#love love love how it was daniel who was the swooning damsel and it was sam who was the big brave warrior
fighting-naturalist · 6 months
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Sam and Daniel always like ( ˘ ᵕ˘(˘ᵕ ˘ )
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marigoldvance · 4 years
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   The Mummy AU
imagine: 3000 years ago, a woman fell in love with a man. Equally besotted, the man did all he could to please the woman. Though their desires were accepted, their love was forbidden. For he was pharaoh and his life had already been promised to another. Still, the man did not relinquish the woman, even after his wedding night, and would instead seek her out in secret whenever his days would allow.
One evening, the woman announced that she was with child. Her mother, the woman said - a seer and wisewoman at the temple of Osiris - foresaw that she would bear them a son.
Both were happy and so rejoiced.
Many suns and moons later, a servant to the The Great Royal Wife discovered the boy’s existence. When she was delivered the news, the queen entered a jealous rage for she, despite all efforts, had thus far been unable to bear her husband a child. The queen plotted to kill the boy and, once successful, ordered her husband’s mistress arrested and punished for a blasphemy the woman didn’t commit. 
She was taken to Hamunaptra - the City of the Dead - and given the punishment of Hom-Dai (a curse so potent, so horrible, that it had never before been used). The slaves who performed the task were slain and the soldiers who slaughtered them were killed so that no unholy person remained who knew the whereabouts of the burial site. 
And so there the woman was lost beneath the sand for all time. 
Until now ...
Fíli = Rick O’Connell because DUH Kíli = Evy Carnahan (just ... more muscular and Kee-like; not anything close to demure) OMC/Tíli = Jonathan Carnahan Alfrid = Beni Gabor as they’re both slimy little rats and, frankly, no one else would do! Bard = Ardeth Bay; all mysterious, shaggy appearances; harboring a love of roaming the land and offering protection.  The Master of Lake-town = Gad Hassan aka The Warden Gandalf = Dr. Terrance Bey aka The Curator  Balin = Dr. Allen Chamberlain  Dori, Nori & Ori = The Americans (Henderson, Daniels, Burns)
i still need to figure out a Mummy and a Winston 😆 i’m open to suggestions!
true fact: as it was with The Mummy movies, i am going to have to strip ancient Egyptian history of its dignity and fabricate so much ish in order for this to work 🤣 but i can’t unsee this juicy Mummy broad practically crowding Kíli into a corner, going heart-eyed and less vengeful because he most-likely-probably-needs-to resemble her ex Pharaoh lover. and Fíli, being our gunslinging hero just shoves a kitty in her face (like, gets right. up. in. there) and then it’s Kee’s turn to go heart-eyed and puddle-kneed and swoon. but in a very manly way because, let’s face it, Kee ain’t no damsel in distress 😎
and how would i explain why Fíli, Kíli and Tíli’s names sound practically identical!? i wouldn’t. totally not even bother acknowledging it. ignorance is bliss. 
belated WinterFRE2020 prompt #160
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