#meanwhile arthur is like 'kay can you please just tell them all that you know who he is because i cannot take this farce much longer'
mortiscausa · 1 month
i can't stop thinking how funny it would be if gareth's brothers did in fact recognise him and were just like 'well clearly he has his reasons so let's all be good big bros and pretend we don't know him' and then spend the next few weeks before he goes off on his quest pretending extremely badly that they have never ever met this kitchen boy before nope not at all even while other knights are looking at them and looking at gareth and going 'hmmm'
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wavesofinkdrops · 7 years
Hellfire - part  I
Warnings: IMPORTANT POINT: READ THE AUTHOR’S NOTE RIGHT BELOW, it explains a bit of what is going on. Warnings for this fic (posted in five parts) are heavy: contains WWII, atomic weapons, graphic violence, dark themes, dark!America, dark!Russia, dark!China, torture, implied torture, murder, dystopic themes.... this is the 1984 AU, after all. Also it does skip from one time and place to another, because there’s like... decades to get through. This isn’t even half of the complete story.
A/N: The important point I have is that this is a prequel to the two previous installments in this series (1 and 2). This is based on extensive historical and literary research into Orwell’s book (Goldstein’s, more specifically). I will put all the notes into a different post once all the parts have been posted to explain any confusion that might have remained. Two people I have to thank for this are @stirringwind, whose 1984 AU comments (especially about how American government and society would have changed during those times - something I develop on in later parts; sorry if tagging bothers you, just wanted to bring this point to light!) helped me build the universe in a way that makes sense, and @freedomeagles whose art and ideas are just awesome (the bit about Taiwan is all because of her and just a bunch of other ideas...) So without the two of them, this wouldn’t be half as good as it might be! I’ll link all the parts to each other, and once everything is posted, the final “notes and analysis post” will also be linked to this. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me (here or @an-old-telephone! Enjoy!
Next Part
JULY 1941 - WASHINGTON D.C., USA "Alfred, I-" Arthur cringes, and Alfred sees the awkward way in which he shifts, clearly uncomfortable with the situation he is in. He stands in front of Alfred, a rather old suit hanging on his thin frame, his health clearly affected by the war - the war that had begun less than a year before. But the Germans' strategy was very aggressive and taking a hard toll on the British. His face was ashen and his eyes shadowed by dark rings. Meanwhile, Alfred was lounging at his desk, his feet propped up comfortably on the desk, twirling a fountain pen in his hand. The document he had been reading through was laying forgotten on the desk, right under where his feet were.
"Arthur? Hello, Earth to Arthur, you still there?" "Yes, yes, I am here, I am merely trying to say... something... which, well, isn't easy for me to say," Arthur coughs out, his eyes flitting about the office. "Okay...?" There's another silence, when Arthur looks like he's about to say something, but thinks otherwise. "Arthur?" "Yes, fine! You know very well of the situation Europe is in," Arthur states with whatever scraps of pride he has left. He still manages to lace his voice with feigned disinterest. "Yeah, I am." Alfred finds this kind of funny almost, the way Arthur was trying put the dirt back into the grave Ludwig was digging for him, without Alfred's help when Alfred was sitting there with all the money in the world in his hands. "Well, you've also heard about the... attack Britain faces." His voice and posture are stiff, tense, and Alfred's just trying to see every single opportunity this chance gives him. And they're all looking pretty appealing. "Yeah," he states nonchalantly - not his war, not his business, not his country, not his men. That was his people's opinion. For now. "And the British government was merely wondering if there was any way we could expect aid from our allies," Arthur continues, and falls silent. He shifts on his feet. Alfred waits for another minute, seeing whether or not Arthur would say anything more. He doesn't. "Dude, that was terrible." Alfred almost laughs at the offended look Arthur tries not to give him. "If you're asking for help, you're gonna have to actually ask. I'm not psychic, I don't know what you want." "Lord, you are making this far too painful for me and enjoying it, aren't you?" Alfred frowns. "No, I'm just doing things the proper way." My way. "Fine. I am here to ask if you would assist Britain in her campaign against Germany." Alfred looks at Arthur with an expectant look, but nothing comes. "Well, if that's the best you can do... I guess we can send some weapons or food or something," he says with a shrug, and then takes his feet off the desk. He plasters a smile on his face and picks up a pen, ready to go back to reading his documents. "If that's all, have a nice day and have a nice war, I'll tell-" "Alfred, I'm asking for help, please, how clear can I make this?" Arthur's frustration bubbles up. "Well, there we go, you need help, but you