#maplestory glory
mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
Snowflakes and Sunsets
A Maplestory secret santa gift for @tareloin ! I hope you enjoy it!!
Adele returns to Ristonia for a day off.
Adele found herself walking the increasingly familiar streets of Ristonia again, cold wind making her shiver. She had been getting stronger as of late in order to fulfill her new role in life. She still felt weaker than she had before being locked up, but it was all slowly coming back to her. 
She hadn’t been paying attention when she ran into someone just outside the city. She began to apologize before looking up and seeing a familiar face looking back at her. He was smiling brightly, as if he had been looking for Adele. Maybe he had. 
The boy took Adele by the wrist and ran back to their treehouse hideout, which had more people walking around it than the last time she was there. He was excitedly talking about what they had to catch up on and what she had missed out on since she had been gone and asking her about her adventures. She smiled softly and replied with interest, summoning a single aether sword and moving it around them in the crowded space of the treehouse, illuminating the various books and maps scattered around. 
Jerome, the boy who had pulled her out of the void some time ago, was in awe at her command of the ethereal weapon and clapped when it finally blinked out of existence. I’m so glad my knight has been getting stronger, he said looking into her eyes. I’m happy to be of use to you, my lord, she responded. Despite the formal titles they used, their relationship was very casual. After Adele had begun to regain her memories and opened up with Jerome a bit, they had spent countless nights talking and discussing her memories, his past, and their plans for the future. 
It was those nights where she realized that there was nobody she’d rather serve than Jerome. He was kind and intelligent and while she worried he might get taken advantage of by people with bad intentions, he had a good head on his shoulders and always listened to her when she had a bad feeling about someone or something. He knew when to take risks and when to stay back, and despite all the trust she had in him, she still worried about their coup-in-planning while she was away. They were starting to finalize plans for Jerome to take back the throne and regain control of Ristonia and restore it to its former glory, a plan that would take many years once the ball was rolling, and Adele’s only job for now was to get stronger. 
But for now, she was back to check in on her charge and take a short break from training to catch up with her friends. It felt…strange for her to use that word to describe anyone. She hadn’t been treated well by her “friends” in the past, especially after they betrayed her when she couldn’t keep going with their new Godking’s rule. Jerome and the others were warm to her, though, and she felt as if she could truly speak her mind and express her desires to them and they would listen. 
Adele was brought back to the present by Jerome asking another question. Have you ever seen snow, he asked, looking behind her. Snow, the word was unfamiliar on her tongue. No, she replied and just as quickly, Jerome ushered her to stand up and go outside. There were small flakes of white falling gently from the sky, Brook and Laddie were catching some of them on their tongues. Adele held out a hand to catch some, but they melted as soon as they touched her skin. For some reason, she felt disappointed that she couldn’t get a good look at the little flakes before they disappeared. She also realized that she had seen snow before on her travels, though something about seeing it in her new home, the orange sky illuminating her friends as they took a much needed break by running around catching snowflakes made her feel warm inside despite the chilly breeze that continued to blow around them. She had nowhere else she’d rather be. 
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lele37 · 4 years
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Grandis main planet kinda looks like Neopia ngl
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fujiwaranomokou2 · 5 years
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Look out everyone. There’s an newcomer. Its name is Ho Young. Brace yourselves for Ho Young.
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bimbows-xp · 4 years
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hoshinokamiya · 4 years
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MapleStory’s new damage skins from Glory Shop
From top to bottom:
- Ash Damage Skin (normal & crit hit)
- Celestial Damage Skin (normal & crit hit)
- Dawn Damage Skin (normal & crit hit)
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officialmapleart · 5 years
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MapleStory GLORY Chosen One Cutscene + Misc Illustrations
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nanintell · 5 years
[MapleStory] 'The Day After' First Story Video
I totally fangirl-screamed at every cutscene. Holy crap.
I can’t wait for novas’ and illium’s ,man.
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freunwol · 5 years
the title of the next kms summer update, apparently
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arks-kin-creations · 3 years
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I recently started selfshipping with another Maplestory character a couple of days ago.
I wonder if you can guess who it is. Asks are open for anons as well.
I’ll give 3 hints: they are an NPC, they are not an antagonist, and check the Glory, Rise, Awake, and Neo updates, because the character was added to the game in one of those.
I will tag all guesses with “selfship guess” so people who don’t want to see the game can filter it out. The game will end when someone guesses right.
-Mod Ark (Ark Shift)
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ni-ien · 4 years
a, b, k , and o for maple :)
YEAAG TARO!! thanks for sending one in >:’D
(long post so I’m putting it under the cut! subtle maplestory spoilers kind of ??)
a) ships that you currently like a lot ( friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc.)
I love thinking about what the FS cygnus knights gang would be up to ,,, I want to know if they study together or keep each other up at night or strangle each other half to death during finals week. FS plays dirty because the prospect of fostering relationships in the academic warzone that is school is something that vehemently caters to my taste :,,,) I don’t get into romantic ships v often but fs mihile and eckhart have something going on change my mind
korean twitter has also revived my lucid merc feels though :,,( esp that one mercedes dialogue for the glory event (?)
and recently ,,, aran lilin as well 👀👀 I wonder who’s fault that is :)
b) a pairing that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
hawknein this is also your fault (:
GBHDFNDFN HONESTLY THOUGH they do be kinda cute 👀   any ship that inconveniences neinheart is a good ship and hawknein is quite good at that <3 it’s very indulgent ,,, and I have no impulse control :-)
k) what character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
cygnus!! nexon put a lot of love into her development and it shows! I’m glad she retains some of her subtle youthful aspects no matter how much she matures .. I think it’s an adequate tribute to her history and upbringing
that being said I wish they divulged more into how she matures because iirc it just kind of happens ? as u play ?? but maplestory is a very broad rpg in respect to other games that have lore and it’s main component is leveling so it’s kinda hard to have elaborate story lines for character development :-(
o) Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I cheated a little and picked the song I happened to be listening to when I finally decided to answer this question >:) It’s called Tokyo Ghetto by E ve!
this song kinda gives me Eun wol vibes but maybe a very cynical take on the mental impact of his relationship with Freud ,,,, I’m pretty sure the song is actually about a destructive relationship or smth but I’m sure u could argue that waking up in a time w/o Freud made the existence of their friendship the equivalent to destructive </3
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gountro · 6 years
Thanks for your contribution to maplestory, although it's a true tragedy that we can't see the COCK hat in it's true glory.
