rarougrougrou · 2 years
"Ouais tu sais un jour j'ai pleuré toute une après-midi pour la soeur que t'étais, vu que je savais que je la reverrai plus"
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Comment "punir" un homme qui me fait souffrir ? téléchargez l'audio DCS: PAS DE CRITIQUES DESTRUCTIVES https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/no-critiche-distruttive-metodo-dcs/ #souffrance #punition #critiques 🟢🇫🇷 1 MONDE MYSTERIEUX TON SUBCONSCIENT…hypnose DCS unique au monde téléchargez l'audio DCS: NON PASSE NEGATIF https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/... #hypnose #secret #mystere SLTP SI TU AS DES SUJETS OU DES ARGUMENTS QUE TU AIME DEVELOPPER, ECRITS LES LA ET LE DR CLAUDIO SARACINO GRATUITEMENT VA DEVELOPPER CE QUI TU DESIRES, D'ACCORD? TU PEUX, SI TU LE DESIRES, INDIQUER MEME DES THEMES OU ARGUMENTS NEFS... MERCI ET SLTS Sltp ecoutes ma pensée et, si tu le desires, poses des commentaires... #hypnose#methodedcs#hyonosedcs #methodedcs#hypnose #hypnosedcs #mp3dcs #drclaudiosaracino #losangeles#beverlihills#californie#usa#etasunit#drssarinabrunini#autohypnosedcs#methodedcs#mp3dcs#audiodcs #hypnosedcs#drclaudiosaracino#hypnose . Une de plus grandes différences par rapport à d’autres disciplines comme le yoga, la méditation, le yoga, le mendfulness, le mantra, le zen etc c’est que toi tu peux aider un de tes chers qui ne veut pas ton aide ou il ne peut pas avoir ton aide Ecoutes ce que j’ai à dire et partagés cette vidéo avec tes amis...IL NE FAUT PAS CROIRE😳IL FAUT SEULEMENT FAIRE ACTION😳il y a ce qui fait et ce qui ne fait pas...😳SEULEMENT A TOI LE CHOIX ⚔ 💪🏿YouTube👇🏿 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcNG... 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿 https://www.facebook.com/ipnologiasso... 👉🏿Instagram👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip... 👉🏿twitter👇🏿 https://twitter.com/drsaracino 👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/ 👉🏿sito:👇🏿 https://www.ipnologiassociati.com
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emberdune · 9 months
la chose que je comprends le moins au monde c'est les gens qui prennent des chambres d'hôtel pour ensuite passer toute la nuit à regarder leurs tél dans le hall genre ça va pas ou quoi
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menwithopinions · 2 years
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rayondelun3 · 3 months
Mon prof de littérature me rend zinzin : j'ai passé les 3/4 de l'après midi a corrigé son cours sur Victor Hugo. Il a donné des mauvaises dates, n'a même pas parlé de la querelle Hernani qui est super importante... Il a parlé de l'engagement politique sans par'er des faits. Vraiment je me suis dit tout le long « mais what the fuck ???? » ok l'erreur est humaine, et c'est pas parce que tu es dans l'enseignement que tu ne peux pas te tromper mais là on parle de TOUT le fucking cours en fait. Et en plus sur Victor Hugo, le monument LE MONSTRE LE BIG BOSS de la littérature française. Comment tu peux autant foiré ton cours sur Victor fucking Hugo à la fac en lisant littéralement tes fiches ? J'hallucine vraiment. J'ai dû tout refaire, tout reprendre... Je n'ai même pas encore fini ! C'est une blague ce prof.
Oui c'est ce prof qui nous a enlevé Flaubert du programme oui. Oui. FLAUBERT. J'ai beau faire des efforts mais je peux plus me le voir. En plus Victor Hugo que je peux pas me l'encadrer celui-là non plus. Heureusement j'ai changé d'avis à force de faire mes recherches sur lui etc. D'où la petite carte postale avec ses petits enfants là... Trop mims.