haven't told me what kinda help. You gotta be specific, how should I know what you mean?" "God, I don't know, Britain needs your help! I - Alfred, please, I need your help, the Germans are bombing London, who knows if there'll be anything left tomorrow morning? You're a powerful country, your economy has recovered at flash speed, I am helpless - Europe is helpless, Francis, Lars, Emma, they're all - Ludwig is far too good at this, I'm afraid if we wait any longer there will be no Britain to speak of!" Alfred is silent for a minute. "Damn, you really need my help." Arthur manages not to roll his eyes, and Alfred gives him credit for it. He knows that if the positions were switched, he'd probably have punched Arthur in the face already. "Okay, I'll help you, but you gotta do this on my terms, okay?" Alfred stands up, his face set in a rather uncharacteristic grin. Arthur doesn't pay attention to that. "What more do you want? For me to grovel at your feet and revere you as our saviour?" Arthur asks, his sarcastic tone slipping from his wounds and desperation. "Nah, I'm not that greedy. I just wanna make sure that nothing is left to chance. We have to coordinate to the last man if we want to make this quick and painless. Painless for us, I mean," Alfred laughs. "We need this done quick and clean, and we really can't leave anything - anything - up for debate or whatever, and we need to function with perfect coordination. I'm saying I don't want you to shoot down my propositions, and consider my strategies." "Oh." Arthur thinks for a moment. "We... we would be very grateful to receive your help."
"Good, guess I have to get to work then. Don't worry, I’ll be your hero and save you from the clutches of evil!" Alfred smiles, and it's as if there's something he's not telling. Arthur doesn't ask because London might be in ruins, and he doesn't have time notice the gaslight gaze that follows him out the door.
FEBRUARY 1942 - MOSCOW, RUSSIA "Listen, man, you gotta like trust me, 'kay? You can't win this war on your own, and we're on your side!" Alfred explains with a wide grin. Arthur stands off to the side, preferring to stay away from the young nation's idiocies. "I am not involved in the war in Europe, you must understand that, Alfred." Alfred sours. "Damn it, Ivan, I'm tryna help all of us. But you gotta help me too. Listen, I'll help you with Japan all you want, if you help me with Luddy boy over here. Fair deal, Yao's being run over by a little island, your east is under attack, so I'll pop in from the south and boom, three-sided attack and Kiku's done for. Problem sorted. Now remains Ludwig in the west, who's gettin' awful itchy about this business. I can just feel him wanting to get a look at Moscow." Alfred sees the look crossing Ivan's eyes, and knows he's won. "A-ha! You know it too! See? We double-attack him, war on two fronts, by Ludwig. The Italians aren't a problem, Berlin falls and Rome's ours straight off. Yeah?" Ivan raises an eyebrow, but doesn't answer. Arthur sits down. It seemed like it would calm down from here. "C'mon, pretty please, I ain't gonna beg, but this should make it an awful lot shorter and easier for the three of us." As an afterthought, Alfred looks at Arthur. "The four of us. So if you wanna help, do, but if ya wanna suffer for another... I don't know, three-four-five years or something, be my guest, I got all the time in the world." Alfred leans in and his voice drops to a sound only Ivan can hear. "Mister Uptight over there and your Lil' Sisters over at yours, on the other hand, may not." Alfred stands back up, and throws on his coat. It's a brand new, shiny, bomber jacket. "So, ya know, your pick. See ya 'round!" Alfred is moving out the door, and Arthur is more than confused at the hasty departure. They're not even at the door before Ivan speaks. "Fine. I will help. Merely because it will make matters much easier for me." Ivan stands, and opens a door to another study. "We can talk in here." "Sweet!" And Alfred follows Ivan in, but when Arthur tries to, he's barred entry by an apologetic Alfred. "Sorry, but this'll be easier if it's just me an' him, you see?" And he gives a flash of a smile before he closes the door on Arthur. He turns to Ivan. "What do you want, then?" "You promised to help with Japan. Why should I want anything more?" Ivan asks with a glint in his cold eyes. Alfred looks at him with an less-than-amused gaze. "'Cause you're you, and it's never a simple yeah/no with you?" "Europe." "You're gonna have to be more specific." "I want Europe," Ivan states, his tone simplistic. "Hah, you're funny, but you're really having some sky-high delusions of grandeur with that if you think I'm just gonna-" "I know what you're planning, Alfred, and I will have a share in that world of yours." Alfred's eyes narrow. "Why are you so sure?" "Because you need me to help you crush Ludwig. Sure, you can bomb him to the ground - but that is against your twisted 'hero' ideology, isn't it? You need other nations - like Arthur - to believe you are the 'good guy' for as long as possible for your plan to work properly. You need me to defeat Ludwig, and you need both Yao and me to make Kiku's fall swift and quick. I know your scientists are close to that weapon, but know that so are mine. And when I do have it, you will not find it easy to take the rug from under my feet."
