#like he hasn’t been a part of exo activities forever let it go
digitalgirls · 6 months
i don’t get the outrage when exo fans don’t always include lay in stuff
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violetfaust · 3 years
Episode 3 of What If...? ended where it should have started.
Nobody was asking "What if there was a murder mystery?" We wanna know who would be the Avengers if the first string was knocked out.
Fury was starting with Captain Marvel and a thawed-out Captain America. Who else would join c. 2011?
By process of elimination, not:
Asgardians--In this universe, Loki seems to have taken over the earth pretty easily with a united Asgard behind him. Have to assume that after his Heel Reveal, he's going to remain the antagonist (at least until Thanos shows up collecting Infinity Stones). Among the Asgardians, the only people who seemed to really dislike/distrust Loki are the Warriors Four (incl. Sif), but they are not likely to team up with the planet that murdered Thor. There IS an Asgardian wild card, though; see below.
Ant Fam cluster--Hope is dead, Janet is still lost in the quantumverse, Hank is presumably in prison forever, and Scott also hasn't yet been released. The Ant-man suit is locked in a basement. But see below for wild cards.
Isaiah Bradley--Leave him alone!!! Let the man have peace! But also he doesn't seem to have been known to SHIELD and the people in the Army who experimented on him think he's dead.
Bucky Barnes--Still mind-controlled by Hydra, but also quite possibly dead. There's a good theory that since Hope died on a mission in Odessa in 2009, she was involved in the shootout where Natasha met the Winter Soldier. And if the Winter Soldier killed her, I imagine Hank would have gone after him even before the potential Avengers.
Defenders/Netflix MCU cluster--I haven't watched these shows, but from what I can glean online, none of them are active heroes in 2011, and the only one who has powers at the time is Jessica Jones, who is resisting her friend's pressure to take on a costumed identity. Jessica could end up being a wild card if Fury did an open call, but that doesn't seem smart when your main antagonist is the guy who rules the world.
Spider-Child--Is eleven. Also unpowered.
Dr. Strange--Still busy being an arrogant asshole surgeon (instead of an arrogant asshole wizard sorcerer).
Vision--Doesn't exist, and with Tony and Banner dead, never will.
Wakanda cluster--If I understand correctly, T'Chaka is currently the Black Panther and he is busy being a king and raising a family. Erik/N'Jadaka is unpowered and racking up kills in Black Ops. I'm not sure if a threat to the entire world (Asgardians) would be enough to lure T'Challa out of Wakanda but my gut says probably not.
Wanda and Pietro--Unpowered, supposed to be teenagers I think? May not even have been recruited to Hydra yet.
Yelena Belova and the rest of the Black Widows--Still under mind control for another five years. Possibly a wild card if she finds out who killed her sister, though she's more likely to go for murder than joining a team.
Okay, so who ARE the possibilities?
Iron Fam cluster--Pepper and Rhodey are alive and have access to Tony's tech. One of them could definitely take up Tony's legacy, and Fury knows where they live. My money is on Rhodey, since Pepper would probably be the one running all the businesses.
SHIELD agents--Fury packed the OG Avengers with two of his agents, so he definitely promotes from within. The obvious choice is Melinda May, who is established as Natasha's equal if not superior. I can only assume she wasn't on the roster from the beginning because she isn't based on a comics character and so didn't yet exist was on desk duty following the trauma of the Bahrain incident. But since her partner Coulson is alive to ask her nicely, she'd come back into the field for this. (Maria Hill, as Fury's personal deputy, would stay with SHIELD.)
That makes four.
Now for the fun part--the wild cards!
Valkyrie--Is out in space, probably already established as a bounty hunter on Sakaar. She wouldn't give a shit about Asgard or Midgard--BUT what if she already knew Carol, and joined up as a personal favor to her...?
Ava Starr (Ghost)--Has had her powers since childhood and apparently at this point was actually being used by SHIELD as an assassin. Her backstory is as horrifying as Isaiah's, frankly, and I'd like to think that she was kept secret by the Hydra side and Fury had no part in her abuse. But if he knew about her, her genuine superpowers might outweigh her mental instability so he would recruit her.
Sam Wilson--In 2011 Sam was out of the army; Riley had died and the EXO-7 Falcon project was scrapped. He could become Falcon at any time--but he seems to have been entirely off Fury's radar and had no access to his gear. He doesn't meet Steve until 2014 and that's completely by chance. BUT. If the entire world has been taken over by superpowered/magical alien beings (and that's what the Asgardians are), I can't imagine him NOT fighting back somehow. Whatever resistance there is, he'd be part of it. So he might come into contact with the Avengers that way, and if he did, he'd immediately offer his "resume" as he did to Steve in CA:TWS.
