mono--chromatik · 5 months
the other day i went out to get lunch and passed this guy walking his pitbull twice and both times it had this expression with the most stoned human eyes ive ever seen
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ask-monochrome-lj · 8 months
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Why don't kids want to play these days? What's wrong with guts & gore?
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monoposting · 1 year
Replaying the LN1 dlc chapters again because I love to suffer!! Time for some thoughts and observations on the Lady and the Residence chapter as a whole.
(Please keep in mind that I am only making observations about what I see as I play the game! I missed a lot of external content and fandom activity so please don’t be rude if I say things that are considered obvious.)
I like how it’s immediately obvious that this area is much more lived in, and despite the mess of books on the floor it seems otherwise very clean compared to the rest of the maw! The hearth is still glowing with embers, and clearly sees frequent use. Books are left open near comfy chairs, or set aside for later reading and sorting as if someone got halfway through picking up the mess when a book caught her eye.
About that hearth: it’s goddamn COLD in the Residence. Despite the luxury here compared to the rest of the Maw, RK’s breath fogs up in the air in several areas. I’m not sure if that’s meant to be a side effect of the Lady’s presence or just an unfortunate reality of living in a big metal boat?
The ladders and stepstools are perfectly sized to allow kids like RK to get around with relative ease. Same for the stairs. There’s no real struggle to use them as intended. The Lady is more petite than many of the Adults in this world, but not THAT small. It’s almost like this place was designed with children in mind, to an extent.
Similarly, there’s places that are intentionally difficult for kids to get to on their own. The secret room behind the bookcase for one, or the hall of broken mirrors. It feels like there’s a defined “safe area” where those hypothetical children can roam, and as long as they don’t touch anything they shouldn’t it’s actually VERY safe???
Which brings me to the Lady herself.
I’d forgotten that when we first pass her, she’s playing her song on a music box. That detail certainly feels different after playing LN2
Dolls. There’s SO many dolls! Shelves full of them, carefully lined up in rows. More on that in a bit
The Shadow Children. God I have so many thoughts about them but no idea where to start??? I forgot about their dash move, which is a) annoying, and b) really cool! I’m not sure if it’s more like a temporary speed boost, or a baby-steps version of the way the Lady can appear out of nowhere. Plus they sound like they’re having a good time, and a lot of the time they don’t even really attack until you point the flashlight at them (or provoke a different Shadow Kid near them). They just kinda stand there menacingly until you get too close? I have to wonder how they came to be. Might make another post on this later with more details about their behavior and some thoughts I’ve had about them.
The above two points plus some other environmental clues lead me to believe that the Lady might actually want to be a mother? Which is a fucked up desire in the LN world already, before you even think about the fact that she feeds children to the Guests on a regular basis. But… the dolls treated with such care, and the way the Shadow Children are given porcelain masks to match her own and allowed to roam her Residence, and the fact that many of the library shelves are made accessible to someone RK’s size even though the books are LITERALLY their height…
It’s possible that the Lady’s problem with mirrors (and her appearance) is about more than just vanity. Like, it’s one thing to be upset that you aren’t beautiful and can’t regain your lost youth. It’s another thing to resent your appearance and age because you wanted to do more? If you wanted to start a family, and raise children of your own in as much luxury and warmth as you could offer, and now that you’re at the end of your life you have nothing to show for it but corpses and shadows and sagging skin…?
I think this adds another layer of complexity to her character. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still definitely not a great person (and who would be, surviving in this world?) and I like Evil Women as much as the next guy, but… vanity and greed and a genuine desire for companionship or family are NOT mutually exclusive. She can be self-obsessed and okay with doing terrible things and STILL be upset that she doesn’t have any children of her own to pass her Fucked Up Cannibalism Boat down to.
Of course there’s also the idea that she DID have children and none of them lived, but that’s another concept entirely.
On a lighter note! She likes tea :]
She also seems rather forgetful, at least with her belongings? She’s the type to sit down with tea and a book, then just kind of get up and leave the teapot on the bookshelf if something else captures her attention.
That being said her security measures are SIGNIFICANTLY more refined and clever than any of the others in the Maw. She’s pretty damn intelligent! She might just also be scatterbrained at times.
It probably isn’t meant to be funny but. The big portrait over the stairs. She’s just doing the Mona Lisa pose but backwards. Babe?
Side note. There’s SO many paintings around and WHERE are the artists? Did the Lady paint them herself? Is there some wandering Painter that goes around making dozens upon dozens of portraits for the monsters of this world? Has someone made that oc? I want to see them
Globe :]
The huge grandfather clock ALSO feels very different after playing LN2. I doubt that one was as much of an intentional callback when they were making LN2 tho? Clocks are just always sort of ominous
Never noticed before but the decoy book doesn’t have a big eye design on the cover! I never bothered to look at the decoy much before
Why does the secret bookcase door have skid marks in FRONT of it? You push it BACK to open it. What
I really like how RK will carefully set a Flotsam bottle down so it doesn’t fall over, but if they’re carrying one of the Lady statuettes they just. Open their arms and watch it drop directly to the floor.
