#movie and youre like jeez! i feel really bad for mike i understand if he went a lil crazy!
skullrock · 3 years
the first christmas
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12 days of Christmas fics, day 7 - the first christmas
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pairing: Joyce x Hopper
summary: It’s Eleven’s first Christmas, and Joyce and Hopper make it everything she ever wanted it to be, while kindling their own romance.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: none!
a/n: I think I am rly bad at writing jopper but I did my best <3 hope u enjoy! 
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“Do you know what Christmas is?”
El shakes her head timidly, and Hopper lets out a deep sigh. Of course they never let her celebrate Christmas.
“What… is… Christmas?”
Hopper doesn’t know what to say. He tries to think back to what he had told Sarah when she was growing up, but nothing really comes to mind. He’s pretty sure Sarah just understood it  since she’d grown up with it. “Uh… it’s a celebration that we have every December to celebrate the birth….” Does El really need to know who Jesus Christ is? Does Hopper even know? “Of some guy that a lot of people… care about.”
“Like a birthday?”
“Yeah, except a lot of people celebrate.”
El nods. “What do we do?”
Hopper thinks the best way to show her is to have her watch some Christmas movies, hence why they were set up by the TV. “Here, you’ll get the hang of it.”
He almost showed her It’s a Wonderful Life, but Joyce vehemently protested, insisting on showing El Miracle on 34th Street first. Joyce said it was the best way to show El the meaning of Christmas, even if Hopper didn’t necessarily want El to believe in Santa. Hop trusted Joyce with his life, so he agreed, but he’s pretty sure it was the wrong call.
“Who is that?”
“That’s Santa.”
A long pause. “What does he do?”
Shit. “He’s the… person- he’s the image of Christmas. He brings gifts and makes sure everyone is being nice to each other.” He shakes his head at himself, but El seems to get it. She gets the present thing and the spirit of Christmas pretty well, but the legal proceedings weren’t helpful.
“Why don’t they think he’s real?” she asks quietly.
“Well, the guy is real, but people don’t think Santa is.”
“Is he?”
Jesus Christ. “Santa is a frame of mind. He might not be a real… person, but the message is there.”
El looks at him with furrowed brows, so he tries to elaborate.
“Santa… is Santa. He’s…. He brings people joy. So… if he’s not real, joy is still a thing.”
“No, not Joyce,” he laughs. “Joy. Happiness.”
“Oh.” She looks back to the TV. “Why isn’t it colored?”
“Old movies were in black and white.”
Sometimes Hopper hated being a dad, but only because he could not explain things very well. Not as well as Joyce could, anyway. He wishes she were here right now - not just to answer El’s questions, but because, quite frankly, he missed her. “They just were. I don’t know.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The movie finishes with El pretty much bouncing on the couch. She doesn’t verbally state her excitement, but it’s evident on her face.
“Fun, right? Makes you feel good?”
El nods. “Do we celebrate?”
“We will, if you want to.”
To be honest, Hop didn’t really know where he was going with this, hence why he didn’t think of a better explanation for Santa. He just remembers how much Sarah loved it, and he wants to make El that happy. He enlisted Joyce’s help with Christmas stuff, like finding presents and wrapping. Joyce loved El as much as Will and Jonathan, so she agreed easily.
El nods. “Yes.”
“Okay, well, get excited,” Hop says, pushing out of his chair. “It’s in twenty five days.”
El does the math in her head - 25 days was nothing after waiting forever for Mike. “Really?”
“Really,” Hop says. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
The Byers went all out for El’s first Christmas.
Joyce, Will, and Jonathan came to help set up the house on the fifth. Jonathan had made snowflake cutouts, which Will had covered, to hang around the house. Joyce brought Christmas books for El to read, peppermint cookies, and hot chocolate. They’d brought some ornaments that wouldn’t fit on their tree, as well as lights, for the tiny pine that Hop had cut down in the woods. El really liked the smell of pine, fresh and uplifting. Her smile didn’t falter for a second as everyone moved around the small cabin, hanging things and cleaning. Jonathan gave El an old Santa hat, but she put it on Hopper and pouted until he reluctantly wore it.
“Looks good on you,” Joyce said in passing, which made Hop stop trying to prop up the tree.
“You mean that?”
Joyce didn’t answer, but Hopper’s smile was as big as El’s.
Probably the first thing El picked up on when she moved in with Hopper was that he loved Joyce. She knew it way before him, and wanted them to be together more than he did. El liked Joyce and always felt close to her, but she wanted Hopper to be happy, too. Once she learned about mistletoe from a Christmas movie Hopper showed her, there was no stopping her. She was going to get them to kiss, just like the couples in the movies.
Will had found an old bundle up in their attic and brought it for El, confused with why she wanted it. He figured she just wanted to touch it, or wanted the whole experience, or something. El really just wanted to make it float above the two at the perfect time. Which was, admittedly, not tonight - but soon.
Hopper nodded at the stove. “Yep, just in time for your first Christmas.”
El made Hopper blast Christmas records the entire morning of Christmas Eve, and she made him wear the Santa hat. Hopper would have been irritated if it was anyone else, but El’s goofy smile convinced him to keep the hat on. He made her Christmas themed Eggos, complete with crushed candy canes and white chocolate, for breakfast. As they sat to eat, Hopper noticed a mischievous smile on El’s face.
“What?” he asked, mouth full.
El looked up at him and smiled more, but didn’t say anything.
“Alright,” he said, staring at her carefully. “Better behave. Joyce and the boys are coming soon.”
El’s smile grew, and Hopper didn’t understand why. But he felt close to smiling, too.
“Jesus, Joyce,” Hopper groaned, helping her and the kids carry in presents. He didn’t even know where she got all of this, or how she could afford it, but every last parcel went under the tiny tree in the living room. El’s face hurt from smiling, but she tried not to be too excited.
“What?” Joyce asked, throwing her free arm out. Quietly, she adds, “I wanted her first Christmas to be memorable.”
“It will be,” he promises. “Thanks to you guys.”
Joyce places the present she was holding under the tree and hits Hopper’s chest lightly. “You did good, too, Hop.” She looks up at the Santa hat and smiles as she adjusts the brim. “It - It’s crooked.” Her tongue sticks slightly out of the side of her mouth as she stands on her tiptoes, and she lowers herself slowly, continuing to stare up at him. El watches closely, almost about to make the mistletoe hover above them, but Joyce finally breaks from her stare and brushes herself off. “Who wants to make cookies?”
The day went by quickly, spent baking and taking breaks to watch movies. Jonathan rolled his eyes nearly the entire time, but stayed patient for El - and for Will, too, who was enjoying it. Will explained things for El - like who the Grinch was, and how animated movies work. El would nod and listen, but her mind kept wandering to Hopper and Joyce, who were prepping things in the kitchen.
“You don’t have to bake a pie,” Joyce said, fiddling with the pie crust. “Just because you’re eating at our house doesn’t mean you owe us.”
“I owe you for more than that.” He leans against the counter and sips on his coffee. “You made her so happy.”
Joyce shrugs. “Every kid deserves a good Christmas. Especially her. And Will.”
Hopper nods and stops himself from thinking too hard about the last two years. The only good things about it was adopting El and reconnecting with Joyce.
“Remember that snowball fight in the schoolyard?”
Joyce smiles and nods. “The one you started?”
“It wasn’t me!” he promises, laughing. “It was another Jim.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Joyce beams. “The only person who would hit me in the head with a snowball is you.”
“That’s not true.”
Joyce scoffs and turns to him. “Do you think everyone should hit me in the head?”
“I’m not saying that,” he says slowly. “But you did get hit, like, ten times -”
Joyce reaches for some leftover cookie icing and swipes it onto Hopper’s nose. He’s taken aback, but Joyce smiles wide, wiping her hands on her pants.
“You did not just do that.”
Joyce feigns a frown. “Mmm. Looks like I did.”
Hopper reaches for the icing, but Joyce grabs his arm, laughing. “No, Hop - don’t -”
His finger swipes across her cheek and she gasps, not quite shocked but a little surprised, and grabs more for herself. “You ass -”
“Language,” he says, dodging her lunge. “Jeez, Joyce, you haven’t been this feisty since -”
“Since when?” she asks, lunging for him again, and Hop grabs her wrists to stop her. She takes a step towards him and their chests touch, both smiling. But Hopper’s smile falters, because Joyce is so beautiful, and this is the first time he’s seen her smile in a long, long time. He never wants the moment to end. Joyce suddenly bristles, and she gently slides out from his grip.
“Since high school,” Hop says smoothly, resting on the counter again.
“Yeah, well,” Joyce mumbles, once again playing with the pie crust. Her face falls, and then she looks over to him. “Do you even know how to make a pie?”
“You could teach me.”
She smiles again. “Well, I guess I have to.”
The kids managed to doze off, apparently too bored with the movies that were playing. Joyce and Hopper sat at the kitchen table, sharing cigarettes and a bottle of wine.
“What was the worst Christmas you’ve ever had?” Hopper asks, flicking his cigarette into the ashtray.
“Oh,” Joyce says, like she was waiting for the question. “First Christmas with Lonnie. He spent all of our money to get himself a - a - a gun. Didn’t even get me anything.”
Hopper swallows down his anger, never one to like Lonnie, especially after what he’d done to Joyce. “Damn.”
“Yeah.” She takes a drag. “Said his gift to me was to teach me how to use it.”
“Never took him up on it, huh?”
“No way,” she says, flicking her own ash. “What was yours?”
