#miette iterations
theblob1958 · 1 year
sorry for being a huge ol' hater but i need to reiterate how much i hate that miette cat joke. it is the most unfunny thing that has ever spread through the internet in the guise of some "funny" meme; i desperately try to never read another iteration of it and keep failing because everyone else seems so infatuated with that stupid fucking phrasing. i dont understand the appeal and never had i needed to get that off my chest now
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theraddestpotato21 · 3 years
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Meme culture is astounding
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Tbh I barely remember anything about Obiwan from sw, so basically everything I know about him is from you and your mutuals. From what I understand he’s a war criminal, dearest baby girl, and has daddy/little brother problems. Kinda like one of those cats from the shelter who’s absolutely beautiful but scratches the fuck out of everyone while pretending they are an angel and acts like Miette at the smallest inconvenience. Unfortunately looks intelligent but has lost a brain cell each week he is alive. Somehow reached adulthood. After a certain point he has elevator music playing in his head, but it’s the terrible music that everyone hates with a passion but he thinks is fine art. Okay sorry king, that’s all I understand about Obiwan, have a lovely evening
most of his characterisation comes from the prequel trilogy and the clone wars show, both of which characterise him VERY differently. PT Obi-Wan is stoic, measured, calm, emotionally detached, humble, introspective, and professional. tCW Obi-Wan is gregarious, arrogant, coy, petty, occasionally vicious, and competent. Most debates over how to characterise him arise from this difference, and people generally mix the two together to varying degrees (the most common I see is using tcw as a base + adding humble/shy on top of it). I personally vastly prefer tCW Obi-Wan and think that iteration of his character does much more to contextualise Anakin’s fall (and is also just more interesting in general), but post-RoTS Obi-Wan is definitely a break from that, and it makes sense that after Order 66 he would hew much closer to his PT characterisation + some additional grief/trauma.
so IN GENERAL what I would say is that he doesn’t fit well into the “has zero brain cells” meme. I think Obi-Wan is incredibly competent and shrewd, but he is also very confident in his own abilities and generally trusts that he’ll be able to deal with the consequences of his behaviour, so he’s prone towards extreme action. He’s not so much “lol what’s the worst that could happen” as he is “I know exactly what the worst outcome of this will be and I’ll be fine probably.” Where the really juicy tension comes from is when he does something insane and realises he’s in far too deep and will not be able to easily recover from whatever is happening. His arrogance precludes him from considering the possibility that he can’t control the outcome and/or do adequate damage control after the fact.
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