The Yellowjacket suit--The Ant-Man suit is locked in a basement, but Hank was arrested wearing the Yellowjacket suit. That gives Fury access to it, and barring it having some kind of kill switch (probably literally), he can just drop whichever agent he likes into it. I was originally thinking Coulson, but...far more evilly...what if it was Rumlow or Grant Ward...? Thus putting a Hydra mole into the Avengers from the very beginning...?
So here's my roster:
Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers
Captain America/Steve Rogers
Iron Man/James Rhodes
The Cavalry/Agent Melinda May
Ghost/Ava Starr
Falcon/Sam Wilson
Yellowjacket/Grant Ward (muwhahahaha)
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rkpjy · 5 years
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⭐️MGA 5 EPISODE 5 ↪ JINIELJI performing Love Shot by EXO performance details: x outfit: x
“so, please, welcome our returning contestants to the stage!”
for the first time since the beginning of this competition, jinyoung walks on stage with a bright, assumed smile as he bows to everyone applauding him and jackson. the other two teams did very well, and he doesn't doubt it was a close call. minhyun and jeonghan did, after all, perform a similar type of vocal-heavy song. as usual, it's hard to say what made the judges lean in their direction but jinyoung will satisfy himself with the bare minimum of knowing they did better. he knows this will create two very different reactions. those who believe they were unjustifiably eliminated and very happy to see them come back, and those who would rather have seen one of the other contestants step on that stage. jinyoung knows the idea of it isn't exactly fair, not only to the two duos going home today but all of the others who didn't even have a chance to redeem themselves.
but it's part of the game jinyoung has agreed to play and until the end, he will keep his head held high and refuse to let anybody dictate whether or not he deserves to be here. after losing everything and returning triumphant, he thinks he doesn't have anything more to lose. so he'll work hard, and prove them they were right in giving him a second chance. jinyoung hugs jackson out of pure excitement and emotion. he could not have asked for a better partner to pull this off, both complementing each other perfectly. jinyoung notices yugyeom's happy reaction, too, as well as sia's. they both seem ecstatic by his comeback and the singer goes to them as soon as he is allowed to, pulling his roommate into a warm embrace. he rarely lets his emotions show like this but today is a special occasion. he congratulates sia for her deserved first place, curious to see if she will maintain this top spot for episodes to come. it's always difficult to know what goes through the judges' mind. hopefully neither of them disappoint them later on. but if they did, it wouldn't be for a lack of skill.
the idea of trios is a bit underwhelming. this season promised a ton of surprises, never seen before events and so far, it feels a bit repetitive. but having a third person can also spice things up, challenge them, and allow and even more diversity of talents to shine on stage at the same time. it's easy to stand out in a duo, but the more people join the party, the more some will fade into the background. three is still a rather small number, not to mention they have three minutes this time to make sure everyone gets enough spotlight.
exchanging information with daniel and yeji goes relatively well. there's something about daniel's expression that leaves jinyoung puzzled, not sure if he's acting like this out of sheer awkwardness or because he's unhappy about the pairings. either way, they have no choice but to work together. he doesn't think more of it until the next day when they all come to nova for their first practice. jinyoung has mixed feelings about coming back here. the halls are familiar, but he's an outsider now, no longer part of this family. all of the trainees he trained with, save for a few, are preparing for debut. so if he were to come back, which he doesn't wish, it wouldn't be the same at all.
he enters with yeji who got here same time he did, and they settle into the practice room together. he thinks he knows where he recognizes her from, but does not see the importance of pointing it out. it won't help their performance in any way, and it's not like their meeting had meaning in the first place. she seems a lot more focused and determined than he would have imagined, too. maybe he had that preconception because of her younger age, but it is soon thrown out the window. clearly she is here to fight for first place, same as him. jinyoung greets the members of the other team as they arrive, too, but doesn't go out of his way to meddle with them. they're not enemies, of course, but they are rivals, and he doesn't know any of them personally. it's almost a blessing to him. as much as he likes his friends, they could potentially be a distraction.