Hopper’s stomach drops and he diverts his eyes from hers, choosing to stare at the smoke rising from the glass tray. “First Christmas after Sarah.”
Joyce exhales slowly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have -”
“It’s okay,” he says. “I don’t think about it much anymore.”
Joyce frowns and reaches for his hand, resting hers on top of it. “You’re doing a really good job.”
Hopper chuckles. “Thanks.”
“I mean it.”
“I know.”
There’s a moment of silence before Joyce retracts her hand and asks, “What was your best  Christmas?”
Hopper smiles gently, takes a drag, and flicks the ash. “This one.” His eyes wander over the El, curled up on his chair, the boys sleeping on the couch. “It’s nice… being around people again. I guess….” He looks at his hands. “I guess I missed it.”
Joyce bites her lip. “It’s my best Christmas, too.”
Hopper looks up, brows furrowed. “Really?”
“Really,” she whispers. “Because I have Will, and he’s safe. And Jonathan’s safe. And El is safe and happy.”
“Yeah.” Hopper takes a slow drag. “You know why else it’s my favorite Christmas?”
He pauses. “Because I could spend time with you.”
He thinks he’s imagining Joyce’s blush, but she moves a hand up to her face to hide it, confirming its existence. “It’s been a long time, huh?”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “It’s nice to….” He swallows. “To have you back.”
Joyce looks like she’s holding back, but she finally whispers, “It’s nice to have you back, too.”
And Hopper doesn’t know how, but there’s suddenly mistletoe hanging above them. He swears it wasn’t there before, that it just appeared in his line of vision. Joyce also seems shocked. “Wh - I don’t remember hanging that up.”
“Me neither.” Hopper puts his cigarette out and stands at the same time Joyce does to examine it.
“It looks like something from my house,” Joyce says, brows furrowed. “How - How’d it get - here?”
“What the hell is it hanging off of?” Hopper mutters, and then he realizes it’s floating - El.
His head snaps to the chair. El’s still curled up with her eyes closed, but she’s smiling slightly. Hopper smiles too, then looks back at Joyce, who’s still eyeing the mistletoe.
“How did it -?”
“Maybe one of the kids brought it -”
“What the heck is it hanging on?”
She finally looks at him. “What?”
Hopper was expecting her to get the hint. “Uh. Do you know what mistletoe is for?”
He chuckles timidly. “Eh - uh, Joyce.”
She shakes her head, lifts her eyebrows. “Yeah?”
He leans forward and kisses her, fast, so fast that she hardly even registers it. She looks shocked when he pulls back, and his cheeks flush. Joyce stares at him with wide eyes still, trying to process it.
“I’m so- shit, I’m sorry,” he says, but Joyce leans forward and kisses him, quick, before pulling back.
They both stare at each other, and then the mistletoe falls, shocking them both out of it. Will and Jonathan wake up at the sound, and El wipes her nose as she sits up and stretches. Hopper grabs the mistletoe and holds it while Joyce runs a hand through her hair, biting her lip to stop the smile. “Boys, we sh… we should probably go. It’s late.”
Hopper smiles as he watches them pack up, Joyce tripping over herself.
“Are you okay, mom?” Jonathan asks, holding onto her arm.
“Fine,” she says, waving him off, pointedly avoiding Hopper’s gaze. “Must - must’ve drank too much.”
“I’ll drive, don’t worry about it,” Jonathan says, helping her into her coat.
“You guys drive safe, okay?” Hopper says, an amused smile on his face, and Joyce’s cheeks flush.
“We will. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
Everyone says their goodbyes - Joyce and Hop’s gaze lingering a little too long - and when the door shuts, Hopper turns on his heels, looking right at El. He smiles wide. “Didn’t know you were a little trickster.”
She beams and shrugs. “Merry Christmas.”
Hopper steps forward and hugs her, pulling her in close. “Merry Christmas, kid.”
tags:  @pterawaters​ @mpmarypoppins​ @kurtsbuckethat​
40 notes · View notes
princecupcakee · 4 years
Park Bench | Reddie
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Read on AO3
Rating: E
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Word Count: 3,320
Chapter: 2/8
Past Chapters: Chapter 1 (AO3)
Next Chapters: Chapter 3 (AO3), Chapter 4 (AO3)
Summary: Recently divorced and ‘incapable of love’, Eddie Kaspbrak moves to Los Angeles for work and a small, small hope of a fresh start. Broken up and never dated again, Richie Tozier tries to get back into love with help from his love of music. Quickly meeting eyes and one concert later, they think that maybe love isn’t that bad. So they try it one more time.
Chapter 2: What If Eddie Kaspbrak Was?, What If Richie Tozier Wasn’t? & Richie Tozier And Eddie Kaspbrak Have Breakfast 
Tags/Warnings: Angst / Unhappy Ending / theres only one sex scene but this is explicit anyway / Bisexual Richie Tozier / Gay Eddie Kaspbrak / Post-Divorce / Implied/Referenced Cheating / Inspired By Remembering Sunday (All Time Low) / Inspired by The Book Ninja by Ali Berg / Implied/Referenced Child Abuse / Implied/Referenced Abuse / Implied/Referenced Manipulation
Tag-list: @richietoaster​, @s-s-georgie​, @mikeuris​, @gazebobullshit​, @that-weird-girls-blog​, @tozierking​​​, @thoughtfullyyoungduck​, @s-onora​, @bellarosewrites​, @lermanslogan​, @ambitiousskychild​, @ghostnebula​, @vanillaredvelvet​,
(Ask if you wanna be on the tag-list!!)
Chapter 2
What If Eddie Kaspbrak Was?
He loves Beverly, he really does, but right now, in this gigantic crowd of people, he hates her. Really, really hates her. He thinks that everything and everyone (mildly excluding Ben, Beverly, Bill, Mike, and Mr. cute-Hawaiian-shirt guy-with-huge glasses-who’s-name-is-apparently-Richie) is out to kill him. Two groups of teenagers tried to sell him drugs, or something —he wouldn’t know. He ran away before they could say anything.
It was loud, and hot, and made Eddie, really, really uncomfortable. As much as he tried to avoid the touches of every person jumping around to whatever incomprehensible song was being shouted —yes, he meant shouted — it was too cramped. “You okay there?” Eddie heard a voice behind him ask, loudly. As he looked in that direction, Eddie decided that speaking would be useless, so he simply shook his head. He let Mr. cute-Hawaiian-shirt guy-with-huge glasses-who’s-name-is-apparently-Richie or, simply, Richie, take his hand and lead him out. “You looked really uncomfortable,” Richie smiled, laughing a bit.
“Uh, yeah, don’t do that well with big crowds and everything,” Eddie shrugged, attempting to look ‘cool.’
Richie laughed, “Lets go.”
“But, the concert?”
“I’ve seen ‘em before,” Richie shook his head, “I’ll take you back home, its pretty late anyway.”
“Thanks,” Eddie smiled as he took Richie’s outstretched hand.
“Where is your place?” Richie asked him, crossing the pedestrian.
“I uh, live with Ben and Bev.”
“That mansion? Well, I guess when the husband is an architect and the wife is a designer you get the Buckingham fucking Palace.” Eddie laughed at that (as much as he tried to hide it.)
“But, yeah, I’m staying at Ben and Bev’s while I’m here.”
“While you’re here?” Richie nods
“I don’t live in LA, I’m from New York,” Eddie replied.
“I didn’t think you were from here,” Richie smiled, walking backward to face Eddie.
“That’s dangerous.”
“And thats,” Richie points at Eddie “no fun.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, moving away from the topic, “Its like you guys have your own planet here,” he says, scanning the scenery.
“Says the New Yorker,” Richie said sarcastically.
Eddie gave him a questioning look, trying to hide a smile. “You know, all the big pretty buildings and broadway, and all the big movies,” Richie jokes in a horrible Brooklyn accent.
“Don’t-don’t do that,” Eddie shakes his head.
“Thats my career.” Richie grinned walking into the subway.
Eddie ignored that, “I thought LA was all cars?” He asked.
“It is. I’m doing a kind of project thing though,” Richie smiles talking Eddie’s hand. That slightly throwing Eddie off. “See?” Richie points to a vinyl (yes, Eddie learned the word) with their intertwined fingers.
“I don’t think I understand,” Eddie says looking at Richie.
“I don’t think you need to,” Richie winks, seating Eddie further from the vinyl.
“For a comedian, you’re not funny.”
“Come to one of my shows then. Got one tomorrow night.” Richie winks.
Richie stops himself before he says ‘its a date.’
“Where did you go?” Beverly asked Eddie as he walked into the kitchen where the rest of the group was standing.
“I went back here,” Eddie says, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room as he holds back a ‘and kind of got a date. Kind of. Well, no it isn’t a date. I’m just gonna watch his show-’
“Richie ‘went back here,’ too?”
“Oh- no, he just… it was really late and he-he walked and rode the train with me back here.” Eddie replied. Ben, Beverly, Bill, and Mike all exchanged looks while he wasn’t looking. “I uh- speaking of Richie though, what does he even do?” He asked, trying to be subtle. Keyword: trying.
Ben tried to hide a laugh, “Besides working at the shop he does some comedy, I thought we told you already?”
“Yeah, yeah, uh anyway, does he even have shows?”
Deciding that he didn’t want this conversation to last too long since Eddie would never bring up what he really wants to say, “He’s got a show tomorrow n-night, I think,” Bill says looking at Ben and Beverly, “Think we can watch it?”
“Totally, its at a bar not too far from here,” Ben smiles.
