#louis is smaller than legosi
koko2unite · 2 months
im never gonna beat the size diffference fetish allegations huh
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couldyouspeakmyname · 2 years
Oh then could you do a Legoshi, Louis, and Bill with a runt Maned wolf s/o
Legosi ♥ Legosi loves your small size and leaning down to be at your level ♥ He understand feeling out of place and would never comment on your size ♥ Expect to hang out a lot with the 701 crew Louis ♥ Louis likes the fact that you’re smaller than him despite being a carnivore ♥ Gifts you fancy smelling shampoo for your mane ♥ Expect him to play around with your mouth and muzzle, but that’s a given for any carnivore dating Louis, especially canines Bill ♥ Makes fun of your long and skinny legs, he won’t trip you on purpose but he may accidentally knock you over if he’s playing around ♥ He’s not really all that knowledgeable on canines or what a maned wolf even is so he’s just gonna assume you’re a fox unless you educate him ♥ He’s definitely going to ask about your size. You look like a fox but you’re kinda off. What’s your deal? Especially with that mane? He didn’t know foxes could have hair but he’d think you got a dye job or something to be rebellious Hope this is okay, I don’t have a lot to go off of just based off species. Feel free to be more specific in your asks, it helps us out -Lexi
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falsedoe · 2 years
thinking about junolouis in the beastars gender landscape. specifically - paru deliberately wanted louis to seem “feminine” & delicate/dainty or whatever else, & while idk about paru’s intention with juno, i do remember that legosi has called her “masculine” more than once. which makes me wonder a bit about beastars gender roles overall. is louis considered “feminine” because he’s smaller than the average stag, and physically doesn’t have the sort of strength his carnivore counterparts do?? and is juno denied feminity and considered “masculine” because she’s assertive, bold, fierce and strong?? are all carnivores stereotyped to be masc and all herbivores stereotyped to be fem? or is it just those who are outgoing enough to be noticed?
and then - what are juno and louis’s genders / perception + understanding of their own genders, specifically? the bit in chapter 31, where louis is looking at juno and thinking about how she has it easy because she’s female and people find her attractive -  there’s definitely jealousy there? louis seems to allow juno her feminity in ways legosi does not... maybe because louis himself is denied masculinity by the people around him? 
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and like, yes, he is sexist to her in this chapter, but it comes off as resentful more than anything else? kind of like, louis’s issue isn’t with being seen as feminine by people around him -in fact, he might even like being seen as feminine by people around him, given how jealous of juno he is here??
louis just doesn’t like being seen as weak/fragile, and juno gets to be a girl AND get to be strong/assertive, she gets the respect & admiration that louis values - but it’s interesting to me how louis has so many feelings re: juno and her gender identity as a young woman/teenage girl? 
there’s definitely more to be said about juno but my mind is kind of blank right now. i always got the sense that juno was someone who was secure in her identity as female wolf, though? like, her identity as a young girl/young woman and her identity as a young carnivore / grey wolf in their society seemed really interwoven to me? i’m blanking on more specific details right now, whoops.
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w2beastars · 4 years
Chapter 196 is as close as we get to a happy ending
Most of us feared the worst. Few were way to optimistic. So... was chapter 196 a somewhat happy ending?
So, Haru and Legosi are gonna get married... for better or worse.
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We are presented to an issue we have not considered before: The amount of stress Haru has to suffer from being with Legosi who is a wolf as well as... well, LEGOSI! So even if Legosi can keep himself from eating Haru, she has to suffer a lot of stress, something that is not healthy for smaller animals. Seriously, some animals can actually die of being in a way too stressful situation. And a cop sees them hug and assumes right away that Legosi is trying to attack Haru. That will most likely never change. But they love each other very much and will face a difficult future together.
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Gouhin is now working in an actual hospital. His job is not exactly without risks, but it is a heck lot safer than being the vigilante shrink of the BAM, and he deserves to have a more relaxed life after all the shit he has gone through.
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Cherryton has interspecies education again, important for the future of herbivore/carnivore relationships in the future.
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Yafya stepped down from the position as Sublime Beastar, but is still fighting crime as a vigilante.
Some thought it was weird that Yafya would retire if he intended to keep doing what he always did. But here is the thing... Yafya has realized that he is a very flawed creature and has only recently done things to try and make the relationships between meat and plant eaters more relaxed. So he doesn’t think he deserves the privileges, wealth and power he gets as the unofficial ruler of animal society. But he can still do his part in improving society on his own with help from the rats. Hopefully in a less prejudice and harsh manner.
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The lion mobsters are in the slammer right now. But they will get out eventually and get actual jobs in Louis’ company(most likely very well-paid jobs). Sure, it sucks that the ONE THING they got arrested for was “kidnapping” Louis, but it could be far worse AND their future looks rather bright.
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Louis married a female he doesn’t love for the sake of business. But he still intend to try and make the relationship work in a way so it is not all business. Azuki is his wife now, but she can also be his companion. They may never get to actually love each other, but they can appreciate and care for each other. I think it is great that Louis makes an effort to make their relationship as... “friendly” as possible.
So this is a pretty nice ending all things considered:)
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bettsfic · 3 years
betts i'm terrified of vore on a physical level so i can't watch beastars but i'm so interested in vore on an intellectual level. Is it just a metaphor for sex in beastars?? does it mean something more?? why did louis offer up his leg?? are canivores a metaphor for cishet-white men?? so many questions if you feel up to it can you please share your Thoughts on why beasters is interesting on a kink and politiks level
[goes without saying but hereafter are spoilers for beastars s2]
in beastars' defense, all the devouring happens off-screen. the only violence we see is between carnivores. or i guess there's also violence between an omnivorous panda (turned vegetarian) and the lion yakuza.
also, i'm not actually into vore, and i've never read or watched (?) it so i'm unfamiliar with the tropes. it's possible someone more educated than myself would watch beastars and think it doesn't qualify. but ultimately there is the consensual and arguably romantic consumption of flesh for the sake of power through ingestion, so it seems to qualify to me.
i don't really think the vore is a metaphor for sex, because there is also a lot of sex in the show, and a main theme is the idea that in this specific world, carnivores conflate the desires of consumption, destruction, and creation. in other words, legosi has to parse through all his innate drives to eat, kill, and fuck.
so when legosi eats louis' leg, i don't think that's supposed to mean anything other than what it actually means (within the thematic framework of the show): legosi and louis are now as close as two people (animals) can possibly be, because louis allowed part of himself to be eaten by legosi. so i would venture to say that one of the Themes is the idea that eating/being eaten is a form of intimacy beyond sex. and i think that's the allure of vore, too -- we all have individual minds and bodies, and because of that, we are inherently alone. vore is a fantasy of oneness.
i want to file this entire post under "sentences i never thought i would type."
louis offers up his leg for legosi because legosi needs to beef up (pun intended) before a fight with a homicidal bear. as much as it pains me to admit, a lone wolf is really not a match for a bear, even though in my wolf-girl heart, wolves are the best at everything. but it ends up being for naught because when the bear sees the intimacy of legosi eating louis' leg, he steps down from the fight, and then everyone goes to jail. also, louis' leg is cursed, so he wanted it gone anyway.
as for the potential commentary on cis-het white men, i don't think that's there, either. i think the show is, at its simplest, an exploration of power and desire. as much as the english phd student in me wants to go all lit crit, i think the more parallels we draw between the carnivore/herbivore world of beastars and our world, the less meaningful the themes become. to say the carnivores represent cis-het white men is to flatten and dismiss the nuances threaded into the story about the types of situations that create social hierarchies in the first place. instead of looking at ways in which the beastars world is like our world, what's more important is to look at ways it isn't.
in our world, a big dude dating a petite lady is not a big deal. that same big dude getting a crush on a slightly smaller dude is slightly more of a deal, but because of homophobia. in the beastars world, there's an additional layer of meaning to consider, because they're all animals. and speciesism doesn't equate to racism, either, because, i mean, that would be offensive as hell, and moreover, interspecies relationships pose problems and conflicts inherent in the conceit itself that race, gender, and sexuality does not. for example (and this is discussed in the show, it's not my speculation) we don't even know yet that it's physically possible for legosi and haru to fuck. we do know biologically they could never have children. and we also know that if legosi does start dating haru and/or louis, part of him will always want to devour them, no matter how much work he puts into denying himself that instinct.
and that's my long-winded way of saying it's okay to read texts simply as they are and not necessarily analyze them in relation to our lived reality. i think it's just as important to consider the "what if"s that alternate realities pose.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 3 years
Beastars, vol. 12 (English)
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Here begins the next phase of Legosi's life. Out of school, of the bubble he lived, and into the outside world. Learning how to Adult, as it were.