they start looking up songs together. jinyoung doesn't have a set idea on what he wishes to do this week, as it's better to discuss these things as a team. they all have ideas, and he doesn't claim his to be better or more deserving. he won't however, go along with everything they suggest, and won't be scared to speak up if he disagrees. if they all have the same open-mindedness and involvment, no one should be left bitter or unsatisfied.
daniel finally joins them, and they exchange a small greeting, but the atmosphere is just as gloomy as it was yesterday during filming. it's quite obvious that something is off with daniel. jinyoung hasn't had the chance to spend time with him in pretty much forever, the last time when they were both children in busan, but from what he's seen, daniel is a friendly guy. not today, though. it's hard to really describe how uncomfortable the situation is, but he knows yeji feels it too. he decides not to pay too much attention to it right away. maybe daniel will put himself together and leave whatever negative feelings he has behind so they can do what they're here to do.
it doesn't go that way, however.
“daniel? are you listening? we need your opinion on this.” jinyoung says. he's not irritated (yet) but doesn't want to waste time coddling anyone here. he's the big brother often enough in his every day life without the need to be one here. at least not during practice. they can vent however they want outside of this building, but as soon as they step inside they should all put their game faces on.
daniel is caught off guard, confirming that he indeed wasn't paying any attention to whatever jinyoung and yeji were saying, and that reaction alone is bad enough, but what comes out of his mouth next... "i just don't have any ideas yet."  daniel responds quietly. now if jinyoung was not annoyed because, he definitely is now. "you don't have a single idea?" yeji retorts. "we need your input on this, oppa." the girl is right. jinyoung, looking at her, nods approvingly before turning to daniel. "for now you don't even need ideas, we just want to know what you think of these songs." jinyoung sounds like he's losing patience, though still very poised in appearance. "it's really not that hard." is this a hint of annoyance finally peeking through? either way, it's enough for daniel to apologize a few times, but it doesn't convince jinyoung. he doesn't care about an apology if the younger's behavior doesn't change.
and then they get a small explanation. daniel mentions his friends, and that he's not at his best right now. it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots. so that's what it's all about. his friends being eliminated? jinyoung feels his body tense up. the annoyance turns into anger. the audacity the boy has to come in here with a pitiful face on, whining about his friends after jinyoung himself had to fight to come back in this darned competition. not to mention they all, so far, lost someone they cared about. are empty enigma members some superior friends that losing them means the world ended or something? he glares at daniel, not a single of trace of compassion visible on his face. "if you give up now you realize you’re proving everyone right? that you were here just for your band and that without them you can’t cope?” he knows he sounds harsh but honestly, he doesn't care. if that's what it takes to snap daniel out of this pity party he's throwing himself, jinyoung will gladly take the blame.
yeji, to his surprise, takes his side. since they're cousins he thought maybe she would think he went too far, but he really is starting to respect her drive. she adds that he will feel better if he knows he did his best to help, to which jinyoung agrees. now, whether they managed to pull daniel out of his daze, he's not sure yet but they at least succeed in having him participate more actively. they finally decide on exo as an artist, hesitating between love shot and another song. now, jinyoung isn't exactly a fan of this group but it's a team effort, and it can't always be about his own music taste. it also fits the kind of concept they were aiming for. something charismatic and groovy, which love shot is perfect for especially if they rearrange it to a slower pace.
daniel finally votes for love shot, not before being an indecisive burden - much to jinyoung's despair - and it's time to advance to the next stage. they now need to decide if they will just perform the song as it is, or if they will make appropriate changes where need be in order to highlight each of their strengths. daniel quickly mentions that he's not a good dancer, a detail already known by both jinyoung and yeji, but the older points out that while a singing and rapping performance would not be a bother to him, it might come as a slight disadvantage to yeji. not because she cannot do anything else, but as a team they should at least show that they can dance what jinyoung sees as a simple choreography. the chorus especially is not very hard to master from what he's seen earlier.
yeji takes a small break to get water now that they've decided on a song, leaving a very awkward daniel and jinyoung alone together. or, almost alone if they take into account the other team going about their business on the other side of the room. jinyoung wonders if there's tension among them too, but so far no one has raised their voice. lucky.
