#kralkatorrik legendaries
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Its time for Kralkatorrik’s weapons flavor text :3 Direct text in image: Kralkatorrik's Rending   “I never feared the possibility... I never feared anything.”
Kralkatorrik's Flight “Mother” Kralkatorrik's Wing “As the shard impaled her, a scream flickered in his mind.”   
Kralkatorrik's Gaze “Her child reached out to me, to my mind. She was curious.” Kralkatorrik's Claw   “Small game wasn’t enough. He craved more. He craved the fight.”
Kralkatorrik's Bite “Glaust...”  
Kralkatorrik's Weight “In that final moment, he looked for her.”
Kralkatorrik's Tail “And in his wake there was nothing but crystal and blood.” 
Kralkatorrik's Argument   “In that moment, she didn’t look at me with fearful eyes.” Kralkatorrik's Persuasion “Cracks of lightning and dark clouds emcompassed him like plated armor.”   Kralkatorrik's Wisdom   “The crazed god’s lust for power was admirable, albeit misguideded.” Kralkatorrik's Scale   ”A flicker of light at the corner of my eye. For a moment, I thought it was her.” Kralkatorrik's Insight “When her cheek hits the ground, she’ll come to understand the cost of betrayal.” Kralkatorrik's Fang   “And he slept among the rolling hills. A mountain, he lingered there.” Kralkatorrik's Breath   “I saw it, in a dream. The great peace... It disgusted me.” Kralkatorrik's Voice   “I outgrew them so quickly, she barely had time to mourn my departure...” 
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icebrooding · 8 months
I keep thinking about how Mordremoth would have been actually invincible if he simply hadn't corrupted solely Trahearne of all people.
I always found it like, so oddly strange how he chose Trahearne and only Trahearne to corrupt in such a way that he could continue living through him if he was killed; why not use more of his literally endless army? Or was it it had to be Trahearne because of something about him?
For Mordremoth, I personally believe he left part of himself with the seed that would become the Pale Tree; he was determined to push his limits further, and he uniquely creates things; the sylvari were ultimately meant to be him creating life as the peak of his ability. He wanted to create an entire race of beings that could speak and think and were alive, and in order to do so he needed to use something of himself to actually enable the Pale Tree to flourish to begin with.*
So he used his own mind, which ended up becoming the Dream via his pre-madness mental condition, and the Nightmare via his current descent into madness.
It explains how he can use both to interact with the sylvari, how he is able to breach it, how the only way to kill him is through the Dream to begin with; his mind is literally inside it.
Anyway, it's been noted that Mordremoth's facet being changed from Mind to Madness was not done 'by accident'.
Some of his Legendary Text implies that at some point, Mordremoth cared about the things he was creating, which would make sense that the Dream is his; he made it to be a cushion and to protect his creations while they blossomed.
But some of the dialogue sounds like it's also somewhat current? Which doesn't fit with his completely narcissistic view towards the sylvari.
Which makes me think maybe his situation is like Kralkatorrik; the madness is the prevalent part of him while there is the other part of him under it that is what he used to be.
Which brings me back to 'why just Trahearne'.
It could have been that Mordremoth wanted to die as strongly as Kralk did, and since his facet is supposedly Madness, it makes me feel like he probably suffered the effects of deteriorating mental state worse.
So we have corrupted Trahearne, who is somehow still lucid enough to be able to talk to the Commander and (seemingly through becoming one with Mordremoth) can allow others access to the Dream in a corporeal state, which as far back as A Light in the Darkness was said to be particularly difficult for even the Pale Tree to manage.
The commander is one of the most resilient when it comes to withstanding the mental assault from Mordremoth, but even they almost instantly buckle when faced with him directly, but Trahearne by the time you find him has already become inseparable from Mordremoth, yet is still clearly in control of himself up until after Mordremoth dies and tries to possess him.
Mordremoth would have known everything Trahearne knows; he would have known what the commander is willing to do for the sake of Tyria, and he knew the commander was coming to rescue Trahearne... so why would he leave Trahearne so unguarded that deep into the Heart of Thorns? Why would he leave Trahearne alone knowing that he would have access to the only thing able to kill him, and knowing that Trahearne would gladly give that access to the commander?
Mordremoth knew he was at risk of dying, else he would never have bothered to corrupt Trahearne the way he did; it was something he did as a failsafe. So why would he leave his one failsafe so vulnerable, so open and able to give others the chance to kill him?