C. 98
- Assorted laws about Endo and Exogamous marriages.
- Notice that Haru's father is rather unperceptive. He thinks of his daughter as an innocent virgin, for one thing.
- Louis's current situation, still worshipping a man who tried to kill him.
- And more importantly, the introduction of Yahya (or Yafya, depending on translations), a central character from here on.
- The introduction of Seven (some translations call her 'Sebun', but this misses a pun later on). She introduces us to the colossal unfairness that is the adult work force.
- Once again, Legosi has far more allies and friends than he thinks.
- The milk factory, another example of adult injustice. It's a neat reversal of the chapter about Legom the hen, from quite some time ago.
- The tale of Yahya, Gosha, and who we'll much later learn was Toki.
- It must be said: The more we'll learn of this tale, the bigger Gosha's betrayal turns out to be.
- As we later learn, Jack and Gosha have known each other for quite a few years.
- My boyfriend pointed out to me that Mika's advice to Legosi illustrates two ways to handle an addiction. There is the moral way associated with AA, which torments more than it helps (what Legosi intends: To NEVER again touch anything close to meat, all but calling it a sin), and the more scientific / compassionate way (what Mika suggests: Taking concentrated, increasinly smaller doses to control the addiction).
- Gosha and Legosi, grandfather and grandson, are quite alike in the way they handle themselves in life. Here, Gosha goes from avoiding people to getting remarkably intimate with them --he shoves his finger in Legosi's mouth so they can both enjoy his poison, which for relatives tastes like marmalade. Legosi himself has displayed a curious tendency to get physically intimate with his adversaries, before and later.
- Certainly Louis is not in good place here, mentally in particular...
And with this, we start over with these Beastars notes as I read through each volume.
Golden Kamuy, too, eventually. One thing at the time...
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dooptown · 3 years
S2 Finale
for once i’m actually going to watch the episode again and get my thoughts down as i do cuz holy hell was this well done, i think
“Comet” playing first instead of the OP was brilliant. Also, as a note, the full music video of that came out, along with some killer animation inspired by the manga.
A detail i love about this music video is Ibuki spotting Free’s motorcycle light in the side mirror before he stops the car and, well, yeah
They actually show Louis reaching for his gun pretty early on into Ibuki’s monologue. I don’t think the manga showed that, but I could be wrong. He definitely has it pointed to him when it’s pitch black same at the anime, but the fact he reaches for it so early means he obviously knows what’s going on, even if he couldn’t pull the trigger.
predictably, the anime does the “darkness” as it always has, with the dark-blue background and bright lines for the characters. The Comet music video does this part of the scene better imo, but it’s not too much of an issue. Free’s whole bit is obviously rushed, and I think the anime suffers for that, but i understand that they couldn’t fit it in. We do miss him escorting Louis out of the BAM though, and also saying he’ll eat Louis if he comes back. That said, I don’t know how Louis gets back...I guess Free drives him back still but we just don’t see it
The Riz and Legosi fight has Riz getting the idea of eating Legosi in his head now that was seemingly missing before. In the manga he was thinking about how he’d become friends with Legosi by eating him, and that never came up in the anime until kinda now. Like I said before it’s an interesting part of Riz’s character so i’m glad it’s touched on a bit at least.
The moth scene is just as confusing here as it was in the manga...and without explanation or confirmation that it’s imaginary chimera (a part of the manga plot that was completely dropped), it just seems like...something. We don’t have Moth-san talking to Riz here or him questioning what he’s seeing so...it could be seen as purely metaphorical but it still remains a mystery (and just like in the manga it accomplishes nothing here cuz Riz just gets up and wails on Legosi) It looks fucking cool though! Word of Power: Respect for Life! It’s all one shot here, so we see every wound inflicted on Legosi, which is only a few slams. In the manga it’s implied he endured way more. That just follows the pattern of the anime, though, where violence is toned way the hell down. I’m not complaining, though. I don’t want to see Legosi hurt...
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I knew what i was seeing when it was in motion, but damn does it look fucking good! Orange really is showing how to do CG right by properly stretching models for intense movements and actions! They’ve done this subtly before but here it’s very clear, but not distractedly so (unless you pause frame by frame) However, I still do think the models look a bit stiff when just...like...walking normally sometimes. Like we have this great fight animation but then Riz picks Legosi up and drags him a bit and he looks...off. Ah well
The whole bit about Legosi exposing his stomach doesn’t have the subtleties explained here...and really the anime leaves out a lot of character thinking but i think if they left it in it’d be a bit too hammy and crowded, so it’s fine that they cut it out. But still...tell me more pose isn’t as funny here :(
Legosi’s voice acting shines again here. He sounds really fucking hurt...
The moon cut and then them laying together is nice. Also i do like how there hasn’t been music up until this point at all. Riz talking about everything is nice too...I don’t remember him saying he feels like he could cry in the manga, due to him not remembering anything about Tem but his taste.
Legosi says: “I almost went through the same thing Riz did. If someone hadn’t snapped me out of it, my love for Haru might have made me eat her.” I recall he says something similar in the manga too...but like the only time he ever got close to eating her is when he didn’t know who she was. It really doesn’t seem like the same thing at all...it ties back into Legosi really seeming to have a really firm grasp on everything, all things considered, and he’s just selling himself short. I guess he could also be talking generally but really, he never had a moment where he wanted to eat her again after that first night. And the “someone” who snapped him out of it...Zoe???? Like, I’m just a bit puzzled on this part. I think what it really is is a reference to what he says to Louis later, how he’s the one that guided him and ensured that he is the way he is. Ensured that he did so well to begin with. Like, writing it out like that makes sense, but I guess I’m taking the words too literally.
Anyway, was typing my thoughts out there. I don’t think it’s entirely clear that Louis’s influence is what caused Legosi not to eat Haru after they started spending time together, but if Legosi says that’s what it was, that’s what it was. I felt that Louis’s guidance for Legosi was more about him accepting himself as a carnivore and using his abilities for what he believes in instead of thinking he can only do harm with them...not about controlling his meat eating instincts. I guess it kinda goes hand in hand. Anyway
The hand touch is, well, touching like it was in the manga, however Riz firmly regrasping Legosi’s hand to hoist him up and continue fighting and Legosi sounding surprised isn’t what i pictured. In the manga i saw it more as Riz slowly doing it and Legosi just being too weak to do anything about it. Riz has the advantage, so he can afford to make the action slow and deliberate
Ok here’s where things get interesting. Louis’s appearance is entirely different in the anime, whereas in the manga he appears behind Riz while Legosi is talking to him, with Legosi spotting him and using a distraction to escape with him. HERE!!! Louis actively stops Riz from attacking Legosi again, clearly out of breath as he ran all the way there, but he still has the mind to appear cool and collected and make a lil quip that pisses Riz off. And then when Riz charges him Louis is just walking calmly toward him like!
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Like yeah, he does stop and react a bit, but he sees Legosi coming up to stop him so I suppose that’s why he stands his ground (honestly though was he gonna pull his gun? Did he have a plan? I feel like he just got there without one, which makes sense. He just had to stop what was happening no matter what)
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And Legosi ragdolls Riz aside to protect Louis. Love wins
Pina scene is the same here. Although previously we didn’t get his thoughts about how he never wanted to get involved with carnivores ever again cuz of these two, but that ties into the whole “anime doesn’t say every single thought that’s in a character’s head like in the manga” thing. I think it’s interesting that they even bother showing him retrieving his phone from the trash bin, since he could have easily just got it from his pocket but it shows that Riz was smart enough to take it away from him (but not smart enough to destroy it or chuck it somewhere or hide it where Pina couldn’t see)
The next scene with Legosi and Louis up on the outcropping..Legosi mentions how this is his last New Year’s. He’s more convinced he’s gonna die than it seems in the manga (although depends on the subs i guess) The part where Riz is looking up while Legosi is talking about their fight to Louis...i never knew if he was supposed to be hearing that or not, here or in the manga. I guess it’s up to interpretation.