"you're still quiet," jinyoung points out. granted, he's being quiet too right now, but so far daniel hasn't been participating a lot. it should be give and take, not just taking. daniel assures him that it's because he was thinking of the performance, to which the singer gives him the benefit of the doubt. he's not here to insult daniel. he doesn't want to fight him, but he doesn't have any desire to be nice when the other looks like he wants to be anywhere else but here. that alone is, frankly, more insulting than anything jinyoung has said so far. "so, what were you thinking then?" he pushes daniel to talk, hoping it will finally work, hoping they'll finally get some meat around the dry bone he's been since the beginning.
he does share he feels as if dancing would only highlight his weakness instead of his strengths, which jinyoung can understand. but there's always a way to include dancing somehow. he doesn't think they can avoid it, at least not for the entire performance. when daniel mentions that it would eliminate him, jinyoung almost points out it seems like it's exactly what he wants. with the way he's been acting, it's clear that daniel's heart and mind are with his departed friends instead of with them. instead, he just replies "then what would your rather show?" and although a little dry, it's a valid question. if he doesn't want to dance, what does he want to do? it's up to him to convince them, not the opposite.
but instead of a substantial answer, all jinyoung gets is yet another 'i'm a poor, pitiful, untalented boy who can't do anything so it doesn't matter if we lose i'll just go home to my little band.' or well, that's exactly how he hears it despite not being daniel's own words. he says he doesn't have anything to show, that it'll be exactly what eric said. and honestly, jinyoung barely has any idea what he's referring to. probably a comment sohn youngjae made in his interview, or to him personally. but jinyoung did hear bribes about some people questioning empty enigma's motives to be in the competition. which he paid no attention to until... today.
his busan dialect comes out when he speaks up, clear evidence of his growing anger. whenever he gets too upset, he drops the seoul speech unconsciously. “and you think the little kid has something better to show? take what he said and use it. fight, don’t just stand there and let him and all the others decide who you are. because i’m honestly starting to believe them,” he wishes he didn't have to be this hard on him, but jinyoung has had enough of the moping around and self-loathing. they have a job to do and he will be damned if they end up in bottom five and are sent home because daniel spent the entire week crying his friends. unless they die, he better pull himself together and stop looking so defeated.
daniel retorts that jinyoung doesn't know who he is. alright, fine, maybe he doesn't. the memories he kept of daniel happened more than ten years ago. the man standing before him is not the little boy he used to know. the little boy who gave jinyoung no chance to know who he is, because he left without leaving an address. and quite honestly, jinyoung had not thought about him in a very, very long time until he saw him perform on stage a couple weeks back. and the humiliation he felt when it took daniel this long to recognize him what not one of a rational adult. it was the betrayed child inside of him coming back to hate daniel for what he did, despite it not being his fault.
they're not friends anymore, he thinks. they just remember being friends, and that means nothing. certainly not to daniel who is too busy thinking of his band members to see what's in front of him: his very own cousin, and his childhood friend who wanted nothing more than to work alongside him and win this round. so no, he has no idea who daniel is. because so far all daniel has shown is how weak-willed he is. and that's not something jinyoung wants in a friend.
“if you want to show you’re your own person, it’s time to prove it. you’re creative and good-looking; put these assets to work. show us who you are.” he insists on the last few words. he has nothing personal against daniel. the adult jinyoung does not resent him for leaving back then. he understands. but he will not accept any more of this circus show. and yeji's voice can be heard in unison with his own, pushing daniel into a corner. now he has a choice. he's with them, or against them.
"did you improve since last year at all?" now hopefully this will set daniel off. jinyoung doesn't mind if he upsets him. at least it will make daniel feel something, react, interact, instead of just stand there and wait for the sky to fall on them so he can run home. yeji, done with their banter, wonders out loud if they're each to diss each other or practice. her reasoning, while valid, doesn't take jinyoung's motivation into account. he doesn't want to diss daniel for the sake of dissing him. he wants to break this never-ending cycle of self-pity. daniel will want to defend himself, at least he hopes, and by doing so will list the things he's good at. and if it doesn't serve as a reminder that he did, in fact, improve and has the potential to go even further if he allows himself to... jinyoung will believe he's a lost cause.
“did you already perfect the entire dance choreo oppa? is that why you are acting like this? AT LEAST SPEAK KOREAN IF YOU ARE GONNA FIGHT.” the first half of yeji's intervention makes perfect sense, though a little harsh (jinyoung obviously can't say anything about that), but the second half leaves him confused. what in the world is she talking about? "we are speaking korean!" the boys reply in unison. was it yeji's masterplan to have them finally agree on something? but it does serve to ease the growing tension a little bit.