Unless whatever little part of the original Mordremoth remained and somehow, in some way, set all of this up that the opportunity for himself to be killed was there.
It probably isn't really the case and I am reading extremely hard into things, but, hey, where is the fun of reading everything in its most face value? I love looking deeper whenever I can, and seeing what I can come up with from so little.
*While this doesn't explain the other seeds that sprouted, as evidenced by Malyck's existence, it could be that the seeds themselves simply wouldn't sprout by Mordremoth's methods alone without him implanting (heh) himself into them and needed a different sort of nurturing that came about via whoever planted the other seeds. Mordremoth using his mind to enable the Pale Tree specifically to flourish would be used here as an explanation to why the Dream and Nightmare are exclusive to the Pale Tree's sylvari and not the sylvari of Malyck's tree, etc.
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tinotika-arts · 2 months
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[GW2] Branded Alex + loose (humanoid) Aetherians design notes
Alex maintains one outfit + illusions from when he first appears all the way till dragonfall, where he absorbed Kralk's magic. New him = New outfit.
Some more ramblings about him and the aetherians group
Like originally, Alex's design had a cape in it that could hide his whole body, and protect him from the weather. But loose clothing that could hide his body more was also a more deliberate design in that he had things to hide - mainly his guilt and status as Kralkatorrik's champion.
Post Dragonfall, after coming to terms with Kralkatorrik's vision, accepting his quest and finally realizing he isn't truly the monster that he believes himself to be for being the sole survivor of the Aetherians, he wears a more form-fitting one that's more suited towards his fighting style- which is actually more aggressive spellcasting with no-holds barred beatdown. That being said, he still has restrains on himself to keep himself from going too far. There wasn't ever a good time to let the others know about his status, so Aurene was the only one to know at the time. He lets the rest have a glimpse of it during Dragon's End.
The vest and belt are weighted. They can be removed if they get in the way, and the braces help regulate magic in a more controlled form when there's allies around. If there aren't, then the gloves quite literally come off.
Post Dragonfall, he could also form branded crystals like an armor (kinda like legendary armor in game?) as a last resort if earth or ice magic isn't strong enough. Pure, elementless magic isthe very very last resort. But I'm not good at drawing armor so no ideas yet
Aetherians clothing: Mostly wings and feathered theme, it helps when they live in the sky for one. Their clothes are on the thicker side cause cold and probably helps reduce the chance of tearing if they get too excited and lose control of their crystals... But for a while, they walked around without proper clothes, just the bare minimum to cover what they needed too.
But they kind of grew comfortable going around topless too, but had ways for those who felt more conscious about their bodies. Aetherians didn't just have talented scholars, Kralkatorrik kidnapped talented blacksmiths and weavers too. (All of which Alex absorbed their knowledge through learning from them but that's beside the point)
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(names/pony type/etc in captions btw)
honestly i’ve been wanting to do a MLP AU for some OCs for a while so the trend that @kralkatorrik caused in the GW2 community recently gave me an excuse to work on that a bit!!
only Harley has a proper pony name and Cutie Mark... couldn’t think of good ones for anyone else but maybe it’ll happen at some point lmao
yes bryok and mori get to be alicorns. don’t worry about it
(Bryok, Mori, Dorian, and Noriaki all belong to @legendary-assassin-stance)
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discodiablo · 10 months
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so I’ve been going through the base game story on several of my less-used GW2 characters, and I’m kind of obsessed with Zhaitan right now given all we’ve learned about the lore of the world and the Elder Dragons since then. here’s me talking out loud to myself about all my weird disjointed thoughts and headcanons.
like, at first I figured that the Elder Dragons had either spawned fully-formed from the Mists/pure magic or whatever, or were just timeless beings, but Soo-Won talks about them growing from hatchlings (one of her legendary weapon quotes mentions they came from eggs) similarly to Aurene. which raises my first big question: was Zhaitan ‘born’ undead? because Soo-Won states that the growing Zhaitan developed a curiosity for “all things dead”, implying Zhaitan wasn’t dead at that point. I remember some kind of semi-canonical take from an ANet employee being that Mordremoth started out with a more corporeal dragon body before becoming one with the jungle, so I wonder if...he or she or it or even they (because Zhaitan’s body being composed of so many other undead dragons/the whole mouthful of moving hydra heads thing gives me huge hivemind vibes) went through a similar drastic change at some point. did Zhaitan die once before the others somehow but was able to reanimate through the power of the facet of Death? do those other dragons grow as part of Zhaitan’s body and drop off to become champions like Tequatl, or were they individuals that were assimilated into it?