“Yeah, sure, why not,” Eddie says quickly, thankful that his friends ‘didn’t’ notice how much he wanted to go.
Eddie was alone on Sunday morning, tired after the concert the night before, —despite not being there for half of it—and he woke up at around 10. His four other momentary housemates were out for the day on whatever they were planning on doing on a Sunday morning in Los Angeles —he wondered what there is to do. Which made Eddie feel painfully single, but also made him feel a little better. An abnormal creek came from downstairs he shut the door to his bedroom, ‘I must’ve just imagined it, I need coffee.’
A loud crash sound rang inside the house and followed Eddie to the first floor. He ran into the kitchen, grabbed the first thing he could find, and rushed toward the direction of the sound, prepared to hit. “Holy fuck, please no!” Richie shouted, hands above his head, dropping the coat rack he was trying to put straight back up. Eddie dropped the pan in his hands and sighed, relieved. “What the fuck is this? Tangled?” Richie laughed, breathlessly.
“Asshole. I thought there was some, I don’t know, a psychopathic- killer- clown that broke into the house out to kill me.”
“I- I’m not even gonna fucking ask.”
Eddie sighs and rolls his eyes, ”why are you here anyway?”
“Just picking up something, what are you doing here?” Richie asked, ‘well shit. Now I look like an idiot.’
“Told you. I’m staying here.” Eddie answered returning the pan to the kitchen.
“Uh, right,” Richie awkwardly said, wanting to fill the silence. As much as he wanted to ask, ‘are you coming to my show tonight?’ He didn’t and instead, “so, how’s your mom doing? She okay after last night?”
“Ew. That’s disgusting,” Eddie said his face scrunching up, “I, uh, I’m going.”
As if he read Richie’s mind he clarified, “I’m going to your show.”
“Neat.” Richie smiled widely, “uh no. Not neat. No! Not that is it’s ‘not neat’ for you to come to my show, I mean not neat. Like, not the word ‘neat’. Jeez. Uh—“
“Yeah, neat.” Eddie laughed, “weren’t you going to get something?” He knew he was winning this.
“Oh right, uh,” The man in glasses began to walk towards the library —it wasn’t actually a library just an extra room Ben and Beverly filled with books and music things (Eddie honestly didn't know what they were). Again, their house is fucking like a mansion— and Richie came out with vinyl in his hands, “they borrowed it,” He said shaking it.
“Have you heard it before?”
“I don’t think so,” Eddie says walking closer.
“Lets go then,” Richie smirks going back into the room, putting in the vinyl. ‘Sittin' in the kitchen, a house in Macon’ rang the player, ‘Loretta's singing on the radio’
"Smell of coffee, eggs, and bacon” Richie sung.
“What is that?” Eddie asked.
“‘Car Wheels On A Gravel Road’, Lucinda Williams,” Richie replied just as the same line played.
“What kind of song even is that? Its all guitar but not-”
“First, its country and rock. Alt-Country. Second, not all songs with guitars have to sound like ‘The Carpal Tunnel Of Love’ or something,”
“I don’t even wanna what that is,” Eddie rolled his eyes, looking at the player —he didn’t actually know what it was called.
“You live under a rock. Not even a single rock— you-you live in a fucking cave.”
“Half the people I know don’t know what that is.” But Richie was already picking up a new vinyl — ‘is that a fucking sheep?’ Eddie wondered once he saw the cover.
Richie set the —‘what the fuck is that’ Eddie thought— on a place over the vinyl. “We take sour sips from life's lush lips” Richie sung, smiling at Eddie.
“Its so loud. What the fuck is that?” Richie just kept on singing.
“Whoa-oh, we're so miserable and stunning,” Richie sang. As, much as Eddie didn’t want to admit it, he sounded amazing.
“This is so loud. I’m not doing this,” Eddie said walking out of the room. The song being loud was the reason, he promised. It wasn’t because he knew he would lose it if he kept going, it was just loud.
“Hey, what? Eddie, wait!” Richie said stopping the music and tripping over himself to get to the door. “Have you been walking through life with earplugs on? Jeez,” Richie checked his watch, “shit, I’m gonna head back to the store. I’ll see you tonight?”
Eddie thought his heart stopped for a moment, and then he remembered he was going to Richie’s show. Nothing more. Because it shouldn’t be anything more. “Yeah,” Eddie said, watching as Richie walked out the door.
Eddie was alone in his room Sunday night, (or Monday morning? He couldn’t tell) tired of laughing, tired of being so far away from Richie. His set was amazing (not that Eddie would tell him that.) So maybe he was feeling something. Maybe he was feeling a lot. That doesn’t mean he must fall into Richie's arms. Or should fall into his arms —he thinks that Richie definitely can his hands and shoulders and just his arms are so big. He knows he shouldn’t fall in love again. The last time didn’t do well for him, and he had known her for years before they even started dating. And much longer before they got married. He shouldn’t be feeling this. But what if he was?
What If Richie Tozier Wasn’t?
As he walked out of the door from the Marsh’s house, he headed for the trains once again. Something in his head was pulling him away, not wanting him to continue the project, but what if its what’s good for him? What if Eddie didn’t like him the same way? This might continue to be like Connor. I mean, they saw each other in the store and started talking after ditching a concert? Is that how love was supposed to go? How is love supposed to go? On the other hand, Ben and Bev seem to like him. He trusts Ben and Bev. He trusts Eddie. But what if Eddie shouldn’t be trusted? This was something all too fragile.
Richie walked into the train, looking down on the vinyl he played Eddie. He took out the Sharpie from his pocket prepared to write on ‘Car Wheels On A Gravel Road’ but then his phone let out a ‘ping’ He opened his phone to a group chat with Stan, Patty, Ben, and Bev called: ‘The Four Hets Who Help With The Vinyl Project Thing’ —Richie was also surprised that it fits there.
Patty: Good luck on your date today!!! Stan: Yeah, have fun, rich. Ben: Tell us everything once its done :) Ben: By the way, Stan and Patty, we’re almost there. Stan: See you guys. Bev: Thats great and I absolutely love that for you. But I thought you were with [redacted] [Bev Deleted a Message.]
Richie didn’t catch what Beverly had written, but if it was deleted it probably wasn’t important. Richie opened the mail app on his phone to see the email that got him this date again. He had gotten it the day after he left Hot Fuss on the train, and he, Patty, and Stan had eaten out that night.
Subject: I found your vinyl From: Adam Wilson <@AdAmWIlsOn> To: Richie Toz <@Remembering_Records> 
  ‘Hey, Richie. My name’s Adam. I found the Hot Fuss album you left on the train a few weeks ago. I used to love listening to The Killers but work took so much of my time that I didn’t get to listen to them much anymore, but when I listened to your album, I felt like I finally relaxed, you know? I absolutely love Mr. Brightside but Somebody Told Me is still running through my head (Smile Like You Mean it doesn’t even need to be said. Its perfect. Oh man but then there’s also All These Things That I’ve Done. The Killers are just perfect.)
I should probably tell you somethings about me. I’m a doctor. I moved here from Manchester, UK, around a week ago to start a new job. I also volunteer at animal shelters in my spare time.
If I don’t sound like a serial killer and you’re interested, I really would love a date.
P.S. Mr. Brightside or Miss Atomic Bomb?
Richie had replied to him simply and fairly quickly (he chose Mr. Brightside.) He was heading there now, over to a restaurant downtown. He looked back down at the vinyl in his hands, just as he remembered Eddie smile and laugh awkwardly when he didn’t know what was going on. There was something about Eddie. Richie had no clue what it was, or what it made him feel, but there was definitely something there. He’s never felt this way before. Not with his friends, not with his hookups, not with Connor. It isn’t that he didn’t like it. He just had to be careful with it.
On second thought, maybe he shouldn’t leave them in the subway. He has time to bring them home first, right?
Richie walked into the restaurant, almost an hour late. By the time he had gotten home, he and Adam were already supposed to be meeting up, since the train he was previously on was going in the opposite direction. He then decided that riding his car would be faster than taking the trains, but the traffic was unbearable. He had taken a few wrong turns heading to the restaurant, too. Not that he didn’t know the place, there was a concert a few streets away that blocked some of the streets. So, exactly 53 minutes and 20 seconds late for his date, he stood there. As expected, Adam wasn’t there anymore.
Richie walked into the backseat of his car, kicking the chair in front of him. Of course, he messed up his first date in years. Fucking years. The one guy was interested in him, now gone, because he- what was he even doing? If he just dropped the two pieces of vinyl, he could’ve gotten this date and would’ve had two or more possible other ones. He wouldn’t blame Eddie for this failed date. He couldn’t. That was all on him.
At least he picked a restaurant close to the bar he was doing his show at. Richie wiped at his tears and climbed into the front of the car. Driving down a few streets, he walked up to the ‘Golden Rookie’ sign at the front of his favourite bar. Taking a deep breath, and willing himself not to puke, he jogged backstage to see Riley rolling her eyes at him.
“Failed date,” Richie smiled jogging on to the stage.
“Hello and goodnight, everybody!” he began, earning applause from a few of the regulars. "So, I checked Twitter this morning and..." he began slightly walking around the stage. He scanned the room, and there, far at the back was Eddie Kaspbrak, slightly smiling at the stage. Eddie was still in his work clothes, a suit and tie. His grin somehow both left and widened the moment they caught eyes.
When Richie got home that night, he thought that his set was the best one he’s done in a while. He wondered why.