It will live on through art.
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rosengoddess · 6 years
Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better.
Theoretically I wasn't tagged by anyone but I did read @kurapls own answers so technically I may or may not have to do this but it seemed so fun hence...
1) Name: Sabrina
2) Nicknames: Brina, Brin, brine, brizai, bri bri, brie, subway, submarine... among MANY others
3) Height: 159 centimetre
4) Orientation: I like guys, I like girls. I like both. I will literally have a crush on anyone who's nice to me. no joke.
5) Nationality: S I N G A P O R E A N
6) Favorite Fruit: Apples, ironically. BUT only because I like the crunch it makes when I take a bite.
7) Favorite Season: Spring or Autumn, the scenery is breath-taking and I can't choose
8) Favorite Flower: Morning Glories ( or Peony or carnations )
9) Favorite Scent: Jasmine ( just a little ) or maybe Lavender or Osmatnhus... in conclusion, floral. to an extent.
10) Favorite Color: Pastel hues with gradients; from bring pink to dark blue
11) Favorite Animal: Rabbits 💕
12) Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Green tea... or hot chocolate...
13) Average Sleep Hours: depends on the day. on weekends, I sleep around 5-6 hours, weekdays would be 7 hours maximum.
14) Dog or Cat Person: I love cats as much as I love dogs, they are all too lovable!
15) Favorite Fictional Characters: there's too many to name but I'll give the top 5 - Kanda ( DGM ), Todoroki ( BNHA ), dead Dazai ( BSD ), Xerxes Break ( PH ), Phantom ( MAPLESTORY )
16) Number of Blankets I Sleep With: One
17) Dream Trip: Any trip with historical value and beautiful sceneries and shops. for example, a trip to see the battles where the shinsengumi fought or a trip down a pleasant mountain path surrounded by trees or-
18) Blog Created: July 2015
19) Number of Followers : *glances around the empty room* ...
20) Random Fact: I'm fluent in Chinese and would sometimes write poems in Chinese ( and sometimes English ).
I don't know who has and hasn't done this yet but I hope to see @catsbythegreat , @onikushita , @likeshining and @miettewithice do this. it's not optional though! have fun!
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lele37 · 4 years
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*happy sobbing noises*
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technologicdreams · 7 years
Baku Hosted His Latest Gig In My Dream Last Night
While Baku’s had one or two “cameo appearances” in a couple of dreams I’ve had before, this dream featured his most prominent appearance yet.
The dream started out normally enough, with me playing MapleStory on the computer, and seeing things happen that don’t actually happen in the real game; pretty normal for a videogame-related dream. But at some point, I ended up on Discord trying to RP with you- try being the key word here, because there were so many other people in the chatroom that I could barely finish reading a few messages before more popped up. I could hardly get a word in edgewise.
The RP was, of course, that Baku was about to throw his next rave, and I was trying to sneak my way in through the crowd to see what all the fuss was about… but with so many other RP'ers to contend with, plus the fact that you kept switching chatrooms and periodically going offline, I found it to be quite a hassle. But eventually, the rave managed to start, and then…
…I looked up, towards the basement door. Except I wasn’t in my house anymore; the table, the computer, and I were outside in some garden, as was the basement door. I got up from my seat, approached the door, and went inside…
…I heard music, electronic dance music, coming from inside. I don’t even remember whether the stairs went up or down anymore, but boy, oh boy doI remember what I saw once I reached the top/bottom…
There he was, the dream-invading DJ himself, in all his glory. Standing- or dancing, rather, at his turntable, before a massive crowd of fans… In 3D!!
I cannot stress how surreal it was to see Baku in 3D. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen any videos made with Garry’s Mod or Source Filmmaker, but it looked as though someone had made a 3D model of Baku and animated him in Source Filmmaker. He and his fans were raving in my basement, and all I could do was stare, in utter bewilderment.
Then, Baku did a STAGE DIVE right into the crowd, and my perspective changed to view him from overhead, as he turned himself over and reclined on the hands of the fans carrying him, with his arms behind his head as if he were laying on a beach chair. He looked up at me with that signature grin of his, and winked.
Then I was back at my computer again, with Baku’s smug grin on my screen and the replay option over it. Apparently the whole thing was a YouTube video I had just watched…? O_o
I… I… what?!
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
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MapleStory new Anima thief class Hoyoung Arrives MapleStory, welcomes the new Anima thief class, Hoyoung. But that’s just the beginning. On December 18, the second part of the update titled Glory: Savior of Hope continues the story of Maple World after the defeat of the infamous Black Mage.
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oldgamerschannel · 5 years
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MapleStory, the iconic free-to-play global MMORPG from Nexon, is celebrating the defeat of the Black Mage with its latest game update, Glory: Strengthened Alliances. #MapleStory #free-to-play #MMORPG #Nexon #videogame #mobilegame #mobilerpg
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