and tying into that is my second big question, which is: what’s Zhaitan’s personality like, if there even is one? notably, the Zhaitan aspect of the Dragonvoid fought at the end of EoD doesn’t have ANY lines, not even growling like the Primordus one. there are more intelligent Risen like the Mouths and Eyes that are capable of elaborate speech, but how much of that is their own intelligence and words? is Zhaitan basically in the final stages of being nothing but a magic-starved beast, like Kralkatorrik’s Torment, or is there more there just shrouded in mystery? the legendary weapon quotes REALLY light my brain on fire in this area, because some give the impression Zhaitan sees turning every living thing into Risen as a mercy - “Think of the terror they all endured, and the wounds they tried to survive”; “the worst that could happen is already over” (in which case the King Reza Eye offering you a reunion with your dead mentor might not just be a way to get your guard down). others lean more into the ‘death is inevitable and life is weak and fragile’ angle (though I guess the two might not be mutually exclusive). maybe Zhaitan isn’t degraded like Kralkatorrik or animalistic like Primordus, but just doesn’t see living things worth talking to much.
SO personally, I like to combine bits and pieces of all these angles, and even give a dash of almost ‘mad scientist’ to the mix. I picture Zhaitan being born a relatively normal-looking dragon hatchling, maybe a bit frailer than the others. like Soo-Won says, as they grow, Zhaitan becomes curious about death and the dead - obsessed, even, and dangerously. life is fleeting and impermanent, after all, but life after death could hold infinite potential. maybe the facet of Death is already changing them physically, or maybe they die and are reanimated by it, or maybe they even take that step themselves to become ‘more’. they take not just the bodies of the dead into themselves but their minds and memories as well, driven by a hunger for both magic and knowledge; Orr isn’t chosen just because of how many died there, but because that kingdom had so much history and influence on Tyria as a whole. every living being can be collected like specimens to be cataloged - gorillas and the Great Giants aren’t extinct, just evolved! of course, one could argue that everything being dead stagnates the potential for further growth and creation, but Zhaitan doesn’t see it that way. to them, it’s life and all its weaknesses that limits you.
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full-of-skritt · 9 months
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Cixxe now has the Branded Pistols and Branded Staff!
I think the only Legendaries I will ever pursue will be the Kralkatorrik set.
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skritt-shinies · 2 years
"Kralkatorrik's Bite" is the name of one of his legendary weapons. The description for it is "Glaust...", Glint's original name.
And how did Glint die?
Kralkatorrik bit her.
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0carkki0 · 1 year
Icebrood Saga.
Song: Vampire’s Kiss by Acting Lovers.
The Vommander while now hanging out more in the cold areas lost his tan and was getting his usual greenish-pale skin. Not that Taimi hated the tan, but this look was What Taimi had gotten used to. The only differences were his whitening hair and red eyes. In other words, Vivs looked again like some bloodless bloodsucker. Probably even more so, than usual. Taimi really didn't mind becoming his bloodsucking Bride.
Prologue: Bound by Blood. Rytlock, the Vommander, and a few others were called to the Blood Legion playgrounds... homelands to celebrate finally killing off Kralkatorrik. They made that in a very charr way: one charr Slayed one of the remaining branded creatures, but Aurene wanted to clean up her grandfather’s messes covered and killed it with her own crystals. This got a lot of charr on edge thinking, that the Vommander vommanded… commanded her to. The Vommander and others had to start showing that they were not there to start a fight, but while things progressed the party seemed more and more like a cover-up to What they were really up to. While Braham was getting very drunk, Rytlock’s son stole his legendary bow to give it to Bangar. The Blood Legion’s Leader. While Vommander and others followed their tracks, they learned that Bangar was planning on getting an Elder dragon of his own: Jormag, without realizing the difference between an Elder dragon raised by mortals from the egg, which was Aurene, and a wild Elder dragon.
Song: Your Sweet 666 by HIM (be sure to listen to the original version, It’d better than the other one IMO)
Taimi was writing her thesis about Elder Dragons at Rata Sum, so she didn’t see the Vommander that often. How were they doing there without her? Did the Vommander miss her at all? Taimi sure did miss him. No. He must feel a bit lonely, even if Rytlock and others were with him...