Richie Tozier And Eddie Kaspbrak Have Breakfast Eddie wondered what that sound was. It was loud, he didn’t think it was loud for anyone else. It sounded- it sounded like if a pebble hit glass without breaking it. Weird. Eddie looked around the room, the continuous clattering waking him up. “What the fuck is that?” He muttered, walking over to the window. Richie Tozier was standing outside his window, waving at him like a maniac. “What the fuck are you doing here? Its the middle of the night, Richie!” Eddie whispered loudly (he wondered how that worked) once he opened his window.
“Its actually Tuesday morning,” Richie smiled, “C’ mere!”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “go to the front fucking door.”
He changed clothes quickly, trying not to look like he fixed up before seeing Richie. What was he doing? Its the middle of the- its Monday morning, and he's going to go with a stranger to who knows where. He's probably going insane. This was probably a dream, why would this happen if he were awake? Though, a part of him wished it wasn't a dream.
Down the stairs and out the door on to the porch, “What the fuck Richie? Its,” he looked at his phone, “its five in the morning.” He saw a guitar around Richie’s shoulders, (huge shoulders) deciding not to ask.
Richie hummed in agreement. “Yeah, we’re getting breakfast,” Richie said as he locks fingers with Eddie.
“Its five in the morning,” Eddie repeated.
“We’re getting breakfast.”
“At… five in the fucking morning?”
“Yup. There’s a nice diner somewhere here, we can walk.”
“I hope you know I think you’re crazy. The sun isn’t even up.” Richie just nodded.
The two walked to the diner together in silence. Eddie wasn’t uncomfortable, just, surprised. There was a ‘comfortable’ silence between the two, Eddie never really had that before. He was always used to the controlling words, and reminders and the arguing with Myra. He didn’t see his friends much because of work, so when they would meet up, there was never silence. And now there’s Richie, who he barely knows anything about, holding his hand at a time too early, as they walk towards a diner in a city Eddie doesn’t even live in. ‘Its nice’ he thinks, as they walk into the diner. It surprises Eddie, how much it looks like the diners in movies. But everything (and everyone- some more than others) in Los Angeles surprise him. ‘Most things surprise me’, he guesses, ��I don’t go out much.’ But he knew better than that.
The two took their orders hands still intertwined under the table. “Why are we here?” Eddie asked, now sitting across from Richie.
“Ask that again in,” Richie looked down at his watch, “In 32 minutes, and 19 seconds.”
“Thats weird, but you aren’t going to tell me anything about that until then.”
“Right. So, lets talk about something else. How’d you like my show?”
“You like your praise. Its not that bad.”
“Just ‘not that bad’?”
“Yup, just ‘not that bad.’”
“I had a clear view of you from the stage. I didn’t know you could smile, Eds.”
“Don’t call me ‘Eds.’ Not my name.”
“Whatever you say, Spaghetti,” Richie said as Eddie rolled his eyes, “Do you have work today?”
“Actually, no. Bill and Mike are doing all I need today since I covered them a few days ago. Why?”
“Mind if I borrowed you for the rest of the day?” Richie smirked. (Eddie wanted to hate that smirk, he really did, he just couldn’t.)
“Yes. I do mind. I need a break.”
“Exactly, I’m giving you the world’s best break.”
Eddie sighed, “Please don’t. I’m scared.”
“Come on, I know you missed me.”
“I didn’t. I really didn’t.” He did. “You know what, whatever. Just- why am I here?”
“Look out the window,” Richie nodded.
“Look out the- what?” Eddie said, confused. He turned his head and, "Woah."
Eddie saw, through the trees and the buildings on the horizon, a soft sunrise. Whoever painted the sky in the early mornings, Eddie praised them. “Its pretty, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie stuttered, looking over at Richie, who was grinning widely.
“You should see the sunset after it rains. Its beautiful,” Richie held back, ‘kinda like you’.
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ilvsyzj · 3 years
Chapter Thirty-Four: Orientation Day of Yin Yang Royal Couple Training.
Week #4, Thursday, 12/24/2020, Christmas Eve
     When I woke up this morning, I was a little confuse as to where I was. Then I remember I was at Safe Haven Mountain. I was really tired. Sky was already up and he was just laying next to me, with a very groggy look on his face. Toothless and Snow climb into our bed and they sat on our chest. 
Sky: -yawning- Can I help you?
Snow: Food. 
Toothless: Hungry. 
Jazzy: -yawning- Five more minutes. 
Snow and Toothless: No. Now. 
Sky: Scarlet and Icy isn’t asking for breakfast just yet. 
Toothless: Because they flew off at sun rise to hunt. Now, feed us. 
Sky: Can we just stay in bed for a few more minutes?
Toothless and Snow: Nope. 
Sky and Jazzy: -getting up- Fine. 
    I went to get ready and Sky fed the cats. Then Sky went to get ready as I was going to our team for breakfast. Sky joined us shortly after. No one was talking to Brandy or Jeff because of what they did last night. I think they are too embarrassed. They should be because everyone in Safe Haven Mountain heard what they did. After breakfast and well deserve two cups of coffee, Scarlet and Icy returned from their hunt. 
Scarlet: Ready for training?
Sky and I: Yes. 
Phil: Do you want us to join?
Icy: Yes. Today, is just an orientation. So every should listen up. Because your official first day of training is Saturday. 
    Scarlet and Icy took us to a quiet cave. There are multiple little caves in this mountain. Inside this little quiet cave we had our orientation. 
Scarlet: This Saturday we are going to start our Yin Yang Royal Mythical Court and Couple training. How this training works is that you all are going to go to a special cave. You will find this cave with a Yin Yang symbol carved into the entrance way. Go into this cave and that’s where all of you will start your training. The first four level are elements. Four of you are going to send some your powers into me and Icy. You’re going to learn a new power called Friendship Power. Levels 5-10 physical training. For the next two weeks all of you have to give it your all. At the end of the two weeks there is a small ceremony and then your Yin Yang Royal Mythical Court and Couple Training is complete. Any question?
William: Will the Healers come with us?
Icy: Yes. But they are not to interfere unless you are injured. 
William: Understood. 
Icy: Any more questions?
Mike: If there wasn’t a war how long will this training usually take?
Scarlet: 9 months to a year. 
Jazzy: Wow! We are taking the express way. 
Scarlet and Icy: Yup. 
Icy: If you don’t have any more questions then lets return to camp. 
Simon: Wow! Scarlet and Icy are already as big as house. 
Toothless: Dragons do grow in rapid speed. But Scarlet and Icy aren’t done growing yet. 
Jazzy: By the time we get home, Scarlet and Icy are sleeping outside. Because they will be too big and won’t be able to fit through the front door, I think we should build them their own little house. 
Icy: No need. We like to spread our wings when we wake up in the morning. We don’t like being trap inside a small wooden box. 
    After our short orientation we went back to camp. We had a little lunch and Sky was acting a little nervous today. I was about to ask why he’s being nervous, but I couldn’t because Brandy screamed-laughed again. Since she was next to me and her voice is pretty loud. I freaked out and shot a fire blast towards the ceiling of the mountain. And few chunks of rocks fell down to the little river behind us. 
Michelle: Jeez. 
Sky: -growling at Jeff and Brandy- 
    Brandy and Jeff stopped fooling around. I went to check to see if anyone was injured from my little scare blast. To my relief no one was hurt. But the large chunk of rock was blocking the flow of water. I moved the large chunk of rock with my wind power. The head Healer told me to put the large rock in far corner of the cave, because she has idea of what do with the large chunk of rock. Then I went back to camp. When I got back to camp I heard some fighting between Sky, Jeff, and Brandy. 
Sky: -angry- Hold it! Do it on Christmas! Not now!
Brandy: -crying- I can’t hold it. Every time Jeff touches me, I feel turned on and I just want to make out with Jeff. -sniff- We don’t want to do it in front of all of you. It’s already embarrassing. -sniff- 
Sky: -angry- Jeff, for the next 24 hours don’t touch Brandy until tomorrow. If you continue to touch her today, than I have no choice but bench the both of you. Understood?!
Jeff and Brandy: -nodding- 
Sky: -angry- Good!
   After that little fight. Brandy went to join her girls and Jeff went to join the boys. Sky asked me if any injures, and I told him no. Just a large chunk of rock blocking the flow of the river, which I moved with my power. Sky nodded and sigh. I understand what Sky is going through because he has to team two different groups. Also, being in heat is really hard. You either get super horney or you’re in a lot of pain. I’m feeling a little bit more sore these last couple days and tired, so I know I’m in heat but I don’t complain because I’m focusing on my training. If I don’t think about me being in heat, I don’t feel it. Unless I bleed all over my pants, which I have done multiple times when I was a teenager. But now, I know when I’m about to be in heat or in heat, is when my body is telling me whether I’m sore or when I’m super tired. When I’m super tired I go to be early at night or I don’t want to get out bed in the morning. But focusing my mind on something different, then I would be fine. However, I do get jumpy when I’m in heat. So, any loud sudden noises makes me jump out of my skin. I also get very grumpy when I’m in heat. I try not to show it but once in while I will show it if I get annoyed enough. Jeff and Brandy little horny festival did annoy me, but my mind was thinking about something else, so I didn’t snap at them, not like Sky who snap at them a couple times. Sky is the leader and he has to make sure everyone stay in line. If not then we will have chaos on our team and we don’t want that. 
     Since today is Christmas Eve, Sky walked over to me and took my hand. Sky led me away from the group. But we were only 5 feet away from the group when Vix came up to us. 
