#karelias discord
valliecane · 1 year
Please give one of my very best friends band an ear! It have a very nice nostalgic feel over it, and to me, it’s a PERFECT mix of bands like Green Day, Dope, Visual kei and Gackt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L27iw35IT_Q
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Check out the making of Red Romance by Karelia’s Discord
Make sure to check out their social media 
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leebird-simmer · 3 years
Russian Fairy Tales Test Prep: Spirits of the Forests, Waters, and Fields
Like the domovoi, the spirits of the forests, waters, and fields had their origin in pre-Christian times, but the nature spirits were considered basically harmful to humans and were generally regarded as unclean. The bulk of available sources re: nature spirits dates from the end of the 19th century, when belief in these beings was already in a state of decline and information about them was often imprecise or contaminated by the addition of traits more properly belonging to the Devil.
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The Leshii: master of the forest, guardian of beasts.
He could assume the likeness of a familiar person, a forest beast, a domestic animal, even a mushroom. He made his presence known to peasants venturing into his territory through laughter, handclapping, and the various sounds of the forest. It was reported that he could “sing without words.” He would frequently “prank” peasants by calling to them in a familiar voice so they would get lost in a deep thicket or ravine. Sometimes he would tickle people to death. At all times, it was considered essential to utter a protective prayer upon entering the forest. The leshii hated boisterous conduct, sojourns in the woods at night, and woodcutters. He wailed if one of his favorite trees was chopped down. 
Historical basis: In medieval Russia, it was customary to cut off a robber’s left ear after the first offense. The peasants had a tendency to refer to the forest spirit as kornoukhii (”one whose ear has been cut off”). In Karelia, Russians often pictured forest spirits wearing military uniforms, indicating that peasants assigned them traits of fugitive soldiers hiding in the forest. Similarly, narratives in which the leshii approaches a campfire and requests food may reflect this practice among vagabonds and escaped serfs seeking refuge in the forest.
Social organization: While there was usually one leshii per forest, sometimes there were several. For particularly large forests, the notion existed that there was a hierarchy of forest spirits, ruled by a tsar. Forest spirits feasted and played games together. The leshii lived with his wife, his children, and sometimes his mother & father. Their domestic order was imagined as similar to that of the peasants; they lived in houses, had dogs, and raised livestock. In certain areas, the leshii’s wife, the lesovikha, played a prominent role in forest lore. 
Dealings with humans: Among the forest beasts, the wolf was the leshii’s favorite, and on occasion the spirit assumed the form of a large white wolf. Throughout the woodlands of Great Russia, peasants took measures to guard their cattle from the leshii’s wolves. Many of them called on St. George’s protection from predators.
In the Russian North, where cattle were pastured in the forest, peasants also solicited the leshii’s protection. This sometimes took the form of a pact between the forest spirit & the herdsman, who (according to one account) concluded this agreement much the same way that sorcerers concluded pacts with the devil: he removed his cross from his neck, swore fidelity to the forest spirit, and instead of swallowing holy communion, handed it over to the leshii. Peasants often looked askance at herdsmen (and at hunters, who made similar pacts), suspecting they possessed occult powers.
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Leshie also carried off young girls, who they sometimes married, and women living in discord with their husbands. Narratives tell of peasant women abducted or summoned to serve as nannies or midwives for the forest spirit. One occasionally encounters the idea that captives could gain their freedom by refusing to eat the leshii’s food. Those who returned from the forest were reportedly wild-looking and covered with moss, and often they could no longer speak. Many never recovered, remaining in a state of continual distraction for the rest of their lives. Some made use of the knowledge of the unclean force gained by their forest experience and became sorcerers.
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The Vodianoi
- often referred to as “the water devil” - universally considered evil & dangerous, since his sole purpose was drowning people
Habitat: The vodianoi lived underwater in deep pools. He confined himself to his own & neighboring waters, coming out only as far as the bank or the mill wheel. In some areas, it was believed that the vodianoi did not leave the water at all, but emerged only as far as his waist.
