#magict he gathering
vcreatures · 8 months
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The cockatrice can be found in a wide range of habitats, from temperate forests to grassy planes. These raptors are apex predators though pose little threat to humans. 
Despite the surrounding myth, the cockatrice does not collect toads in order to hatch it’s eggs but as protection. Once the female has completed building her nest mound, which is a collection of dirt and surrounding debris, she will dig a hole and lay her clutch of eggs. Once laid, she will abandon the brood, leaving the male to finish the task. 
From there, the cockatrice male will begin harding toads. (Venomous snakes have also been spotted in nests as well.) Careful not to kill them, the cockatrice will aggravate, shake violently and bite at the toads in oder to get the toad to secret it’s bufotoxins. Once released, the cockatrice will smear the toxins onto the eggs as best as possible and toss the toad into the nest. For the toads who manage to burrow out from the nest mound, they will do so with their lives. Those unable, will be the baby chicks first meal. Once sealed the male will abandon the brood just the female. Chicks are able to fend for themselves upon hatching. 
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