#marly yapz!!
scrunkalicious · 3 months
yappost,,, just call me yappalicious now 😻😻🤭,, kinda a sequel to this post kinda,,, a collectiom of info and hcz, separated by a bit of space depending on whatz related or whatnot,,,
taglist ppl im sacrificing yall 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Yall know those "your F/O dancing with you" kinda stuff??? Yeah ok that but backwardz I am dancing with my f/oz like errm
Marly knowz swing dance,,, itz hella fun, and Viktor is kinda insecure abt dancing bc of his leg, limp and cane,, but he rlly wantz to hold n stuff, in the end it takez a lot of prodding from Marly but oh when she finally getz him to dance with her itz sohhnggghbn v gentle and intamate, slow careful steps with Marly not minding if he accidentally gripz her too tightly,, and she givez him the most blessed praise from her afterwardz
tho,, as the yearz pass (more around the part of the show after the timeskip,, act 2 or whatever), it getz increasingly harder for vik to dance as much/easily as he used to,,, it was a bit of a challenge even at the start, but now with him needing a crutch instead of a cane, and with his leg brace and increasing painz,, erm,,, it makez him sad bc he knowz how much fun Marly has with dance but she is assuring him that itz ok,,,,,,, oh man I’m gonna hhhgnbbtgtty (sorry had to get silly for a bit he is dying, bro dropz the line “We’re in uncharted waters now, and I can feel my body eroding” IM GONNA EXPLODE AND SOB ANDAND)
DW IM NOT GONNA END THIS ONE ON A SAD NOTE,,, every now and then they'll do the 'move' "basic" (I couldn't find a video but itz literally actually basic,,, like a default stance lmao,,, just moving legs one kinda small step with armz idk how 2 explain but rlly simple n easy),, which allowz for them to still kinda dance,, and the light movement helpz Vitkor's leg YEA yippee
PDA? No problem!!!!! Showing affect for one another in public is not a problem LMAO,,, there was most DEFINITELY a moment where someone was telling Marly stuff like "you can be with someone better and not someone from the Undercity" n shez all like "OH you don't like my boyfriend??? What if I kissed him on the mouth. In front of you." AND SHE DOES LMAO 🤯
it took viktor a while to ease into the idea of public affection but once he was comfortable with it bro is unstoppable,,,,
professional relationship???? yea ermm theyre kissing in public professionally
yea they are holding handz in public someone stop them (or get the camera)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usually outgoing, extroverted, estatic Marly who seems to have way too much energy in public is ever so passive and gentle when in private with Viktor
She handles Viktor very gently, with the most softest of touches and utmost consideration for his body, something that seems like she may not be capable of, with how loudly she presentz herself, she seemz like she may be a rough/rowdy lover, but she is quite the opposite in most situations
The two are very very attentive to one another’s needs. Does Viktor usually need a pillow to prop up his bad leg when cuddling? Expect Marly to pull up with her nicest softest pillowz ever,,, sometimez even onez that she usez personally herself!! Oh, Marly isn’t one to fall asleep easily? Expect to find Viktor laying with her for however long it takez, stroking her hair, pressing soft kisses to her face and whispering sweet nothings to her.
bleehhh Viktor is the little spoon LMAO somehow it still workz despite the height difference,, Marly is holding him so gently,,,
Marly def layz on the couch with Viktor and pullz him over to her,,,, laying his head on her chest while shez snug under him,, he mayyy press a kiss to her neck if hez feeling extra silly,,
ooohhh they love love to kiss eachotherz molez,,, vik has the obvious two on his face, and he actually has one on his neck (found this after analyzing many picz of him),, Marly actually has some, too! She has one on her neck in a similar place as Viktor’s,, and one near her chest area (? Idk anatomy bruh),,, def expanding on this one later bc of reasonz erm,,
Marly WILL beat yo ass if you shit on Viktor for his disability,,
Whether it be babying him and treating him as if he can't do certain thingz,,, or just making fun of him,, she will send you to the MEATGRINDER.