Episode: 1: Whisper In the Dark. The Vommander was called to Jora's Keep by a voice that sounded like Almorra Soulkeeper. Though the Vommander could tell that something was off. When they arrived at the location, it was full of dead massacred people. Braham and the Vommander got trapped inside the barracks, but with a Raven's Lens got free. With the lens, the Vommander could see where Almorra and Jhavi were taken and followed the tracks there. After they rescued Jhavi, she told them that Almorra had the second lens that could get them to Raven Sanctum, where one of the dangerous Sons of Svanir's shaman was at. While looking for traces of Almorra, the group experienced taunting whispers and visions. Especially Marjory got a really traumatizing vision and had to go back to the camp. They finally find ALmorra, but she was dead and buried under rubble and has her sword as a marker of her final resting place. The group got the lens and they could enter the Rave Sanctum, where the Vommander got quizzed by the spirit of the raven.
Song: Crazy World by Scorpions.
Taimi got a visit from the Vommander who told her everything that had happened so far. Taimi wished she could be there since it all sounded interesting and exciting. And insane. But she had to finish her thesis. Even if the Vommander wasn't happy about Almorra's death, Taimi could tell that the Vommander was still very thrilled by the weird happenings. And needed a little calming down help from Taimi again...
Episode: 2: Shadow in the Ice. The Vommander and others had to put a stop to the whispers, and while helping local Kodan they learned that behind the whispers was Jormag's champion Drakkar. But they were too powerful at the moment since they were feeding off of the corrupted spirits of the Wild. With the Vommander's help, Braham could purify the spirits' shrines. The others, Jhavi, and her group had fought the Drakkar and chased it into a cave where they could no longer suck in the magic of the Valley. The Vommander and others went there too to help take care of Drakkar, but the whispers were getting too strong and Rytlock and Crecia both fell under its corruption. The Vommander had to beat them unconscious to be able to continue fighting the Drakkar, which Braham and the Spirits froze in a crystalline form. The Whisper of Joramg showed itself and forced Braham to doubt himself and the Vommander to fight himself off in his mind when Bangar and Rytlock's son Ryland appeared. The Vommander and others tried to tell them it wasn't possible to get a wild Elder Dragon of your own. Aurene wasn't a possession, she was a friend. Just then Bangar shot the Vommander with the bow, nearly dying, when Braham lost his cool and finally changed into the form of a wolf attacking the two charr for hurting his dear friend, the Vommander.
Song: Crucified 2013 (Radio Edit) by Army of Lovers.
Again, the Vommander visits Taimi and told her everything. Taimi had to scold him. Never provoke a dangerous psychopath with a dangerous weapon in such a small area. The Vommander seemed to love to be scolded by her. Well, if the Vommander would do stupid things like that when she wasn't there, she should hurry up and finish the thesis, so the Vommander would not get killed out there. They did it again...
Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire. Aurene shows the Vommander the Scrying Pool, which put the Vommander in a state of mind where he could experience firsthand what happened after Bagar had gotten the bow to himself. The Steel warband had gotten to the Bjora Pass and weren't sure how to proceed. While Bangar and Ryland were looking for a new route, they come across Almorra, who was a prisoner of the IceBrood. They help her to defeat the Ice Brood, but since Almorra did not agree with Bangar on the way he dealt with things, Ryland was ordered to fight with her. After beating her up, Bangar ordered Ryalnd to kill her off. Ryland refused, so Bangar did it himself.
Song: Something There from Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
Taimi thought about the last conversation the two had. The two have become a bit too needy of each other's company, huh?
Episode: 3: No Quarter. The legions were having parley negotiations, while the Vommander arrived at the area, but when Logan and Kasmeer arrived with a few other humans, Ryland pulled back his parley and left the place. Smodur's war tactics did not help with trying to create any kind of agreement with the Dominions. He attacked the enemy in sight. Tricked Rytlock and the Vommadner to bomb a base full of Dominions. And the final killing of a war prisoner, which was supposed to be used to negotiate his rejoining the legions and talked about the dangers of waking Jormag up.
Song: Gotta Get It Groovin' by E-Rotic.
The Vommander visits Taimi again telling her everything. He seemed to be very stressed and disappointed at Smodur's ability to use his brain. The Jormag waking was closer and closer all the time. Taimi thought to give the Vommander a bit of stress relief...