In the black-earth provinces of Riazan, Tula, Orel, and Kaluga, peasants claimed that the spirits had magnificent underwater palaces of crystal and that they gave grand feasts. Peasants from northern areas (such as Olonets) had a more modest conception of the spirits’ dwellings: here the silver floors, golden ceilings, and crystal chandeliers of their southern kin are replaced by sandy bottoms, snarled branches, and slimy logs.
Relationships: The vodianoi married a drowned maiden, either a rusalka or his female counterpart (the vodianikha), who was envisioned as a naked woman with gigantic breasts sitting on the bank at night, combing her long wet hair.
The vodianoi liked millers & fishermen; the miller in particular was often regarded with suspicion because of his relationship with the spirit. When a new mill was constructed, a black rooster was placed under the threshold as an offering to the vodianoi. If you really wanted to impress him, you could drown a drunk passerby instead of a rooster, maybe even as an annual sacrifice. That was said to be worthy of a standing invitation to the spirit’s nightly underwater feast.
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The Polevoi & Poludnitsa: spirits of the field.
In some places, the polevoi was considered an oracle, and thus morally neutral. In other places, they were a sign of misfortune, considered unclean and dangerous. According to folk notions, it was dangerous to sleep on the boundaries of the field because the polevoi liked to gallop there and might run you over with his horse. His children also played there and liked to smother sleeping humans.
In some regions, one finds mention of a female field spirit known as the poludnitsa or “midday spirit” AKA Lady Mid-day, who may have played an important role in folk belief during medieval times. Back then, she was believed to walk the fields at noon when the grain was ripe. Her function was to protect the crop and to punish peasants caught working at noon (in violation of custom) by breaking their bones and twisting their necks.
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The Rusalka: female spirits, thought to be the souls of unbaptized/stillborn babies and drowned maidens.
alternate names for her: “jokestress” (shutovka), “tickler” (loskotukha), “abductor” (khitka), and among the Northern Great Russians, “demoness” (chertovka).
alternate origins:
 1. Some creation legends claimed that the devil himself fashioned the spirits (both domestic AND natural) when, imitating God, he struck one rock against the other. The fragments became these creatures.  2. One legend claims that these spirits were children whom Adam (or Noah) was ashamed to show to God and thus hid.  3. Vodianye & rusalki were thought to be descended from Pharoah’s forces, drowned while pursuing Moses across the Red Sea.  4. In Kaluga Province, it was believed that they received their eternal youth and beauty directly from the Devil, who boiled them in a cauldron.   5. Only in Bulgaria was the rusalka portrayed positively; rusalki were understood as winged spirits who lived on the edge of the world and brought moisture & fertility.
All but the last of these explanations bear the stamp of apocryphal legends based on the Old Testament, illustrating the grafting process of dvoeverie. 
These spirits were considered especially dangerous in the late spring during Rusal’naia Week, when they supposedly left their underwater homes from the forests & fields. Peasant women sometimes hung offerings of scarves and linen on forest trees to appease them. Reports sometimes specified that the rusalki did not like women; on the other hand, they often told of love between these spirits and village lads. 
Most accounts of the rusalki paint this picture: sisterhoods of lovely maidens in league with the unclean force. This is the standard image for Southern Great Russia & the Ukraine, an image highly evocative in its interweaving of beauty and treachery.
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hunterberry823 · 3 years
How To Install Gibbscam Crack
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Karelian discord
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yes-dal456 · 7 years
A Diet Of Alternative Facts
The events culminating in our election outcome were characterized as the advent of a “post truth era.” We have since devolved from post-truth, to “alternative facts:” essentially, a choice between bald-faced lies about verified reality ― or delusion, calling out for medical care. Either way, we are being fed a daily diet of unpalatable (to most of us), insalubrious (for all of us) deceit.