Vix: Sorry, to bother you two. But don’t wonder off too far, because there’s going to be a team meeting before dinner tonight. 
Sky and Jazzy: Understood. 
Vix: Good. Have fun. -smiling-
Jazzy: Where we going?
Sky: I want to show you a place where I find it amazing. 
Jazzy: Okay. 
     Sky took me to a cave called Hidden Crystal Cave. I never been here before and when I walked in I was so amazed by what I saw, that my jaw dropped to the ground. I felt like I was in the movie How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. The entire cave is pitch black with little dots of light. From the glow worms hanging from the crystals. It was the most place I’ve ever seen. 
Jazzy: Wow. -smiling- 
Sky: I thought you’ll like it. -smiling- This is my favorite place to be. Because its like I’m looking at stars. I would come here when I can’t see stars in the city because of the city lights. I don’t really come here unless I want to destress. You are the very first person I brought to this spot. I didn’t even bring my parents. 
Jazzy: Oh. You’re very sweet. This is our special spot. -smiling- 
Sky: Mhm. 
Jazzy: Why do I have a feeling that you’re going to give me something?
Sky: -laughing- You love ruining surprises. Stop reading my mind. 
Jazzy: Hey. -slapping Sky’s arm- A) I didn’t read your mind. 2) When you get nervous about something its written all over your face. So, you’re nervous about some bad news you’re going to give me, or you’re nervous about asking me something. 
Sky: Darn. I do have something to ask you, but I’ll ask you tomorrow. However, I did find the perfect jewel for your Christmas gift. -smiling-
Jazzy: Now, you’re making feel bad. :(
Sky: Why?
Jazzy: Because I didn’t get you anything. 
Sky: You still got time. I can take you to the Jewel Cave tonight. 
Jazzy: Okay. 
Sky: Let’s go. 
    Sky took me to Jewel Cave which turned out to be a Jewelry Shop. Sky waited for me outside so he wouldn’t know what I’m getting him. I spend a good 10 minutes in the shop looking for the perfect gift, and I found it. I’m actually giving Sky a Yin Yang Couple Message Necklace.  I’m actually a little bit of Yin and Yang. Sky is mostly Yang. So I’m his Yin and he is my Yang. The nice employee wrapped it up for me and I left the Jewelry Shop. 
Sky: What did you get?
Jazzy: -laughing- Cheater. I’m not telling you. You have to find out tomorrow. -smiling- 
Sky: Boo. 
Jazzy: Don’t boo me mister. I didn’t ask you what you got me. Why should I tell you what I got for you?
Sky: True. Fine. I’ll wait like a good boy. Can I get a tip?
Jazzy: It’s our new symbol. -smiling- 
Sky: Oh. I know what you got me. Thanks. -kissing Jazzy on the lips- 
Jazzy: You’re welcome. -smiling- 
    Sky and I walk back to the camp site. Because we had a meeting that we need to attend to. 
Simon: Did you two have a nice walk?
Sky and Jazzy: Yes. 
Candy: Where did you guys go?
Jazzy: Did a last minute Christmas shopping. 
Brandy: -excited- Oh. What did you get me?
Jazzy: Oh. I didn’t know the entire group was exchanging Christmas gifts this year. I only got something for Sky and no one else. I’m sorry. 
Brandy: That’s okay. Next year, we’ll do Christmas gifts exchange. 
Jazzy: Deal. -smiling-
Jeff: Oh, you shouldn’t done it. Now, Bran is going to expect a gift from you next Christmas. 
Jazzy: That’s fine. I actually like giving gifts to family and friends. So, I don’t mine giving you guys a little something for Christmas. -smiling- 
Sky: Some of us can be picky. You sure?
Jazzy: Mhm. I usually ask my family and friends what they want. If they don’t tell me then I just bake my family and friends some cookies, brownies, or hand made stuff. 
Sky: Okay. But Brandy can be very expensive. Just warning you. 
Jazzy: Good to know. -smiling- 
Brandy: I’m not that expensive. Sky is execrating.
Sky: I’m execrating? 
Vix: -shouting- Team meeting! 
   We went to where Vix was standing. 
Vix: This meeting is very short so I’m going to take up much of your time. Tomorrow is Christmas so we have the day off. So you can go and do whatever you want. Just don’t leave this mountain. If you leave this mountain you are going to be attacked by the enemy, or the enemy is hiding outside this mountain and watching where we come out, so the enemy can come in and kill everyone in here. So tomorrow and until we leave no one is allow outside. Understood?
Everyone: Understood.
Vix: Good. One more thing, everyone needs to focus in the next two weeks. So if any you have news please announced it tomorrow night. So you can get it out your system tomorrow night. If you can focus without telling us any good news, then please keep to yourselves. I’m just saying if you are a type of person that need to tell people right away, do it tomorrow night but if you are a type of person that can wait until the job is done. Then please keep the news to yourselves. Because I don’t want any of you being distracted from the task at hand. Understood? 
Everyone: Yes.  
Vix: Good. That is it. Have a good night rest. See you tomorrow. 
   The meeting ended and we went to do our own thing. 45 minutes later it was time for dinner. All of us were in our own little world. Enjoying our Christmas Eve dinner. After dinner our group start telling stories about their Christmas Eve dinner parties. Some of these stories are funny and some of these stories are embarrassing. But it was all good fun sharing stories about our families and friends. At 9pm I went to take a shower because I was feeling tired. 20 minutes later Sky took his turn. I wrapped Sky’s half of the gift. I put my half on my neck. I already set up the necklaces and I send a message to Sky’s half. I’m wearing the Yin half and tomorrow Sky will be wearing the Yang half. The best thing about these necklaces is that they are waterproof. So Sky and I wouldn’t have to take it off, when we shower or go swimming. Also these necklaces doesn’t look too girly so its perfect for Sky when he wears his. Before Sky came out of the shower, I put his gift in my backpack. When Sky came into our tent Toothless and Snow came in as well. 
Toothless: Do we get gifts tomorrow?
Sky and Jazzy: Sorry no. 
Snow: Oh. May next year?
Jazzy: I promise next year you two that you get gifts from me and Sky. 
Toothless: I’ll hold you up to that deal. 
Snow: Ditto. 
Jazzy: -smiling- 
Sky: Can I have my gift tonight?
Jazzy: No. You and I will exchange gifts tomorrow. 
Sky: All right. Because I’m curious as to what you’re wearing around your neck.
Jazzy: My half of your gift. -smiling- 
Sky: Oh. I know what it is. But in my family we have a tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve. 
Jazzy: I don’t believe you. 
Sky: Okay. -handing Jazzy his phone- I have old videos on my phone. That proves my family does exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. Every year. 
    I unlocked his phone and went to his videos. I found Sky’s old family videos and it proves that Sky wasn’t lying to me. After watching 5 videos I was convince. 
Jazzy: -handing back Sky’s phone- Fine. -Taking out Sky’s gift out of my backpack- Merry Christmas. -smiling- 
Sky: -pulling out Jazzy’s gift from his jean pocket and handing it to Jazzy- Merry Christmas. -smiling- 
     Sky and I open our gifts. Sky loved his gift and I love my gift. Sky gave me a Promise Engagement Ring with a beautiful 1/2 carat ruby diamond. Sky already put his gift around his neck. I was crying because I never seen such a beautiful ring. Because my 1/2 carat ruby diamond sits in the middle of the Yin Yang symbol. 
Sky: Promise Engagement Ring is more important than a regular Promise Ring.
Jazzy: -sniff- Why?
Sky: -wiping away Jazzy’s tears- Because this ring symbolizes my promise to love you until death due us part, and I want to ask you, will you do me the honor of being my wife and queen?
Jazzy: -sniff- Yes. 
    With that I’m engaged today to Royal Prince Sky You. I put on the ring and I kissed Sky. Sky hugged me and he was very happy that I said yes. I couldn’t be happier. Because I found my soul mate and best friend. I didn’t have to think twice because I knew Sky was the one for me, when we first met. That night we didn’t get our new tattoo, because the ring symbolizes that Sky and I are engaged. Sky and I came to decision that we won’t tell the team that we are engaged. Because we know that they are going to be more excited over our engagement, and not focus on the task at hand. So, tomorrow we are going to put our gifts into our backpack. We are going to tell them after the war. Because we don’t know when our wedding is going to be. That’s why we decided not to tell them that we are engaged. The most common question is going to be asked is when the wedding is. Sky and I haven’t set a date yet for the wedding, but we know that we want to enjoy our engagement for as long as we can. But December 24, 2020 is the day I’ll never forget. I’m so happy that I said yes to Sky that I’ll be his wife and queen. However, Toothless, Snow, Scarlet, and Icy know our news, but they wouldn’t say anything because they know that we are going to get mad at them, and also they know what is more important which is the task at hand and not our engagement.
    Sky and I went to sleep and our animals are very happy with what they heard. But Sky and I knew that our team heard Sky pop the question and my answer to his pop question. So by tomorrow morning our entire team is going want to celebrate. Especially Brandy. Before I closed my eyes I have a gut feeling that Brandy would want to know what colors I want for the wedding. Because my gut is telling me that Brandy wants to be my wedding planner. At midnight we felt someone come into our tent and plop on top of me. Whoever came into our tent scared the crap out me and I set my tent on fire. It was Brandy who came charging into our tent. 
Brandy: -screaming- I’m sorry for scaring you. But I couldn’t sleep until you give me answer. 
Jazzy: -annoyed and groggy- What is it that so important that it can’t wait until tomorrow?