“you can do this, and prove everyone wrong, but to be able to, you need to believe in yourself, and you need to participate,”  jinyoung has calmed down, and so has daniel. he holds the younger's shoulders, shaking him up a little. daniel finally agrees, and soon enough jinyoung asks for a hug so they can settle this argument once and for all. he really wishes daniel won't resent him for all of this, but if it serves as fuel to get him through this week it will be worth it. jinyoung doesn't mind being disliked if they can put on a great show in the end.
they finally gather in a circle, giving the songs a few listens and each of them giving opinions on how they could arrange it. they all agree that daniel has a musician's mind, and therefore would be able to work on the instrumental. jinyoung, who's trained in singing, can make sure the harmonies and line distribution suits all of their vocal tones and match well together. finally, yeji can work on the choreography. they decide that each of them will get a small highlighted solo that will focus on their main strength. daniel will get a guitar solo in the beginning and yeji will have a dance break during the first chorus, and jinyoung will sing the bridge acapella, to transition into the original song for the final chorus where they'll dance.
every practice until sunday is mostly dedicated to making all of these rearrangements, and each of them focus on their task at hand. jinyoung is quite happy to see daniel put so much effort. he still feels... distant, but they're on friendly speaking terms for the most part. they do practice a bit here and there, mostly for each of them to confirm if it's working out or not, for example jinyoung has yeji sing some of the lines to make sure her vocals match them. she did ask not to underestimate her, and while it's not his goal to do so, he wants to make sure it sounds the best it can.
starting from monday, they go into very intensive practice. the whole performance is pieced together and there's no time left for any argument. yeji is a very strict teacher, which jinyoung appreciates. he has no trouble following the simplified choreography, but daniel does encounter some issues. he's stiff, unsynchronized, and prone to apologizing profusely every time he messes up even if it disrupts the practice. yeji sets things straight and, starting from then, things go rather smoothly. it's funny, however, being in the same room as the other team at all times. they're both quite aware of what the others are up to, and the heavy breathing from the other team has jinyoung crack up his very first joke of the week. "is it the other team or just daniel dying?" it's not very funny. jinyoung is a serious person, but it does make daniel laugh at least - as well as kenta from the other side of the room. - and the younger says "both", refererring to his own exhaustion.
he doesn't not interact with the other team a lot. kenta is a bit weird, always doing something random whenever jinyoung looks his way, to the point where he wonders if it's on purpose to annoy him. jungeun seems to have quite the spunky personality, a bit like yeji, and hansol, well... all he really notices about him is that yeji seems to like him. now whether they know each other or not, he can't really tell, but there's an unspoken tension he can't quite figure out the nature of.
every time he can afford to go home, his girlfriend is there waiting for him, listening to his long, tired rants about how the week has been going. she is the best support he could hope for: giving him massages, encouraging him, even joining on the complaints he has about daniel's past behavior. they're both happy that he turned himself around though, and things are much better now. jinyoung feels like the performance is really coming together into something good, that they'll be able to present proudly comes thursday.
he finds himself sitting next to daniel once they get to the set the day of the recording. funny, how they started out this round ready to jump at each other's throat and now they have nothing but support for each other. they're a team after all, and jinyoung has to admit daniel did work hard once he snapped out of his sadness. it's not to say they've been the best friends, but they found that maybe they still have things in common despite years apart, and there's a potential to reconnect after the show is over. unless jinyoung goes home this week.
they watch the first teams, and jinyoung can't help but notice that the quality of the performances is ever growing. he doesn't fear for his own. they worked hard, and they put together something very creative that will set them apart. now the only thing left is to find out if the same few people will find their way to the top again, or fall down to make place for others.
he gives daniel's thigh occasional pats of encouragement, hoping to ease the other's nervousness should there be any. he doubts there isn't. despite his efforts, daniel still has some issues with dancing, and it won't magically go away. but he has enough charisma to make the audience forget about his flaws, if he uses it to his advantage and doesn't overthink. "you got this, alright?" he tells him right as the team before them step off stage. he leans over to look at yeji, too. "we all got this." they're a perfect combination of skills, and all they need to do is convince the judges.
they get in position in the center of the stage, jinyoung standing on the left (from a judge's perspective), then daniel and yeji respectively. after signaling each other with a glance, they all exclaim "we are the love shot!" at once, jinyoung immediately continuing with the syllable of his name "jin-" as the other two says theirs to form "jinielji!" and they end it with a gun pose, yeji and jinyoung turning their backs on daniel. he's never cringed more in his life, but it's part of what he needs to do as a team. sacrificing his dignity being one of them, fighting daniel the other.
daniel starts it off with his guitar solo, and leaves it behind once he's done as he's decided earlier this week after a change of heart. jinyoung was quite happy with that decision, treating it as daniel's way of wanting to prove everyone wrong. he's capable of more than just hide behind a prop. the instrumental kicks in to accompany their voices, and jinyoung readies himself.