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Legosi delivering this line in the manga: determined, stoic
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Legosi delivering this line in the anime: clearly in love
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we finally get one of these scenes for Louis! Season 1 had a few of these for Legosi and Haru when they had moments where they were deep in thought about the other. I thought that Louis’s would have been in his initial meetup with Legosi in the manga, but that scene got cut. It’s cool that they put his here, though! Also correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is the only shot like this in season 2
When Louis’s theme starts here when he’s acting strong, trying not to cry, I thought it’d slowly start to break down as he did and transition into a new track but it just kinda...keeps going. It sounds like a more somber, shaky version at the very least but I think the music at this part is a bit lacking...thankfully the animation and Louis’s voice acting more than make up for it
Boy, does Louis really cry. I’m glad they let him let loose like that but the bad thing about seeing it animated is...they don’t hug! I always wanted a hug here...one that Louis fully embraces unlike the earlier one on the balcony. It makes sense the Legosi doesn’t try to do anything and is taken aback, of course, but damn...and considering how Louis is treated later and at the end of the series...it stings a lot
Idk what to say about this scene...it’s done so well. Louis having his internal monologue, talking to Legosi...Legosi looking so damn guilty that he wants to go back and fight...the transition to the foot reveal...it’s all so good
A change here in the anime...Louis is a lot more steadfast. He offers his foot and is like, completely at peace with it. In the manga he’s still shaking and his expressions are like, more unsure, but here he seems a lot more convinced that it’s what he has to do
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Legosi’s thoughts about how eating his leg feels almost ritualistic and it actually makes him desire and hunger for it is gone...which like, idk why it is. We just hear Legosi say that he wants to but we don’t feel it (we do see his lips pull back and reveal his teeth tho)
Enter: Buffgosi. This happens in the manga but since Legosi’s model is so much smaller in the anime it seems like a much more drastic difference.
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Legosi doesn’t apologize for not being able to stop growling, but it seems like they did a lot to remove any humor Paru put into these scenes. I guess it doesn’t work that well in one continuous scene vs. chapters broken up by weeks
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Louis’s funny deadpool moment is changed with him just...telling Legosi to be a hero again. Guess he really likes that line. The way it’s delivered really feels like a video game, like Legosi is recovering from a hit and Louis pops in to heal him with some words
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Seriously, Louis just keeps making this face...after an entire season of being super serious and stone faced he’s looking softer
the Riz and Tem story isn’t changed at all, and can still be read as either romantic or platonic. Seeing it in motion makes it hit harder though, for sure
Legosi still wishes Riz a happy new year here. He seems a lot happier here than in the manga. Also Louis doesn’t berate him for it, instead opting to speak up and talk to Riz here after hearing about his heartbreak. He does it without the pressure of the cops being there, and it truly shows that he really does like carnivores and sympathizes with their struggles now.
Yeah, so the cop scene is gone, which kinda condenses and cuts out a lot (including Pina’s small appearance) but I kinda like it better. It allows all the characters to breathe. Legosi thanks Louis naturally for the meal, and Louis telling Legosi to wipe his face is done in a friendly, joking manner...it just all feels a lot softer and friendlier without the cops being there making it all fucked. Just like in real life
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I kinda thought they might put the aftermath in a sort of credits scene, and i think it works, even if it does pave over some important stuff
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god it’s just so validating to see Legosi care for Louis and Haru equally. Like we all know it’s the case but they’re both dear to him
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Now this is a far departure from his thoughts in the manga. I suppose it only fits with the ending of the season to make it more optimistic, but we skip the while “you can’t marry an herbivore cuz of your record” thing...but here he still cherishes it in a way. Very interesting. Wonder if they’ll backpedal on it in season 3
Legosi actually tells Haru he’s dropping out here too! He still does in the manga but it seems more abrupt there, like he already did drop out and then goes to tell her instead of telling her before he does. He’s also not suffering through his meat withdrawal here like he was in the manga at this scene (or at least the manga’s counterpart at Haru’s house)
The ending convo mirrors what Haru says to him in that scene too. It’s a funny way to leave off on the season without a stinger or anything. It just kinda makes the audience question their relationship (and now that Lougosi is pumping through everyone’s veins...hehehhehehe)
uh, well, anyway, i kinda wasted all of my time off after work writing this so...i hope you enjoyed it? Not gonna get one of these for a while...i know at least some of you like them
Also...what the hell was the extra “broadcast only” scene??????
Well, anyway, I hope you all have a good day, night, whatever, wherever you are. And remember: Legosi and Louis are in love
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Omnivore human s/o (Beastars)
The “human” part would be the weirder part for them really. 
Louis and Legosi both have a lot of issues and opinions on herbivore/carnivore dynamics in general that would affect their view on such a statement (we’ll get to that in a moment) but we have to remember that there are omnivores in this world of Beastars. It’s not just one or the other, the third option of both exists alongside the other two. The concept then of someone having a varied combined diet with the ability to lean in one direction over the other isn’t so foreign to them.
Louis has the much stronger reaction to this, even if this happens later in the story. He has a lot of feelings on carnivores and on how herbivores are typically looked down upon. He’s aware of omnivores, interacted with a few, and he’s had some level of both disdain and envy. Disdain, because Louis still holds strong dislike for most carnivores. Envy, because they can make the choice. To choose where they stand in the society.
Legosi doesn’t have too much of an outward or inward reaction really. He’s met omnivores, has friends who are omnivores - to him they’re just another student. The fact they’re a human and much smaller/weaker than a lot of students is what concerns him. Inwardly he does wonder though what it would be like to have that choice. What would he choose, if he was in their place?
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monizilla · 4 years
Beastars Spoiler - Louis’ Past
I usually have random thoughts when I read manga. For ex, this page right here is quite freaking scary.
If you read the manga up to this part, you already knew that Louis was raised in cages as livestock and only got out because Oguma (his now adopted father) bought him. But there was another red deer in the building. A healthier, more frequently preferable one. It was extremely close that Louis would not get chosen and got eaten later on.
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But on the other hand, he got chosen. Then what became of the other red deer, who was also very close to getting out alive??
I’d say among all the dark things this manga has brought up, the idea of this livestock market is the only one that keeps haunting me. If you think about how sexual desire is frequently intertwined with feral carnivorous instinct in this manga, this market very much resembles child trafficking and child prostitution.
I mean like, poor little Louis. Look at that.
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On another note, I always thought Louis looks quite small for a deer. He’s well proportionate with a small head, which gives the false impression that he’s decently tall but no. He’s quite small even for a deer. Like, look at him vs his dad.
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Him. TINY.
And this is Legosi next to a couple of deers, who’s around his shoulder height
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And this is Legosi next to Louis. And up to the recent chapters I’m pretty sure Legosi got bigger so Louis’ head can barely reach his chest now.
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My point IS: Louis is most likely smaller than the average deer cause he suffered malnutrition when he was young and never really grew out of it. He probably can grow a bit taller, but nowhere near his father size for sure. Once you notice how small Louis actually is, you can never unseen it.
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(Sorry I’m not trying to be a pain lol) the comic with the ceremony had him tell legosi when he ask if he wanted to go that bill and five other carnivores were taking him, so leave him alone. But yeah it would be hard with not knowing who like any of them are. Side note is he ok why does he have so many. By like his second time talking to legosi he was telling him to eat him did he just do that to like. Half the carnivores he met? Surely legosi isn’t the only person he had just started to know who he did that with he’s wild love Louis this is not the way just get some therapy king.
okay I'm remembering that chapter now and he does say that (although I don't think he goes with those 5, he just mentions them asking, right?) Although knowing Louis he might be embellishing that number a bit to try and shake Legosi off. I remember when I read that I just assumed the five other carnivores were Shishigumi members (although going to that ceremony while in jail might prove difficult...) considering the pool of carnivores Louis actually knows. Also since he doesn't seem to have that many clear injuries, I assume any other ones he might have sustained are probably smaller than the one Bill gave him
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baradorable · 3 years
The current anime season is just about over, so I’ll give my thoughts on what I watched. I covered some of them here already.
Attack on Titan (Season 4)
Honestly, not much has changed in terms of rating. It’s still a good 8/10 anime.  Though the last couple of episodes had weak animation, but the plot and characters have more than made up for it. Damn, Zeke got a lot of great development.
Flocht is great. Cool look, cool character, cool development, voiced by Kensho Ono. He’s a gun-wielding extremist who calls for blood, but I’m sure he’ll have a much smaller kill count than Yuya Sakaki.
Gabi still sucks though. 
Oh, and the opening theme was the best OP of the season, by far. AoT has 5 great openings songs, so I’m not surprised.
Beastars (Season 2)
It felt pretty rushed towards the end, I feel like they needed one more episode to do everything justice. But I’m on the edge of my seat and can’t wait to see where the plot goes now, because the finale was great. I do hope that we get a third season though. Because if we don’t, then a lot of having plots and ideas should have been cut to make a more concise story.
If we get a season 3, I hope we learn more about the Beastar stuff and go into worldbuilding outside of herbivore/carnivore and Black Market stuff. We’ve done that for two seasons and I feel like they’ve said all they could say in that regard. I looked up spoilers and it seems like we’re headed in a good direction.