"How do you know what I'm planning? Why would I plan anything?" Ivan grins. Alfred is almost too sweet with this pretense. "Every country knows you were nothing short of displeased towards your leaders after '29 and their attempts to blame you. Yao and I both know something happened, during the Depression, and now you're here with an aggressive foreign policy, having all but taken control of the British Empire, and you are planning on taking power for yourself. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor only cemented your alliance with Britain and the sentiment of revenge back home - they merely attacked because you were preparing to do the exact same. That's why you support that growing revolution, isn't it? It's your opportunity to dismantle your government and put a new one in place." "A new government would not do anything for me, doesn't change a thin-" Ivan chuckles. "It does, especially if you're trying to put yourself into power. Remember, Alfred, that most other nations - especially Yao and I - have seen this before. Have tasted power, felt the craving, and seen what it does to a nation. If you're sure it will work, no-one will or can stop you. But denying it is useless. That craving? I can see it in front of my own eyes." He looks straight at Alfred. Alfred's expression is much darker than it had been, but he tries to conceal it. He looks away before turning back to Ivan with deadpan eyes. "Fine, you can have half of Europe until Germany," Alfred concedes with a wave of his hand. "All or nothing, Jones, that's the bargain." Alfred's lip thins, and he shoves his hands into his pockets. He watches Ivan's cool eyes before huffing. "We don't have to settle on terms right now. Jus' help me, and I'll help you, and we can just sort this out once it's over with." Ivan leans against his desk. "Ah." He shakes his head in amusement. "So that is how you wish to go about it." Alfred looks affronted. "Don't know what the hell you mean, Braginsky, but I don't need to." He turns to leave. "This ain't over, but we'll put this on hold for now. See ya 'round." "You most certainly will." Alfred leaves, and Ivan waits only until he hears the American and his lapdog leave to call Yao. The Chinese man would most likely be interested in the underhanded imperialism Alfred was so obviously full of. And yet, Ivan had the feeling Alfred had been planning on his noticing it. Perhaps there was something more to that look of pure desire for worldwide hegemony in his eyes than he had let on.
MAY 1945 - BERLIN, GERMANY The city around them lays in ruins, a shadow of what the grand European capital used to be. Buildings torn apart by bombs, dropped from the sky, streets deserted as people had either been evacuated or killed; nothing living remains except the two men standing in a large square. Neither of these men pay attention to their surroundings, one because he cannot bear the sight, the thought of his capital in such a desolate state, the other because he has no interest in anything more than the man kneeling in front of him at the end of his rifle and the other man who isn't there yet. "Will you or will you not, kill me, Russia?" Ludwig asks, his voice strained and verging on irritated. How long had they been in this position, in complete silence? He's not sure any more. "I precisely told him to meet us – rather, me – here, today. His troops are nowhere to be seen or heard, and I doubt he's anywhere closer than wherever they are." There's a dangerous undertone in Ivan's voice. "It is a pity for you, seeing how he most likely would have been kinder on you than I will be." A  hint of a smile creeps up on Ivan's lips, and Ludwig tries his best not to think of it. "I recognise my mistake, Russia. I do. Believe me." He isn't pleading. "I have no reason to believe you at all, after all you were so very keen on breaking our agreement – remember?" "You were already allied with the United States and Britain!" Ludwig tries not to shout, but there's a mild sense of panic mingling with all the other feelings that came with the end of a war as a defeated power. "Technicalities – I had, at no point, intervened in your deeds nor had I attacked you. I am not a forgiving man, and you must know that already. If you do not," Ivan chuckles darkly, "you will find that out very soon. Ludwig looks at him expectantly, but Ivan merely grins. "If you come quietly, I will have no need to cause you harm. I would hate to employ any more force than I absolutely have to, this war has been very costly already, don't you think?" He snarls, and Ludwig almost flinches. "Stand." Ivan takes a step back and allows Ludwig some space. Dust clings to the creases in his worn uniform, and Ivan finds the sight an amusing change from what he remembers from the summer of 1939. Ivan shouts for his men, who come and surround the German with guns pointed straight at him. Ivan smiles. "If you'll follow me, I have many things to do – the first and foremost of them being marching West and driving aw- meeting America's troops." He can see from the look in Ludwig's eyes that he knows that he's done nothing but jump from a bad situation to a worse one.
