#kesth quinn
runedsketch · 11 months
I don't post enough please enjoy my son
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sketchshitposts · 2 years
Could I get some uhhhhh... neat OC lore? :3
Oh worm????
Here comes just, a delightful slew of things
My Slime Merchant, Simon, doesn't know his own name. He refers to himself in the 3rd person as Simon, but if you ask him what his name is, he'll respond with anything but Simon
Same Simon only knows one name. It is his pet slug, Sammy
P'omidori Tamati's name translates especially to "Tomato Tomato"
Waux (pronounced like Faux), a small golem made from candle wax, shaped like a grackle. They like to collect shiny trinkets to keep in a bag, charmed to be weightless.
A lot of my OCs tend to get unexpected development the more i plot with them and their existence. Kesth is a character of mine who takes especially heavy inspiration from Blue Jays. One trait i didn't realize he shared with Blue Jays was being very protective of loved ones. So of course, i considered "what would Kesth do to protect his loved ones?"
Kesth is now the embodiment of a Blue Jay and an Orca. If you know orcas, you can understand how this may be a terrifying mistake, but it's a part of him i can't change even if i wanted to now
Bevine Plaguefeather was an OC of mine that started, if i remember right, as a deviantart group OC for demon HighSchool. She has since been revamped into a disasterous TrueNeutral lesbian witch with a rampant thirst for learning and is comprised of 90% rambling chatter
Natobi is a DnD character i made with a few mutuals (ayyyy). His entire character concept is essentially a mashup of "Capcom Monster Hunter" and "Zelda Zora"
On the concept of Zelda, Hakavi is an OC i made with two little versions of himself. The actual character version, used for Breath of the Wild scenarios as an archaeologist, and the NPC version, who is also an archaeologist, but for Majora's Mask scenarios.
Friorn Guanin is one of my favorite fandom OCs. He's a brownblood chef for the Mirthful Church in ancient Alternia. His lusus is a giant frilled chameleon, and he's probably my favorite fantroll out of maybe five ive created (yeah... it's homestuck stuff)
Devante Espada. I created him with one thought in mind. "I want a himbo OC." He has inherited an old warehouse, which he uses to house strange animals he comes across, attempting to rehabilitate them for release. The catch? He's too fucking stupid to realize the animals he's picking up are actually mythological creatures who could, in theory, kill him on the spot. He's also gone through three boyfriends in his lifetime. A unicorn (cursed to a human form), a vampire, and currently a kitsune.
Yes, he's too stupid to realize they're not human. But he loves them still.
Ornus "Ash" Maresi is a wizard i created with a penchant for lighting things on fire, which burns into ashes. He's turned many things into ashes. He's also named after the "Fraxinus Ornus", an ash tree native to southern Europe. His name is a pun.
A few, rare OCs of mine were actually self inserts from fanfiction when i was about 11 or 12 years old. My first self insert OC was actually for Dragon Quest 8.
Despite an uncomfortable fear of spiders, i have a fair few OCs with spider traits or qualities. Correnin, Lyander, Cera, and Mirefla. The last one is just an entire spider. Specifically a mirror spider, who works in tandem with a blind elf.
As of this post, i have 233 ocs registered in my document.
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