"Sure, he's disabled, but never hindered,"
Lil 5'1/5'2 Marly gon fight you
She knowz how hard he has worked to be where he is now,,,, literally worked his ass off to be at the Academy and SUSTAINED his position. So for him to do all this and then be limited by someone bc they think he can't do certain thingz?? Not on her watch she is sprinting at them full speed to kill them 🧍🏻‍♀️
adding a teensy thing,,, Marly usually doesn’t get too mad easily,, but god forbid she becomez actually mad,,, she doesn’t hold back on wordz so expect to have her hit where insecuritiez lie,, maybe even getting physically violent depending on the situation
they are sooooo supportive of one another they are each other’s cheerleader ong
when Viktor had bad pain dayz, Marly is calling the both of them out of school/work,, spoiling and pampering him a whole bunch yeaagg,,,
Ough and god forbid the days where he feels insecure about his condition,,, when he believes that Marly should be with someone who isn’t “weak” like him,,,,
hes pretty stubborn abt that opinion when ir crosses his mind,,
but expect Marly to show him that she loves HIM. she wouldn’t choose anyone else over her silly scientist,,,
firm but kind words of affirmation from her,,,, the most loving touchez ever,, many kissez for him,,,
when he finally getz what she is saying,, omg itz like falling in love all over again bc wow,,,,
ooohh when marly actually openz up fr and allowz for thingz to be so that she doesn't have to be the only one to carry the burden of her problems?? thatz like viktorz most greatest accomplishment that he achieved ngl
Without her glasses Marly is practically blind,,, everything is all blurry n fuzzy outhghggvhelpme
She can become pretty panicky when she needs to take them off for thingz other than sleep, changing clothes, showering ECT,,, and heavily weary of everything around her when without her spectaclez,,,
But!!! She trustz Viktor enough to have them off,,, bc cuddling with glasses on is uncomfortable and getz the lensez all dirty or whatever,,
She'll have her glasses laid down on a nearby table as they're both on the couch or a bed,,, even though she can't see well she trustz that nothing bad is going to happen,,,
The first few timez she did this she was still pretty anxious,,, but soft wordz and assurance from vik helped with that,,,
they’re both so into giving praise and wordz of affirmation to one another,,,,
thatz the consequencez of paring an observative scientist who WILL spit factz about his partner, and an artist who sees the good in people and admires beauty in everything,,,,,
they both have an incredibly sharp wit and tongue,, though words often come easier to Marly,,
Sometimez one of them will get all blushy and stumble over their wordz during back-n-fourth quipping and they'll both laugh it off,,,
OH they also do petnamez a ton,,,, Marly often callz him “Darling”, “Baby”, “Sweet Boy” and like anything else that gal can think of,,, Viktor callz her “[my] dear”, “sweetheart”, “mahal ko” (translates to ‘my love’ in Tagalog), “My Marly” ectect
YEAH HE LEARNED SOME TAGALOG FOR MARKY N JUMPSCARED HER WITH IT!!, marly kissed him breathless after that just so you know
Marly toleratez Jayce, taking more of a liking to him when they first met
but when that mf got into politicz and started straining his friendship with vik,,, uhoh errmm this does NOT slide with Marly,,
though there are some momentz where he held her respect (UH SOME ARCANE SPOILERZ IN THE NEXT FEW BULLET POINTZ N SLIGHT TW WARNIN IG)
when Viktor legit just passez out in the lab,, when Marly found him, she called Jayce to help get him to the hospital, and he helped no questions asked,,,
and when uh. when vik was literally about to jump from a building and jayce distracted him. uh yeah Marly actually can’t thank him enough for that,,, Jayce found a small gift drawing from her later that week bc HOLAY MOLAY ERM if blud wasnt there then uhhhhh
and also the fact that he just isn’t mean to vik lmao,, Marly knowz that the two are pretty close and she respectz that
Bruh sometimez they are kindaaa clingy you don't understand bro physical touch is their love language ever
sometimez when Viktor is working in the lab and is like stuck on smth or will be there for a while,,, he'll have marly sit on the ground next to his chair so he can play with her hair or like pet her head while thinking idk man teehee
Or like,, if vik findz Marly on the couch he'll just go and lay on her lap,, claiming that it "helps with body aches"
Ngl they will sleep practically almost anywhere as long as they're with one another,,, hey the lab isn't the best place to go honk mimimimimi honk shoooooo but at least Marly is with Viktor and Viktor is with Marly yk??? Limbs intertwined,, marly holding viktor close with his head against her neck/chest
comfort food?
For Marly, either Filipino Adobo, Filipino style spaghetti, or sweetz,,
For Viktor, sweet milk paired with either cookies or a muffin,,,, yeah
what does one do when the other cries/is upset?
Viktor will listen very intently to whatever Marly has to say, and will usually also result to physical comfort, just holding her close. Takes her to a more comfortable place. If the cause of her being upset is a person, expect him to confront said individual soon,,, will spend a ton of time checking on her and making sure she getz better
Marly is quick to provide comforting words, and also provides physical touch, pressing soft kisses to his face as she whispers sweet nothings to him. She’s actually quite worrisome, and almost panicky, but will do all she can to make sure that her lover feels alright
what yankee candle would marly and/or vik be?
idk stuff abt yankee candlez specifically so I’ll just give you scentz 🧍🏻‍♀️
Marly's would have a fruity fragrance,, watermelon mixed with some other things, surprisingly light, as to not give the buyer a headache lmao Viktor’s is a 50/50. The candle may smell like caramel and chocolate,,, or metal and light chemicals bc bro is silly like that
THE TAGLIOST. MY CAPTIVEZ. THE SACRIFICEZ. {{ask to be added/removed lmao}}
@h0t-p1nk-ch33tah-pr1nt @sapphicseal @kiawren annndd liz but i already tagged u with the questionz so yuh
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scrunkalicious · 4 months
I was like zaymn I should prolly share some shiz
First time sharing this much,, pleab b nice 2 me,,, 🥺
The two met before the time that the Arcane show started,,
Marly is an art student at Piltover’s Academy, but also specializes in History, Writing, and Genetics (SCIENCE MENTION?? 🤯🧬🧪)
Originally met Viktor via having to show him around the school when he walked in and became Heimerdinger’s assistant enrolled,, a friendly tour guide pretty much!!