Episode: 4: Jormag Rising. The Vommander met up with Malice's double agents, who told them that the Domions' Forst Legion had a citadel and that Jormag was in there. The Vommander joined with Braham to investigate a way to the Frost Citadel and found a huge door, that needed all spirits to open. Smodur and Braham could not agree on how to open the doors. While at that they were ambushed by Ryalnd and his group. Smodur was shot dead. So, they continued after dealing with Ryland's group, and everybody agreed to go with Braham's plan. The Vommander helped with that, which involved with dealing with totems and doing some stuff to the spirits. They got the doors open and proceeded further, but they were then faced with a thick ice wall. With some roof shattering to get some war equipment to help with e thick wall problem, they got finally to the chamber where Jormag was sleeping. Bangar had the Spirits of the Wild captive in hopes of using their power to control Jormag. First, the Vommander fought Bangar, but then Ryland joined the fight and the Vommander saw an opportunity to free the spirits. Before Bangar was about to be defeated, he was saved by wakened Jormag, but instead of controlling the elder Dragon, or even becoming the champion of the Elder Dragon, he was made to become the voice of Jormag, so that they could talk to the mortals. Instead, Ryland was chosen to become Jormag's champion.
Song: Mi Amante by E-Rotic.
Taimi heard that Jormag had wakened up. This was going to get them even busier, but at least Taimi could finish her thesis. Apparently, the Vommander was too busy to come to visit her now. Right at the time Taimi really wanted to see him. Was he getting used to not having her there?
Episode 5: Champions. Primordus was waking up, and it showed all around central Tyria, and the Vommander and his friends fought against them -even with the Jormag's brooded and the Frost Legion. Jormag was gathering allies against Primordus, but the Commander and some others didn't trust Jormag but played along... till Jormag showed how cold and uncaring they could be about the mortals. But Aurene as well as the Vommander with his friends still needed Jormag's help with defeating the Destroyers around the Central Tyria. And to destroy them both, then they needed another Champion, and that was Braham. Braham became the Champion of Primordus. Then when finally Jormag and Primordus were about to face each other, first the Champions fought while the Vommander made sure neither of them was winning by adding more and more magic to them when they had lost too much energy. After enough time had gone by, Jormag's and Primordus' patience ran out and they attacked each other, both dying in the process.
Song: Resonance by Yuuki Okamoto (intro from the anime 'Soul Eater')
When others weren't looking the Vommander expressed his happiness of finally fighting again alongside Taimi, especially now when nowhere was safe. As long as the final elder dragon was still remaining, nowhere was safe. So she might as well be near him so that he can come for her and she can come to him if either one was in danger. His hands sure are quick to get everywhere...
After the dragon fight, the Vommander was clearly jealous of Gorrik being able to work with Taimi in the same lab but looked revealed when he found out that the lab was built next to Aurene. In a very public area. Of course, it made it also more difficult for Vividatt to have another stress-relief moment with her.
Did Taimi just witness the Vommander coming on to Gorrik..?
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brightwingedbat · 2 years
I saw a blog about GW2 Commander's age when becoming the commander so I decided it's a loredump time for Nastazya Ragewelder. Nastazya was 30 years old when she became the Commander, having already had a lot of military experience and hardening her shell well before becoming one of the most renowned Commanders on Tyria. At first however, she wasn't so skilled. From fahrar up til she was 25, she was rash and reckless. Rushing in to prove herself to her mother and father, Raeve Goreblade and Argus Foolkiller. Mostly to the former, her mother was an Iron Legion centurion who she looked up to a lot. Originally, she grew up with six other cubs in fahrar, the Rage Warband. Two of which are Howl Boldrage and Dinky Bluntrage. The other four; Clio Wildrage, Faust Edgerage, Graw Ragehammer and Tullia Ragemelt. Tullia being Nastazya's mate at the time.