Vraiment ça me détruit : mon prof a préféré s'attarder sur les funérailles nationales (en donnant les mauvaises dates sinon où est l'intérêt ???) pendant les 15 dernières minutes du cours et se tromper dans l'explication de Notre-Dame de Paris pendant 30 minutes (oui sinon encore une fois où serait l'intérêt right ????). C'est pour nous pranker qu'il fait ça ? Parce que ça ne me fait ABSOLUMENT PAS rigoler. J'ai d'autres trucs à faire, j'ai eu zéro vacances à cause des fucking 3 semaines de partiels et là je reprends et on me sort que des mauvaises informations pendant une heure ?
Je suis affolée. Ça veut dire que les gens de ma classe qui auront pris en notes certains trucs (parce qu'aussi la prise de notes dans son cours c'est un bon gros bordel hein on va pas se mentir sur ça non plus mais on est à la fac alors on va pas chouiner)... S'ils ne vérifient pas ils auront littéralement que de la merde.
C'est génial. Bien joué. J'hallucine vraiment. J'hallucine. Tu m'étonnes qu'il ne met pas ses cours sur cursus le boug. Ça serait mettre à la vue de tous toutes ses fucking erreurs là. VRAIMENT JE N'EN PEUX PLUS.
Et c'est encore que «la reprise» lol.
J'imagine que comme nous sommes jeunes ils se disent qu'on ne sait rien peut-être ? Mais putain heureusement que j'applique la méthode de Descartes.
Après j'aime bien faire des recherches etc. Normal. Toujours je fais du complément de cours MAIS J'AI AUSSI D'AUTRES MATIÈRES AVEC D'AUTRES LIVRES À LIRE EN FAIT.
When you are young they assume you know nothing.
J'avais tiqué sur des dates, sur les noms des recueils pendant le CM alors que bon, je ne suis pas du tout une pro sur V. Hugo... Mais je pensais pas QUE C'ÉTAIT À CE POINT LA MERDE.
Allô j'ai Plaute à lire, Ovide et Callapée. J'ai mes recherches sur la mythologie greco-romaine ok ? J'ai un million de trucs à faire à côté dans ma vie. J'ai zéro temps pour mes loisirs et après ils viennent nous engueuler parce qu'on finit en burn out ?
Allez c'est bon aussi.
Anyway je suis dans le car pour rentrer j'vais taper un bon run comme d'habitude et essayer de pas péter mon crâne bien que ce ne soit pas l'envie qui manque.
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neiyuu · 6 months
Ladies and gents, voici le plus bas niveau de médiocrité qu'une personne peut toucher: La belle-mère de mon copain essaie de nous faire rompre. J'aimerais rigoler, mais ça en arrive à du "je vole la culotte en dentelle de la mamie pour la mettre dans le panier de linge sale de mon beau-fils pour que sa copine pense qu'il la trompe".
J'aimerais rigoler.
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Still thinking about 1789 but set in the avatar world instead of the irl french revolution and the events that led up to it.
I stand by my belief that if Le cri de ma naissance was in English everyone would associate it with avatar already and if Au Palais Royal and À quoi tu danses were in English plenty of fans with complex fanon histories would use them for their headcanon resistance movements
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a110crazy13 · 2 years
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Milano 1959 - Vittorio Gassman in una pausa nella lavorazione del film “L’audace Colpo dei soliti ignoti”
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jade-curtiss · 8 months
Tant qu'à sucitter l'indignation on dois souvent retourner aux sources
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lazoneestlibre · 11 months
"L'humilité, c'est l'audace de l'amour" Guy ROGER ZONE LIBRE
Être vrai implique de l'audace, pour défier les histoires que l'on se raconte sur soi-même . C'est dans la prise de conscience où on réalise que l'on se ment qu'il y a restitution de  l'authentique-soi. Le besoin de se faire valoir n’est plus .
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sauolasa · 1 year
Da spurgi acidi ad acqua potabile: l'audace sfida di un imprenditore sudafricano
Un imprenditore sudafricano ha sviluppato un meccanismo in quattro fasi che potrebbe far fronte al problema della crisi idrica nel continente.