Aiming at each other, to the point it's freezing hearing your voice, sounding so sharp I'm only filled with thoughts that leave me breathless Oh oh oh oh oh Aye Aye 
it’s the type of melody that instead of having people on their feet dancing, has them groove their head to the beat instead, and really pay attention to the vocals and lyrics instead of just the flashy aspect. jinyoung was actually surprised at how meaningful the lyrics were once he really heard them instead of being distracted by the choreography. of course, they want to end it with a bang, so the sensual dancing will come... later on. it’s definitely different from what he did with jackson. while emotional, it was all about power and soul. this week is about soul, also, but they’re going for a different vibe.
It's the love shot
jinyoung smirks, and aims the gun formed by his hand at the camera. the focus soon switches to yeji, who takes center stage while the boys move farther apart so she has all the space she needs to dance. looking at her, he’s proud. not a big brother’s pride, but a teammate’s pride. she worked hard, often overshadowed by jinyoung and daniel’s bickering, and clearly came out victorious. 
It’s the love shot
It's getting twisted, love and hate Our beautiful memories Are dyed in white Fading bit by bit
jinyoung can’t help but look briefly at daniel while singing. he didn’t really think of it during practice, but remembering everything that went on between them, including their childhood, it seems weirdly appropriate of his current feelings towards him. they clearly care for each other, but the sense of unfamiliarity after years apart makes it hard to really connect again, or remember why they even were friends in the first place. they both changed into different people, for one, jinyoung being a lot more serious than he used to be as a child. 
People come and people go You and I standing still in this world Slowly growing used to our dulled feeling
right before the bridge, the music slowly fades out, briefly pauses, and jinyoung’s voice resonates in the studio, smooth and clear. 
clearly, the song is about romantic love, but jinyoung is very happily in a relationship right now, and therefore does not relate to the love and hate aspect when he thinks of mina. instead he thinks of his lost friendship with daniel, and how yeji was caught in-between, and also forced to be harsher than she intended to. he wonders how they feel about the whole thing. but the more he means the words and the better his singing will be, so their faces don’t leave jinyoung’s mind until the very end of the bridge. yeji and daniel share the next part, as the original instrumental of the song starts playing, but they’re not dancing yet.
It's the love shot
jinyoung looks at the judges, putting his hand to his throat as the choreography dictates. the chorus hits harder this time around, and they were going for the surprise effect even if some of the viewers might have expected it. he hopes the trick worked, and that it will surprise them so close to the end. they sing all the ‘na na na’s together, with adlibs done mostly by jinyoung but some by yeji too. they chose an easier part of the choreography but it is, after all, the most iconic version that most people remember when they think of love shot. jinyoung can only hope it looks as good as the last few times they practiced it, but he believes in the other two. he can’t say with conviction that he has put aside all of the annoyance he felt over the course of this week, but for now he’s forgotten all of it for the sake of the performance. they need to stand strong together, and daniel doing the last ‘it’s the love shot’ with all of them making the ending pose together goes to show they all managed to get through it undefeated (for the most part).
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kpop-goestheweasel · 7 years
Hi!i really liked your reactions with got7/bap/bts when a female memeber was added and their relationship. I was wondering if you could do the same for EXO? (including formal members maybe?)
Oof-da! Twelve is too dern many! But I did it!! Haha. It’s been so long since we’ve had the other fellas, I feel a little out of touch with them D; I’m really hoping that I got them pretty close to themselves and that you enjoy this as much as the other group versions ^^ Thank you for your request Other versions: B.A.P // BTS // GOT7 // MONSTA X
Xiumin: A new member? Cool. A girl? Shrug. You won’t see a big reaction out of this guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to be one that distances himself from her.  If anything, he’s curious.  If she’s good enough to join their group after their debut, then she has got to be something pretty dern special. He’ll have a little bit of an eye out for her and is sweet about subtly making sure she’s comfortable and feels included, but he’s not going to bend over backwards to do so.  He’s more of a ‘go with the flow’ kind of guy in this situation and that will actually be extremely comforting to this girl with some of the others being a little overwhelming in their enthusiasm.  Because of this, I see these two having a chill, lazy friendship where she’ll silently join him in watching a movie or casually having little conversations over morning coffee while the others are still asleep.  They are kind of an escape for each other from the chaos of the other members.