Also Haru was so forgettable this season. I know this season was more about Legosi and Louis but she felt like an afterthought by the end.
Cells at Work!! Code Black
I said I’d give this show an 8/10 if it kept up the momentum, and it did. So congrats on moving up half a number. I enjoyed watching you.
Dr. Stone
Now that the season is over, I realized how much I’m going to miss it. If the season wasn’t so stacked with hype shows and terrible atrocities, this show would totally get the recognition is deserves. The tech’s still wonky, but seafaring is an entirely new field to work with, so that could be good. 
Anyway, my favorite character is the ear dude because he’s voiced by Kensho Ono. I think he’s part of the main group now, so that’s going to be awesome.
Jobless Reincarnation
Look, I’m less angry that Isekai Cheat Magician exists, so I’ll bump it back to 8/10. Maybe 8.5, because it’s a really well-constructed and interesting show. I’m loving the direction we’re going with the story, and exploring this new land. The guild stuff is a little stale, but this series did it first and will likely do it better than most, so.
Went out on a high note. The animation, lip syncing, effects, everything just got worse over time. I love to see it.
From what I hear, the manga is even worse? Like the art is gorgeous, but the writing is awful. At least with the show, you’re distracted from the plot. So the fact that EX-ARM promises to be even worse even after its death just makes me love it more.
Also, these are the user-voted tags for this show.
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Kemono Jihen
Gonna downgrade this one to 6.5/10. I liked the ideas behind the last two arcs, but the execution is dull. This show is so generic. I still have to see the last episode, but I don’t really want to. I don’t dislike this series, but now that I have less free time to watch things, I have no interest in continuing.
Redo of Healer
The plot is shit, but it’s great revenge porn. (And literal revenge porn?) I’d say that a show with graphic, uncensored sex doesn’t automatically mean bad or trashy, but yeah this show is bad and trashy. The sex scenes save this show from being just another generic revenge fantasy. 
Keyaru is a great villain though. They’ve been shaping him up well, and that’s one element of the story I can praise unironically. You can see over time how he’s becoming a worse person. He still tries to be kind and only act when others do him wrong, but it’s becoming obvious that being provoked is just an excuse for him to kill others. 
I also really like Eve or whatever. New best girl. She’s schlicking all the time, but at least she’s not joining the orgies or raping everybody, so she’s the least horny character on the show. I also liked that catboy shopkeeper because he looks like he belongs in .hack//
Re:Zero (Season 2, second half)
The show really picked up once we left the fucking sanctuary. The Beatrice stuff dragged a bit, but not nearly as much as the Trials. The payoff was great, too.
Also, I hate Roswaal but I love how he talks. How he draws out the last syllables of his sentences out. I love hearing him speak.
The Promised Neverland (Season 2)
Boy. I didn’t think it could get worse, but it did. They just nuked the whole fucking franchise with this season. 
Basically, it's like watching the Harry Potter movies. You watch the first one just fine. Then you skip all the way to the eighth movie with only a few vague summaries of some of the stuff that happened between the beginning and now. And then also you throw in random bits from the other movies. And then, when the movie ends, the post-credits scene is brief images of important parts from the movies you missed, regardless of context, and it makes little sense unless you know what you’re already missing.
Yeah I dropped this.
Dropped this with prejudice. It got confirmed for a second season, which I might watch if I hear that the show fixes its flaws. (ie Towa’s role as the lead.) Such a disappointment. 
(Dis)honorable Mentions:
Jujustu Kaisen: I’m on episode 6. It’s not great, but it really got me hooked for some reason. I’ll keep watching and see how it goes.
Digimon: Sick of the OG kids, so I didn’t watch. From what I hear, the show sucks. But I’m not going to bother because I just don’t care.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: No. I mean it looks like a dumb meme show with obnoxious humor, which makes sense because it’s aimed at preschoolers and all. But no, I didn’t find it funny, I didn’t like the duels, and I didn’t like the story or characters outside of Luke/Look/Rook. Here’s hoping we return to form next series, and go back to Studio Gallop.
Wonder Egg Priority: I heard good things about this show, but didn’t watch it. I probably should.
Dota: Dragon’s Blood: Not an anime, despite what Netflix says. It wasn’t great, but I liked it. Better than Blood of Zeus. The CGI was bad and the animation overall wasn’t spectacular. But it gave us Marci, Straight Shiro, the nice elf girl and the Invoker, and I liked them a lot. Especially Marci. 
0 notes
rawdiscordfic · 4 years
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
' legosi . ' his voice is accusatory yet flat in some rights , as it typically would be when legosi is the target . he's never been very kind to other carnivores , especially those like him , the dreaded apex . yet somehow , that isn't the reason he happens to be so cold . ' i'm sure you're wondering why i called you here . sit . ' his gesture is mild mannered at most , flicking his wrist to the chair across from him . his legs cross , closed off . ' i've noticed you're more distracted than usual during club hours . what are you so busy daydreaming about ? '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/18/2020
'yes ?' he looks a little nervous , but his voice is somewhat level . even while he seems to stumble into the room , like he knocked into something on his way in . he was wondering , but he wouldn't ask . he could swear he was jumping to conclusions with louis daily , mostly in his head : but the fact he wants to ask so bad eats at him . he clambers into the seat , his knees higher up than his ass like the chair was too short for him . 'dist --- oh , uh ... no . that's how i am normally ?' he tries to explain , random gestures of his hands given to himself . 'i'm ... sorry if that bothers you , louis ..'
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
and then there's the arm cross . doubly closed off . his brows even furrow as his eyes follow legosi lowering into his seat , and angrily takes in how he doesn't quite fit in it , when louis himself fits just fine . his eyes pick up and lock onto legosi's with a fierceness , like he's judging him , or evaluating him in his head , whether or not he's even worthy to sit there across from him . his legs uncross and cross again the opposite way , while his gaze fixates on legosi's hands . ' so you take me as a fool ? i can tell when you're more lost than usual . spit it out . what's bothering you ? '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/18/2020
his eyes leave and return , flicking down to his lap , the painting on the wall , and back to louis . why did he have to look at him like this ?.. wait , who's the carnivore here ? 'a fo --- no , of course not !' suddenly he looks panicked , pupils decreased in size . the one time he looks at him , he's looking elsewhere . legosi shoves his hands in his pockets , almost self consciously . 'i ... um ..' oh god . could he really ask him this ?.. the answer's no . but ... 'louis ... d ... are you .... do you like males ? ... i'm sorry if that's intrusive ! i've just ... been wondering .'
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
a brow raises in turn , skeptical . ' then don't lie to me . ' he replies , bluntly . index finger taps along his arm to an impatient beat , which picks up more the more reclusive legosi becomes . the lack of confidence bothers him so much . a carnivore , with everything going for him , pretending to be a coward . it's despicable . his mind wanders enough to lose track of the conversation , but the second legosi outs with his concern makes louis's finger freeze mid tap . his eyes widen . ' what ? ' the stun subsides in an instant in favor of hostility . he even drops his legs and arms and hunches toward legosi like he just might pounce on him for saying something so ' outlandish ' . ' you --- that's what you've been thinking about so much ? why would it even concern you ?? '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/18/2020
apparently , louis doesn't know this is normal for him : but legosi isn't aware he's bothered at all . he just assumes this is how he always is . he stops tapping and suddenly he feels like he's made a horrible mistake , only amplified by louis' what . he swallows , mouth opening before closing again at his open display of hostility . he even shrinks back a little , hands raised sheepishly in defense . 'w .. well !.. it .. it's ... n ... evermind ?' he knows he won't accept that . 'i mean !.. you - you asked me to bite you ... and ... no one's ever .. even wanted me close to them ---'
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
and then he backtracks ? he asks something so rude and then just takes it all back ? louis's eyes narrow further , with an air of distaste to his expression , mixed in with the already tense air . he says nothing , and then quickly and abruptly stands , and it only takes one or two steps to enclose the distance between them . he takes legosi by the tie and yanks him to eye level , near nose to nose . ' you're a coward . i'm trying to bring out the animal in you . ' he near growls , but his voice is just too smooth to achieve it . ' your sheep's clothing annoys me . take responsibility for who you are . '(edited)
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/18/2020
he looks around stupidly until he's drawn in with a choked back yelp , blinking at the fact they were suddenly so close . a coward ?.. something about it angers him , but he's quick to hide it . in a world where being so ... feral was a bad thing , why would louis be mad he restrains himself ? the frustration is channeled into the hand that grabs his wrist , off of his tie , and takes him down in an almost literal sense . he realizes what he's done , and draws away just as quickly . '... sorry . but .. with all due respect , i don't think it's your place to tell me i should be attacking you . not in the world we're in now .'
