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Egyptian Tarot Cards - 63 Egyptian Tarot Decks
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Egyptian Tarot Cards - 63 Egyptian Tarot Decks
Egyptian Tarot Cards – A List of 63 Egyptian Tarot Cards Decks
Below you can discover a list of Egyptian tarot cards decks and sets. This list contains nearly all egyptian tarot decks that were published.
If you are looking for an egyptian tarot cards deck you can find one for you here.
The list will be steady updated so you can always find some interesting decks here.
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Three reasons: tarot cards are older than anyone realizes. So you’re going to hear about how old Tarot possibly really is.
Some pretty solid evidence provided from several different angles, including an Egyptian mummy, which is possibly about 2700 years old – reason number one. Tarot cards are attached to the wrappings of an ancient Egyptian mummy dating from maybe 700 or so BC in Poland at the excellent Archaeological Museum in Poznan near the city square.
This Egyptian mummy is with what can only be described as two tarot cards lying on top.. Are they two other tarot cards protecting the Mummy’s spirit? Are they keeping the mummy dead?
She dates from the 8th to the 4th century BC, so between the site and persian periods. The top two images are basically what a tarot enthusiast would recognize immediately as the tower, which means death and change in our tarot cards today tower is the worst card. It means death, but it means it even more strongly than the actual death card, because it seems to be the picture of a tomb.
If you look at it literally, it is almost like pre-christian image, imagery that the Virgin that the woman, pointing up at the mansions in heaven the woman might be the Empress or the priestess tarot card reason number two, the bimbo and tablet. Firstly, the been buying tablet is an artifact you may or may not have heard of it is said to be Egyptian izing rather than pure Egyptian, probably Roman, made in the 1st century AD.
That’s the official idea of what this thing is: perhaps made in Egypt. Now it is cast on a type of what is called Corinthian bronze. This is an hour an alloy used in antiquity between and it’s it’s, sir.
It’S a mixture of copper, gold and silver, and then they mix it with a metal. That’s been dunked in an organic acid to create a black patina and voila Corinthian bronze. Now with an unknown history, the tablet was purchased by certain Cardinal Bembo of Rome. He was a renaissance scholar and I think he resembled John D in appearance. He held the post of official historian of the Republic of Venice and was a member of the Knights of st John of Jerusalem, like the Templars before them, these men dealt in precious antiquities in 1547.
The tablet was mysteriously passed to Machiavelli, like aristocratic rulers of the tiny but wealthy Italian state of Mantua at been Beau’s death. It remained in their collection until seized by the troops of ferdinand ii, the Habsburg king of Germany. In fact, I have a copy of this on my wall. Let’S take a closer look. I think this is the secret of Tarot.
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Tags: egyptian tarot, egyptian tarot cards, egyptian tarot decks, egyptian tarot cards deck
This is the heart of terror. Do you notice how this can be divided up into lots of different cards, and some people say well, this is where terror comes from, but thing is this is ancient Egypt. This is seems to be an ancient Egyptian artifact and this appeared in the 1600s. I think it’s from Roman times the problem is, apparently the Egyptian letters are just gobbledygook. No one has been able to interpret them.
No one knows what it’s all about in this video we’re gonna have a look at possibly how far back it goes now. People say it can’t be terror, it’s too old, its Roman and others say well, Tarot is very old and the counter-argument is no Tarot was invented in Italy in the 1400s. Now it looks to me like a a sheet of uncut tarot cards, but it isn’t. I think, it’s more like a hierarchy of the important cards, a key. Let me explain: Tarot people might not be aware of this, but in chipton hieroglyphs you read into the direction of that.
The faces are pointing that’s the direction you read hieroglyphs, therefore, these gods, which point in different directions. I think that’s that’s a clue to what’s going on here and that would show you possibly which cards outweigh the other cards in this way it could be a list of odds like a like a poker like like a like in a game of poker. It’S like hierarchy, a hierarchy of cards, that’s how I would read it, but we don’t know how its read now. Is it terror? I think yes and this this smashes any of everything in the official history of terror.
So if you look up Tarot anywhere, you will, but you will you’ll, rarely see the mention of the Bembo tablet. Now, let’s have a look Osiris down there. The death card obviously note he is also in a tower two of the worst modern cards in one. Now. Look at the goddess in the middle that could be the Empress of the world.