Tempting as it is to address that matter, I have a related case to make that keeps me ensconced more decisively in my native professional purview. We are now all dealing with a diet of alternative facts. While that’s a new twist, alternative facts about diet have been our cultural standard for decades. The perils overlap, and it may even be that alternative facts about diet were the appetizer, and a culture-wide diet of alternative facts the inevitable main course to follow.
Nutrition has been mired in a post-truth era in the U.S. since long before anyone in our country had thought to coin the term. Let’s go back a little over half a century.
Leaving aside the contentious particulars, rival perspectives, and forays into revisionist history, we may simply note that Ancel Keys did indeed note an association between variations in dietary patterns, and variation in the rates of heart disease. In this country, where corporate interests got involved early, that ultimately came to mean: eat low fat junk food, and all will be well. I have challenged my peer group to find me a single instance of Keys advocating for Snackwell cookies, and promised to give up my day job and become a hula dancer if ever they do. My wardrobe is still thankfully free of grass skirts.
Low fat junk food did not exist when advice about the benefits of more plant foods, less meat and cream, was simplified, excessively in hindsight, into “cut fat.” The only way to cut fat when the advice originated was to eat more foods natively low in it, notably vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, whole grains, and such. In North Karelia Finland, Keys’ insights were applied in exactly that manner, and the result has been an 82% reduction in the rate of heart disease, and a ten-year addition to average life expectancy.
In this country, we not only contorted sensible advice about dietary pattern into a new variety of highly profitable junk food, we never in fact applied the advice at all. Had we actually reduced our fat intake, and replaced it with sugar and refined starch, it’s unlikely our health would have improved. But despite entire careers predicated on this notion, it is false. Dietary intake data from multiple sources confirm that Americans never reduced our intake of fat. Instead, we simply added the low fat junk foods ― and reduced the percent of calories we derived from fat by increasing our total calories. We even know why this occurred. Is anyone really still confused about why this didn’t make us all lean and healthy?
That was the reality, and its expression would have forced us to acknowledge our folly, confront the forces fostering it, and perhaps avoid replicating it. Instead, we were served a provocative set of alternative facts about diet, blaming our problems on bad advice rather than our absurdly bad use of reasonable advice, and providing us ― inevitably ― a scapegoat, in the form of an alternative macronutrient class. And so, we moved on to cutting “carbs,” in all the silly ways we cut fat- and despite the fact that everything from lentils to lollipops is a source of “carbs,” making summary judgment about the entire class not a wit better than idiotic.
Any hope that this second deep dive into nutritional nonsense where sense might have prevailed would have cured us of our penchant for replicating the follies of history capitulated long ago to experience. We moved on to cutting gluten as a cure-all, or blaming our woes on genetic modification. There is a booming cottage industry in discovering the harms of excess sugar, again, and again. But the truth about excess sugar is also corrupted into falsehoods to provide cover for the pecuniary interests of the meat industry.
Diet helped establish the pattern that bad execution of reasonable advice could be blamed on the advice; that the remedy for picking the wrong scapegoat was not to renounce the practice, but to pick another; that all opinion was the same as expert opinion; that a dissenting voice anywhere, whatever its motivations, meant lack of consensus; and that the forces of profit perverting the messages of public health could be overlooked as we wonder what went wrong.
I hope this sounds as ominous as it should. For one thing, it has meant we have squandered decades of opportunity related to diet and health, and instead find ourselves fatter and sicker than ever. For another, it means the lessons of alternative facts learned in the marketing of dietary nonsense, and tobacco too, have now been applied to the climate, with calamitous consequences, and are currently very much de rigueur in the running of our country.
There are fundamental truths about diet and health, to say nothing about dietary impacts on the planet, born of massive aggregations of diverse scientific evidence, backed by a global consensus of multidisciplinary experts. All that stands between us and the extraordinary good use of those truths could do ― the addition of years to lives, the addition of life to years, and the protection of our natural resources ― is alternatives to the truth. 