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
legosi's hand snatching his makes him gasp lightly and in turn back off , to the point where the back of his legs touch the edge of the seat he hastily leapt out of . it bothers him that when legosi stands he's forced to look up at him . so much so it registers on his face .  he clicks his tongue and averts his gaze . ' as if i'd take criticism from the likes of you . all you do is pretend to be someone you're not . ' his head lifts again , as a impulsive decision parts his mouth and makes him say something he shouldn't. ' i’m making you angry. you’ll go as far as to salivate and tear me to shreds . am i right ? '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/18/2020
'i'm not critiquing you . you should be able to live however you want . i ... i want to do that too , and that doesn't mean killing anybody .' he replies , surprisingly level . he didn't even know he was so passionate about this until louis questioned him . he stops at his confession of sorts however , eyes widening and mouth parting a little bit . he blinks , like he doesn't know how to reply . he does so a little too late . 'i don't eat meat ... i stand by that .'
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
there's a certain level of conviction in legosi's tone that catches louis off guard . it's near impressive , but not enough to convince him , unsurprisingly . legosi's stare inherently brings out his instincts , and his heart leaps , and his breathing shallows , if only slightly . he can't keep his neck muscles lax . ' so now you're un interested , are you ? ' he says , tone accusatory yet again . his head turns away with a huff of a laugh , and while it is , he brushes back his hair to expose his neck to him , offering legosi a fierce look and a smirk . ' what will you do ? ' his smile leaves in favor of a grimace , and he takes legosi by the wrist to tug him in toward him . ' you're lying . bite me , legosi . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/18/2020
he can tell he's nervous under his stare , but if he doesn't notice he's staring in the first place there's not much he can do . 'int .. you .. brought it up ,' he comments , but his voice wavers a little bit . he laughs and he looks even more confused , his eyes searching the room . it's unclear if he wants an out , or a reason any of this would be funny . he looks back in time for his neck to be exposed , eyes widening even further . his face is nearly red , but in truth , he is fighting the urge to drool right now . the face louis would do this is ... he barely even catches that confirmation when he looks him in the eyes again . he wants to say nothing , but he pulls him in and all he can do is gasp . he takes a while to tear his eyes away , gulping . 'l - louis !.. stop , i ... i'd kill you ---' he shakes his head . 'last time you got scared ... and i'm telling you i don't ---'(edited)
cock-hungry dog.04/18/2020
louis isn't having this passive attitude with his neck bared to a carnivore . his grip on legosi's wrist becomes vice in nature . seeing how legosi's complexion changes , and how he struggles to keep the saliva in his mouth over something as mundane as him flashing his neck ... makes louis' breath shallow . albeit his clasp is unwavering , he can't stop his god forsaken hand from shaking , and the frustration of that causing him to balance it with him yanking legosi in again , far closer . ' don't patronize me . do it . ' his voice is steady , but his brows knit . ' put your mouth against my skin . 'April 19, 2020
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
he wants to snatch away , but at the same time disrespecting the saint of the theatre weighed heavy . would he get put on curtain duty ?.. ugh . he does feel his hand shaking , though . maybe he'd let him go on his own accord . 'patr --- you're my friend , i don't want to --- .' oh fuck . his next statement makes him shake , and he swallows . he blinks at him , eyes a little more dilated , maybe . louis doesn't get a chance to blink before legosi's lunged across his desk , and everything falls off of it with a crash . he's ripped out of louis' grasp , which inevitably makes brings the smaller closer : close enough for the carnivore to have his upper body in a vice grip . he swallows again , and his adam’s apple can be felt against louis' exposed neck . he's looking past him with crazed eyes , until he seems to calm down . he sighs , but still hasn't let him go . 'louis .' he says , calmly . 'i'm . not . eating you .'
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
louis would have antagonized him more had he had the opportunity . before he's able to even comprehend what took place , he's thrown down into the desk with legosi's neck pushed flush into the side of his own , where surely his pulse would give away how quickly his heart was beating . ' ghhk ... ss .. ' he shudders , against his better judgement . every ounce of his skin screams for him to buck him away and run , yet he remains still , like he had no desire to . he isn't certain for what reason , even now . his voice makes him feel a chill roll up his spine . ' ... ergh .. you ... ' he's tempted to say beast , but he knows he was the one who provoked him to begin with . he feels dizzy enough to have his face redden . ' then ... don't . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
legosi has to take a moment more to come down from his high , even if he is perched on his friend's desk and knocked over all of his things : some that shattered . his immediate apologetic self seemed to be out of commission , and his chest heaves hard against louis . a moment passes . what is he doing ..? he says don't , and he pulls away . crawls off of the desk . has the gall to sit back down . he stares at him blankly , like he hasn't fully snapped out of ... whatever that was . though he could swear he was fully conscious if louis' throat wasn't in his mouth by now . '... didn't .. you ask for it ?' his eyes narrow , in an almost accusatory manner . the tables had turned for sure . 'what ... do you want from me ? why did you call me here ?'
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
his heart pounds so hard against his chest that he feels lightheaded , which leaves him to strain to control himself . his hands , once limp at his sides , submitting to his fate , raise and clasp at legosi's shirt at each side . no matter how tight her makes his fists there , his hands still shake . it's disgusting . yet when the larger pulls back it's like he had no grip to begin with , his hands peeling off and falling to his sides , barely strong enough to hold up his weight by the elbows just so he can sit up enough to see him . he's disheveled , his hair , his shirt . one leg hangs loosely off his desk while the other braces on top of it . he heaves , by instinct . ' ... what do i .. you ... ' is he that stupid or is he making fun of him ? ' ... come here , legosi . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
things are starting to set in now , the more he feels like he's sinking into this chair . he starts to panic , a cold sweat beading at his forehead , eyes glancing around the room again . this time he can see what's been left in his wake of destruction , and one of those things seems to be louis . he can't help but notice the wrinkles in his shirt and how messy his hair looks , and he wants to offer help or an apology before louis shuts him up by talking . he blinks , but obeys . anything to right his wrongs . he circles around the desk flippantly , brows furrowed in worry . 'l - louis i'm really sorry --- i .. why did you ... do .. i --- so .. r...'
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
the damage to the objects around him are the last thing he has on his mind at the moment . he looks relatively calm for just being pounced on by a carnivore , although frazzled in a different way . it registers in the furrow in his brow that almost looks like it'd upturn , and how his eyes lid , and how his breathing is still not quite under wraps still . legosi stands and meets him , and louis takes him by the tie once more , but clearly has no desire to provoke him over the same thing a third time . ' apologize to me another time . ' he says , and then tugs him in a bit firmer , but only enough for him to fall over him again . their lips are mere inches apart , and his breath is hot on legosi's skin . ' finish what you started . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
legosi can't tell the difference between afraid and ... whatever this is , so he just chalks it up to the former . it almost has him backing away again , but louis is quick to catch him by the tie . he's scared he'd do just that , and almost rips away because of it , but he ends up getting caught up in his eyes . the next second he's looming over him , and his leg has to part for louis' knee bent by his desk . he blinks down at him , red hot . still , this isn't processing correctly . 'wh -- what did i just say ..?' he stammers , albeit in a hushed whisper , brows furrowing . 'i'm not ... you don't want me to --- wait .' it clicks . he nearly explodes . '... uhm ... i --- uh ---'
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
while legosi is busy stammering and confused by his own interpretation of what he was implying , louis pulls his own tie undone and tosses it aside . his eyes narrow with a certain want to them , and his brows furrow . ' i said i don't . ' he repeats , until he sees it dawn on legosi like a gong went off in his ears . he takes his stillness as an invitation to continue , and takes legosi by the wrist once more , although his touch is more delicate in nature , simply a guide to his waist while he leans back , and hoists his leg up to brush between legosi's . ' i'll let you do what you want . take out your rage on me . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
his eyes can't help but follow ever minor move louis makes , and they struggle to fall back to his . his reassurance makes him sigh in relief , yet , of course , even more confused . when he figures it out and his arm's being moved he basically goes limp , like his conscious had left his body . he really doesn't know what to feel in this moment other than an impending dread he left the door unlocked . he jumps , louis' knee bringing him back to earth with a grunt . 'r .. louis .. i'm not mad at you ---' he says , gently even , despite his shaking voice . his hand creeps up under the button up that'd untucked from his pants . 'is .. this really what you want ..?'