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J'ai besoin d'amis qui parlent français
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lady-foxy · 2 years
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VOS GUEULES PAH CHIN FAIT SON MONOLOGUE TRISTE JE CHOUINE vrmt j'aimais pas ce perso je le détestais pas non plus j'ai crié comme jamais pour lui aujourd'hui, le panel "we all love you" rentre dans ceux qui m'ont fait le plus brailler c'était tout ce qu'il me fallait pour me jeter du balcon. MAIS SÉRIEUX AJDLBDID STOOOOOP j'ai même pas les mots ça me détruit
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marspumpkin · 1 year
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halman - l'audace
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je-suis-ronflex · 1 month
"Quentin pourquoi tu souris comme ça alors que tu as des cernes à pouvoir être recruté pour le prochain Kung Fu Panda ?" ptdr l'audace des gamins parfois ils sont drôles
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atamascolily · 5 months
There's a game I play as a writer that I call "Story Problems" -- I'll stop an episode or a movie halfway to three-quarters of the way through and try to sketch the ending I think the writers have in mind based on what I've seen thus far. Obviously, this is much easier with self-contained mysteries and ten-minute one-shot children's cartoons than extended dramas, but through regular practice, I've learned to pay attention to all the clues dropped in the exposition and how seemingly unrelated details are woven together into a coherent narrative whole.
Some people use the term "Chekhov's gun" for these hints, but I prefer "set-up and payoff". No matter what you call them, writing is essentially a sleight-of-hand performance, where the writer tell the audience exactly what they're going to do while simultaneously distracting them so that they're too busy focusing on other things to notice until the big reveal.
All this is a roundabout way of saying I've spent a lot of time thinking about the "story problem" represented by Walpurgis no Kaiten and how it might unfold.
First and most importantly, why bring Walpurgisnacht back in the first place? What role can a seemingly defeated witch (however mysterious) have in PMMM going forward? What are we, the audience, missing that would allow us to make sense of this? What in her story remains incomplete or unaddressed?
I sympathize with those who wanted Walpurgisnacht's nature to remain a mystery, but I think that ship sailed the moment SHAFT decided to bring her back for the sequel. If indeed Walpurgisnacht is returning--and why name the movie after her if she isn't?--then she must be somehow connected in some way to the main cast beyond her role in the original series as the Final Boss, or else why even bother?
(Seriously, if SHAFT wanted Walpurgisnacht's presence to be a surprise, they could have titled the movie literally ANYTHING else, but they didn't. That was a deliberate choice on their part, so I not only assume that Walpurgisnacht must be important somehow--central, even--but the big twist is not THAT she returns, but HOW and WHY.)
Cut to several years of radio silence after the initial announcement, giving me plenty of time to think. One night in the fall of 2022, the following conversation played out in my head unprompted:
Brain: Hahahaha, you know what, I bet they're really going with the whole 'Homura is Walpurgisnacht' twist after all! "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace", and all that. Plus, can you imagine how angry this will make people on Reddit? Me: Okay, but why are you telling me this NOW?
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Me: crying You sick son of a bitch.
To be fair, improbable plot summaries have something of a history in this franchise--if I were to travel back to 2012 and tell people that Homura becomes a witch and traps everyone in her labyrinth and then turns into the Devil, I don't think many people would have believed THAT either until it played out in front of them. But this one was particularly disheartening because the "Homura is Walpurgisnacht" theory*--which was initially popular when the series was released--was seemingly discredited in Rebellion with the appearance of Homura's witch Homulilly. To say otherwise was going to be one hell of a hard sell for a lot of people.
(*I know, I know, I know, Walpurgisnacht is a composite super-witch made of multiple entities, but I need a shorthand way of describing it, even if it's not as technically accurate, so bear with me here.)
But even though my assertion seemed counterintuitive on the surface, I was convinced that it would eventually prove to be the case for several reasons:
1) Another game I like to play as a writer is called "The Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen" (alternate title: "Put That Character In A Situation"). Essentially, I try to imagine what would hurt/challenge the characters the most for maximum drama or effect, and then I make it happen. Based on Homura's history and her relationship with Walpurgisnacht, what would be the worst thing that could possibly happen re: Walpurgisnacht's return?