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This however would not last, she was in the Iron Marches along with her warband and her mother preparing against the ogres. Nastazya complained about Raeve holding her back, she wanted to join. She was swiftly reprimanded and forced to reply in military respect, ultimately her warband was stuck with watching the camp. That is until Kralkatorrik soared over Ascalon, while Raeve and her group went after the ogres. Nastazya demanded Howl to let her go into the new Brand, and he allows it, along with the rest of the warband coming along voluntarily too. And this is where Nastazya's personality gets a major shift, she finds her mother already branded. Faust pushes her out of the way of bolt of branding magic and gets crystallised. She has to slay her mother, the rest of the warband get Faust out of the crystal, though it's too late and he soon turns branded. Graw quickly takes him out, kneeling for forgiveness soon after. And everything spirals down as they try to escape, Clio's drake turns and kills her. An army of branded hears the struggles and Graw stays to give the others time to escape. Tullia gets impaled by a sudden attacking branded siege devourer, and sends Nastazya into an anguished rage, destroying the monster's head near to dust. Tullia is the only one they manage to retrieve the body of. So the last three of Nastazya, Howl and Dinky return to the camp, another Iron Centurion there for info. It's hard on the three, especially Nastazya who has the guilt over her head for getting her warband into the brand in the first place. Down over half of their warband, Howl feels he can no longer lead. The three ends up being transferred into Urvan Steelbane's warband. Nastazya would change from Ragewelder to Steelrage during the next five years. It's during those years she wisens up, takes understanding strategy more seriously, she never wants to go through another warband loss again. She improves, toughens up more than ever. And then Urvan's 'strategies' manage to get another warband of hers killed, all but Dinky. It takes all of her power to not attack Urvan the moment he blames her for the deaths, but in the end, she kills him in the Bane and takes over the warband. Returning once more to Rage Warband and retaking her old name. And that begins the path towards becoming the Legendary Pact Commander.
A bittersweet ending note; in fahrar the other cubs helped her with her braided hairstyle. And to this day she always does her hair as they did, with each braid being the one her warband did back then.
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moonlit-grove · 2 years
have 8, 9, 15, and 16 for zhaleh, if you'd like! :D @kerra-and-company
zhaleh my bby....
8. Biggest strength and weakness?
Hm... I'm not actually sure what the biggest of either is for Zhaleh. Her determination has certainly changed the coming fate more than once. Her grit to never back down and fight. As for weakness... Probably her unwillingness to let people in. Emotionally. She holds everything close to her heart. Even Trahearne doesn't know everything that burdens her. He knows things do... But she won't let him help.
9. What do they THINK their biggest strength and weakness is?
She's certain her strength is just how unorthodox of a fighter she is. Most people are not prepared to face the abilities of a largos after all. As for weakness... Hm. A long time ago, she would say it's the fact that she's not alone, that she has people around her. Now though? I think she'd tap the brand. It's harder to sneak around when you have giant crystals.
15. What would they be doing if they weren't the commander/whatever they are?
Truth be told, she'd probably be dead in Maguuma after trying to hunt a legendary wyvern on her own.
16. What's their greatest fear (be it one of the three from the personal story or something else entirely)?
At this point... Losing Aurene. After Kralkatorrik killed her, after Joko, after Balthazar... All of that, she is terrified of losing the Scion. She lets that fear manifest as burning, bubbling rage when someone threatens her.
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
Hmmmm, how about Kerra and Kralkatorrik for the character bingo card 💜
Sounds like a plan! :D <3 K bingo cards coming right up! (Wait, they're also both purple; that's fun aslkdjf)
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First character I made in this game, will always be my favorite, love her. Constant fork-in-microwave state. (Also, almost put something in the bottom right corner, since sometimes there's similar energy but like. affectionate xD)
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The Elder Dragons in general are absolutely fascinating to me (I'm THRILLED that we're getting the legendaries with more of their thoughts, it's super awesome), and we got to see a whole lot of Kralkatorrik. He didn't so much have an easily visible arc, but that was the closest I could get to "I really really enjoyed the ending bits of LWS4 and also they hurt me". (And "not enough screen time" isn't really accurate either; I loved the screen time we got with him. I'd just always be down for more info on him and all of the others.)
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dumb-dumb-mander · 2 years
7, 14, 18 for the GW2 Anniversary asks?
Hello ! Thanks to pass by ! <3
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7. What is the biggest or most arduous project you have completed in the game?
MMmmhhh... I would love to say a Legendary (looking at you Kralkatorrik ones, I'll get you one day, you're lucky I need a new computer) but...
I would say 2 ones?
The Branded backpiece we got by completing the "The Shatterer" achievements list because the achi' "No-Fly Zone" and "Smash the Dragon" absolutely can't be done alone and need a lot of people's cooperation......... (`皿´#) This is a massive fight of patience mostly, to come again and again until you get it but *screech*
And also "Migraine" achi' where you need to beat Mordry's ass with the Challenge mote-mote activated and even by managing to drag some of my friends who are used to Raids it was an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE─
I kiss your left butt cheeks friends
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14. Favourite NPC who has been a companion of the Commander?