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
in spite of being a rather conscientious person , louis doesn't even take the door into account with legosi hovering over him . whatever other things that'd serve as a distraction had been set aside for him , and legosi's little jump near makes his heart do backflips in his chest . his eyes furrow again , and his hand slipping under his shirt has his skin twitch and he himself gasp , quietly . he hates that he has to admit it straightforwardly , no matter ho essential it is . he was sure his body language would be plenty , but he's foolish to have forgotten legosi is an idiot . ' yes . it is ,' and has been , he fails to mention , because it only occurs to him in this moment . ' ... hurry up . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
his claws brush against his skin , but he's sure to be careful of them . he reaches to unbutton his shirt from the inside , but he can't even manage turning to look at what he's doing . he's sweating worse than he probably ever has , face stained completely red . he says yes and he looks at him , somehow still surprised . the last buttons done and he carefully takes off his shirt , definitely lacking all the rage louis seems to think he has . '... i'm sorry --- i don't ... normally do this .' he hasn't ever done this . he's a virgin . his eyes scream it . still , he soldiers on with an ever growing lump in his throat , hands shaking as they get to his belt .
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
he bites back the need to gasp and flinch away , his nails driving his instinct to kick in to overdrive . yet he stays , forcing himself to allow it . because he's decided he wants it . and even so , as legosi's hand turns to unfasten the buttons of his shirt from the inside , the back of his palm winds up brushing against the spot what louis's heart drums against . he grinds his teeth , watching it happen with furrowed brows , and then with his head still tipped down his gaze flicks up to meet legosi's when he speaks . his hand rests overtop of the larger's while it's shaking over his belt . ' relax , legosi . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
he can feel his need , and he feels sorry . he doesn't voice it however , because he knows in every other context he wouldn't have wanted him to . his heart is probably near the speed as his , but for an obviously different reason . again , he doesn't say anything . he fumbles until the loop comes undone , but louis' hand fills his vision . he almost thinks he's imagining it , but ... he was comforting him . he looks up , taking a steep breath . '... okay ,' he murmurs , and without thinking brushes his lips against the corner of his mouth in a light peck . still he doesn't know completely what he's doing , but he guesses it can't bee too much different than when he's alone ..? he lets his dick flop out , breath hitching noticeably before he takes it in his grasp , careful of his nails while he pumps it . his forehead rests on louis' shoulder . 'wh - why didn't you ... tell me earlier ?.. i asked you as i came in , actually ---'
cock-hungry dog.04/19/2020
it would be rare , but not unheard of . louis is particular , and doesn't grow fond of others very easily , and especially confuses his emotions when attachment seems so much like hatred . he seems to calm a tad , reflexively mirroring legosi's intake of air before quickly sighing it out . what he isn't expecting was the kiss --- albeit brief , it stuns him rigid for a moment at least . he doesn't have time to question it , nor the capacity to know the answer . he looks between them as his cock springs free , and his breath , too , hitches upon legosi's contact . he bites hard into his tongue so as to not give out any outrageous noises so soon . ' ghh .. wh --- ' his head turns away in spite of legosi obviously not being able to see him . ' don't interrogate me while you've got - ... ! your timing is remarkable , ' he returns , clearly evading it .
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/19/2020
he's really just going with the motions at this point , as well as he knows how to . it's not all to familiar to him even then , clearly . he barely even registers the kiss until his head goes to rest on his frame , practically being the reason for it . his fluster's hidden between somewhere in his neck and his hair , ear rested on his shoulder . his thumb drives into his tip while his grip tightens around his shaft , stomach light at whatever noises he could coax out of him right now . he almost doesn't hear him because of the strain in his pants . '... sorry .' he still doesn't address it even still , silently hoping louis would so he didn't have to .April 20, 2020
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
without legosi realizing , his nosing into his neck brings a natural shiver to travel up louis's spine . he can't tell if it's because of the instinct of terror of a carnivore having his lips to his jugular , or the innate tickle it causes . either way it gives him goosebumps , and he rather not hone in on it too much in the very real possibility of him chocking it up to be the former . his gaze lowers as legosi applies more pressure , and hisses . ' mmh .. ' he swallows , and while one hand lifts to cup over legosi's neck , the other slips to the very obvious growth in his uniform pants , tracing over it . ' you're more excitable than i thought .. ah . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
he steps a little closer , and ends up kicking his chair out of the way . the amount of noise they're making now without even having real intercourse might be alarming if either of them had the capacity to care . even the slightest noise out of louis makes his ears burn , but he soldiers on , panting against his skin the more contact is made . 'louis ...' he grumbles , which could even be seen as a little impatient . he grinds his lower half into his palm , a guttural noise to match the last while his wrist flicks faster . 'please . don't,, keep me waiting ...'
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
louis even acknowledges that they're being far too noisy for having left the door unlocked , but with legosi's hand wrapped around his cock he finds it hard to have the capacity to give a shit . he grinds into his palm and louis gulps again upon hearing his name , and grumbles out a frustrated ' fine , ' before he adjusts to push his hand inside his pants . it doesn't take much to have them burst open anyway , but that action seemed to be more than enough to give legosi some relief . he takes it in hand , trying to ignore the near growl against his skin he'd received , and strokes him too , albeit more controlled and precise . ' rrrh .. unh ... '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
fine ? why fine ? why did everything have to be an almost yes with louis ? it flusters him to hear it , but still he can't be distracted by that . he notices first his mouth hasn't moved all that much during this , and almost feels bad about it . should he be more versatile ? with louis , here , right in front of him , should he just help himself ?.. it sounds horrible to mull over while still in his head , like right now he was an object he was using incorrectly . but legosi doesn't have any other way to go about it , with a lack of experience . so , with most things , he acts on impulse , and with his newfound relief he's more tempted to give louis what he asked for . his unoccupied hand smooths up his stomach and to his chest , and he feels himself push his pier flat against the table . he stops stroking him , and grabs louis' wrist just as he begun : telling him he just needed it out more than anything else . he positions himself at his entrance , and without even thinking about it eases in . it's a struggle , to say the least . more than he anticipated . what was he missing ? he looks down at louis . 'are you ... ghmm .. alright ?..'
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
there's no question that even louis has doubts , in what he's committing , as if it could be considered a crime . he's left unsure of himself and what he wants , and being uncertain doesn't sit right with him . it pisses him off , not knowing if he can't stand the sight of carnivores and their immeasurable strength and animalistic tendencies , or if he might be in love with one . and yet still , his body seems to act on its own , putting him in this position with the one that angers him more than the rest . he can't think too hard about it , or he could be tempted to put an end to it before things get to regrettable territory . but now , he's flattened onto the desk with a grunt , blinking as legosi stops him from touching him further . inherently , he knows what it means , but still finds himself jerking when he feels his tip prod at his entrance . he steels himself , but it isn't really enough to prepare him for it . his head tips back with a distinct groan , laced with a strained sound . he bites hard into his tongue , gripping so hard at the edges of the desk that his knuckles whiten . ' rrgh .. ! ghh ... aahh ... ' he pants , stifling a shudder the best he can . his brows upturn , ' y .. yes ... f. fuck ... '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
he hadn't brought any feelings into this yet . it was ... very hard to , especially given he'd already mindlessly kissed him . he should probably be happy that it's difficult for him to , but not knowing louis feels similarly throws him off in a couple ways . how she he address him after this , even ? would they be friends anymore ?.. he really wasn't sure . he doesn't even want to think about that with how ... good this all feels . he doesn't want to ruin this for either of them . he leans over more , easily . anyone else probably would have needed to been on their tippy toes to reach louis' chest with their mouth , but legosi could do it just by hunching over like he normally does . his hands find his hips , and he's got him in a firm but gentle hold to feel him flinch and occasionally squirm under him . it fills him with something he hadn't noticed was there , and he moans lowly about it . he forces himself in a little deeper , but he doesn't want to rip him in half . or at least , he needs to restrain himself from it , even if a part of him did want to . louis replies and he feels his heart flutter , and subconsciously one of his palms rests against the back of his . his hand wraps around it gradually , and he lifts it from around the desk the more of himself he inches in , and soon he's locked fingers with him . 'j .. just tell me if i hurt you ,' he mumbles , and once they're hip to hip he pulls back just to thrust back in . he groans , and then continues .(edited)
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
were he and legosi friends at all to begin with ? there was some foolish rivalry between them before , self imposed by the next school idol . he did it without even realizing --- impulsivities seemed to be bared all whenever this large carnivore was involved , whether louis liked it or not . he just innately wanted to be a thorn in his side as much as legosi had been for him , and prove himself stronger to him , or ... perhaps himself . yet he somehow manages to be weak enough to give in to some weird internalized desire for him , right here , right now , with the very man he near deemed an enemy . he strains again , albeit he fights to relax . it's a lot to take in , and the idiot above him didn't even bother to prep him . he really must have been a virgin to be so stupid . at the time , it's awfully difficult to voice that , with him bending down to kiss his chest and push in further . his thighs quake involuntarily far after he's pressed himself flush into him . he's surprised he got through that without just shoving the other way before it got that far , but louis isn't much of a quitter . his hand twitches on the desk . he knows his left dents in his skin from how hard he clutched onto it until this point . but now something larger and warmer is gliding over it , and it startles him . his hand peels off as per legosi's direction , ironically enough , and he ... holds it . louis can't find the words to say about it , nor open his mouth in time to so much as complain , when legosi thrusts into him abruptly enough to force him to grip his hand in return by reflex . ' ghhk ! uuunh ... ! '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
he didn't mean for their relationship to be like this . he thinks , somewhere he wants to be friends , despite the provoking done to him and ways louis always manages to critique him when he's done something wrong . but even so , he has been there for him quite a few times . taking his side without him expecting it , buying him things , reminders of practice dates ... this internal monologue can't last too long with how dizzyingly tight he is around him , and he has to stop himself just to moan and pant . stop himself from slobbering , even . all of this is hidden against louis' chest at least , otherwise he knew if he had the breath he'd be corrected . even in a moment as critical as this ... maybe he liked him for that ? his noises just pile on the pleasure , and while he's pinning him down by his hip he can slam into him freely he's too ... afraid to go harder . maybe that wasn't the right word , but still . he grinds into him a moment before his hips pick up again , a little faster than before . his desk shakes with the force , and he feels light headed . 'ahh .. l - louis ..'