The Empress s she is known. Several of the cards have a cartouche in the upper right or the upper left. Now that reminds me of the full card, where there is a butterfly in this position. In fact, I believe the butterfly in the full card being four wings, comes from the B in hieroglyphics making the fool the king of the terror, the fall of the universe. The tragicomic outcome that some say underlies all events.
Now, of course, this hieroglyph means king. Now there are animals in the cards. We also see cups, Pentacles stays just like in the real terror, but we do not see suits of numbers which would make this suitable as playing cards. Therefore, these are not tarot cards for playing, but some kind of instruction manual for the sacred cards reason number three: the symbolism in Tarot goes back to very ancient mythology. Now, in various old Tarot’s, the Falls leg is being bitten by a cat or another animal, and I’ve noticed it’s often the thigh that’s being bitten:
Of course, who has the wounded thigh? Well, let’s shows up in grey legends. The wounded king guardian of the Holy Grail he’s also called the Fisher King, and there is something wrong with the wounded King because he can’t stand up. He can only fish from a small pool nearby. Now the angle of the Falls Carey pack to me looks like a fishing rod, so I bet there was another forgotten deck in which in which this possibly was a fishing rod.
Now, tarot cards evolved from playing cards. Supposedly playing cards have been used in Italy since the late 14th century. It is known they actually arrived from Egypt in the 13 70s tarot cards were supposedly invented in North Italy in subsequent decades. From what I’ve been able to ascertain, Tarot was simply a fancier version of regular playing cards. Decks like the Venetian Tripoli cards, for instance, which only had 36 cards or the trench on deck which had 40 or 50 now, it must be said that mystics who study terror have an alternate history and they tell us that the Tarot is an ancient Egyptian book.
This idea is rejected by Wikipedia, but playing cards obviously do come from Egypt in the official history, not tarot cards, and we, but we know tarot cards – are a favorite of gypsies who are also associated with Egypt. The problem is very few: Egyptian playing cards survive, so we can’t really tell but look, for instance, at these surviving mammal cards from Turkey, the seven of cups, the nine of coins, it’s more terror alike, than the regular playing cards of Europe. So this alone proves that terror does come from somewhere in North Africa. Now, just as today, all our Tarot is based on the 1910s reyda wait back in the olden days. We had various terrors and they all seemed to have been based in the 19th century.
The 18th century on the Marseille Tarot, which was a pretty standard deck back then now before this Tarot before this Tarot, is different. Again, I want to show I want you to have a look at this fool from the oldest Italian terror. We have it’s. The oldest Tarot we have The mysterious the Conte Sforza pack now he is basically an ancient god called Dagda. This is a you know in ancient Irish mythology, the dugs that carries a huge club which, in one sweep, can kill nine men.
Now that club has, in rate of weight under Victorian influence, somehow morphed into a darn carry pack now it’s interesting that the Kerner burst giant in England is some kind of original fool or one of them. He is known in Irish mythology as dag dag. There is the foolish god similar to Cyclops he’s one I’d like the one-eyed giant buffoon in the Odyssey dagger can sweep away nine men with one blow of his club, and you will notice that the club is knotted. I think each not corresponding to to a club. You can take out one man with each knot now there is another thing all the fools carry two starves, basically stuff in each hand.
What do we know this from so here’s somehow like the staff, god of Tiahuanaco or the slopes of southern England or or everywhere else he is found a symbol of the ancient traveler ancient God confirmed, I would say so. The ruler of the Tarot is is the staff God of the ancient world, and if we look into the ancient Egyptian, the BEM Botero, they are all carrying starves anyway in the old Vacanti Sforza pack. Instead of presenting the fall like a like a Roman Priapus with a big penis, he never dies does look like Roman Priapus and they show him partly undressed. Now these are ancient gods and therefore the Tarot is, I can say at least based on this from a chat Rome this to me. This confirms it now, since the Tarot does seem to go back 200 times.
What is the conclusion? Is there some lost knowledge here? Now it’s a popular idea in the in the world that the cards represent the expansion of the universe. So you start from a foolish set of laws and the universe exceeds from number one from the first card from the fall. It’s foolish laws that occur at some creation event and then the law continues to manifest in in the tragicomic actions of an intelligent universe.
I like that explanation, is that what the ancients were trying to tell us is represented by the tarot deck. Also, the force dicks imply a 4-fold universe, swords cups, Pentacles staves, the four corners of the world in ancient mythology, but also in space and time good and evil, with swords & Pentacles as evil and the other two good guys.
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