Whatever the domain, it is toxic to conflate conviction for knowledge; isolated dissent for general controversy; principle for practice; the part for the whole; to say nothing of outright lies for the truth. It is toxic in its immediate effects, but perhaps even more so over time. For the conflation of alternative facts with actual facts propagates distrust at best, and disgust at worst. It propagates a background din of discord and doubt inhospitable to truth, however unassailable and urgently needed that truth may be.
Presidents of both parties have long affirmed that America is a global leader less for the many examples of our power, and more by the power of our example. That sentiment was echoed this week by Pakistan’s former Ambassador to Washington, who noted the power of American credibility. That very source of authority is surrendered when alternatives to fact are peddled as alternatives for them.
Bad practice does not belie good principles, not in nutrition and not in the national interest. Bad principles are a remedy to no ill in either case. Isolated dissent does not a controversy make. Dissenters about climate change are a rounding error, and they are wrong. So, too, dissenters about the net benefits of vaccination. As for dissenters about the general merits of science who tweet about it ― they are not merely wrong, but hypocrites, too.
Ultimately a diet of alternative facts and alternative facts about diet can be harmful in all the same ways, undermining credibility, sowing dissension, misleading the public, curtailing human rights, and damaging the planet.
Alternative facts about diet have long been poisoning public health, and our bodies. Instead of heeding the lessons in that precautionary tale, we now look on as a diet of alternative facts about everything else poisons the body politic, too. Now, as ever, it is ours to decide when to swallow ― and when to spit.
David L. Katz
Director, Yale University Prevention Research Center; Griffin Hospital
Immediate Past-President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Senior Medical Advisor, Verywell.com
Founder, The True Health Initiative
Follow at: LinkedIN; Twitter; Facebook
Read at: INfluencer Blog; Huffington Post; US News & World Report; Verywell; Forbes
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2knroHW from Blogger http://ift.tt/2jJfTZE
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imreviewblog · 7 years
A Diet Of Alternative Facts
The events culminating in our election outcome were characterized as the advent of a “post truth era.” We have since devolved from post-truth, to “alternative facts:” essentially, a choice between bald-faced lies about verified reality ― or delusion, calling out for medical care. Either way, we are being fed a daily diet of unpalatable (to most of us), insalubrious (for all of us) deceit.
Tempting as it is to address that matter, I have a related case to make that keeps me ensconced more decisively in my native professional purview. We are now all dealing with a diet of alternative facts. While that’s a new twist, alternative facts about diet have been our cultural standard for decades. The perils overlap, and it may even be that alternative facts about diet were the appetizer, and a culture-wide diet of alternative facts the inevitable main course to follow.
Nutrition has been mired in a post-truth era in the U.S. since long before anyone in our country had thought to coin the term. Let’s go back a little over half a century.
Leaving aside the contentious particulars, rival perspectives, and forays into revisionist history, we may simply note that Ancel Keys did indeed note an association between variations in dietary patterns, and variation in the rates of heart disease. In this country, where corporate interests got involved early, that ultimately came to mean: eat low fat junk food, and all will be well. I have challenged my peer group to find me a single instance of Keys advocating for Snackwell cookies, and promised to give up my day job and become a hula dancer if ever they do. My wardrobe is still thankfully free of grass skirts.
Low fat junk food did not exist when advice about the benefits of more plant foods, less meat and cream, was simplified, excessively in hindsight, into “cut fat.” The only way to cut fat when the advice originated was to eat more foods natively low in it, notably vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, whole grains, and such. In North Karelia Finland, Keys’ insights were applied in exactly that manner, and the result has been an 82% reduction in the rate of heart disease, and a ten-year addition to average life expectancy.
In this country, we not only contorted sensible advice about dietary pattern into a new variety of highly profitable junk food, we never in fact applied the advice at all. Had we actually reduced our fat intake, and replaced it with sugar and refined starch, it’s unlikely our health would have improved. But despite entire careers predicated on this notion, it is false. Dietary intake data from multiple sources confirm that Americans never reduced our intake of fat. Instead, we simply added the low fat junk foods ― and reduced the percent of calories we derived from fat by increasing our total calories. We even know why this occurred. Is anyone really still confused about why this didn’t make us all lean and healthy?