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
whether legosi tries to conceal it or not , louis can feel his hot breath against his skin and the perspiration left behind , and he can tell he's daring to drool on him . it's something typically louis would criticize through a harsh scolding , had this been a normal situation to begin with . instead that criticism takes shape in the way in which louis chooses to yank on legosi's hair , and grip at his shoulder . he can't think like this , and he hasn't decided if that irks him or excites him . he fights the urge to curl in on himself while legosi pushes flush into him and grinds , forcing him to strain , before the movement continues and louis drops back with a groan . he can't even maintain the strength of his hand in legosi's hair after , and instead it just rests in it , tremoring slightly . the desk wobbles beneath their shared weight , mostly the one doing the majority of the activity ; and briefly louis considers it breaking , but can't focus long enough on it to voice that . his pace picks up and louis sees stars , neck muscles going from taught to loose enough to allow his head to lull to the side with a dazed look in his eyes . ' gah .. ahh ! ff ... ll...egos --- rrgh ! '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
eventually his mouth is closed to press his lips against the skin again , still careful to keep all the spit in his mouth . the grip in his hair makes him groan and he squeezes his hand in the meantime , as if he's desperate to show affection , despite most of it being taboo to him . he's in a whirlwind of thoughts despite it all , and he can't stop talking to himself . is he only now seeing louis as attractive , or was it always that way ? he seems to remember swallowing drool over him in the past , but ... with the face he’s a herbivore , that might as well be the explanation . but what is there to explain wanting to follow him around like a lost puppy , or not being able to take his eyes off of him during practice or at a performance trying to man the lights ..? he's known of him for a while , being in the same year as him and all , but it's only his third year of university they've interacted that closely . the way he almost says his name snaps him out of his stupor to realize he's gone a little quicker than he anticipated . harder , even . the hand once in his is cupped loosely around his neck , and he blinks against his skin . there's only one thing on his mind , 'say it ..' he growls , eyes flicking up to him . 's .. say legosi ..'
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
how does he even have the capacity to be lost in thought while he's plowing into him like a wild animal ?? louis can't even keep a straight face , and his body is completely out of his control . something in which would be so in character of him to be frustrated about , he can't even take into account . legosi's hand is squeezing his and he just can't . fight it ? he supposes . no matter how his hand tenses , it just melts into his palm anyway seconds later . that softness seems to dissipate when legosi inexplicably ( in louis's perspective ) roughens up , and louis gasps , and his thighs shake and bounce off his force . ' gghhr --- aah ! hahh ... hhk ! ' his eyes change from shut tightly in a way that seems as though he's constantly bracing for impact , to cracked open in question at legosi's sudden choice of taking his throat in his clutches . louis's inclined to grip the same wrist , and for a second , briefly , he's afraid this session awakened legosi's desire to consume , but ... it's a demand . it's unexpected too , and louis becomes flustered under the pressure . it's either pleasure or pride , but all in all , pleasure prevails . ' le - legos --- ' SNAP . the desk crumples beneath them , and louis topples down with it , slamming abruptly onto his back with a aching grunt . he pants , and the pain of that in addition to legosi's weight piling onto him as him stuffing his elbow between them to shove him off . ' .. shit ! ahh ... '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
his reactions drive him into staring at him again , eyes wide at how every thrust of his hips elicits something different . the fact that this is the first time for all of this has his face cherry red , and his breathing still ragged and uneven . he starts to say his name again and he feels like he might explode , and the desk crumbling under them makes him think he actually did for a second , yelping as he falls on top of him . he doesn't have as much time to catch himself , and apologizes as he peels himself off of him , despite his eyes still set low and a certain growl behind his voice . he shoves him off anyways , and he tumbles back stupidly while still in a daze . of course , the loss of stimuli is just as shocking as the table collapsing , and it leads him to ... well , not care . he stares him down a moment . he looks vulnerable like this , still . bare , spread out for him on the floor ... yeah , he wasn't stopping . legosi doesn't have time to think before his body pounces on top of the smaller , and his hand moves under of his thighs . he pushes up as far as it'll bend and lets it over his shoulder , lifting louis' lower half in the meantime . he dips down just to go wild kissing and sucking over his neck , breathing heavily into it like he might actually take a bite now , but never does . in fact , his fangs never make contact . he plows back into him again , as if he never missed a beat to begin with , and this new angle definitely does the recipient some favors . 'ahh ..! rhhh ..'
cock-hungry dog.04/20/2020
louis is still dizzy from the sex alone , so this abrupt crash into the floor near winding him doubles that even after legosi is thrown off his person . he manages to sit up if only to groan with his forehead in his hand . only then does he realize . this is such a mess . the office is a wreck . and how is he supposed to explain to the staff that the desk is broken ? the stress of it is distracting enough for him to have forgotten about legosi altogether , eyes skimming along the destruction . everything about this interaction is a disaster . and his dick hurts . before he can grab his coat and put an end to this , legosi again does something louis couldn't predict . he lunges at him , and drops him back onto the desk with the sound of his bare skin slapping onto the wood . his instincts send his arm to lodge between himself and legosi's collarbone , but his strength is overbearing and he loses the leverage as soon as the larger hoists his lower half up to simply bend him in half . louis strains in time for legosi's mouth to latch onto his neck , and the ferocity of it is convincing enough that he might just have his jugular torn out any moment now . he struggles by dragging at legosi's hair in an attempt to pry him off , but then he buries himself into him , and all the strength is sapped out of his hands . his core feels like he'll pop , and before he knows it his tenseness falters again , and his head falls back . ' gihh .. --- !! unnnh ! hahh .. ! '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/20/2020
legosi hasn't once taken a look around since all of this started , and he doesn't dare to now , even with louis growing increasingly more and more concerned . he can't seem to read his willingness to leave , given he always feels like louis is close to running away from him but fighting himself from doing so . all in all , this interaction was very hazy for him , and something he can't vocalize is that despite how much thinking he's been doing , he can't justify this at all . it's like his arm isn't even there to begin with , the amount of weight piled onto him with legosi's natural strength too much to ignore . he's close too , evident in his creased brows and even hastier pace than before . his hair being pulled on just adds to the stimuli . as soon as his hand move away he snatches them up instead , both of his wrists fitting in his palm as he moves them above his head . 'mnng ..! a - ah .. louis !..' he sure makes up for louis' interrupted call of his name , mumbling those two syllables against his neck again and again . he reaches between them to stroke louis again while he feels himself edging , hoping to make him cum before he does and has to pull out . he's so limp under him he's careful in making sure a pop of his hips doesn't throw him off of him , straightening out to watch . 'fu -- uh ..!'April 21, 2020
cock-hungry dog.04/21/2020
was louis fighting off the urge to run from legosi , or ... was there something else that louis just hadn't accounted for ? right now , while legosi is growling into his throat and seizing his hands to hold them over his head , and murmuring out his name again and again into his skin , it's becoming clear what all the fighting was really about , bit by bit . it's not the kind of attraction he's accustomed to . he'll admit it explains his hostility and impulsive decision making when it came to this carnivore , and now look at him . since when would he lie down and take their aggression while laying in the rubble of the aftermath ? he hisses as legosi grabs his dick again , that stimulation pushing this far over the edge . his head lulls to the side , and he catches legosi straightening out just to stare , and the glare he makes in return is instinctive but weak at best . he grits his teeth , panting as his stomach muscles tighten , as well as the ones in his thighs . ' ah - ah .. rrgh ! .. ' he toils a moment , to the point his body coils in unison , and he bursts , cumming all over his stomach and chest . he shudders a second and folds back , panting to catch his breath .  ' gah ... ahh .. '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/21/2020
he sniffs him , and it's weird in retrospect . that's not something he can process as anything but normal , anyways . but he does know he wants to remember this smell , to know where he is . protect him . he needed to . he pulls back and kisses him again , on the lips . his tongue pushes in and explores his mouth like he's famished , and by the time he's pulled away louis he's clamping around him , his mouth hangs open again , and he chokes before he can pull out in time for louis to cum first , like he had wanted . he strokes himself maybe one , two more times and releases a lot onto his lower stomach , panting down at the sight of him ... oh god , how would he go out like that ? before he says anything his eyes fill with panic and he straightens out , scrambling on all fours to find a box of tissues that was knocked to the floor . he gently places it in his hand when he returns , brows creased with worry . he grabbed his letterman jacket at the same time , and folds it beside him . 'i .. i think your shirt fell in the spilled coffee ,' he explains , and then takes a good look around them . fuck . 'l .. louis ... what are we going to do ?' he asks with tight lips , teeth gritting . the room was both a product of louis' taunting and legosi's own lack of control , which meant it was there burden to share . before anything else , he stumbles to his unusually weak legs to pull his pants and boxers up again , and fumbles with his belt for a minute before he has the mind to lock the door . 'sh .. should we just .. um .. window ?'