I could definitely read into the idea that the Lady made a mechanism where the only way to enter one of the wings is to BLIND THE WATCHFUL EYE. I could read a lot into it. I could also find meaning in the fact that the wing hidden behind this puzzle has several statues of faceless children in it. Maybe a post for another day but probably not <3
Spiders :] in all seriousness! The presence of spiders and cobwebs generally means this wing has gone untouched for quite a while. That’s in pretty sharp contrast to the way the rest of the Residence feels like a home. A weird home, but still.
I am currently assuming that there are bedrooms behind those green doors we pass at the very start of the Residence chapter? Because we only really explore the huge library and gallery areas.
Might replay that part of Six’s route later to knit together a mental map.
Forgot about the little shrine of lady statues inside the wall. Who’s leaving offerings? The Lady herself definitely can’t fit in there. Is it the Shadow Children?
Speaking of them again. They kill you by rushing INTO your body and seemingly possessing you??? I want to know more about them PLEASE
May or may not be a child or doll in a birdcage near the end of the Shadow Kid section. The cage is open but the figure inside sits motionless. Reminds me of the end of Six’s route, where she’s ripped open the doors of her prison but can’t actually go anywhere. She’s forced to sit and wait for some outside force to act on her again.
Piano :]
That fucked up little moment where the Lady herds RK into a room where there’s a mirror waiting, just the right size for them to pick it up and fight her like Six does… except it’s already shattered. They never had a fighting chance. All the doors were already closed and locked before they could see the sun.
That’s all for now! Leave a little like if you read this far <3 I appreciate it!!
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ask-technicolor-lj · 9 months
Hello, I'm Laughing Jack! You can call me LJ or Rainbow if you like
I'm, 200-ish [I can't remember the year sadly :^(]
I use he/him and they/them pronouns :^)
I love love love games, candy, all things colorful and fun!
Please don't be mean, I don't like mean people >:^(
Please ask me any questions you have!
Check out my partner blog: @ask-monochrome-lj!
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Original posts: #technioposting
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juanmecanico · 2 months
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El próximo tren motriz de Bugatti es un híbrido V-16 - ¡Hola a todos! Estoy emocionado de compartir con ustedes una noticia fascinante del mundo de los automóviles de lujo. Como algunos de ustedes ya sabrán, #Bugatti ha hecho públicos sus planes para su próximo sistema de propulsión, ¡un V-16 híbrido! Sí, lo has leído bien... Bugatti está subiendo la apuesta al integrar la eficiencia de un híbrido con el monstruoso empuje de un V-16. ¿Recuerdan los días gloriosos del Bugatti Veyron con su motor de 16 cilindros? ¡Parece que están volviendo! Hagamos un poco de historia. Bugatti, esta prestigiosa marca de autos de lujo, nos ha estado deleitando con increíbles máquinas durante años. Han desafiado constantemente los límites de cómo entendemos la velocidad y el rendimiento. Y parece que no tienen intención de detenerse. Un híbrido V-16, ¿Quién lo hubiera pensado? Y lo único más loco es que ¡todavía hay más en la tienda! Se informa que este nuevo V16 será parte de un sistema de propulsión híbrida, que combinará un potente motor de gasolina con una batería y un motor eléctrico. Esta es una señal bastante clara de que Bugatti está buscando enfrentar las crecientes preocupaciones sobre la eficiencia del combustible y la sostenibilidad. No sólo están buscando construir un auto rápido, sino también un auto que pueda ser parte del futuro del transporte. ¡Pero veamos detalles aún más interesantes! Bugatti está colaborando con Rimac en este proyecto. Sí, Rimac, la empresa que produce el monopost hípercar totalmente eléctrico. ¿Puedes imaginar lo que van a hacer estos dos titanes de la velocidad juntos? ¿Un Bugatti con la influencia tecnológica de Rimac? ¡Es alucinante solo pensar en ello! Aunque siempre me ha gustado la pura potencia de un motor de combustión interna, debo admitir que me emociona ver cómo Bugatti está aplicando la tecnología híbrida. Creo que es un paso fundamental para garantizar la viabilidad a largo plazo de estos increíbles coches en un mundo cada vez más eco-consciente. Ahora a lo polémico. Algunos puristas de los motores pueden argumentar que un híbrido nunca puede tener la misma personalidad o "alma" que un motor de combustión interna puro. Bueno, les diré algo - La tecnología mejora y avanza. Estos vehículos híbridos pueden no rugir con el mismo gruñido gutural de un motor de combustión, pero son verdaderos titanes en términos de rendimiento. Los tiempos están cambiando, amigos. ¿Estoy sugiriendo que un futuro lleno de híbridos y eléctricos es el apocalipsis? ¡En absoluto! Al contrario, celebremos la innovación y la audacia de Bugatti al abrazar este nuevo rumbo. ¿Qué sería del mundo sin progreso? Además, no veo a nadie quejándose de la aceleración instantánea que proporciona la tracción eléctrica... Finalmente, Bugatti afirmó que no tienen prisa en meterse en la producción en la fase inicial de este nuevo híbrido V-16, ya que quieren asegurarse de que sea del agrado de sus clientes. Eso dice mucho sobre su responsabilidad y respeto por los clientes. Bravo, Bugatti. Es un nuevo capítulo emocionante en la historia de los coches. Estad atentos para más actualizaciones. ¡Hasta la próxima! #VroomVroom