I'm forced to name Trahearne even if this is obvious kjfbzf
But look, I barely have male crush and I didn't expect to fall for him... But I did... Strong but also need protection, what can I say─
Now I could also name Braham, MY SON (it started as a joke, but more I learned about him and more "yup, that's my son") and also Canach who slowly but surely grown on me for whatever reason I cannot explain fzejfn He is the type of character I normally roll my eyes about and ask people WHY they like him, but he did grow on me and I confess I have a very tiny crush on that choya
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18. Is there anything you have not yet mastered in the game?
A lot of things, but the one I can point for sure is how to Raid
My brain ends up overwhelmed by trying to remember the rotation, looking at my attacks, looking at the enemy/enemies, looking at what's going on and trying not to die
I desperately want to join one of my guild to Raid and finally meet my twins Largos, but I'm also subject of... a lot of bad thought
Doing something bad for me, myself and I is okay. But when it got repercussions on others, this is the apocalypse. I guess I'm still in the mindset I put myself in when I grew up as a single child ; need to be perfect huh
Which is a shame because my Guildmate are all adorable and a lot of them have adhd so they understand me but haha you know, IRL life also got on my brain
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tinotika-arts · 2 years
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[Behind the Scenes]
More Trahmmander about-to-date shenanigans ft. Caithe being tired, Alex being absolutely smitten on their first date, and a bonus of Trahearne chatting with Kralkatorrik
And a little expansion on the conversation between Kralkatorrik and Trahearne!
“So you’re the one who’s interested in Alex, huh?”
“And you’re the one Faren told me I must convince first.”
“... The fact that Faren sent you along to me means that he’s convinced that you do love and are serious about pursuing Alexander as a partner. Tell me Trahearne, what do you see in that idiot?”
“He’s not an idiot. He’s a brilliant man. Kind.. way too kind, but also... He seems pained. But I do have feelings for him. That I do know.”
“And if he and I were to both reject your pursuit of him?”
“I don’t care too much about you, but I’ll do everything I can to show him that he’s deserving.”
“Hmph.. You really are your grandfather’s grandchild, aren’t you?”
“How did you know?”
“Don’t be an idiot, I’m an Elder. All the Elders are in contact with each other, and contrary to our Living World portrayal, we’re on good terms. We speak of our favourites all the time. ‘Sides, you have the same look Mordremoth gets in his eyes when he’s serious.”
“... “
“I’m not going to object too terribly much to you pursing Alex - you’re both adults, you can make your own decisions. But I have to ask you- are you willing to share his burdens?”
“Alex is the type of person who would take on your burdens as easily as breathing, without question. But his own? He’ll shoulder them himself if he has to. Thing in, Trahearne, he’s a legendary actor for a reason. He’s so good at acting to fool others into believing he’s alright, he’s fooled even himself.”
“He thinks he’s okay... But..”
“He’s not. All it takes is for a little crack to manifest, and his carefully built mask will crumble. The question now is: Are you willing to catch the pieces and help him? If not, you best give up, cause I sure as hell don’t want a relationship like this to form and collapse.”
“If you’re trying to deter me, you’re doing a bad job of it. His burdens are mine to bear as well, if he’ll have me.”
“Hmph.. Good response. Mark my words however: Break his heart for no damn reason, and I will personally see to it that you are ruined.”
“You do the same to him, and I’ll personally introduce my fist to your nose and break it.”
“I see Mordremoth taught you well.”
“Shut up.”
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friesian · 2 years
2, 4, 9, 14 + 15 for the gw2 asks!! (- @astralarias)
HEY CHAR!! nice to see u!!! 2. What race and profession was the first character you made? Do you still play them?
it was marwyd i think. i made my account in late march but sat on my hands until my wife made an account with me LOL. so it's sylvari engineer. he is literally my everything and i play him as much as i can (he's also my main so. scrapper life 4ever!!!!!!)
4. Do you have a favourite playable race?
holds up my NEARLY ALL SYLVARI ROSTER. uhm. nooooooooooooo ;)
yeah its sylvari no breaks. i first played marwyd and was like "these little dudes are kinda funky???" and sorta shrugged it off. i got to the end of the personal story and was like; "OK. these dudes are cool. goddamn."
THEN I PLAYED HEART OF THORNS. we all know how it went from there.
either way im DEEPLY in love with them as a race concept. i'm also a sylvari in real life soooo maybe i'm biased.