cock-hungry dog.04/21/2020
ugh , why is he smelling him ? and why is louis not shoving him away for that ? this dog is so annoying , he thinks , while legosi connects their mouths in a fervent kiss . so , so , so damn annoying . even so , he finds himself kissing back . he can't resist his body at this point --- it just does whatever it pleases . like legosi , in this moment . he draws out after louis climaxes and louis grunts , flinching as he coats him in his cum as well . he says nothing regardless , just trying to regain his consciousness after their session , and catch his breath . reflexively his hand feels his own stomach , and then he brings the residue to his mouth to taste . it's bitter , but he doesn't mention it . and then , he's sitting up on his elbows while legosi pulls back and begins panicking . meanwhile louis is fixated on the destruction beneath and around him and the taste in his mouth , eyeing the floor and then as legosi mentions it , his coffee stained shirt . he inhales , like he's angry . ' legosi . ' calls his name , like he's angry . looks at him with his head tipped down as he's wiping himself clean with those tissues . ' give me your shirt . ' he says , and then holds out his hand expectantly . ' i can't be seen without one . '  and then his gaze flicks to the window . ' i ... ' he looks reluctant of admitting it . ' i can't stand . '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/21/2020
he ends up staring at him before he can move away , eyes blown wide at the fact he'd even think to taste it . he wants to try , too , internally , pupils bugging out the more he stares but --- no ! he has to restrain himself . the tissues are to stop him , really , once he starts wiping himself down at his own volition . his inhale , and his voice would usually make him flinch . but , after all of this , it's almost like he knows better . he blinks , and then looks around for his jacket to hand him so he can keep his undershirt , slipping it over his head . he stands to open the window , but he stops at louis' confession , turning with a neutral expression . 'oh .' he re - routes , and kneels next to him , turning around . 'you can get on my shoulders . i figured we could leave through the window , and then since you have the key to this room we could clean up tomorrow since it's not a weekday and no one'd be here .' he explains quietly , suddenly hyper aware someone from the crew could have been standing outside the door the entire time .
cock-hungry dog.04/21/2020
louis accepts legosi's jacket but becomes much more aware of her large it is when it's in his hands . he stares at it , bewildered by how it drapes between his arms , and finds himself again swallowing his pride just to slip it on . ' ew . do you not bathe ? it stinks of sweat , ' he comments , sighing . his irritation is evident but not as sharp as it'd normally be , because he's tired or otherwise . he looks up again and legosi has his back to him , and he looks on wide eyed as he makes his suggestion . he looks disinclined , yet with a conscious push adjusts to grab onto the other's shoulders and coil his arms around them . as he's hoisted up , he can't help but feel more girlish in this scenario , which in turn irks him . ' just hurry up . if someone walks in there'll be hell to pay , ' he says , gazing past his neck . ' ... you can ... ' a pause , as it dawns on him . ' it's --- it's two stories down . if you drop me i'll gut you like a fish ! ' he yanks on his ear . ' understand ?? '
ever heard of inflation legosi?04/21/2020
legosi blinks at him . 'sorry .' is all he offers , because there's no other clothing for him to have . he hoists him up onto his back , but quickly realizes he wouldn't be able to grab onto anything with louis' legs in his hands . so , without asking he hoists him up to his shoulders , where he still feels as light as a feather . he also , inherently doesn't see the problem in any of this . 'we could just say we fought ,' he suggests while he walks him to the window . thankfully , it's very tall and arched , and legosi easily opens it from the bottom up . he kind of zones out while thinking of an escape route , and he's only brought back at louis tugging on his ear . he yelps , 'ah ! alright , alright !.' he doesn't know what he's agreeing to but he's going . he doesn't hesitate in swinging his legs out the window recklessly , and basically lets go to grip onto the next windowsill down . he feels louis wobble and moves to hold his thigh with an iron grip , and what looks like another story down is a safe drop to legosi . he holds onto the sill with one hand to sustain himself . 'louis , is there anyone under me ?'
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w2beastars · 4 years
Bill the poser
Bill is an interesting character.
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He is too likable to be unliked, but he is too unlikable to be liked.
Bill is a big tiger who is in the drama club. He is always cheerful and outward, practically the opposite of Legosi.
But unlike Legosi who barely talks about himself, or at least not in a positive way... Bill is ALL talk. A poser carnivore so to say.
Despite his cheerfulness, Bill is extremely nervous and desperate after acknowledgement. Two personality traits that clashes since when he actually GETS attention by becoming Louis’ replacement in the play, he is so close to a nervous breakdown that he resorts to drinking rabbit-blood to boost himself.
His defining moment as both a poser and sucker for acknowledgement is when Bill and his friends accidentally goes to the Back-Ally Marked. When an old animal offer them the chance to buy one of his fingers, Bill immediately says yes and includes the others in the purchase without asking them first, even makes a speech about them becoming adults and that they need to eat meat to be functioning parts of society.
Here is the thing... Why didn’t Bill just buy and eat the finger alone?
Because he needs the others to be with him so he doesn’t feel bad about it. He attempts to get their approval by making himself look like a leader-type. He did not want his first time eating meat to be something he did alone.
Bill does everything to boost his apparently very small ego. Even share failed sex stories like these:
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Bill is probably worried that this unknown female might be right about him, but he tells the story to make himself sound like the victim here. But he also does it in a way so that he sounds like a alpha-male who has sex with females so hard that it makes them uncomfortable. And to be sure he looks better than someone else in comparison, he casually calls Legosi a virgin.
The problem here might be that Bill is a tiger. He was born as a big and powerful animal, and he is proud of that. But that also means that he acts in a way he feels like he has to in order to live up to his species. That makes him a prick.
It’s sad since Bill is actually an okay guy when he stops playing “tiger”. He is honestly very compassionate and he is the first to react when one of his herbivore friends gets hurt or are scared and can take charge of a chaotic situation with a surprisingly cool head. He is a nature-born leader when he is not obsessed with his king of the jungle bullshit or trying to win appeal.
So it is honestly no surprise that he becomes the passionate leader of the drama club when it needs such a leader the most. With both Legosi and Louis gone, the guys who are normally the heroes to his villain act so to say, Bill man the hell up and will do anything to keep life in the club as well as being as good a friend he can to smaller animals he holds dear.
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Bill is normally grinning like a moron and acts kinda smug. But someone implying that he would eat one of his friends pisses him off so much that he actually loses his pretentious cool and threatens to kill one of the basketball jerks.
Bottom-line: Bill is a good guy. He is just trying too hard to be an asshole.
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