Brandy: -shouting- Can I be your wedding planner?!
Sky: -annoyed and angry- Jeffery! If you don’t pick up your wife to be. My wife to be is going to set your wife to be on fire! 
Michelle: -yawning- Jazzy just answer Brandy. Because if Brandy doesn’t get an straight answer from you, she isn’t going to stop bugging you with the question for the rest of the year. 
Jazzy: -groggy and annoyed- Ugh! Sky and I will think about it. And in 2 weeks after our training we’ll give you an solid answer. But you are not to ask us the question repeatedly for the next two weeks. If you repeat the question every day for the next two weeks then Sky and I will give you a solid no as our answer. Understood? 
Brandy: Understood.  
Jazzy: -yawning- Good. Now go to bed. 
    Brandy left and Vix gave us a new tent. We all went back to bed. 
-End of Chapter Thirty-Four- 
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resmarted · 7 years
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here i am again, smashing the crystal vases and good china, ravaging the beautiful dining room and chucking antiques across the room. i want to be done here, i want to be done here! i want to move on, but to what? i can’t remember how to even be a person, i can’t find the light and this tunnel is so dark and endless, we don’t even have headlights to guide us. i came here to bring you on a date in the stylings of nineties classic it takes two starring kirstie alley and the olsens, except instead of mka we are switching them out for young taylor swifts, that’s right two of them, which is all i could think about the entire time i rewatched it again. so here goes nothing, we open on a street corner in philly because this is our version and the ahhccents are gonna be mewr sewth philly than ahhhnything. taylor swift number one, let’s call her taytay the scrappy orphan that has self-professed lousy english like aintcha gonna wanna git ewta here before they catcha? nobody even blinks and in pigtails and a worn out backwards baseball cap on her head, this ten year old who is probably played by an eight year old swift bc coming from a fellow tall person we just sprout from the crib it’s nuts, i’ve always looked older than i was from being tall. so eight year old swift is playing ten year old scrappy orphan taytay who is always chewing gum and has a baseball bat as kirstie alley (YOU.) look out the window and yell at her like, cmahhn tay! you got an appt with the butkis’ and i told u not to get that dress dirty! and tiny taylor chewing gum is like awww cuhmuhhhhhn doi-anne! just lemme knahck this one outta the pawrk first! that’s not the line it’s something else referencing the fact that they’re playing in the middle of the street of their inner city neighborhood. she is the pretty white girl of the orphanage so it makes no sense she hasn’t been adopted but is of course the star athlete of the kids and favorite of the social worker you-kirstie alley. she is accosted by kids and called a reject and lil taytay’s all why i awwwghta! she’s making her best >:| face, and pop goes the weasel she hits the ball and probably breaks a window or something and as she runs to the cab the kids are like, the butkis ppl are creeps that collect kids! and taytay is tayrrified before threatening the other kids with her fists in the air as the cab drives away. cut to a close up of a nineties cellphone and private plane landing, and taylor number two is wearing a practical pantsuit in beige and just won another piano competition, and she overpronounces all of her t’s at the end of her words. let’s call her fancita. yes i’m serious, i’m already so tired and bored of this story, it was way more exciting after rewatching the other night. whatever this story is just a remix of the parent trap anyway and that’s why we have two baby swifts and don’t ask me why, don’t ask me why i’ve taken you this far down the rabbithole but let’s just keep going until we find each other. so fancita is an aristocratic princess that plays tennis and i don’t know, i’m just trying to get to the part where they are like omg let’s get this social worker and rich man who has a cell phone company before that’s even a thing, and while orphan taytay is in danger of becoming the next adopted butkis - which in this version is just straight up trafficking ring i mean come on, they were pedos and it was heavily insinuated in the movie, but basically she’s in danger of being adopted into an abusive hellhole and fancitay is like hey girl hey! when her butler arrives to pick her up from her private jet. the nineties always portrayed wealth with these long ridiculous limos and british butler limo drivers, which as we now all know rich people are just driven in cars w tinted windows and the only people riding in limos are seniors in high school, but i digress. she meets her new soon-to-be stepmother, also played by taylor swift, present day style. she’s all, when i was your age i had already been through three stepmothers, you’ll be in a tibetan boarding school as soon as the wedding is over tomorrow! for this she is in her satanic red high priestess dress from lwymmd, golden snake rings at all. actually let’s just say at some point she’s bathing in diamonds as well, i mean there are many versions of her current snake-embraced image that we can use for this but that’s not the point, it is that im not even in love with grown taylor swift! i am just trying to fill the void of my dead wife who loved children and built a camp conveniently across from the literal castle we live in. i haven’t been there since, pushes back hair like sigh, since she died ten years ago right after fancitay was born. i’m all, cell phones, i hate the damn things. back when i invested in them everyone thought it was just something out of star trek and now i’m a lonely billionaire marrying snake taylor in a haze of confusion and thinking that’s what i should do, fancita needs a mother after all. you’re a tough talking protective mama bear that wants to adopt orphan taytay but you’re just a social worker and what? the butkis’ already had the paperwork go through to adopt her?? i come to find you after a failed horse meetup planted by the taylor twins to apologize for leaving you to get yelled at by steptaylor, and you’re like look keep your fancy cell phone company lifestyle and keep it moving, bucko! in the movie they get into a food fight but i’m not trying to go that deep, but basically we fight until you, an enraged four foot two version of kirstie alley okay you’re actually just a tiny goth and i’m a clumsy ogre, that part never changes. you push me with all your might, not necessary trying to push me into the river but it happens and i’m all, oh my god i feel like a kid again! this must be love! okay but seriously, that part’s the realest. i do feel like a kid again, and this must be love, mustn’t it? what will our tiny taylors tell us? we don’t know what it is or why, but it makes sense because we feel it, i can feel you. even when you say to your fellow social worker friend (played by your bandmate and beloved drummer) guys like that only date girls with food names like candy or muffin or cookie, and princess taylor disguised as orphan taylor turns around from her archery practice, greatly offended and snapping back, his dead wife was a teacher that loved kids and built this camp and she wasn’t a food her name was kathy with a k played by kourtney in a brief shot of her glamorously in a casket but dripping in jewels and hands delicately crossed over her chest. whatever, goth kourtney fantasies are not the point ok i know that. you look at princess taylor disguised as pauper taylor and are like well excuse me jeez, you don’t gotta bully me over it. sigh so then the state comes for her and accidentally send my daughter to some terrifying child sex ring that nightmares are made of and turned into dateline episodes, and this one is no less horrifying. orphan taylor shows the butler various scars and marks and bruises to show that she’s a fraudulent child that happens to just be another cute blonde that adults didn’t look closely enough at and notice bc they aren’t actually twins in this story, they’re just strangers that look alike. which honestly is prob when they first really started making the olsens insane irl like, pitting them against each other by pointing out fraternal differences and how one was the cute one the other was just the sister oh, don’t even get me started, dear. steptaylor comes home with ultra long extensions like repunzel after sneaky orphan taylor put gum in her hair. the original she gets it all cut off and suddenly her loss of beauty is signified by a short haircut which is so dumb and we just can’t agree with something so stupid, so in this she comes back with thousands of dollars worth of hair that isn’t hers just to prove her worth and appeal, which honestly is much sadder than a short sassy do any day. we get to the home of the butkis’ but no one answers and a neighbor who in the actual movie looks exactly like mike, like no shit just put a bass on him and it’s like every dude in a band probably but him specifically - unless i hallucinated it, the point is! he originally says oh that guy works those kids into the ground at the factory all day, or something like that, but in this version maybe he just shudders bc everyone just gets the pervy vibe from this butkis guy. the door gets kicked in as they are just about to initiate her into the butkis cult of abuse, and i don’t know i think it just ends with like, kirstie alley and the dad kissing? like they don’t get married or anything i don’t think. which leaves so many questions open like, if they do end up getting married, will the taylors become friends? will fancita resent taytay for taking up space and attention away? or will she be so grateful for good mother that everything will be fine and normal and fall into place? it seems like they’re all destined to end up on doctor phil. i mean, what happens when this bonehead (me) doesn’t continue to invest properly and his dumb luck cell phone business inevitably plummets because by the late nineties they’re a dime a dozen and each one is a sinking ship. what happens when they go bankrupt and all have to be poor, will they stay together? will princess taylor be like this is all your fault you’re bad luck with your poor people vibes! bc she can’t understand the crashing economy and how this is just what happens to people, one day you can be rich and the next totally broke, and it’s not really anyone’s fault. are you going to still love me even though i am horrible at saving money is what i’m asking? like, can you just quietly move money around in my accounts for me and put stuff in my savings when i’m not looking? because if i see literally any extra change i’m going to be like time to go eat giant cheeseburgers and drink ourselves into a coma! i got a groupon for a hotel stay in florida, let’s road trip! i know what your biggest concern is besides money and it’s because i know you like the back of my head (not at all), but the answer is no, steptaylor drowns in a sea of snakes at some point because i don’t have time for a decent end for her. i feel like it should be more feminist, like maybe she gets a job slinging mary kay and in the process realizes not only is she a boss at making her own income but that she doesn’t even need the amount of makeup she had been using before. she has like her own spiritual journey in the background somewhere far, far away from us and our super exclusive love, as well as our twin daughters taylor one and taylor two. i have completely forgotten their names by now but i’m just here to see if you even still love me. well? do you??? i’m just trying to prepare you for when i’m like, starting every other sentence with “you know when my wife died…” at really inappropriate times like, to a cashier in the checkout line or just in bed when we are having a romantic evening that i was bound to spoil in one way or another, so it may as well be with dead wife talk. you will probably just laugh and attempt to smother me with a pillow for being so, so embarrassing. i miss you i love you i hate you i don’t know you. i want you. do i ever even say anything else anymore? i mean it is halloween season so technically i don’t have to be original, right? you are the only ghost i could ever truly love, and that’s saying a lot seeing as how i arrived to this world haunted. pls tho, don’t ever stop being my best boo.