9. Do you remember any specific times when the game made you go “oh shit” in a good way?
coming from world of warcraft, i wasn't sure if i was even gonna be ABLE to fight the big bads. most of the big bads in warcraft are locked behind big raids/group content and i just HONESTLY do not like doing it as it gives me massive anxiety. plus i was so new to the game that i knew anything i did was probably gonna be wrong.
doing heart of thorns i was like "I WANT TO KICK MORDREMOTH'S ASS. I NEED TO KICK HIS ASS NOW!!!!" and i wasn't even sure if i was gonna have the opportunity to. however once i did the final instance and got near the end and it plopped me down in front of him, that MUSIC started playing, and i realized i got to have a 1 on 1 with this motherfucker. well it was history from there, LMAO.
14. Favourite NPC who has been a companion of the Commander?
cue me shoving all my canach art and writing and all my posts under the couch
it's canach. it's always been canach. my fucking god. my wife did heart of thorns before me and was like "hey i think you may like this canach guy" she said to me once while we were cooking together. i said; "oh maybe i'll have to see what he's like."
IDIOT. BUFFOON. ABSOLUTE FOOL. she read me like a fucking book and now my mind is infested with a egomaniac cactus. i love him for it though, by god.
15. Favourite antagonist?
THIS IS A TOUGHIE. i'm between mordremoth because of the story relevance to sylvari and kralkatorrik because of the history and complexities with him in general, espsecially with soo-won. also if my url wasn't a dead give away. i am a fan.
i'm going to lean more towards kralk. i really love the added lore we get with the legendary weapons and talking to soo-won after dragon's end fights. something about an old man who just lost himself in the inevitability of rage and madness of his family gets me something stupid.
big runner up is mordremoth, then probably (if we want to get really deep) canach since he DID oppose you at one point. these are my three besties :)
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commanderthalys · 3 months
17 and 18!!
Thanks for the ask Anon, sorry this is so late 😅
You didn’t specify any one commander so I did everyone!
17. What do they regret the most about their past?
Thalys has a lottt of regrets haha, i think the biggest one is actually becoming commander in the first place. The physical and emotional toll it took on her was too much for someone so young and she’s only recently started trying to unlearn a lot of behaviors that she hardwired into her brain because of it. The Commander consumed her and became her in many unsavory ways. She’s gotten a lot of good things out of it but on more than a few days she finds herself wishing she had never been more than a whispers agent.
18. What memory do they wish they could relive?
The day she first got to meet and ride a raptor! It wasn’t a remarkable memory but it’s one she loves dearly, it was just a good day with her friends, and it led to her absolutely falling in love with raptors and learning everything about them. She’s a dinosaur kid at heart, what can I say!
17. What do they regret the most about their past?
Killing his best friend Gavin, who was practically his soulmate, his unspoken dearheart and best friend. He also generally regrets how he used to act when he was younger and still kicks himself for being such an asshole for no reason.
18. What memory do they wish they could relive?
Answered here!
17. What do they regret the most about their past?
Neil’s usually not one for regrets, she does however always wish she had gone with Thalys and Amel to check out the disturbances that led into SoTO and the kryptis. Her friends were missing for months and she had no idea what was going on with them, only for her to catch up to them and find Thalys bedridden and with a missing leg while Amel was right by her side.
18. What memory do they wish they could relive?
Answered here!
17. What do they regret the most about their past?
Not telling Dauntus that she loves him. He was her sunshine and the only hope she ever had, one of the only kind people the entire Rage Warband ever knew. Those two were particularly close due to how early in the fahrar they knew each other, but when Dauntus’s terminal illness began affecting him as he was older, he was there one moment and gone the next. Nana had feelings for him but never confessed, and kept that with her her entire life. Only a select few know about it, Taimi, Almorra, and Aurene among them.
18. What memory do they wish they could relive?
The day the Rage Warband earned their reputation and respect by killing her Sire, who was a member of flame legion. Her entire life Nana had been treated very harshly for her natural lack of any claws and the fact that her father defected to flame legion when she was born. Victory in defeating him was both a sign that she belonged in the legions, and also meant that her warband would be less of a target, they all had disabilities that caused them grief from other charr growing up. And the party that night was legendary, or so Nana says!
17. What do they regret the most about their past?
Even though it wasn’t her fault and purely an accident that no one could control, it was when Kralkatorrik killed Aurene the second time and then began branding the world, starting with Quill and then moving on to her closest friends in dragon’s watch. Quill wasn’t completely branded and because of her odd powers after coming back from Balthazar, she was flung into the mists and that was the last she saw of her world. She still blames herself for it and wishes she had been better, faster, whatever she needed to be to prevent that.
18. What memory do they wish they could relive?
Answered here!
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