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placetobenation · 4 years
The Sword in the Stone
Release Date: December 25th, 1963
Inspiration: “The Sword in the Stone” by T.H. White
Budget: $3 million
Domestic Gross: $22.2 million
Worldwide Gross: $22.2 million
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 68%
IMDB Score: 7.2/10
Storyline (per IMDB): Arthur (aka Wart) is a young boy who aspires to be a knight’s squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for Wart beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give Wart an education (whatever that is), believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn’t quite work out that way.
Pre-Watching Thoughts: We continue on into the 1960s with this film which I can honestly say is one of the films that I have never seen at any point in my life, and it is one of the last ones I haven’t seen until we get to the late 1990s. Obviously, the story of King Arthur is well regarded and is one of the greatest stories of all time, and this film was a very unique take on that that story. We have been on a solid role in terms of the quality of the films and the last two films have held up very well, so we will see if this film matches up to them and keeps the momentum going.
Voice Cast: So going forward, I have decided in order to make things a little more streamlined, I will only put major focus on the actors that voiced a main character or a slightly minor character, and anyone that had very few lines for their character will still get mentioned but as part of a group. I feel like this will put a bit more emphasis on the actors that are more high profile, but we will still make mention as to who is a newcomer and who is returning as we do have a few returns for this film. We have the return of Thurl Ravenscroft who voices the knight Sir Bart, we have James MacDonald who provides the growls from the wolf, and we have two ladies who make their final appearance ever with this film as Barbara Jo Allen voices the Scullery Maid and Martha Wentworth who voices Madam Mim and one of the squirrels. We also have one other actor in Tudor Owen who voices one of the knights in the tournament as this would be his final role as well. When it comes to the new actors, we have an interesting note here as Arthur is voiced by three different actors in Rickie Sorensen, and brothers Richard and Robert Reitherman which is unique especially since at times we hear all three voices at certain times during Arthur’s dialogue. We then have Karl Swenson who voices Merlin in what would be one of his few, if only appearances in an animated film, and then we have Junius Matthews who voices Archimedes the owl as he would become a regular in a future series. We then have Sebastian Cabot who voices Sir Ector as he would also make a few more appearances after this, and then we have Norman Aiden who voices Sir Kay as his career was really just getting started. We then have Alan Napier who voices Sir Pellinore as he was about to start winding down his career, and finally we have Ginny Tyler providing the sounds for the female squirrel. It was nice not having a large cast as we had back in the last film as it gives more actors a chance to shine and we will see if they keep with this pattern or if they go back to having a large cast.
Hero/Prince: N/A
Princess: N/A
Villain: Amazingly enough for a film that doesn’t really have a hero, prince, or a princess, we do actually have a villain here even though I would characterize her more as a nuisance as opposed to an actual villain. I of course am referring to the witch Madam Mim who is Merlin’s main adversary, and Arthur encounters her for the first time when while he is a bird flies into her house. She tries to get him to follow her teachings until Merlin arrives and they have a duel where they transform into numerous creatures, and Merlin ultimately wins after becoming a germ and infecting Mim with an illness. As I mentioned, Mim is not so much a villain as she is more a nuisance especially to Merlin and he ends up outdueling her despite her cheating, and thus she does rank pretty high in terms of the Disney villains especially considering who she has had to follow recently in Maleficent and Cruella De Vil.
Other Characters: Unlike the previous film which had a lot of characters to keep track of, this one is pretty straight forward as most of the film was focused on a handful of characters with the rest mainly in the background. Of course, we have the main character of the film which is not really Arthur, but rather Merlin the Wizard who tries to teach Arthur that there is more value in being smart than being strong and he drives this home throughout the film to the point that he even leaves for 20th century Bermuda when he feels shut out by Arthur. Speaking of Arthur or Wart as he is referred to, he is taught by Merlin while trying to please his foster father and he ultimately pulls the sword out of the stone which earns him the right to be King of England. We then have Merlin’s talking owl Archimedes who assists him in training Arthur though he nearly eats Arthur while he is a fish, and he stays by Arthur’s side when Merlin leaves and he is there when Arthur pulls the sword out of the stone. We then have Sir Ector and Sir Kay who are Arthur’s adoptive family and they don’t treat him well with Kay in particular being mean to him, but they are quickly repentant when Arthur pulls the sword out and is declared King. We then have a few other minor characters like Sir Pellinore who tells Ector about the tournament to crown a new king, and then there is the wolf that stalks Arthur for most of the film until the female squirrel causes him to get jammed in a log and fall into a river, and finally the Scullery Maid who reveals that Merlin is training Arthur much to Ector’s chagrin. While the majority of the film was focused on Merlin, Arthur, and Archimedes, the other characters in the film played their roles well enough to keep the film and the plot moving.