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davidcarner · 6 years
Pros and Cons Ch 6, The Plan
A/N: "Chuck sure is stupid," or some variation thereof has been the biggest line said in the reviews. I understand, and hopefully this chapter lets you all in on why he's acting this way. I did a lot of research before I began to write this story and after the reviews begin to pile in, I realized I'd never put all this info in. It was in my head, but you guys don't know what's in there (nor do you want to know) so hopefully this helps. Guys, get ready, because things…well…they get interesting. I give you Pros and Cons Ch 6, The Plan
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck, and don't we all need a good cuddling before bed?
Ellie sat there, stunned. She had listened to Bryce's story, and read Jack's letter. She was blown away at what had happened to her brother, and now she understood. Chuck had kept saying he didn't want to get hurt again, but the truth was, he was hung up on the woman now known as Sarah, and she understood why. Chuck was in love, and he wouldn't let himself be in love.
"Bryce, why?" Ellie asked. Bryce knew what she meant.
"It was complicated," Bryce began. He saw Ellie's eyebrow twitch. "And I'll try to make it as uncomplicated as possible. Chuck still hasn't figured it all out."
"He doesn't know she didn't con you because of him?" Ellie asked. Bryce shook his head, smiling.
"When she was arrested I went and saw her without him, and she told me everything, about how she couldn't swindle me because he was great, and she thought maybe she could be better," Bryce explained, a wistful smile on his face remembering that time some two and a half years ago. "I'll just call her Sarah so you're not confused. Sarah came over to meet me and con me, but she met your brother and he was just Chuck." Ellie smiled, knowing exactly what Bryce meant. "He had her laughing in no time and her wanting to know why some woman would stand him up. She was smitten the first night. She found out about Jill cheating, told Chuck, and he ripped her apart, because he thought he was going to be alone. He'd rather have been with Jill, and her cheating on him than alone."
"Our parents, what they've done to his ego and his psyche," Ellie muttered, shaking her head. "I mean, he wasn't a baby, and Dad was around for a while, but…Ugh." She studied Bryce for a minute. "You really don't understand why he was, and is the way he is, do you?"
"It makes absolutely no sense," Bryce said.
"Has Chuck ever talked about therapy with you?" Ellie asked. Bryce shook his head, shocked with what he was hearing. "Chuck has Abandonment Anxiety. Symptoms include, a partner who tends to give too much, or is a people pleaser, trust issues, envy of other people's relationship-"
"Oh my God," Bryce said softly, cutting her off. Ellie just waited. Bryce took a deep breath. "So, after we told Chuck, he ripped into me and into her. One of the things he implied were we would be off together and he'd be all alone." Ellie just nodded. "What else?"
"Feeling of insecurity in a relationship," she said. Bryce buried his head into his hands. "Or not believing he's good enough to have one, and settling for a less-than-satisfactory relationship." Bryce just shut his eyes with that last one. "Jill." Bryce opened his eyes and nodded.
"Jill," Bryce said. "Ellie, God, no wonder." He was quiet.
"Bryce, just tell me."
"After he ripped into us, we were both drunk, hurt, found the other attractive…" he trailed off.
"And you slept together," Ellie said, nodding, and understanding.
"The only damn time, but of course your brother walked in the next morning, apologizing for how he had been, seeing us in my bed, and assuming that we were meant to be forever," Bryce said, a little red from embarrassment. "We both knew it was such a mistake," Bryce said, hoping up and pacing. "El, he's my brother and I knew he was in love with her, but she's so…" He shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "I won't lie, there was a serious attraction there, and we were both hurt, drunk…"
"How awkward?" she asked. Bryce blushed. Ellie had never seen him blush.
"The awkwardest," he replied, making her chuckle. "I feel like today, we're finally back to where we were pre-incident."
"Incident?" Ellis asked, her eyebrows raised. "Mr. Love-Them-And-Leave-Them Bryce Larkin?"
"Does that tell you how bad it is?" Bryce asked.
"And, now he won't 'take your girl,'" Ellie said, shaking her head.
"She's not my girl, like I said, we both agreed it was a mistake," Bryce said. "Besides, even if we were a thing, like he thinks, we're not now. The biggest problem is, he thinks she's out of his league, and she thinks she doesn't deserve him."
"How does Jack know about me?" Ellie asked. Bryce grinned. "You told him about me?" Bryce nodded. She sat there a second and thought. She studied Bryce. "So, how does this work?" Bryce shrugged.
"We meet Al," Bryce said. "He's supposed to tell us everything about how to pull this off." He smiled. "Ellie, I need your help to do this. Do you think everyone deserves a second chance?" His eyes were dancing. Ellie groaned.
"I now understand why Chuck says that to irritate you," she replied, grinning. "I don't know about everyone, but Chuck does," Ellie said. "I need to meet her."
"I thought you'd say that," Bryce replied.
"Chuck, I'm telling you I saw that movie with you and Bryce," Sarah said, laughing. "That was the night they arrested me." Chuck winced. She gave him a shoulder bump. "Hey, it's fine."
"That was Avengers 2, Sarah, this one is Infinity Way, it's the next one," he said, all excited. She shook her head.
"Great, wonder if they'll arrest me during the movie this time rather than after?" she asked. She looked over and his jaw had dropped. "Too soon?"
"You are awesome, you know that?" he asked. She bounced a shoulder.
"I'm aware," she said. He handed her a key. "What's this."
"A key," he replied, smirking. She glared at him, but it turned into a grin and she lightly slapped his shoulder. "You're staying here, you need to come and go when you please. You aren't a prisoner here," he said with a grin. She smirked at him. "I want you to consider this your home for as long as you want it to be. But this, this is your key."
"Thank you, Chuck," Sarah replied. "You don't know what this means." She started to tear up a bit.
"Hey, it's okay," he said, and pulled her in for a hug. She clung to him. "So, the bed," he began and paused. She pushed back and gave him a look. "Jeez, Sarah! Spend some time in the pen and your mind goes dirty!" She laughed at him. "Do we need to push it up against the wall to protect your back? Do we need to set something up, because I'm fine with you sleeping in the tub, but one night I'm going to forget your in there, and then I'll remember, and I'll make a mess." At this point Sarah was laughing so hard she was crying. She had to hold on to him to stay on her feet she was laughing so hard. She looked at him and their eyes met. He swallowed thickly. "So, uh, the security code."
"Your birthday," she said, punching it in, sobering up from that moment. "Got it." She felt the look. "What can I say, I'll never con you, but know that I do notice things."
"Sarah Walker, what all do you notice?" he asked, trying to sound affronted.
"Chuck Bartowski," she said, and paused. "Don't you wish you knew," she said in a husky voice and headed off to her room.
"Not cool, Walker, not cool," he said.
"You like it," she yelled from her room. Chuck stood there in the living room. If he was honest, he did.
"So what am I trying to do again, Morgan?" he asked, taking a sip of chardonnay, talking to the microphone in front of him. He had always worked from home like this with speakers and a mike, and it occurred to him as he started that perhaps he needed a headset since he had a roommate. No that was the wrong word, or was it? He shook his head. He really didn't need the thought of Sarah and her long legs in his head right now.
"Our client swears the actual books are behind that firewall," Morgan said. "The intel all looks legit, but we need access before we can determine if it's right or not."
"And how much trouble will we get in if caught?" Chuck asked.
"You really don't want to know," Morgan answered. "Besides, Dude, when have you ever gotten caught?" Chuck typed, and was quiet. "Chuck, there's sixteen girls missing, this could -find them."
"And the authorities are ready to move?" he asked.
"Yep, they can't arrest the jerks, but they can free the girls," Morgan said.
"Well, that's something, isn't it," Chuck said. "Maybe we can stir up enough to get them to do something stupid like getting caught."
"Chuck, there!" he said, watching the mirrored monitor at his site.
"Got it buddy," he said, opening the file. "Do you need more?"
"Nope, they're going in," Morgan said. Chuck kept typing. "What are you doing?"
"Making it look like they double crossed their buyers," Chuck said.
"Dude, that may get them….oh…Chuck," Morgan said.
"Morgan, they kidnapped girls with the intent on selling them," Chuck said.
"Dude, I approve," Morgan said over the speaker.
"Me too," Sarah said behind him, tears in her eyes. She walked up to him and put her hands on his shoulders, giving them a squeeze. He was saving lives. "How old?"
"Uh, Sarah," Morgan said.
"Morgan. How. Old?" she asked.
"Between 13 and 15," he said.
"Guys, found weapon shipments information, and sent it to you," Chuck said.
"Way to go, Bartowski," Casey said. "That just got ATF involved. We got them."
"That should get us a percentage of whatever cash they have on hand," Morgan said.
"I don't care if we make a dime," Chuck said.
"None of us do on this one, Bartowski," Casey said. "But, we gotta fund this somehow."
"I know, Casey," he said. "Am I clear?"
"You're good, you did good, now get some rest and we'll see you and your new PA on Monday," Morgan said. "Welcome to the team, Sarah."