With Marly being easygoing as well as easy to talk to, the two got along quickly
She’s fast to accommodate for others without saying anything. Keeping a nice walking pace for Viktor, avoiding crowded areas, never making any rude comments and being open minded (to which was heavily appreciated by Viktor)
Offered for him to have lunch in the school library with her, so he wouldn’t be lonely
Blud took the offer up, and they had a great time getting to know each other better!!
As time passed they grew closer omgg
Marly could now also be considered somewhat of a scientist, due to spending so much time with Viktor,, bro made her more of a nerd
But she’s still mainly an artist!! She would often draw him and even gift him drawings (Viktor has a lil drawer filled with things from her)
Marly doesn’t care that he’s from the Undercity, and doesn’t mind him limp. She’s very mindful of the latter, and does her best to help him out.
Fun fact she helped design his cane,, when he first arrived he still had some heavy duty sticks he tied together, but soon enough Marly helped get him a new one, practically hand made by her and some friends
Marly is VERY persistent when it came to defending Viktor when other students were unkind to him (she WILL beat their ass and WILL use her words no mercy)
Marly definitely went, dressed in a brightly colored dress, ready to party
She spotted Viktor in the corner and went to go over and talk to him
With enough convincing,, they danced together, with Marly being extremely mindful of his leg and all that,,, very happy close intimacy wooaaahhh, then they got juice bc they don’t drink LMAO,,, ooohhh that dance brought them much closer together HOLAY MOLAY
Erm Heimerdinger is catching onto smth,,, encourages Viktor to make a move lmao
SO HE DOES WHHAAAATTT (she said yea)
TONZ of physical affection,,, cuddlez for DAYZ (Marly is big spoon jsyk v important info mhm)
Oohhhh they are so in love
Old fashioned datez, quality time,,,, picnicz n librariez ouuugghgg
Sleeping in each other’s arms after a long work day AARGH
okok im done yapping my bad y’all 🤗🤗
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scrunkalicious · 3 months
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I'm Marly/Scrunkly/K-9!!
♦️ My pronouns She/Her, I'm a Filipino artist, selfshipper, writer, musician, and more!! I'm Proud Pinoy Pansexual,, hello world!! I often use capital letterz a lot so errmm beware,,,,,
♦️ My interests and fandoms are as follows: BATIM, MCSM, Lackadaisy, Arcane, KATAOW, Carmen Sandiego, uhh prolly more just ask, art, music (I play the cello + ukulele!!), speech and debate, studying the mutualz under a microscope in the lab,,, and loving viktor from arcane
♦️ I EMBRACE THE CRINGE. I'm a selfshipper!! My full F/O list can be found here!! My main F/Os are Viktor (Arcane) & Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy), and I'm not comfortable sharing those two guyz!!
♦️ wuuhhh im the CEO of Martor (Marly x Viktor) and Marloray (Marly Divata x Mordecai Heller) im a business woman ong
♦️ PLEABSEE DNI IF: Pro.shipper, pe.do, homophobic/transphobic, racist, MD.NI/NS.FW blogz, just basic DNI n weird shit,,, op is queer and a poc!!
♦️ Here are some other blogz I have!! @viktors-filipina-girlfriend (RB gamez n general selfship related thingz [follow MAIN blog for actual content]) @unscrunkalicious (random stuff n whatnot) @marly-mahal-ko (RP blog), @marloray (writing blog) n sume more idk
#martly🧍🏻‍♀️ (Art Tag)
#marly yapz!! (me when I yap a lot,,,)
#marly writez (all my writing stuff)
#💜martor💜 (anything relating to ur fave silly scholarz)
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(userbox and blinkie by LUCY. when I catch you bruh)
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below cut is art gallery from me n otherz,,,, check out everyone mentioned or else i send you to the MEATGRINDER.
Art gallery 🤯,, my art is at the bottom lmao
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LEFT ART BY h0t-p1nk-ch33tah-pr1nt,,, RIGHT BY sapphicseal,,,, LUCY N KAT WHEN I GET YALL,,,,,,,
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ART BY dreambird on ToyHouse,,,,,,nwoaoahah
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ABOVE ART BY l0v3sickl0s3r,,, LIZ,,,,, BRO.
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