that. If he's called in to work a paramedic shift, he'll do it, but he'll be grumpy the whole time!
David Copperfield: In principle, David is a fan of the day. He loves seeing how happy people get to celebrate Ireland and being Irish! This being said, last time he actually went out, he started his evening *in* London, and somehow ended up in Birmingham deli where he came to 48 hours later. He's not gonna do that again.
Joshua Madika: Girl, I feel like he's a little too domestic for this holiday. When he was single and rebounding, maybe, but now his knees hurt, and he's literally got too much money to go out and party with the people! Chances are he's gonna book you both a spa day or something, and ignore it in general.
Sir Gawain: This may sound harsh, but I don't think he know Ireland is a real place. He'll drink, party, the two of you will have a great night out, but he's 100% certain Ireland is made up. He has been there multiple times.
Dr. Chatterjee: I feel like he's a bit cranky on the holiday. He's a doctor first and foremost, so he's really spent too many evenings in the ER pumping stomachs overfilled with green beer. He thinks the history behind it is neat, but he's overall not a big fan.
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 year
Master Post
Hello!! Welcome to the Royal Sunshine Hotel, we hope you enjoy your stay. My name is Teddy and I'll be taking care of you this evening.
Guidelines for Guests: 
18 and over. Don’t interact if you’re a minor
This hotel has no place for hate.
I do my best to keep my X Reader fics vague enough for everyone to be involved. 
Room Service orders regarding “headcanons, fics, drabbles” will be on their way within the hour (or month).
I specialize in fluffy smut. There is little to no plot here. 
I’m pretty open-minded but if I don’t like a request, I will delete it at my own discretion.
Please send asks at any time, any topic welcome.
Thank you for staying at the
Royal Sunshine Hotel. 
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Anwar Kharral
Sonny Kapoor
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Neal Sampat
Deon Wilson
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Sheru “Saroo” Bierley
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Jay Menha
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David Copperfield
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Joshua Madika
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Sir Gawain
Dr. Chatterjee
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"The Kid"
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Dynamics: “I’m rambling again, aren’t I?” // You had a nightmare // You sprained your ankle // He’s sick // You’re not friends with your body // Interacting with kids // Being a Dad // “You changed your hair!’ // Birthday
Details: Birthdays//  Terms of endearment // How they act around kids // how they nap // How they fight // Smarts// Social Media // Caramelizing Onions // Texting
Milestones:Meet-Cute // Your first date // First “I love you” // You’re pregnant // It’s your wedding day // Proposal
Holidays: New Year’s // Valentine’s Day // St Patrick’s Day // Easter // PRIDE // Halloween // Thanksgiving // Christmas
NSFW: Blowjob // Vibes // Kinks // First times // Domme // Finger Fucking
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royalsunshinehotel · 8 months
Dev Patel Fic List
Anwar Kharral
Sonny Kapoor
Neal Sampat
Deon Wilson
Sheru “Saroo” Bierley
Jay Menha
David Copperfield
Joshua Madika
Sir Gawain
Dr. Chatterjee
Arthur Dayal (OC)
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