Well, given how much Homura has invested in protecting Madoka from this witch--from reliving the same month hundreds of times over to becoming the self-proclaimed embodiment of evil just to make a world where Madoka could be happy--the worst thing that could happen to Homura would be that she discovers that everything she's done, all that she's fought and sacrificed for, has led directly to the one thing she's been trying to prevent this whole time: the (re?)creation of Walpurgisnacht herself.
In other words, this tweet:
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I mentioned my theory to someone recently, and their response (paraphrased) was that they felt the original series had already covered this particular form of dramatic irony and they hoped WnK would go in a different direction. Fair enough, but this is a series that thrives on revisiting the same scenes from different angles, to the point of a shot-for-shot remake of Madoka with her family at the beginning of Rebellion to mirror the original series! So just because they've done similar things before doesn't mean it's necessarily off the table in the future--to me, that makes it even more likely, actually. And frankly, I think some amount of revisiting the past was inevitable the moment SHAFT decided they were bringing Walpurgisnacht back in the first place.
Given PMMM's obsession with cycles and repetition, I'd go one step further and make it worse: not only are Homura's actions what bring Walpurgisnacht back, these same actions are what lead to all the Walpurgisnachts in the past, so that Homura created the very monster who killed Madoka and caused Homura herself to become a magical girl in the first place. Essentially, Homura becomes her own ancestor in a massive time loop/bootstrap paradox with no beginning and no end (or at least, that's how it seems at first--I doubt that's where the story TRULY ends, though it would make for one hell of a cliffhanger).
It would be bad enough if Homura directly or indirectly created Walpurgisnacht AND created a time loop, but you know what would make the situation EVEN WORSE? What if the enemy that Homura had been fighting for so long wasn't some other external force outside of her, but her own SELF-- if Homura not only created her own enemy, but also WAS that enemy, too, becoming the thing she feared and hated the most? I've talked in my previous posts about how PMMM excels at making the metaphorical literal, as well as its proclivity for turning characters into their opposites, so this would be a logical next step in that direction.
Given that Gen Urobuchi's nickname is "the Urobutcher", I think it's safe to say he knows how to make characters suffer. Thus, I'd be deeply surprised if he doesn't play the same game that I do--and if so, he might draw similar conclusions to the ones I've outlined above.
2) A major twist in every installment thus far has been that Homura is not who or what we think she is--first a time traveler, then a witch, then the Devil. If this pattern continues, what new revelations would surprise us about Homura? In order for the story to continue, it's likely that she must grow and change beyond her Devil persona--what might that look like? A transformation into the massive super-witch that was her enemy would certainly answer both questions and then some, although it may not be the answer people want.
(If nothing else, Homura will likely have at least one new outfit in Walpurgis no Kaiten so that SHAFT can sell the merchandise, lol.)
3) Not only do Homura's actions drive the plot of PMMM, the franchise is deeply concerned with her emotional life, and she is the center around which everything revolves (although this is not always immediately apparent due to the way each installment is structured). Thus, it's likely that Homura's relationship with Walpurgisnacht is both central to the plot and deeply personal--and what could be more personal than this?
4) In a show with excellent visual design, where every detail is selected with care, and usually means something (even if that meaning is not immediately apparent), there are far too many visual and narrative parallels between Homura and Walpurgisnacht to be a coincidence. Having the two be connected in this fashion would explain all of this in a concise and satisfying manner.
5) One of the things I admire about PMMM from a storytelling perspective is how efficient it is--every character and detail has a purpose, and nothing is wasted. Having Homura be/become Walpurgisnacht is not the ONLY way to establish a connection between them, but it is undeniably the simplest and the most efficient from a purely technical angle, as it only involves one character the audience already knows and cares about vs. adding an entirely new entity to the mix.
That was my answer to the story problem of "What is Walpurgis no Kaiten about?" in late 2022, based solely on the limited information available to me (i.e.m the title of the movie + everything that has come before). But while it seemed abundantly clear to me--almost inevitable--that Homura would somehow become Walpurgisnacht, I didn't have a good explanation for HOW this might come about beyond "timey-wimey reality-bending and/or multiverse shenanigans"--which, while adequate for my purposes, was not enough evidence to convince others of my argument, and so I let the matter rest.