Luhan: Sweet Deer sways between being shy with the addition and trying to be cute/funny with her.  He’s not necessarily trying to flirt with her, but it can come off as that way and anytime he catches himself in a moment that seems awkward with her, he becomes a complete flustered blushasaurus.  She very well may exploit this quite a bit for her own amusement in his reactions which will eventually lead to a pretty cute friendship between the two.  They end up being little jokers together, making each other laugh and blush just about equally.  There’s a lot of sarcasm and dry humor involved.  At the end of the day, they are also very helpful with improving each other’s language skills in Chinese/Korean/English.  She actually is the one that helps him quite a bit when he gets shy, and he returns this favor by cheering her on whenever needed.  They seem like a pair of very good friends.
Kris: There’s honestly more of a co-existence with these two.  He’s not really sure how to feel about a female addition, so he’s kind of more reserved around her than anything - also trying to keep his ‘cool guy’ image.  There is absolutely no animosity, but neither of them really go out of their way to build a strong bond with one another; however, over time he will develop a protective older brother kind of view for her.  If anyone calls him out on this he blames his leader instincts for it, but deep down he may have developed a little soft spot for her.  Neither of them ever try to force some kind of friendship with one another, but they do fall into a subtle kind of relationship with an unspoken understanding that they are there for one another is ever need be.
Suho: Oh sweet Mama Suho totally lives up to his reputation.  He’s basically Mama Weasley in the way that he adopts her with no questions asked and nurtures her right into the family.  He’s immediately super welcoming and attentive to her every need; this includes making sure she gets her fill at meals before the rest of the hungry wolf pack devours absolutely every last scrap.  He will also be sure that the others keep in line around her - which may very well prove to be more of a headache than anything from time to time.  Overall, he simply takes his role of leader super seriously when it comes to her and makes sure she’s as well rested as can be.  Her well-being is one of his top priorities.  He is the guardian of EXO after all.
Lay: This poor baby may very well end up caught off guard by the addition.  He’s pretty busy in his own little world, so the sudden, constant presence of a girl ay throw him off for a moment - he probably missed the memo about her addition.  It won’t take him very long to warm up to her once he realizes she is not a staff member nor an impressively persistent fan.  At the same time, he’s also not going to be one to actively try to force a friendship.  Both will let things fall into place and create a comfortable friendship.  Sure, from time to time she might enjoy making a joke at his expense to watch that adorable confusion flood his attractive features, but this also have a very strong professional relationship as well - helping one another improve the choreography or compositions of songs together.  They work very well together and she seems to have an amazing way of translating/putting things into new perspective for Lay that is incredibly helpful and he totally loves her for it - platonically, of course.
Baekhyun: I almost feel sorry for the girl.  Between this one and Chanyeol, it’s amazing that she hasn’t been smothered to death within the first minute of her arrival.  Baek is immediately struck with an insatiable curiosity about her.  The poor girl is going to have a hard time keeping up with the amount of excitement this boy has over her addition.  He’s a little too eager to form a friendship and that may be a little overwhelming for her at first.  Over time, they will probably end up developing a very strong bond and she becomes another force to flee from when you get her together with ChanBaek.  The amount of energy and loudness they bring out in each other is more than enough to clear a room - or a whole dorm.  The rest of the group is going to have their hands full when these kids get on a roll.  Aside from that, there is another side to their friendship that is significantly more tolerable. Chill movie nights and fierce concentration when it comes to work, they will have a way of bringing out the best in one another and helping to improve vocally with shared tips and tricks for each other.
Chen: Putting these two together can also have the effect of clearing a room, but for a completely different reason.  There seems to be a perpetual argument going on between them and no one understands exactly what it is about.  They bicker enough to be mistaken as a married couple.  BUT this is actually all in good fun.  As odd as it is, these sarcastic comments and snarky jokes are their way of bonding.  They will have these weird little ‘fights’ over the silliest things.  “Hot cocoa and hot chocolate are two different things!” “You’re two different things.” “Your mum is two different things.”  “Yeah… At least she knows March comes before April.” “That was one time!”  Most of the time, it’s actually a point of amusement to the other members to watch these two war over things that don’t even make sense, but it definitely gets on nerves from time to time as well.  Beyond this constant ‘struggle’, there is actually a very tight bond of challenging each other and helping one another to improve whether it’s vocally, mentally or whatnot.  There’s a great friendship there.