"Thanks," she said. Chuck signed out, and turned in his chair. He looked beat. Sarah didn't hesitate, she sat in his lap and hugged him. "How often do you do that?"
"Every once in a while we get something similar," he admitted. "That was the worst one to date. What really kills me is when I can't find anything and then nothing can be done."
"Nothing?" Sarah asked.
"Well, the one time it happened, Casey took a few days off and when he came back he was grinning a lot," Chuck said, shrugging. "Casey doesn't grin and the girl was returned to her parents." He looked very tired.
"Come on, Chuck, let's get you to bed," she said, standing and pulling on his hands.
"Geez, Walker," he said winking. She put a hand on his chest.
"Chuck Bartowski, play all you want, but if I was trying to get you in bed, there would be NO question I was trying, are we clear?" The smirk on her face left his knees weak. All he could do was nod. "Good, now will you sleep okay?" He shrugged. "You saved lives."
"Sometimes you think, what if we missed one?" he admitted. "What did they go through before we got there? What if we hadn't saved them?" She pulled him in. "You're very hands-on as a personal assistant."
"I'm proud of you, Chuck," she said.
"Thanks," he said. She felt him swallow. "I'm so glad you're out. I've missed just talking."
"Chuck, you have everyone, yet I have a feeling you're all alone," she said. He nodded into her shoulder, she felt it getting wet.
"I'm the only one that can do this part, and if I mess up…." He couldn't say anything more, and she held him as he softly cried.
"Chuck," she said softly. She stood there holding him until he was through. He was barely awake on his feet. She took his hand, led him to bed, and got him into the covers. She crawled in beside him, and held his head against her until he fell asleep, with her lightly running her hand through his hair, wondering how he would react if he knew this meant more to her than one stupid night of sex with Bryce Larkin.
The door opened, with Carina in the lead, her gun out in front of her, Casey behind her typing in the code.
"Bryce, you and Ellie stay out, do you hear me," Carina said.
"Guys, he's asleep, you know he is," Bryce argued.
"SOP, Larkin," Casey said. "Chuck even set it up. Whenever we pull a mission like that everyone checks in the next morning to make sure no one was retaliated against. You got the master bedroom, Miller?"
"Oh, you know I do," Carina answered grinning.
"Uh, remember, we are dating," Bryce said.
"What's wrong, Bryce, scared I'll see Chuck's naked ass and leave you?" Carina asked.
"Can we leave my brother's naked ass out of this please?" Ellie begged. "Found him yet?"
"Guest room is empty, bed not slept in," Casey said. Everyone froze.
"Okay, Chuckles, here's hoping you got lucky which will answer a lot of questions," Carina said.
"Ok, I know we're worried but what if they're 'occupied' behind this door?" Ellie asked.
"That's probably a best-case scenario," Casey muttered. "I'm outside if you need backup."
"Roger," Carina said, and swung open the door. "I have one boss man clothed and not in the act of coitus."
"Chuck, Bryce, and Morgan got you to watch that show, didn't they?" Ellie muttered. "Any sign of Sarah?"
"None, but she did sleep in his bathtub the night before last, so that's where I'm going to check next," she said. Carina had already observed the bed, and it was obvious Chuck hadn't slept alone. Sarah walked out of the bathroom, and her eyebrows raised at the gun. Carina put her finger to her lips and holstered the gun. "I found Blondie, she was sleeping in the tub again," Carina said, raising her eyebrows twice toward Sarah. Sarah shook her head and put her hands together beside her head and then leaned her head over to indicate sleep. "Turning off the headset," she said. She clicked it off, and pulled out the earpiece looking over at Chuck. "You know he would get pretty worried after we'd do a job like that. He told me he always worried he'd miss one, and it weighed on him." She turned to Sarah. "I'm glad you were here for him."
"Carina, nothing happened last night," Sarah retorted.
"Oh, no, nothing happened at all," Carina replied, staring at her. "Let's get something straight, Blondie, I like you. I know about you and Bryce having sex, that was nothing. You and Chuck…heh…last night in a moment where he needed someone to just be there for him, my guess is, looking at the indentations on the bed, you held him. You, the ex-con who's been in jail for two and a half years held him all night, to keep the bad thoughts and dreams away. You soothed all his worries so for the first time after we did one of these missions he could sleep through the night. Nope, nothing at all happened in here."
"This is between us, right?" Sarah said.
"It is for now, but his sister is at the front door, and sister, I'm not getting in her way," Carina said. Sarah's eyes got wide.
"We'll talk later," she said, and began to flee, when she was caught by a beautiful brunette with a smile she knew. It had to be Ellie. "Hi," Sarah said, terrified.
"Come on, let's get you into some fresh clothes," Ellie said, leading her to her bedroom. Sarah was powerless to resist. Sarah walked in, and Ellie shut the door, leaned against it, and crossed her arms studying her. "You're quite beautiful."
"Thanks?" Sarah said, not knowing where this was going.
"I mean I get it, how you could con someone out of everything," Ellie said. Sarah winced.
"It's more than looks," Sarah said, knowing that telling the truth was probably best in this situation. Ellie nodded. "It's knowing how to read someone, make them feel comfortable, that sort of thing."
"Everything my brother needs in a PA to keep the wolves at bay, and to assist him," Ellie said.
"I would never do that to your brother," Sarah replied.
"Oh, I know," Ellie said. "They're both pretty well off now, and if you wanted something, you'd have it, I'm well aware of my brother's hang ups, but what I didn't understand was how did Stanford break him and now I see."
"What do you mean?" Sarah asked. "Ellie if this is about Jill, he had to know she was cheating on him."
"Yes he did, and you did the right thing, never let him tell you that you didn't," Ellie said. Sarah was getting more confused by the second. Ellie was studying Sarah, a slow smile consuming her face. "He thinks everyone deserves a second chance."
"I disagree," Sarah said softly.
"Oh, I think you're right, but you know Chuck," Ellie said. Sarah nodded.
"Some don't deserve a first," Sarah said softly. Ellie nodded.
"Well, that's where you are," she said, still nodding as if making a diagnosis. She smiled at Sarah. "Now I know what I have to work with. He thinks you and Bryce are supposed to be together and you're out of his league, and you think he's too good for you."
"Ellie, there is nothing going on between us," Sarah insisted. Ellie laughed.
"You don't even believe that story," Ellie said, watching Sarah redden. "You hurt him, you'll answer to me."
"I'm not chasing him," Sarah said, her eyes flashing. "I'm not." Ellie stepped forward, and undid her arms. She reached out and took Sarah's hands, and saw the tears in Sarah's eyes.
"Why the hell not?" she asked softly. "It's going to be very hard to be my sister if you don't do some chasing, he's quite dense about some things." Ellie pulled the shocked woman into a hug. "Now, get dressed, we have a team meeting, and I need to go check on him." Ellie put a hand on her face gently, and Sarah nearly burst into tears. "Welcome to the family, Sarah, you're home." She gave her a soft smile and left Sarah. Sarah looked around the room tears in her eyes.
"I'm not there," Sarah said. "Yet." Ellie hurried down the hall, excited. She passed Bryce, gave him a thumbs up, and entered her brother's bedroom.
"Everyone out, except Casey and Carina, doctor's orders," Ellie said. Chuck gave her a look.
"Sis, I'm fine, really," Chuck said, while Ellie was ignoring him and beginning to give him the once over.
"I didn't make the SOP for this, you did, brother of mine, and what kind of employee would I be not to follow the rules put down by the esteemed CEO?" Ellie asked, her eyes dancing.
"She slept in the tub," Chuck said.
"No she didn't, Chuckles," Carina answered.
"Casey, you've observed him, anything different than normal after one of these ops?" Ellie asked.
"Yes, he seems more rested, less whiny," Casey began.
"I don't whine," Chuck whined. Ellie gave him a pointed look. "Okay, maybe I do."
"And more sure of himself. If I didn't know better I'd think he got laid," Casey said. Chuck's eyes popped out of his head.
"That did not happen," Chuck said. "Sarah may have helped me get into bed, but no clothes were removed."
"That just makes it more interesting," Carina added. Chuck turned 43 shades of red.
"Carina you're embarrassing my brother a little too much this early, I need you to dial it back a hair," Ellie said, satisfied with the shape of her brother. "I give you an all clear and doctor's orders whatever you did last night, you need to every night you have that kind of mission."
"Ellie, I can't order Sarah to do that," Chuck said.
"Can't order me to do what?" Sarah asked. Ellie spun, and smiled.
"Whatever you did last night to him, you need to do after these types of missions, and you need to make sure and call in that he's okay in the morning," Ellie said.
"Why?" Sarah asked.
"Most times after one of these missions he's fidgety, emotional, and depressed, too much emotional trauma," Ellie said. "Whatever you did, you're good for him." Sarah smiled.
"So doctor's orders?" Sarah asked. Ellie nodded. Sarah looked at Chuck. "Sorry, Chuck, doctor's orders. Apparently I'm good for you."
"Yeah, you are," he said, before he could stop himself. The look on her face made him wonder if maybe he was wrong, maybe he did have a chance at something more.
A/N: Some of you are going to be okay with what I did, some of you aren't. I understand either way. This one will not be quick to fix. She's going to have to make him understand. But, it's Sarah Walker, it's Chuck, it's me. It will be okay, pinky swear. Next time, Sarah talks to Chuck about…well…her feelings…Come on back for Ch 7, Feelings. Hope you liked it, reviews and PMs are always welcomed…Take Care
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