Then the key visual dropped in September 2023, and I burst out laughing the instant I saw the second Homura, because I knew how SHAFT was going to solve the problem that had stumped me: one Homura would create/become Walpurgisnacht and the other would attempt to stop her (and probably fail, at least at first).
Homura is such a complex and multi-faceted character, I think it's a bit simplistic to say that one of the pair will be purely good and the other evil. Suffice to say there will be one Homura that we're rooting for (the one with ribbons) and one that we're probably not rooting for (the one with the headband) and leave it at that for now.
I'll freely admit that I still don't fully understand the mechanics of how and why there are two Homuras or how Walpurgisnacht arises from the actions of one or both of them, but I don't need to: everything we need to know is contained within the framing of that key visual. Homura will be the source of all her problems in this movie; that's all that matters. Everything else is details--delicious, to be sure, and I look forward to analyzing them in great detail, but the core (heh) conflict of the movie is already apparent.
Of course, you could make the argument that my original gut feeling was wrong because the second Homura doesn't "count" as Homura. To me, that's semantic hair-splitting--for my purposes, if she looks like Homura and is voiced by Chiwa Saito and retains all of Homura's powers, abilities, and associated symbolism, then she IS Homura in all the way that really matter, but I'm sure people can and will disagree with me on that. In the end, when it comes to PMMM, it's Homura all the way down--and I think Walpurgis no Kaiten will make that literal before the end.
(not gonna lie, the idea that all the Clara Dolls turn into Homuras too, so that Walpurgisnacht is made up of nothing but Homuras is pretty delicious--but so is the idea of the doppelganger Homura somehow hijacking or corrupting the Law of Cycles, which we know is full of witches, and turning it to her own ends. Or both, both is good, too!)
I know a lot of people hate the "Homura is Walpurgisnacht" theory, but I think it keeps popping up for a reason, and will continue to do so until Walpurgis no Kaiten finally gives us sufficient information to either make it canon or lay it to rest for good. Personally, I love the idea--as a quick browse through my "#vein of gold" tag will attest, I love when characters are forced to confront their shadow selves, their dark sides, and their doubles; I love when the call is coming from inside the house. For me, Homura becoming Walpurgisnacht wouldn't be cliche or boring, it would be a plot twist that would explain everything we've seen to date while simultaneously re-framing it, making it a Greek tragedy of incredible proportions. And a lot of people hated the whole "Homura becomes the Devil" twist when Rebellion came out, so why should Walpurgis no Kaiten be any different in this regard?
One of the things that I love about this franchise is that it's never been afraid to go big and bold and cosmic while simultaneously remaining deeply personal--and solidifying the connections between Homura and Walpurgisnacht would be all of those things at once and then some. I don't know why this particular idea has captured me, or why I feel so strongly about it, but in the end, I don't have any inside information, just an intuition that refuses to let go.
Ultimately, I suspect whether you like this theory or not comes down to whether you think the primary conflict of Madoka Magica is external (characters battling an enemy outside of themselves) or internal (characters battling an enemy within). My gut feeling is that Walpurgis no Kaiten will be an internal battle playing out on an external stage, essentially making this a "both/and" situation, and it will revisit many elements of both the original series and Rebellion while simultaneously breaking new ground.
It may well be that Urobuchi and SHAFT have a different answer to this particular story problem than the one I've outlined here--but if so, I can't see it. In the end, all I can do is imagine the story that I would write based on the clues I've been given, which may or may not be the same as the one they are planning. We'll find out if there's any truth at all to my intuitions or if I'm barking up the wrong tree when the movie finally comes out.
And hey, if I'm going to be wrong, I'd rather go out with a wild and crazy idea than playing it safe with some half-assed guessing. If I can't be right, I might as well be INTERESTING. And there's always fanfic to fall back on if the movie ends up going in a radically different direction and I still feel strongly about this by then.
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