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swimmingkidwinner · 2 months
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leontiucmarius · 11 months
Formula 1: Mick Schumacher, fiul lui Michael Schumacher, va pilota pentru prima dată un monopost Mercedes
Mick Schumacher, fiul lui Michael Schumacher, va pilota în premieră un monopost Mercedes într-un test de Formula 1, miercurea viitoare. Mick Schumcher s-a aflat anterior la volanul monopostului Mercedes doar în simulatoare. Lewis Hamilton şi George Russell sunt cei doi piloţi principali ai Mercedes şi vor rula pe aceeaşi pistă de la Barcelona în acest weekend. Mick Schumacher, fiul septuplului…
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mono--chromatik · 7 days
huge shout-out to the autistic people who don't actually like the ""silly""-fication of autism. I hear u. I see u.
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ask-monochrome-lj · 9 months
I am so disappointed with children these these days, all they do is play video games and photo apps
Why don't kids torture animals or hit each other with sticks or summon demons anymore?
I hate technology
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monoposting · 1 year
First LN AU I made up: Spiteful Six AU!
In the final scene of of LN2, Mono jumps and Six catches him, and in her moment of hesitation before pulling him away from Certain Doom
Mono sees the look on her face as she contemplates dropping him into the abyss, and he’s like. “Ah. Yeah I deserve that.”
He’s not an idiot. He tries to be a good person, but he knows that survival is the most important thing for most people. He runs slow, and falls often, and talks too much, and he’s put her in danger one too many times. Besides, he’d be distraught if someone stole and destroyed his hats! He’s a little surprised, sure, but… he understands.
So he goes limp and accepts her judgement.
But Six sees this. She sees his face clearly for the first time, watches him go from fear to confusion to grin acceptance.
And she’s like “HEY. It’s not a SATISFYING TWIST if you just accept death at your bestie’s hand!?”
She’s trying to punish him for hurting her by hurting him back. Trying to cut free this weight holding her back, to convince herself she doesn’t need him. Because needing him is scary, and it meant she let him close enough to hurt her like no monster ever could.
But if he’s OKAY with it, what kind of punishment is that?
So, just to spite him, she pulls him up. If she has to continue struggling through this awful world, she won’t give him the mercy of escaping it. He’ll make himself useful as a distraction if nothing else.
(Six stubbornly ignores the part of her that feels relieved when the acceptance in his dark eyes turns back into shock. It doesn’t make sense to see him give up, after everything.)
Basically just!!!
Six: “this guy is more trouble than he’s worth. It was probably for my own good but in the process of rescuing me he deeply hurt me and betrayed my trust. Fair’s fair, he can die,”
Mono: “oh ok :( I understand”
Six: :|
Six: >:/
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fomulawowe · 2 years
Ameritron al-80a mode d'emploi
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cysnews · 2 years
Představení nové generace elektrické a autonomní formule týmu eForce FEE Prague Formula
Představení nové generace elektrické a autonomní formule týmu eForce FEE Prague Formula
Dne 22. 6. 2022 byly ve ŠKODA muzeu v Mladé Boleslavi představeny dva nové monoposty soutěže Formula Student, které vznikaly v rukách studentů ČVUT pod záštitou Fakulty elektrotechnické. Konkrétně se jedná o 11. generaci pilotované elektrické formule a inovovaný autonomně řízený monopost. (more…)
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stireazileiuk · 2 years
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O şoferiţă cu permis de o lună a fost prinsă conducând cu 200 de km/h: „Şi-a pierdut şansa pentru monopost”
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vanbasten · 2 years
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Monopostes Publicitarios
Dentro de los soportes publicitarios el monoposte es el de mayor tamaño y altura. Se configura como un elemento necesario si deseamos que nuestra publicidad sea vista desde gran distancia. El monoposte permite jugar con gran cantidad de formatos y tamaños pudiendo adecuarse a las necesidades del cliente, desde los denominados urbanos, que tienen un fuste de 4 a 7 metros, hasta monopostes de grandes dimensiones de fustes superiores a 40 metros, personalizados con la imagen corporativa de la empresa.
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livelaughlovekill · 3 years
godddddssssss it's going to be so embarrassing if I get The Kissing Disease ™️ during an unrelated pandemic
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