Songs: It’s funny because of all the films that Disney has done, this seemed like the one that would have absolutely no songs in it because they didn’t seem like they would fit. However as one can imagine, only a studio like Disney could figure out a way to add songs to the film which they did as we have quite a number of songs here though they aren’t too long. The first is the title song “The Sword in the Stone” which is heard during the prologue as it set the story well enough, and then we have Merlin’s song “Higitus Figitus” which he sings while he’s clearing out his home and it is fun enough for how long it is. We then have “That’s What Makes the World Goes Round” that Merlin and Arthur sing while they are fish as Merlin tells Arthur about physics, and then Merlin sings “A Most Befuddling Thing” when Arthur is pursued by the female squirrel. We finally have “Mad Madam Mim” which Mim sings when describing herself to Arthur which again is just fine, but nothing too standout which pretty much sums up everything about this film. I should quickly mention we also had the last verse of the song “Blue Oak Tree” which was supposed to be longer, but was ultimately cut from the final version of the film.  As mentioned, the songs were perfectly fine for the film though there was nothing that could stand up to some of the more popular songs in the Disney canon.
Plot: The story of King Arthur is one of the most popular stories in English history and most of the films that are made about him are when he is an adult and King, but there aren’t many that focus on his youth and what eventually led to him becoming King. In fact, this was the first film to focus on Arthur’s youth and the leading up to him pulling the sword from the stone, and it is an interesting tale of Arthur being trained by Merlin the wizard for a bigger purpose than that of a squire. Merlin goes to the lengths of turning Arthur into various animals as a means of learning different subjects, but Arthur is torn between that and being a squire leading Merlin to leave him. Arthur goes with Ector and Kay to London for the tournament and after realizing Kay didn’t have his sword, he finds the sword in the stone and pulls it out without realizing that it was the prophesied sword and he was now the rightful King of England as Merlin returns to be by his side. It is pretty interesting that we haven’t seen another film adaptation of Arthur as a boy and they focus more on his time as King, and we will see if we ever see another adaptation of this mythical story.
Random Watching Thoughts: It does feel a bit strange having someone like Walt Disney do an adaptation of King Arthur especially in the opening credits as the music has a real jazz feeling which doesn’t seem to fit an old English tale; Back to the story book intro though this is the first time the intro is done in song; It is a bit misleading that it is called “The Sword in the Stone” when the sword is actually in an anvil embedded into a stone; So if England had been without a king for so long, wouldn’t there be someone to serve as a stand in until someone pulled the sword out?; I wonder if having the gift of seeing into the future is more of a blessing or a curse for Merlin; I would like to know when Archimedes gained the ability to speak; Given how far animation has come since Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, this film looks like it was straight out of the 1930s and not the 1960s; What did Arthur do to deserve a nickname like “Wart”?; Listening to Kay speak, he sounds more Australian than British and meanwhile Arthur sounds American which is pretty blasphemous; Not only does Archimedes talk, he drinks tea; Can you imagine Merlin going into the future, seeing all of these inventions, and then coming back to this time and trying to explain them to people? They would think that he is completely mad; Merlin needs to watch his sugar intake if that pot keeps dumping more sugar into his tea; I can only imagine what the actor voicing Merlin could’ve been thinking seeing some of the random words he would have to say and sing; That wolf is so determined to get at Arthur no matter the obstacle in his path; Ector seems like he does care about Arthur, but yet he has him work in the kitchen like a slave; Nothing worse in the world than a “wizard blizzard”; Merlin did a hell of a job to get all of his stuff crammed in that small tower; You figured one of those days that tower would collapse when the drawbridge slammed down onto the ground; Merlin’s threat to Archimedes is to turn him into a human, he already talks and enjoys tea so he’s not far off; All these years of doing the tournament and now they decide to have the winner be the King of England; Kay has to be one of the worst knights ever if he can get knocked off his horse by a mechanical knight staying in one place; Merlin tells Arthur that magic won’t solve all his problems yet he plans to cheat if he wants to convince Arthur to learn under him; It is interesting that Merlin would turn himself and Arthur into a fish to learn about physics; So Merlin