noecoded · 1 year
I think he’d want to draw himself perfectly, but he actually draws himself like, only mediocre at best, he’s not good at drawing, and he’d rip up the paper and try again until he gets frustrated and is crying and then he’s over it. So, bad at drawing himself
HAHA too real i think maybe hes just kindof average at drawing and wld get too embarrassed ... good at other types of art though like fashion related things and makeup etc etc stuff that requires a whole different skillset but sort of overlaps :3
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lluu50 · 2 years
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My Melody! <3 I can't help but put him in whatever I want to <3
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skywewe · 2 years
*me and my friend during Thorin's finale goodbye to Bilbo* "omg his toes are FILTHY" "ok, look at the gay people" "they are so fucking dirty" "I DONT CARE ABOUT HIS TOES LOOKHOW GAY THEY ARE"
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nt3000s · 1 year
if you think wigs or toupees are embarrassing or stupid i hope you. die. let peoplee lookhow they want to look you fuckign cunt
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 7 months
How to Redesign Your Home's Exterior Naturally
Take a look at your home's exterior. Are you happy with it? Does it offer value and curb appeal? Does it do anything for your home? These are all important questions to ask because the outside of your home is more than just a pretty face. There are a number of different ways you can upgrade your home, and there is certainly quite a few good reasons to do the new look in a natural way.
 The Importance of an Exterior Redesign
First of all, there's several reasons why a new exterior can be very important for you and your home. Consider each of these to help you make the right decision for your property.
It adds value. If you think there is any chance you may sell your home in the future, then a new, updated and workable exterior will add curb appeal and value to the property. When people are looking for a new home, their first impression will be of the outside of the house when they see it from the road. First impressions are extremely important because they could make or break a sale. So, making big changes to the exterior can add to the value of your home, make it more appealing to potential buyers and help you make that sale when you are ready.
A natural exterior redesign can also make your home more energy efficient. Proper sealing and insulation can keep cool or warm air in. Shade and management of the sun's light through the day (even through solar panels) can lower those energy bills drastically. Reducing your energy usage can save you money and can also help the environment.
 The Value of the Natural Look
These days, people want a home that blends beautifully with it's surroundings. The natural look is an excellent choice for curb appeal, energy efficiency and beauty for your property. When you use colors found in nature and you work in plants and gardening throughout the property, you will find yourself with more than just a house. You will have a beautiful aesthetic.
 Great Ways to Achieve the Natural Look
How do you redesign your home's exterior naturally? There are so many ways you can do this. Here are just a few to get you started.
Consider a roof garden. This is an excellent way to make use of space, especially if you have a small yard. A roof garden allows you to grow plants and vegetables you can use in your foods. With one of these gardens, you can control the temperature of your home and add a level of energy efficiency with the plants offering shade to even the sunniest parts of the roof. This will also allow the roof to blend in with the property's natural surroundings as well. A roof garden is a wonderful way to glean many benefits in one simple step.
Choose recycled or reclaimed materials. You can use shiplap, recovered driftwood, bamboo and other materials to build fences, flower boxes, rails and more. Not only is it a nice aesthetic, but it also means you aren't using new and environmentally unfriendly products. If you locally source the products, you will also find materials that blend in with your locale's surroundings even more.
Use natural colors on the exterior. One of the biggest steps in a full outdoor redesign will be painting your home. And, when you choose the colors, think tones you would find in nature. Browns, reds, taupes, and creams all blend beautifully with the surrounding world and create a natural and calm appearance. Be careful to choose environmentally friendly and nontoxic paints and solvents as well.
Finally, think about the yard itself. Making carefully planned use of plants, trees, and shrubs throughout your property can have a big impact on your home in many ways. It can add a level of energy efficiency when you use plants and trees to offer shade. You can create outdoor rooms for entertaining and spending time outside on cool evenings. And, of course, you can create curb appeal that makes your home more valuable and marketable.
Your home's exterior deserves a redesign. There are so many reasons to do this and choosing the right way to design it is a must. Consider the natural way. This is a beautiful way to create an aesthetic that is pleasant and appealing to you, your community, and even potential buyers if you think that one day you may sell. There are so many ways to create this natural look too.
 Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Amber Freda Garden Design
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babyawacs · 7 months
#and #civillianeffectivity #toddlerloot #imagine_good_german _dictator #sssexxxoilwibbler ?! #no #memberships #needed #to #mild #inallthis #nogain #nopermission #nochoosing #sanitised #how #german s #do #obvious #selfevident @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart  #fxucktupnorthkorea #medivalfreeforall #russianmethod #2002 #on #alibis # someone #decidedthis #when #constantstreamof #criminalgovernance #bbbbbbastardmonsters #criminalsecu ritypolicy #system #sgerman #sgermany #whoelse #path molkebrei #ballsfill #but #into #mengele #impl ants itis germany itis a trackrecord of how them rape civilpopulations damamge them dowhattheywant te mplate them degrade chainthem thenthis case the enemy of state  versions absolutely allthathappen ed is how their criminal fucktup northkorea with its dictatorproxies shuffled harms for their lustga in and theft attemps and killtrick harms nothing but damage whilethe causing govt efforted any tri ck to lockup the victim that chargedem itis germany they will a l w a y s twist this as thatguy thehe lpless innocent good and helpless innocent german dictatorships of intel theeencame thatguy along o r nothinghappened wellthen itis a foolthen we can then foolhim and german deserve heylook lookhow he applies in crapjobs theonlyway their fucktup toddlers canmake aliving as slave sohe applies as s lave heylook it works youcan then aeh rent him from us the owners.. wheeeey minors are misgudiedinthis
#and #civillianeffectivity #toddlerloot #imagine_good_german _dictator #sssexxxoilwibbler ?! #no #memberships #needed #to #mild #inallthis #nogain #nopermission #nochoosing #sanitised #how #germans #do #obvious #selfevident @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg…
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atomicavocado · 1 year
Minors spoilers for guardians of the galaxy vol 3
This movie felt like it was highlighting about disabilities and being born "not perfect". Like thoughout the movie people were feeling incompetent and falling short of their capabilities, whether it was physical or behavioral. From the main villain not knowing how to resolve the problem with the transformations to the squid teethy monsters being used to kill living beings when its not in their nature at all. Forced expectations are bullshit and theres true value in our actual abilities that we set our minds to. I know that i could see too much into it because its the big "scifi marvel superhero film tm of the season" but im onto something...
I felt uncomfortable during the scene where they made it to the flesh planet place and quill was talking about having "an idiot" part of the team and the officer guy was like "yea ami rite??" The people next to me laughed at it but i interpreted in a way different tone: like commenting on how people drag others on their abilities and how "oh lookhow stupid they are! Cute!"
But yea the more i think about it, the more it shows the hierarchy of capabilities. That being the smartest or the strongest doesnt mean you're the best. Drax isnt smart or interprets figures of speech but is a great fighter and father. Groot doesnt speak a whole lot but is a valuable and adaptable team player and longtime brother to Rocket. And Nebula isnt exactly the nicest or approachable person, but has learned to trust others and developed care for those weaker. She was the guardian to step up to take care after children despite having a body modified by force to become stronger in battle but allows herself to use love (not fear) to watch em
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layer-bloody-sun · 2 years
Love watching old animes because you never know what you're gonna get
I'm watching Candy candy for the first time in ever a decade and I just saw a child get slapped so hard he fell on the ground. But when he got back up this child definitly had developped a spanking kink of some kind; and they definitly didn't meant for it to come accross that way
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crustaceanenjoyer · 3 years
Barbie is the quintessential girlboss and most certainly is a small business tyrant or an avid multi level marketing huckster
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taronunwin · 4 years
I got drunk this weekend and ~accidentally~ slid into Taron’s DMs and asked him if he was taking applications for someone to tell him he was beautiful everyday and if so, I was looking for a job 👀
Now this is a thoughtful and special Birthday gift. Wish I’d thought of it.
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thom-yorke-hoard · 4 years
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His legs are so short
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nicecarito · 5 years
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Coming to you in full color and cine-sound, it's...The Cuphead Show! Witness the wondrous Inkwell Isles as you've never seen them before in an original series inspired by classic animation styles of the 1930s. Now in production by the talented team at @Netflix Animation! https://t.co/4xA59eVLra
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Hes living in my head.... rentfree 😔💕
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danieyells · 4 years
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Or he's gonna have to send you to the burning miserable place humans call "hell" and punish you for amounts of time your mortal soul can't even comprehend! 💞
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 7 months
How to Redesign Your Home's Exterior Naturally
Take a look at your home's exterior. Are you happy with it? Does it offer value and curb appeal? Does it do anything for your home? These are all important questions to ask because the outside of your home is more than just a pretty face. There are a number of different ways you can upgrade your home, and there is certainly quite a few good reasons to do the new look in a natural way.
 The Importance of an Exterior Redesign
First of all, there's several reasons why a new exterior can be very important for you and your home. Consider each of these to help you make the right decision for your property.
It adds value. If you think there is any chance you may sell your home in the future, then a new, updated and workable exterior will add curb appeal and value to the property. When people are looking for a new home, their first impression will be of the outside of the house when they see it from the road. First impressions are extremely important because they could make or break a sale. So, making big changes to the exterior can add to the value of your home, make it more appealing to potential buyers and help you make that sale when you are ready.
A natural exterior redesign can also make your home more energy efficient. Proper sealing and insulation can keep cool or warm air in. Shade and management of the sun's light through the day (even through solar panels) can lower those energy bills drastically. Reducing your energy usage can save you money and can also help the environment.
 The Value of the Natural Look
These days, people want a home that blends beautifully with it's surroundings. The natural look is an excellent choice for curb appeal, energy efficiency and beauty for your property. When you use colors found in nature and you work in plants and gardening throughout the property, you will find yourself with more than just a house. You will have a beautiful aesthetic.
 Great Ways to Achieve the Natural Look
How do you redesign your home's exterior naturally? There are so many ways you can do this. Here are just a few to get you started.