That was the reality, and its expression would have forced us to acknowledge our folly, confront the forces fostering it, and perhaps avoid replicating it. Instead, we were served a provocative set of alternative facts about diet, blaming our problems on bad advice rather than our absurdly bad use of reasonable advice, and providing us ― inevitably ― a scapegoat, in the form of an alternative macronutrient class. And so, we moved on to cutting “carbs,” in all the silly ways we cut fat- and despite the fact that everything from lentils to lollipops is a source of “carbs,” making summary judgment about the entire class not a wit better than idiotic.
Any hope that this second deep dive into nutritional nonsense where sense might have prevailed would have cured us of our penchant for replicating the follies of history capitulated long ago to experience. We moved on to cutting gluten as a cure-all, or blaming our woes on genetic modification. There is a booming cottage industry in discovering the harms of excess sugar, again, and again. But the truth about excess sugar is also corrupted into falsehoods to provide cover for the pecuniary interests of the meat industry.
Diet helped establish the pattern that bad execution of reasonable advice could be blamed on the advice; that the remedy for picking the wrong scapegoat was not to renounce the practice, but to pick another; that all opinion was the same as expert opinion; that a dissenting voice anywhere, whatever its motivations, meant lack of consensus; and that the forces of profit perverting the messages of public health could be overlooked as we wonder what went wrong.
I hope this sounds as ominous as it should. For one thing, it has meant we have squandered decades of opportunity related to diet and health, and instead find ourselves fatter and sicker than ever. For another, it means the lessons of alternative facts learned in the marketing of dietary nonsense, and tobacco too, have now been applied to the climate, with calamitous consequences, and are currently very much de rigueur in the running of our country.
There are fundamental truths about diet and health, to say nothing about dietary impacts on the planet, born of massive aggregations of diverse scientific evidence, backed by a global consensus of multidisciplinary experts. All that stands between us and the extraordinary good use of those truths could do ― the addition of years to lives, the addition of life to years, and the protection of our natural resources ― is alternatives to the truth. 
Whatever the domain, it is toxic to conflate conviction for knowledge; isolated dissent for general controversy; principle for practice; the part for the whole; to say nothing of outright lies for the truth. It is toxic in its immediate effects, but perhaps even more so over time. For the conflation of alternative facts with actual facts propagates distrust at best, and disgust at worst. It propagates a background din of discord and doubt inhospitable to truth, however unassailable and urgently needed that truth may be.
Presidents of both parties have long affirmed that America is a global leader less for the many examples of our power, and more by the power of our example. That sentiment was echoed this week by Pakistan’s former Ambassador to Washington, who noted the power of American credibility. That very source of authority is surrendered when alternatives to fact are peddled as alternatives for them.
Bad practice does not belie good principles, not in nutrition and not in the national interest. Bad principles are a remedy to no ill in either case. Isolated dissent does not a controversy make. Dissenters about climate change are a rounding error, and they are wrong. So, too, dissenters about the net benefits of vaccination. As for dissenters about the general merits of science who tweet about it ― they are not merely wrong, but hypocrites, too.
Ultimately a diet of alternative facts and alternative facts about diet can be harmful in all the same ways, undermining credibility, sowing dissension, misleading the public, curtailing human rights, and damaging the planet.
Alternative facts about diet have long been poisoning public health, and our bodies. Instead of heeding the lessons in that precautionary tale, we now look on as a diet of alternative facts about everything else poisons the body politic, too. Now, as ever, it is ours to decide when to swallow ― and when to spit.
David L. Katz
Director, Yale University Prevention Research Center; Griffin Hospital
Immediate Past-President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Senior Medical Advisor, Verywell.com
Founder, The True Health Initiative
Follow at: LinkedIN; Twitter; Facebook
Read at: INfluencer Blog; Huffington Post; US News & World Report; Verywell; Forbes
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://huff.to/2kvMpmk
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