tells Arthur not to trust in fate and only he can decide how far he’ll go, but if Merlin can see into the future doesn’t he already know that Arthur will be king or is he just playing it up so Arthur can prove himself?; Didn’t Arthur at any point think about trying to free Merlin from the helmet?; I never knew that owls could last in water as long as Archimedes did; Merlin was so fixated on taking out the big fish that he almost forgot to turn Arthur back into a human; So not only did Arthur’s voice change drastically when he was telling Ector and Kay about being a fish, but the dialogue was not matching the animation of his mouth as well; I can’t believe they couldn’t have done a better job in figuring out how to handle having three people voice Arthur at the right times; How many people actually live in this castle that they can have that many dirty dishes?; I feel like the animators were inspired by Sleeping Beauty to have Merlin use his magic to have the dishes cleaned; It is funny that even as an animal, Merlin keeps his glasses and mustache; Again, an interesting choice of animal to learn about gravity with squirrels; That female squirrel was immediately smitten with Arthur; So not only is Arthur learning about gravity, he is also learning about love while being a squirrel; Merlin was having so much fun when the female squirrel was chasing Arthur, but didn’t like it so much when it was happening to him; That female squirrel showed no fear in saving Arthur from the wolf; Arthur was so quick to be transformed back into a human, but after he was he then felt bad for the squirrel knowing she lost her true love; If Ector thinks that dishes cleaning themselves is black magic, I can’t imagine how he would react to real black magic; Those are some strong pans if they can shatter a sword like that; Ector says that Hobbs is going to be Kay’s new squire and the audience watching is thinking, “Who’s Hobbs?”; “New World to be Discovered in 1492”; Archimedes did make some pretty good points and Merlin is so frustrated that he makes Archimedes Arthur’s new teacher; Arthur is pretty good at writing considering he doesn’t know how to write; Merlin’s beard is quite strong as it has been through a lot this whole film; Archimedes was so against having Arthur around yet he has no problem showing him how to fly; Is that solitaire that Mim is playing?; It is always funny that they have to have an evil equivalent to someone good as we have Mim to counter Merlin; So the knights have jousting while Merlin and Mim have a Wizard’s Duel; That is quite the array of animals that they change into and yet Merlin is able to win by becoming a germ and infecting Mim with a disease; I wouldn’t think sunshine would be the best thing for Mim if she is covered in spots; The maid tells Ector that Hobbs has come down with the mumps and once again the audience watching asks “Who’s Hobbs?”; Arthur was so willing to learn from Merlin yet he threw it all away when he was given his squire position back; Merlin says “Blow me to Bermuda” as an insult and yet he is actually blown not only to Bermuda, but Bermuda in the 20th century as we would find out; Considering that the sword in the stone was covered in vines by one point, are we to believe that someone has been keeping it clean in case someone pulls it out?; Ector points to where the inscription is on the sword yet nothing is there in the shot; They put the sword back into the anvil with ease only for it to become impossible to pull out again until Arthur does it; Ector was quite forgiving to Arthur upon learning he was now King; England finally has a King after so long and Arthur wants to run away; That was a quick return for Merlin after Arthur just called his name out; If Merlin thinks the 20th century is a mess, he better thank his lucky stars he didn’t go to the 21st century; “King Arthur and his Knights of the Square Table” just doesn’t seem right, it’s a good thing the table was round; So Merlin’s description of motion pictures is it is like television without the commercials.
Overall Thoughts: Overall, the film was about as average as you could get as it was fine as a film, but it wasn’t anything too good and it was a major step down from the last few films that had come out. It is a bit sad in a way that this would be the last film released while Walt Disney was still alive, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it as I’m sure they thought Walt would still be around until at least a little while longer. As I mentioned, the film looked like it was completely out of date in terms of the animations which was strange considering how far they had come, but in a way I guess it worked out given the subject matter. After starting the decade fairly strong, this was a big step in the wrong direction and hopefully the next film would be able to turn things back around to close out the decade. As for this film, it was a pretty basic film that wasn’t bad, but wasn’t good either and it pretty much could just be described as average.
Final Grade: 5/10
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