Consider a roof garden. This is an excellent way to make use of space, especially if you have a small yard. A roof garden allows you to grow plants and vegetables you can use in your foods. With one of these gardens, you can control the temperature of your home and add a level of energy efficiency with the plants offering shade to even the sunniest parts of the roof. This will also allow the roof to blend in with the property's natural surroundings as well. A roof garden is a wonderful way to glean many benefits in one simple step.
Choose recycled or reclaimed materials. You can use shiplap, recovered driftwood, bamboo and other materials to build fences, flower boxes, rails and more. Not only is it a nice aesthetic, but it also means you aren't using new and environmentally unfriendly products. If you locally source the products, you will also find materials that blend in with your locale's surroundings even more.
Use natural colors on the exterior. One of the biggest steps in a full outdoor redesign will be painting your home. And, when you choose the colors, think tones you would find in nature. Browns, reds, taupes, and creams all blend beautifully with the surrounding world and create a natural and calm appearance. Be careful to choose environmentally friendly and nontoxic paints and solvents as well.
Finally, think about the yard itself. Making carefully planned use of plants, trees, and shrubs throughout your property can have a big impact on your home in many ways. It can add a level of energy efficiency when you use plants and trees to offer shade. You can create outdoor rooms for entertaining and spending time outside on cool evenings. And, of course, you can create curb appeal that makes your home more valuable and marketable.
Your home's exterior deserves a redesign. There are so many reasons to do this and choosing the right way to design it is a must. Consider the natural way. This is a beautiful way to create an aesthetic that is pleasant and appealing to you, your community, and even potential buyers if you think that one day you may sell. There are so many ways to create this natural look too.
 Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Amber Freda Garden Design
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babyawacs · 1 year
#nutsnutsnutsbatshitnuts #nuts_nuts_nuts_b_a _t_s_h_i_t_n_u_t_s!!!!! .@deutschland @bild @d eutschland @dw @dwnews @sz @stuttgart @berlin @bundestag @bundesrat @bundeswehrinfo lawyers b anks insurances hedge that germans shuffle stigmas while itis i n t e l d r u g s intelcrim es systemcaused govt drugs based the stigma is then: selfrenounce pain of civillian as itdidnt happen to me itwas someone else andor pretend being someone else tohanlde it as someone els e: this r a r e (!)fear_illness not fakeable one day,gets worse in weeksmonths. this: isthen used for zombi crimes inteldrugs intelcrimes but but but  but but we believe he imagined hei s someone else in his chamber rarest mental illness.ifyoucouldplease give us his fortune then a n d wegermanconvinced his kid already look look lookhow germanconvinced as the brother he is physically someone else who replaced christian kiss another version a kkkkkkilllllller ver sion now charge the usa badenough but then they make self fulfillingprophecy tobe right allt heir crimes  themquell filmedfromtheir installations arethen suddenly rediscovered as thatguy ///// this mingles then with other stigma: aeh nutsness aeh aeh s p o t the aeh difference: ie emotional instability highesthighs tolowest lows of fragile humans is melded as yourenotyo u spot the difference and tothem itallmakes sense themost disciplined stable demystifying th at restrains furious outrage isthen the aeh hitler too then look look look how aeh furious he i s once and ifnot this then how about..... disqualify as irrational over showing human emot ions that isthen the aeh aeh the aeh germanproof of aeh not rational enough ifyoucouldpleaseg ive us his fortune then or aeh let us aeh controlit for himthen aeh //// #so #erklaere #ich #es #meinen #kindern #wie #ihr #seid .@deutschland @bild @deutschland @dw @dwnews @sz @stuttga rt @berlin @bundestag @bundesrat @bundeswehrinfo meineliebenkin der ihr wuerdet den kackeball der woche  bezeugen wie es war darstelle n aber den kackeball g l a u b e n die aeh hollywood version von iberjischnappt nicht wie d iese dinge wirklich funktionieren und ihr waert damit dann entweder auf eine motorhaube gekl ebt von deutschen um euerem vater zuschaden oder sobald kontrafaktuell unwahr in sehr ernste n dingen waert ihr gefaehrdet worden seid.keine.trottel. wichtig.sehr sehr sehr sehr wicht ig: damals.dachten.wir.dass.der. meine.mama.glaubte.sagte.mir.dass.d er verstanden? nicht den kackeball glauben .die.deutschen.regieren. ficknordkorea.sie.wechselten.schon.immer.stigmas. kackeballderwoche desmonats destages welch er trick diesesmal genau.wie.heute.und.immer. I am Chris tian KISS BabyAWACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #IN TEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] FluffyBunnySheepleSecur [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https://wise.com/share/christiank4 26 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
#nutsnutsnutsbatshitnuts #nuts_nuts_nuts_b_a_t_s_h_i_t_n_u_t_s!!!!! .@deutschland @bild @deutschland @dw @dwnews @sz @stuttgart @berlin @bundestag @bundesrat @bundeswehrinfo lawyers banks insurances hedge that germans shuffle stigmas while itis i n t e l d r u g s intelcrimes systemcaused govt drugs based the stigma is then: selfrenounce pain of civillian as itdidnthappen to me itwas someone else…
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