Chanyeol: As the third part of the ChanBaek-Female tripod, he too will have immense energy and volume when he’s with the others.  There seems to always be a little party going on when the three are allowed to be too close together.  It’s like a nuclear reaction is set off; though, it can also be quite hilarious to watch the three get goofy with one another.  But unlike Baekhyun, his relationship with her, when they aren't all together, is almost a complete 180 difference.  As soon as Chanyeol learned about this girl’s musical talents, their one-on-one time tends to revolve around exactly that.  Instead of movies or gaming together, these two have a tendency of staying up all hours of the night creating all sorts of music together.  He’s all sorts of tickled pink to have found someone with as much interest in composing and producing as himself.  Their special bond stems from a small mixing/production tip that she shared with him that basically blew his mind and changed the way he produced songs forever.  They share a suffering of insomnia, but this also helps them each relieve stress and grow much stronger as musicians which in turn boosts their confidence and makes them better performers as a result.
D.O: At first, this addition would actually worry him a bit.  He’s not sure how to act around a girl that’s going to be around all the time, not to mention singing with him from now on.  It’s one thing to do an acting gig or duet with someone, but now he’s kind of battling yet another person for parts.  This thought will quickly blow over and Kyungsoo’s sweet side will make its appearance.  Instead of being salty about having to share vocals with another person, he will actually come to find great joy in helping her improve her vocal skills.  From there, a very sweet friendship would form.  He ends up kind of looking at her like a sister and really appreciates that she helps keep some of the others entertained so they are out of his hair… but at other times, she’s enemy #1 when she instead joins said members.  She makes up for this when she helps out around the dorms with cooking and cleaning and making things all the more comfortable for all the members.  She’s kind of like an invisible thread that holds them together even more than they were before her addition.  D.O. will realize just how great it is to have her around and as a thank you, he’ll even teach her how to make his special kimchi spaghetti.
Tao: Oh goodness.  This boy could not be happier!  Now he has his very own shopping partner - whether she’s actually game or not.  From time to time it may seem that he looks at her as a pet, there for his entertainment rather than another member of the group, but she’ll easily put him in his place before any of the other members even have the chance to open their mouths.  She kind of ends up becoming like a maternal or big sister figure to him whether she’s younger or older than him.  He has a tendency to cling to her.  The group will see a nice deduction in his whining due to her skillful ‘training’.
Kai: When she first comes, the chaos that ensues is nothing short of Kai’s favorite point of amusement.  He’ll love watching the others struggle to find their place with her around and war over her attention while he sits back and easily adjusts to her presence.  It actually comes to be kind of relieving to have her around because of the way she interacts with each of the members and challenges them all to be better in one way or another.  For Kai, she’s a great confidant for things he really didn’t want to talk to the other guys about.  As close as he is with those guys and how some of them can have good advice from time to time, there is a refreshing perspective he can get from her without the worry of receiving teasing when he really just wants a serious conversation.  Because of this, Kai has a bit of a soft spot for her and can get a bit protective of her when the others give her a hard time.  He’s also #1 to volunteer to help her learn and improve the choreography.  It is these dance practices that they become close and realize that they have found the person in the group they can each go to when they need to work out their thoughts of feelings.
Sehun: Let’s give a moment of silence - because that’s something the other members will never again get when these two are together.  While Chen and her have a cute bickering going on, her and Sehun are a different story.  It’s like there’s a battle for attention or something, but they seem to always be on each other’s case for one thing or another.  And with a certain few members making comments about them acting like an old married couple, things definitely don’t get much better.  But don’t worry too much.  Though they seem to be perpetually at war with one another, they are also oddly protective of one another.  It’s okay for either of them to say some things about the other, but it someone else were to ever speak ill about the other, that person would be in for an ear full.  These two are pretty much like typical siblings, so much so that there are some people that wonder if she is his long lost sister or something.  And his whining gets NOWHERE with her.  He is not used to not getting his way and she is not one to fall for his maknae ‘charm’.  At the end of the day, they can be a force to be reckoned with when they have a conjoined goal.  Paired dance routine?  They leave the audience in awe.  Someone tries to interrupt their bickering? Suddenly they have a common enemy that they will have cowering for cover in .001 seconds flat.  Sehun has indeed met his match.
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